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Why do you dream about abroad? “Why do you dream about abroad? If you see Foreign countries in a dream, what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Abroad

  • Traveling abroad foretells that you and a group of friends will soon have a pleasant trip. Or maybe you really will leave your country for a while.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about abroad?

  • If in your dream you find yourself in a distant foreign country, it means that you should expect some everyday changes; perhaps it will be a change of residence or domestic troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Abroad

  • Seeing that you have left (or are planning to go abroad) means a quick trip in pleasant company.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about abroad?

  • To dream that you have gone abroad or are about to leave, foretells that you and your company will soon have a pleasant trip.
  • Perhaps the need to change the climate and see new places will prompt you to leave your country for a while.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing abroad in a dream

  • change.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing abroad in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you were in another country, then in reality you should be prepared for the fact that your competitors are making insidious plans directed against you. A dream in which you are forced to leave your country, but you do not want to do this, means that you will find yourself in a very difficult situation, but you will be able to get out of it with dignity. Relaxing and enjoying the delights of foreign countries may mean that you are inclined to trust your first impression, which is not always correct, which is why you often suffer losses.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about abroad?

  • To change, travel.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Dream Interpretation Abroad

  • Primary elements - fire, earth. Elements - warmth, humidity. Emotions - joy, calm, confidence. Organs - heart, small intestine, spleen, pancreas, stomach. Planets - Mars, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation The world can realize itself as a single whole only by using the consciousness of an external human observer. From this point of view, there are as many different worlds as there are observers. When observers combine their observations, a common view of the world emerges. Humanity changes its views on the world from time to time, because, becoming outdated, they begin to interfere with development. The same thing happens in a separate consciousness - body: old emotions and views physically oppress a person, it is necessary to get rid of them from time to time in order to remain healthy and preserve one’s self as a whole. Particularly oppressive and hampering life are views, prohibitions and complexes imposed from outside, which were necessarily carried out, but were not considered fair and necessary. As a rule, the strongest denial - non-recognition of one’s own hidden complexes is caused by moments when one’s own fear, anger and powerlessness manifested themselves: the one experiencing internal fear will himself strive to humiliate those who fear him (even weaker than him), those who hide their anger will see the anger and distrust of those around them , where these feelings do not exist. And this behavior borders on illness: this is the beginning of all phobias, manias, and so on. Recovery begins with recognizing the negative destructiveness of your own emotions - with gaining inner freedom from yourself. An internally free and healthy person is much less dependent on social illnesses. Going abroad is a new yin state, leaving is an external yang activity/an expression of the internal state. Going abroad in a dream - the desire to see an unfamiliar country symbolizes a change in attitude towards oneself. In such a dream, penetration occurs into areas of memory that have been forbidden for a long time, storing negative emotions: shame, fear, disbelief, and so on. All this is overcome (the dream shows the psychological process of getting rid of it), the person goes abroad - leaves his unhealthy self (in illnesses and complexes) in order to see a new harmonious world with new healthy eyes. Accepting the diversity of the world as a fact, and not as a topic for discussion, judgment and evaluation, will bring new creative forces. Therefore, sleep is favorable, even if when leaving you had to suffer to the point of feeling a rupture - a split. The dream symbolizes changes in life and improved relationships with others.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

Why do you dream about abroad?

  • If you dreamed that you were traveling to other countries, it means that an unexpected, incredible sexual adventure awaits you. You will meet an original, mysterious and incredibly charming person who will help you bring your most secret desires and fantasies to life. You will experience new, unusual sexual sensations, you will feel like a student discovering a new world.

The dream book website - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Nostradamus' dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (short), esoteric dream book, Jung's dream book, Veles' dream book, Solomon's dream book, Daniel's medieval dream book, Schiller-Schoolnik's dream book, Yellow Emperor's dream book, numerological Pythagoras's dream book, new family dream book, mirror dream book of psychological states, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenkherkhepeshef), Hasse's dream book, fairy-tale-mythological dream book, old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book), Russian dream book, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, Health dream book, Loff's dream book, culinary dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, Mayan dream book, dream book for women, and others.

Tourist dream book (Miller's interpretations) - Articles on 100 roads

The interpretation of dreams according to Miller's dream book is a true classic. Gustav Hindman Miller was an American psychologist who lived at the end of the 19th century. A lot of time has passed since the dream book was published, but that has not made it any less popular. Even today, the laurels of the most famous, comprehensive, authoritative collection of interpretations belong to this book.

