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Female name Daria meaning of the name. Name Daria: origin and meaning. Meaning of a girl's name

It is believed that each person is responsible for his own destiny and is able to create it with his own hands, but a lot here also depends on the name. That is why, at baptism, adults try to name their child a name that promises a good future and will certainly play an important role in family life and career. What benefits should the baby, whose parents named Daria, expect from the future, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls?

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl is brief

Dasha is a beautiful name that parents often choose for their daughter. Many adults don’t even know what it means, but they are sure that the baby will be fine. They are not mistaken, because the meaning of the name Daria for a girl is briefly “victorious” or “strong.” This is most often true, because the baby shows her character and stubbornness almost from the cradle.

It is believed that Daria was first mentioned in the chronicles preserved from Ancient Greece. The wife of one of the outstanding commanders bore this name. History has preserved information about her because after the death of her husband, she could not remain alone and jumped off a high cliff. Legend has it that a beautiful tree grew in this place, which bloomed only once every few years and the aromas from it spread for many miles around. Unfortunately, there is no information about what kind of plant it was.

The ancient Greeks knew about what future awaited the girl who was christened Daria, the meaning of the name, character and fate. Of course, not everyone faced a tragic fate; most often, women with this name lived happily ever after, maintained their family hearth and achieved considerable benefits from life.

What does the name Daria mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Are there any mentions of Daria in the church calendar? Of course, here too there were saints bearing this wonderful name. The girl, so named by her parents, will be able to celebrate her name day several times a year. The patron saint will certainly help the baby not only grow and develop quickly, but will also help adults in raising their daughter.

What does the name Daria mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and is there anything unusual here? The church calendar does not disagree with the ancient Greek interpretation of this popular and widespread name - it states that it means “victor.”

One of the holy great martyrs, about whom there are many mentions in church books, is Daria, the bride of one of the martyrs who endured incredible torture for the sake of their Teacher. The woman failed to survive after the death of her fiancé - she also had to endure incredible torment for the sake of the Lord. Daria, the meaning of the name, character and fate - in church books, unfortunately, there are no pleasant moments promising a happy future for the girl. Despite this, parents should not be upset - it has been noted that it is the owners of this name who are carefully guarded by their patron saints and protected from all adversity.

The secret of the name Daria - what is hidden in it?

Could the secret of the name Daria influence the girl’s future in any way? You should not refuse to baptize your baby with this name - many parents are already convinced that the child succeeds in everything from birth, and he is capable of manipulating even the strictest and most unforgiving adults.

An interesting fact is that many healers and seers bear this name. Most likely, a lot here depends on the meaning of the name - “winner” is quite suitable for clairvoyants. Many adults become convinced that their child really does have some inexplicable talents. Sometimes these are just hunches or well-developed intuition. It happens that a girl can foresee the near future, but you shouldn’t trust her words too much - Daria also has an excellent imagination, and much of what the girl says may simply be fiction in order to attract attention.

Origin of the name Daria and its meaning for children

Despite the fact that it is customary to consider Ancient Greece to be the country from which the name Daria originated, scientists have their own opinion on this matter. More recently, they found confirmation of one of their hypotheses that girls were often called this name in Ancient Persia. This did not in any way affect the meaning of the name - the Persians also believed that it meant “leader” or “strong.” In some ancient books there is another interpretation of the name Daria - “strong flame”, “great fire”.

The origin of the name Daria and its meaning for children - this information is often primarily of interest to parents who are planning to name their baby that way. Adults don’t have to worry about what difficulties they will have to endure when raising a girl - from an early age she will be attentive and diligent. Daria has the following traits:

  1. perseverance;
  2. obedience;
  3. respect for adults;
  4. curiosity;
  5. the desire to constantly learn something new.

The girl simply loves reading, and adults don’t have to make a lot of effort for this or look for a free minute to read to their beloved child. Dasha will quickly learn letters and independently learn about the world around her from books. She will be happy to read to her younger brothers and sisters, grandparents. The main thing here is not to forget about praise, otherwise the girl will refuse to do it in the future and will become withdrawn.

Character of a girl named Daria

Will the character of a girl named Daria bring trouble to adults? If you raise your baby correctly, then no problems will arise with this. The girl has the following traits:

  1. intelligence;
  2. hot, even a little hot-tempered character;
  3. ability to adapt to any conditions;
  4. talent to win people over;
  5. caring for loved ones and relatives;
  6. love for children;
  7. great sense of humor;
  8. enthusiasm;
  9. cleverness.

