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How to make a bird feeder with your own hands? DIY bird feeder: a selection of ideas Bird feeder from a shoe box

Making your own bird feeder is not difficult. In winter, birds are in great danger; they need to be fed.

This is why people create feeders and help birds survive this cold season.

Feeders can be created using any materials that are found in any home. They do not require financial investments or special knowledge, but only a good attitude towards the environment.

General rules for creating feeders:

  • convenience;
  • moisture resistance;
  • safety (exclude sharp corners);
  • walls and corners should not be sharp or prickly;
  • fastening not lower than 1.5 m above the ground.

Plywood as a material for a feeder

You can make the drawings yourself, or you can find them on the Internet. When selecting or creating a drawing, take into account the features of the tiles.

If you plan to feed small birds, then plan a small opening so that large birds do not compete with them.

Prepare: plywood, hammer and nails, glue, jigsaw (electric), timber (about 20 by 20 cm) and sandpaper.

  • Step 1 Mark the plywood and cut out the parts with a jigsaw. Make the square on the bottom and on the roof 5 cm larger (25x25 cm).

  • Step 2 Sand the workpieces.

  • Step 3 Cut out posts (up to 30 cm) from the block.

  • Step 4 Connect the parts with nails (or glue), attach the posts to the bottom, and attach the sides to the posts.

  • Step 5 The roof is attached with self-tapping screws.

Wooden feeder

A reliable and high-quality material for any crafts is wood.


  • for racks a block (4.5 by 2 cm);
  • for the bottom plywood (square 25 by 25 cm);
  • plywood for the roof (35 by 22 - two pieces);
  • glue, screws, nails.

Step 1 Frame base – assemble the bottom with the sides. Cut pieces of timber to fit the bottom and connect. Glue the ends with glue and tighten with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to make the sides (two parallel) 5 cm longer than the bottom.

Step 2 Nail the bottom to the base frame.

Step 3 Screw the racks (from 18 to 20 cm) to the inside of the box.

Step 4 Attach two bars at right angles. Secure the joints with another block. You need to make two parts in the form of a right angle.

Step 5 Attach the rafters to the posts using rafters and nail pieces of wood to them for the roof.

Step 6 Glue sticks-perches to the sides (extended).

Feeder made from a milk carton

This type of bird house is often made in kindergartens and primary schools. Prepare: milk/juice carton, scissors, wire, marker and adhesive tape.

  • Step 1 Cut holes on two opposite sides of the box.
  • Step 2 Glue the edges of the “windows” with adhesive tape.
  • Step 3 Punch a hole under the windows and insert a cardboard tube (from the cut holes).
  • Step 4 Make holes for the wire in the bent corners.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

  • Step 1 Cut holes on both sides of the bottle (leave bridges between them).
  • Step 2 Apply adhesive tape to the sides.
  • Step 3 Make holes at the bottom for the perch stick.

Feeder made from a five-liter plastic bottle

This type of feeder holds a lot of food, which is very convenient for feeding birds in winter. It is convenient for them to eat inside such a spacious product. You can involve the whole family to create. Prepare: bottles, knife (or stationery knife).

  • Step 1 Cut a hole vertically or horizontally, depending on the mounting method.
  • Step 2 If the holes are made horizontally, then you need to make two holes on the side (with a knife) and pass twine through them (to tie it up).
  • Step 3 Place a small stone on the bottom to avoid falling during strong winds.

Feeder out of the box

You can create a feeder from almost any cardboard box. It is better to choose thick and laminated cardboard so that it will last longer in winter moisture conditions.

Making this feeder is easy because it already has the desired shape, walls, bottom and roof. You just need to cut the holes. Prepare: tape, knife and nylon cord.

  • Step 1 Wrap the box with tape.
  • Step 2 Cut the side holes.
  • Step 3 Attach the fastening cord.
  • Step 4 Place pebbles on the bottom.

There is an alternative version of this design. The lid can be glued perpendicularly so that it serves as a stand for food.

Then the side and roof will be from the second part of the box.

