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A mother's prayer for a good groom for her daughter. Mother's prayer for her daughter to get married. Orthodox icons and prayers

The power of a mother's prayer is undeniable. It just so happens that girls are weaker by nature, and therefore need more protection. That is why in Orthodoxy much attention is paid to the prayers of a mother for her daughter.

Strong Orthodox prayers of a mother for her daughter

There are many powerful Orthodox prayers for a mother for her daughter. Prayer calls are distinguished by miraculous powers and are considered amulets. With their help, you can support your little one at different stages of life. A mother's sincere prayer, which comes from the depths of her soul, allows her to install an invisible protective shield over her daughter, which no evil or negativity can penetrate. A strong prayer for her daughter needs to be done daily, and in this case the mother can be sure that her daughter will successfully cope with any difficulties and avoid all troubles.

Prayer for my daughter and protection over her

Strong prayers for the daughter, which allows for reliable protection, are addressed to Jesus Christ. You can offer it both in the temple and at home. In this case, it is necessary to pray in front of the icon of the Savior with lit church candles. It is very important to fully concentrate on the prayer phrases and become fully aware of them. Nothing and no one should interfere with prayer for your daughter.

“Our Almighty Lord, Savior of the human race, Son of God Jesus Christ, hear the mother’s prayer for the daughter of your servant of God (proper name), for the sake of the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, Your mother. My child is in your power and I will humbly accept any of your will. I ask you to forgive my sins, voluntary and involuntary, for I sincerely repent of my sins. Let them not harm my daughter, the servant of God (daughter’s name), and let her not suffer punishment for them. Instruct, Lord, my daughter on the true path, help her to live according to the commandments of God and not succumb to devilish temptations. And if she sins, voluntarily or unwittingly, I ask that you judge her not according to the iniquity committed, but according to the great mercy of the Lord. Bless, All-Merciful Lord, Great Lover of Humanity, my daughter for a prosperous and happy life. Let evil people not harm her either with their deeds or thoughts. I believe in your goodness, Lord, and glorify all good deeds in my prayers. Amen".

Sincere maternal prayers are always heard by the Mother of God. Therefore, in any difficult situation you need to turn to it. As a rule, help from this Saint comes immediately.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

“Most Holy Theotokos, Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Immaculate Virgin Mary, I, a sinful Servant of God (proper name), call for your help. Turn your gaze from heaven to me and hear my maternal prayer. Blessed are you in your immaculate conception and blessed is your fruit. Your son became the Savior of the human race. I ask you, Most Holy Theotokos, to protect my daughter from the devilish temptations of sin. Do not let my little blood stray from the true path and break the commandments of the Lord. You, who have experienced motherhood, understand my mental anguish and will not leave my prayer unanswered. I believe in the Lord God, glorify his goodness and accept the will of the Almighty. Amen".

A mother's prayer for her daughter's happiness

In order for a daughter to find her everyday happiness, a mother must pray for her daughter. The most powerful is a special prayer directed to the Most Holy Theotokos.

There are special rules for reading such a prayer and they must be followed:

  • You need to pray for your daughter’s happiness early in the morning, when no one in the household can interfere with you.
  • You need to wash, get dressed and kneel before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • It is imperative to have an Orthodox cross on your body at this moment.
  • Prayer words should be spoken while looking at the flame of a burning church candle, which must first be lit in front of the icon.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“The purest and most immaculate Virgin Mary, the Great Most Holy Theotokos, the Queen of Heaven. I, servant of God (proper name), turn to you with my sincere request. I ask you to hear my maternal prayer and protect my daughter from everything bad. Let unkind men do not harm her and do not have a bad influence on her. Fulfill, Mother of God, my wish and help make my daughter happy. Grant her the opportunity to experience real feminine happiness in life and know great true love. Yes, so that it does not bring her life’s grief and is mutual. Let her family life develop, her husband be loving and caring, and her children smart and obedient. Protect, Most Holy Theotokos, my daughter from illness, hunger and cold. Help her not to stray from the true path and live according to God’s commandments. Ask for forgiveness, Mother of God, before the All-Merciful Lord for my sins, so that my daughter does not have to bear punishment for them. All my life I will glorify your goodness in prayers and glorify our Lord. Amen".

