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How to use holy water, prosphora and blessed oil. Miraculous healings from the life-giving cross in Godenovo How to properly use holy oil Orthodoxy

Even during her earthly life, this Great Saint helped people a lot. And after death, all those who suffer can also count on her help. To get rid of ailments, believers use Matronushka oil. How to use Matrona of Moscow oil? Let's consider all aspects of the issue in more detail.

Life of the Great Saint

Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the Tula province. She was the fourth child in the family. She was born blind, and her parents cowardly wanted to leave her in an orphanage. But they changed their minds when her mother had a night vision of a blind white bird.

Where to buy special oil?

Another difference is that the sacraments are said to work with the direct power of Christ, while the sacramental receives grace or power from the prayers of the Church. The goal of sacramentals is to help people grow in their faith. Essentially, these are points of contact that represent faith. Bento should not be associated with superstition, as if the Holy Trinity itself had magical powers. The blessed beatitude is a symbol of God's grace at work through the faith of the believer. This faith must be centered in Jesus, just like the faith of the blind in John 9; he believed in Jesus, not in the dirt and saliva Jesus used to heal him.

They say that from birth there was a bulge on Matrona’s chest that looked like a cross. At the age of eight, young Matronushka discovered the gift of prediction. Later she began to heal people from various diseases.

As a teenager, the saint met another Orthodox miracle worker, John of Kronstadt. And he named the girl his successor. Before reaching adulthood, Matrona lost her legs. She explained this as the will of God and accepted the test given to her with humility.

Benth oil can be used in a similar way to using holy water. You can use it on yourself or someone else, you can place a cross with oil over your doorways and windows and other ways and ways of using holy water. The use of oil blessed by the laity is an ancient custom of the Catholic Church. It can be used when praying for the sick, while a clear distinction is made between the sacrament of anointing the sick and the sacramental blessed oil.

In 1925, the healer moved to Moscow. Where she lived the rest of her days, receiving up to forty people a day. After her death, her relics were placed in the Moscow Danilov Monastery. In 1999 she was officially canonized.

Special oil lamps are often lit near her relics. Pilgrimages are made to her resting place. The oil lit near her remains is considered miraculous.

In this particular use the Holy Trinity as Sacramental is no different from the use of blessed salt, palms, ashes, etc. remember that your faith combined with the power of Almighty God, in the Holy Name of Jesus and through the powerful intercession of the Archangel Saint Raphael, all prayers that come to the oils, as it is, be prepared with prayers. It is good to remember that benth oil is only a means that God uses to heal us. We are all instruments of God, only God is the divine healer and physician.

Some are healed instantly, some gradually, some spiritually, some physically and some mentally. Some heal in all three areas. You can be cured for something other than what you are asking for. Whatever the will of Almighty God is for you and your special spiritual mission on this earth. With these words of the prophet, Jeremiah announces the blessings that God will one day pour upon his people. Oil was a special sign of God's grace. Among the many beautiful commands of the Good Shepherd is his anointing: “You anoint my head with oil.”

Once you purchase this wonderful oil, you can use it for different purposes. This composition helps believers in the following cases:

  • To strengthen the body of newborns. A cross is drawn in oil on the child's forehead. They offer prayers to Saint Matrona.
  • For the treatment of infertility. Those women who cannot conceive should smear their belly with healing oil daily. The procedure will not do any harm, but it will certainly do some good.
  • To maintain pregnancy. A rounded belly can also be irrigated with this composition, then a miscarriage will bypass the pregnant woman, and the child will develop normally.
  • For the treatment of various ailments. The oil is smeared with prayers on sore spots, foci of skin diseases, injured organs, and also smeared where the diseased organ in a person is approximately located.

How to use Matrona of Moscow oil if you need to relieve the symptoms of a headache or cold? Simply apply it to your temples or sinuses, and the disease will go away.

The tribe of Asher was especially blessed among all the tribes of Israel because, as Moses said, “To Asher he said, Blessed be the Asher of all the children, your beloved brethren, and dip your feet in oil.” It is therefore not surprising that oil became a symbol of the fullness of God's blessings poured out through His Holy Spirit, and that the expected savior would be the Anointed One. Oil thus became a rich symbol of our life in Jesus or our participation in His anointing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Using oil can be a wonderful and powerful way to renew our lives in Jesus, especially when the oil was “for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

What does the blessed oil do?

The chemical composition of Matronushka oil is quite common. Such a remedy acts not due to its physical properties, but due to the energy contained in it.

Faith is the determining factor that makes the oil healing. During her lifetime, Matrona herself gave the order to all those who turned to her to believe in the Lord with all their souls.

What it is?

Perhaps no other element was used in the Bible for as many different purposes as oil. Below are just a few of them. The oil was used in cooking and baking. In particular, dogs were sacrificed for olive oil. The oil was often mixed with perfume and became more beautiful and attractive. Thus, it was also used for honored guests. Anointing them with scented oil was a sign of great honor and respect, as well as an opportunity to offer refreshment after a trip.

Perhaps for this reason it was often called the “oil of joy,” bringing joy to the heart. Water was also a source of light, which was used in lamps both at home and in the temple. The flame, illuminated in the same way, became a symbol of the Holy Spirit, whose fire purifies and enkindles us with love and zeal. The healing properties of the oil have also been recognized. The Apostles used it for healing, apparently at the direction of Jesus himself, and the practice was continued into the early years of the Church. Moses gave instructions for making the sacred anointing.

Where to buy special oil?

The consecrated product can be purchased at the Danilov Monastery. Also, the relics of Saint Matrona are sometimes brought to other cities, and such oil is also sold there.

