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Fortune telling on cards by name for a lover: meanings of layouts. Fortune telling with playing cards by the name of a loved one Fortune telling with cards by a person's name online

Every girl dreams of knowing what the person she likes thinks about her. We offer several card fortune telling for a guy. These fortune tellings are absolutely free, you only need a deck of regular cards of 36 pieces and a little desire to figure it out.

Love fortune telling on cards (method 1)

To carry out the ritual, you need to set yourself up: turn off all appliances in the house, remove pets from the room. It is advisable that no one else is in the house. As a last resort, ask your loved ones not to disturb you for a while.

Step 1. Find out what feelings and desires the mysterious guy has for the girl

To do this, mix the cards well and move part of the deck with your left hand. We lay out the cards one at a time into as many piles as there are letters in the guy’s name. For example, if a girl is guessing for a guy named Alexander, then the deck needs to be divided into 9 piles, if for a guy named Ivan - into 4 piles, etc.

When all the cards have been laid out, we take into our hand the pile of cards where the last card was placed, remove one card from it and place them in order in the remaining piles. At the same time, we place the first card on the pile that follows the one being laid out.

Having laid out all the cards from the pile, we again pick up the pile where the last card went this time. We continue this way until two piles remain.

We take the one where the last card was placed and place the cards as follows. We put one card in the second untouched pile, the other in a new one, and so on. As a result, you will again get two piles, only one of them will become even thicker.

When the cards run out, we take a smaller pile and continue to lay it out in the same way: one card into a thick pile, one into a new one. We continue this until the cards are all in one pile.

After this, without moving anything, we begin to lay out the cards face up in a line, one next to the other. If cards of the same value lie next to each other, put them aside. After the entire deck is laid out like this, we begin to decipher the pairs set aside.


Two sixes - wants to come to her
Two sevens - wants to talk to her
Two eights - wants to meet her
Two nines - loves her
Two tens - she interests him
Two Jacks - wants to be friends with her
Two ladies - he has another
Two Kings - jealous
Two Aces - is physically attracted to her
At the same time, the more red suits in the set aside pair, the stronger the feeling experienced by the guy.

Step 2. Find out what feelings and desires the girl herself experiences for this guy.

We repeat what was described above, only we arrange the remaining cards into as many piles as there are letters in the girl’s name.

Step 3. Find out what awaits this couple in the future

To do this, we again perform what was described above, only we arrange the remaining cards after completing both steps into as many piles as there are letters in the guy’s name and the girl’s name together.

If at some step not a single pair of cards matches, then there are no feelings (or there won’t be, if not a single pair matches at step 3).

The second way to tell a guy's love

This is an easier way. We make a wish for one of the kings to be a specific guy, and for one of the queens to wish to know the fate (the suits of the king and the queen must be different). Shuffle the cards and move them with your left hand. We lay out the cards in a row. If there are cards of the same suit next to each other, we throw them aside; we won’t need them anymore. At the same time, neither the hidden king nor the hidden queen can be thrown away.

As soon as there are 9 cards in a row, we begin to lay out the next row below. Again we throw away cards of the same suit that lie next to each other. If it turns out that the suits coincide for cards that are touching vertically (that is, one lies in the top row, and the other is directly below it in the bottom), then we throw them out too, after which we move the remaining cards from right to left, making the first card of the bottom row the last top card. If the suits match both vertically and horizontally, we throw out all three cards.

When there are 9 cards in the second row, we begin to lay out the third.

After all the cards have been laid out, we look to see if the hidden king and the hidden queen are nearby. If yes, then the girl will be friends. If not, you can find out from the cards between them what will interfere with them.

In the same case, when the hidden king and queen find themselves next to each other in the left corner of the first row (that is, the very first), it can be concluded that they will get married. If other cards are ahead of them, we look at the meaning of these cards, which will interfere with the wedding.

The meaning of cards for deciphering interference:

6 – road
7 – conversation
8 – meeting
9 – love
10 – interest
B – troubles
D – woman
K - man

T – big event (if it’s red, it’s pleasant, if it’s black, it’s unpleasant).