Automobile: Going – activity and good luck in business; car accident - do not expect a good entertainment experience; avoid a car accident - honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans; buy - you will be able to restore your previous good position; selling - to unpleasant changes in fate; manage - losses, sometimes illnesses; being thrown out of a car while driving means unpleasant news; broken - failure; seeing cars means travel, changes in fate, pleasant travels; disappeared or stolen - failure of many plans; getting out of the car means successful implementation of plans, well-deserved satisfaction.

Album: Seeing - success, finding true friends; For a young woman, looking at photographs means finding a new lover with whom she will be happy.

Shark: A terrible formidable enemy. pursues or attacks - inevitable failures that will plunge you into despair; frolics in clear, clean water - an envious person wants to deprive you of peace and happiness; dead - prosperity and peace.

America: For high-ranking managers – concern for state affairs; for the rest, it’s taking care of themselves, because troubles await them.

England: Being in England, meeting Englishmen means troubles and worries.

Dreamed of a vacation or vacation at sea- Show hospitality to strangers.

In the traditional interpretation, a dream about Rest foreshadows an imminent meeting with pleasant, but unknown to you, people.

I dreamed of a holiday abroad- to travel.

Why do you dream of traveling to a desert island? It symbolizes the desire to spend time alone with oneself in order to achieve inner harmony.

The dream book ambiguously interprets a dream in which a person travels around the world. If you managed to complete it, expect good news from distant relatives, but if your equipment breaks down along the way or you encounter other obstacles, the plans you are dreaming about will not come true in the near future.

To understand why you dream about traveling, you should remember the goals or motives that prompted you to get ready for a trip in a dream, fellow travelers, methods of transportation and obstacles that arose. According to Longo's dream book, if wandering in a dream acquires the status of the main event, then all the details should be considered more deeply.

Purposefully preparing and packing for a trip, clearly knowing the purpose of the voyage, suggests that in real life it is worth paying special attention to this dream, since the motive of the journey personifies the secret desires and subconscious aspirations of the sleeping person. Unspecified travel goals, the dream book predicts, will lead to a dilemma in real life, which will provoke a global reassessment of values.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Going abroad in a dream- the thirst to see an unfamiliar country symbolizes a change in attitude towards oneself. In such a dream, penetration occurs into areas of memory that have been forbidden for a long time, storing negative emotions: shame, fear, disbelief, and so on. All this gets rid of (the dream shows the psychological process of getting rid of), the person goes abroad - leaves his unhealthy self (in illnesses and complexes) in order to see a new harmonious world with new healthy eyes. Accepting the diversity of the world as a fact, and not as a topic for discussion, judgment and evaluation, will bring new creative forces. Therefore, sleep is favorable, even if when leaving you had to suffer to the point of feeling a rupture - a split. The dream symbolizes changes in life and improved relationships with others.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Find yourself abroad- inconvenience, new relationships, life changes, strange situation in business, connections.

It is useful to know why you dream of a long trip. The dream book deciphers such an image as an opportunity to realize your old ideas and dreams. Packing your suitcases and getting ready for a long journey means that in reality the dreamer will abandon the planned trip.

A trip to another city, according to the dream book, represents fears for the health of one of the relatives, fear for the lives of loved ones. A trip abroad indicates a sleeping person’s craving for new sensations, impressions and acquaintances, a desire to radically change his habitat and circle of friends.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse Border

Dream Interpretation "SunHome"

Interpretation sleep from: Electronic dream book. 6. Map. Indream studying the map is a harbinger that you will be forced to leave your native land and live in strangercountry, although in the end you will return home. Interpretation sleep from: English dream book. 8. Parrots. Parrots screaming indream portends a meeting with a very intemperate person who will cause you a lot of trouble. A flock of parrots promises you emigration; V strangercountry You will get married and be happy.

Dream Interpretation "SunHome"

Interpretation sleep from: Family dream book. 3. Colors. It has long been believed that color carries meaning. This was reflected in the customs, art, clothing and lifestyle of different countries. Bright, rich colors foreshadowed good things, faded and faded colors were a symbol of destruction. Orange color appears from a mixture of yellow and red. This is a mixture of ambition, desire for fame, contempt for other people, selfishness, indifference to strangers misfortunes. Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow - a harbinger of an unusual event that will surprise and...