Some people even add it to their food, but frying food with it is not advisable. It is best to apply oil to problem areas on the body. But don’t just apply the composition, but pray fervently before and after the treatment procedure. Here's how to use Matrona of Moscow oil. is a decisive factor in its application. Without it, it is ineffective. After all, everyone will be rewarded according to their faith, no less, no more.

With this oil the priests were sanctified by the Israelites. Even the tent of meeting and the objects of worship were anointed with this oil and therefore dedicated to God. Moreover, we read that when Samuel anointed David king, “From that day on, the Spirit of the Lord took possession of David.” From this experience, and perhaps others like it, oil became a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, prophets who spoke under the influence of the Spirit were considered anointed by God and were sometimes even anointed with oil.

Using Matrona of Moscow oil

The expected savior of Israel, being the Anointed One, was to receive the full and complete anointing of the Spirit of God. Every connection given through oil in the Old Testament was to be poured out in full in the Messiah and through him to all the people of God. Throughout his life, Jesus showed himself to be the Anointed One. In His baptism, in particular, he received a powerful anointing of the Spirit, as Peter later said: God anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. Witnesses also for Jesus from the New Testament; prophet and priest, and his anointing with the oil of joy.

When visiting holy places, pilgrims purchase oil to heal from bodily ailments. Upon returning home, they try to find information on how to use the blessed oil. But before you understand the instructions for use, you need to know what it is and why it is given a special place.

In short, the fullness of the anointing, the fullness of the Spirit of God, can be found in Jesus. He needs us to go to receive the anointing. “The disciples were called Christians.” Since Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed One, it is not surprising that his followers will soon be called “Christians,” “anointed ones.” To be the means by which Christians participate in the anointing of Jesus, to receive the Holy Spirit and the blessings that the Spirit gives.

How do we do this? How do we receive the anointing of Jesus? There are three initial steps mentioned in Scripture: repentance, faith, and baptism. But besides baptism, even in apostolic times, there was the laying on of hands in prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit. At least in the second century this was accompanied by anointing with oil. Oil was undoubtedly used in conjunction with the laying on of hands because it meant becoming partaker of the anointing of Jesus through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Over time, this came to be called the sacrament of Confirmation, and the oil used was called "chrism".

What it is?

"Ale" translated from Greek means "olive oil." Vegetable oil, used later, did not change its name. Since ancient times, oil has been used as a skin care product and food additive. Mixed with wine or aromatic substances. The power contained in the oil is still capable of defeating illness and evil words.

For this anointing there was also a preliminary baptismal anointing to prepare the catechumens for baptism. This oil became known as "oil of the catechumens." The third oil mentioned in James' letter is "the oil of the sick." Until at least a century, lay people as well as clergy could use oil in prayer for the sick. The first oil, chrism, is also used in baptism when for some reason confirmation is not immediately forthcoming, and it is also used in the ordination of bishops and priests.

These three oils are blessed every year by the bishop during Holy Week. Together they signify in many ways our full participation in the anointing of Jesus. By using all of these oils, we give an outward expression of our faith in Jesus as God's anointed one and thereby participate more deeply in his anointing.

In the Bible, the mentioned olive branch in the beak of a dove indicated agreement. During the global flood, the bird of peace announced the end of the rain. There was a branch in the beak. This meant that the water had receded from the earth. Noah could leave his ark forever and devote his life to serving God.

Blessed Blessed is for all Christians. In addition to the three oils that the Church now reserves for use in the sacraments, the Church also recognizes the use of blessed oil for use by all Christians. The purpose of this oil is primarily to heal and protect against damage; but oil can also be used to pray for all the bribes that oil represents; that is, all the riches that are ours in Jesus. The oil can be used in prayer for yourself or in prayer for others.

The simplest way of anointing is to make the sign of the cross on the forehead while saying explanatory sentences. But other parts of the body can also be anointed, especially when the need for healing may be localized to one or more parts of the body. If you are using it in another, it is advisable to inform them that you are using benth oil, which is not the sacred oil of the Church and does not administer a sacrament of the Church.

Olive oil is an item of luxury and wealth. In Ancient Greece, olive tree wreaths were woven for holidays. Later, oil symbolized sacrifice to God. By placing them in lamps and lighting oil in front of the icons, they showed admiration and reconciliation. Now the most common use of oil is during baptism, anointing, unction and lithium.

The Responsibilities and Blessings of the Priesthood: A Essential Guide for Priesthood Holders, Volume 2 The purpose of this lesson is to teach us how to perform priesthood ordinances. The Lord said, “Therefore, from now on, everyone should diligently examine his duty and learn to act in the office to which he is assigned.”

Our ability to be a blessing to others through priesthood blessings is determined by our faithfulness and obedience. Joseph Fielding Smith said, “I am confident that we would see more manifestations of the Spirit of God, such as in healing the sick, if we lived a little closer to these fundamental truths.”

In Orthodoxy, olive oil mixed with grape wine and special aromatic plants is called unusually - “Holy Chrism”. The Patriarch or Primate of the Local Church prepares the myrrh according to an old recipe and then blesses it. It is intended for special occasions.

Blessed oil has incredible power. But for patients who require a special approach, the oil that is sprinkled with holy water during unction and lithium is suitable. They are not only smeared on certain places, but also added to food. Prayer, oil, plus great faith in healing work incredible miracles.

Our effectiveness as priesthood holders can also be enhanced through prayer. Before executing a recipe, we must pray to the Lord. In some cases, even fasting may sometimes be necessary. As we come before the Lord in a spirit of prayer and fasting and live the teachings of Heavenly Father to the best of our ability, the Spirit will lead us into our priesthood work.

What ordinances can we perform?

