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Kurgan State University: faculties, address, correspondence department and reviews. Kursk State University (KSU), Kursk: faculties, passing scores, departments KSU Kurgan State University

Professionalism, competence, the ability to make correct and effective decisions, entrepreneurship - these are the qualities that a young specialist should have. All of them are developed during the training process at KSU Kursk. This is a fairly large university. More than 17 thousand students study there.

The beginning of the way

The existing classical university began educational activities in the last century - in the 30s. Initially it was a pedagogical institute. In the city, it was formed on the basis of a technical school that trains teachers.

In the first year, the institute enrolled 200 people. Students studied full-time at the faculties of Russian language and literature and history. 3 years after the opening of the university, a correspondence course appeared, and a few years later new structural divisions began to form. During the war years, the Faculty of Geography was opened for students, in the post-war years - the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

New status

The Kursk Pedagogical Institute developed until the early 90s of the last century. Over several decades of existence, the number of faculties, departments, and specialties has increased, and a highly qualified teaching staff has been formed. The number of students in a higher educational institution began to be counted not in hundreds, but in thousands.

All the achievements of the university led to a change in status. The institute became a university. The profile has not changed. The university remained a pedagogical university. However, later the educational institution began to train not only teachers and professors. The list of specializations now includes specialties that are not classified as pedagogical. As a result, in 2003 the university became a classical university.

Modern period in the history of the educational institution

More than 80 years. A long period of existence is the past that has shaped the educational institution and its advantages. Today the university is a modern educational center. It offers popular and most relevant specialties, has modern equipment that allows for better quality training and makes the process interesting for students.

Also a state university is:

  1. A powerful research center. The university has created an effective innovation infrastructure. It includes research institutes and laboratories in the priority scientific areas of the university.
  2. Center for International Cooperation. From time to time, the university enters into contracts and agreements with scientific institutions and higher education institutions in the CIS countries, Europe, Asia and the USA. The contacts established allow for the exchange of teachers and students, and joint research work.

Meeting the teaching staff

At Kursk State University, the quality of education is quite high. And this is not surprising, because the university has a highly qualified teaching staff. The teaching staff is about 500 people. Of these, more than 70 people are doctors of science, over 300 people are candidates of science.

External part-time teachers also participate in the educational process. They are also highly qualified specialists:

  • about 12% of the total number of external part-time teachers have a doctorate degree;
  • about 64% of teachers are candidates of science.

In the future, the teaching staff will not change for the worse, and this is confirmed by the university’s personnel policy. The university strives to preserve, strengthen and develop human resources. KSU hires those individuals who have the appropriate education and experience to ensure a high level of training for young specialists.

Faculties of KSU Kursk

There are 17 structural divisions involved in educating students at the university. They are the following faculties:

  • historical;
  • religious studies and theology;
  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • sociology, cultural studies and philosophy;
  • defectological;
  • industrial-pedagogical;
  • natural-geographical;
  • mathematics, physics, computer science;
  • philological;
  • foreign languages;
  • management and economics;
  • jurisprudence;
  • arts;
  • artistic and graphic;
  • physical education and sports;
  • professional retraining and advanced training;
  • current directions.

Each faculty speaks for itself. A specific structural unit offers information related to a specific scientific field. For example, at the Faculty of Philology, students study linguistics and literary studies, philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies. And only one structural unit is mysterious for those interested in the university. It is the Faculty of Current Directions. It was opened in 1998 to implement additional educational programs, vocational training programs for white-collar positions and blue-collar professions.

More information about the Faculty of Current Studies

This structural unit of KSU Kursk periodically recruits for several programs:

  • "Manicurist".
  • "Tailor".
  • "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant."
  • "Computer and VM operator."
  • "Performer of artistic and design works."

Tuition for all programs is paid. At the end of it, all persons undergo a final certification. Based on its results, professional retraining diplomas are issued. Additionally, the Faculty of Current Studies provides training for children and adults in general developmental programs related to the study of foreign languages ​​and health promotion. One example program is “Athletic Gymnastics”.

