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  Floor skirting for painting: the technology of painting the floor skirting. Installation of baseboards, fillets, sills Tool for the manufacture of cement baseboards

When building a house or repairing an apartment, it is not always advisable to install expensive types of baseboards in utility rooms, such as a utility room or a basement. In these rooms, for the sake of saving the budget, instead of installing expensive skirting boards, it will be wiser to make skirting boards of concrete. The production of concrete skirting does not require significant cash outlay, and its installation is even for an untrained worker. For quick and high-quality installation of a plinth made of concrete, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions below. It is important to understand that special material protection is required.

Step number 1. Preparation of consumables.

To make a plinth from concrete, you need to buy sand and cement in the construction market, in a ratio of one to three. That is, if you purchased one bag of cement, then you will need to buy three bags of sand for it.

If you do not want to spend time calculating the proportions or are not sure about the quality of cement sold, then you can buy a ready-made building mixture. At a cost it will be more expensive than just buying cement with sand, but in the work ready-made factory mixes are much more convenient and better than a solution made by hand.

Step number 2. Tool preparation.

To install a concrete baseboard, you need to get a baseboard template. Usually it looks like a stucco small, but in place of a smooth surface, has a corrugated shape in the form of a plinth, with angles slanted at forty-five degrees. The template acts as a movable formwork, which gives the shape of a plinth to a cement mortar. You can purchase a template in construction stores by choosing the form you like.

Also take care of the presence of a spatula, trough or basin, trowel and water containers, all this will be necessary in the process of manufacturing the solution.

Step number 3. Mounting.

Remember that the installation of a concrete plinth in no case can be done on wooden surfaces and walls with wallpaper, it is also not recommended to install on floors covered with linoleum. The ideal option for installing a concrete skirting board is to install it on a concrete floor or on a ceramic tile surface.

To install the skirting board, make a cement mortar in a proportion of three to one. Next, moisten the installation site with water and using a trowel or spatula, place the finished solution in the joint between the floor and the wall. Take the template and drag it through the solution. Remove excess solution from the template using a spatula. Repeat this process all around the room. The corner joints of the skirting board should be drawn using bevels on the template, since they are specially designed for this. In order to prevent the formation of voids and depressions in the baseboard, put the solution in sufficient quantity.

Step number 4. Painting.

After the mortar has dried, inspect the baseboard for cracks. If cracks are present, coat them with an additionally made mixture and wait for it to dry. After hardening the skirting board completely, paint the skirting board with an emulsion or paint.

There is another option for painting concrete skirting boards, it consists in adding dye directly during the manufacture of the mortar. Which option will be more convenient for you, decide for yourself.

Concrete skirting boards significantly lose in aesthetic beauty to their wooden or plastic counterparts. But due to its cheapness and ease of installation, it is quite suitable for installation in outbuildings, garages and basements.

Painting skirting boards will advantageously complement the design of the room if you approach the choice of color correctly. During this process, in addition to your own preferences, you should focus on the height of the ceilings, the footage of the room, the interior of the room and lighting. All the intricacies of the painting process will be discussed in this article.

  1. The skirting board can be painted in a color similar to the shade of the floor or ceiling. This technique will provide an opportunity to visually increase the room.
  2. In a room with low ceilings for skirting boards, it is recommended that you choose a color that is close in tone to the wall decoration.
  3. A modern design technique is painting the baguette to the shade of doors or doorways.
  4. Recently, the trend of painting skirting boards in contrasting colors is also gaining popularity. This is a rather bold experiment, but with the right selection of shades, the interior of the room will become original.
  5. For fans of custom solutions, skirting boards of bright colors are suitable. But in this case, elements of similar shades should be present in the interior: cushions, images on battles, curtains. Also, this technique should be used in spacious rooms with good lighting, since bright skirting boards visually reduce footage.

Styrofoam baseboard painting

Often, the desirability of staining these products is questionable. They are mainly produced in white colors. And if you have a ceiling of a similar color, a logical question arises: why paint a baguette at all? But there is a need for this. Polyfoam is a material with a loose structure. And on the skirting board made of it, small scratches will form, which in good lighting are quite noticeable.
  In addition, after a certain period of time, the baguette will darken or yellow will appear on it. Painting will prevent these unpleasant moments, preserve the appearance and structure of the baseboard, as well as extend its life. In addition, caring for a painted baguette is much easier. To remove dirt from it, you just need to wipe the surface with a damp rag.
  The baseboard can be painted before and after installation. Each option has its own characteristics:

  1. When painting before installation, you should first cut the baguettes of the required size, then fit them in the corner area. But after installation, there will be a need to close the joints. There is a chance of surface damage during this procedure.
  2. Painting after installation is a more time-consuming process, but allows you to get a neat result. If the baguettes and the ceiling are planned to be painted in an identical color, experts recommend that this be done simultaneously before the walls are finished. If it is necessary to process the baseboard with a primer, it is better to do this before installation.

