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Creating a mind map of the working day. A smart card is the best assistant in any business. Pros and cons of mind maps

In the new millennium, when the volume and nature of information have become colossal, new methods and programs for their rapid assimilation have become urgently needed. Such methods soon appeared and were called "mind maps". Their creator is Tony Buzan, and the author of many books on self-improvement and thinking. His most famous work, the book "Super Mindset", created together with his brother, is a hit and a fulcrum for many of his followers.

What is a mind map for?

(from English mindmap, or - is a creative way of revealing a topic, concept, idea, any object of thought or even a story. They will help you in:

Intellectual maps from Tony Buzan have gained wide scope due to the simplicity of their implementation. Their effectiveness lies in increasing work productivity, often on a fairly large scale.

How to create?

A smart map is very easy to create - all you need is a pen and a piece of paper, you can also use the screen of a computer, tablet, or laptop. The brain absorbs a multi-colored and multidimensional mind map more easily than a regular gray outline with diagrams and tables, so it is better to use multi-colored pens or pencils.

As you can see, the smart map can be easily supplemented with additional branch elements and associations, is easy to read, and easy to understand.

How does the brain work?

In order to understand how the mind map works, we first need to understand the principles. We all know: the brain consists of two hemispheres, each is responsible for a functional set unique to it. For example, the left hemisphere is responsible for logical meanings and sequences, words, numbers, formulas, diagrams and analysis. While the right is the perception of rhythm and space, imagination and representation of images. Most people rely mainly on the left hemisphere when solving their problems, and constant load on only one lobe of the brain atrophies the second, as a result of which the entire brain loses, since the main potential is not used.

Maps overload the whole brain

The brain functions perfectly when both hemispheres are connected, which is what Tony Buzan tried to achieve when creating his new method. Drawings connect the right hemisphere to work, and the connections between them connect the left hemisphere; a competent relationship between both allows you to use those reserves that were not previously in demand. This way, a mind map will help your entire brain work, and its constant use will make working with images habitual, which is a key point in all areas of life. T

So, many people note that after working with cards for a long time, they notice that they are completing them in their heads when reading or communicating, and this does not introduce chaos, but, on the contrary, increases understanding. By using your brain with such intensity, you will be able to ensure its normal functioning and performance.

Smart cards: programs

Nowadays, special programs are very popular in the world, with the help of which you can quickly and competently create mental maps. About two hundred different programs have now been created in the world in different categories:

  • paid;
  • free;
  • online services.

Working with them is quite simple: first you need to go to the editor menu and start with “Create a new mind map”. A convenient option will immediately arise in which you will need to start creating a mental map by introducing a keyword - the program will immediately create a colored central symbol with your word. After this, you will need to enter additional keywords that will be responsible for the branches emanating from the central symbol. The program will draw and color each branch itself, and you can edit all aspects, from color to the structure of all branches. You can also copy and propagate branches, move them, delete them as desired. Very convenient, isn't it?

What are the advantages of the programs?

A smart map will help you correctly distribute all the information and outline its key points. But what to do if the volume of information is simply enormous and cannot be included in standard schemes written on a sheet of paper? This is why the programs have gained such popularity - they will help you create three-dimensional and multidimensional maps, with large amounts of information and sections.

Megamind maps are large-scale intellectual maps, examples of which you can find in an editor program or online service. This method is popular in industry and large companies, but it can be useful for anyone who uses this technique. They will help you improve your performance, and your map will acquire hyperconnections with multi-level information, the development of idea centers for new maps - after all, each such mind map will be part of a larger whole, created to help you in any endeavor.

Mind maps. What do mind maps look like? What it is. Areas of application of mind maps. How to make a mind map. Rules for compiling mind maps.

What are mind maps?

This amazing and fascinating instrument came into fashion and into mass use not so long ago. The author and inventor of mind maps is Tony Buzan, a well-known figure in the field of learning psychology and intelligence development.

What are they?

A mind map is a special type of recording materials in the form radiant structure, that is, a structure emanating from the center to the edges, gradually branching into smaller parts. Mind maps can replace traditional text, tables, graphs and diagrams.

