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Military registration in an organization is set up from scratch. Can the military registration and enlistment office come to inspect the enterprise?

Responsibilities for recording citizens who are in the reserves or subject to conscription for military service, in the event of their employment, lie with the employer. In the person of an authorized officer for military issues, citizens are registered, data is collected, analyzed and exchanged with the municipal department of the military commissariat. At its core, military registration is a set of measures for organizing military training of mobilization resources in the event of combat operations.

The activities of the person responsible for registration are strictly regulated at various levels, from federal to regional, and are confirmed by filling out various military registration documents. In order to ensure the efficiency of the military registration table, as well as for the timely detection of violations in record keeping, the state of mobilization preparation is subject to periodic monitoring by the Ministry of Defense.

List of basic documents for military registration

In addition to legislative documents at the Federal level, there must be local acts that regulate all activities of the accounting department. This is, first of all, an order from the manager to create a military establishment or to hire an employee for military registration work. The department's work is planned in several directions. This includes interaction with military registration and enlistment offices, working with personnel, updating information and reconciling data.

To update the information that military registration implies, the reconciliation schedule is consistent with the work plan of the military registration and enlistment office and approved by both parties. Calendar planning of work in other areas is combined into a common group of documents - the annual plan.

A personal card is issued for each newly arrived employee, the form of which is established by government decree. It contains information, according to the documents provided, about the citizen, his marital status, education and military service. After verification, the accuracy of the data is endorsed by the person who provided it.

A set of personal cards containing information forms a general file cabinet. Must be stored separately. They must be registered 10 days after successfully passing the tests, which are tripled by the employer.

The next important document for any inspector is the form book. This is, at its core, a registration journal that ensures the safety of forms and the confidentiality of their contents. Registration is subject to the transfer of reservation notices, deferment certificates for reserved citizens, the return of unused forms, and the transfer of military tickets for registration of records.

How to create an inspection log

Obliged to keep a log of inspections of military registration. Its sample is presented in a position developed by the General Staff and has a strictly defined method of design.

The title page should contain the title “military registration audit journal.” This document must be filed, which means the start date of journaling is indicated on the page. At the top is the department of the military registration and enlistment office in which the organization is registered. Below is the full name of the organization itself (all details are indicated for it). The names and surnames of the manager, as well as the responsible employee, are recorded.

The worksheet contains 5 fields. The VU employee is required to provide a sufficient number of records in case the inspection is unscheduled. The fields contain information that is filled in by the supervising inspector.

  • The date of the current check is entered in the first column in any format indicating the day, month and year.
  • Information about the inspector. This includes not only initials and surname, but also the position he holds in his department.
  • All results, including violations, as well as the inspector’s decisions are entered in a separate field.
  • Based on the identified violations, the manager must take certain measures. His decisions and a report on the work done are entered in the fourth field. Some versions of the document split this field into two parts.

The first three fields contain information about the control. They are filled out exclusively by the inspector. The remaining two fields can be filled in directly by the manager or responsible person.

The results of the inspection are presented by the inspector in detailed form. The record must contain information about the time frame of the inspection and indicate through which department the control is being carried out. The departure of the inspector is not a spontaneous and arbitrary decision. It is carried out on the basis of an order or resolution. The journal contains its number and date.

A separate act is drawn up, which is a numbered document. The number of the inspection report is also entered in the journal. Violations are recorded with an indication of the article of the regulation. Violators are also identified here. Additional personnel may be allocated to assist the inspector. Their surnames and position are recorded in the second column.

Based on the results of the inspection, one of the ratings may be assigned. If the legal framework is complied with by 70%, reliable information is in the same proportion, but absolutely all military personnel are covered by accounting, then a “Satisfactory” rating can be given, which is accompanied by appropriate comments.

First of all, the inspector can request the department’s annual work plan and check the completion of personal cards. By checking the information with that available at the military registration and enlistment office, the consistency of the data is established. If there are discrepancies of up to 10% or if 10% of information is missing, the rating “Good” is given. The absence of comments is also indicated in the audit log.

Control over the maintenance of accounting documentation is carried out once a year for organizations with more than 500 employees. Smaller organizations are checked less frequently, without a specified schedule. Not only the upcoming penalties, but also the possible consequences if a real danger arises should motivate all involved employees to competently maintain military records.