The final result depends not only on the correct sequence of work, but also on the paint used. Skirting boards made on the basis of polystyrene should not come into contact with colorful substances, which include solvents. Paint must be selected solely on a water basis. In this case, fit:

  • acrylic;
  • water dispersion;
  • latex compounds.

If painting is carried out before installation, a spray can be used. This will speed up the workflow and avoid stains and drips. If it was not possible to find the paint of the desired color on sale, you can add the color of the desired shade to the white paint.
  For staining, you will need:

  • colorful composition;
  • small brush;
  • capacity;
  • wide spatula.

The painting process is carried out in the following sequence of actions:

  1. Before painting, it is necessary to putty the joint area. To do this, a small amount of the plaster composition is applied to the spatula, after which the joint is processed from top to bottom. Excess putty is removed with a damp sponge.
  2. When the composition dries, you need to process the joints with fine-grained emery paper to remove bumps.
  3. If the painting of ceiling skirting boards is carried out before installation or on an unfinished surface, then a spray can be used for work.
  4. If the floor and walls are already covered with finishing material, masking tape should be glued along the baguettes. This will help prevent paint from getting on the finish.
  5. If adhesive tape is glued to the wallpaper during peeling, the decorative surface may be damaged. To avoid this, a different material should be used as a protective coating. For example, cardboard, which when painting needs to be applied to the treated area.
  6. Painting should be carried out in a room with a low level of humidity, into which drafts and direct sunlight do not penetrate. The treated area must be covered with paper.
  7. Staining is performed with light movements along the baguette. It is necessary to ensure that no stains or brush marks remain on the surface.
  8. If a spray can is used for coloring, it should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the baguette. If this requirement is not observed, drips cannot be avoided.
  9. After completion of work, it is necessary to wait until the paint composition has completely dried. The time required for this is indicated on the packaging.

If paint is applied to the skirting board after installation, the work is performed in the following order:

  1. Before starting work, the surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  2. Further, adhesive tape is glued on both sides of the baguette to protect the walls and ceiling from paint. As in the previous case, cardboard can be used for this purpose.
  3. First, one section of the plinth is completely processed, then you can move on to another.
  4. So the colorful composition is applied to the entire surface of the baguette. Adhesive tape can be peeled off after the paint dries.
  5. If the joints are visible after the end of work, apply another layer of the composition.

Paint the floor skirting board

Floor baguettes are made of MDF (plywood) and natural wood. The main advantage of these materials is environmental safety. MDF skirting boards consist of plywood, which is the main layer in the product and dye-impregnated paper with a protective coating. Due to the presence of this surface layer, the baguette retains its color under the influence of sunlight. Skirting boards from this material do not need special care. On sale such products come in two colors: light gray and white.

For work you will need:

  • mDF baguettes;
  • primer composition;
  • paint;
  • latex gloves;
  • paint brush;
  • rags;
  • polyethylene film;
  • capacity.

You can color the baguette both before installation and after. If the paint is applied to the installed baseboard, the process has the following features:

  1. The walls and floor are pre-pasted with adhesive tape for painting or covered with paper.
  2. Initially, you should grind the surface of the product, for this it is treated with sandpaper with fine grain.
  3. Next, a primer mixture is applied in two layers to the baseboard.
  4. Between applying the layers, you need to take a break to dry the primer.
  5. Recoating will provide a flat and perfectly smooth surface, which greatly simplify the application of the paint composition.

An ordinary paint brush is suitable for work. When choosing its size, the width of the plinth should be taken into account. A thin baguette is painted with a narrow brush, for a wide product you need to choose a larger brush. MDF skirting is painted with colorful water-based compounds, as they have no unpleasant odor and dry quickly.

If you plan to paint an uninstalled baguette yet, the work is done as follows:

  1. Before starting the work process, the floor surface is covered with a film.
  2. Paint is applied in a thin layer on the outside of the product.
  3. To paint a baguette on the inside is not necessary.
  4. After the first layer has dried, the skirting board is repainted with the coloring composition.
  5. If the paint gets on an unprotected surface, immediately clean it with a damp cloth. A spray bottle is also suitable for staining. On the installed baseboard, the coloring composition is applied only with a brush.

