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Why do you dream about a wreath - interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream of a wreath? Why do you dream of a Christmas wreath?

Dream interpretation wreath

To get the correct forecast, you will have to find out why you dream of a wreath. This attribute is not a very frequent guest of night dreams, and therefore questions arise regarding its appearance.

At the initial stage, you will have to pay attention to what it was made from.

Briefly about the main thing

According to the dream book, a wreath made of fresh flowers is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. If you decide to start something new, then luck will only strengthen your initiative, and the results will not take long to arrive.

I dreamed of a flower decoration

Seeing a wreath of withered flowers is a sign of possible troubles associated with the dreamer’s illusions.

Who wears it?

If you dreamed of such an unusual accessory, then you will have to remember whose head it was crowned with.


If you dreamed about putting a wreath on your head, unprecedented honor and glory awaits you. Dream interpreters write that the reason for such images is quite obvious, since you are putting in a lot of effort.


Seeing an unusual decoration on your lover’s head is a symbol of passionate attraction. The main thing is to correctly interpret such a dream and not try to influence your partner.


According to interpretations obtained from the Modern Dream Book, the appearance of a flower halo on the bride’s head portends a quick way out of a difficult situation. There will be people in your life who are ready to help, but they will need to be generously rewarded for their efforts.

However, we must not forget that the wording also changes depending on the current situation in society:

Dreaming of a bride's headdress

  • an unmarried lady caught a wedding attribute - to dizzying success on the love front;
  • a married lady examines a festive wreath - bad experiences associated with her lover’s infidelity have settled in her soul.

Was he attractive?

Earlier it was said that the external attractiveness of a festive wreath plays a big role both in a dream and in real life, and therefore it is so important to remember this detail.


If you have a beautiful and fresh wreath of flowers in front of you, try to analyze the events happening around you more often, as they can hide great opportunities. The chance is given only once and you should take full advantage of it.


A dried flower accessory tries to remind the sleeper that he should pay more attention to his own health and relationships. Negligence in these matters will only lead to disappointment, and you will face an unhappy future alone.

What were they made of?

In a dream, you can admire a wreath, but its beauty and sophistication may hide a secret meaning, and therefore it is so important to remember the material used. As the experience of interpretation shows, the wreath is woven from flowers, and therefore the picture seen tells about love experiences that cannot leave the soul alone.

Laurel insignia

According to the dream book, such an image is encouraging and pushes the sleeper to new achievements.


The ancient dream book of Hasse writes that a laurel wreath, seen in a night dream, symbolizes the triumph awaiting a sleeping person. The main thing is not to forget to follow the intended path and continue to improve, no matter how difficult it may be.

Artificial flowers

If you see a wreath woven from artificial flowers on your head, you often put on rose-colored glasses instead of soberly assessing the current situation.

The Ukrainian dream book, in turn, insists that your worries are groundless.


A ring woven from roses heralds the beginning of a favorable period in life that will bring stability. People around you will begin to treat you with sympathy, and the work you have started will end favorably. The main thing is to choose the right path and follow only it.

I dreamed of a decoration made of dandelions The dream books do not mention its nominal price, but it will be close to the heart. Fate may throw some joyful event that will wash away all the sadness from your face and give a new impetus to achievements.


If you dream of daisies crowning your head, then it’s time to get active on the love front. The favorable period that you have wanted for so long has already arrived, and therefore you cannot miss it. Perhaps your romantic feelings will develop into something new.

What they were doing?

To reveal the plot you saw, you will have to remember the key action with the floral accessory. It will help clarify current events and listen to the recommendations received.


Weaving a wreath yourself in a dream

The Noble Dream Book tells that you had a chance to weave a wreath for a reason. Such a dream is a reflection of your beliefs related to love relationships. Most likely, a person will appear in your life with whom you want to share your whole life. However, building harmonious relationships is a lot of work, and this should not be forgotten.

Tried it on

If you had to try on a flower decoration tied with a satin ribbon, then in reality a bright streak of luck awaits you. If you believe what is written in dream interpreters, you will not just have success at work, but also a time when your innermost desires will come true.