University departments

Each faculty at KSU consists of smaller structural divisions. They are called departments. Their task is to train students within a specific specialization. For example, the Faculty of Natural Geography of KSU consists of the departments of general biology and ecology, socio-cultural services and tourism, chemistry, social and economic geography, physical geography and geoecology.

At the departments of KSU Kursk, teachers carefully consider the content of the educational process. An important role is given to innovative technologies and modern teaching methods - interactive lectures, business and role-playing games, brainstorming sessions, online seminars, and group discussions.

Training for applicants

The university has one structural unit that deals with applicants. It is called a pre-university training center. The main task of the division is to provide a wide range of educational services. Applicants are offered assistance in preparing for the Unified State Examination and entrance examinations at the university. It is provided through the work of Sunday and short-term courses. Additionally, online consultations with qualified teachers from KSU Kursk are offered.

The pre-university training center also engages in career guidance work with schoolchildren. Within its framework, students get acquainted with the specialties offered by the university and decide on their future profession. is carried out by the structural unit at open days, during the “Holidays at KSU”. The latest event includes interesting meetings, seminars, master classes, presentations, and excursions.

Analysis of passing scores

In 2017, the highest passing scores at KSU Kursk were observed in “Linguistics” (253 points), “Foreign (English) and second foreign language” (246 points), “Mathematics and Physics” (240 points). In all of the listed specialties, applicants presented the results of three Unified State Examinations or passed three subjects at the university. In those areas in which applicants took an additional creative (professional) test, the passing scores were even higher. The leading positions belonged to “Design” (299 points), “Journalism” (292 points) and “Art Education” (271 points).

The lowest passing score in 2017 was 141. He was in the specialty “Foreign (German) and English.” This figure was slightly higher in “Theology” (142 points). The top three areas with low passing scores were closed by “Philosophy” (159 points).

Advantages worthy of attention of applicants

KSU in Kursk is notable primarily for its wide range of specialties. They are associated with different scientific fields:

  • with physical and mathematical sciences;
  • natural sciences;
  • humanities;
  • social sciences;
  • education and pedagogy;
  • culture and art;
  • economics and management;
  • information security;
  • service sector;
  • electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications;
  • chemical technology and biotechnology;
  • architecture and construction;
  • life safety, environmental management and environmental protection.

The university has developed a high-quality and effective methodology for training specialists and employing graduates. Its first stage is pre-university. University staff introduce applicants to the specialties of KSU Kursk and help them choose a future profession with the help of career guidance tests. The second stage is university level. It is aimed at developing professional potential. The third stage is postgraduate. There, graduates receive informational, psychological and educational support. It turns out to be a specialized center created at the university. This unit offers traditional forms of employment assistance and innovative methods of assisting graduates.

Information for those who decide to enroll at KSU

KSU is located in Kursk at the address: st. Radishcheva, 33. All classrooms and laboratories in the building are modern and well equipped. There is a library. It contains more than 800 thousand copies of printed works and electronic documents. The library's collection includes textbooks, reference and bibliographic, socio-political and popular science publications.

The KSU admissions office is located at the indicated address in Kursk. She works on the first floor of the building. The admissions committee begins accepting documents in June. She does a lot of work every year. During each admissions campaign, the admissions committee has to accept more than 10 thousand applications from applicants, calculate passing scores, and compile lists of people recommended for admission.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that quality education is provided at KSU Kursk. This has been repeatedly confirmed by the leadership of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science during the accreditation procedure. This is also proven by the stories of graduates. People who graduated from the university say that the knowledge and practical skills acquired at the university and supported by a diploma allowed them to find a good job and opened doors to prestigious organizations in the city and country.

Kurgan State University is the largest university in the Trans-Ural region. More than 8,000 students study at ten faculties at KSU, and enrollment is underway for dozens of different specialties.

The history of the university begins in 1995, when two Kurgan institutes merged - mechanical engineering and pedagogical. This merger has led to a variety of areas: KSU trains specialists in the field of economics, information technology, electronic and computer technology, natural and human sciences, law, automation and control systems.

The university is located in the center of Kurgan. It consists of 11 academic buildings, spacious classrooms, laboratories and workshops with the necessary equipment, a large sports base, dormitories, and a scientific library with more than a million books. KSU has its own botanical garden, palace of culture, youth and leisure center with a cinema and concert hall. The university organizes major city events: the open city festival “Theater Crossroads”, the festival of student creativity.