This product must also be carefully taped. Next you need to make two small wire hooks and lay them on the “ceiling” (twist and bend). The hooks need to be connected to each other, and now it can be hung on a branch.

Photos of bird feeders

Bird feeders can be seen in yards and parks. If you want to design something special, extraordinary, then we will tell you how to make a bird feeder yourself.

An easy way to give food to birds

A feeder can be made from available materials, for example, take a piece of board, plywood or any flat and durable material at hand and place it higher from the ground. This way the food will remain available to the birds.

This is a temporary measure, as precipitation may fall or the feed will simply be blown away by the wind. But such a feeder can save birds from starvation.

We use plastic bottles

From a plastic bottle you can build both a very simple and a multifunctional dining room for birds. Let's take a closer look at some feeder ideas and their implementation.


If we cut a hole in the side of the bottle, we can say that we have done half the job. Near the neck you need to make 2 holes with an awl, insert a wire and secure the feeder to a branch of a tree or bush. If you pour food on the bottom, after a while you will be able to see birds flocking there.

To prevent moisture from spoiling the food if precipitation gets inside the bottle, drainage holes must be made in the bottom of the container.

Complicating the design

You can make a feeder with a “dispensing window” from a plastic bottle. Having selected a container of suitable size, cut a small hole on one side and pierce the bottle with scissors on the opposite side. Insert the wooden spoon with the handle forward so that it fits tightly into the pierced hole. The spoon should be positioned so that the grains roll into it as the birds peck at the food. The number of spoons involved may vary, but most often there are two.

To hang a bottle, you can pierce the cork with an awl (or nail), thread a nylon thread through it, and tie a knot inside the cork.

How to decorate a gray, unsightly bottle? If desired, you can make the feeder a decoration for any garden.

Glass feeder

You can make a simple design from a plastic bottle, which will be attached directly to the glass using suction cups. The design of such a feeder is very simple, and to make it you will only need 1 container and 2 suction cups.

A small square or rectangular hole is made with a construction knife. Using a soldering iron or a nail heated on gas, you need to make 2 holes on one side of the bottle into which the suction cup heads will fit tightly. In our case, the suction cups had hooks, so we first removed them, and then secured them with them, inserting them into their places, but inside the bottle.

The positive aspects include the fact that you can watch the birds by getting almost close to them. A significant disadvantage is that the birds defecate near the feeder, so the glass and tide will be unsightly.

Video: making a feeder from a plastic bottle

Use of glass

Glassware can be used to distribute food to birds. The container must be securely fastened with the neck down at a short distance from any platform. Pour food into this container and place it in place (holding the hole with your finger so that the grains do not spill out). As the feed is consumed, the food in the bottle will be released onto the site.

Video: glass feeder

Other materials at hand

It won’t be difficult to come up with a lot of ways to feed birds.

Tits love not only grains. You can feed such gourmets by hanging a piece of unsalted lard wrapped with rope or wire on a branch.

If you buy products packaged in nets in supermarkets, then this container can also be used by pouring nuts into it.

You can form a ball from small bulk food (adding flour and water) and also hang it in a net. In frosty weather, the food can be mixed with vegetable oil. Milk or sour cream is not suitable for these purposes, since the bird’s body does not accept such food.

In order to protect the food from precipitation, you can build a roof from plywood.


A pumpkin feeder can be called a waste-free production, since the birds first eat the food, and then the edible “dining room” itself. All you have to do is cut holes in the pumpkin and remove the core.

You can cut the pumpkin in half and thread a rope through both halves with a knot tied at the bottom. To fix it in a disconnected state, you need to install spacers made of twigs between the halves. As a last resort, you can use pencils as stands. The top edge of the rope threaded through the pumpkin is tied to a branch, and the feeder is ready to receive feathered guests.

Video: pumpkin feeder

Sofa spring

Things and items that usually have nowhere else to be used can be used.

If you have a spring left over from an old sofa, you can also use it by holding pieces of bread between the coils. This feeder can be hung both vertically and horizontally.

Car air filter

A metal mesh feeder can be seen on a store counter, but a similar structure can be built from a used paper car air filter.