Mourning attribute

Some dreams you want to forget quickly because they leave negative feelings. The Wanderer's Dream Book describes a plot according to which the funeral wreath seen is a harbinger of bad events or incidents that undermine the emotional state.

However, you should not stop at just one decoding, because the choice should be based on diversity. The funeral wreath is a dream of a truce, and the dreamer has a unique opportunity to end the enmity, the origins of which have weighed on both sides for many years.

The mourning attribute in question symbolizes respect and recognition of past achievements. At the same time, you should not relax, since few people care about past merits in the present.

Why do you dream of laying a grave wreath? The dream book immediately tries to calm the dreamer, since such an image is considered positive. It predicts the birth of twins or twins.

A funeral wreath will tell the dreamer about an unexpected inheritance from a person whom the dreamer has seen only a few times.

Dream interpreters advise rational use of the funds received, otherwise big problems will begin.

The grave attribute helps the sleeper prepare for possible changes and abandon the past, which still cannot be returned. If lovers for some reason ended up in a cemetery, then they should not touch anything, otherwise the relationship will quickly cool down.

Why does a woman dream of a wreath:

A wreath of flowers - to look younger, of fir branches - for mourning, of leaves - honor and glory. A golden wreath means wonderful prospects in life. If a young girl dreams that she is weaving a wreath for herself, she will meet her beloved; if she throws a wreath into the water, she will soon get married. Weaving a wreath for others means taking part in the reconciliation of lovers. A wreath of palm or very large leaves - to beautiful and healthy offspring. An oak leaf wreath is a sure win.

1 Wreath by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Seeing a wreath in a dream means:

A wreath seen in a dream promises a woman a spouse, and a man a career boost.

If a high-ranking person places a wreath on a man’s head in a dream, he is destined for fame and wealth in reality.

If a high-ranking person gives a wreath to a man and he puts it on his head, in real life his marriage to a rich beauty will soon follow; their love will be mutual.

If a wreath is removed from a man’s head in a dream, it means there will be trouble, his wife may leave him, fall out of love, or die; there is a high probability of the death of one of the dreamer’s relatives.

A wreath on the head of a married woman is a sign that her husband’s love for her will increase even more.

A wreath taken from a woman’s head is a harbinger of an imminent divorce or betrayal on the part of her spouse.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Wreath. 1. A wreath represents honor in a dream. Its oval shape is associated with the concepts of integrity and unity, as well as eternal life. If a wreath is placed on you, you will be highlighted, you will be honored. If you put a wreath on someone - this is your respectful attitude towards this person, you bow to him. Previously, it was believed that dreaming of a wreath meant imminent death, but now there is no basis for such a statement. 2. A wreath can have the same meaning as any other Woven item, such as a harness or halter. Just as it is impossible to break these plexuses, so is what you saw in your dream. 3. The wreath has a triple spiritual meaning: dedication, sacrifice, death (change). It is necessary to choose a swing that suits the dream scenario.

Wreath/Garland. 1. The interpretation of a garland seen in a dream depends on its type, although most often it is associated with fame and success. If, for example, you are wearing a garland of Hawaiian flowers, then you are looking for a way to become happy or craving dedication, in some sense trying to stand out. 2. From a psychological point of view, a wreath or garland signifies honor and understanding or connection with the people who gave it. 3. A garland or wreath is a symbol for dedication, both spiritual and psychological. They may represent an element of the dreamer's subconscious piety that he needs to realize.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dreaming with a wreath means:

Glory, success in business - from leaves - honor and glory - from flowers - love worries - golden - a wonderful road to life - myrtle - happiness in love and wedding - on the coffin - inheritance - laying a wreath - there will be twins - bear a wreath - honor, glory, happiness - oak - winning

1 Wreath according to Dream Interpretation of Azar

Meaning of dream wreath:

spruce wreath - mourning

wreath of leaves - honor and glory

a wreath of flowers - to tears, love worries

wreath on the coffin - inheritance

1 Wreath by Russian dream book

From flowers - to tears; metal - to well-being.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Wreath by Modern dream book

Glory, success in business and honors.

