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Kvachkov Vladimir Vasilievich: the latest news straight from prison. Kvachkov Vladimir: biography and interesting facts

In the “extremism” line, we work only with those groups that are able to offer the population a clear ideological platform and create a network effect. Liberals have an ideology, but liberals today do not scare anyone: firstly, they are completely discredited in the eyes of the population; secondly, they have something to lose and they will not rush to the embrasures. The main sources of threat to us today are Nazis, neo-pagans and Wahhabis. Kvachkov grist to the mill of some, and others, and others.

For 10 years, the government has been fighting the ghosts of the “Orange Revolution,” discrediting liberals, raising imperial slogans, bringing back into the 21st century atavisms of the past, like the Stalinist anthem. The authorities have achieved their goal: a protest wave has begun to form today on the far right flank, whose banner is Colonel Kvachkov. What attracts both radical nationalists and young officers to him? The New Times visited the rebel officer's cell, attended rallies in his support, spoke with both his comrades and those who see Kvachkov as a real threat to the Kremlin

Retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, now a prisoner in cell No. 73-74 of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, has a glorious military past behind him: a holder of two Orders of Courage and the Order of the Red Star, commander of a GRU special forces brigade, an experienced practitioner of sabotage and military intelligence, who carried out numerous special assignments in Afghanistan. In his biography, everything is logical until March 2005, and then - an accusation of a clumsy attempt on the life of Anatoly Chubais, more like a training detonation of a shell-free explosive device by first-year cadets, three years on trial and investigation, two acquittals by a jury and now a new charge. This time he is charged with “organizing a military rebellion” and “assisting terrorist activities” (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 279 and 205.1, respectively). The investigation has not yet provided any specific charges or evidence to Kvachkov’s lawyers and relatives. The only source of information about the essence of the case, according to Kvachkov’s lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina, remains an article in the newspaper “Top Secret”*

Whirlwinds are hostile

For professionals who are at least somewhat familiar with the organization of special operations, the scenario described in the newspaper is astonishing in its primitiveness. The idea of ​​the rebellion boiled down to the following: a gathering of rebels from the Minin and Pozharsky People's Militia created by Colonel Kvachkov, numbering up to 600 people under the guise of tourists, hunters and fishermen, was scheduled for July 20–24 last year. The combat mission is to capture the Kovrov training tank division (467th district training center), warehouses and arsenals of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate, and then according to the classics of the genre: police, FSB, other military units. Along the way it was supposed to take Vladimir, Ivanovo, the main direction of the attack was Moscow! The FSB allegedly managed to thwart the plan at the last moment with the help of fighters from the Alpha group.

The writer Alexander Prokhanov, who knows Kvachkov well, assessed the “attempt at rebellion” this way: “In reality, he has nothing. It was all a fantasy, a war tale he told himself. There are people who are fascinated by this fantasy, but nothing more. Kvachkov, of course, has a feeling of the Russian tragedy, he is personally ready to become an accomplice in ridding the country of its ills, but the methods he openly proclaims mean nothing other than a psyche undermined in the war and in prison (in Afghanistan, while performing special tasks, Kvachkov received shell shock and a moderate injury), they don’t say.” And he concluded: “It is best to find out the details of this conspiracy story from a psychiatrist.”

The most discussed book in officer circles is “Strike of the Russian Gods” by Istarkhov. An explosive mixture of paganism, Slavophilism, anti-Semitism, the cult of strength and the “new” national idea

Former colleagues in the GRU, who recognize the colonel’s professionalism and personal courage, refuse to comment on the current story with Kvachkov - in a nutshell, the colonel’s behavior does not seem very adequate to them. Kvachkov’s former cellmates also note his “obsession with the problem.” Then why did they choose to put him back in prison?

Fears of power

A high-ranking interlocutor of The New Times from the Central Office of the FSB, who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity, answered this question this way: “For the first time, Kvachkov greatly frightened the Kremlin during mass rallies in Kaliningrad* There, Kvachkov’s “militia” discussed scenarios for seizing the airport. And this is not nonsense about a tank attack on Moscow. There is no need for great strength here. Besides, this is an enclave. As soon as the idea was suggested, people were already on the streets. It’s not right to drop assault divisions of the Airborne Forces on Kaliningrad!”

*Mass protest rallies in Kaliningrad took place in February 2010 and were caused by the decision to increase the transport tax. The main slogan of the demonstrations was “Boos and Putin resign!”

Another FSB employee, an operational officer of a regional department for one of the central regions of the Russian Federation, commenting on the detention of Colonel Kvachkov, noted: “On the line of “extremism,” we work only with those groups that are able to offer the population a clear ideological platform and create a network effect. Liberals have an ideology, but liberals today do not scare anyone: firstly, they are completely discredited in the eyes of the population; secondly, they have something to lose and they will not rush to the embrasures. The main sources of threat to us today are Nazis, neo-pagans and Wahhabis. Kvachkov grist to the mill of some, and others, and others. For too long he was allowed to say things for which others would have been imprisoned long ago. It is only at first glance that it seems that Wahhabis and nationalists have nothing to agree on: some need the Caucasus, others need a Slavic state without “khachs” and Caucasians. There is a common enemy in the face of Putin's team. Why not make the Caucasus a bargaining chip?”

Finally, another FSB detective seconded to Dagestan from Moscow, on condition of anonymity, explained to The New Times what, according to the authorities, the honored colonel and the “frostbitten” Caucasian Wahhabis have in common: “There are not many truly believers among the Caucasians. But no one can do anything about the flow of people who want to join the Wahhabis. For them, everything is simple: “Look at the sh... but all around. Come to us to fight injustice. And they go!