Why is writing in the form of a mind map more convenient and useful?

It's all about the peculiarities of our thinking. Our thinking is NOT organized like text, linearly. It has exactly this structure: branching, each concept in our head is connected to other concepts, these other concepts are connected to third ones, and so on ad infinitum.

This organization of material is called multidimensional, radiant. It is this structure that most organically reflects our real thinking.

Neurons in our brain are connected at the physical level in exactly the same way: each neuron entangles a network of dendrites of other neurons, and from one neuron we can move through chains of connections to another neuron.
On the contrary, one has to wonder how a person can work and think linearly? After all, our brain is not designed for this at all.

Mind maps- most adequately reflects our real multidimensional radiant thinking. That is why it is more convenient to use compared to plain text. Mind maps allow you to better display the structure of the material, semantic and hierarchical connections, and show what relationships exist between the component parts.

Thanks to their structure, mind maps allow you to reveal your intellectual potential. And this is achieved through proper organization and through the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Indeed, in such a branching structure, both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work.

A short video about how the mind map is connected to our thinking

Mind maps have one more wonderful effect. Due to its extensibility and adaptability to radiant thinking, the creation of mind maps contributes to the development flow of associations, thoughts, ideas.

As a rule, those who switch to using mind maps begin to notice how many ideas are formed in the course of their depiction; often there is not even enough space initially allocated for all the ideas.

That is why in our information age the use of mind maps in various areas of life becomes so relevant.

Brief video: benefits of mind maps

How can you use mind maps?

They can be used almost everywhere, in different areas of life. Namely:

  • Mind maps at work

    • create a common vision for the project
    • create work plans
    • plan events, budget
    • prepare a plan for a speech or presentation
    • decisions
    • brainstorm
    • generate ideas
    • create motivation
    • write goals
    • prepare a negotiation plan
    • organize thoughts and ideas
  • Mind maps in educational activities

    • write down from books and by ear
    • create plans for writing articles, books, abstracts, diplomas
    • pass exams
    • structure any material, which allows you to understand the essence, the author’s thought, and sort difficult material into shelves
    • remember the meaning of the material. Mind maps are remembered many times easier than any text material
    • write a series of interrelated hypotheses
  • Mind maps in everyday life

    • use in structuring everyday tasks, household chores
    • describe the advantages and disadvantages of planned purchases and acquisitions
    • create your personal family tree
    • describe the structure of a holiday or other event
    • plan a vacation

Mind map from T. Buzan’s book “Super Thinking”

Creation: how to create a mind map?

Unfortunately, not everyone understands how to make a mind map correctly. After all, it is often precisely because of errors in its preparation and lack of understanding of the principles of its construction that we make only a rough sketch. But it turns out that the admitted inaccuracies affect the perception of this mind map so much that it seems ineffective and meaningless to us.

Therefore, let's look at the basic rules. Algorithm for creating a mind map:

1. Take an unlined sheet of paper and place it landscape, that is, horizontally. It is this arrangement that is most convenient for depicting the radiant structure when compiling mind maps.
2. Take several colored pencils, markers, at least three or four colors. Using colors allows you to divide information into blocks or rank it by importance. All this facilitates the perception of information, improves the quality of memorization by preserving the visual image and actively connecting the right hemisphere.
3. Write large and voluminous in the very center of the main topic. It is advisable to use large letters, and also to depict the main idea of ​​the map schematically or with a drawing. Drawings and graphics further connect the resources of the right hemisphere, which promotes quick memorization of the compiled mind map
4. From the center make several branches, designate each of them with a keyword. The branches located around the central theme will be the largest, then as they branch, the branches will become smaller. This division will visually indicate the hierarchy and relationships in the mind map.
5. Continue branching large ideas into smaller ones as long as you need to. Each concept has associative connections with other concepts. Include the process of associative thinking. Then your card will begin to grow quickly.

Hi all! Today I will tell you about mind maps. I first met them during a training session.