At the same time, if the suit of the card denoting interference coincides with the suit of the king or queen, then it is related to them (to the one whose suit it coincided with), otherwise it is related to strangers. For example, if the obstacle is 8, which coincides with the suit of the king, then the friendship (or wedding) will not take place for the reason that the guy will meet someone who will interfere with this friendship (or wedding).

A person's name shows him as clearly as a reflection in a mirror or a photograph. It stores information about character, thoughts and feelings. By name you can not only reveal your future together with your lover, but also find out what his intentions are towards his other half.

One of the most ancient and proven methods of fortune telling by name is cards. You can use both regular playing cards and Tarot for divination. In addition to the chosen fortune telling technique, the fortuneteller’s faith in the result is also important. The cards, imbued with the positive energy of confidence and trust, will tell the whole truth about your loved one.

If a person wants to carry out fortune telling on cards by name, he should under no circumstances use the deck that is used for games. For divination, a separate, completely new deck is purchased. During fortune telling, you need to focus on the name of your lover and formulate a question that requires an answer. It is important to give not the name that is indicated in the passport, but a diminutive (Vanechka, Ivanushka).

You only need to cast a spell on a real person who is familiar with the fortuneteller. Otherwise, the divination itself will lose all meaning.

Alignment for a lover

It is good to shuffle a deck of 36 ordinary playing cards and place on the table the number of cards corresponding to the number of letters in the name of your lover. For example, if a young man’s name is Roma, then you need to take four pieces. The remaining cards in the deck are laid out on top of them one by one. The pile containing the last card must be taken and placed among the remaining piles. Repeat until one stack remains.

A person's name or nickname is the same reflection of a person as the image in the mirror. It stores information about a person's character. Whether he is serious or easy to communicate, open or closed. Knowing these features, you can predict his feelings for you.

It turns out that information about a person’s character can be obtained using cards. Below we will describe a way to find out about a person’s feelings by his name. What does he think about you, is he like you, are you destined to be together. For fortune telling by name we will use . In addition, your trust and belief in your own strengths are important!

A similar prediction can be found, for example, in our “”, or in “”

Whatever the result of the fortune telling below, do not become its hostage. The cards didn’t show something, make decisions carefully and thoughtfully!

Technique for fortune telling on cards by name

Find a deck of cards

When fortune telling by name, you need to concentrate on the image of the person you will be fortune-telling about. At the same time, he must know about your existence, otherwise fortune telling makes no sense. Repeat his name to yourself. Moreover, it is not necessarily the name according to the passport, but the one you call it yourself (Roman, Roma, Romochka or Romashka, the form of the name is important).

Laying out the cards

Shuffle the cards thoroughly, remembering to say the name. Remove the deck with your left hand. Count the number of letters in the name of the fortune telling object. Lay out the entire deck into a number of piles equal to the number of letters. Place one card into each pile in turn until the entire deck has been dealt out. We are interested in the pile that contains the last card. Take it and spread it among the rest of the decks. Repeat the process again until there is only one stack left (the last time is to simply stack the deck one on top of the other).

There was a similar situation in fortune telling, so having finished with fortune telling by name, we advise you to try it too.

Take the newly assembled deck of cards in your hands and begin placing one card at a time on the table face down (or, as we say, face up). If a number of cards contain two consecutive cards of the same value (two aces, two kings, etc.), then put them aside.

The cards set aside will give us answers to the questions posed about the object of fortune telling.

Interpretation of fortune telling by name on cards

So, after we finished the layout, we had several pairs of cards. Each card in fortune telling has its own meaning, and in sum, all pairs will give a detailed interpretation. But what’s strange is that the fewer cards dropped, the more accurate and truthful the fortune telling will be. Let's figure out the meaning of the cards.

  • A pair of aces - the object of fortune telling dreams of you and loves you very much
  • Pair of kings - your character attracts him
  • Ladies - what he thinks about you is not who you really are.
  • Jacks - his thoughts sometimes visit your image
  • Two tens - he has a slight attraction to you
  • A pair of nines - complete indifference to you
  • A pair of eights - only quarrels await you
  • Sevens - your couple will survive everything
  • Two sixes - it will be difficult for you to get along, but if you get along, it will be an alliance for the ages.