Dream Interpretation "ardmix"

Interpretation sleep Other a country from Miller's dream book. Updated yesterday - dream book someone else'sa country. Most likely, you will need to leave your home country to change the climate. Abroad meaning in the dream book. Dream book free online strangerindream meaning dreams. To live in someone else's at home - try on " someone else's skin" on yourself. Or maybe you really will leave yours for a while? country.

Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

If indream If you find yourself at a dead end, it means you have to do useless work or engage in a futile business. Beindream a city dweller - to honor and glory. City - See indream a city you know, destroyed by an earthquake, predicts troubles, famine, war, cruelty of the authorities. If the city is unfamiliar to you, all these misfortunes will fall on othercountries.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

two graves in Spain... one contains a cousin (living) Vanother my husband (deceased)…I cry a lot at my husband’s grave….at this time from another brother crawls out...they kind of ate some kind of plant to fall asleep and they were buried in this country..so that their families would remain living in Spain....and the sea.....nightmarrrr)).The one who radiated evil raped me. And they told me that I should have half children, half piglets. I have (sort of) wasindream daughter (I don’t have children) I decided to run away with her. While I was trying to escape, many people tried to kill me.

Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

If you dreamed that you were Vanothercountry, then in reality you should be ready for your competitors to make insidious plans against you. Dream, V in which you are forced to leave your countries, but you don’t want to do this, means that you will find yourself in a very difficult situation, but you will be able to get out of it with dignity.

Seeing England in a dream means that your financial situation will soon be shaken. Unforeseen expenses are coming that will cause a significant blow to your budget. If in the story you were fluent in English, you will be able to restore financial stability in a short time. Otherwise, the streak of bad luck will last quite a long time.

Don't despair if something goes wrong. Focus not on problems, but on finding solutions.

To be abroad according to the dream book

If, according to the plot of the dream, you happened to be abroad, you have to make a difficult choice. The decision you make will be unconditional and final. Even the persuasion of close relatives cannot change it. Most likely, you will have to temporarily leave your country of residence in reality and part with your loved ones.

Act according to the dictates of your heart. If you have already made a decision, do not give up completely, but try to cause less pain to those you truly love.

I dreamed about Germany abroad

According to the dream book, a dream of Germany foreshadows a difficult and tense period. You will have to work a lot, perhaps even physical labor associated with production activities. If in your vision you spoke the local language, it means that you will be able to achieve impressive results in your profession and reach the top of the career ladder.

Take a responsible approach to completing assigned tasks. Distribute the load wisely and be sure to leave time for proper rest.

Interpretation of a dream about another country

A dream about another country foreshadows a bright romantic adventure. You are about to meet a person of the opposite sex who will immediately capture your attention and arouse your sympathy. Events will develop very quickly, and you yourself will not notice how you will find yourself captive of feelings. It is possible that a passing hobby can develop into something more.

Be honest with your partner from the beginning. Don't make empty promises that you can't keep if you really want this relationship to bring positive emotions.

If you dream that you are traveling abroad

If you dreamed that you were traveling abroad, visiting local sights, a new experience awaits you. You need to expand your knowledge in some area. This could be attending a scientific conference or an art exhibition.

Use every opportunity for self-development and enlightenment. New knowledge and discoveries can affect your established value judgments.

Why do you dream about Spain abroad?

If you dreamed about Spain, you will be invited to a gala event or a festive evening. Your companion will be an attractive and interesting person with whom you will find many common topics of conversation. In any case, this event will leave only positive impressions and allow you to relax a little.

Do not refuse the opportunity to attend an entertaining event and take your mind off current problems. Constant anxiety and worries can lead to nervous exhaustion.

The meaning of a dream about a holiday abroad

Holidays abroad in a dream indicate accumulated fatigue and powerlessness. The high pace of life and busy work schedule have led to a loss of vitality, and you feel the need to replenish your energy reserves. The sign you see promises the opportunity to go on vacation to warm countries in the near future.

Listen to your body's signals. If he requires rest and a change of scenery, then there is a real need for this, and not just a whim.

Dreaming of traveling abroad

According to the Oracle's dream book, traveling abroad means that you will be in a noisy and large company. These could be your relatives who unexpectedly come for a visit, or friends who invite you for a joint walk or outdoor recreation. In any case, time spent with loved ones will have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Communicate with friends more often and be in the fresh air. This will help relieve fatigue and replenish vitality drawn from positive emotions.