Mother's prayer for her pregnant daughter

You can also turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with prayer for your pregnant daughter. If the mother's prayer is offered every day, this will guarantee a successful pregnancy. In addition, prayer will strengthen the daughter’s spirit and calm her down, which means that the birth will be easy and the child will be born healthy.

The prayer in this case sounds like this:

“The Great and Most Holy Theotokos, who gave the world the savior Jesus Christ. I ask you, servant of God (proper name), for help for my daughter, servant of God (name of daughter). You, Most Holy Theotokos, understand the nature and connection between a mother and her child, so I pray to you that you will help my daughter successfully bear a child and be relieved of her burden. May a healthy baby be born and bring with it a happy feeling of motherhood for my daughter. I fall before your image, Virgin Mary, and pray that the child may receive holy baptism and be worthy of all the blessings of our Lord. Beg your Son to forgive us all voluntary and involuntary sins, so that we can pray to Him, the Great Lover of Mankind, and glorify His name until the end of our days. Amen".

Prayer for the daughter of Matrona and Nicholas the Wonderworker

A very powerful prayer is to turn to the Holy Elder Matrona of Moscow. During her lifetime, this saint valued the connection between parents and children, therefore, being in heaven, she will definitely hear the prayer and respond. The prayer request for the happiness of the daughter must be read at early dawn in front of the image of the Holy Elder. It is not allowed to be read every day, but only in cases where an internal need arises.

It is very important, when saying the following prayer words, to believe that they will be heard:

“I am turning to you, the servant of God (proper name) Matronushka of Moscow, Blessed Elder. I’m not asking for myself, but I’m asking you for my daughter. Turn your gaze to me from Heaven, do not turn away your face and forgive me, a sinner, for my daring request. I make a mother’s prayer for my beloved child. Hear me and ask the Son of Our Lord to grant my daughter peace of mind and sincere love, success in life, wisdom and patience. Matronushka ask him that no serious obstacles arise on her life’s path, that evil spirits do not harm her, and that she have the spiritual strength to resist devilish temptations. May the Lord God appoint her a faithful Guardian Angel, who will accompany her along the path of life and protect her from troubles. I believe in your strength and goodness, Holy Matronushka, I trust in you and thank you. Amen".

It sounds like this:

“I turn to you, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, for help, I, the servant of God (proper name). Intercede and protect my daughter from troubles and evil spirits everywhere: in the field, in the forest, on the road, in the evening and at dawn. Tell my little one the true path of life and don’t let her stray from it, enlighten her and don’t let her succumb to sinful temptations. Pray for the well-being of my daughter before our Lord, the All-Merciful Lover of Humanity. Let everything go well in my daughter’s life and everything work out. Thank you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, for your help and I trust only in you. Amen".

The process of childbirth always causes excitement in the soul of any woman. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare mentally for the birth process. Any mother worries about her daughter and therefore strives to help her with special prayer. As you know, maternal prayer is always very effective. It allows you to create a special protective shield, which will eliminate any unforeseen circumstances during childbirth.

You can ask the Holy Matrona of Moscow for help during the birth of your daughter.

A prayer request might sound like this:

“Oh, blessed mother Matrona, hear the prayer of the sinful servant of God (proper name). With your soul you are in the Kingdom of Heaven, you stand before the throne of the Lord. Your body rests in the ground, but by the power of God you exude grace for people. Hear my tearful and humble prayer. Comfort me in my fears and help my daughter to successfully give birth. Remove despair from my soul and grant me peace. I ask you, Holy Old Lady, to support my daughter so that she can give birth to a healthy child. Beg our Lord to forgive us all our decisions, they were made due to our lack of understanding, so let my daughter not be punished for them. I thank you, Blessed Elder, and I accept any will of God. Amen".

Every mother dreams of her daughter getting married successfully. The most powerful prayer for such a case is turning to Jesus Christ.

It might sound like this:

“Oh, All-Merciful and All-Merciful Lord, I, a sinful servant of God (my own name), know that great happiness in my life depends on how much I love You, accept Your will and trust You. So, Lord, rule my soul and control my actions and actions. My soul is filled with sincere love for You. My only desire is to please only You and glorify Your deeds in my prayers, for I understand that You are my Creator. I ask you for happiness for my daughter, let her get married successfully and experience family happiness. Fill her life with joy and love, give her wisdom so that she can extinguish conflicts that destroy family relationships. Bring her, Lord, in chastity and modesty to the bonds of marriage. For you yourself said that it is not right for a person to live alone on earth. A man must have a reliable assistant, and they must live in harmony and harmony, working in the name of the Lord God. I believe in your goodness, for you, Lord, are the Great Lover of Mankind. I trust only in You and hope to find eternal peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Prayer for daughter's birthday

The prayer on your daughter’s birthday is especially powerful. It allows you to reliably protect your child from sorrows and troubles for the whole year. Before the prayer, which should be said at home, you should definitely visit the temple, where you need to light a candle for the health of your daughter.