To make it, you need to cut off the top part of the filter and remove the paper filling (you can do it together with the inner or outer mesh if you don’t plan to put food between them). Outside the filter, to the top of the mesh, a wire is tied, which will serve as a loop for hanging the feeder on a tree. Suitable food is poured inside, and the cut off upper part of the filter can be used as a lid.

To reduce feed loss, you can glue the lid of a plastic bucket to the bottom of the feeder with hot glue. You can make a canopy from the same cover.

Teapot for brewing

If you have an old kettle and it would be a pity to throw it away, but it can no longer be used for its intended purpose, then you can make a feeder out of it. How to hang it? Drilling a hole in a piece of earthenware is a very thankless task, so you can use hot glue. If there is a hole in the lid, then you need to insert the ends of the rope into it and make a knot inside. To be on the safe side, it is better to tie a small washer. Now the lid can be glued to the teapot, the neck of which will now serve as an entrance for the birds.

Looking into a barn or pantry, you can find things that are “hard to carry, but a pity to throw away.” This category includes an old metal bread bin. You don't need much imagination to place it - just tie a rope and hang it on a branch.

You can use an unnecessary plastic container in a similar way.

Using different boxes

It will also be easy to make a feeder from a juice or wine box.

One or two windows are cut out in the box so that there is a small bowl at the bottom for food.

When cutting out a window, you can take care to protect the food from precipitation. For this purpose, a small visor is left, but to prevent it from falling down and blocking the entrance, it can be secured with a nylon thread in the open position.

To make a large cardboard feeder you will need a large box. Using a construction knife or scissors, a window of the required size is cut out. If the box is very large, then you can cut out a smaller product from it and wrap it with tape. It is important to realize that such a feeder will only last until the first rain.

Tin box

Manufacturers often sell products in tin boxes, which can also be used to make a feeder.

In addition to the jar itself, we will need:

  • metal or plastic chain – 2 m (4 pieces of 0.5 m each);
  • split ring (used for keys);
  • small cotter pin – 8 pcs. (you can get by with knitting wire);
  • awl;
  • alcohol marker;
  • wire cutters or metal scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pliers.

Now let's start manufacturing.

  • As accurately as possible, you need to mark 4 points on the jar and transfer the same marks to the lid.
  • Using an awl, you need to make holes according to the marks so that the cotter pin fits through them.

  • Using wire cutters, cut the chain into four pieces of 50 cm each.
  • Having threaded the cotter pin through the outermost link of the chain, insert it into the hole and use pliers to push its ends apart from the inside of the can.

  • Having measured 15 cm of the chain (starting from the can), thread the remaining 4 cotter pins into it and secure the lid with them.
  • Now we will pass a split ring into the ears of the free ends of the chain.

After hanging the feeder on a branch, look in which direction the box slopes, and pierce it with an awl in the bottom (from the inside) - this will be a drainage hole.


You can assemble an original feeder from large branches. To complete the job you will need an axe, a hammer, nails and a little imagination.


Plywood products are quite durable, but are susceptible to moisture.

A simple version of the feeder consists of just a pallet with sides, two pieces of plywood that serve as a roof, and a rope connecting all the parts. To fix the bottom and roof in the desired position, knots are tied on the rope.

If you have the desire and a jigsaw, you can design a more complex feeder using one of the presented drawings.


When preparing firewood, logs with rotten cores are encountered. This piece of trunk will serve as our base. You need to remove the core. Windows are drilled into the hollow trunk or its longitudinal part is cut out. The ends are closed with selected “plaques”, sawed off from other trunks. A tree trunk feeder can be found in both horizontal and vertical versions.

For production you will need:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • small nails;
  • slats.

To make the roof and bottom, you can use plastic or HDF (whatever you can find, since this material is sold only in large sheets).

When making any design, it is convenient and practical to use drawings that indicate the dimensions of the parts. We will also use the drawing to cut all the blanks to size.

They can be lightly sanded.

First, we will assemble the narrower part of the future feeder, hammering 3 nails on each side.