Military registration in an organization - step-by-step instructions for maintaining it in 2017-2018 will be described in this article - must be maintained by every employer if it employs citizens liable for military service. This is the requirement of paragraph 7 of Art. 8 of Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service.” Also from the article you will find out who is doing this and what categories of citizens are subject to registration.

The procedure for maintaining military registration of citizens in organizations

The rules for organizing military registration are established by the Regulations on Military Registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 of November 27, 2006, and the Methodological Recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations), approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2008.

  • men of military age (18-27 years old) not enrolled in the reserves;
  • men in reserve;
  • employees who studied at military departments in vocational educational institutions;
  • persons exempt from conscription;
  • men over 27 years of age who did not complete service due to deferment;
  • citizens discharged from the army;
  • workers who served alternatively;
  • women who received military qualifications.

The process of military registration is the collection and systematization of information about the performance of military duty by the above-mentioned employees, as well as its updating. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that citizens of the Russian Federation fulfill their duty to their homeland, as well as meet the state’s needs for military resources in the event of hostilities.

Who maintains military records and reservations in the organization?

The responsibility for organizing accounting in an organization lies with its head, although, if necessary, he can, by order, delegate the direct performance of this responsibility to other employees. The procedure for delegation is established by clause 12 of the Regulations on Military Registration:

  • if there are less than 500 registered employees, one person can perform these duties part-time;
  • if the company employs from 500 to 2000 military personnel, it is necessary to allocate a specialist, charging him with maintaining military records as the main workload;
  • if the number of conscripts is 2000-4000, it is required to attract two full-time employees.

With a larger staff, the law allows for delegation of accounting responsibilities to a larger number of employees. In this case, it is necessary to allocate an employee for every 3,000 employees and create a military registration unit. Note: the candidacies of employees applying for record keeping should be agreed upon in advance with the military commissariat to avoid problems.

Step-by-step instructions for maintaining military records in organizations

To properly organize the accounting process, company management must take several steps.

Step 1 - publication order on the organization of military registration. With this document, the manager must appoint a responsible person and his deputy, who will perform accounting duties during rest or forced breaks in the work of the responsible person.

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Step 2 - preparation and agreement with the military commissariat of a work plan. A sample plan can be found in Appendix 17 to the Guidelines. The document must contain information about the planned activities, the timing of their implementation and the name of the organization, as well as a mark of agreement with the military registration and enlistment office.

Step 3 - development of a journal for checking the registration and reservation of citizens. The company's management should be guided by the sample presented in the Methodological Recommendations. According to Appendix 1 to this legal act, the document must be drawn up in the form of a table with the following columns:

  • "Check date";
  • “Position and full name of the inspector”;
  • “Results, shortcomings and evaluation”;
  • “The decision of the head of the company based on the results of the inspection and the note on the elimination of deficiencies.”

Step 4 - thorough verification of documents from citizens during the process of employment with the company. Those in the reserve must submit a military ID to the personnel department, and those who have not served - a registration certificate. It is necessary to make sure that the information and photos in these documents match the information in the passport.

Step 5 - filling out personal employee cards. They must indicate:

  • information about marital status;
  • education data;
  • place of work;
  • job title;
  • employee's place of residence.

Cards are usually stored in a special file cabinet. The filing system can be organized by departments or teams, and within them - alphabetically.

Step 6 - explaining to citizens their responsibilities for accounting and military training, monitoring their implementation by the employee.

Order on the organization of military registration (sample document)

A sample order is contained in Appendix 4 to the Methodological Recommendations. The document must contain the following information:

  • name of company;
  • date of issue of the order;
  • Document Number;
  • order on the organization of accounting;
  • details of the person responsible for maintaining records;
  • information about the deputy employee responsible for accounting in the company in the event of his temporary absence or incapacity for work;
  • information on control over the execution of the order.

The order is signed by the head of the organization and certified with the company seal. A copy of the document is sent to the military registration and enlistment office.

Military registration corner in the organization (contents, sample)

According to paragraph 39 of the Methodological Recommendations, the management of the organization is obliged to provide employees with background information on accounting, mobilization and preparation for it. The installation of a military registration corner makes it possible to clearly convey to employees the necessary information on these issues.