Painting of wooden skirting boards is carried out in several layers:

  1. Pre-product is covered with a soil mixture.
  2. The brush should be parallel to the floor surface.
  3. If you are painting the floor and the baseboard at the same time, you first need to paint the baguette.
  4. The coloring composition is applied in a uniform thin layer, after drying, the procedure is repeated.
  5. Do not apply a thick layer, as it subsequently swells and deforms.

A wooden baseboard for painting floor can be coated with stain - a special liquid that will give the material the desired shade and emphasize its aesthetic qualities. Stains are divided into:

  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • aqueous fluids.

For the baseboard, any variety is suitable. These substances are sold in powder form and must be diluted with water before use. The saturation of the shade depends on the amount of powder.
  It is possible to apply liquid by means of a brush or spray. Stain is applied in two ways. During operation, excess fluid can be removed, or can be partially or completely left. Excess funds are left if the baseboard needs to be given a darker shade. The liquid is applied along the fibers. Drying time depends on the type of stain. Oily liquids dry throughout the day, solvent-based or water-based products - within 2-3 hours.

Plinth polyurethane: painting

Polyurethane is a lightweight yet durable material. Due to its environmental safety, it can be used in any room. The period of operation of this material is 30 years. Skirting boards made on its basis have the following advantages:

  1. Do not change the appearance over time.
  2. Resistant to moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.
  3. Also, cracks do not form on their surface.
  4. Due to their high elasticity, such baguettes can be used to shape rounded surfaces.
  5. Another of their advantages is a wide variety of patterns and colors.

Polyurethane baguettes are available for decorating joints between walls and the ceiling, between floors and walls, as well as for decorating the ceiling surface. They are divided into two types:

  • patterned;
  • smooth.

Products with a pattern are very similar to gypsum stucco, therefore these baguettes are widely used in creating interiors in such style directions as empire, rococo, modern and baroque. Baguettes are also divided into types according to the angle that is formed after installation. It can be equal to 30 °, 45 ° or 60 °.

Due to the moisture resistance of these products, they can be installed in rooms with a high level of humidity. The plinth in this case will help to solve not only the decorative problem, but also prevent the appearance of fungi and mold. Since polyurethane is immune to low temperatures, skirting boards can be installed in unheated rooms. And the ability of the material to maintain its operational properties in high temperature conditions allows the use of baseboards made on its basis in kitchen facilities.

For painting polyurethane baguettes, various types of colorful compositions are used. Using glazes (tinting agents) the product can be given a different texture. Processing with these compounds allows you to achieve the effect of gold, metal, stone, wood. Polyurethane foam material is also painted with water-based or acrylic paints.
  In addition, there is a significant variety of decorative paints in aerosol containers. When applying them, the following rules should be observed:

  1. The skirting board should initially be treated with dispersion waterproof paint.
  2. To finish using a brush or spray.
  3. Start painting after 24 hours after installation.
  4. The paint should be applied in several layers, each of which should dry well and only after that you can continue to work.


Painting skirting boards will give them a more aesthetic appearance, strengthen the structure and fit these products into the interior of the room. The staining process is quite simple and does not require qualified training. But in order to obtain a qualitative result, in the course of the work, a certain sequence of actions and the rules for applying a colorful composition must be observed.

Video: features of painting the ceiling baguette

Among the main products of sawmills, moldings, and in particular plinths, stand out. They are designed to mask technological gaps in the inner corners. This is not necessarily an adjoining zone of walls and floors; similarly shaped wooden products are mounted under the ceiling or between adjacent walls.

Mostly homeowners prefer to buy such moldings if a lot of wood is used in the interior. Just note that installing wooden skirting boards from an array is somewhat more complicated than polymer ones or, for example, from MDF. But it's worth it, because you have not yet learned how to qualitatively recreate the natural texture, even natural veneer does not always give the desired effect.

1. When can I start installing skirting boards?

The baseboard, no matter what material it is made of, is mounted at the final stage of finishing work. Naturally, it is necessary that the finish flooring be laid. The walls should also be fully completed - wallpaper glued, decorative plaster applied and painted ...
  In addition, it is necessary to have the door block in its place, since the baseboard is mounted from the platband, which, in turn, reaches the floor itself.

2. How to prepare for the installation of wooden skirting boards?

In the center of the room you need to organize a workplace. You can do this on the floor, but it is better to create a workbench of about 3-4 meters in length from a pair of tables.
  From the tool you will need:

  • Crosscut hacksaw for wood.
  • The miter box or rotary tool on a bed for corner cutting.
  • Joiner's square. If the room has a lot of indirect angles, then a goniometer is useful to determine their degree.
  • Pencil and tape measure.
  • Screwdriver / drill / puncher + drills, drills.
  • A screwdriver, preferably with a switch to reverse.
  • Hammer.
  • Spatula, brush, paint tray. Airbrush.