This is such a beautiful fortune telling! Don't forget to look at the "" section, where a lot of interesting things await you, for example, fortune telling on the page in.

Fortune telling about the name of the future guy is usually done on cards. This version of fortune telling is an interesting and mystical way to find out how a friend, significant other or relative feels about a person. But most often they make fortunes about their beloved. Fortune telling will be successful only if a person can fully concentrate on the object of divination. This version of household magic perfectly helps to understand a person and find out whether a relationship has a chance.

Types of fortune telling

Most fortune telling involves pronouncing the full name of the guy being told fortunes. In this case, it is necessary to perform a number of actions. But more on that later. Another feature of such fortune-telling is the need to constantly think about the object of fortune-telling. This will greatly increase your chances of success.

To start fortune telling, you need to use a card deck of 36 playing cards. It is better if during the fortune telling process the person is in a secluded place and without outside witnesses. In the process, you need to focus on the person on whom the fortune telling will take place. Naturally, if his name is unknown, then the ritual is unlikely to succeed. Focusing on the image, you need to carefully shuffle the cards.

Then, after shuffling the cards for a long time, you can proceed directly to the layout. Cards are usually taken from the top of the deck and placed face down. So they are laid out in piles equal to the number of letters in the name of the fortune telling object. At the end of the layout, the rightmost column is taken into piles and the cards from it are laid out in the remaining piles from left to right. This procedure is repeated until only two piles remain in front of the fortuneteller. At this stage, all the cards from the pile where the last one went are transferred to the remaining pile.

After all of the above actions have been done, the reassembled deck begins to be laid out one card at a time in front of the fortuneteller. When all the elements are laid out, you can begin the interpretation. It is important to know that if two cards of the same value lie next to each other, then one of them must be put aside. Exactly cards are set aside and will be interpreted depending on their meaning:

  • Ace - the person for whom the fortune telling is taking place wants your attention and will be happy about the relationship;
  • The king - a possible chosen one is interested in you and is looking closely at the candidacy;
  • Lady - the person they are guessing about is not free and there is another in his heart;
  • Jack - a possible partner is in love only with you;
  • Ten - the fortuneteller is sympathetic to the object of the ritual, but no one dares to take the first step;
  • Nine - the object of fortune telling feels sympathy and interest;
  • Eight - nothing is known about the feelings of the chosen one, but the stars promise a quick conversation with him;
  • Seven - the one for whom the fortune telling is taking place will soon invite you on a date;
  • Six - it is very possible that the person for whom the fortune telling is taking place will be on the same journey, trip, business trip, etc. with you.

Option with a question

This type of fortune telling is also quite popular. It also requires a deck with 36 cards. This method of reading a person’s name on cards with a name will help you find out what the person you like thinks about the fortuneteller.

The main rule of such a ritual is the need for an exact question in which the right person will appear.

Examples of such questions:

  • Will I date (name of chosen one)?
  • Does (name of chosen one) like me?
  • Does (name of chosen one) have feelings for me?

The main thing in such a ritual is that the question is asked right before the cards are laid out. The fortuneteller must clearly keep the question in mind. It is equally important that there are no irritating factors. So it’s better to do the layout in a separate room or while alone at home. It is better to turn off all means of communication. This way all interference will be isolated. Here what to do during home fortune telling:

The answer is deciphered as follows: the cards of the diamond and heart suits mean a positive answer, but the cards of the spades and clubs suits do not.

So if in the process of fortune telling cards appear whose suit answers the question positively or negatively, then the answer to the question is clear. In the positive version, the person feels sympathy for you and wants to be with you. And if the answer is negative, then, apparently, fate will not work out with this person.

It all depends on the number of positive and negative cards. If you get two “positive” suits and one “negative” one, then in order for what you want to become a reality, you need to make some efforts. Well, if you get two “no” and only one “yes”, then this person will definitely not become your destiny.

This type of fortune telling can be done a huge number of times, there are no restrictions! But there is an important rule - the question to which fortune telling occurs should not be repeated twice.

Fortune telling about a betrothed or lover has always been very popular among girls. After all, girls are modest and timid creatures, and they are afraid to ask directly about their feelings. So you can find out about your lover’s sympathy in an unconventional way.