The legislation does not describe a sample corner. As a rule, it is designed in the form of a stand with illustrations and contains information defining:

  • accounting tasks;
  • responsibilities of employees;
  • liability for violation of accounting rules;
  • list of documents regulating military registration;
  • rules for passing training camps, etc.

Checking military records in organizations

Monitoring of accounting in large organizations (with more than 500 employees) is carried out once a year. The check is carried out by representatives of the military registration and enlistment office or local government bodies. If the number of employees in a company is less than 500 people, inspection can be expected once every 3 years.

Inspectors evaluate the reliability of the organization’s documents related to record keeping: personal cards of employees, work plan for record keeping. The results of the inspection are recorded in a special journal.

As you can see, keeping records and maintaining up-to-date information about employees liable for military service is an important function of organizations. With the help of this system, government agencies can effectively monitor the performance of working citizens of their military duty.

Organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, must keep military records of their employees (Clause 6, Clause 1, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996). The purpose of military registration is to ensure in peacetime full and high-quality staffing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and during periods of mobilization, martial law and wartime, also to meet the needs for human resources of state authorities, local governments and organizations ( Clause 2 of the Regulations Let us present step-by-step instructions for military registration in an organization in 2019. Let us recall that for maintaining military registration in an organization, the Methodological Recommendations, relevant for 2019, were approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017.

Step 1: appoint responsible persons

Who is responsible for military records in organizations and who maintains them? Speaking about the organization of military records in a company (step-by-step instructions), we should start with the fact that it is necessary to determine those responsible for maintaining such records. The head of the organization is responsible for the state of military registration (clause 9 of the Regulations, approved by Government Resolution No. 719 of November 27, 2006). And the person appointed by the head of the organization on the basis of an order is directly involved in maintaining military records. Of course, the obligation to maintain military records should be included in the job responsibilities of such an employee.

The number of employees appointed responsible for maintaining military records in an organization depends on the number of employees registered with the military. To determine how many employees need to be allocated for maintaining military records, it is necessary to establish the total number of citizens registered with the military in the organization as of December 31 of the previous year (clause 19 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006). In this case, the following standards are used (clause 12 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006).

If an organization has 2 or more employees assigned to conduct military registration, they are combined into a separate unit called the military registration table.

At the same time, the head of the organization must not only appoint employees to maintain military records, but also provide them with specially equipped premises and iron cabinets that would ensure the safety of military registration documents (clause 21 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006) .

Step 2: determine the circle of workers subject to military registration

According to the rules for maintaining military registration in organizations in 2019, the following employees are subject to military registration (clause 14 of the Regulations

  • conscripts;
  • persons liable for military service.
Conscripts Persons liable for military service
Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years old who are required to be registered with the military and are not in the reserves Citizens in reserve:
- males in reserve;
— discharged from military service and enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
— have successfully completed training at military departments at federal state educational organizations of higher education in military training programs for reserve officers, military training programs for sergeants, reserve foremen, or military training programs for soldiers and reserve sailors;
- those who have not completed military service due to exemption from conscription;
- those who have not completed military service due to the provision of deferments from conscription for military service or who have not been called up for military service for any other reasons, upon reaching the age of 27 years;
- discharged from military service without military registration and subsequently registered with military commissariats;
— have completed alternative civil service;
— female, having military registration specialties in accordance with the Appendix to the Regulations, approved. Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006

And for which employees are military records not kept?

Military registration in organizations is not maintained in relation to, in particular, the following employees (clause 15 of the Regulations, approved by Government Resolution No. 719 of November 27, 2006):

  • exempted from military duty in accordance with Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”;
  • female workers who do not have a military specialty;
  • permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;
  • workers who have military ranks of officers and are in the reserves of the SVR or FSB.

Step 3: we obtain documents for maintaining military records from conscripts and those liable for military service

Military registration in organizations and filling out personal cards is carried out on the basis of the following documents (clause 25 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017).

Step 4: develop and maintain military registration documents

What documents should an organization maintain for military registration?