Expendable materials:

  • Polymer plugs (as for dowels) - it is advisable to have different sizes in stock.
  • Self-tapping screws, nails.
  • Emery in ribbons of different grain sizes + emery fixed on a bar.
  • Primer / paint / varnish on wood.
  • Hard putty on wood or colored wax pencil.
  • Masking tape.

Wooden baseboards are the most rigid in comparison with products made from other materials. Therefore, they are very difficult to mount on uneven surfaces without gaps. It is worth very carefully approaching the execution of floor and wall decoration. And not only to the implementation of the finish layers, but also draft work.

A standard mistake is the local rise of screeds or leveling masses in the region of the inner corner. It is near the floor that plasterers and painters admit the most bumps (there is a terrible phrase “the skirting will block”). The plane of the wall must be made clear to the very bottom, because the “overlapping” tubercles do not allow the plinth to be pressed normally against the wall and fixed. If the room has an external corner, then, as a rule, the difference from a perforated corner to a wall is not very correctly putty putty. In any case, we recommend checking the floor and wall in the baseboard installation area with a rule of 2 meters or more.

If the installation will be carried out by glueing on mineral surfaces (for example, a wall with painting or decorative plaster), then the contact strip must be dusted and primed. If such work is performed on top of the wallpaper, then the canvas should be firmly glued at the very bottom.

It is also worth inspecting all skirting boards, discarding damaged, dirty and curved. They can be used in blind spots or cut to complement whole strips on the perimeter.

It is better to order skirting boards not according to the general molding of the room perimeter, but taking into account the length of the planks - that is, individually, preferably with a margin of at least one product.

3. When do you need to paint the baseboard, before installation or after? How do they do it?

This question is from the category of preparatory, but it is better to consider it separately.
  The most convenient way is to complete the full painting processing of workpieces on a workbench, and not in place. You can, of course, paint after installation, but then you will have to take time-consuming and costly measures to protect the finished floors and walls. This option is justified only in one case, if the floor / walls are uneven, and it is planned to extensively seal the cracks with putty, which must be painted with the baseboard.

Ideally, the skirting board should be run in advance in order to reduce the absorption of wood and level it throughout the product. Then the required number of coatings is applied, and after the first layer has dried, it is better to “wipe” the product with fine emery with grain No. 120 and higher - this will allow to smooth the fibers raised by the brush. By the way, if the viscosity of the composition allows, the highest quality is obtained using a spray gun, not brushes.
  Do not forget that the options with tinting impregnation are always available to the user to imitate an expensive breed. Take inexpensive softwood lumber and experiment.

After trimming each plank, the base of the base should be treated with the base of the baseboard. Be sure to leave a little varnish so that minor repairs can be made during operation or during installation. At least, before disposing of the packaging, write down your exact marking of the applied paints and varnishes.

4. How to cut a plinth?

Cutting a wooden baseboard can be done with a hacksaw with a small tooth. In the corners we make cuts at 45 degrees, for this you need to have a miter box, it will also help to trim the strips at a right angle. If the room has angles that differ from 90 degrees (in practice, an ideal right angle is generally quite rare - due to the low culture of finishing work), then a tool with a rotary bed will help to achieve high-quality pairing, and the circular miter saw, which can even be cut most easily, "Comb" and correct the angle in a fraction of a degree.

On the wall plane almost always have to make one or two joints, since the length of the plinth rarely exceeds 3 meters. Basically connect the trims at a right angle. However, having a technological tool for sawing, it is better to use mutual trimming of the strips at 45 degrees. Such a connection is more reliable and hardly noticeable. By the way, it makes sense to plan the location of the joint so that it does not appear in a visible place, but, for example, behind furniture elements.

With the rectangular joining of skirting boards, we recommend trimming both planks. By removing a couple of centimeters of the bar (where there are often dirt, cracks, dents, distortions of the transverse filing), you will achieve a better and less noticeable pairing.

Often asked about the order of measurement and cutting. What should definitely not be done is to completely cover all the material before installation, since shifts may appear during installation, and adjustment will be required. As a result, we have annoying gaps, which take kilograms of sealant.

Better to cut as you install. Start with solid slats from the inner corners. They perform the cutting of skirtings that are joined in the corner and try on (you can cut all the corners of the room). Then the installation on the principle of "in a circle - one bar after one."

When the bar coming from the corner is already fixed, the adjacent one coming from another corner is set in its place without fixing. If the wall length is less than 6 meters, then they will overlap (we recall that the length of a wooden baseboard is usually 3 meters). A mark is made with a pencil for the cut along the overlap line. In this case, it is very difficult to get the quality of roulette in a given case.