Another remarkable character trait of Dasha is reckless courage. She climbs trees fearlessly as a child. It is worth mentioning another excellent quality of a woman named Daria - in adulthood, for the sake of her family, she is capable of the incredible. She may even sacrifice her health or life so that her loved ones feel good.

The fate of a girl named Daria

If adults are concerned about the fate of a girl named Daria, they can be calm about the future of their beloved child - she will certainly receive incredible gifts from life. Parents also play a significant role here—much depends on their upbringing. From an early age, their daughter gets used to the fact that she has her own responsibilities in the house, putting away toys, sweeping the floor, wiping dust, and cooking. These habits of keeping the house tidy are maintained throughout life - Daria's house will always look cozy, comfortable, and clean. The girl will choose a life partner almost the same as herself - neat, attentive, keeping order in the house.

Analytical mind, quick wit, wonderful memory - these qualities help Daria choose a profession to her liking. Often a girl with that name becomes an engineer, investigator, translator, or mathematics teacher. You can rely on her in important matters - it is not her rule to refuse or give in to difficulties or not complete a task.

Daria often turns out to be a homebody, preferring raising children to working in large companies. A woman will certainly make every effort to ensure that her home looks like a full bowl, is always clean and comfortable, and great aromas are heard from the kitchen. Guests will certainly admire Dasha’s abilities, manage everything and look well-groomed and always young.

Daria, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for a girl - before you christen her with this name, you definitely need to study these features, which will definitely help in raising the baby. Pleasant surprises await the parents - they will not notice any difficulties, the girl will not cause any trouble and will certainly please not only with her behavior, but also with her numerous talents. We suggest you read the topic on the forum.

Career, business and money

Material wealth is important for Daria, but it is not the goal. That is why she very easily leaves her previous job after learning about a new opportunity. Women with this euphonious name rarely occupy leadership positions, because they perform their official duties only out of a sense of duty. They can hardly be called careerists, but they do an excellent job with routine paperwork. That is why they often receive the profession of accountant or bank employee. Many become teachers, kindergarten teachers, art critics, etc.

Daria very easily finds a common language with people and knows how to charm them. Therefore, she often chooses the profession of a literary critic, journalist or translator, and actively participates in public life. Daria is ambitious, but not intriguing. They strive for prosperity, but can easily get by with the average income.

Marriage and family

Daria is a wonderful homemaker. She is slow and a little lazy, but this does not prevent her from brilliantly managing the household and taking care of all family members. Very often, girls with this wonderful name cannot find a life partner for a long time, because they choose the ideal man. But some Darias get married very early and live happily with their chosen one. It is important for them to trust their partner, so they do not forgive cheating.

In marriage, Daria becomes an ideal lover, her passion is revealed only to the person with whom she is comfortable. She often becomes the head of the family, but never shows this to her husband, whom she dearly loves and respects. Women named by this name sense falsehood very subtly and instantly recognize lies. If a beloved man constantly deceives her, an impulsive lady may break up with him without hesitation. Although he later regrets it for a long time, often falling into depression.

Daria always takes good care of her children, although sometimes she expresses her dissatisfaction with their behavior (studies, vocabulary, hobbies, etc.) too harshly. Such mothers take care of their own offspring even after they get married. Daria becomes very caring, but very demanding grandmothers. Their apartment is always clean and tidy; cleaning often becomes a kind of hobby for women.

Sex and love

Unsure of her feminine charm, Daria is very shy about open sexual relationships. Intimate intimacy is a mystery for her; a woman can be completely liberated only with a trusted partner whom she trusts. Sometimes young girls do not know whether they agree to intimacy with a man, so very often their relationships with the opposite sex reach a dead end.

Daria is impulsive, so a chance meeting may well end in either marriage or complete disappointment. Although the girls whose parents gave this name are calm and reasonable, sometimes passion begins to rage within them. Such a transformation often confuses the partner, but he gets the opportunity to get to know his beloved from a different side.


All women with this euphonious name cannot boast of excellent health. Most often, Daria experiences problems with the lungs, stomach, and nervous system. They should absolutely not smoke or eat unhealthy foods. In childhood, they often suffer from colds and infectious diseases; in adulthood, they are very difficult to tolerate all kinds of viruses.