8 scientific schools in different areas have been formed at KSU. Students participate in the scientific life of the university from their first years. They conduct research, speak at conferences, and win competitions.

The university has a strong system of student self-government. Student councils operate in each faculty. And the primary trade union organization of KSU students is the largest in the region.

There is a young voter club “Citizen”. There are sports sections for any choice: volleyball, table tennis, basketball, aerobics, judo, track and field and weightlifting. In 1999, the Headquarters of student teams was created. It forms teaching, construction, cleaning, service teams and a team of guides

Freshmen receive an academic scholarship in their first semester. The university supports children from low-income families: social scholarships and financial assistance. Nonresident students are provided with affordable dormitory: the cost of a month's accommodation is comparable to the price of one movie ticket.

More details Collapse www.kgsu.ru

Kurgan State University is a young institution of higher education. However, this does not mean that KSU is inexperienced in training personnel. The university adopted half a century of traditions, scientific schools and the necessary knowledge from educational organizations that previously existed in Kurgan. and thanks to this he reached significant heights in his development.

General information about the university

A classical university began its work in Kurgan in 1995. It was named Kurgan State University. The basis for its formation was 2 educational organizations, because it was thanks to their merger that a new educational institution appeared. We are talking about mechanical and pedagogical institutes. The first was created in 1960, and the second in 1955.

Kurgan State University has been training personnel in a wide range of different specialties for 22 years. The university is considered the leading educational organization in the Trans-Ural region. About 10 thousand students study there. Periodically, research is conducted here and scientific conferences are organized.

The university has several buildings located at different addresses. All classrooms and laboratories they contain are equipped in accordance with state standards. Over the past few years, the university has been able to modernize the educational base of the technical faculties, equip classrooms and the library with modern computer equipment.

Kurgan State University: faculties

An educational organization consists of many small and large divisions. The most important of them are faculties, because they are the ones who organize the educational process and are responsible for its quality. These structural units satisfy applicants with a wide variety of interests. There are currently 10 faculties:

  • information technology and mathematics;
  • natural sciences;
  • technological;
  • historical;
  • philological;
  • transport systems;
  • legal;
  • pedagogical;
  • economic;
  • valeology, sports and psychology.

Full-time department

One of the forms of education offered by Kurgan State University is full-time. It is similar to studying at school - students visit the educational institution every day, listen to and take notes on lectures, and do homework. Students are allowed to be absent only for valid reasons that can be documented. It is also worth noting that in full-time education at Kurgan State University, not only traditional teaching methods are used. Multimedia textbooks and information resources are actively used, and distance learning technologies are being developed.

Full-time study includes more than 40 areas of undergraduate study and 7 specialties. They belong to different areas, ranging from mechanical engineering to state and municipal administration. Full-time enrollment is carried out in 2 waves. All deadlines for accepting documents are informed to applicants in advance - published on the official website. The admissions committee advises applicants to enroll full-time in the first wave. The fact is that in the conditions of the second wave, competition increases. The number of vacancies decreases and, as a rule, the passing score increases.

Kurgan State University: correspondence department

Kurgan State University still has a correspondence course. It also has several dozen areas of undergraduate training. In addition to them, 3 specialties are offered. The correspondence course differs from the full-time course in that students attend several classes per semester. Students study all material at home. This form is suitable for those people who have a job or family.

Admission conditions for the part-time department are almost the same as for the full-time department. Only the application submission dates differ. When applying for budget places, applicants can bring documents in early August. Documents are accepted for paid places almost until the end of October.

Part-time and part-time education

Part-time and distance learning is in demand among applicants entering Kurgan State University. It was specially created for those people who did not pass the competitive selection for the free places available in the full-time department. The full-time/correspondence form has the following advantages:

  1. Some believe that distance learning is ineffective, because students study the material on their own and cannot often communicate with the teacher. On a full-time basis, everything is completely different. Students have more opportunities to communicate with the teacher. The quality of the part-time and part-time form is practically no different from the full-time form.
  2. On a part-time basis, you can obtain higher education at an affordable price. It is worth providing clarifying information here. Full-time students pay from 80 to 140 thousand rubles per year, depending on their specialty. For full-time and part-time courses, the cost of studying is reduced by almost 2 times.