What ordinances can we perform through our priesthood offices? Use the following information as you discuss. Deacons participate in the sacramental sacrament, extending it to the members of the Church. The instructors participate in the arcane sacrament by preparing it. They also distribute it when there are no deacons.

The oil found in lamps increases its power if it was previously placed in front of the relics of a saint or in front of a miraculous icon. Lightly apply the cross to the sore areas and you may notice a gradual improvement. A prayer must be read along with the anointing.

There are no restrictions on turning to God. Any time a person wants to talk about a problem and ask for help, his prayer will be heard, and the anointing will add strength for healing. The sicker the layman, the greater the number of anointings. The oil should be absorbed into the body and bring calm.

Priests participate in the sacrament of the sacrament by blessing the bread and water. They can prepare and distribute them as needed. If authorized by the bishop or branch president, they may order a baptism, direct the Aaronic Priesthood, and order a department of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Melchizedek Priests

Holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood can perform all the ordinances of the Aaronic Priesthood. In addition, they may name and bless children, confirm Church members and give them the gift of the Holy Ghost, bless oil, bless the sick, dedicate graves, give paternal blessings to members from their families, bless comfort and counsel, and, when authorized by the President or stake, ordain the Melchizedek Priesthood. The elders may appoint someone to the office of elders and high priests, and may appoint someone to the office of the high priest.

Some parishioners soak a piece of cloth or medical cotton wool with oil. By applying sacred oil to the sore spot, they subsequently burn the unusable tissue, because it cannot be thrown into the trash. By following such rules, you show respect for sacred objects.

Restrictions on using oil

The oil must not be poured out or mixed. When purchasing it in church shops, you must provide storage space in advance. The best solution is next to the icon. Do not put it in the refrigerator. Oil relates to church symbolism. Properties are preserved when properly stored.

When taking the oil orally, make sure it is taken on an empty stomach. Then a prayer for healing is read, an akathist to the Great Martyr Panteleimon or an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. The akathist is read for 40 days, oil is consumed for the same amount of time.

The oil helps the blood cleanse itself of toxins and viruses. And the house is protected with incense. During the treatment period, every ten days all rooms are treated with a lamp. The aroma of incense destroys bacteria and negativity in the air.

A healing balm can be easily prepared at home. 40 g of beeswax is placed in an enamel pan, filled with oil (100 g) and finally 5 g of sugar is added. Low heat will allow the ingredients to gradually dissolve and combine. The mass boils, the pan is removed from the heat. The life-giving balm is ready, but it is used cold. Now you know how to use blessed oil.

Dear doctors and healers! I recently received a letter from a friend of mine who lives in Odessa. She was seriously ill in recent years, and, despite the fact that she was treated for a long time and persistently, she was never able to get out of the arms of the disease. Chance helped. In the local church, where the holy relics were temporarily brought, the rite of blessing of oil was carried out.

After this, everyone could use the healing oil. Among them was a friend of mine who had heard somewhere earlier that such a panacea could work miracles. She used the miraculous remedy for several months - and a miracle happened: the terrible illness was reversed. A friend sent me photographs of herself in which she now looks healthy and even younger. And after that I really wanted to know what diseases the oil treatment helps with and how to use it in home treatment and health improvement.


Why are we talking about those cases when “the diagnosis is not clear”? Because, unfortunately, sometimes this is how our attempts to find out the causes of our ailments end, asking advice from evidence-based medicine. What should a person do if treatment does not help and the disease does not seem to be going away? ? There is a way: use oil as a coating!

Oil of oil, which is consecrated on the relics of Saints, has healing properties. It can be used for burns, rashes, wounds, headaches, inflammatory diseases of all organs, eczema, pain in the spine, problems of the gastrointestinal tract_

■ ■ Readers are unlikely to find a description of the method of treatment with oil in a medical reference book. Stories about him are passed on from mouth to mouth and are mainly discussed among those who do not separate themselves from the church and believe that Orthodox healing can save a person from many ailments. Another important point is that oil can be freely purchased at a church store at an affordable price.True, its value and unique properties will increase many times over if it is consecrated on holy relics - then you will have a truly unique remedy in your hands: diseases that have firmly taken hold and are in no hurry to go away, will retreat under the influence of such a panacea. And even if doctors couldn’t help you, there is a chance that after such treatmentillnesseswill go away, and your health will return.

At one time in Odessa, they actually distributed healing oil. Obviously, this is exactly the case that the reader reported in her letter.

Oil was distributed free of charge in the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle, which her sister took advantage of, deciding to stock up on this remedy for the purpose of healing.

Myrrh was added to the oil, which miraculously flows from the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Italian city of Bari. It was this unique panacea that helped the reader’s sister achieve remarkable results in her treatment.

Particularly important is the fact that the oil used as a healing agent was consecrated on the relics.

After all, scientists have established that upon contact (i.e., consecration on the relics of saints) of unction oil (or any thing), a change occurs in the energetic composition of its nuclei and the chemical elements contained. As a result, anointing with such oil leads to the normalization of disrupted metabolic processes and healing of the human body.

Research has shown thatenergy of Holy relics - high-frequency energy, and damage is the low-frequency energy of aggression, cruelty, cynicism, etc. In high frequencies, low frequencies simply burn out.

When studying the microclimate in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, it was found that the oxidation of air in tombs with holy relics is 2-9 times less than in the caves themselves, the intensity of reproduction of pathogenic microbes near the relics is reduced by 6-10 times. Pathogenic forms of microorganisms die here completely.

Therefore, the oil of unction, which is consecrated on the relics of the Saints, has healing properties.It can be used when burns, rashes, wounds, headaches, inflammatory diseases of all organs, eczema, pain in the spine, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

For unction, take with you: vegetable oil (OD l), a handkerchief, a piece of cotton wool, money for personal expenses (to pay for the ceremony itself, to buy incense, coal, to submit a registered note).