As part of maintaining military records, the organization develops (maintains) the following documents (clause 39 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017):

  • order on the organization of military registration of citizens, including reservation of citizens in reserve;
  • card index of personal cards form No. T-2. In section 2 “Information on military registration” of the employee’s personal card in form No. T-2 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1) military registration of conscripts and those liable for military service is maintained;
  • log of inspections of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • receipts for receiving military registration documents from citizens;
  • official paperwork (a separate matter) on the issues of maintaining military records of citizens and booking citizens in the reserve in the organization;
  • other documents in accordance with the requirements established by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and heads of organizations;
  • reference information on military registration, mobilization training and mobilization.

The sample documents required for maintaining military records in an organization can be found, in particular, in the Methodological Recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations (approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017). Among the samples of military registration documents in the organization in the specified Methodological Recommendations, for example, are given:

  • order on organizing military registration of citizens, incl. reservations for citizens staying in reserve;
  • employee personal card (form No. T-2);
  • receipt for receipt of military registration documents for citizens;
  • work plan for maintaining military records and booking citizens in reserve;
  • log of inspections of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Step 5: we perform and monitor the fulfillment of military registration duties

The responsibilities of managers, as well as other employees responsible for military registration work, are provided for by Federal Law No. 53-FZ dated March 28, 1998, as well as the Regulations, approved. Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006.

Responsibility group Types of responsibilities
Responsibilities for ensuring the registration of citizens with military records at their place of work (clause 30 of the Regulations - check with citizens of the Russian Federation hired for work the presence of marks in their passports about their relationship to military duty, the presence and authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of the entries in them, marks of military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization documents instructions (for those liable for military service in the reserve, if there are marks on the delivery of a mobilization order on their military ID), tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for those liable for military service, if there is a mark on the delivery of the token on the military ID);
— fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in military registration documents. At the same time, information about the marital status, education, place of work (division of the organization), position, place of residence or place of stay of citizens, other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration is clarified;
— explain to citizens the procedure for fulfilling their duties for military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, monitor their implementation, and also inform citizens about responsibility for failure to fulfill these duties;
- inform military commissariats about unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and forgeries found in military registration documents, incomplete numbers of sheets, as well as cases of failure by citizens to fulfill their duties in the field of military registration, mobilization training and mobilization
Responsibilities for collecting, storing and processing information contained in the personal cards of citizens subject to military registration (clause 31 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006) — determine citizens who are subject to military registration at their place of work and (or) place of residence, and take the necessary measures to register them with military authorities;
— maintain and store personal cards of citizens registered with the military in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Responsibilities for maintaining up-to-date information contained in personal cards, as well as in military registration documents of military commissariats (clause 32 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006) — send within 2 weeks to the relevant military commissariats and (or) local government bodies information about citizens subject to military registration and their acceptance or dismissal from work. If necessary, and for conscripts without fail, in order to register for military service at the place of residence or place of stay or to clarify the necessary information contained in military registration documents, notify citizens of the need to personally appear at the relevant military commissariats or local government bodies;
- send within 2 weeks, at the request of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local government bodies, the necessary information about citizens who are registered with the military, as well as about citizens who are not, but are required to be registered with the military;
- submit annually, in September, to the relevant military commissariats lists of male citizens aged 15 and 16 years, and before November 1 - lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration next year;
— check at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the military registration documents of citizens;
— check at least once a year, in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the military registration documents of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local governments;
- enter into personal cards information about changes in marital status, education, structural unit of the organization, position, place of residence or place of stay, health status of citizens registered with the military, and report these changes to military commissariats within 2 weeks;
- notify citizens about calls (subpoenas) of the relevant military commissariats or local authorities and provide them with the opportunity to timely appear at the places indicated by the military commissariats, including during periods of mobilization, martial law and in wartime

Responsibility for violations in maintaining military records

Current legislation provides for administrative liability in the form of a fine for violation of certain instructions on maintaining military records in organizations. It is imposed on the manager or other official responsible for military registration work.

Type of offense Amount of fine Base
Failure to submit, within the prescribed period, to the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration, lists of citizens subject to initial military registration from 300 to 1,000 rubles Art. 21.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Failure to report to the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration information about citizens hired or dismissed from work who are or are required to be, but are not registered with the military Part 3 Art. 21.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Failure to notify citizens of being summoned by a military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration, as well as failure to provide citizens with the opportunity to timely appear when summoned by a military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration from 500 to 1,000 rubles


A medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is the process of examining young people to determine the category of their suitability for service in the Armed Forces. Medical examination of young men of the conscription category is carried out by the medical staff of the military commissariat at the medical commission. A medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is a mandatory procedure for every young man.