1 Wreath by Esoteric dream book

A wreath in a dream means:

A wreath on the head means glory, victory for the one wearing the wreath.

Throwing a wreath into the water means long life.

Sinks, burns, withers - to remorse.

1 Wreath by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

To wealth that will appear unexpectedly, from where you don’t expect. Imagine a meadow with very beautiful, bright flowers. You are walking through a meadow and picking flowers. And then you sit down on the grass and weave a wreath. If you want a quick way out of difficult circumstances, imagine putting a wreath on your head.

1 Wreath by Eastern dream book

Why does a woman dream of a wreath:

If you dreamed of a wreath woven from fresh flowers, life will provide you with many opportunities to improve your well-being.

A wreath of withered flowers warns of a possible illness.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Wreath by ABC of dream interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a wreath:

To dream of a golden wreath - Death; from moss - trouble; from roses - well-being; a colored wreath means well-being; to have glory on your head.

1 Wreath according to Dream Book 2012

Seeing a wreath in a dream means:

Reflection of the desire for honor and glory (as well as their presence or possibility of acquisition). Reflecting the innocence of entertainment and/or desires.

1 Wreath according to Miller's dream book

A dream with a wreath in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing yourself in a wreath of fresh flowers means that you will soon have great opportunities for enrichment.

A withered wreath is a sign of illness and dying love.

Seeing the bride's wreath foretells a happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

1 Wreath by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Dreaming with a wreath means:

Wearing a wreath of wildflowers in a dream means that you will soon be led to the crown.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Meaning of dream wreath:

If you dream that you are wearing a wreath, this portends happy love. A withered wreath - dreams of separation and parting with your loved one.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a wreath:

Success, fame/death of a loved one; with red flowers - love; blue and white - a quiet life; dark - sorrows and failures; colorful - victory, harmony / labor, misfortune; on the head - fever, wedding, happiness; fell on the shoulders - gain glory / loss, lose; weave - recover; iron - peace with an enemy / troubles; losing a wreath is a shame; A guy puts a wreath of rye on his head - a married woman.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

What a wreath might mean in a dream:


1 Wreath by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A wreath in a dream means:

Seeing a wreath from a cemetery means longevity; a wreath of wildflowers - to long celibacy; wedding wreath - for a short marriage; weaving a wreath of flowers - to intrigues against you.

Seeing a laurel wreath means victory.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If a girl dreams of a wreath, it means:

If you saw a wreath in a dream, you will have to attend a funeral or witness a fatal accident.

Buying a wreath means that one of your loved ones may die in the near future.

You watched someone buy a wreath - know: you yourself are in mortal danger.

1 Wreath by Gypsy dream book

Why does a woman dream of a wreath:

A symbol of hope, especially in love relationships.

1 Wreath according to the Online Dream Book

Seeing a wreath in a dream means:

According to the interpretation of the dream book, if you dream of a wreath, this is a good omen that promises the author of the dream great bliss.

If you saw a colorful wreath on your head - you will overcome all difficulties, and in the future you will do a lot of things, especially sports.

If you dreamed of a wreath made of oak or laurel - triumph, a good position and universal respect await you in the near future.

If it consists of flowers, fate gives you a chance to improve your financial situation, and if it is made of steel or iron

Removing a wreath from your head in a dream means you may soon get divorced or cheat.

If you dream about how you are weaving it, you will soon be cured of all diseases.

A dream in which you put it on someone’s grave - some fresh super ideas will come into your head.

1 Wreath by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Interpretation of a dream about a wreath:

Seeing a crown or wreath of flowers in a dream is a good sign and foretells great pleasure for the one who saw this dream; He promises success in an enterprise to anyone who sees such a wreath on his head.