The prayer is said in front of the icon of the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You should definitely light a church candle in front of them.

A prayer for a daughter should be directed to the Mother of God and may sound like this:

“Most Pure and Most Holy Theotokos, hear the maternal prayer of the servant of God (proper name) for your daughter, the Servant of God (daughter’s name). On her birthday, I ask you, Mother of God, to take care of my beloved child. I ask you to save her from all evil and the influence of the devil. Hear me and beg the Lord God, Your Son, for atonement for my voluntary and involuntary sins, so that my daughter does not have to bear punishment for them. Accept, Most Holy Theotokos, sincere repentance for my sins committed through my foolishness and grant my daughter a blessing for a long and happy life. Amen".

I present to your attention strong prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage.
The Prayer for Marriage is a heartfelt text that a healer friend of mine recommends reading to fearful parents.
If your daughter’s personal life is full of suffering, and no one is asking you to marry you, then you can try turning to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow with a prayer.
The power of any prayer lies in uncomplaining faith, so you should not approach it with a “cold soul.”

To ask Matrona for God’s intercession for the speedy marriage of your daughter, you will have to strictly follow the following instructions:

Orthodox prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage

1). Go to the Temple and buy 6 good candles. Don't forget to wear a consecrated cross.
2). Before visiting the Temple, you should read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” and Psalm 90.
3). If it is not available, purchase the Orthodox Icon of the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow there.
4). Take holy water into a pre-prepared container.
5). Place 3 candles at the image of the Matrona of Moscow and read the memorized prayer to yourself:

Oh, blessed Elder Matrona, ask the Lord God for the speedy marriage of my daughter. Forgive her all her grave sins and illuminate the path with your grace. Amen.

6). Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple without turning around.
7). You should have holy water, an icon and 3 candles.
8). Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light candles. Place the Icon of Matrona, a prayer book and a container with holy water nearby.
9). Look closely at the burning flame and imagine your daughter’s marriage. Believe that nothing will happen without your participation.
10). Read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” and Psalm 90 seven times in a row. A total of 14 readings. Cross yourself diligently and drink holy water.
eleven). Read the Matrona’s Prayer for her daughter’s marriage seven times in a row from the page:

Oh, blessed Elder Matrona. I come to you with prayer and ask for my own daughter. Help her with a faithful marriage and send down from heaven a single chosen one. Just as the Lord God created Adam and Eve, so let my daughter find her other half. If the enemy has tried, pray for him in God’s palace and cast off all the shackles of evil celibacy. Let it be so. Amen!

12). Drink the holy water again in small sips.
13). Wait until all the candles have completely gone out.
14). You get rid of their cinders, and put the rest of the accessories, including the prayer text, in a church corner.
15). Don't tell anyone about your midnight reading.
16). After some time, all activities must be repeated.

It was strong prayer for daughter's marriage, addressed to the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.
You must firmly believe, then everything will definitely work out for you.

Anxiety for the personal lives of their children forces parents to turn to higher powers with a request to send a good daughter-in-law or a decent son-in-law. Mothers worry most about their daughters. A girl cannot offer her hand and heart to the man she likes. In addition, meeting a worthy partner is not always easy. about the daughter’s marriage makes it possible to find a good husband. If your daughter is not religious, does not go to church, or is an atheist, a sincere request from her mother will help in any case.

Who should I pray for my daughter's marriage?

You can make requests to resolve your problems to any saint. You can turn to the saint whose name you bear, or to the righteous woman whose name your daughter bears. Turn to Jesus Christ. When praying for their children, women usually turn to the Mother of God, who accepts the requests of mothers.

You don't necessarily need a specific prayer for your daughter's marriage. You can ask in any convenient form. You should turn to higher powers as if you were asking for something from a person you know well and whom you trust unconditionally.