Then the entire frame is assembled in a similar way. If the nails are short, then you can use 5 pieces each.

We will install the frame on the prepared bottom and outline the outside with a pencil - this will give us a marking according to which we will need to cut out this part and then nail it.

In order to fix the top slats, we use 4 self-tapping screws - 1 pc. for each attachment point.

From the remaining slats we will make the upper part of the feeder, fastening the parts with self-tapping screws. The final stage will be marking, sawing and securing the roof. The junction of two sheets of roof sheathing can be hidden by nailing an angle strip on top.

There are some points that need to be taken into account when making and determining where to install the feeder:

  1. You should not underestimate cats, because they can get to the feeder, and then the birds will fly away or become prey to a domestic predator.
  2. The feeder needs to be made with a large roof, then a lot of precipitation will not fall into it.
  3. The entrance to the feeder should not be small, as fear may be stronger than hunger, and the birds may not take advantage of your hospitality.
  4. It is better to make the structure from moisture-resistant material, then it will last a long time. Other materials must be treated with water-repellent compounds.
  5. If the feeder is too light or has a large windage, then a gust of wind can turn it upside down. Even turning over for a short time will result in all the food ending up on the ground. The lightweight structure needs to be weighted down.

Photos of original feeders

Video: original ideas brought to life

Drawings and sketches

Winter. In Moscow, there is a stable minus outside and sometimes you can’t lure a child out into the street with either a carrot or a stick. However, it is necessary to go for a walk and you can motivate him by combining business with pleasure. For example, take a walk and feed the birds.
In the warm season, we happily fed them in the forest, on the pond, and just sitting on a bench. And now, it is even more possible and necessary to feed them, especially small birds. And with this noble mission we will go outside, having first made a simple cardboard feeder.

There is no doubt in choosing cardboard as a material. He is afraid of only one thing - water! And now it’s dry, frosty, and even if it snows, nothing will happen to the feeder. To confirm my words, I will say that three weeks ago my daughter and I already hung several of these feeders and everything is still fine with them.

We will need the following materials and tools:
- Two sheets of cardboard, A4 format;
- Ruler;
- Stationery knife;
- Flat screwdriver;
- Pencil;
- Glue gun;
- Single hole punch.

Cardboard. I used the so-called micro-corrugated cardboard, 1.5 mm thick and A4 size. Such cardboard can be cut perfectly with a knife, pressed through, and finding it at home is not at all difficult! Most boxes are made from it. You just need to find one that is the right size and use it as a donor. In my case, this cardboard was also white on one side, which undoubtedly adds space for imagination. After all, such a feeder can be painted later? ;)

1. Download and print the pattern for the feeder in A4 format. Place it on a piece of cardboard and use a flat-head screwdriver to press down all the lines. There are two important points here:
- All markings on cardboard must be done on its back side, where the corrugation is clearly visible.
- To prevent the pattern from slipping off the cardboard, you can secure it with tape in several places.

2. In places where there will be holes, you need to mark them by piercing the cardboard with a simple pencil. It turns out like this blank with pressed lines.

3. Now, looking at the pattern, you need to cut along all the solid lines, and leave the dotted lines pressed in. Our workpiece will bend along them.

4. With the second workpiece everything is simpler. We simply use the already cut piece as a template. We trace with a pencil, press the same lines with a screwdriver and cut out.

5. So we have two completely identical parts. There is very little left to do, glue them together and make mounting holes.

6. Take a glue gun and glue the walls first on one side and then on the other. By the way, you can use Moment, PVA and second glue.

7. Then, the roof and bottom are glued alternately.

8. Now we make the mounting holes. We simply pierce them with a hole punch in the places where we marked them with a pencil in step No. 2.

9. That's basically all! As you can see, the feeder turned out to be not very large, just for small birds, for whom it is most difficult in winter. The design is modular and can be hung either way. Thanks to the slopes, snow will not linger on the roof. And thanks to the inclined bottom, the food will always fall towards the middle and it will be convenient for the birds to peck at it.