Almost always, for an ideal connection after any saw, you still have to adjust something - especially in the corners. To do this, you can use a knife (we make cuts at the end towards the back of the bar) and emery on a bar for fine grinding.

5. What is the best way to fix a wooden skirting board?

There are several ways to install a wooden skirting board. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, the choice needs to be made depending on:

  • Basis characteristics (material, quality of preparation);
  • Skirting characteristics (section shape, profiling quality, etc.).

Glue option

It is safe to say that universal mounting adhesives, such as "liquid nails", provide reliable fixation of the baseboard on any basis. Practice shows that it is possible to glue the skirting board even on the wallpaper and at the same time not use mechanical fixation. This method is convenient, it does not create debris and dust, relatively inexpensive. On the front surfaces there is nothing but joints, there are no traces of fasteners that need to be masked.

But gluing has a number of limitations and a couple of disadvantages:

  • It is extremely difficult to mount on walls and floors with bumps.
  • The base must be tear-resistant.
  • Liquid nails have a little initial adhesive ability, so you need to stock up with some compact and heavy (besides clean so as not to stain the wallpaper) elements for loading the installed baseboard. Operation and refinement of the installed baseboard is not possible immediately.
  • Outside corners often come off, especially in rooms / places with heavy traffic. Here you need to be safe with carnations or screws.
  • Installation is non-separable, or rather hard to disassemble (the wall is damaged during dismantling).
  • Due to the small contact area of \u200b\u200bthe plinth with the “boat” section, it is practically impossible to glue reliably.

To avoid gaps, a wooden baseboard with glue is pressed against the wall and briefly removed. If necessary, a little glue mass is still added to the "empty" places. Using glue, it is necessary to lubricate the ends of the strips with it, this is especially true at the outer corner.

Mechanical fixation

Carnations for finishing work are used only when the wall is sheathed with solid wood, lining or, for example, plywood. They beat them through the body, while their narrow hat is sunk into the array. These places are then repaired with a wax repair pencil.

A self-tapping screw gives a more reliable fastening, including the bar can be pulled with moderate force to the floor / wall, thereby eliminating gaps from possible irregularities. But his hat is harder to hide. It is easier when the skirting board has a removable strip on the front side, however, such models are rare.

The type of self-tapping screw, as well as its length, is selected depending on the material and construction of the wall, the thickness of the plinth. If the wall is assembled on a frame of galvanized profiles, then a metal screw is taken. When mounting on massive wooden walls (including those assembled on a wooden frame), as well as when installing on mineral substrates, self-tapping wood screws with a large pitch are used. If the cladding is made of one layer of gypsum plaster, 30-35 mm long screws are used, if from two sheets of drywall, then 40-50 mm.

In any case, a wooden skirting board, fixed with self-tapping screws, must first be drilled. The hole is made slightly larger than the diameter of the fastener - for example, 4 mm, if the shaft of the screw is 3.2 mm in cross section. You should also countersink the hole so that the head is recessed and can be covered with putty or covered with a wooden cork. Perhaps it will be easier to buy self-tapping screws with a drill and a self-tapping head under the pot.

  • The master must first drill the baseboard and put it against the wall. Make sure that the bar with its rear contact surfaces clearly docked with the floor and wall. Pay attention to the accuracy of joining adjacent skirtings, since then there will be practically no options for adjusting the position.
  • Marks are drawn on the wall through the holes obtained with a pencil stylus.
  • The skirting board is removed, the wall is drilled to the required depth.
  • Polymer plugs of suitable size and construction are installed (depending on the wall material). It is better to drill with a vacuum cleaner, so as not to dirty the finished surface.
  • Drilling products are removed from the floor and wall.
  • The baseboard returns to its place, and self-tapping screws are screwed in through the body. The tightening torque should be moderate so as not to chop wood.

Users often have problems with fixing skirting boards to hollow walls, in particular from gypsum board. In fact, there is nothing complicated. If the drywall is sewn onto a metal frame, then you need to use metal screws and twist them into the stand profiles CD, CW. It is advisable to make marks near the floor before marking, indicating the places where the axis of the profiles / bars are located. If there are no marks, then the metal under the plaster is easy to detect, for example, with a magnet or a special detector.

It’s a little harder if GKL is glued to the wall on a Perlfix type compound. Then the installation is carried out, as in the case of stone walls, only plugs (except for ordinary ones that fall onto the beacons from glue) are used special or screw dowels for drywall. There are a lot of options for practical effective fasteners for GKL now.
  By the way, the same technique is used as an addition - in situations with discharged frames, when we have a distance of 600 mm between the axes of the racks.