A wreath of roses promises failure in an enterprise for a man, and unexpected death for a woman;

A wreath of yellow violets signifies illness and great misfortune in everything;

A wreath made of palm or myrtle portends marriage to single and unmarried people, and promises healthy children to married people, signifying: palm - a son, and myrtle - a daughter; In general, it should be noted that these wreaths are favorable to everyone and foreshadow all the happiness that one should desire in this world;

Laurel and oak wreaths signify honors of respect, exaltation and acquisition of glory;

The golden crown promises marriage to single and unmarried people, and death to those who see it to married people; In general, this dream is unfavorable for poor people; the rich are threatened by disease;

A crown of silver is not good for anyone, it always foreshadows death for the sick, and promises illness and tears for the healthy;

An iron or steel wreath portends troubles, labor and care; an ivy wreath foreshadows the acquisition of a new acquaintance and friendship; it is generally a sign of agreement, reconciliation and mutual disposition;

A wreath of vines for those selling wine foreshadows the profitable sale of their goods, the acquisition of profit; in a word, everything is good; but this dream is unfavorable for other people; foretells them illness from drunkenness and generally any misfortune;

A wreath made of writing paper portends an unprofitable lawsuit, quarrel and sneaking;

A wreath made of foil, fake flowers, mica, tinsel and the like signifies deception, displeasure and false friends.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Interpretation of a dream about a wreath:

From fresh flowers - a sign of the near prospect of wealth and fame; fading - illness, death of love; the bride's wreath is a long-awaited and happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

Also see Flowers.

1 Wreath by English dream book

A wreath in a dream predicts:

If you dreamed that you had a beautiful wreath on your head, this means that you will overcome difficult circumstances and lead an active and healthy lifestyle; The dream is especially favorable for those who are engaged in trade.

1 Wreath by Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream about a Wreath:

Death of a loved one or someone close to you. Losing a wreath is a shame; on the head - a wedding, happiness; weave - recovery; from a thorn bush - you will achieve greatness and glory.

1 Wreath by To the newest dream book

A fading wreath is a probable headache disease, but it can mean a decline in affairs at work, at home, or a break with a loved one.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation for Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seeing yourself in a bride's veil and wreath means either illness or the fact that you will never get married.

1 Wreath by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Seeing a wreath of fresh flowers and putting it on means good luck, happiness.

From myrtle - happiness in love.

From roses - well-being.

From withered flowers - sadness.

Weaving a wreath is a symbol of feelings / a good future.

Putting it on the coffin means peace with the enemy.

1 Wreath according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

To success in business, if it is made of flowers - to prosperity in marriage, to put it on - to good luck, happiness, to weave it - a good future, to put it on a coffin - peace with the enemy.

A wreath of myrtle - for happiness in love, of roses - for prosperity, of withered flowers - for sadness.

1 Wreath by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Why do you dream about a Wreath:

A wreath of fresh flowers - new profitable ways in business.

The bride's wreath is the end of uncertainty in business and personal relationships.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Funeral wreath - reconciliation; honor; to the death of relatives.

Weave a wreath, on the head - marriage; on a man's head - a stupid position.

1 Wreath by Dream interpretation for women

So, for example, if you saw in a dream a wreath of freshly cut flowers, then soon you will have a rare opportunity to replenish your family budget: money will literally reach out to your hands.

And if the wreath in your dream has faded, then you need to save your dying love, which is facing great trials, at all costs, or (for those who are not yet in love) you should pay more attention to your health.

If a young woman dreamed that she was holding in her hands or trying on a bride’s wreath, then this foreshadows her quick deliverance from the hassle and difficulties associated with some tedious and unpleasant task. A woman who has seen such a dream can have no doubt that what she has long planned will definitely come true.

It is rare for someone to see specific flowers in a dream. However, this happens. And if you dreamed of dahlias - fresh and bright - then soon fate will smile favorably on you, and you can safely take on any task.

1 Wreath by Dream book for men

Wreath of flowers. Seeing a wreath on a girl means rumors and gossip. Removing a wreath from someone’s head is exposing a gossip, a small revenge on a person who is constantly trying to harm you. Breaking the wreath means getting rid of the false rumors that bother you.