10. The feeder is attached to a branch using two ropes. Why then are there other holes at the bottom of the feeder?

11. What if you want to make not one, but several feeders? If there are several children in the family, then each person can make a feeder, paint it in their own way and hang it in the forest as a beautiful and useful garland! ;) And they are held together with a regular plastic clamp.

Birds in winter, especially where winter is harsh, need our help, and today we will tell you how how to make a feeder out of a box. Perhaps it is not the best material for this purpose, because it is more susceptible to atmospheric influences than wood or plastic. But if your family doesn’t have a skilled carpenter to make a wooden feeder, and you don’t drink drinks in plastic bottles in winter, then it’s better to make a feeder out of a box or tetrapack than not make one at all. Indeed, according to statistics, during a cold winter in the city, only one bird out of ten survives.

How to make a feeder from a box master class

The easiest way to make a feeder is from a juice or milk carton. The cardboard in them is laminated and is quite resistant to moisture. In addition, the form of such a package itself is very convenient and requires only minimal intervention. Let's stock up on an empty tetrapack, which before work we thoroughly wash to remove any leftover filler and dry. We will need a sharp breadboard knife and string.

In principle, the surface of the tetra pack can be left as it is. But if you have self-adhesive film, then cover the bag with it. This will make it not only more durable, but also add decorativeness. You can also paint it with acrylic paint for exterior use, decorate it with stickers or a design made with another paint using a stencil, stick on pieces of twigs in the form of a roof, in general, show your imagination.

Even if you make the feeder yourself, take your time and give it a decorative look. And this will be especially useful if children take part in the work. As the proverb says, action gives birth to habit, habit gives birth to destiny.

It is very important that the child gets used to surrounding himself with things that are not only utilitarian, but also beautiful. Doing any work carefully should become a habit. Using a craft knife, cut a hole in the bag. Its shape can be arbitrary, but it is better to round the top. You can first cut a hole slightly smaller than necessary so that you can trim the edge.

It is advisable, although not necessary, to cover the edge of the hole with electrical tape or strips of the same self-adhesive, like piping. This will strengthen the cardboard and make the edges of the hole less sharp. You can make two holes and not necessarily located on the flat side of the bag. It will be convenient if the feeder hangs freely, and not nailed to a tree or wall with one side. Small triangular holes with the point of the triangle on the edge are also suitable and will not compromise the strength of the bag too much. In this case, it’s a good idea to insert branches or sushi sticks through the bag, making sure to secure them with tape, tape, or some other way so that they can’t fall out. It will be convenient for birds to peck by sitting on them. All that remains is to make holes in the top of the feeder and thread a string through them so that you can hang it on a branch.

Master class on how to make a feeder out of a box showed and told how to make it from tetra pack. This is, of course, not the only possible option. If you have packaging boxes made of strong enough cardboard, then those will do, you just have to protect them more carefully from moisture. Here you just need to cover the outer surface with self-adhesive or paint it. Waterproof paint or varnish will do. It would be a good idea to duplicate the bottom of the box from the inside with a sheet of cardboard of the appropriate size, wrapped, for example, in cling film, or place a plastic tray of a suitable size inside.

If you think about it, how to make a feeder from a box, photo ready-made designs will help you make a choice. There is even a drawing on how to convert a diaper box into a feeding trough. In this case, we can advise you, if you don’t have paint or self-adhesive film, to carefully and tightly wrap the box in several layers with cling film before cutting out the holes, then cut the holes.

You can use a felt-tip pen to draw the desired shape of the slots so as not to make a mistake. Cover the edges of the holes with tape, electrical tape or adhesive tape so that the film does not peel off, and the edges will become stronger and less sharp. Decorative finishing is not necessary, but look how attractive feeders made from seemingly waste material can look. Everything will be used: paint, film, buttons, jute cord and natural materials. Mysterious, but true: things made with love and diligence last longer.

How to make a feeder out of a box, ideas very diverse. For example, in order not to worry about frequently adding food to the birds, you can place a cut-off bottle filled with food inside the box. Additional slots in the walls will help secure it. An interesting feeder can be made from two boxes - a large one and a smaller one. The top of the feeder is made from the lid of a larger box, bent in half, and the lower part is made from a smaller box. To add rigidity to the structure, you should use a stapler.