Headquarters in Lefortovo

“Why was I imprisoned the very next day after the Supreme Court confirmed the acquittal in the case of the attempt on Chubais?” - a reserve GRU colonel asks The New Times correspondent. “They were afraid of Manezhnaya Square and decided that the youth patriotic movement could merge with my comrades.”

Swamp hoodie, dark blue sweatpants, flip-flops - Vladimir Kvachkov feels quite comfortable in cell No. 73-74 of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, where he has been since December 23 last year. According to Kvachkov, he chose the bunk near the door not far from the toilet, tightly closed with a round lid (not separated from the rest of the cell by any partition), according to Kvachkov. I didn’t want to sleep by the window. There are only two such dual cameras in Lefortovo. It looks like adjacent rooms in a Khrushchev building, only the ceilings are higher, and instead of a door there is a semi-arch separating one room from another. The colonel has two neighbors. The prisoners flatly refused to name the charges under which they were imprisoned. Kvachkov introduced them to The New Times correspondent as follows: “Combat officer and professor at St. Petersburg University. The people are intelligent." They don’t like that they have to listen to Mayak’s broadcasts, which they call “a radio station for oligophrenics.”

“When we are taken out for a walk, the Mayak is turned on at full power so that prisoners from different exercise yards cannot shout at each other,” Kvachkov told The New Times. “I plug my ears with earplugs.”

However, the colonel does not complain about the conditions of detention. “I have no complaints about the administration, I have complaints about the authorities,” he says. Kvachkov refuses to participate in investigative actions. We tried to interrogate him on the “case of the Primorye partisans” - it didn’t work out*

*Six people who are accused of murders and robbery committed against employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Primorsky Territory in February-June 2010..

“They are trying to force me to give the testimony necessary for the investigation,” says the colonel. - They want me to name the names of participants in the all-Russian people's militia movement. I refuse: I am not allowed to meet with my wife and am forbidden to meet with my confessor, Bishop Afanasy Zhuzhda. I moved to the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church - The New Times) and received communion with them, so I don’t want another priest to come to me. I received an explanation from the 3rd Department of the Investigative Department of the FSB of Russia that RosPTs is not registered in Russia, but this is not true"*

*The Russian Orthodox Church is a “splinter” of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, which in 2008 merged with the Moscow Patriarchate. RosPTs in Russia has about 30 parishes, but is registered only in the Komi Republic. However, the law “On Freedom of Conscience” does not require mandatory registration of a religious group, so, according to experts, there is no ban on a priest visiting an unregistered church in a pre-trial detention center.

Kvachkov spends time reading: the latest is a book of articles by Trotsky and Nikolai Berdyaev “The Fate of Russia.” About the first book he says: “You need to know your enemies by sight.” And Berdyaev rereads it with pleasure. In three months, the colonel has already received 70 letters from the outside. “They write from everywhere,” he boasts, “everyone hopes for my release.” He himself sent several dozen letters. Of these, only one did not pass prison censorship: there seemed to be some calls against the authorities. But Kvachkov is not offended, he understands. Recalling other Moscow pre-trial detention centers where they had to sit on the first charge, he says that 90% of the prisoners sitting there are guilty, but 70% of them were driven into prison by the authorities - the origins of the crimes lie in the social sphere.

Kvachkov likes the food in Lefortovo more than army cuisine. The only trouble is that one of the cooks always undercooks the pasta. The only thing missing in the pre-trial detention center is boiled sausage. “In other prisons where I was imprisoned, they allowed the transfer of such sausage, but here it is not allowed, they say the shelf life is short. I would really like sausages for Easter,” says the colonel.


In the programmatic article “Towards the Transformation of Russia”, written by Kvachkov for adherents of the People’s Militia named after Minin and Pozharsky, which he heads, he gives arguments that are understandable to everyone who is even in the slightest degree rooted for what is happening in the country today: “The main thing is important for us now the systemic reason (of the collapse of the Russian state - The New Times) is the loss of a sense of truth and justice... The feeling of falsity of state and public life has become widespread... Today's total deception and fraudulent manipulation of public opinion cannot be compared with the previous party “pranks”.

Colonel Kvachkov also has an ideological platform - “Russian Orthodox socialism” and a new gathering of Russia into “a triune Russian people: Great Russians, Little Russians, Belarusians.” This is quite enough for radical nationalists of all stripes, who are experiencing a shortage of people-symbols, whose biography does not end with street fights and pogroms of unfortunate Central Asian migrants, to rally around Kvachkov himself.

The wedding of Vladimir Vasilyevich and Nadezhda Mikhailovna Kvachkov in the house church of Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 4 in Medvedkovo. January 2008

Support groups

In mid-March, rallies were held in 29 Russian cities in support of Vladimir Kvachkov. The most numerous are in Moscow. Based on the composition of the protesters, one could easily determine the colonel’s “electoral base.” There were 400–500 people at Chistye Prudy. About the same amount as in the failed “tank attack” on Moscow. In the enclosure, fenced off by riot police, people behaved with military restraint. The average age of those gathered is 55–60 years. Retired officers were easily discernible in their clothes, hairstyles, and manner of communication. In the cordon of the stands are young, athletic-looking guys with short-cropped bare heads and inscrutable faces. A similar type can be seen in photographs from military sports camps of radical nationalists. Despite the damp wind and piercing March cold, they didn’t even move during the entire 2 hours of the rally.