Darias are prone to injuries and often suffer from back and joint pain. Doctors recommend that women take very good care of their health and regularly visit seaside resorts. This will eliminate predisposition to many ailments (including those of a nervous nature).

Interests and hobbies

Daria's main hobbies are directly related to her slightly melancholy temperament. This is knitting, sewing, embroidery. Some ladies choose more modern hobbies and engage in bead weaving, quilling or scrapbooking. Daria does not like active recreation and extreme sports.

The maximum they are capable of is excursions, travel, hiking and visits to the pool. Many are excellent cooks; they bake, make preparations for the winter, and experiment with desserts and food recipes. Daria devotes herself to every hobby with all her passion; a wonderful final result is important to her.

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the character, compatibility and fate of the name Daria in this article!

Full name: Daria

Meaning: from the name Dareios - “to possess”, “to hold”, or from the word “gift” - donated, bestowed

Similar names: Darena, Daren, Darin, Darrin, Derron, Derry, Todora, Theodora, Teodora, Bozhidara, Dariella, Odarina, Tarja

Church name: Daria

What does the name Daria mean?

Linguists differ in their opinions about the origin of the name Daria. Some argue that it has Persian roots and comes from the name Dareios - “to possess”, “to hold”. The latter are sure that the origin of the name is Slavic and its root is the word “dar” - gifted, bestowed. The latter suggest that the roots of the name Daria are Irish and it comes from the name Darren - “low rocky mountain”. In Ancient Rus' the name had the form Daryan. The shortened version of Daria sounds like Dasha. Parents affectionately call their daughter Dashuleya, Dashunya, Dashenka.

The name Daria in different languages ​​of the world

In Arabic: داريا

In Armenian: Դարիա

In Belarusian: Dar "ya"

In Hungarian: Daria

In Georgian: დარია

In Spanish: Daria

In Chinese: 達里婭

In Portuguese: Daria

In Ukrainian: Dar "ya"

In Japanese: ダリア

Characteristics and astrology of the name Daria

Favorable day: Wednesday

Zodiac sign: Aries

Patron Planet: Mars

Talisman stone: bloodstone

Color: red

Plant: anemone

Animal: llama

What does the name Daria mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Dasha is prosperous, calm and cheerful. It's easy for parents to work with her. She is an obedient and balanced child who respects her parents' word and authority. He is capricious and cries a lot only in infancy. In kindergarten, teachers note her prudence and intelligence.

In the company of unfamiliar children and adults, a girl can be shy. Sometimes slow, but very neat and hardworking. Despite some modesty, he can fight if he has to defend his position. In terms of health, the girl gets tired quickly and is often susceptible to colds.

Aggressive Dashas are those born in autumn or winter. They quickly lose their temper. Spring and summer Dashas are more restrained. But they often become depressed or stressed. Such heightened emotionality deprives her of many friends, but with her are those girls who want to be friends and know how to pacify unexpected outbursts of her anger.

As a girl, Daria becomes even shyer than she was in childhood. In addition to this, she also has low self-esteem - she is not happy with her appearance or figure, so she becomes less sociable. Doesn't like to communicate with peers, prefers older friends.

Dasha is meticulous, diligent and patient, so handicrafts are easy for her - knitting, embroidery, sewing. But the girl does not like housework and tries in every possible way to avoid it. Daria is very amorous and has a hard time experiencing unrequited love. Can easily master the musical instrument he likes.

Daria has a hard time withstanding critical remarks addressed to her. By the age of 20, she becomes a more sociable and confident girl who is not averse to making acquaintances and starting a simple conversation. Relationships with young people bring her disappointment, because she wants smooth and calm communication, but in reality there are constant quarrels and conflicts.

As a woman, Daria cannot imagine life without love, affection and a strong man’s shoulder. Without relationships with the opposite sex, she literally withers like a flower without water. Therefore, a woman can either get married early or have several marriages. But she quickly becomes disillusioned in family life.

Daria is charming, cheerful and always in good shape. Only a man with whom the relationship is not going well can ruin her blossoming state. She has imagination and excellent taste, so she dresses chic and original. Employees notice her silhouette from a distance.

Daria can adapt to any life situation - she can live in poverty, she can live in abundance. She won't disappear. A woman takes quarrels with friends and people close to her hard, which can lead to depression and not communicate with anyone for a long time, even at work. She has a well-developed intuition, but she rarely listens to it.