FSBEI HPE "Kurgan State University" reports that the part-time and part-time form has several differences. Firstly, studies last six months longer compared to full-time studies. Secondly, when young men enter here, they do not receive a deferment from military service.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kursk State University"

International name Kursk State University
Former names

Kursk Pedagogical Institute,

Kursk State Pedagogical Institute, Kursk Order of the Badge of Honor State Pedagogical Institute, Kursk State Pedagogical University

Year of foundation 1934
Type classical
Rector Khudin Alexander Nikolaevich
Students 17 000
Teachers 635 (2008)
Location Russia Russia, Kursk
Legal address 305000, Russia, Kursk, st. Radishcheva, 33.
Website kursksu.ru
Related images on Wikimedia Commons

Kursk State University (KSU)- a classical university in Russia, founded in 1934 as the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. It is a state institution of federal subordination. Implements educational programs of specialty, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, advanced training and retraining in the fields of economics, law, history, psychology, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, foreign languages, philology, physics, mathematics, computer science, etc. Has doctoral studies and several dissertation councils . The structure of the university includes scientific institutes and centers, laboratories, a scientific library, museums, an astronomical observatory, and an interdisciplinary nanotechnology center. The main campus of the university is located in the historical center of Kursk.

The Kursk Regional Business School operates at the university. It trains specialists within the framework of the Presidential Program for the Training of Managerial Personnel for Organizations of the National Economy of the Russian Federation.

More than 10,000 students study at 18 faculties of the university.

When naming, the abbreviation is often used - KSU or Kursk State University.

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    The first among the predecessors of the university can be considered a private boarding school for noble maidens, opened in Kursk in 1794 by the Frenchman Rened. In 1860 it was transformed into the Mariinsky School of the first category.

    In 1901, a new building was laid for the school on Florovskaya Street (now Radishcheva). Construction was completed two years later. This building still houses Kursk State University.

    Since 1902, the Mariinsky School received the status of a gymnasium, and in 1918 the gymnasium was transformed into a teachers' institute, which in 1919 began to be called a pedagogical institute. At that time, teaching was carried out at the biological-geographical, literary-artistic, physics-mathematical, verbal-historical and preschool faculties. The institute graduated second-level school teachers, labor teachers with an agronomic focus, and preschool teachers.

    The institute ceased its activities during the capture of the city by the White Guard troops of General Denikin and resumed work at the beginning of 1920. It was again transformed, receiving the name “Institute of Public Education”. History-philology, physics-mathematics, agronomy and preschool faculties were created, the student population was 650 people, teachers - 50 researchers. In 1921, the Faculty of Agronomy was transformed into a practical agricultural institute.

    In 1921, the Kursk Institute of Public Education was renamed the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, and in 1922 - the Kursk Practical Institute of Public Education. In 1923, the institute closed, students were transferred to study at the Kursk Pedagogical College.

    After 1934

    In 1937, a correspondence department was opened, in 1940 - a graduate school, and since 1941, “Scientific Notes” have been published. In 1941, the institute was evacuated to the city of Sarapul, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The return to Kursk takes place in 1943. At the same time, the Faculty of Geography was opened. After the war, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​were opened.

    In 1984, the Kursk State Pedagogical Institute was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

    In 1994, the university was awarded the status of a pedagogical university. In 2003, having significantly expanded the list of areas of training and specialties, the university was transformed into a classical university, and since then it has been called “Kursk State University”.

    On May 24, 2008, Archbishop Herman of Kursk and Rylsk consecrated the Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, built in 1999-2007 in the courtyard of the university.


    The university is a scientific and educational center of the Black Earth Region and Kursk region.

    The university has 18 faculties, a scientific library, postgraduate and doctoral studies, dissertation councils, information and analytical management, research laboratories, research institutes and centers.

    In 2008, 6,013 full-time, 116 part-time and 3,818 part-time students studied at KSU. The number of teachers in 2008 was 635, of which 223 were associate professors and 43 professors. In 2007, the university was in 35-51 positions in the ranking of universities by the Russian Ministry of Education.