Despite all the outward calm, it was felt that everyone in this fenced crowd was heated to the limit. “Putin is a traitor! Medvedev is a traitor! Serdyukov is a traitor! For the collapse of Russia and the undermining of the Armed Forces, sentence the traitors to capital punishment!” - the speakers' calls, cut in a military style, were not distinguished by their friendliness towards the authorities. To each such call, people standing in the crowd, as if letting off accumulated steam, briefly shouted: “That’s right! It is high time!" People in army hats and camouflage on the podium were replaced by priests in robes, young radical nationalists like Dmitry Dyomushkin from the now banned “Slavic Union”, leaders of other nationalist movements, for example Yuri Ekishev - one of the leaders of the banned Movement against Illegal Immigration, who now heads the movement "ParaBellum", lawyers and relatives of the colonel. Above the heads of the protesters fluttered the flags of the Airborne Forces, the banners of the People's Militia named after Minin and Pozharsky created by Kvachkov, and the banners of the Party for the Defense of the Russian Constitution, whose abbreviation - MANPADS - well caught the attention of the serving people with its consonance with the portable anti-aircraft missile system known among the troops. There were quite a few young people who had a military bone in them.

“I’m ready to sign Kvachkov’s every word,” says Grigory, a young captain-lieutenant who was sent ashore and laid off from the Black Sea Fleet. - Everything that happens in the navy and in the troops is a complete fraud. Only instructor officers from training centers work “for show” with modern weapons. Ordinary combat officers don’t really know how to do anything - they simply don’t have the practice. Lieutenants are forced into sergeant positions. The feeling of the deliberate collapse of the Armed Forces is complete! No one cares about young officers! Dissatisfied? Goodbye!"

Vasily P., the current deputy commander of a unit from the Moscow region, commented to The New Times on the views of the officers subordinate to him: “There is no need to talk about any ideology, much less a systemic worldview of officers today. Vinaigrette and nothing more. In official classes there is a continuous formalism from United Russia propaganda, flavored with comments from special propaganda officers about the “world behind the scenes”, the “fifth column” and “enemies of Russian statehood” who finance terrorism. The concepts of internationalism and friendship of peoples, cultivated in Soviet times, are disappearing along with the latest generations of Soviet officers. At the same time, the most discussed book in officer circles is “Strike of the Russian Gods” by Istarkhov. An explosive mixture of paganism, Slavophilism, anti-Semitism, the cult of strength and the “new” national idea. Among the “young people” there are many leftists who sympathize with the ideas of Stalinist mobilization. There are a lot of offended officers among the fired officers. I don’t think they are ready for an armed struggle against the state they served only yesterday, but there is no doubt that Kvachkov will find a large number of sympathizers in their circle.”

From slogans to action?

Leader of the Military Power Union of Russia, formerly head of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel General in reserve Leonid Ivashov, when asked by The New Times whether it is in principle possible to create an organized military-patriotic opposition on the social basis of veterans of the Armed Forces and just young officers dismissed due to staff reduction* (* According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the number of officers dismissed over the past year was about 140 thousand people.), noted: “The opposition movement of people who wore shoulder straps is absolutely real. The “Officers' Assembly”, in the creation of which Colonel Kvachkov takes an active part, as a public association of Russian officers of all ages, is such an opposition. For now, officers and veterans are being scattered into different parties, but at any moment it can grow into a real protest force. We must wait for a leader to appear. Then a headquarters will appear, and everything will be structured for new tasks.”

Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, reserve colonel Alexander Sharavin, does not agree with General Ivashov: “I think that Kvachkov and his supporters are too marginal to receive the support of the officer community. Of course, they throw their ideas onto fertile ground: it’s no joke, tens of thousands of officers and warrant officers have been fired, and therefore the danger from his activity should not be downplayed either. It only takes a handful of provocateurs to create problems for the authorities. Who was the first to shed blood in 1993? Terekhov with his “Union of Officers”* ( *The “Union of Russian Officers” of Stanislav Terekhov during the confrontation between Boris Yeltsin and the rebellious Supreme Council in 1993 was on the latter’s side.) And we remember how the smell of this blood affected the authorities. Therefore, I repeat: due to his marginality, Kvachkov is clearly not drawn to the leader of the officer uprising, but his words and calls to kill can provoke a lot of blood.”

Reserve Colonel General Eduard Vorobyov, former deputy commander-in-chief of the Russian Ground Forces, who was fired for refusing to lead the operation to send troops into Chechnya, speaks of the same thing: “Many mistakes were made during the reform of the Armed Forces, and this, of course, caused significant tension. But I am ready to assert that no one has ever dealt with the issues of social security for military personnel as substantively as is happening now. For housing and monetary support for military personnel, including those transferred to the reserve, the state has set clear deadlines, which it generally complies with. Under these conditions, the overwhelming majority of officers will not undertake any adventures. But if promises remain promises, then any scenarios are possible and many officers may end up in illegal protest structures.”

"They were late"

But Colonel Kvachkov’s wife, Nadezhda Mikhailova, believes that military experts simply do not know what is really happening on the ground: “Vladimir Vasilyevich has never hidden his views on what is happening in the country. Traveled a lot, met people. He was respected. They listened. This is precisely why he was detained. It's just too late. We're late. He's out of prison now

He can bring people out to the square.” I'd like to believe she's wrong.

MOSCOW, August 18 – RIA Novosti. The Volga District Military Court sentenced former GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, who is already serving a sentence for preparing a rebellion, to one and a half years in a maximum security colony.