To gain access to a new lesson, homework was required. And one of the points was to draw up a mind map of the lesson completed.

At first I thought it was pointless. But after making a few cards, I realized how brilliant this method is.

Now, in order to remember some points of the lesson, there is no point in watching it again. Just look at the map and everything you need will immediately come to mind. It's really cool!

But let's talk about everything in order. I'll tell you what, why and how.

What are mind maps

A mind map (mental map, mind map, mind map, associative map, mind map) is a graphical way to present ideas, concepts, information in the form of a map consisting of key and secondary topics. That is, it is a tool for structuring ideas.

Map structure:

  • Central idea: question, subject of study, purpose;
  • Key topics: structure, headings;
  • Subtopics: detailing key topics.

To create mind maps, keywords, pictures, and symbols are used. But, as they say, it’s better to see once. Therefore, I offer several examples of mind maps:

Examples of mind maps

There are many ways to create maps, both simple and complex.

One of the blog articles is dedicated to the 6 hats method. If you haven't read it yet, then you should.

And a couple more examples:

Use both sides of your brain

Why are mind maps better than traditional notes?

This method, created by Tony Buzan, is taught to young Finnish schoolchildren. And Finland has the best academic performance among European countries.

This way of taking notes is playful, fun and enjoyable to use. Simply listing a few keywords and then organizing them logically can generate new ideas and also encourage more employee engagement during meetings.

Research by Tony Buzan (a cognitive scientist) emphasizes the dominant role of the left hemisphere, both in school and in society at large, to the detriment of the right hemisphere.

The left hemisphere is responsible for words, the hierarchy of ideas, numbers, while the right is associated with creativity, it controls space, analyzes information through colors and rhythms.

In a nutshell, the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right is responsible for creativity.

When taking regular notes, you use only the left hemisphere, but when creating mind maps, you use both hemispheres.

A mind map combines text with images. A parallel can be drawn with the difference between and a film: it is easier to remember a film, since it consists of images and sounds.

If you want to learn more about mind maps and increase your productivity with them, then this is the place for you.

Scope of application

Cards can be used for:

  • memorizing the contents of books and courses,
  • taking notes,
  • searching for new ideas,
  • solving complex problems,
  • memorizing speeches,
  • structuring ideas,
  • memorizing movies,
  • for memory training
  • to develop creative abilities,
  • for organizing events,
  • to start the project.

If you are a blogger, then you can use cards when creating a course or e-book, to write down new ideas for articles, to draw up a plan for working on a blog, to give a presentation.

You can also use the mind map as a sign-up bonus. In addition, you can create a map to remember the main ideas from.

How to make a mind map

To create a map you will need a sheet of paper, pencils or colored pens. At the same time, take your mind off the computer.

You always start from the center of the page. This is the heart of your mental map. You can write a word that symbolizes your problem, such as “vacation 2015,” or draw a picture that symbolizes it.

Do you need to be good at drawing to create a map? No! This is a misconception. You create a mind map for you. The main thing is that you can recognize what is drawn!

Around the central idea you note key themes. Use colors!

Your brain loves colors and will remember information better! Use only one word per topic!

You need to write not sentences, but concepts, keywords! Draw more, a small picture is worth a thousand words! Sometimes you can even replace words entirely with pictures.

For example, instead of writing “phone call,” you can draw a phone, your brain will remember the image better.

Perhaps the first map will not be perfect, but over time you will become a master in this matter. By the way, this method can be used to create .

Creating a mind map is a fun task, but you should set aside a certain time limit for this activity in advance, otherwise you may spend more time than necessary and add unnecessary elements to the map.

If you think that you are not capable of drawing, then this is not a problem. There are special services with which you can create a mind map online for free in no time.

I talk about one of them in the video.

Hi all! If you want to create a mental map online, you can use a special website in Russian, which has the necessary tools and clear navigation for beginners in this craft. The service that allows you to create a mental map is called MindMeister.

Program for creating mental maps

Let us analyze in order all the stages that need to be completed to obtain a visual and informative map diagram for any subject.