Unction takes place MAINLY IN POSTS, if you have been severely damaged, from which you have been ill for more than a year, then it is recommended to carry out unction 3 times every 40 days, i.e., you received unction 1 time, after 40 days a second time and a third time after the next 40 days.There is NO PRICE for such oil, ESPECIALLY IN HEALING.

Write down in the church shop your name, which the priest calls when reading the prayer. The brought vegetable oil is poured into a pan or other container prepared by the church servants. During the unction, this oil with Cahors is consecrated by the priest.

After the unction, the oil mixed with Cahors is distributed to all those parishioners who attended this ceremony.

Arriving home after unction, first of all it is necessary: ​​without entering the apartment (house), anoint the entrance door in a cross shape with the brought oil, first on top (lutku), and then on the sides. Upon entering the apartment (house), you need to put (in the same way) a cross on all the doors and windows (on the glass), walk around all the rooms, toilet, bathroom, storage rooms, glazed balconies counterclockwise.

Why counterclockwise? Because in the astral world there is neither distance nor time, but only directions of light. During religious processions, weddings, and the consecration of Easter, the priest always begins walking from right to left, that is, where the sunrise begins. This place is the entrance to heaven.

CONSUME this oil in food over the next 40 days (can be done in the morning on an empty stomach or added to food). The digestion process begins in the oral cavity. This oil can be sucked. When sucking, the salivary glands secrete a metabolic product from the blood and create an alkaline reaction.

The amount of blood flowing through the salivary glands during sucking and chewing increases 4-5 times. There is a kind of passing of all a person’s energy and almost all of his blood through this filter, which means that the blood is cleansed. The oil should be sucked without tension, freely, for a long time, preferably on an empty stomach.

During sucking, the body is released from toxins, bacteria, viruses, acidity, gas exchange increases. It is recommended to drink the oil on an empty stomach 1 tsp. an hour before meals.

A prerequisite for taking the oil is to read prayers for healing, a canon for the sick, an akathist to the Great Martyr Panteleimon the healer, an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of her icon “The All-Tsaritsa”... (these prayers are in the prayer book).

Sore spots are anointed with oil in a cross pattern. It is recommended to use this oil for pain in the spine.

unctuous oil

Every 10 days (for 40 days), be sure to walk around the apartment (house) with incense (go counterclockwise), reading the prayers “For the blessing of the Lord over the house” and “For the preservation of the house and those living in it.” A coal with smoking incense is placed at the entrance door of the apartment on the right side until it cools completely. The cooled coal can be poured into a flowerpot, or behind the baseboard, or into the entrance door.

If you live in the private sector, then you need to fumigate with incense not only inside the house, but also around the entire yard outside, again counterclockwise and place the smoking incense on the right side at the gate inside the yard (see picture).

After 10 days, also go around the house counterclockwise with incense, but place the ember at the back of the yard, after the next 10 days, the ember is placed on the left side of the yard, after the next 10 days, the ember is placed on the right side of the yard so that the result is a cross.

This is exactly what a set of measures for treatment and recovery with the help of miraculous oil looks like.

However, this unique remedy can also be used to make various potions.

There are many options for preparing medicinal preparations based on oil.. However, due to lack of space, we will talk about only one of them - but the most effective -

healing balm that gives impressive

The effect can become a cure for a hundred diseases.

Perhaps some readers know it, because useful knowledge, including from the field of traditional medicine, is often passed on by word of mouth. For everyone else, the recipe for this balm will be a real discovery, allowing you to always have a unique panacea on hand.

The composition of the balm is as follows:

oils (wood oil, burning oil, lamp oil), pure wax, sugar. To prepare the balm, you need to use yellow, unrefined oil, as it is stronger than refined oil.


oil of oil from Jerusalem

Nand take 100 g of oil and 40 g of beeswax. Place pieces of wax in an enamel bowl, pour in oil, and add 5 g of granulated sugar. Bring all this to a boil over low heat while stirring and remove from heat. Cool and the balm is ready for use. In a glass container at room temperature, the balm fully retains its healing properties throughout the year.

This balm cures several diseases: boils, carbuncles, panaritium, toothache, inflammation of the periosteum, runny nose, sinusitis (without punctures), postoperative festering sutures,preventsgangrene. The balm also healsburns, cracks,removesjoint pain.

It has very strong penetrating properties. For example, if you anoint your neck several times, a sore throat goes away.

How to treat with balm?

Place the ointment on a clean, dense cloth (not a bandage), folded in several layers so that its thickness is 3-4 mm, apply to the sore spot, bandage 3 times a day: at 9 a.m. after breakfast, at 2 p.m. after lunch and at 21 o'clock after dinner. When treating a runny nose, lightly lubricate the nasal passages with ointment 5-6 times a day.

When treating sinusitis, festering sutures, burns, joints, a bandage is not required. It is enough to anoint the sore spot with ointment 5-6 times a day (without rubbing). There are no contraindications to the use of ointment. The ointment does not cause any side effects.

Got rid of herpes!

I immediately believed in this balm, prepared it and tried it not only on myself, but also on members of my family.


Oil of Oil is an obligatory element of worship in Christianity and is familiar to everyone who professes this religion. But lamp oil and the oil that was consecrated on the relics of the Saints have nothing in common with each other. Although if the lamp oil was purchased in a church shop, it will be consecrated.

Oils of Oil

The main properties of the oil include:

healing from illnesses;
blessing in the family;
spiritual liberation.