In conclusion, we note that the fixing of wooden skirting boards to nails and self-tapping screws is performed in increments of 300-400 mm. Near the end joints of the strips and corners - additional fasteners are installed. If liquid nails or other universal compounds are used, then they are applied with beacons with a similar distance, or with a continuous strip / zigzag - all over the bar.

The baseboard is fixed exclusively to the wall. Fixing to floor coverings is impractical, even if possible. The fact is that with rare exceptions (piece parquet), modern wooden floors and hard finish coatings (laminate, parquet board) are mainly performed by floating technology, and skirtings fixed to them, abutting against the walls, will hamper the calculated movements. In addition, a flat “Euro baseboard” or a compact “boot”, most likely, will not work at all to properly nail / screw to the floor.

The following is the production technology of 4 finishing works, applied in the decoration of the building.

7.1. Improved stone wall plastering with cement mortar

1. Scope of work:

1. Stuffing strips of stucco mesh at junctions.

2. Application of the solution on the surface with leveling and grouting of the coating layer.

3. Plastering the slopes of the heating niches.

4. Spreading with a solution of boxes, platbands and baseboards.

Surface plastering is carried out by applying plaster compositions in the following sequence:

With improved plaster:

a) spraying from conventional solutions;

b) applying a layer of soil from ordinary solutions with its subsequent leveling and alignment;

c) cutting corners, husks, dots;

d) cutting ceiling ceilings;

d) applying a coating layer with subsequent grouting.

Surface preparation for plastering

Surface preparation for plastering consists in cleaning the surface from stucco and adhesive properties of plasters, brick destruction products, old exfoliated paint layers, dust and dirt. Methods and means of cleaning depend on the chemical composition of the material being cleaned, the nature of contamination and layering. Requirements for the quality of cleaning are determined by the type of designed finish.

Dust removal of surfaces to produce before applying each layer of primers or plasters. If necessary, surface notches should be made.

The adhesion of the plaster coating to the base depends on the quality of the preparation of the surface for plastering. For interior decoration of ceilings, walls and partitions, this indicator according to table 8 of SNiP 3.04.01-87 should be at least 0.1 MPa.

Grease, bitumen and oil stains (grease marks), efflorescence, protruding fittings, and rust are not allowed on the surfaces to be plastered. The surface of the walls is cleaned from the influx of mortar, chopping them with scrapers and plaster hammers, after which they clean the surface of dust with rags.

Methods of applying and processing plaster layers.

Improved plastering is performed by brands without additional corrections. Stamps are often arranged “cordless”, i.e. not adhering to strict uprightness. After surface preparation, stamps and beacons are arranged. For each driven nail, plaster dough or mortar is smeared, its front side is equal to the level of the nail head and cut from the sides. Stamps are made in order to establish a rule on them, which is fixed with plaster, nails or clamps. As a rule, gypsum or solution is applied. After setting gypsum or mortar, the rule is removed by lightly hammering it, after which a strip of mortar, called a beacon, remains on the wall. Two beacons are made in the corners to form husks. After plastering the upper part of the walls, a hollow is made using a conventional or shaped half-trowel.

Work can be done like that. The top of the walls is plastered to the scaffold, cover the walls, smooth and rub. Then the lower parts of the walls are plastered. In the process of plastering, the work is checked, correcting inaccuracies. The deviation of the width of the plastered slope from the design should be no more than 3 mm. To avoid large deviations on the walls with window openings, the walls are hung, lighthouses are arranged, a rule is applied to them, a distance equal to the slope width is measured from it, and window boxes are strengthened at this distance. This event provides the exact width of the slopes. The top of the boxes on the same wall should be at the same level.

Machines and mechanisms used in the performance of work:

    for transporting materials to the workplace - Mast construction hoists 0.5 t

    for applying plaster layers - Mortar pumps 1 m 3 / h

Name and list of materials necessary for the performance of work

Solution ready finishing heavy, cement-lime 1: 1: 6

Woven square mesh No. 05, uncoated

Plaster knitting G-3

Flat nails 1.6x50 mm

Technological properties of materials (mobility of mortar mixes for plaster).

The purpose of the solution

Standard cone immersion, cm

for manual application

for mechanized application

Spray solution

Soil solution

Solution for coating:

with plaster

without plaster

Name and list of main hand and power tools

Quite often, the repair in the room ends with the installation and painting of the skirting boards. The baseboard allows you to finalize the room and give it a certain appeal. There are several options for skirting boards installed both on the floor and on the ceiling. We learn about what paint to paint the baseboard and about the features of this process.

  Skirting the floor for painting: types of floor skirting boards

The plinth plays the role of not only the aesthetic element of the room, it also performs a certain functional load. So, the installation of a wooden floor on the floor, requires in the arrangement of the compensation gap, which is hidden behind the baseboard. The absence of this gap leads to deformation of the floor covering.