I will not describe in detail all the stages of compiling a Mind Map, but will simply add video instructions. If you don't understand how to make a mind map, then watch this video lesson.

Who can benefit from creating mental maps?

Creating an online mind map can be useful to anyone. Since such a map allows you to decompose the whole into its component parts and see the sequence and relationships between all stages.

Here are several areas of activity in which the use of mind maps will facilitate decision making and show the entire structure.

  • Webmastering. Any site builder simply needs to create a visual structure of his site in order to add them to sections and subsections.
  • Education. A map of school subjects will give an idea of ​​the program and the sequence of training in different topics.
  • Training. It will be useful for coaches to figure out the structure of their training in order to know where to start and where to move during classes.
  • Benefits for life. Any life situation can be examined in detail and broken down point by point using an online mind map.
  • Problem solving. If you have a difficult situation, then it’s time to break it down into pieces to figure out where to start solving the problem and where to go next.
  • Activity planning. With the help of a mind mapping program, you can always create an action plan and use it as a road map to move towards your goal and not lose your way.
  • Brainstorm. Another use for smart maps is to sketch out different ideas to find the best ones.

If you want to plan your time wisely and achieve your goals, then it’s time to get acquainted with the paid material - “Master of Mind Maps”

So intelligence cards as a means of achieving any tasks will help you throughout your life.

Examples of mental maps on the MindMeister service

As an example, I’ll give you a couple of my cards.

  1. Not long ago I systematized my activities and called the intelligence map “Work and Hobbies.”

I made the map with timing calculations so that everything was realistic and measurable.

  1. Another mental map is aimed at optimizing the time and monetary costs of working with a content project. Here I have calculated the approximate costs of delegating some functions to fill one of my sites.

Try creating a mental map online yourself and you will see the whole picture.

MindMeister service overview

Let's look at the pros and cons of this service, which allows us to create free mental maps online.

Our brain thinks nonlinearly, sometimes a huge flow of information confuses it, and it is difficult to remember anything. Tony Buzan, a famous writer, psychologist and expert in the field of learning problems, came up with an entertaining thing that helps you plan your affairs, eliminate chaos in your thoughts, help you learn a boring history paragraph and many other useful things. It's called an intelligence map, or Mind map. Translated, the latter means “mind map.”

Why does this work?

The information presented in plain text with the addition of tables and graphs is frightening in its volume. This is a heavy load, and we immediately understand that remembering it is hellish work. Thoughts fly through a person’s head constantly, but their course is uneven. Sometimes they get confused and bump into each other. A mind map makes it possible to structure data and put thoughts in order. Highlight the main thing and gradually paint (draw) the details from it.

Start building a map with brainstorming. Take a piece of paper and a pencil and sketch everything that comes to mind. The only thing that is important here is that you need to “dance” from the main thing, which should be “overgrown” with details. Now you are working in a draft and you can not be afraid that there is little logic in your notes so far. Later you will transfer this to another sheet where the information will be more structured. This will help you remember and recall data in the future.

Creating your own mind map

The concept of mind mapping is best explained in the book Teach Yourself to Think. This publication has already been included in the ranking of 1000 great books of our century.

Working with visual flow:

  • Take pens or pencils of three different colors. Draw the main idea that the card is about.
  • There shouldn't be a lot of detail in the middle. If there are more than five graphic elements, then it is better to redraw the map. It is better to divide a large number into logical groups.
  • Leave space between images, do not try to fill the sheet as much as possible. Space is fresh air for your brain. Schemes and transitions will be easier to read if they are not placed too tightly.
  • Images on the map should not be flat. Try to give them volume, use different fonts.

Association game:

  • Create a map according to the principle “from complex to simple.” Such a hierarchy will allow you not to forget about the main thing and not get drowned in a large number of details.
  • To illustrate cause-and-effect relationships, you will need arrows and transitions.