Ex-Colonel Kvachkov denies guilt in a new case of calls for terrorismFormer Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate Vladimir Kvachkov, convicted of attempted armed rebellion, denies guilt in a new case of public calls for terrorism.

According to court materials, in June 2015, he recorded a video from the colony on his mobile phone, which was then published on the Internet. Experts considered that the video contained calls “to commit negative (aggressive, violent) actions against government officials in Russia.”

The prosecutor asked for three years in prison. The lawyer insisted that there was no corpus delicti. As a result, the court found the ex-colonel guilty.

In May, the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow sentenced Kvachkov’s associate Yuri Ekishev to one and a half years in a general regime colony in the same case.

Why is Kvachkov imprisoned?

In 2005, Kvachkov was charged with an attempt on the life of one of the most influential people in the Russian government of the 1990-2000s, now the head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais. A bomb was detonated in the path of Chubais' car, but the top manager was not injured.

Kvachkov's "militia" joined the list of terrorist organizationsThe movement was included in the list of terrorist organizations banned in Russia by a decision of the Moscow City Court, which came into force in August. Today the updated list appeared on the FSB portal.

After three years in prison, Kvachkov was acquitted. The jury concluded that the defendant's guilt had not been proven. The verdict was later overturned and the case was sent back for a new trial. In December 2010, the Supreme Court confirmed the acquittal, but a day later the court arrested Kvachkov on a new case of preparing an armed rebellion.

According to investigators, the retired colonel planned to seize weapons from several military units and then organize a campaign against Moscow. Kvachkov himself denies all accusations.

The court recognized Kvachkov’s book “Who Rules Russia” as extremistThe prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit to ban Vladimir Kvachkov's book "Who Rules Russia", published in a circulation of 2 thousand copies. In her opinion, the book contains signs of incitement to seize buildings of law enforcement agencies, media, and communication systems.

In February 2013, the Moscow City Court sentenced Kvachkov to 13 years in prison; later the Supreme Court commuted the sentence to eight years.

The People's Militia named after K. Minin and D. Pozharsky, created by a retired colonel, has joined the list of terrorist organizations banned in Russia. His book “Who Rules Russia” was considered extremist.

What is happening in the Russian law enforcement system is increasingly reminiscent of a farce. However, somehow there is no need to laugh. Those accused in the case of multibillion-dollar thefts are released, and the order-bearing GRU colonel is sent to the zone to serve a thirteen-year prison sentence. Vladimir Vasilyevich Kvachkov was convicted of “attempted armed rebellion” and “promoting terrorist activities.”

The law enforcement system has been trying to put the rebellious colonel behind bars for eight years. In 2005, Kvachkov was arrested for allegedly attempting to assassinate Anatoly Chubais. From March 2005 to June 2008 he was in Matrosskaya Tishina. The acquittal pronounced by the jury of the Moscow Regional Court did not stop the stubborn defenders of the constitutional order. The verdict was protested by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. And only on December 22, 2010, by the decision of the Supreme Court, the second acquittal was upheld. It would seem that the matter can be put to rest. However, the “defenders of the people against themselves” did not calm down. On December 23, the day after the acquittal was announced, Kvachkov was detained. And later he was arrested for preparing an armed rebellion.

Excerpt from the verdict: “...Under the guise of airsoft training, training was organized for the combat detachment of the organization created by Kvachkov.” I recommend that biathletes quickly change their rifles to slingshots, otherwise you never know what will come to the minds of the “saviors of the fatherland.”

How, according to investigators, was the coup supposed to happen, and how did the retired security officials prepare for it? Oh, there’s a lot of interesting things here and, if it weren’t for the verdict, you could just laugh out loud.

So, Kvachkov’s organization “People’s Militia named after Minin and Pozharsky” consisted of military and civilian units. Their members were “grandmothers, grandfathers, military pensioners, dissatisfied with their superiors, the authorities.” This is not a joke from a scribbling scribbler, but an excerpt from the prosecutor’s indictment. According to the investigation, Kvachkov traveled around Russia, coming into contact with people dissatisfied with the authorities and at the same time recruiting them into a terrorist organization of militants. It’s terrifying to imagine grandparents organized into illegal gangs, armed to the teeth and committing various outrages against the constitutional order.

But that is not all. It turns out that the former GRU colonel went much further. According to the FSB, Kvachkov’s supporters, a week before the putsch scheduled for late July-early August 2010, were supposed to gather under the guise of tourists in the forest near training center No. 467, located in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region. Divided into five groups, these thousand grandparents, quietly gathered in the forest, were supposed to seize the training center, blocking the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the same time. The latter, apparently, so as not to douse the “world fire” from their fire hoses.

The code words adopted among the conspirators also testify to the powerful conspiracy. Investigators identified what they called "tools" and the armored vehicles "lawn mowers." There are a lot of “tools” and “lawn mowers” ​​in the 467 training center. Moreover, it has man-portable anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank systems. This is what the officers of the center, called as prosecution witnesses, testified to. True, the ammunition for weapons is located in a well-guarded warehouse located in a residential town, far from the training center itself. The judge somehow did not notice that the seizure of a residential town was not part of the terrorists’ plans.

The further planned actions of the “putschists” cause a real shiver - using the captured equipment, the combat column was supposed to move to conquer Moscow directly along the Gorky Highway. At the same time, Kvachkov’s supporters were supposed to organize armed uprisings in other large cities of Russia, namely in St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Ufa and Yekaterinburg. Testimony against the leader of the Yekaterinburg “putschists” Leonid Khabarov, a colonel and hero of the Afghan war, was given by one of the local conspirators, Alexander Ermakov. The fact that Ermakov was declared insane and was sent for compulsory treatment also went unnoticed by the court. Again, it seems funny, but on February 18, Khabarov’s verdict is expected to be announced; the prosecutor asked to sentence him to 11 years in a maximum security colony.