    The university implements educational programs of secondary vocational education, higher education (specialist, bachelor's, master's degrees), postgraduate education (postgraduate studies), advanced training, and additional education.

    The university publishes scientific journals: "Scientific Notes. Electronic scientific journal of Kursk State University", "Language Theory and Intercultural Communication", "Auditorium". The KSU Bulletin "Alma Mater" and the Book of Memory are also published.

    In 2013, a new modern building of KSU was put into operation.

    Research activities

    On the basis of KSU, constant theoretical and applied scientific research is organized. The main goal of the activities of the university’s scientific departments is the practical implementation of effective interaction between KSU and enterprises based on the organizational and technological chain “applied science - university - production”.

    KSU Research Laboratories:

    • Russian school laboratory
    • Research sociological laboratory
    • Research Laboratory "USA Study Center"
    • Research Laboratory “Methodology and Philosophy of Science”.
    • Research Laboratory of Music and Computer Technologies
    • Innovation and Technology Center "FEMT"
    • Scientific Research Laboratory of Organic Synthesis
    • Social-psychological laboratory
    • Research Laboratory “Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics”
    • Research Laboratory “Methodology and Philosophy of Science”
    • Research Laboratory "Genetics"
    • Research Laboratory “Monitoring of Environmental Objects”
    • Research Laboratory of Linguistics and Folkloristics
    • Research Laboratory “Regional Lexicography and Ethnolinguistics”
    • Research Laboratory of Philological Regional Studies “Kursk Word”
    • Research Laboratory of Philosophical Comparative Studies
    • Research Laboratory “Game in Education and Culture”
    • Laboratory of multimedia educational technologies in foreign languages
    • Russian school laboratory
    • Research Sociological Laboratory.

    Research institutes and centers of KSU:

    The priority areas of applied scientific research at KSU are:

    Physical Research;

    Applied sociological research;

    Applied psychological research;

    Study of organic synthesis;

    Work in the field of energy saving;

    Geoecological, bioecological, zoological, geobotanical, bioindication, environmental, hydrochemical, geochemical studies of various components of the natural environment and technosphere, agricultural landscapes;

    Work in the field of biochemistry and genetics of proteins and amino acids;

    Archaeological research;

    Nanotechnology research.

    Educational activities

    The university carries out educational activities in specialty, bachelor's, master's, and postgraduate programs. Scientific personnel are being trained in doctoral studies.


    • Current directions
    • Defectological
    • Pre-university training
    • Natural geographic
    • Industrial-pedagogical
    • Foreign languages
    • Arts
    • Historical
    • Pedagogy and psychology
    • Advanced training and professional retraining of personnel
    • Theology and religious studies
    • Physics, mathematics and computer science
    • Physical culture and sports
    • Philological
    • Philosophy, sociology and cultural studies
    • Economics and management
    • Legal

    History department

    The Faculty of History has existed since the opening of the Kursk Pedagogical Institute in 1934. In 1956 it was transformed into a historical and philological one. In 1966, the Faculty of History and Pedagogy was created on its basis. Until 1996, graduates were awarded the qualification “Teacher of history and social studies, methodologist for educational work.” In 1992, the faculty was transformed into history. Along with the specialty “History”, two additional ones are being introduced – “Social pedagogy” and “Psychology”. In 1999, the faculty opened the specialty “Religious Studies”, and in 2002 – “Jurisprudence”, on the basis of which independent faculties were subsequently created. In 2011, a set of bachelors was recruited in the areas of training "History" and "International Relations", and a master's program in domestic and foreign history is running.

    The faculty also continues to train specialists with the qualification “Historian. History teacher." At the faculty departments there are postgraduate and doctoral studies in the specialties 07.00.02 - Domestic history and 07.00.03 - General history (new and contemporary history).

    In 2002, the Research Institute of Archeology of South-East Rus' was created on the basis of the faculty.

    The faculty has facilities for conducting archaeological, bibliographic, museum excursion, archival and pedagogical practices, and there is a student discussion club.