Holy Helpers

  • Matrona of Moscow. Matrona is especially close to a modern believer, since not even a century has passed since the death of this woman. You can turn to the saint with the following words: “I beg you, Holy Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake with her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and married life according to God's laws. Thy will be done. Amen".
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker. Who should she pray for her daughter’s marriage if she only encounters unworthy suitors? Contact Nicholas the Wonderworker, who will certainly send a noble man: “I trust in you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen".

  • A prayer for a daughter’s marriage can also be addressed to other forces. Some spells and conspiracies are addressed to nature: the moon, sun, wind, etc. If you consider yourself a follower of Orthodox Christianity, such appeals are certainly not suitable for you, because communication with the forces of nature is considered paganism and contrary to Christian morality. Your intention plays a decisive role: .

    Almost every person in the world dreams of love, a happy marriage, children, and romantic relationships, especially girls. It is enough to once experience the delights of mutual relationships and the soul is transformed, becomes kinder, happier, more sincere.

    Mothers who have known love definitely want their daughter to feel it. Even based on dry calculations, a successful marriage of a daughter is beneficial to all family members. Believing mothers will be helped to achieve their plans by praying for their daughter’s marriage. For your daughters to get married, ask for help from heavenly powers, for example, turn to Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona, the Mother of God.

    Prayer helps even if you previously did not consider yourself a believer, because a sincere appeal to higher powers will be noticed and appreciated if it comes from the heart.

    Love is a sacrifice; by giving someone a small portion of positive energy, you are doing a good deed, making yourself happier, first of all. If your daughter has long dreamed of a successful marriage, first listen carefully to her opinion, do not rush to conclusions, and only after her consent do you get down to business.

    Reading a prayer is not easy

    Before praying to Matrona, realize the need to turn to higher powers. The daughter may be too young, inexperienced in family affairs, it is quite possible that she is not ready yet, or does not want to get married at all. The prayer should be said with full confidence that now is the time to ask for help from a higher power. Prayer should not have malicious intent, actions should not endanger the integrity of families, because there are cases when girls fall in love with married men.

    When reading the prayer to the Mother of God, Matryona, try to learn the words by heart, believe me, learning a few simple sentences is quite simple, the effect of reading memorized words is much better.

    When performing the ritual, remember the goal; you cannot be distracted or think about extraneous things. To help your mother concentrate successfully, imagine the image of your daughter, how happy she will be when she gets married. It is not necessary to carry out the ritual in a church, but for better results it is better to go there, even if you have not been there for a long time. If you don’t know who to turn to so that your daughter gets married, then stop at Matrona. To make the procedure successful, donate some money to the church.

    Heavenly powers will help you find your soulmate The mother’s prayer for her daughter’s successful marriage is read in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

    The most famous icon depicting the saint is called “The Unfading Color”, ideal for reading a prayer next to her. She will help you find the most worthy spouse; the main thing is to pray correctly, without being distracted from your goal. The Mother of God will also help you get rid of “love addiction,” when a girl is the mistress of a married man.

    Prayer to Matrona of Moscow “On the marriage of her daughter” “I beg you, Holy Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake with her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and a married life according to God's Laws. Thy will be done. Amen. Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from

    a disastrous marriage and give her a faithful chosen one. Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not being dealt a heavy hand. Thy will be done. Amen."

    One of the best prayers for a prosperous marriage that mothers can make is to turn to the Blessed Matrona. Light three church candles, mentally concentrate on your daughter’s successful marriage, think about how her husband will become her, first of all, a friend and ally.

    Prayer before the icon “Fadeless Color” teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, because of our murmuring. Be our Mother and Protectress, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins. Oh, Mother Mary, our most offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who retaliate against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

    If you are not in church, try to clearly imagine the image, visualize a happy daughter getting married.

    Matrona is not the only assistant and executor of prayers for help in marriage; try turning to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “On the marriage of his daughter”

    “I trust in you, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen. Nikolai Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Help my daughter with a miraculous sign in the person of a faithful husband. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse my bright mercy. Let the marriage come true, and let it be decided in Heaven. May the marriage work out, by a miracle of God. Let it be so. Amen."

    What result should you expect?