The name of the lamp oil speaks for itself; it is intended for the lamp. Oil of Oil is not used in lamps; it is forbidden to mix or pour it out. It can be used, like holy water, but unlike the latter, Oil of Oil is not sprinkled on the home. It is used to anoint a person and heal from various diseases. But it is worth remembering that it is not the oil itself that helps, but the belief in miraculous healing. Healthy people can use the oil after morning prayer and apply it on the heart and forehead in a cross pattern.

There is also oil that was consecrated near the icons and on the relics of saints. The oil symbolizes the memory of the shrine, which a person glorifies in his prayers. It is used to get rid of diseases and wounds. The prayer glorifies the saint on whose relics the oil was consecrated. You can also read the Our Father or prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s not scary if a person doesn’t know any prayers; the main thing is to turn to the saint from a pure heart and with faith in your soul.

How to store oil

Oil is contained only in special containers for this purpose, which can be purchased in church shops. A clean bottle will also work for this. The main thing is that it is located in the correct place for such an attribute. The oil should not be placed next to bottles of cosmetics or lying around in the medicine cabinet. It should only be located next to church symbols. The best place for oil is next to the icons. In no case should Oil be stored in the refrigerator; it is enough to store it correctly, and it will retain its properties for a long time.

It is not recommended to purchase oil in places not associated with the church; purchase it only in church shops. Oil purchased in other places may not be consecrated; its name and origin alone do not guarantee that the sacrament of Anointing was performed on it or that it was consecrated on the relics. Only lamp oil can be used without performing a ritual on it. Unsuitable oil should never be thrown away. In this case, it is better to pour it into water.

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Good afternoon, our dear visitors!

We are resisting the disease, but we are getting sick and sick, and there is no end in sight to our illnesses... We make pilgrimages, but even there we are all running: we venerated the relics, and plunged into the spring, and drank some water, and filled bottles, and took sand, and bought some butter. And we don’t really know what to do with these shrines.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, priest Sergius Filimonov answers how to properly use holy water, prosphora and blessed oil:

“There are many, to varying degrees, healing shrines, but they all help according to your faith. The Orthodox faith is not a pharmacy, not a magic wand, not a healing technique. She is whole. In the prayer for any illness there are these words: “Master... if it is useful for me, heal me soon.”

Holy water

Already in its natural state, water, as a gift from God, has many healing properties. Many springs provide not just water, but saturated with life-giving power. And in the water, sanctified by the mysteries of the Church, wondrous properties are revealed that cannot be found in ordinary waters.

Every believer has holy water at home. This is either Epiphany holy water or water of minor consecration. The first should be drunk only on an empty stomach. It is used in a small amount (one teaspoon is enough) in the morning, with the prayer “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In case of illness, you can make an exception and take Epiphany water as needed. The same can be done in case of a sudden onset of a painful condition. This water has enormous healing power. There are many known cases when, literally, a few drops of this shrine, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to his senses and changed the course of the disease.

The healing properties of Epiphany water are entirely caused by the action of God's grace and help us the more, the stronger our faith.

The water that is blessed at the small water blessing can be consumed internally if a person is sick, at any time, in small quantities. Preferably before meals, you can add it to your drink.

You can lubricate, moisten sore spots with holy water, sprinkle yourself and sprinkle your things, room, hospital bed and food.

For headaches or other pains, you can apply a compress moistened with Epiphany water to the sore spot; if you suffer from insomnia at night, you can drink a little of this water.

“Simple water has the natural ability to cleanse bodily impurities and quench thirst; and holy water tends to wash away the soul along with the body, sanctify, recreate, spiritually irrigate and adopt God” (S. Solunsky).

Holy oil

Blessed oil (blessed oil) is very powerful. The oil is consecrated during various services, but for the sick, the one that is consecrated during the unction, litia, is important. It can be anointed and added to food.

Oil from lamps from holy places, from the relics of saints, miraculous icons has great power. It is advisable to only anoint them (brow - forehead, sore spots - crosswise). Moreover, the more acute and pronounced the symptoms, the more often you need to smear and sprinkle with holy things, with faith and trust in God.

You can soak a piece of cloth and cotton wool in oil and apply it to the sore spot. When the fabric becomes dirty and unfit for use, it should be burned. You cannot throw it in the trash.

Holy prosphora

This is a small bread from which a particle about health or repose is taken out during proskomedia, at the Liturgy in the Church. The prosphoras have an image of a cross, the Mother of God or a saint.

At home, prosphora can be crushed and dried for subsequent use during illness or fasting. Prosphora should be consumed after taking holy water.

In cases where a person has not prepared himself for communion, it is recommended to use antidor - bread blessed by prayers, part of the prosphora from which part of the holy lamb was taken.

Simeon of Thessaloniki writes: “We go to receive bodily food, but this does not happen without consecration, because first we use consecrated food, for when reading: I will bless the Lord, the antidoron is distributed and dismissal occurs.”

For the sick, once a year, on Saturday of the first week after Easter, bread - artos - is specially blessed. By coming to the Temple on this day and asking the clergy, you can receive an artos home. It is consumed on an empty stomach, after holy water during illness.”

Discussion: 10 comments

    Thank you very much o. Dmitriy!


    1. For the glory of God!
      God bless you!


    Thank you very much. Dear father! Please pray for my father to get well. His name is Victor. He is a good man, baptized. An officer who served Russia faithfully. Patriot of his homeland.


    1. For the glory of God!
      Okay, I'll pray.
      God help you!


      1. Hello! Thank you very much Father Dimitri, we will take your recommendations into account.
        My dad has oil consecrated on the relics of St. Matrona, oil from St. Panteleimon, and from Luke of Crimea. Please tell me, if he is anointed with these oils, should he be anointed in order or should he be anointed with all of them every day? How many months does he need to anoint himself with these Holy oils?
        Dad has ankylosing spondylitis, Parkinson's disease, heart problems, etc.
        Thank you.