Going abroad according to the dream book

The plot of the dream, where they were planning to go abroad, foreshadows a trip. You have to go on a long journey in the company of cheerful and interesting fellow travelers. The purpose of the upcoming journey is not yet clear, but its result will be positive in any case.

Be careful on the road. Communicate only with people who do not arouse suspicion. Try to stick with your company.

Go to another country in a dream

A dream in which you happened to leave for another country foreshadows some sudden changes in your lifestyle. You may have to change your place of residence or change your daily routine due to a change in work schedule. These innovations may cause some discomfort at first, but over time you will get used to it and everything will stabilize.

Don't be afraid of the new and unknown. Perhaps this will only benefit you. By changing your attitude to what is happening, you can change the nature of your perception of events.

You can find out for free in the dream book what you dream about abroad by reading below the interpretations of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a foreign country in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Structure of dream interpretation:

Why do you dream about abroad?

To dream that you have gone abroad or are about to leave, foretells that you and your company will soon have a pleasant trip.

Perhaps the need to change the climate and see new places will prompt you to leave your country for a while.

Seeing abroad in a dream


What does the dream Abroad mean?

If in your dream you find yourself in a distant foreign country, it means that you should expect some everyday changes; perhaps it will be a change of place of residence or domestic troubles.

Seeing abroad in a dream

Abroad - See countries or continents. In any case, let’s move on and travel.

What do dreams abroad mean?

A dream about a foreign country foreshadows unusual events that will lead to changes in your life. Sometimes these events may seem simply fabulous to you. However, most often such a dream does not indicate your desires and a creative mindset. For married people and lovers, such a dream predicts good luck and happiness.

Dream about Abroad

If you dreamed that you were traveling to other countries, it means that an unexpected, incredible sexual adventure awaits you. You will meet an original, mysterious and incredibly charming person who will help you bring your most secret desires and fantasies to life. You will experience new, unusual sexual sensations, you will feel like a student discovering a new world.

What does abroad mean in a dream?

A dream in which you are going abroad means that you will take a romantic trip with your loved one. It is likely that you will feel the need to communicate with new people and this will prompt you to move to another country.

The meaning of dreams Abroad

Finding yourself abroad in a dream means that you will soon have to face a decisive choice and you will act as you yourself consider necessary despite the violent protests of your relatives, who will only have to come to terms with your decision to leave them for a long time.

Going abroad in a dream with all your family and friends foreshadows that you will soon have a fun outing into the lap of nature, where you will have a wonderful rest and get away from business and household chores. Traveling abroad to famous historical places in a dream foreshadows new knowledge in the field of literature and art.

Seeing America in a dream - your altruism will give you a bad impression, think better about yourself. If you have a dream in which you see yourself in Africa, you will feel uncomfortable at the thought that your secret may become public.

Finding yourself in the Vatican in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected mercy from others and new acquaintances that will bring you undoubted benefit. Finding yourself in Italy means getting to a big cultural event in reality.

Interpretation of sleep Abroad

Going abroad in a dream is an exciting journey.

Bon Voyage!

What does a dream abroad predict?

Moving means a better life.

Good news from afar.

The meaning of the dream Abroad

Abroad - traveling with friends will bring unforgettable joy and great happiness.

Seeing abroad in a dream

Talking to an emigrant in a dream means you will soon occupy a high position.

If in a dream you see that you want to go abroad, it means prosperity in business.

Many people have dreams about travel. We can talk not only about a trip to a neighboring city, but also about visiting a foreign country. What does it mean that foreign countries appear in night dreams? The dream book will help you solve this difficult riddle. It is definitely worth remembering the storyline, since the interpretation directly depends on it.

Abroad: Miller's dream book

What interpretation does the famous psychologist offer? What does abroad symbolize according to Miller’s dream book? In reality, the sleeper will have to go on a pleasure trip. Most likely, he will be accompanied by close friends or relatives. There is no doubt that the trip will be exciting and enjoyable. A person will have a great time, relax and gain strength.

Does a woman dream about abroad? This means that the sleeping woman is going the wrong way. The dreamer does not know what to do next. It is unlikely that she will get out of the difficult situation she has found herself in on her own. In any case, it is dangerous to act rashly.