As evidence of terrorism, several knives and two traumatic pistols were confiscated during a search at Kvachkov’s apartment. And also a disk with the seditious inscription “Death to the occupiers and traitors” and a book with the outrageous title “I am Russian and doing Russian work.”

The thirteen-year sentence, if it is not overturned, for 64-year-old Colonel Kvachkov, is actually a life sentence. I personally am not able to understand the logic of this prosecution. The only explanation seems to be the theory of a military conspiracy, born in the depths of the special services. Well, that’s how they would act, arresting the thoroughly corrupt heads of law enforcement agencies. The same ex-Minister of Defense, for example. Acting in conspiracy with other leaders and leaders.

How can you quickly and accurately determine who is a true patriot and who is a provocateur? This can be done quite quickly if you evaluate the deeds, and not just the words, of the character being studied. By deeds or lack thereof you can understand everything exactly...

Kvachkov – a hero or a provocateur? Or let’s kill ourselves together for our beloved Motherland and make way for the invaders...

Colonel Kvachkov, an honored officer who has gone through more than one war and suffered for the truth. He once commanded the GRU Special Forces Brigade, today this man leads the fight of the Russian people against the occupiers, as he puts it, against the Jewish power entrenched in the Kremlin.

He stigmatizes the Russian government so much during his speeches that you expect that a rally or meeting will end, and that the old honored colonel will immediately be arrested by representatives of the government that he just so boldly and openly scolded. Or, maximum 15 minutes after the rally, Kvachkov will get hit by a car - how long will it take to kill a patriot?

But time passes and nothing happens. People are judged for posting videos with a bad caricature on the Internet, they are labeled an extremist, but Kvachkov, who the Russian authorities call nothing less than the Jewish mafia, calls Putin a bastard and a traitor, is not touched.

What's the matter? Do not notice? No, it’s hard not to notice Kvachkov - the Internet is simply full of videos with the patriotic colonel.

Oh yes, Kvachkov was brought in on charges of organizing an attack on the main bloodsucker, Anatoly Chubais. Only this was a strange attempt: a TNT bomb and several machine-gun fires on Chubais’s armored car. Even the glass of an armored BMW can withstand a direct hit at close range from a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

A very strange organization of an ambush on the main enemy of the Russian people. To say the least, it is an amateurish organization. It seems that the attack was organized either by boys who did not even serve in the army, or by those who only wanted to create a public outcry with a full guarantee of the safety of Chubais himself.

We can definitely say that these were not boys. Do you know what is the first task the commander of a special forces group solves when organizing an ambush? Withdrawal of the group after completing the task. This is task number one - how to get away and cover your tracks.

It is difficult to expect that amateurs who could not even calculate the firepower required to defeat an enemy moving in an armored car were able to cover their tracks so skillfully after the assassination attempt that the best detectives in Russia searched and searched for them and never found them. And the would-be detectives had to involve an old innocent colonel who turned up.

It's somehow illogical. Obviously, this was a pseudo assassination attempt. Moreover, the organizers clearly went too far with the safety of the victim Anatoly Chubais: they could have at least detonated a landmine nearby, or fired at a car with a grenade launcher and missed. No. What if you accidentally get there, and there is Anatoly Borisovich. It is forbidden. That’s why it turned out to be such a funny attempt, but does the average person really understand it...
But if this is a pseudo assassination attempt, then who is the organizer? Who is the customer?

If you don’t know who did it, look for who benefits. The first thing that can be assumed is that Chubais organized it himself, and therefore took care of his safety. But why does Chubais need such PR? What is he missing? Maybe he needs fame? Chubais is a thief, and fame for a thief is unnecessary, to say the least, harmful.

He is the main specialist in Russia in cutting up budget money, which is why they put him in positions where they need to destroy things and steal money. Anatoly Borisovich does not need any unnecessary mention of his last name, causing curses and popular anger.

For his position, Chubais tries to be as non-public a person as possible. And this assassination attempt did not add anything to the main thief of Russia.

And what did the other person involved in this case, Kvachkov, acquire? Ooo. This is an interesting question. Fame and the image of a martyr (three years in prison), the image of a fighter for justice. Super popular among radical youth.

And he did not suffer punishment (he did not admit his guilt, otherwise he would not have gotten away with three years), and from a modest colonel, known only in narrow circles, he turned into a patriotic hero who challenged in court not just anyone, but the most important enemy of Russia.

After all, Chubais is a symbol of everything bad that has happened to Russia over the past twenty years. Boris Yeltsin appointed him the main culprit of all troubles: Chubais is to blame for everything! Remember? Kashchei the immortal - no less.

So what do we see now?

Chubais modestly steps aside and continues to steal money (here Rusnano was created for him with a multibillion-dollar fund - Chubais does not steal in small things), and a new hero enters the arena - Kvachkov.

And for the sake of a good legend, you can go to jail. I myself have been to places that are not so remote, and I know that there are different cells in prison. There are also comfortable, commercial ones, for which the inmate pays every day (or rather, they pay for it in freedom), like for a hotel. And everything is official. As they say, there are few people there, it’s not crowded at all, there’s no dampness, it’s clean and cozy, and there’s a refrigerator with a TV.