Character and fate of the name Daria

Daria's positive character traits include:

  • confidence
  • temperamentality
  • performance
  • intelligence

Dasha is prone to maximum dedication, both in the family and in the workplace. Ingenuity and self-confidence help a woman get out of any professional situations with dignity. And her temperament does not allow her men to get bored.

The bosses note in Daria the potential for career growth because of her love for her work, which she sometimes shows through workaholism, not realizing that she also needs to rest. He forgives his own misdeeds with difficulty and worries for a long time about the mistakes he has made. Especially for those that were fateful in life. Compliance with moral standards is higher than everything else for her.

Negative qualities of Daria's character include:

  • impulsiveness
  • cruelty
  • pugnacity

Dasha has been impulsive and emotional since childhood. And when a dispute cannot be resolved with words, the girl fights with her fists. Having matured, maximalism and straightforwardness prevail in her. Hot temper and rudeness are the usual state of a woman during a conflict.

Daria often shows excessive coquetry, which creates the impression of an easily accessible woman trying to seduce several men at once. Especially at a corporate party, which spoils his reputation and incurs the wrath of the wives of those men he is looking at. She is prone to narcissism and her once low self-esteem is now becoming high, which is also not entirely good.

Daria's fate

Daria always tries to predict her life, assuming one thing or another. And she does it well because she has an analytical mind and can calculate some steps in advance. When something does not go according to her plan, she blames not herself, but the circumstances and environment.

Daria studies and retrains a lot, improves her qualifications, or may even change the type of activity she has been doing for a long time. This is because she is not afraid of change. It is difficult for the impressionable Daria to be captivated by routine tasks, but she performs her duties at work efficiently and on time, even if her duties are difficult and take a lot of strength and patience.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Daria has no goal of owning a large amount of money, but she is not against good income. Therefore, as soon as a woman learns about a new vacancy that promises her a higher salary, she, without hesitation, changes her place of work. She copes well with paperwork, which requires her to do the same actions every day.

Not a careerist, but she will never refuse a leadership position. In the role of a boss, she is strict and demanding. Daria can become an art critic, a teacher in a preschool institution, a bank employee or an accountant. Likes to create reports and prepare various types of reports.

A woman prefers to communicate and be visible, so she can choose the profession of a translator, journalist or literary critic. Not averse to actively participating in the public life of the city in which he lives. Daria can live within her means, does not waste money, the budget is always calculated and distributed.

Marriage and family

Dasha copes well with the role of wife and mother. And even her slowness and laziness do not prevent her from coping well with everyday women’s affairs. A girl is looking for an ideal man to be her husband, not realizing that every person is full of both advantages and disadvantages. That’s why it may take a long time to find your one and only.

Other Daryas, on the contrary, get married early and live with their chosen one all their lives. The main thing for her is trust and openness. Does not forgive lies and betrayals. She herself, being a faithful wife, wants her husband not to have relationships on the side. He wants to know the bitter truth better than to walk in the dark for several years.

For her husband, Daria is a good cook and a wonderful lover rolled into one. In terms of sex, he opens up completely, because he believes that this is how it should be in marriage. Share your fantasies and desires with your spouse. He can dominate the family, but do it so wisely that the husband has no idea about it. If there is betrayal on the part of the spouse, she breaks up with him immediately without clarifying the relationship.

Sex and love

In her youth, due to low self-esteem, Daria is shy about intimate relationships and can maintain her virginity for a long time. He can move to the sexual level of relationships only with someone with whom he has long-term communication. If he does not agree to intimate intimacy, then the relationship reaches a dead end and the man, as a rule, becomes offended.

Dasha attaches great importance to chance meetings and acquaintances, believing that everything in this life happens for a reason. Such a relationship can completely disappoint the girl or end in marriage. Some Daryas are able to keep themselves pure until their wedding night.

Despite her natural calmness in sex, Daria is a passionate person who has no complexes. Such a transformation often confuses or surprises a partner, because the woman is sedate on the outside, but like a hurricane on the inside. This is Daria’s uniqueness, her zest, which can only be comprehended by those who are worthy of sharing a bed with her. A woman loves beautiful courtship and gifts.


Dasha has been healthy since childhood and is not prone to colds and seasonal diseases. And this continues until adolescence. After this, due to constant stress, either with studies or with love relationships, problems with the nervous system, stomach and lungs begin.