How to make a map understandable:

  • Images don't have to be complex.
  • Place keywords above the arrows. The lines shouldn't be too long. Try to keep the length of the arrow equal to the size of the written word.
  • A large amount of text information is your enemy! Remember the symbols, use encoding that only you understand, abbreviate the words. Draw more than write.
  • Connect the arrows located in the center with others. Everything on the map must be interconnected. No element should stand out from the crowd - this way you won't miss important details. Draw key arrows with more saturated colors.
  • You may need to enable the timeline. Then depict the past on the left and the future on the right.
  • Contain significant information in frames and blocks.

In order to understand the principle of creating a mind map, it is enough to imagine a tree. There is a trunk and roots - this is the main idea. Next come thick branches, then thinner ones.

Using mind mapping in the learning process

How to use smart map technologies in teaching? It’s clear that this is a great way to turn a boring paragraph into a 3D diagram!

In the educational process, mind maps will be a great help.

  • This is actually a hand-drawn presentation. This makes it easier to present voluminous material to an audience. With the help of arrows and graphic images, it is easier to convey your idea to listeners. Understand a large number of elements. In the study of history, mind maps can be a real lifesaver. It is very easy to get confused in the huge number of dates, historical events, and people who played key roles in the development of the country. In the history of Russia, intellectual maps can be used in the study of ruling dynasties.
  • You can use mind map when preparing very voluminous and complex works: term papers, dissertations, or just abstracts. Here the map will serve as a kind of graphic table of contents.
  • Set a goal and watch the speed of approaching it. Distribute the load correctly.
  • Each of us has times when, after reading a page of a book, there is nothing left in our heads or everything is confused. For such cases, using a mind map is great.
  • If you are working on a creative project, you can apply the principle of incubation. Chances are you've heard that the best ideas sometimes come in a dream. If possible, put off solving the problem until tomorrow morning. If not, then distract yourself with something else for a few hours. Your brain will definitely give you the most creative solution.

Smart cards in preschool educational institutions

What about the little ones? After all, mind mapping should definitely attract the child with its brightness and liveliness of images.

For the first time, the use of smart map technology in the development of children was proposed by the candidate of psychological sciences Akimenko. He proposed using them in the field of speech development in preschool children.

Four-year-old children can be included in the process of playing with mind maps. Children will love being involved in creating the map. At the same time, the process should not become tedious. Kids should have fun, otherwise they will quickly get bored. To begin with, choose the simplest concepts that the child has long been familiar with.

Example of a mind map: suggest drawing a farm. In the center, place housing for animals and special machines for servicing them. Along the edges are the farm residents themselves.

Second example of a smart map. You can teach the seasons with your children, describe the different characteristics of phenomena and objects. This teaches the child to see cause-and-effect relationships. The map is an excellent simulator for developing logic.

How to work with mind map for parents

Another example of what an intellectual map for a child should look like. After any significant event in your baby’s life - a trip to the country or the sea, as well as visiting relatives, you can create a mind map with your baby. A simple method is needed to familiarize the baby with its basics.

In the center, describe or draw the event. Along the edges place details, pleasant memories, skills that the baby has acquired. For work, use small photos, clippings from magazines, children's drawings, newspapers. Save your tickets, look for small natural materials that can be used in your work.

When working with mind maps for preschoolers, through associations, children learn to express their thoughts more widely, their imagination develops, and their vocabulary expands.

The child learns the basis of analysis using simple logical operations. Understands how to compare objects, draw independent conclusions, and classify. There are many mind map games you can come up with.

The teacher Ushinsky spoke about this in his writings. He said that if you purposefully teach a small child five different concepts, then you will not quickly achieve results, but if you connect these concepts with pictures familiar to the little one, then he will very quickly amaze you with the result. Mind maps for preschoolers are effective in preparing for further education.

Principles of drawing maps

Do not forget that when creating a map, the sheet should always be positioned horizontally. In the middle, depict an idea or problem. The first, thickest branches are sub-ideas. There should be key concepts and associations for quick memorization. Don't be afraid to use things that only you understand! After all, our brain is absolutely individual in associative thinking!

The second level will go from the first level. If necessary, draw a third tier.