    Faculty of Law

    The Faculty of Law of KSU was founded in 2004 on the basis of the Department of Legal Disciplines. For the first time, admission to the program of higher professional education "law" with the qualification "lawyer" was carried out in 2003. Until 2009, the faculty had 3 departments: theory and history of state and law, civil law and procedure, criminal law and process. In 2009, the departmental structure was reformed with the formation of a new department of constitutional and municipal law. The Department of Civil Law and Procedure was divided into 2 departments - civil law, civil procedure. In 2011, the Department of Business and Labor Law was established. In 2016, it was renamed the Department of Financial and Business Law.

    Currently there are 6 departments at the faculty:

    Department of Theory and History of State and Law;

    Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law;

    Department of Civil Law;

    Department of Civil and Arbitration Procedure;

    Department of Financial and Business Law;

    Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.

    In 2010, the faculty began implementing programs for preparing masters of law.

    The faculty is located in the new building of KSU, opened in 2013. There is a legal clinic, an educational forensic laboratory, and a center for legal research. The student scientific society "Lex" and the student club "Code" were formed at the faculty.

    Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

    In 2008, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology celebrated its 30th anniversary. Founded in 1978 to train students in the specialty “Pedagogy and methods of primary education.”

    Faculty of Arts

    The Faculty of Arts was founded in 2003. During the 2003/2004 – 2005/2006 academic year. gg. The faculty provided training in two specialties: “Cultural Studies” with an additional specialty “Foreign Language” and “Music Education”.

    With the support of the Russian Humanitarian Research Foundation, faculty members are working on research projects in the field of musicology and music pedagogy.

    Teachers, students and graduates of the Faculty of Arts are members of musical groups: the Russian Chamber Orchestra of KSU, the Women's and Chamber Choirs of KSU.

    Faculty of Natural Geography

    The faculty was founded in 1943. The faculty has 25 classrooms, including 17 specialized biological, geographical, environmental and chemical laboratories: Landscape Science, Systematics and Phytocenology, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Plant Biology and Mycology, Biological Diversity, Animal Biology, General and Applied Ecology, Cell Biology and Genetics , Methods of environmental research, Human anatomy and physiology, cartography and geoinformatics, etc.; Zoological Museum, Geological Museum. The Faculty uses the agrobiological station, the biosphere station of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences; has three research laboratories: “Genetics”, “Ecomonitoring” and “Organic synthesis”.

    Classes are held at the basic departments of production: “Hydrometeorology” (FGBU “Central Chernozem Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring”), “Domestic Tourism Technologies” (OBU “Regional Tourism Center”), “Chemical Technology” (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GosNIIOKhiT"), "Synthesis of physiologically active compounds" (Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GosNIIOKhiT"), "Ecological monitoring and agroecology" (VNII ZiZPE), "Regional policy and territorial planning" (LLC "Agropromstroyproekt").

    Students undergo internships in organizations and enterprises: Central Black Earth State Biosphere Reserve named after. prof. V.V. Alyokhina, Office of the Federal Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of Kursk, Committee on Land Resources of the Kursk Region, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in the Kursk Region, Regional Environmental Laboratory, State Scientific Institution "Agriculture and Soil Protection from Erosion", Educational and Scientific Center "Kursk Biosphere Hospital IG" RAS", Federal State Institution "Center for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements", educational institutions of Kursk, leading tour operator and travel agency companies in Kursk and Moscow, hotel enterprises in the region: "Nightingale Grove", "Aurora", "Kursk", etc. .


    • Historical sketch of the Kursk Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium. 1891-1911 / A.A. Tanks. - Kursk, 1911. - 184 p. - 600 copies.
    • From the history of the State Pedagogical Institute (essays 1934 - 1974) / Veselov A.N. - Kursk, 1976. - 263 p.
    • Kursk Pedagogical: pages of history: Collection of documents, historical essays, scientific articles / Comp. ON THE. Postnikov. - Kursk: Publishing house Kursk. state ped. University, 1999. - 60 p. - 500 copies.
    • - ISBN 5-88313-204-9.


Kursk State University: pages of history / comp. ON THE. Postnikov, M.M. Fryantsev; edited by V.V. Gvozdeva. - Kursk: KSU, 2009. - 180 p. - 300 copies.



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