Rules for preparing for a medical examination

Medical examinations for spring conscripts, as a rule, begin in March. By this time, during the winter period, young men of military age should begin the preparatory process related to the preparation of the necessary documents to submit them to the military registration and enlistment office. Autumn conscripts, as a rule, engage in these activities in the summer season; for them, the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office begins in September.

The medical commission at the commissariat traditionally consists of seven main specialists in various fields: a therapist, a surgeon, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, and an otolaryngologist. If such a need arises, the medical commission may include other medical specialists.

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The procedure for passing the medical staff

Each medical specialist participating in the commission, in his or her specialty, determines the appropriate fitness category for the conscript arriving for a medical examination:

  • A - suitable without restrictions;
  • B - suitable with certain restrictions;
  • B - limited use;
  • G - temporarily unsuitable;
  • D - completely unsuitable.

Based on a medical examination, a decision is made for each person who is of conscription age: subject to conscription, in need of deferment from service, unfit for service in the Armed Forces and has the right to complete exemption from military duty.

It has long been no secret that many citizens eligible for conscription into the army in accordance with current legislation do not have the desire to voluntarily give up their sacred duty to the Motherland. In this regard, medical staff of military commissariats do everything possible to simply “not detect” the diseases existing among conscripts, even those that are considered quite serious.

And if there is any illness that entitles you to a full or partial exemption from military service, you should worry about this in advance. For this purpose, in the hospital institution at your place of residence, you must first obtain all documents, conclusions, and an examination report, which will be a confirming factor in the presence of such a disease.

All prepared documentation is endorsed by the signatures of the attending physicians and the seal of the medical center that diagnosed you, prescribed a course of treatment and observed you throughout this period.

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Determination of suitability for military service

It would be appropriate to note here that not only diseases of a chronic or incurable nature need confirmation, but also existing health problems of a temporary nature, which may be an obstacle to full service. For example, a diagnosis of concussion. The conscription medical commission is obliged to take into account all submitted documents of this nature.
During the work of the medical commission, doctors must study existing diseases and compare them with a special list of diseases. After all, it is there that there is a list of diagnoses that can affect suitability for full service in the Armed Forces.

At the same time, in the required section corresponding to a particular disease, a group is entered that is assigned to a guy of military age. The schedule of all diseases includes subgroups. They combine diseases of any organ or a single system: mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, respiratory organs, digestive tract, skin, etc.

Thus, the main task of the draft medical commission is the correct distribution of the draft batch into health groups. A general commission of doctors issues a final verdict on the suitability (or lack thereof) of a conscript to serve in the army based on the available medical results.

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Additional medical commission

In the event that a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office for some reason does not allow determining the degree of suitability of a conscript for military service, he has the right to be sent for an additional medical examination.

Doctors will conduct a second medical examination; based on its results, a decision is made and a report is drawn up, which records the opinion on the need for a treatment course or exemption from military duty. This document must be certified by the chief physician and the seal of the institution. The inspection report is submitted to the military commissariat. On this issue, the draft commission meets again, which determines the degree of a person’s suitability for military service.

Based on current laws, every person has the right to make his own decision about applying to a medical institution. Also, the conscript can determine for himself whether he should undergo a treatment course or refuse it. Based on this, a young man of military age may refuse the offer to undergo an additional medical examination.

But it should be remembered that this action of the conscript can be regarded as a deliberate evasion of military service. There is a second side to this situation: doctors have the right to declare him fit for military service.

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Control medical check

We have already figured out how the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office takes place. Let's consider another concept - control inspection. If a conscript, due to his health, has received a deferment from conscription into the army due to his current unfitness for service, then by the end of the deferment period or before the new conscription period he is required to undergo a control medical examination. It is carried out by a federal draft commission.

The same commission may consider conscripts who have expressed disagreement with the conclusions of the commissions that checked their health status in the military commissariats. By the way, the conscript himself does not have to come to such a commission - the main thing is to present his medical record and other supporting documents. If any doubts arise, the conscript is notified by the commission and arrives for the conversation in person.

The results of the commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are an unambiguous conclusion for all military commissariats and other structures.