Smoking, drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods (chips, Coca-Cola) are strictly contraindicated for Daria. If you do not adhere to a diet and do not give up bad habits, your health can deteriorate sharply. In addition to this, the girl becomes susceptible to viral diseases.

Being a woman, Daria is prone to injuries, which leads to back pain. Joints also suffer. Doctors advise a woman to be at sea more often or even move closer to him for permanent residence. There she feels good, the pain goes away immediately, and the general condition of the body returns to normal. But if there is no opportunity to move, then you need to go to the sea beach as often as possible.

Interests and hobbies

Daria is melancholic by temperament, which is reflected in her slowness. Therefore, she enjoys activities that do not require excessive activity, such as embroidery, sewing and knitting, as well as beading, wood burning, jewelry making, quilling or scrapbooking.

Extreme sports are not to women's liking. And she doesn’t like active recreation. She can only be persuaded to visit the pool, short walks, short excursions and travel, but very far from home. Prefers to spend evenings with family or next to a loved one.

Another thing that can captivate Daria is cooking. She can make an incredible amount of preparations for the winter, experiment with first and second courses, and come up with desserts using secret ingredients. A woman can devote herself completely to this hobby and even get a second education as a cook or baker. Loves to pamper his family with fresh baked goods.

Compatibility of the name Daria with male names

The relationship will bring Daria a lot of positive emotions and memorable moments if the partners’ names are Abraham, Alexander, Anton, Valery, Vikenty, Gennady, Dmitry, Emilyan. Also Hilarion, Innocent, Constantine, Leonty, Mark, Nikita, Paul, Raphael, Samson and Tikhon. The relationship most likely will not reach marriage, but it will be positive and positive.

Daria will decide to completely trust a man and marry him if he turns out to be Alan, Albert, Valentin, Veniamin, Gabriel, Gerasim. Also Egor, Ivan, Ilya, Casimir, Clement, Cornelius, Lukyan, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Roman, Terenty and Farid. Marriage with one of them will turn out to be the way the woman planned to see it.

The relationship will not last long and the initiator of the separation will be Daria with the men named Arthur, Bulat, Vitaly, Gleb. Also Daniel, Myron, Samuel, Taras, Thaddeus and Jacob. Representatives of the stronger sex with these names will meet Daria in her youth and want a more intimate relationship, which the girl will not be ready for.

Daria should avoid meeting with Artemy, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Joseph, Nikolai, Semyon, Timur, Yuri and Yan. These men will bring a lot of disappointment, stress and nervous tension into a woman’s life. You can still somehow cooperate with them at work, but you shouldn’t start a relationship.

The name Daria means, translated from Persian, “mistress”, “great fire”, translated from ancient Slavic - “gifted by God”. A girl with that name is truly a bright personality. She is lively in communication, easily ignites with any idea, and, just as easily, abandons it.

Origin of the name Daria.

There are several versions of the origin of the name Daria. The first says that this is a variant of the male name Darius, and it came from ancient Persia. According to the second version, Daria is a native Slavic name meaning “gifted, gift of God.” It is also possible that it is assumed that Daria is an abbreviation for the name Dorofey.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Daria.

Since childhood, Dasha loves to communicate with both peers and adults. The ability to find a common language with people of different personalities and ages remains with her throughout her life. The temperament of girls with this name is very complex - they are both phlegmatic and choleric. Daria does not like “sharp edges” and scandals, so she tries not to conflict, but to come to an agreement, quickly forgetting grievances. Although he can rush into a fight to restore justice, and in his youth he likes to command those around him and impose his point of view.

Daria is able to grasp and remember almost any information, which she uses masterfully. Her school performance is usually above average. However, Dasha receives high marks not for hard work, but for her good memory. Accustomed since school to easily reproducing anything she has ever heard or read, both at university and at work, Daria will never “cram” anything. It's just not her style.

Due to her innate artistry, boundless imagination and excellent taste, Dasha has many friends. She knows how to adapt to any conditions. Making friends with her will not be difficult - Daria is very trusting and open, and sincerely considers everyone around her to be such.

Daria hates routine, so she tries to quickly “get rid of” chores around the house or give up social assignments. She loves comfort and order, but it must not have been created by her hands.

