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  Interpretation of the name: Laura. The meaning of the female name Laura

Name: female

Options for the name Laura:   Laura, Lorea, Loria

Affectionate appeal of Laura:   Law, Lori, Lorchi

The name of Laura

Little Laura is a very calm and affectionate girl. She loves to read and draw. Very attentive to other children. At school, always among the first students. The adult Laura is very complex and controversial. It can be cold and responsive, soft and unbearable. Very romantic, loves art. If circumstances so require, then Laura can become very firm and belligerent. Laura has a male, logical mindset. She solves all the problems that arise on her way, without shifting them to extraneous shoulders. At work, Laura is restrained and kept apart. But if the matter requires it, she works for three, always choosing the most difficult part for herself. Laura can succeed by working as a translator, doctor, manager or journalist. Laura has many friends, because she really needs communication. She loves friends and never refuses all possible help.

Matching Middle Names to Laura

Vitalievna, Yulievna

Famous people named Laura

Laura Linney (February 5, 1964), American theater, film, and television actress. Winner of three Emmy, Golden Globe, US Screen Actors Guild Awards and a three-time Academy Award nominee

The name Laura has many versions of the origin and meaning of the name. These are both different versions of a national character, as well as a version of non-independent origin. He has them and much more in our detailed article.

The first version we will call the Italian version. According to this version, the name Laura comes from the name of the city of Loreo. As in other cases of origin of a name from geographical names, the name of Laura in this case does not have an exact meaning. A similar version of the origin is in the name of Milan, according to which the name comes from the name of the city of Milan.

There is also a version that the name Laura is a name of literary origin and was invented by the French writer Georges Sand. She uses this name in her novel Mattea, which she wrote in 1835. For example, a similar version has the name Svetlana, popular in Russian culture, which according to scientific data is not mentioned in written sources until the beginning of the 19th century.

Another version is Spanish. According to this version, the meaning of the name of Laura is “the flower of the bay”, but in the original version it was not a name, but a surname. For the first time, the surname Laura is found in the Middle Ages, and as a name is used already at the end of the Renaissance.

Well and most often the name Laura is used as a short form of other names. These are names such as Vilora, Gloria, Gloriosa, Lavra, Larisa, Laura, Loreta, Lorena, Liora, Flora, Florentina, Floriana, Florence, Eleanor, Ella.

The meaning of the name Laura for a girl

Little Laura is endowed with a special positive attitude and a very agile girl. She is a joyful child and easily finds a common language with both peers and adults. At the same time, Laura is endowed with strong leadership qualities, which manifest themselves already in preschool age. You can also note the balanced nature of the child. She is not prone to impulsiveness and reckless actions, even though she prefers to act sometimes contrary to the advice of her elders.

Laura is a gifted child and her tendency to logical reasoning is striking to many. In addition, she is creatively relaxed and courageous, which is important for intellectual work. Another worth noting is the perseverance of Laura, which of course allows her to master and not the most favorite subjects. Often Laura finds herself and an optional hobby, which is completely unrelated to the school curriculum. Most likely, it will be dancing, theater or women's sports.

If we talk about the health of the owner of the name, we can note her strong immunity and high vitality. She rarely gets sick, but as she grows up, she often squanders the margin of safety given by nature. Often this is due to her love a lot and delicious food. If in childhood this does not cause any particular problems, then the older it becomes, the more difficult it is to maintain weight within normal limits. Also, abundant nutrition often affects the cardiovascular system of Laura, but this is already a very distant prospect. Naturally, with the right preventive measures, this problem will be completely leveled.

Short name Laura

Lorca, Lorry.

Diminutive names

Lorik, Lorchik, Lorochka, Lorushka, Lorulya, Lorulka, Lorunya, Lorunka, Lorusya, Loruska.

Laura's name in English

In English, the name Laura is written as Lora, and read as Laura.

Laura's name for a passport   - LORA.

Translation of Laura's name in other languages

in Spanish - Lora
   in Italian - Lora
   in German - Lora
   in Ukrainian - Laura

Laura's name by church   (in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. This name is not in the calendar.

The name of Laura

As an adult, Laura even more shows her leadership abilities, which were noticeable in her since childhood. She loves to be in sight, and her activity certainly contributes to this. Laura is a bright and positive person who has a huge circle of friends. She cannot sit still, and she does not even think about peace.

