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Interactive presentation "Learning numbers. Writing numbers" presentation for a mathematics lesson (1st grade) on the topic. Presentation on the topic “learning numbers” Numbers in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

2 The presentation was made by Natalia Valentinovna Stankova, primary school teacher at the Belyanitskaya Secondary School. The goals of this manual: to introduce numbers in a playful way. Learn to read and write numbers Learn to count to 10 and back. Can be used as a fragment of a lesson on the topic “Getting to know numbers.”

Here is one or one, very thin, like a knitting needle. She stands among the sheet Alone when the notebook is empty. Lifting her nose to the ceiling, She scolds the student. And like a heron in the swamps, he pecks at him for his laziness. At least she has one leg. She is slender, proud, and strict. Neither a crane nor a tit. And just...

Grishka sat down on the floor and opened the counting book. Let's start counting with him now. He is ONE and that's it!

A fungus grew in the clearing, it started to rain, and some worm crawled under the fungus.

What glides across the bright surface of a student’s notebook like a beautiful white swan, turned red from shame for a slacker, a rogue, a naughty boy? What they scold him for and deprive him of sweets at lunch. With a light stroke of the pen, a number appeared... And here it is number two. Admire how it looks: The deuce arches its neck, Its tail drags behind it.

To continue our counting game, the mouse jumped into the window behind the porridge. We continue counting. Remember the words: One plus one equals TWO!

Two-piece with a fashionable curl, With a long neck and a tail. Admire what it is like and remember the number two!

He is alone, an Ant with a leaf is crawling towards him, He stands side by side - and there are two under the mushroom.

And look behind the two - the number three appears. Three - the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks. This figure is simply a miracle. She has relatives everywhere. Even in the alphabet there is She has a twin sister.

To continue the rhyme a little, the cat jumped after the mouse. There were three of them. See for yourself: Two plus one equals THREE!

And the troika has a snub nose, a forelock and a very sharp tail. Crooked, but slender She's third in the count.

Someone rustled nearby - It's a horned beetle. He quickly stood up under the fungus: -Can I come over to you guys? There were three people under the fungus.

Either a number, or a fork, Or a fork in two roads. In the student notebook I know for sure - everyone is happy about it. After three come four, A sharp protruding elbow.

So that you could learn to count, a puppy followed the cat. There were four of them in a cramped apartment. Three plus one is exactly four.

And four, look. It goes after the number three. Very sharp elbow - Make friends with her too.

The bee flew up. -We'll wait out the rain together, climb up boldly! There were three and plus one - There are now four

Mom looks impatiently at the pages of the diary. Waiting for the coveted assessment of his mischievous son. But again only fours. There is no beauty... And then she went to dance. The number on the paper is five. She extended her hand to the right and bent her leg sharply.

Slowly a turtle crawled into the door - The stupid puppy rushed about in fear. We continue the Counting again One plus four equals five!

Resources: - poems - poems - poems - poems - poems html - poster with beautiful numbers - coloring pages picture with numbers - numbers and signs - two - one html - riddles html - animated pictures Ptitsy_-_indjuki.files/skachat_prezentatsiju_dlja_detej_Indjuki.htmlPtitsy_-_indjuki. files/skachat_prezentatsiju_dlja_detej_Indjuki.html - turkeys html - chicken - cones

Ryzhik numbers - boy with a book figures/id-1015/figures/id-1015/ -3 html -5 - blackberry - animation of numbers html - fox with cubs - tires - radish The presentation was made by Natalia Valentinovna Stankova, primary school teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution "Belyanitskaya Secondary School" » html - about monkeys and riddles

GKOU RO Krasnosulinskaya boarding school No. 1

Presentation “Introduction to numbers from 1 to 10”

Primary school teacher

Ryabokobylenko E.N.

Once, one il unit –

This is a slender girl.

A perky braid

Almost to the waist.

  • And here it is number two. Admire how it looks: The deuce arches its neck, Its tail drags behind it.

  • And behind the deuce - look - He performs number three. Three is the third of the icons. Consists of two hooks.

  • Someone turned over an old chair at night, its back facing down. And now in our apartment he has become number 4 !

  • Look at number 5. Taking the five by the handle, you can scoop up water and loose sand like a ladle.

  • If a padlock raises its proboscis upward, Then we will see here Not a castle, but number six .

  • I won’t be able to work in the meadow with this figure. It looks like a scythe, But it can’t mow grass - It’s not sharpened at all And it doesn’t mow number 7 .

  • Number nine- bun? Or maybe a ball? This is the cat Barsik sleeping, and his tail lies on a hook

This presentation can be used in mathematics lessons in 1st grade when studying the numbers of the first ten.

The presentation includes entertaining problems in verse for each number and at the same time helps to demonstrate to the teacher all the stages of writing the corresponding numbers. The material can be used both when learning new material and when reinforcing the numbering of numbers. The use of entertaining material motivates students' cognitive activity; animation makes the learning process fun.