There are special cells for difficult prisoners, with special conditions. There is less comfort there, and supervision is strict, but there are few people and it is easier to sit. Judging by Kvachkov’s recollections that for some time he lived in the same “hut” with Khodorkovsky, he was not in a cell for mere mortals. You can be patient for the sake of the legend.
So is Kvachkov really playing for the same team as Chubais?

Maybe. If you can’t eliminate it, lead it. This is the law by which the so-called controlled opposition functions. And Kvachkov is the one who should have become very popular among the most radical opposition to the authorities. To lead it in the future.

Otherwise, how can we explain that Kvachkov, the toughest, most courageous of the opposition leaders, is still alive and at large? According to Russian laws, he has already sentenced himself to life imprisonment. Article 282, the “Russian” article, was invented just for people like him.

But for some reason they don’t imprison Kvachkov. Alive and well. Kvachkov’s comrade-in-arms, General Dubrov, much less popular than the hero-colonel, worked together with Kvachkov in preparing a rally of paratroopers scheduled for November 7th. A few days before the rally, the general fell from the platform under a passing train. By accident, of course. Apparently, Kvachkov turned out to be more honest.

So our hero-colonel at that very meeting did not even mention the deceased general! The team, apparently, was not from the owners. The meeting was supposed to be quiet and calm. Apparently, bold and denouncing speeches need to be spoken elsewhere. Managed opposition.

Let's give the old general his due: Dubrov is the same person who created the Russian anti-fascist committee, he is an honest fighter for truth, the author of the book “Generals about the Jewish Mafia.” A book recognized, of course, as extremist.

And what about Kvachkov? Not a word about a comrade! What is this if not betrayal?!

So, let’s say Kvachkov is a protege of the very government that he so boldly denounces. Why do the authorities need him?
Firstly, the colonel is not on his own. He has an electorate. There, gathered at the gate, what’s his name, the People! People are worried, and there are dissatisfied people. The dissatisfied need to be controlled somehow.

Secondly, they are not going to physically destroy us, the Russian people and representatives of other indigenous peoples of Russia, or bring NATO troops here when the army is completely killed and the last missile with a nuclear warhead in Transbaikalia finally rusts. They are not going to destroy us. We are already being destroyed! Physically. And in the most active way.

Only in schools we were not told about such nuances of the German plan. Why? Because in the light of such information, the entire Second World War, its goals and objectives look somewhat different. And if you consider that Hitler’s entire military industry was built in record time with the money of American Jewish bankers, then... But that’s another story.

Nobody in the world needs the Russian people. Territory is needed. Land, subsoil, minerals - everything is needed, but people are not needed. Poorly controlled, unpredictable in his love of freedom, although deeply asleep now, but very dangerous. Not needed. In the mines, those who are now called guest workers in Russia will cope much better. We need to clear the area.

And how to do it? Military power? We tried it. Does not work. At a critical moment, the Russian people wake up, reverse the avalanche of the enemy’s military power and crush the Berlin fortifications, which, according to all the rules of military science, were considered completely impregnable! And nothing remains of the military machine being created against Russia.

What to do?

It is necessary for the Russian people to begin to destroy themselves, since no one can cope with them! And among the people, first soft and unobtrusive, then more and more persistent propaganda of alcohol, then drugs begins, then there is a decomposition of the moral foundations of society...

“What kind of Russian are you if you don’t drink a hundred grams of vodka?” – Have you ever heard such a question? And this provocative question, which contains the assertion that a real Russian person and vodka are inseparable, was born only in the middle of the twentieth century. After the Patriotic War.

At the beginning of the century, the average alcohol consumption in the Russian Empire was 2-4 liters per person per year in terms of pure alcohol. And now it is 20 liters. Then, according to the World Health Organization, the degeneration of a nation begins at 8 liters per year! So much for destruction. More than two thousand deaths a day! Why not the Patriotic War?! Deaths in one way or another related to alcohol: “drunk” heart attacks and strokes, “drunk” accidents, “drunk” domestic crimes, etc.

But in general the nation is degenerating! Over the past few years, twenty thousand villages have disappeared in Russia! What, all the residents left for the city? Some left, and some stayed. Lie in the ground. The village in Russia has already drunk itself to death. And this is no secret to anyone. And what about Kvachkov: “Our government is Jewish, the Soviet Union has collapsed and is destroying the army!” Yes, the power here and in the Soviet Union was not entirely Russian...

Let's take another weapon of destruction of entire nations, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and food products based on them. Doctor of Biological Sciences Ermakova Irina Vladimirovna, an internationally recognized expert on GMO problems, conducted the following experiment several years ago. She fed laboratory mice GMO soy. The purpose of the experiment was simple: to track the effect of GM products on the fifth generation of mice.

The experiment was carried out three times and all three times failed. There was no second generation in mice actively consuming GMOs. Only 40% of the cubs born were alive, although weakened, and most importantly: all the cubs, as it turned out later, were infertile! And Ermakova took GMO soy for her experiments, by the way, from a Moscow meat processing plant, where this soy was added to sausage. After all, the sale of GMOs in Russia is still not prohibited, despite numerous objections from biologists.

Many European countries, after the publication of the results of Dr. Ermakova’s research, began to abandon GM products. What about us? Over the past few years, the import of GMOs to Russia has increased 100 times! Now up to 70% of products in stores are genetically modified. These are many types of soybeans, corn, several varieties of potatoes, beets... If the situation does not change, we will die, and our army will no longer help us here.
Speaking of the army. The largest producer of GMOs in the world is the American company Monsanto. During the Vietnam War, this company was officially a Pentagon contractor for the production of biological weapons, such as Agen Orange.