A wreath of coniferous branches means mourning for the next six months. On Mondays, dreams don't come true. Destroying, tearing a wreath weakens the health of someone close.

A funeral wreath means death, an unexpected tragedy. On Fridays - the life of a loved one will end unexpectedly and soon. On Tuesdays - death will not happen soon.

1 Wreath by Dream book alphabetically

Dreaming of a wreath of freshly picked and woven wildflowers is an opportunity to get great opportunities to improve your financial situation.

Weaving a wreath means achieving success; putting it on your head means gaining recognition and authority. A withered wreath - to illness, decline of love, sad events in the lives of your friends.

A wreath woven from leaves - to receive honors, gain fame, from palm leaves - to marriage, from oak leaves - to winning, laurel leaves - marriage and happiness in love.

A golden wreath on the head is a green street in life. Putting a wreath on someone means you will take part in the reconciliation of lovers. A wreath on the coffin means receiving an inheritance. Laying a wreath on a grave means the birth of twins. Carrying wreaths in a funeral procession is a sign of happiness and good luck.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why do you dream about a Wreath:

Weaving a wreath means unexpected wealth or receiving an inheritance from distant relatives. A wreath is placed on the head - to overcome difficult circumstances; from red flowers - love troubles in relationships with a loved one will be resolved, bringing you even closer together. A wreath of white flowers - a streak of success and victories is coming in your life, life will flow in a calm, measured direction. A wreath of flowers of dark colors - the work invested in the enterprise will bring the first profit. Multi-colored - in the confrontation with the enemy there will be a truce, you will reach agreement. From leaves - your superiors will recognize your enormous contribution to the common cause, which will bring honor and glory among your colleagues.

Remember what flowers were on the wreath. Draw them and carry the drawing with you all day. It is advisable to buy flowers of this variety.

1 Wreath by Dream book of the 20th century

A beautiful wreath of flowers: a clear symbol of your sublime feelings, ideas and plans. Having seen such a dream, be sure that you have every chance to fulfill many of your cherished dreams, it’s only up to you and your active actions.

Seeing wreaths on the head of another: a sign that you share someone’s feelings and thoughts, or hope (not without reason) for someone’s reciprocity.

If you dream of a bride’s wreath, such a dream foretells that you will be able to successfully complete some protracted and tedious task.

A withered wreath: a sign of approaching depression and fading feelings.

1 Wreath according to Rommel's Dream Book

Weaving a wreath, putting it on your head, wearing it is a sign of glory, honor, achievement of authority, love of others.

Such a dream may also predict marriage.

A withered wreath means betrayal or illness of a loved one.

A wreath of artificial flowers is a symbol of death.

Buying such a wreath in a dream means the funeral of relatives.

The bride's wreath is a happy way out of a difficult situation.

In general, a wreath of fresh, seasonal flowers is a very good dream; it marks the possibility of happiness and wealth in the future.

1 Wreath by Tsvetkov's dream book

Why do you dream about a Wreath:

Wearing a wreath means the love of others.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • If you dream of a wreath, the dream is clearly positive and promises you the love of others. Especially if in a dream you saw yourself with a wreath on your head. This means that you will be “crowned” in reality, universal recognition and respect awaits you. Perhaps fame. Sleep is especially good if you are engaged in some kind of creativity, for example, painting pictures, writing poetry, or books. If you had a dream, be sure that your efforts will soon be appreciated.
  • Wearing a wreath on your head while weaving it, in order to understand the meaning of this dream, you should first of all pay attention to the shape of the wreath. As a rule, it is round and when finished it is impossible to tell where its end is and where its beginning is. That is why if you dreamed of a wreath, it symbolizes continuity. In other words, you can hope that your children will follow in your footsteps and continue what you are doing.
  • If the crown was woven from thorns, it is a very good sign, predicting glory and greatness.
  • Weaving a wreath yourself means good health and recovery from illness.
  • In a dream, losing a wreath - the dream has a negative meaning; it predicts shame for you, ending up in a situation that disgraces you.
  • In some cases, seeing a headband in a dream is a sad sign that says that you will have to experience the death of someone close to you.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • If you dream of a wreath on your head, it means glory and honor.
  • If the wreath was woven from different beautiful flowers, a prosperous period in life awaits you, you have nothing to worry about anymore. A wreath of roses in a dream has the same meaning.
  • If you dreamed of a moss wreath, you need to prepare for the fact that some kind of trouble awaits you.
  • A wreath of gold is the most negative sign that warns of approaching death.
  • A wreath at a funeral means damage.
  • The winner's wreath is for success, achieving a high position.
  • A girlish wreath of flowers - someone is pining for you.
  • You see a wreath woven from wildflowers or from young laurel branches; you know that this wreath is intended for you - your married life will be prosperous; you will constantly find new little sweet joys for yourself; mutual understanding, harmony - this is what your married life will be based on after love fades over time.
  • You see that the flowers in the wreath have faded - this is a bad dream; the person you love may become ill in the near future; and the disease will be incurable; love, like flowers, will die; you will find solace in poetry; the best examples of lyrics will bring you to tears; you will blame yourself for a long time for the fact that your love died.
  • You dream of a snow-white bride’s wreath - a good dream; everything in your life will fall into place; confusion in business will end; you will forget what troubles are.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • A wreath of red flowers – love.
  • A crown of blue and white flowers means a calm life.
  • A wreath of dark flowers - sorrows and failures.
  • Multi-colored wreath - victory, agreement.
  • A wreath on the head means fever, wedding, happiness.
  • Weaving a wreath means getting well.
  • Iron wreath - peace with the enemy.
  • Losing a wreath is a shame.
  • A crown of leaves is dreamed of if it foretells the dreamer the glory and respect of other people; from flowers - love fever.
  • A wreath of fresh flowers means that you will soon have great opportunities for enrichment.
  • A myrtle or palm wreath symbolizes mutual love leading to marriage or the birth of healthy children (if you are married).
  • If you dreamed of a golden wreath, it predicts a wonderful path in life.
  • A faded headband is a sign of illness and dying love.
  • Dreaming of a bride's wreath means a happy way out of an uncertain or difficult situation.

1 Wreath by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing a wreath in a dream means success in business; if it is made of flowers, it means prosperity in marriage; putting it on means good luck, happiness; weaving it means a good future; putting it on a coffin means peace with the enemy.

A wreath of myrtle is for happiness in love, a wreath of roses is for prosperity, and a wreath of withered flowers is for sadness.

  • A wreath of leaves in a dream is a prediction of achieving fame and honor.
  • A wreath of flowers, on the contrary, predicts love worries and uncertainty.
  • Dreaming of an oak crown is advice to try your luck; it looks like a big win awaits you.
  • The dream of a wreath made of palm leaves predicts marriage for single dreamers, and the birth of healthy children for married ones.
  • A golden wreath is a sign of a happy and cloudless life.
  • Dreaming of a wreath laid on a coffin means receiving an inheritance.

Seeing it in a dream or putting it on means great happiness and early marriage. A wreath of laurel leaves - to glory and honor; a wreath of flowers portends love worries. A wreath of oak leaves promises success in a risky venture, winning at a race, casino or lottery. A golden crown on the head means honors and big changes in life. Such a dream also foreshadows your friendship with a rich and influential person. For poor people, a dream about a golden crown predicts troubles and misfortunes. Sometimes a dream predicts the revelation of a secret.