        1. For the glory of God!
          You can use the oils one at a time, most importantly, with faith and prayer, and until your dad gets better.
          With God blessing!


    Hello! I have Holy Oil from the Holy Sepulcher and 46 Athos icons. I bought oil from the Orthodox Cathedral in Khabarovsk.
    My father is seriously and painfully ill. He is a baptized, kind man. If he anoints his body with this oil, he should turn in prayer to which saint?
    Thank you, best regards. Olga.


    1. Hello Olga!
      The oil was consecrated on the Holy Sepulcher, turn to the Lord. I advise your father to confess, receive communion and unction; invite a priest to your home and he will perform these sacraments. This is the best spiritual medicine. Teach your father that this is very important and will serve his health. If someone died after unction, then one cannot emulate them, since incomparably more people received health. The main thing is to believe, not to delay until the person is already dying. If a person is unconscious, or no longer understands what is happening around him, then such a person can no longer be given unction. Once again, I ask you not to delay these sacraments.
      With God blessing!

Nowadays, nuns continue the tradition interrupted by time, collecting evidence of miraculous help from the image of the crucified Savior. Some cases of this gracious help from Holy Cross, written down by them, as well as sent by pilgrims, we offer to our pious readers.


Sorokin Vasily Ivanovich says:

By the will of God I was lucky enough to be a worker at Church of St. John Chrysostom in the village of Godenovo. From the very first days of my stay there, I felt a breath of God’s grace, coming not only from Holy Cross, but also from the surrounding nature - fields, forests, meadows and lakes. Many cases are described in various publications about the healing of the laity Life-giving Cross; I want to tell you about what I saw and heard personally. I apologize in advance to the readers for the fact that my story will not be as impressive as the description of the wonders of past times.

Repeatedly I heard and saw with my own eyes how some of the pilgrims could not venerate the Cross of Jesus, as if some forces kept them at a considerable distance from it. Others, upon approaching, began to behave incomprehensibly, inhumanly.

One day, an electrician who came from Pereslavl-Zalessky had severe toothache. Day and night he found no peace and could not complete the work for which he was invited. He was an unchurched man, and the Cross itself was of little interest to him. He was asked to lubricate his mouth with oil from the unquenchable lamp and venerate the Cross. He carried out the advice with faith. The pain has disappeared. The next morning I saw this electrician kneeling in front of Life-giving Cross, and with tears of tenderness thanking God for his healing.

I also remember this incident. Worker Konstantin and I were given a day off and were waiting for our bus by the highway. Here we met the talkative owner of the car, who was waiting for his mother from church. He told us that he had suffered from severe pain in his liver for many years, but doctors could not determine the cause. He quickly weakened - the disease seemed incurable and progressed. Recovery came after he kissed Life-giving Cross and asked the Lord for healing. Since then, he has been bringing here everyone he can persuade to go on this trip.

Godenovo - this seemingly inconspicuous and still little-known corner of Russia - by God's incomprehensible will, has a life-giving and attractive power. A person who has visited this region at least once and seen Cross of the Lord, cannot leave here indifferent; on the contrary, he has a desire to change his life so as to bind himself more tightly to this wonderful source of living and tangible Divine grace.


Father Oleg, a priest of the Pereslavl deanery, arrived with pilgrims to the Cross, having severe pain in the spine, which prevented him from moving. In the church at the Cross, an akathist to the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord was read, after which the sick person knelt down on his own, which he could not do before. The pain disappeared as if by hand, and since then it has completely disappeared. Lord save and have mercy! (For more details, see the magazine “Russian House”, No. 3, 2001)


Servant of God Tatiana, a 48-year-old woman who came with a group of pilgrims from Odintsovo (Moscow region), told the following about herself. She visited the Cross with her 4-year-old grandson Boris in the fall of 2000, and in the winter, in January, towards nightfall, her ear began to hurt unbearably. The hospital and pharmacy were not open at this time. “Borenka,” she asked her grandson, “pray so that my ear doesn’t hurt so much. I’m completely exhausted!” “I’ll fly you now,” the caring grandson answered her and went into another room. Soon he returned with a photograph of the Life-Giving Cross and put it to his grandmother’s sore ear. The pain instantly disappeared. Tatiana said that as soon as the photograph touched her ear, in her mind’s eye she saw Cross of the Lord the same way I saw him on the day of the visit Chrysostom Church.


A resident of the city of Stavropol, John, told how in March 2001 his wife Maria was healed when they came with their whole family to Life-giving Cross, which we heard about from Moscow relatives. Their sixth child was born by Caesarean section, after which Maria became weak and sickly. Her digestion was seriously impaired, so she had to eat only specially prepared dietary foods and many medications. After the trip to the Cross, they stopped with friends in Moscow and sat down to dinner. There was nothing dietary in the house. The husband reminded Maria about the pills. But she suddenly felt completely healthy: weakness and the usual feeling of heaviness in her stomach disappeared, and a normal appetite appeared. She ate with everyone else, and since then she has not noted any signs of her previous illness. Mary was healed.


The head of the pilgrimage service from the Sisterhood of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary in Moscow, the servant of God Alexander, shared the following testimonies of help from Life-giving Cross:

I have been leading pilgrims to the village of Godenovo since November 2000. On the very first trip, a woman who suffered from hypertension was healed from a severe attack of headache, which she was incredibly surprised and happy about.

Servant of God Roman from the Moscow region suffered from alcoholic binges. Having suffered many misfortunes from drunkenness, he lost hope for a normal human life. After visiting Life-giving Cross I felt the strength to fight the disease. Addiction to alcohol has decreased significantly. And although in the following months he relapsed and drank several times, there were no more binges - he pulled himself together, prayed and defeated the attack.