Now this company, without even considering it necessary to change its name and try to somehow hide its past, produces food products for you and me. Genetically modified products that include a sterilization program.

And again: where is Kvachkov, the fighter for the revival of the Russian people? And he's at the rally. Again he says something about the Jewish government. Populist slogans go to the people, you see, someday you will become president.
And about GMOs - this is too complicated, it smells like a worldwide conspiracy. You need to think here. But people are not allowed to think for themselves. What if he wakes up and then again, just like with Hitler.

First, to control the radicalized masses of people. Second, to distract people's attention from primary tasks. And the number one task now is not to defeat the enemy, but not to allow the enemy to poison himself with vaccinations, GMOs, and alcohol. We need to live to see the battle with the enemy!

And third. If the people do wake up, if the cup of patience turns out to be overflowing, then we need to lead this mass of people. And the leader is right there, ready. Hero Colonel. It was he who called for war from the very beginning. Well done.

But do we need war? The one Kvachkov is talking about? Who will win in a Kvachkov-type war? Maybe we should at least wake up and figure it out first?

It is necessary for these people to be able to understand the entire demonic plan of global governance, to be able to understand who we are, where our roots are, who our ancestors were. We were able to remember how we lived before, what we believed in, what ideals we had, what we strived for, and why earlier for the Russian people, for Rus, the concepts of honor and conscience were much more important than life and death.

“We will not disgrace the glory of the Russian land, but we will lie here as bones, for the dead have no shame!” – this is what Svetoslav said to his soldiers before the most important battle. There is no shame in dying - it is a shame in retreating and losing. And they went out to battle and won. Ten thousand Russian soldiers, weakened by many years of wars and campaigns, against a fresh army of one hundred thousand selected troops of the Byzantine Empire. That's how we were!

Chroniclers of the enemy wrote with amazement: Russian soldiers were brave to the point of madness; not a single warrior was captured during several years of war. If a Russian warrior is left alone, surrounded by the enemy, without hope of escaping, he himself throws himself with his chest on his sword!

Little did the enemy chroniclers know that death from the enemy’s sword is a disgrace for a Rus, as a warrior, and captivity is a disgrace for his entire Family! A Russian warrior could not disgrace his Family! I wasn't brought up that way. Were we strong then? Incredibly strong! Then we were awake, but now we are sleeping.

Modern liar historians claim that “Vladimir the Holy,” who baptized Rus' (Vladimir the Bloody would be more correct), then chose the Christian religion because it was more suitable for the Russian people than other religions. After all, Christianity did not prohibit alcohol, and the Russian people, according to Vladimir, “find joy in drinking.”

Well, then I would like to ask would-be historians, modern Old Believers, descendants of those who did not accept Christianity (there are such people left in Siberia, Altai), the same ones who are now trying to live according to the behests of their ancestors, honor the old Slavic gods: Perun, Svarog ... – why don’t they drink alcohol? They say: The family forbids.

They claim that before Christianity it was not customary to drink in Rus'. There was mead, a low-alcohol drink that only men were allowed to drink. Only four times a year: in winter, spring, summer and autumn - on the greatest holidays. One hundred and fifty grams only. And the main condition: only to those men who have already managed to “create” sixteen children! Otherwise, Rod forbade my husband to drink! Our ancestors knew that alcohol has a detrimental effect primarily on reproductive cells. This is how Rod took care of his offspring. These were our traditions. Were we strong then? Incredibly strong!

And now? We're sleeping now. And those who are ready to wake up, the Kvachkov provocateurs are trying to lead them aside, to fight against their own people, against the Russians, against those who are not yet going to wake up. Instead of directing people to actually counteract the genocide of the Russian people: refusing GM products, refusing vaccinations, giving up alcohol, collecting signatures against the property tax... Kvachkov, are you aware that in the coming years it is planned to use this magic tax massively confiscate real estate from people? This will be complete slavery!

Instead of thinking, taking an active social position, waking up your neighbors, creating websites, writing articles, filming videos, overwhelming the authorities with collective appeals - doing everything to make the people wake up! Instead, go ahead, soldier, to the barricades. You were given shoulder straps not so that you could think, but so that you would follow orders! Forward, for a bright future!..

We've already passed. In the seventeenth. And the provocateurs were similar back then: small and bald. In the first years of Soviet power and the civil war in Russia, tens of millions of people died, as gullible as Kvachkov’s electorate today. Who fought for freedom, justice for a bright future? A Russian who allowed himself to be deceived, with a Russian! For people's power with their own people.

Who has won? Of the twenty-two first people's commissars (ministers) in Soviet Russia - 3 were half-Jews (Stalin-Dzhugashvilli, Lenin-Blank, Chicherin), one was an Armenian (Protian) and the rest were all purebred Jews: Trotsky-Bronstein and Co. And this is in a mononational Russian state, where more than 80% of the population is Russian by nationality!!!

Of all the top leaders (people's commissars, ministers, members of the Central Committee...) in the first decades of Soviet power, 80% were Jews. Almost all the rest are married to Jewish women.

So what are you proposing to fight for now? For whom? With whom? Maybe you will organize an assassination attempt on Rothschild? Just please, not as funny as Chubais. Or on Shifa, whose ancestors financed revolutions in Russia? No?

You need to wake up. Wake up, Russians! And for starters, at least stop poisoning yourself with poisons: alcohol, GMOs, vaccinations...

It is possible to organize a pseudo assassination attempt on Chubais. But you can think and act wisely. After privatization, human rights activist Kuvshinov sued Chubais and sued him for the cash equivalent of two Volga cars.