The presentation includes additional control buttons that allow you to immediately go to the desired slide, return to the main page, and also close the presentation at any time.



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Slide captions:

Click on the number you want to meet

The elephant father gave the elephant son four books. The little elephant read them and distributed them to his friends. He gave two to the hippopotamus, two to the sperm whale. How many books does the baby elephant have left? 0

Learning to write a number Number zero - empty space Or simply - nothing. Zero swelled up in protest, so that he would be noticed.

In the morning, two hares sat near the house and sang a cheerful song together. One ran away, and the second looked after him. How many hares are there at the house? 1

Learning to write a number This number is one. She hung her thin nose down like a knitting needle. It's sad because she's only one.

The hedgehog went mushroom hunting and found 10 saffron milk caps. 8 put the basket, the rest - on the back. “How many saffron milk caps are you carrying on your needles, hedgehog One day four guys rolled down the hill. Two are sitting in a sled, but how many fell into the snow? 2

Learning to write a number I probably won’t be able to bend my neck like a two. Maybe you can? Barely! A swan with the number 2 can do it.

5 green frogs are in a hurry to rush into the water. 2 got scared and stayed on the shore. How many brave little frogs were there? Two bugs ran into the house, an ant met them. How many insects will there be? Count it quickly! 3

Learning to write a number A thin ring fell on the porch. It's split! Look - it turned out to be the number three.

I draw a cat's house: three windows, a door with a porch. There's also a window upstairs so it's not dark. Count the windows in the cat's house. 4

Learning to write a number Someone turned over an old chair with its back down. And now in our apartment it has become the number 4!

On his birthday, I gave Seryozha one nesting doll. We opened it, and there were 4 more. How many nesting dolls does Seryozha have in total? Seven cheerful piglets stand in a row at the trough. Two went to bed, How many pigs are there in the trough? 5

Learning to write a number And then I went to dance The number five on the paper. She extended her hand to the right and bent her leg sharply.

I found five small hazelnuts in a squirrel's hollow. Here is another one, carefully covered with moss. What a squirrel! Here's the hostess! Count all the nuts! The ants live together and do not scurry around idle. Two carry a blade of grass, two carry a blade of grass, two carry needles. How many ants are there under the tree? 6

Learning to write a number Number six is ​​a door lock: a hook on top, a circle at the bottom.

The lady checked in her luggage: A sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a Painting, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog. How many things did the lady check in as luggage? 7

Let's learn to write a number. Let's turn over the number seven. And in the morning we'll go to the meadow. Why is seven not a braid? So mow while there's dew!

Six geese were swimming in the pond, two remained in the yard. How many geese were there? Count quickly! 8

Learning to write a number Put two bagels together and a number will come out. This is 8! 8 – two rudders together, Or two zeros together.

What did the pine forest give us? Eight boletus and one fly agaric. How many mushrooms are there in total? Dad bought an aquarium for Sasha and gave it to his son for the holiday. My mother bought six fish for the aquarium, and my grandmother gave me three more. How many fish? How can Sasha find out? He is small and does not yet know how to count. Please, Sasha, friends, help him tell him the number of fish. 9

Learning to write the number Number nine or nine - Circus acrobat: If she stands on her head, Number six will become nine.

Seven bullfinches were sitting on the branches. Three bullfinches have also arrived. Our snowman counted the bullfinches. How many birds are there? Answer quickly! 10

Nolik, stand behind one, behind your dear sister. That's the only way, when you're together, they'll call you 10.

Links: http://www.numama.ru/blogs/kopilka-detskih-stihov/stihi-pro-cifry-ot-1-do-10.html http://velichenkona.ucoz.ru/publ/zadachi_v_stikhakh_1_klass/1 -1-0-34 http://do.gendocs.ru/docs/index-145697.html http://prezentacii.com/detskie/6724-uchimsya-pisat-cifry.html http://images.yandex. ru/?uinfo=ww-947-wh-512-fw-0-fh-448-pd-1 http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%84 %D1%80%D1%8B%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1 %85&uinfo=ww-947-wh-512-fw-0-fh-448-pd-1 http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%81%D0 %BB%D0%B0%20%D0%BE%D1%82%201%20%D0%B4%D0%BE%2010&uinfo=ww-947-wh-512-fw-765-fh-448-pd-1

Vladimir Stepanov

"Mishutka's Birthday"

A number like the letter O - This is zero, or nothing. Round zero, so pretty But it doesn't mean anything.

Zero is very good: Looks like a lamb And on a donut, and on a ball, And for a round samovar. Nolik is friends with Kolobok, Life is not boring for the two of them. The round ball is inflated They fly on it all year round.

How old is the chicken in the egg? How many wings does a kitten have? How many numbers are there in the alphabet? How many mountains can a tiger swallow? How many tons does a mouse weigh? How many crows are there in a school of fish? How many hares did the moth eat? Only the number knows...