When married, she prefers not to work, but despite this, she wants to be independent. Cheating is not in her nature; she also expects devotion from her husband. Daria is very hospitable and tries to make her family seem ideal in the eyes of other people.

If she still has to look for a job, she will spend a lot of time on this, constantly going through or changing the already chosen options. Daria will make an excellent journalist, psychologist or translator. She will be a good leader. But work related to documents and archives does not suit her at all.

In the nineteenth century, this name was one of the most common, but since the beginning of the twentieth century, interest in the name has faded. Now it is becoming popular again.

In Orthodoxy there is a saint named Daria - this is the martyr Daria of Rome.

Autumn Darias are more obligatory and dutiful than Darias born in spring. Winter Daryas love to do handicrafts - sewing, knitting, weaving beads.

Sometimes a name can play a decisive role in a person’s fate. The name Daria carries positive and very strong energy. This means that its owner will certainly receive its best qualities.

Meaning and origin of the name

This name has several interpretations, equally popular today. According to one version, Daria is the female version of the name Darius, which came from Ancient Persia. The meaning of this name was “ruler of good.” The second version assumes the Slavic origin of the name. If we turn to M. Vasmer’s etymological dictionary, another option for the origin of the name will appear: perhaps Daria is a short form of the name Dorofey.

If we consider the version of the Slavic origin of the name, then it turns out to be close to the word “gift” and may have the meaning “gifted”. This name has approximately the same meaning, if we consider that it is formed from the name Dorotheus.

Variants of this name also include Odarina, Tarya, Daryana, Dariya, Darina and Darena. All of them, to one degree or another, carry the main features of the name Daria.

Fate and character of Daria

A characteristic feature of girls named Daria is their developed intelligence, which is immediately noticeable. In her thoughts and ideas about the world, as well as when making decisions, Daria relies solely on her own mind. Even the fact that she is a fairly sensitive person does not make her rash: feelings rarely manipulate Daria’s mind. And this is correct in every sense, because intuition is often not inherent in girls with this name. They take it with their intellect. However, at times Daria can be extremely easily excitable.

Daria's life path, as a rule, includes a couple of sharp turns, but her quick mind helps her turn any situation in her favor. Those around her who do not know Daria very well may suspect that she has almost no moral standards or generally accepted attitudes. Of course, this is not entirely true. Daria tends to be independent and fully independent, even from her beloved man. She is kind, distinguished by courage, and at the same time she is characterized not by a soft, cutesy behavior, but by a somewhat free or even rude behavior. However, the bearers of this name, despite such a set of qualities, extremely rarely cheat on their husbands, so the suspicions of gossips usually have no basis and rarely affect the fate of Daria and her marriage.

The meaning of the name Daria for a child: choosing a name for children

Since childhood, Daria has been a completely non-conflict child, with whom it is quite easy to communicate and who knows how to communicate well on her own. The name Dasha is very suitable for girls who are ready to reveal their talents, but for this they need a suitable environment. When choosing the name Daria for a girl, parents should be ready to create this atmosphere favorable for unleashing their potential.

Growing up, Daria becomes an interesting, pleasant conversationalist. There is an originality in her and she always remains a child - at least a little. In order for Daria to reveal herself as a person among her friends, time must pass, and already in the classroom this will be a noticeable feature of Daria’s girl. But she really values ​​those in her social circle, so often Daria’s school friends remain friends for a long time.

Energy name

The name Daria has strong energy, but in order to stabilize it, Daria needs reliable friends and a strong family. This way she better understands and demonstrates the qualities of her name and her personality.

Characteristics of the name Daria

Remembering that one of the possible origins of the name Daria is the name of an ancient Persian king, it should be noted that Daria also strives for victories, even if she does not always achieve them. The characteristics of her name include a desire to be in the forefront, but indecision can lead Daria astray.

Daria's name day: March 14, April 4, June 30, August 17 and 18. Girls named Daria are patronized by the martyr Daria of Rome.

Which middle name is suitable for the name Daria? Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Dmitrievna, Egorovna, Leonidovna, Maksimovna.

Patron animal: giraffe

Name element: fire.

Stone-amulet: bloodstone.

Metal: lead.

Color: red, brown.

Planet: Mars.

Plant: Rowan.

Number: 6

Famous representatives: Daria Domracheva (biathlete), Daria Alekseevna Melnikova (actress), Daria Mikhailovna Leonova (opera singer).

All names in alphabetical order:

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