In court, he proved that in relation to him, as a citizen of Russia, privatization was carried out illegally. The court won. And then he called on all his acquaintances: go to court, it’s the right thing, until 3 years have passed after privatization, you can win back everything...

Did many go? Nobody went. You need to think here. Activity is needed here. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that you will only be able to achieve your goal on the hundredth try. But it will be much easier for all of us, people, if there are not just a few thinking and active people like Kuvshinov, but thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands! Let's become such reasonable people!

Yes. This is hard. It’s easier to scold Chubais with the last words, in the kitchen with comrades while drinking vodka. And then, when they fire me from work and my patience begins to run out, I go to a rally. And then, after calling the neo-leader, to the barricades. How often lately can one hear: we lack a leader! I just want to ask: what are you, sheep who can’t live without a shepherd?

You need to wake up. And if at least twenty percent of people wake up, then the awakening of the people from a thousand-year hibernation will become irreversible. After all, this will mean that twenty percent of police officers, twenty percent of prosecutors and judges will wake up. And the next unscrupulous official, before kicking you off, will think: what to do, as usual or according to your conscience?

The awakening of the people is a preparatory period before the real struggle. Even if in the future such a fight against explosions and bullets will not be necessary.

Vladimir Vasilyevich Kvachkov has been serving a prison sentence for 8 years; on December 23, 2010, he was charged with organizing an armed attack and a terrorist attack. What is happening now with the former GRU colonel is unknown; the latest news about him came in April 2018. At that time, the prisoner filed a lawsuit against the irresponsibility of medical workers. Kvachkov’s term of detention ends in February 2019 and his followers are interested in when he will be released.

Although Vladimir Vasilyevich was born in the Primorsky Territory, his adult years were spent in Ussuriysk, where his father was sent to continue his military service. Until the age of 11, Volodya studied at a regular school, then his parents decided to transfer him to the Suvorov Military School. A guy full of ambition, he graduated with a gold medal.

The young man continued his further development at a military school in Kyiv. Upon completion, he worked in the Pskov special forces brigade. He took part in hostilities in many hot spots of the world.

Since 1999, he was at the General Staff as a research assistant. Kvachkov considers his political views nationalistic. Twice he tried to become a member of the Moscow Duma. In 2009 he founded the public movement “People’s Militia named after. Minin and Pozharsky,” it was later declared terrorist.

Do you know who Vladimir Kvachkov is?

During his life, Vladimir Vasilyevich was repeatedly nominated for awards, these are two Orders of the Red Star and Courage, as well as the following medals:

  • “70 years of the USSR Armed Forces”;
  • “for impeccable service”;
  • "300 years of the Russian fleet."

He was also awarded the anniversary medal of a veteran of the armed forces of the Soviet Union.

Compromising evidence

In 2005, a researcher was charged with an attempt on the life of Chubais, in whose official car a radio-controlled mine exploded. During a search in the military man's house, explosives were found, but Kvachkov denied involvement in the crime and refused to comment on what happened. Subsequently, two more former special forces soldiers, Alexander Naydenov and Robert Yashin, were detained in connection with the case.

After three years in “Matrosskaya Tishina”, the jury acquitted the terrorist. After his release, the man began to talk in numerous interviews about the influence of the “Jewish mafia” in Russia, and called Anatoly Chubais a traitor.

The further path of the prisoner

But Kvachkov did not manage to be free for long; a day later he was charged with plotting a rebellion with the intention of changing the constitutional system of the country by force. Based on numerous testimonies, facts emerged about an alleged armed attack on the capital. And also the former colonel was charged with preparing a coup in Yekaterinburg, and it was supposed to begin with a rebellion in Kovrov. It was established that the militia at that time had already purchased weapons and developed a detailed plan of military action.

In his speech at the court hearing, the leader of the terrorist organization spoke in derogatory terms about Putin and Medvedev. And he cursed the presidential administration as a Judeo-Masonic elite. As a result, the man received 13 years in prison, but 6 months later, after a review of the case, the term was reduced to 8. While in prison, Kvachkov wrote and published the book “Who Rules Russia,” in which he condemned the current government. In 2016, Vladimir’s mother died without ever seeing her son in freedom.

What's wrong with the rebel now?

Although the prisoners are under constant surveillance, Vladimir Vasilyevich managed to record a video message on his mobile phone and transmit it to freedom. Soon it appeared on social networks. The judicial authorities saw in this filming a call for a coup and added another year and a half to the already existing sentence.

Before the presidential elections in 2018, a video clip with photographs of Vladimir Vasilyevich and excerpts of Kvachkov’s speech was published on the Internet. In it, he campaigned to cast his votes for Pavel Grudinin, who, as we know from the latest news, nominated himself as a candidate from the Communist Party.

Today, Vladimir is in a Samara prison facility, where he was transferred from the Mordovian colony, where his health had deteriorated greatly. There he celebrated his anniversary; on August 5 the man turned 70 years old.

It is unknown what decision was made at the court hearing, which was scheduled for April 26, 2018, on Kvachkov’s claim for poor quality medical care. There was no further news about Vladimir Vasilyevich. From the latest video we can conclude that the political prisoner did not renounce his convictions.

The freedom fighter’s second wife, Nadezhda Kvachkova, shares her husband’s views. On the pages of social networks, she is actively working to collect signatures in defense of the officer who is imprisoned on what she believes is a trumped-up case. In her contact group you can see several accounts where anyone can transfer money for their spouse.



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