Here is one or one, Very thin, like a knitting needle.

I'm a skinny One I love having fun! Nine numbers are my friends I don't get bored with them! We believe everything in the world We add, we subtract. If you want to become smart - Learn to count with us!

How many suns are there behind a cloud, How many refills are there in a fountain pen? How many noses does an elephant have? How many watches are there on your hand? How many legs does a fly agaric have? And the sapper's attempts, He knows and is proud of himself Number-column...

But this is number two. Admire what it's like: The deuce arches his neck, The tail is dragging behind her.

Number 2 is proud of itself. Two hands are her sisters, Two legs are her brothers. All the kids know the number.

Two sisters - two hands They cut, build, dig, Weeds tearing up in the garden And they wash each other. Two hands knead the dough - Left and right Sea and river water They paddle while swimming.

Three is the third of the icons,

Consists of two hooks.

There was a traffic light in the world, I was close friends with the number 3. Three eyes blinked, Never rested.

After three come four, Sharp protruding elbow.

- The table has four legs, And at the closet, and at the cat, - Four told us, She counted all day. The cat explained to the figure: - The cabinet may have legs. You probably forgot I don't have legs or paws.

There are four corners in the room. Four legs at the table. And four legs The mouse and the cat. Four wheels are running They are shod with rubber. What can you cover in two hours? They - in half a minute.

And then I went to dance On paper the number is five. She extended her hand to the right, The leg was bent sharply.

Five has five children, Five funny little girls. They grab everything They only rest at night. Guess what their names are? Count the kids. Anyone can recognize them There are exactly five of them on the hand.

How many fingers are there on a hand? And a penny in the pocket, The starfish has rays, Five rooks have beaks, Blades of maple leaves And the corners of the bastion, Tell me about all this Numbers will help us...

Number six - door lock: There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Six has a face Like a round ring On top is a mischievous tail, Very important and funny. Number 6 is valued by him, He is watching him every moment. She can't lose her tail To avoid becoming a zero.

How many letters does a dragon have? And a million have zeros, Various chess pieces The wings of three white chickens, Legs of the Maybug And the sides of the chest, If we can’t count it ourselves, The number will tell us...

Here is the seven - a poker. She has one leg.

Your seven-colored bridge Who spread it over the river? It's a rainbow-arc Sparkled in the clouds. Her colors are number 7 Gave generously to everyone, So that people don't feel sad For beauty to be appreciated.

How many colors are there in a rainbow, Days in a week for whales, Snow White's dwarves Twin brothers at the pawn A note that even children know And all the miracles in the world, Deal with it all Numbers will help us...

Eight has two rings Without beginning and end.

A spider lived in the world, He was friends with the number 8. He looked like her Surprisingly pretty! The spider loved numbers Every day he told her: -You look like glasses And for thick circles.

How many winds are there at sea? And the hooves of two donkeys, Octopus tentacles And the fangs of a pair of Great Danes, How many legs does a spider have? Cross spider? If we ask about it The number will answer us...

Number nine or nine Circus acrobat: If it stands on your head, The number six will become nine.

I am more important than my friends I am bigger and more important than them. Respect the number 9 Everyone should respect it. Number 9 sleeps in the crib. Nine has a sweet dream. Nine stars shine in it, There are no more wonderful ones in the world.

How many pirates are there in a dozen? If three went somewhere, Months in a year without summer, Nonet performers, Lives of a stray cat And in ten flies without a midge? Don't look for the answer anywhere, because The number has the answer...

Said the cheerful round zero To the neighbor - unit: - With you next to me, let me Stand on the page for me! She looked him over With an angry, proud look: - You, zero, are worth nothing. Don't stand next to me! Zero answered: - I admit, That I'm worth nothing But you can become ten If I'm with you.

I can't lose a zero, Without him I will disappear. I'll become a skinny unit I will cry and be angry.



















http://olesya-emelyanova.ru/index-zagadki-cifry.html - riddles about numbers, author – Olesya Emelyanova.

http://www.dobrieskazki.ru – coloring pages, fairy tales, poems about numbers

V. A. Stepanov “Mishutka’s Birthday”, Flamingo Publishing House LLC, 2003.

Illustrations by N. Grichenkova.

irgri.ucoz.ru/forum/8-128-1 –

www.zooclub.ru/fotogal/funy/73a.shtml - chicken

www.zastavki.com/rus/People/Chil...2768.htm - hands

www.solnushki.ru/creative/clip00261 - cat and mouse

www.chess.vacas.ru/ - chess

www.youththeatreworkshop.org/Cur...nfo.html - snow white

http://how.sergi.ru/faq/schet.html - S. Marshak “Fun Counting”

www.lenagold.ru – starfish, chess, cat and mouse, elephant

http://viki.rdf.ru/item/581/ - slides with writing numbers from Svetlana’s presentation

Shevtsova “Learning to write numbers”

http://clipartcorel.narod.ru/index.html- frame



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