    A sincere, pure, kind prayer to Matrona will not go unheard by the heavenly forces. Therefore, the result will definitely be equal to the efforts made, both on the part of the mother and on the part of the child. It is worth understanding that higher powers do not give anything, even if you pray. You should expect that your daughter will find herself in a situation where the right decision will allow her to find happiness by getting married.

    Video: Prayer for daughter’s marriage

    The most effective help in cases where a daughter suffers from loneliness is the mother’s prayer for a successful marriage. The saints will not fail to help everyone who comes to them for help with faith and hope.

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    We need to pray for the organization of our personal lives, firstly, to Christ, as the Guardian of our souls, and secondly, we turn to the Mother of God and selected saints, including Blessed Matrona of Moscow and Saint Nicholas the Pleasant.

      Who should I pray for a successful marriage?

      The following intercessors are popularly known as assistants in family matters:

    1. 1. The famous Russian saint, Blessed Matrona of Moscow, helps you get married successfully.
    2. 2. They pray for a good husband at the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” icon.
    3. 3. Saint Nicholas will definitely help a girl get married.
    4. 4. Spouses Adrian and Natalia pray for happiness in marriage, who were together in troubles and joys, until their martyrdom.
    5. 5. Joachim and Joanna, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, will help you find a worthy couple.

      You can also ask your daughter’s personal patron for a quick marriage. In addition, everyone has loved ones, saints close to him, who have helped in difficulties more than once.

      How should you pray?

      A mother can pray in conditions convenient for herself, but the best place would be a temple. There you can light candles and order a reminder of your health. Pious women sign up for their daughters to read the psalter for a year in all available monasteries. Such a church prayer, read by monks who have given themselves to voluntary service to the Lord, will certainly be heard.

      At home, you should include special prayers in your daily prayer routine. You can read them separately from it, at any convenient time.

      Those mothers who have never considered themselves believers and have not attended church should not worry. A sincere and selfless desire to help a child will definitely be rewarded.

      Confessors or experienced priests will help your daughter to recognize the groom’s intentions and understand whether he is a good match for the daughter. The Orthodox Church stands guard over family values, and a mother’s desire to help her daughters will find support within the walls of the church.

      Icon "Unfading Color"

      There are selected icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, which became famous for the miracles of a successful marriage. The image of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is one of the examples of real and immediate help in matters of love. The following prayer should be read from him:

      Prayer for marriage "Unfading color"

      Matrona of Moscow

      Matrona of Moscow, foreseeing her imminent death, made a will to turn to her in any need. She will definitely hear and help. You can pray to a saint only without malicious intent, because it also happens that a daughter loves a married man, but the desire to break up someone else’s family will only result in trouble.

      Prayer to Saint Matrona:

      Prayer to Saint Matrona

      It is better to read the prayer in front of the holy image. If possible, it is advisable to visit the chapel in honor of Matrona in St. Petersburg and leave a note with a request in a special place. Many miracles through the intercession of the saint still occur today; they are recorded in a special book at the temple.

      Nikolai Ugodnik

      It is not for nothing that Nicholas is known as a miracle worker; his good deeds and intercession before God are felt by many, even unchurched people. The main thing in prayer to him is persistence, faith in a better and pure heart. This saint, according to Church Tradition, helped three poor girls arrange their fate safely, saving them from a shameful fate.

      The strongest help in case of loneliness will be the mother’s prayer for her daughter’s marriage, because she fervently and sincerely prays for her own child. The marriage will definitely be happy if the mother asks for it and trusts in God's mercy.

      Requests to Nicholas the Wonderworker are a powerful remedy. With its help, you can beg to meet a pious man so that he becomes a worthy husband for your daughter.

      Text of the prayer to the holy saint:

      “I trust in you, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and peaceful. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. May it be the will of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

      It is worth remembering that any prayer requires some effort. When reading, there are the following recommendations:

    1. 1. Throughout the prayer, you need to focus on the meaning of the words. There is no need to rush and just read them. God sees the heart of everyone; it is worth completely surrendering ourselves into the hands of God, trusting in His highest providence for us.
    2. 2. If you read the text absent-mindedly, the prayer will not achieve its goal, since where our mind is, there is our heart.
    3. 3. This is spiritual work, you should take it seriously and live as a Christian should.
    4. 4. The icon of the one to whom we are addressing will significantly enhance the feeling of prayer. This is a window into the invisible world, where the saints also look at us. In prayer we plunge into this other world, gradually being transformed by grace.



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