What does such a dream mean for a man? Abroad is a good symbol for the stronger sex. Everything will turn out exactly as the sleeper plans. No unexpected events will interfere with his plans. The dreamer is not on the right path, the main thing is not to turn away from it.

Freud's interpretation

What does abroad symbolize according to Freud's dream book? Such a plot is a sign that a person has spent a lot of time getting closer to his goal. There is no way he can give her up now. It remains to make very little effort to make his cherished dream come true.

For a woman, a trip abroad does not promise anything expensive. Such dreams warn that a difficult period will soon begin in the dreamer’s life. Failures will haunt her. There is nothing you can do about it, you just have to gather your strength and be patient.

What does abroad mean for a man? The dream book urges the sleeper to be careful. At first glance, everything seems to be going well for the person. He has a good job, a strong and friendly family. However, there are people who are haunted by the dreamer’s achievements. They dream of ruining his life and make various attempts to harm him.

Rest, excursion

Why do you dream about abroad? The dream book takes into account the goal that prompted the sleeper to go there. Let's say that we are talking about the desire to relax, to get away from everyday worries. Such a plot indicates that a person is tired, mentally and physically exhausted. He devotes too much time to work and forgets about the need for rest. He should really take some time off and travel.

Is the sleeper going to a foreign country for excursion purposes? Such dreams warn a person that he is not paying any attention to self-development. The sleeper needs to acquire new knowledge in order to move up the career ladder.

Seeing historical sights in a dream is a good omen. In reality, a person’s cherished dream will come true. New projects that he will take on in the near future will certainly bring profit.

Romantic or business trip

What other information is contained in the dream book about abroad? Traveling in the company of your other half is a good sign. In reality, the dreamer has no reason not to trust his lover or spouse. The chosen one sincerely loves him and remains faithful to him. The thought of breaking up the relationship does not even occur to him. The dreamer needs to get rid of groundless jealousy.

Does a person go on a business trip in his dreams? In this case, visiting another country means moving up the career ladder. The authorities will finally pay attention to the dreamer’s merits. It cannot be ruled out that he will be offered a leadership position. The increase will have a positive impact on his financial situation.


What else could be the meaning of a dream about a foreign country? The dream book also considers such an option as moving to another country. Such dreams mean that the time has come to introduce changes into your life. If a person has long dreamed of finding another job, breaking off a boring relationship, and so on, then it’s time to take action.

What else can predict moving to another country in a dream? It is possible that the person will soon change his place of residence in reality. This decision will turn out to be good. Thanks to the move, the life of the sleeper will begin to rapidly change for the better.

Desert island, trip around the world

What else could be the interpretation of a dream about a foreign country? The dream book also discusses other subjects, for example, a trip around the world. Does the sleeper in his dreams visit one country after another? If the journey goes smoothly and ends successfully, then this is a good sign. Such a plot promises the dreamer good news and joyful events.

During a trip around the world, a person constantly faces obstacles, is forced to overcome one obstacle after another? Such dreams warn that the sleeper is accustomed to wearing rose-colored glasses. He dreams of something that will never come true. It’s time for the dreamer to come down to earth, start setting realistic goals and achieving them.

Why do you dream about visiting a desert island? Such a plot indicates that the sleeper is tired of communicating with people. He dreams of being able to be alone. Perhaps he should take a vacation and spend a week or two at home.


A person should definitely remember with whom he visited abroad in a dream. It would be great if a friend of the sleeping person appeared in the night dreams. This means that the dreamer can rely entirely on his immediate environment. Friends and relatives will never betray him or stab him in the back.

Traveling abroad in the company of an enemy - what does it mean? Such dreams warn that enemies are preparing to take decisive action. They united in order to harm the dreamer and destroy his life. If the sleeper does not take care of his safety, then they will certainly succeed.


What else could the appearance of abroad in night dreams mean? The dream book also discusses another option - visiting a foreign country alone. Such a plot cannot be called a good omen. Overnight, the sleeper will be faced with many problems, the solution of which he will have to deal with alone. The people whose help and support he was counting on will turn away from him.

What does it mean to get lost in an unfamiliar country? Such dreams warn that the sleeper should more often listen to the advice of his immediate environment. Guided only by intuition, the dreamer makes one mistake after another.

A person visiting an unfamiliar country alone and enjoying the trip? Such dreams are a sign of the sleeper’s independence, his ability to manage his life. He provides help to others more often than he asks anyone for it.



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