Fortune telling on cards can be just the way to help you understand the feelings and emotions of another person. And the advantages of such magic are that it is household. It is not at all necessary to run to professional fortune tellers and witches for information. All rituals can be performed at home.

Necessary rules

Any magic and rituals require adherence to clear rules. And the magic of cards will not be an exception to the rule. In order for the results of the ritual to be as accurate and reliable as possible, You need to follow a number of instructions:

Another option for fortune telling

Fortune telling for a loved one can be done in several other ways. For example, take a standard deck of cards and mix it well. The cards must be divided into equal piles, the number of which must match the letters of the chosen one’s name. After the piles have been laid out, they are turned over.

You need to pay attention to the last card. If the person for whom the fortune telling is happening has blond hair, then the card should be red. And if the beloved has dark hair, then the cards should be black. If the data does not match, then cards from each pile are removed until a card of the desired color appears.

After the cards are laid out, you need to collect all the piles into one deck, without mixing them together. Then you need to remember either your lover’s nickname or his abbreviated name. Again, the letters in the abbreviated name are counted and the cards are again laid out in piles. In the first pile of cards you need to count them and arrange them one by one. If the same cards come across nearby, then they need to be put aside. This action is repeated with all the piles.

And only then you need to look at the individual meaning of the cards:

  1. Six. Two sixes - a possible marriage or wedding, four sixes - devotion to a person;
  2. Seven. Two sevens - a quick meeting, four - an invitation to a date;
  3. Eight. A pair of eights speaks of a conversation with the chosen one, and four cards warn of a quarrel;
  4. Nine. A pair means love and affection, four means a very strong and strong love;
  5. Ten. Two cards indicate interest in you, four - an ordinary calculation and no feelings;
  6. Jack. The couple talks about the troubles and fuss in relationships, the four - everyday problems will block feelings;
  7. Lady. Two - hope for a happy future, four - gossip and mistrust;
  8. King. A pair of kings predicts only friendly relations, four - a good friendly alliance for many years;
  9. Ace. Two aces speak of physical attraction between people, four cards speak of a relationship full of passion.

This layout is ideal for people who are generally ignorant of magic. In addition, to begin with, you can simply practice this layout as practice if you are worried that it won’t work out the first time. The advantage of this ritual is that it can be done at least every day, because an opinion about a person can change several times a week.

There are rituals in which it is not necessary to use the guy's name or even know him. In this situation, you just need to choose a king or a jack. But the cards that appear in the layout are also important. They will help you find out about your true feelings. If the procedure was performed in accordance with all the rules, then not only feelings, but also many other aspects of life will become clear.

A ritual for a guy's feelings

This ritual requires a regular fresh deck of cards to perform. You need to pick it up and, focusing on the object of fortune telling, shuffle the cards. This needs to be done slowly and thoughtfully. Then they are laid out in equal piles. There should be as many piles as there are letters in the guy’s name. Afterwards, the cards are placed in piles in the same way as in the previous fortune telling. The main difference is that the cards, after being combined, are laid out until the same pair appears. Fortune telling by name, the meaning of the cards will be as follows:

Fortune telling by cards is one of the oldest types of fortune telling. Our grandmothers and mothers also used this method to tell fortunes. This is a very simple and time-tested way to find out about your betrothed.

It does not require special skills or complex devices, and fortune telling itself does not take more than 10-15 minutes. It all depends on the desire of the person and his imagination. Magic is a simple and interesting thing!

The desire to look into her own future is common to any girl. And it is not at all necessary to rush to fortune tellers and fortune tellers to find out about your betrothed. Fortune telling the names of guys will help you find the answer to the question. Detailed information is presented in the article.

Most of the fortune telling below does not require the creation of any special environment or the preparation of complex attributes. It is quite possible to limit yourself to ordinary home conditions. In terms of the level of performance, fortune telling is accessible to beginners who are inexperienced in this matter.

Let's add romance

Let's consider the simplest option. This is fortune telling for a guy's name on paper. It's better to spend it on Valentine's Day. Although you can also do it at other times. To carry out the ceremony you will need the following things: a regular pen and a couple of sheets of paper. You can create a romantic atmosphere with the help of lit candles (odd number).