With the help of the plinth, it is possible to hide certain communications that spoil the appearance of the room. The baseboard is a transition element from the ceiling to the walls and from the walls to the floor; it creates a certain harmony of color.

There are many options for floor skirting boards, which vary in shape, color and material.

The first version of the floor skirting is the most popular and oldest. For its manufacture, natural wood is used. There are many options for wooden skirting boards of various price categories, quality and breed. Wooden skirting board means its coloring in a certain color or varnishing. Periodically, a wooden plinth is painted during operation.

The baseboard is veneered type - has a wooden base and decorative coating. To protect the veneer, its surface is covered with a melamine film. Veneered skirting is less expensive than wood, but it is resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations.

The easiest to maintain and install plinth made of plastic. It is suitable for carpet, laminate and linoleum. Most plastic skirting boards are reminiscent of wood in texture, but have higher performance characteristics. Such skirting boards are distinguished by the presence of special channels, inside which you can hide the wires.

MDF skirting board is installed on a flat wall, consists of a special strip, which has high mechanical strength. A paper base is applied to the surface of the plank, forming the color and texture of the plinth. This version of the skirting board is environmentally friendly, resistant to temperature extremes, hygienic.

Aluminum skirting for living rooms is rarely used. Its use is relevant in industrial institutions. This version of the skirting board is high strength, hygienic and has a long service life.

The polyurethane version of the floor skirting is widespread. It is not afraid of moisture, so it is great for kitchens and bathrooms.

The plinth flexible for painting from polyurethane differs in good operational characteristics and is easily mounted indoors, repeating its shape. Due to the flexibility of the polyurethane baseboard, it is able to hide the biggest bumps in the walls. In addition, the product is characterized by the presence of grooves inside which wires are installed. Among the advantages of a flexible baseboard for painting, we note:

  • light weight of the product;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations;
  • use in various purpose premises: both in the bathroom and in the bedroom;
  • the possibility of self-coloring.

  Floor plinth for painting: the technology of painting the floor plinth

Not each of the above options for floor skirting is suitable for painting. Some models are sold ready for installation and do not require additional finishing.

Most often, indoors use plinths from the fine fraction of wood, such products are sold both painted and unpainted. Buying a baseboard for painting has a lot of advantages, such as:

  • perfect smoothness of the surface;
  • the presence of a primer layer, which provides additional protection for the baseboard;
  • high level of constant strength;
  • the ability to repaint the product in the desired color;
  • ease of installation;
  • masking the joint between the floor and the wall.

The process of coloring the skirting board is quite complex and begins with the selection of a suitable color. When choosing the color of the skirting board, consider the color of the floor and walls, the shade of the furniture in the room, the size of the room, the design, the main and additional lighting.

1. Color the baseboard with the ceiling or floor. With this move, it is possible to increase the room in volume.

2. If the room has low walls, then the baseboard should be painted in the tone of the wall, so the walls will appear higher.

3. Another option is to paint the plinth in the color of the door frame, so it is possible to harmoniously connect them together.

4. If light and discreet tones are used in the decoration of the room, then you can paint the baseboard in a contrasting and bright color. Thus, it is possible to achieve emphasis on this element.

For the manufacture of MDF wooden skirting for painting, plywood and a layer of paper are used. The presence of a melamine coating protects the baseboard from moisture and other irritants. This skirting option is easy to install and maintain. There are options for MDF skirting with a pattern already applied or for painting.

There are two options for MDF skirting for painting:

  • light gray;
  • white baseboard for painting.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the technology of applying paint to MDF skirting boards:

1. The baseboard is painted only after installation. In order to prevent the paint composition from falling onto other surfaces, paste over them using masking tape.

2. Before painting the skirting board, sand it with fine sandpaper. Thus, the pile will not rise on the surface of the panel.

4. To paint the baseboard, use a standard brush, the size of which directly determines the size of the baseboard.

When choosing a coloring composition for skirting boards, pay attention to its components. For internal work, we recommend giving preference to paint on a latex, water dispersion or acrylic basis. After applying the soil to the surface of the skirting board, proceed to stain it. To perform the work, the presence of:

  • directly skirting;
  • paints;
  • gloves;
  • brushes;
  • polyethylene films;
  • containers under water.

Install polyethylene film on the floor. Wear gloves, begin painting the baseboard. Carry out the work carefully, apply the paint evenly, in thin layers. Wait for the first layer of the painting composition to dry, and repeat the above steps again.