A myrtle wreath signifies happiness in love and a happy marriage; a wreath of palm leaves promises quick marriage for single people, and happiness in the home and healthy children for married people. For the rest, the dream predicts promotion and benefits. If you put a wreath on someone in a dream, then you have to reconcile two friends. If in a dream you see and lay a wreath on a coffin, then expect to receive an inheritance after the death of a close friend or relative. For a married woman, a dream about a wreath being placed on her head predicts that she will give birth to twins. Carrying a wreath in your hands predicts that you will soon take part in a ceremony where you will be the guest of honor. Wearing a wreath on your head in a dream means that you enjoy the respect and love of others. A bride's wreath in a dream means a happy turn in a difficult matter. A wreath of flowers in your dream predicts short-lived infatuation and short-lived joy. If the flowers in the wreath have withered or fallen off, then your love will soon end. See interpretation: flowers. A wreath of violets is considered a harbinger of death, while a wreath of roses is considered a harbinger of happiness. A wreath made of lilies is a sign of hope and unexpected honors, while a wreath made of dry grass symbolizes the illness of a healthy person or the death of a sick person. See interpretation: funeral, crown.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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A golden wreath in a dream foretells death for the sick, success for the rich, failure for the poor, and sexual dissatisfaction for women. If you wove a wreath in a dream, a bright future awaits you. A person who wears a wreath in a dream will achieve honor. Wearing a withered wreath on your head means disappointment. A myrtle wreath is a sign of imminent marriage. Placing a wreath on a grave means making peace with someone or something.Miller's Dream Book
Seeing yourself in a wreath of fresh flowers means that you will soon have great opportunities for enrichment. A withered wreath is a sign of illness and dying love. Seeing the bride's wreath portends a happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.Dream Interpretation of Hasse
From leaves - honor and glory; from flowers - love worries; golden - a wonderful path in life; myrtle - happiness in love and wedding; wreath - you will take part in the reconciliation of lovers; from palm leaves (single) - marriage; married - healthy children; a wreath on the coffin is an inheritance; laying a wreath - there will be twins; carrying a wreath is honor and happiness; oak - winning.Old Russian dream book
wear - the love of others.Esoteric dream book
On the head - to glory, victory of the one wearing the wreath. Throwing a wreath into the water means long life. Sinks, burns, withers - to remorse.Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
Continuity.Small dream book
If you dreamed of a wreath woven from fresh flowers, then life will provide you with many opportunities to improve your well-being. A wreath of wilted flowers warns of a possible illness. Seeing the bride’s wreath is a very auspicious sign, since it means the successful resolution of the most confusing and hopeless cases.Family dream book
Seeing it in a dream or putting it on means great happiness and early marriage. A wreath of laurel leaves - to glory and honor; a wreath of flowers portends love worries. A wreath of oak leaves promises success in a risky venture, winning at a race, casino or lottery. A golden crown on the head means honors and big changes in life. Such a dream also foreshadows your friendship with a rich and influential person. For poor people, a dream about a golden crown predicts troubles and misfortunes. Sometimes a dream predicts the revelation of a secret. A myrtle wreath signifies happiness in love and a happy marriage; a wreath of palm leaves promises quick marriage for single people, and happiness in the home and healthy children for married people. For the rest, the dream predicts promotion and benefits. If you put a wreath on someone in a dream, then you have to reconcile two friends. If in a dream you see and lay a wreath on a coffin, then expect to receive an inheritance after the death of a close friend or relative. For a married woman, a dream about a wreath being placed on her head predicts that she will give birth to twins. Carrying a wreath in your hands predicts that you will soon take part in a ceremony where you will be the guest of honor. Wearing a wreath on your head in a dream means that you enjoy the respect and love of others. A bride's wreath in a dream means a happy turn in a difficult matter. A wreath of flowers in your dream predicts short-lived infatuation and short-lived joy. If the flowers in the wreath have withered or fallen off, then your love will soon end. See interpretation: flowers. A wreath of violets is considered a harbinger of death, while a wreath of roses is considered a harbinger of happiness. A wreath made of lilies is a sign of hope and unexpected honors, while a wreath made of dry grass symbolizes the illness of a healthy person or the death of a sick person. See interpretation: funeral, crown.Modern dream book