In work, the greatest success is usually the ability of Laura to calculate many different options and choose the most optimal one. Of course, Laura’s activity will also bear fruit, because it manifests itself in the form of hard work and high efficiency. The combination of these qualities will make Laura quite successful, although the result will still not be right away. However, Laura herself is well aware of this.

Family means a lot in Laura’s life. She values \u200b\u200ba confidential family atmosphere and is an excellent companion of life. Laura is ready to search for true love for a long time and will not exchange for nothing, which usually over time will prove the correctness of this decision. At home, her character's activity is manifested to a much lesser extent and she knows how to enjoy the measured course of life only in a family setting.

The Secret of Laura

Secret Laura can be called her intuition. She often relies on her, but rarely speaks about it. She has a well-developed sense of right choice, although sometimes he seems completely reckless. True, it also happens that Laura’s intuition let her down, so it’s still worth it to be sometimes more careful in this matter.

Planet   - Neptune.

Zodiac sign   - Sagittarius.

Totem animal   - Seagull.

Name color   - Aquamarine.

Plant   - Saffron.

A rock   - Aquamarine.

In the section on the question How does the full name of Laura given by the author sound Neurologist   the best answer is larisa

Answer from Hot Plinth[guru]
ukhogorlonos ...

Answer from Oleg[guru]
From the late Latin name Laurus - "laurel". In Orthodoxy, the Illyrian martyrs, the brothers Flor and Laurus, who have long been considered by the people to be the patrons of horses, are especially revered.
In the Russian language, there is also a feminine name Laura, derived from the French name Laure, the feminine form of the late Latin name Laurus. Laura is also used as a diminutive on behalf of Larisa.

Answer from awake[guru]
Larisa of course I call them Lorik Rolik

Answer from Little pig[guru]
Laura is not a weak name. But only if you are going to live in Russia, you can choose a little name for yourself.

Answer from Veresk *[guru]
Laura, Larisa, Lorelei
In Russia, usually only the first two forms are common

Answer from Irina Kuryleva[guru]
Most likely Larisa

Answer from Rosa[guru]
Laura? So my mother has her sister - he calls Larisa.

The name of Laura, what does it mean? Does the name of the lore affect the fate of the bearer, or does it all depend on parenting? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a man whose name does not suit him: "Well, she is a laura of pure water!"

And you hardly ever knew people you ever called a "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website AlyLivY.Ru, we tried to collect the most complete information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, name patrons, patrons and zodiac signs inherent in them.

On the name of Laura: Meaning, Origin

  • Laura Name Meaning: Regal
  • Origin of the name Laura:   latin ancient german spanish german belorussian

The name Laura has various versions of origin. According to the first version, the name of Laura is formed by the name of the Italian city of Loreo, and is a short form of the female name of Loredan. This name was first used by George Sand in the novel "Mattea".

According to the second version, the name of Laura was originally a common surname in Spanish, which in the Middle Ages was of the nature of a name by which a person could be recognized. Laura translates as "Bay Flower." Later, Laura became both the first name and the last name used so far.

According to the next version, the name Laura is a form of the name Laura, formed from the late Latin Laurus. It is a diminutive and short form to this name, the names of Laura and Laura are interchangeable and complementary names.

Also, the name Laura is a short form, a derogatory appeal to both female (Vilora, Gloria, Lavra, Flora, Eleanor, Ella, Gloriosa, Larisa, Florentina, Florian, Loreta, Lorena, Lior, Florence) and male names (Florentine, Florentin, Florian).

Dan, Laura abusive statements are also independent names and can be used independently.

Laura is a determined, energetic woman. For some people it seems playful, friendly, charming, but for others it is the exact opposite. She ignores, causes hostility, does not want to communicate with such a woman. However, Laura knows how to persuade, seduce, communicate and relax with friends. She appreciates art, nature, loves animals and is sensitive to beauty. They may like to accumulate or collect.

Laura is strict, but her behavior can sometimes be confusing. When, in society, we see her openness, sociability, warmth, it is quite possible that we see only the superficiality of her whole soul, her character. Laura is a woman with principles, direct and frank. She is curious in moderation, has her own point of view, she has a great sense of responsibility and duty. The owner of this name is constant, does not change her tastes, habits, thoughts, stubborn and has high moral strength.