On one piece of paper you need to draw a big heart with your left hand. it must be neat. The second sheet should be cut into squares. We determine their size by eye. Four to five squares should fit into the previously formed heart. What's next?

Any one letter of the alphabet is written on each square. Make sure that the ink does not show through on the back side. Then the pieces of paper are placed on a piece of paper with a heart. The letters should be at the bottom. Slowly stirring the leaves, you need to say: “My heart, let me look at my betrothed.” When you feel you have done enough stirring, stop. Choose three or four letters located on the heart, these are the ones that should appear in the guy’s first and last name.

Guessing by the person we meet

We continue the conversation about fortune telling the names of guys. In the next case, you will again need a piece of paper and a pen (you can completely replace it with a pencil). Write down the following phrase on paper: “a passerby will tell me the name of my future boyfriend.” Then, crumple the leaf and leave it in your hand. Wait until evening. We go out into the street and carefully count exactly three hundred steps. We start moving from our home threshold. Wait until the first stranger passerby appears. Ask him what his name is.

Village girls used to like to tell fortunes this way. A stranger passing by was considered not a person, but the embodiment of the other world, perhaps a demon or demon. Therefore, you need to ask a question without having a cross on your body. Otherwise, the fortune telling will not be truthful. And after receiving an answer, be sure to cross yourself. Let's go home right away.

Saint Agnes to the rescue

This fortune telling in the name of the future guy is carried out at a certain time, namely on a January night from the 20th to the 21st. There should be pins in stock (a few are enough). They are connected to each other, then pinned to the underwear that will be worn for sleep (pajamas, nightgown). Be sure to remember your dream. It is he who should show the future spouse and, perhaps, his name will sound in the dream.

A book to help

What is the best source of information? That's right, it's a book. It can be used to tell guys' names. It's good if it's a love story. The work must be opened on the page that is equal to your date of birth. Please note which letter this page begins with. Write it down. Then you should open the page that is equal to the date of your month of birth. Repeat the sequence of actions performed. And lastly: a page should be opened that is equal to your father’s date of birth. Write down the first letter again.

What did we get? We wrote down three letters on a sheet of paper. They are the ones who will represent the initials of the chosen one’s name. The first letter is the surname, the second is the given name, and the third is the patronymic.

Find out the guy's name: new moon fortune telling

Has a new moon appeared in the sky? Then it's time to tell your fortune for your betrothed. Having opened the windows in the room, you need to sit on the windowsill and, turning to the moon, repeat: “Selena, accept my greetings! Come to my aid, tell me what the name of my future spouse will be.” Then go to bed peacefully. In a dream you should see your loved one.

Cards, tell me the truth

Do you want to find out how your potential partner treats you? Fortune telling on cards (in the guy’s name) will help you get this information. The main thing is to observe the condition of complete concentration on the object of the ritual. Prepare a full deck of 36 cards. This fortune telling will give you the opportunity to find out how the guy you are crazy about treats you. The basic rule when conducting a ceremony: clearly formulate the question. We be sure to mention the name of our beloved.

For example, the question could be: “Are we destined to be together with (say the name of the young man)?” After that, we begin to lay out the cards. Focus your thoughts on the person you are telling fortunes about. There should be no interference around in the form of noise, phone calls or cat meowing. It is better to completely retire, having first turned off all gadgets.

When carrying out fortune telling on cards in the name of a guy, you must perform the following actions:

You need to interpret according to the suits of the cards laid out. So:

  • diamonds and hearts give a positive answer;
  • spades and clubs - negative.

In other words, if we are dealing with cards whose suit means “yes” or “no,” there is no need to think twice. With the first interpretation, you will have to be together with the person you want, with the second, you will definitely not be together. What if the cards fell in such a way that there were two positive answers and one negative? In this case, you will have to make efforts to implement your plans. There may be another option. We are talking about a situation where there were two negatives and one affirmation. In this case, the probability of the wish being fulfilled is minimal.

Remember that to obtain reliable information, you do not need to resort to fortune telling the names of guys very often. One try is enough for the future to open up. If this does not happen, then the right time has not come yet. Be patient and everything will work out.



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