  1. Don't forget that this is a creative process, let your brain relax and produce the most creative information. Have you noticed that the most stupid and meaningless advertisements are often remembered? Perhaps the most absurd associations at first glance will help you remember.
  2. If you want to use a mind map to indicate the work of employees on a common project, then choose a different color for each individual person. Yellow, red, orange work well. Slower perception speed for blue, brown, green.
  3. At the second level there should not be more than 5-7 branches.
  4. This is a creative process, do not try to create a standard in your work.
  5. As mentioned above, exaggerated examples are remembered. Don't be afraid to draw "funny pictures."
  6. Don’t get carried away with the services that are now very plentiful on the Internet. It is better to draw a map by hand, it stimulates thinking.
  7. Images on paper should be supported by emotions; this is always better remembered.
  8. Use a hierarchy system. Everything important should be in the center, followed by details. If necessary, assign specific numbers to the branches.
  9. Write the words in one line and strictly horizontally. Try to use more images than text though.
  10. Before you start using this method of structuring information in your activities, you can create your own set of codes. For example, a light bulb can mean something important. Lightning is something that needs to be done very quickly.
  11. Emphasize the importance of the branch in a larger font.
  12. Circle the arrows of the first, second, third levels in separate blocks. There must be a connection between them.

Use in practice

Using a map, you can collect data about a subject that requires study. It’s easier to sort information into specific blocks:

  • flaws;
  • peculiarities;
  • properties.

Practical application: replace a boring abstract with a colorful presentation - and you will receive applause from your audience.

Life hack for students. You can record a boring lecture on a tape recorder, and while listening to what the professor is saying, draw! This way you will learn three times more information and definitely won’t fall asleep during the lecture.

In what other areas can it be used?

They are needed wherever you need to increase the speed of the thought process, optimize it and break it into blocks, a large amount of information, so as not to drown in this sea.

  1. Carrying out various events: weddings, anniversaries.
  2. Creating the structure of a new business. For example, when creating a business plan.
  3. Creating a capsule wardrobe. Draw how you see your image on paper. Shake out your wardrobe and take note of the items you have and need to buy. This way you will save yourself from unnecessary expenses.
  4. General cleaning of the apartment before the mother-in-law arrives. Divide the territory of your home into blocks. remember, that start cleaning need from top to bottom. First, sweep away the dust from the mezzanines, then wash the floors. To avoid missing anything, draw a map.
  5. Planning tasks for the day.
  6. With the help of cards it will be easier to prepare for exams. Break all the material into blocks and move. Material that is difficult to remember is easier to remember if you come up with symbols for it.
  7. Cards are good for executive assistants who need to organize many meetings during the day, make a lot of calls, and print a mountain of papers.

Disadvantage of Mind Maps

If it is created for decision-making, then people who are logical by nature may experience a stupor at one of the moments. The creator of the concept suggests writing down all the ideas that come to mind during a brainstorming session, even if they are irrational. To do this you need to use intuition. What should people do who constantly analyze and cannot relax? There is a solution: write down all the options, no matter how strange they may seem, and write down the consequences of all decisions in the next level branch. This will make it easier for people with a logical type of thinking to see the full picture.

Services for mind maps

Hand-drawn drawings are preferable in this type of work, but there are people who are disgusted by the thought of it. Many programs have been developed for them to create graphic images on a computer. They differ in interface, design, and some have the ability to connect To-do List. There are paid and free versions.

Pay attention to the MindMeister service. It can be combined with the Meistertask scheduler. The service is free, but there are PRO packages that provide a wide range of different services. Your data will be on the cloud, and you won't have to worry about important information disappearing or getting lost. Using a password, you can log in and work on maps from any computer and anywhere in the world. The service interface is cheerful and puts you in a positive mood. The developers offer many colorful templates.

You don't need any special artistic skills to create mind maps. Experts still recommend creating them yourself, drawing the image by hand. Creating smart maps in programs is possible, since many are accustomed to storing information on digital media. For some people, a smartphone or tablet has become a faithful friend and a second memory. Well, it’s up to you to create on your own or use programs and templates already drawn by designers.



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