  Painted wooden skirting board - painting technology

For the construction of wooden skirting boards use solid wood. This material is characterized by high strength, environmental safety and a long service life. Before starting work, a two-coat primer is also applied to the wooden baseboard. It will reduce paint consumption and increase adhesion between wood and paint.

At the same time painting both a wooden floor and a plinth. First, it is recommended to paint the skirting board, and after the floor. In the work process, make sure that the paint does not drip onto the floor.

In order to avoid the appearance of sagging, a spatula is placed under the edge of the baseboard, and staining is done with a narrow brush.

If the floor will not be painted, it is recommended to protect it and the walls with masking tape. In order to get a high-quality coating that will serve you for many years, apply paint to the skirting board with a thin and uniform layer. Staining with a large amount of paint will lead to swelling and deformation of the coating. After applying each coat of paint, wait for it to dry completely before applying the next.

Painting a wooden plinth is the best solution for cases when it is not possible to find the plinth of the desired tone.

  What paint to paint the baseboard: reasons for painting the baseboard

Ceiling plinths are most often produced in light color, if the room has a light ceiling, they harmonize quite well with it. Therefore, there are supporters of such an opinion that a skirting board for a ceiling on a foam, polystyrene or polyurethane basis does not need to be painted.

However, these skirting options need to be painted, even in white, there are many reasons for this. Let's get acquainted with some of them:

  • on these skirting options quite often there are small defects in the form of dents, scratches, which become noticeable in daylight, staining can fix this defect;
  • the foam has a loose structure that is translucent, its coloring gives the baseboard greater solidity and improves its appearance;
  • dust accumulates on unpainted material, and with time it turns yellow;
  • to clean painted skirting boards, just wash them with a damp cloth;
  • in addition, it is with the help of paint that it is possible to hide the corner joints between the skirting boards;
  • baseboards made of wood are also painted, the paint provides their protection and external factors and improves the life of the;
  • with the help of paint it is possible to create a baseboard of any shade in harmony with the room.

The process of coloring the baseboard in an undetermined form is more convenient. However, in this case, after mounting the skirting boards, the joints between them will remain visible. Yes, and there is a risk of contamination of the skirting board during installation work. Therefore, most often skirting boards are painted after they are mounted on the wall.

With the coincidence of the color of the plinth and the ceiling, they are painted at the same time. At the same time, it is better to do this after completing the final decoration of the walls in the room. Before applying the paint composition to the surface of the ceiling baseboard, it is recommended to cover it with a primer. It can also be applied before fixing the baseboards on the wall.

A rather important issue is the choice of the coloring composition for finishing the skirting board. To paint the baseboard for painting, you need a paint that has a water base. Polyfoam, polyurethane - destroys alcohol, white spirit solvents and other aggressive substances.

Therefore, it is recommended to use paints having an acrylic, latex or water base for coloring the skirting board. If the coloring of the skirting board nevertheless occurs before its installation, then it is allowed to use paint in the spray can. Thus, it is possible to speed up the workflow. If you need paint of a certain color, but could not be found in the store, then you will have to paint the coloring composition yourself.

  How to paint a foam baseboard

Before painting the ceiling baseboard, it is necessary to prepare the surface for work. Eliminate defects between the connected parts in the corners, get rid of scratches and dents.

In general, before starting to paint the skirting board, do the following:

1. Stock up with a sponge or soft cloth, a container of water and a rubber spatula. Using a spatula, spread the putty at the junction of the two skirting boards or at the place of defects on the surface of the skirting board.

2. Use a sponge moistened with water to remove excess putty. If there are joints between the baseboard and the wall, also seal them with a putty solution.

3. Wait until the putty compound has completely dried, sand the surface with special tools.

4. After that, proceed to coloring the skirting boards.

The process of painting the skirting board is quite simple, if you follow all the technological aspects of its implementation. The nature of the work is determined by the stage of staining, whether this process is final in the decoration of the room, or after that the wallpaper will be glued to the wall. At the initial stage of work, it is necessary to clean the baseboard from dirt and apply a layer of primer to it.

If the baseboard is painted before finishing work on the ceiling and walls, then in this case, it is preferable to use a spray can. Work will pass faster and take little time. If the baseboard is painted after finishing the walls, then a masking tape is installed on the wall and ceiling, if necessary, to prevent paint from getting on them.

If, nevertheless, the paint got on the wallpaper, then to remove it you must use a damp rag or sponge. If you can’t stick masking tape on the wallpaper, then use the option below for painting skirting boards below. Take a wide spatula and set it to the baseboard on the side of the wall. Paint the skirting areas gradually by moving the spatula. After coating the baseboard with paint for the first time, wait for it to dry completely and repeat the process one or two more times.



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