Laura is active, proactive, dynamic, sometimes even authoritarian and tough. It requires discipline and submission both at work and in the family. Laura is very proud; she doesn’t forgive others for mistakes. She has a logical mindset, tries not to postpone for later what she can do today. Laura likes order, traditions, honesty, she always tries to achieve stability.

In love, Laura is a faithful wife, an excellent mistress. Raises children in severity. The house prefers to be the main, responsible for everything. She needs to know everything that happens in the family. She often can interfere with her husband’s work issues, children's educational affairs. In her house exemplary order reigns. Likes to collect.

Laura chooses a profession related to communications, training, communication (a leader in any industry, supervisor, realtor, actress) or related to hobbies, hobbies that require accuracy and laboriousness. Laura often becomes an administrator, manager, doctor, athlete.

Numerology named after Laura

  • Name Number: 3
  • Heart Number: 8
  • Person Number: 4
  • Number of happiness: 3
  • Laura Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 87, 93, 102, 111
  • Happy days of the month: 3, 12, 21, 30

The meaning of the letters of the name Laura

An important role in shaping the character of a person are the letters of the name. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a particular element.

In contrast to the first letter, the last letter of the name exists. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • l - logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • o - emotionality, mysterious unrest
  • p - constant tension, emotionality, self-confidence, dogmatism
  • a - power and authority

Mascots named Laura

  • Happy season: Winter
  • Happy days of the week: Monday, Thursday and Friday
  • Unlucky Days of the Week: Wednesday
  • Lucky color: Yellow
  • Mascot Plant: Plantain
  • Mascots of Laura's name: Turquoise, Rock Formations, Pumice, Coral, Hematite, Sapphire, Amethyst, Pearls, Jet, Moonstone, Opal
  • Totem Animal: Wolf
  • Tree: Ash

Laura Astrology

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For Laura, the governing planet is Neptune and Jupiter, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Neptune and Jupiter: Tenderness, Compassion, Optimism, Generosity

Deficiencies that Neptune and Jupiter endow with the name: Duplicity, lack of will, impracticality, anxiety, melancholy

  • Name astrological color: Red
  • Side of the World: North
  • Astrological stone: Hematite, Pyrite, Sapphire
  • Avatar: Falcon

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn has a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet, which corresponds to this letter, is amplified at times. Such planets are called dominant and attention should be paid to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the zodiac it is).

Dominant planet for Laura:

And an important role belongs to the planet, managing the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases affects the life expectancy and the nature of the departure from life.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name Laura

For the name Laura, the planetary number is 6   and controls this name Venus.

For the name Laura, the zodiac number is 12 Fish.

The sacred number for the name Laura is 12 that corresponds to the zodiac sign - Fish

The name of the lore coincides with the key and sacred zodiac sign and therefore their life is more monolithic and whole and is suitable for people with the same monolithic horoscope. In this case, such a name creates in the contacts with other people a field favorable for the disclosure of abilities and the realization of the possibilities available in fate. Names - Pisces are associated with the mysteries of mercy, spirituality, the quest for beauty and perfect love. They create around man a field of secrets, mysteries, love and harmony.

  You should pay particular attention first of all to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wear, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing "like a ball" you absolutely do not suit. The number of appearance "Four". The practicality of the “deuce” is reflected, among other things, in its manner of dressing. You should pay particular attention first of all to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wear, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing like a ball is completely out of your sight.

Laura name compatibility, manifestation in love

Laura, you can’t say that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but the matter is for you - first of all, and you will choose a partner based on how much he can meet your vital interests. Manifestations of character, determination and ambitiousness for you mean immeasurably more than sensuality and outward appeal. In a marriage, if that happens, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to imbue your ideas and the ability to provide support.


  You seek to "embrace the immense." Your soul craves for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, you can say, does not exist. You simply can’t refuse any offer that life makes you.

If decisions of others are taken into account, if they are taken into account, they are only secondary factors: Are you sure that if it’s good for you, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. So - it is possible and necessary to make them "go in a water cart" with you, in your chosen direction.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. External assistance is necessary for you, and above all, as a “deterrent”. Otherwise, you may want to “turn the earth”.

But if you are forced to use other people's capabilities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.



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