Servant of God Elena from Aprelevka (Moscow region), went with us to the Cross in November. Several years ago she suffered a compound fracture of her leg. After treatment, the swelling remained, the leg did not bend well, and it was difficult to walk. Overcoming the pain, Elena knelt before the Cross and prayed for relief from her suffering. To my joy, I got up from my knees without outside help, which I couldn’t do before. After some time, she told us that the tumor at the fracture site had resolved and she could walk freely.

A similar healing occurred with the wife of a traumatologist from Moscow. After unsuccessful treatment, she came to the Cross with her husband. Having overcome the pain in her legs, she knelt at the Cross - and felt healed. She returned home without crutches.

Servant of God Margarita from Moscow was a school teacher by profession and had a family. But misfortune befell her: two years ago she was hit by a car and received a severe head injury with complications, after which she remained disabled. Her relatives began to consider her abnormal, her husband practically abandoned her, and she was left alone with her illness. She had great difficulty getting to the church - her legs were very bad, her speech was severely impaired, and only one or two out of five words could be understood. Her right hand didn't move. She didn't want to live. With great difficulty, she got ready and went to the Cross in the village of Godenovo. there in Church of St. John Chrysostom, where the Cross Not Made by Hands is located, Saint Nicholas apparently appeared to her.

She herself later said that an old gray-haired priest came up to her, took her to a room and told her everything that had happened to her, gave life instructions and told her how many more times she needed to come to the Cross. It is known that there was no elderly priest in the temple at that time, and she herself was constantly in sight of everyone. After consulting with the priest of the temple, we came to the conclusion that St. Nicholas himself, the patron saint of those places, came to the sick woman. When she left the temple, we all saw that her right arm was moving, she began to walk well, even quickly, and her speech was almost completely restored. Her mood was peaceful and joyful. The healing took place before people's eyes.

Servant of God Nina Vasilievna, an old woman of 70 years old, who walked with the help of a stick and constantly takes medicine for numerous ailments, came with us to Life-giving Cross in April 2001. We were planning to go on foot to Antushkovo (the village closest to Nikolsky Pogost), which is about four kilometers from Godenovo. But, despite her weakness, she insisted on going with us to the place of the descent of the Lord’s Cross. On the way back she moved faster, without a stick, and was not tired. Two days later I saw her in our Moscow church. She told me: “I am healed. I gave up the stick - I walk without it and don’t take any medicine for two days.”

One woman after her second trip to Godenovo to Life-giving Cross admitted to us that she had a very difficult relationship with her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law was a person with a difficult character. After the first trip to the Cross, the woman discovered that her mother-in-law had changed greatly for the better, and they soon made peace.

A man was healed after a trip to Godenovo from an ugly non-healing ulcer on his nose.

Servant of God Tatiana from Moscow suffered from debilitating headaches. After praying at the Cross, the pain disappeared, and my memory and mood improved significantly.

Many other miracles happen to our pilgrims on their trips to Life-giving Cross. Some pilgrims tell us about them, others do not. I can’t remember everything either. Many people feel the grace-filled help from the Cross. And the demoniacs, when they went on trips with us, could hardly touch the Cross, not without outside help. They screamed loudly in inhuman voices. Some faint in the temple. Healing from diseases of the musculoskeletal system is especially common. (Recorded May 20, 2001.)


Pilgrims arrived from the Ivanovo region: two priests and three women with them. Two of them were possessed by a demon: they barked and crowed. One couldn’t even approach the Cross, she kept bouncing back. She shouted in a hoarse, rough voice: “There is a big shrine here! And you don’t need to go to Jerusalem. The Lord is here, here! I used to be a bright angel, but I became proud, fell from heaven, and now I’m crowing like a rooster.”


Novice Tatiana, who often had hysterical fits, venerated the Cross in June 1997 and, unexpectedly for everyone, screamed in a terrible voice, barked like a dog, then fell silent. The seizures have since stopped, only my throat hurt for a long time.


Pilgrims from Moscow spoke about the miraculous increase in oil from the lamp from Life-giving Cross. The sisters gave a group of forty people some oil in a plastic bottle. When they divided it among everyone, they noticed that the total amount of their oil was much greater than what was originally received in the temple.


On August 19, 1996, the spouses Alexander and Irina came to the Cross from Moscow for the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Alexander suffered from severe attacks of renal colic, but doctors did not discover the cause of his illness. Having visited many holy places and not receiving relief, Alexander and his wife came with the last hope to Life-giving Cross. We ordered and held a prayer service, and the next day we went to Moscow. They left calm and confident that now everything would be fine. Alexander said to his wife: “Where else will I be healed if not at the Cross of the Lord?” But on the way he again had a very strong attack, he barely had enough strength to get home. At home, the pain suddenly subsided, and soon a large, about a centimeter, anchor-shaped stone with two sharp ends came out. The attacks of pain stopped. Friends and doctors were very surprised, since with such notches the stone could not come out on its own; it would certainly have caught on the walls of the canal. Since then, Alexander and Irina have come to the Cross of the Lord every feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.


After the war in Afghanistan, the young man could only move with assistance and in a wheelchair. One day Saint Nicholas appeared to him in a dream and said: “If you come to worship Life-giving Cross to the village of Godenovo, you will receive healing.” Waking up, the young man began to ask his relatives to take him to the Cross. Relatives hesitated for a long time to fulfill his request, since no one knew where he was. But the young man insisted and said that he knew how to get there, since the way was shown to him in a dream. Arriving safely in Godenovo, the young man took communion in the Church of the Holy Mysteries, ordered a prayer service and for the first time stood up from his wheelchair on his own. After a few months, he became completely stronger and no longer needed outside help or a wheelchair.