Using it, you can duplicate the canopy on top with a suitable piece of thick oilcloth so that it does not get wet. You can also glue the oilcloth using double-sided tape. A regular shoebox will also work, you just need to protect it from moisture.

If the feeder is small, such as one made from tetrapack, then make several of them and hang them at a short distance from each other. This will make it easier to store food, there will be no need to run to different places, and the birds will have to quarrel less, because there will be enough space for everyone to feed. By the way, place your products at a sufficient height, inaccessible.

It is better to make the suspension so that it is not point-like, otherwise the feeder will constantly rotate, which can scare away the birds. The composition of the food can be very diverse: not only cereals and cereals, but also unsalted lard, hard-boiled chopped egg, crumbs of wheat (not rye!) bread, nuts, seeds, pieces of apples and pumpkin, bunches of rowan and viburnum. Bunches of berries can be attached to the outside of the feeder itself, this will attract birds.

Birds / Samodelkin

How to make a bird feeder

A bird feeder is an item that every family can afford. This includes communication with living nature, creativity, generosity, and care - everything that parents dream of instilling in their children. But the most important advantage of the feeder is that even a child can make it quickly and easily! Winter is coming, let's take care of our feathered brothers!

There are several of the most popular options for "Restaurants for Birds"
The simplest one is from a cardboard box. It is better if the cardboard is factory-laminated, such a feeder will last a long time.


Option one - shoe box


Take a shoe box. The lower (deep part) will be the “dining room”, and the lid, accordingly, will be the roof. Using scissors, we cut out entrances 5-6 cm in size so that the birds can comfortably get into the feeder. You will also need four wooden sticks, which can be glued with pva or tape into the corners to raise our “roof”.

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The second option is a box of chocolates

The simplest option is a house made from a candy box. The base will be one part of the box, the roof will be two lids of the same size.

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The third option is cardboard

You can make a real palace for birds out of cardboard, you just have to give free rein to your imagination.


One tip: First laminate the cardboard with transparent tape.

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Another simple, popular and most durable feeder is made from a plastic bottle. Bottles from 1 to 3 liters are suitable for making a transparent house. You can also make a large bird house from a five-liter bottle.


The easiest option is a plastic bottle

We take a plastic bottle. We cut out entrance windows on both sides. They can be covered with tape or tape so that the edges are not sharp and it is more convenient for the birds to hold on. Or you can simply run the fire of a candle or lighter along the edges; the edges will melt and become rounded and pleasant to the touch.


Using a hot knitting needle, we make several holes in the bottom so that water can escape during rains or thaws.


We also make symmetrical holes in the “walls” of the bottle at the bottom for the sticks.


Other bells and whistles are optional :))

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The feeder can be attached to the tree with a rope or tape using the jumpers between the windows or the lid. To do this, make a hole in the lid and insert a cord. This feeder is easy to hang from any branch.

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Juice or milk box feeder

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Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use milk or juice cartons.


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Wooden feeders

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The most beautiful, solid and creatively diverse option is, of course, wooden feeders.

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They can be made from any tree, from twigs, from drawer slats and plywood. If you don’t have suitable wood, and it’s too early to give a hammer to many people, you can buy a designer feeder in the store.



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Don't forget to feed the birds only correctly! you will learn what you can put in the feeder and what you can’t!

And finally, a few more interesting fantasy options

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Suddenly you will find yourself in the architecture and design of bird feeders!



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In conclusion, I would like to say that making, for example, a garden bird feeder will more than pay off for you. After all, by feeding birds in the garden or at your summer cottage, you thus fight against harmful insects and increase the productivity of your garden several times. And the more feeders you make, the more birds you will attract. Just don’t forget to add food to them in time!

We hope you found this article helpful. Of course, today you can see many beautiful bird feeders on sale. But you and your feathered friends will like the one you make with your own hands more. And if you engage in this useful and noble activity with your children, then this time will be spent with undoubted benefit for them.

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