A wreath dreams of a rapid improvement in your financial situation if it is woven from freshly cut flowers. Money will flow into your hands like a river. A withered wreath is a dream that a serious threat hangs over your love relationship, which can lead to a final break. Those who do not have a soulmate yet should pay attention to their health. If a young woman dreams of looking at a bride’s wreath in her hands or trying to try it on herself, then after a while she will get rid of unpleasant and tedious responsibilities, and a calm period will begin in her life. If a sleeping woman has a cherished dream, then it will certainly come true under the most favorable circumstances.Dream book for women
So, for example, if you saw in a dream a wreath of freshly cut flowers, then soon you will have a rare opportunity to replenish your family budget: money will literally reach out to your hands. And if the wreath in your dream has faded, then you need to save your dying love, which is facing great trials, at all costs, or (for those who are not yet in love) you should pay more attention to your health. If a young woman dreamed that she was holding in her hands or trying on a bride’s wreath, then this foreshadows her quick deliverance from the hassle and difficulties associated with some tedious and unpleasant task. A woman who has seen such a dream can have no doubt that what she has long planned will definitely come true. It is rare for someone to see specific flowers in a dream. However, this happens. And if you dreamed of dahlias - fresh and bright - then soon fate will smile favorably on you, and you can safely take on any task.Dream book for men
Wreath of flowers. Seeing a wreath on a girl means rumors and gossip. Removing a wreath from someone’s head is exposing a gossip, a small revenge on a person who is constantly trying to harm you. Breaking the wreath means getting rid of the false rumors that bother you. A wreath of coniferous branches means mourning for the next six months. On Mondays, dreams don't come true. Destroying, tearing a wreath weakens the health of someone close. A funeral wreath means death, an unexpected tragedy. On Fridays - the life of a loved one will end unexpectedly and soon. On Tuesdays - death will not happen soon.English dream book
If you dreamed that you had a beautiful wreath on your head, this means that you will overcome difficult circumstances and lead an active and healthy lifestyle; The dream is especially favorable for those who are engaged in trade.Sonic Kananita
Wreath - glory, success in business - from leaves - honor and glory - from flowers - love worries - golden - a wonderful road to life - myrtle - happiness in love and wedding - on the coffin - inheritance - laying a wreath - there will be twins - carry a wreath - honor, glory, happiness - oak - winningUkrainian dream book
A wreath means the death of someone close to you. Losing a wreath is a shame; on the head - a wedding, happiness; weave - recovery; from a thorn bush - you will achieve greatness and glory.
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Seeing it in a dream or putting it on means great happiness and early marriage. A wreath of laurel leaves - to glory and honor; a wreath of flowers portends love worries. A wreath of oak leaves promises success in a risky venture, winning at a race, casino or lottery. A golden crown on the head means honors and big changes in life. Such a dream also foreshadows your friendship with a rich and influential person. For poor people, a dream about a golden crown predicts troubles and misfortunes. Sometimes a dream predicts the revelation of a secret.

A myrtle wreath signifies happiness in love and a happy marriage; a wreath of palm leaves promises quick marriage for single people, and happiness in the home and healthy children for married people. For the rest, the dream predicts promotion and benefits. If you put a wreath on someone in a dream, then you have to reconcile two friends. If in a dream you see and lay a wreath on a coffin, then expect to receive an inheritance after the death of a close friend or relative. For a married woman, a dream about a wreath being placed on her head predicts that she will give birth to twins. Carrying a wreath in your hands predicts that you will soon take part in a ceremony where you will be the guest of honor. Wearing a wreath on your head in a dream means that you enjoy the respect and love of others. A bride's wreath in a dream means a happy turn in a difficult matter. A wreath of flowers in your dream predicts short-lived infatuation and short-lived joy. If the flowers in the wreath have withered or fallen off, then your love will soon end. See interpretation: flowers. A wreath of violets is considered a harbinger of death, while a wreath of roses is considered a harbinger of happiness. A wreath made of lilies is a sign of hope and unexpected honors, while a wreath made of dry grass symbolizes the illness of a healthy person or the death of a sick person. See interpretation: funeral, crown.

Interpretation of dreams from



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