A 70-year-old grandmother came from Petrovsk to the Cross every Sunday. One day she was told at the ticket office that the day's bus flight was canceled and, therefore, she would not be able to return from Godenovo back to Petrovsk. “The Lord will help,” the grandmother decided to herself and went. After the liturgy, leaving the church, she saw a car. The owners of the car, Moscow summer residents, were just getting ready to head back and willingly gave the old woman a lift all the way to the house.


Nun Juliana said: “It was a cold winter. The church has stove heating - by the time you heat it up until it’s warm, you’ll freeze. I stand, read the canon of the Cross, then the akathist. I say out loud: “Lord, how my hands are frozen!” and continue reading. She said it and forgot. Suddenly I feel that my hands began to burn with fire. I remembered what I said about frozen hands. The Lord warmed his hands and heard me, a sinner. In a tender heart, with tears of gratitude, she knelt down and kissed the “pure feet of the Savior.

On the same day when the Lord warmed my hands, there was no light in the temple. I say: “Lord, your temple, yours and the light. Do it yourself, but what can we do?” There were two of us in the courtyard at that time - novice Valentina and me. Father went to town on business. Dark, cold. Some time passes, we pray. Suddenly the light flashed, blinked and came on evenly. We were surprised, went out into the street and saw that two pigeons were sitting on the wires and pecking each other as if they were quarreling. And then they flew away. Apparently, they fixed the light for us - they connected the wiring. We were very glad. The Lord controls everything."


July 2000. Priest Father Vladimir Bondar said: “I served Sunday service. After the all-night vigil, in the evening I read the Rule for Communion and prepared for the Divine Liturgy. Suddenly my tooth ached sharply and severely. I took analgin tablet and after prayer went to bed. At three o'clock in the morning I woke up from an unbearable toothache, and since it was impossible to take medicine, I began to read prayers. So I passed the time until the morning. I went to the temple. My jaw was swollen, I couldn’t even speak from the pain. With tears, he kissed the feet of the Savior on the Cross with a single prayer - to serve the Liturgy. After that, I went into the altar and began to prepare for the service. By the time it was time to give the first exclamation, “Blessed be our God,” everything completely went away for me, as if nothing hurt.”


March 18, 2001. Week of the Veneration of the Cross of Lent. According to the priest Church of John Chrysostom Father Vladimir, after the liturgy and water-blessing prayer, pilgrims from Moscow arrived from Moscow, two or three buses, and asked to serve another water-blessing prayer. While they were preparing for him, the remaining pilgrims approached. As soon as they entered the temple and began to kiss Life-giving Cross, one woman, about twenty-five years old, named Irina, began to bark, grunt, and howl in different voices. Then she started shouting in a man’s bass voice: “I’m strong, I won’t go out!” I’ll kill all of you who brought me here!” Then she became weak, as if in a faint, and was taken aside. After some time she was again brought to Life-giving Cross, and she screamed again in the same voice: “I still won’t go out! I'm very strong! Then she began to growl like an animal, struggle, and then fell silent. She was taken to a bench. For the third time, she herself, with tears in her eyes, kissed Life-giving Cross and stood next to him until the end of the prayer service.


Servant of God Igor, doctor, pilgrim from Pereslavl-Zalessky. June 11, 2001, the feast of the apparition Life-giving Cross he was in service in Church of St. John Chrysostom and said the following: “Whenever possible, I try to visit the Crucifixion of Our Lord Not Made by Hands, and one day my story about this amazing shrine was heard by the disabled Alexander, suffering from a severe mental disorder, accompanied by frightening hallucinations. He began to persistently ask me to take him to the Cross. I asked him if he believed in God and why he didn’t wear a cross.

Alexander replied that he believed in God and that all his hope was in Christ. But he doesn’t wear a cross because he doesn’t have enough strength - it’s too heavy. After he venerated the Life-Giving Crucifixion of the Savior, Alexander said that he could now put on a pectoral cross. And after receiving the Holy Mysteries, he said that he felt much better. Since then he has been wearing the cross without taking it off. Hallucinations began to appear less frequently and ceased to be frightening. His general condition and mood have improved significantly, and he constantly asks to be taken to Life-giving Cross.

That same day, after the festive liturgy and water blessing prayer at the church, I noticed a small child with a deep cut in the area of ​​the knee joint. It turned out that the boy fell on a piece of glass. Blood flowed profusely from the wound. Urgent surgical treatment of the wound was required. Having applied an improvised tourniquet, the wound was washed with holy water from the prayer service, anointed with oil from the Cross and a bandage was applied from improvised means. I strongly recommended that the boy’s relatives consult a surgeon at the clinic. Three days later, I had the opportunity to inquire about the condition of the victim: the child: felt great, the edges of the wound closed tightly and grew together (!) without stitches, the boy’s relatives did not seek medical help.”

Many other miracles were performed from Holy Crucifixion, located in the village of Godenovo. Every year on May 29 according to the old style, or June 11 according to the new style, in Church of St. John Chrysostom Many believers gather from all over Russia. On this day in 1423, a man appeared over the Sahota swamp. Life-giving Cross of the Lord. With special trepidation and reverence, the service is held in the church before the miraculous image of the Lord, created without hands and descended from heaven to earth, preserved intact to this day for us, sinful people - preserved for the sake of our redemption, for the sake of our salvation and healing, as spiritual, and bodily.

And indeed, everyone who comes with faith and prayer to this holy place designated by God will certainly receive the gracious help and love of the Savior.

Glory to Thee, our Lord, glory to Thee!



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