If the verdict of the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office does not suit the future defender of the Motherland, he has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

Based on the conclusion of this commission, a final conclusion is made about the person’s suitability for service. A decision is also made on his conscription or alternative service. In the same way, the right to a deferment until full recovery, exemption from military duty, or enlistment of a citizen in the reserve can be given.

Keeping military records in an organization is the responsibility of every company, and far from being a right, as many believe. The Federal Law “On Defense” dated May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ tells us about this (clause 6, clause 1, article 8). At the same time, many organizations neglect this responsibility, since fines for dishonest maintenance of military records in an organization or failure to keep it at all are negligible compared to violations of other areas of personnel records management, and do not exceed 1000 rubles for each type of violation (Chapter 21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) . However, every company sooner or later comes to the need to establish military registration, since regional military registration and enlistment offices visit every company operating in the territory entrusted to them with a certain frequency. In addition, you need to remember that a fine can be imposed for each “incident” of violation, and not just for the fact of the violation.

In this article we will look at the main questions that arise for HR specialists during the work on organizing military records in a company. Indeed, despite the presence of precise instructions from the General Staff, immediately at the beginning of work, especially when this is done for the first time in the life of a specialist, instructions become insufficient. A clearly constructed plan is needed. It is on the principle of the plan that our article will be structured.

When starting work on organizing military registration, first of all, it is necessary to study all the governing documents. The so-called “working folder” will help with this, containing printed guidelines for maintaining military records (laws). Such a folder must be in every organization and contain the Federal Law dated 04/24/1996 No. 61 “On Defense”, Federal Law dated 01/24/1997 No. 31 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law dated 03/06/1998 No. 53 “On military duty and military service", Code of the Russian Federation "On Administrative Offences" Chapter 21, Comments to the Code of the Russian Federation "On Administrative Violations" Chapter 21, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2001 "On Martial Law", Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2006 No. 719 " On approval of the Regulations on military registration”, Guidelines for the organization and maintenance of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve (GPZ). During the inspection, the inspector will definitely pay attention to this folder and, if it does not exist, he will definitely order it to be created. In addition, it is assumed that the employee responsible for military records in the organization must know and constantly study the governing documents, therefore, if you are going to keep military records according to all the rules, then having this folder is, first of all, in your interests, and then – in the interests of passing the inspection.

The responsibility for maintaining military records is assigned to the head of the organization “by default.” However, the enterprise must have an order appointing someone responsible for maintaining military records, indicating a replacement employee for the period of absence of the main one (business trip, vacation, sick leave). The form of the order to appoint someone responsible for military registration in the organization is given in the guidelines for organizing and maintaining military registration and reservation of the military reserve and is mandatory. The order is prepared annually and must be agreed upon with the military registration and enlistment office (after approval, the signature of the military commissar with the seal of the military registration and enlistment office appears on the order, which confirms the fulfillment of the document approval rule). Next, a package of documents is prepared for registering the organization with military registration: an organization card for F-18 and a plan of work for military registration for the year, which is also agreed upon annually with the district military registration and enlistment office. Form 18 is filled out based on statistical data on the organization’s employees at the time of preparation of the document and contains data on the organization, the total number of employees, as well as the number of citizens in the reserve and working in the organization, distinguished by composition and degree of suitability for military service. The work plan is prepared in accordance with the form given in the guidelines for organizing and maintaining military records and reservations of the Civil Defense Forces. Depending on the military registration and enlistment office and region, when registering an organization for military registration, you may also need a notice of registration of the organization for military registration, Form 6, a plan for replacing specialists during mobilization and wartime, as well as a list of conscripts.

Particular attention should be paid to the card index of personal cards of citizens in reserve. It is built according to the T-2 form, but is sorted by composition:

  • separately personal cards of reserve officers;
  • separately personal cards of warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors;
  • separate personal cards of female citizens in reserve;
  • separately personal cards of citizens subject to conscription for military service.

All T-2 cards of citizens subject to reserve and working / working employees must be recorded in the T-2 card register. The form of the journal is given in the guidelines for organizing and maintaining military records and reservations of the Civil Defense Forces and is mandatory. According to the form of the journal, columns are provided for notes on registration and deregistration of GPP in the organization. Please note that journaling may be done electronically. However, at the time of inspection, it will need to be printed and presented to the inspector as evidence of compliance. When an employee is dismissed, the T-2 card is transferred to the archive. Unlike T-2 cards for employee registration, T-2 cards for those liable for military service are stored for 3 years (T-2 cards for employees - 75 years) after dismissal.

When hiring an employee, as well as when building a file of those liable for military service, pay attention to the correctness of the completed military registration data in the T-2 card:

  • The composition (profile) is filled out without abbreviations based on the data of the military registration document: command, engineering and technical, military-humanitarian, pedagogical, legal, medical, veterinary.
  • The full code designation of the VUS is also indicated in the military registration document and is entered on the card in full accordance with the military ID.
  • The category of fitness for military service is also presented on the corresponding page in the military ID. At the same time, if there is no record of fitness, then fitness category “A” is indicated (this often happens with reserve officers).
  • The name of the military commissariat is indicated in accordance with the last entry in the military ID.
  • The column “Registered with the military” is filled in according to the following lines:

a) in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders;

b) for citizens reserved with the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime (section I, clause 4 of the military ID).

  • A note on removal from military registration is made in the personal card of those citizens who have reached the age limit for being in the reserve or are declared unfit for military service for health reasons.
  • Citizens subject to conscription for military service (up to 27 years of age): the columns “Reserve category”, “Composition (profile)”, “Full code designation of the military service” and “Registered with the military” are not filled in . In the column “Military rank” an entry is made in pencil “subject to conscription.”
  • The category of suitability for military service is written in letters in accordance with the data of the military registration document:
    A - fit for military service.
    B - fit for military service with minor restrictions.
    B—limitedly fit for military service.
    D - temporarily unfit for military service (re-examination period).
    D - unfit for military service (removed from military registration).

When building a card index, you should also pay attention to such card fields as “knowledge of foreign languages” and “education”. Military commissioners pay attention to the information in these fields and believe that they must be filled out, despite 152-FZ (On the Protection of Personal Data) and the absence of educational requirements for the employee’s position. They motivate their requirement to fill out these fields by the fact that military registration and enlistment offices will urgently need this data in case of mobilization or wartime. This may be true, but for us, personnel officers, this circumstance, of course, does not make our work easier. Especially if the company has less than 500 employees - in this case, the employee is engaged in military registration along with his main job. And only when the GPP is more than 500, is a separate worker assigned to this area of ​​work.

Each organization, in addition to a file cabinet, a working folder, an order appointing someone responsible for military registration and an agreed work plan, must also have a log of checks on the implementation of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The form of the journal is given in the guidelines for organizing and maintaining military records and reservations of the Civil Defense Forces and is mandatory. In this magazine, representatives of the administration and military commissars who will come with inspections will give their comments and assessments - annually for more than 500 employees and once every 3 years for less than 500 employees.

The last step in this difficult task of organizing military registration at an enterprise from scratch will be the preparation of a working folder where all outgoing and incoming military registration documentation will be stored. It is to this folder that notices of hiring and dismissal of employees, prepared within 2 weeks, correspondence with military registration and enlistment offices, and so on will be transferred for storage. It is recommended to prepare all outgoing documents in 2 copies - one for the military registration and enlistment office, the second for the employer. The documents must be marked with the originating number and date. It is recommended to submit documents submitted directly to military registration and enlistment offices according to the inventory, and when sending by mail, be sure to include an inventory of the shipment. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to prove that you carried out military registration work in a timely manner, in accordance with legal requirements.

Further maintenance of military records is carried out in accordance with the plan for maintaining military records in the organization in compliance with the deadlines specified in the plan.

* * *

As you can see, in principle there is nothing complicated in maintaining military records. There is more monotonous paperwork here, which not everyone likes. In addition, the work on setting up and maintaining military records is quite labor-intensive, since it requires the presence of a separate T-2 card index of those liable for military service, which also needs to be maintained, filled out and replenished, like the main one.

Whether or not to keep military records - of course, the company can decide for itself, as well as whether to pay wages to employees on a card, reporting to all relevant funds, or give it out in envelopes, depriving employees of future pensions and other benefits. But, based on experience, if your company has already appeared in the military registration and enlistment office in one way or another, then you will have to carry out military registration according to all the rules.



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