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Recipe: Baked sea bass - with onions and carrots. Stewed sea bass Stewed sea bass

Fish is a popular dish in our family.
I consider baking to be the most useful and simplest cooking method.
My family loves sea bass most of all, and a simple recipe with a minimum set of ingredients that can always be found in the house suits both the eater and the housewife.

To bake dishes in the oven, I usually use glass dishes; this is not only convenient, but also allows you to avoid transferring the cooked food to another dish.

I usually take enough fish to fit in my mold.
Today I have medium-sized windows and I will need four of them.
You also need to immediately get the carrots and onions. You will also need lemon juice to sprinkle the fish, but if you don’t have it, then you can get by with diluted citric acid.

The fish must be cleaned, the carrots and onions must also be peeled and chopped.
It is advisable to cut the carrots into as thin rounds as possible, and the onions into thin half rings:

The next step is to work with fish carcasses.
You need to salt and pepper the fish to taste (I recommend a little) and sprinkle with lemon juice.

While it is lightly marinating, you can prepare the mold.
I first grease the bottom a little with vegetable oil, this will prevent the carrots with which it will be lined from drying out:

And then I line the bottom with thin slices of carrots, taking larger ones:

Now you can stack the carcasses:

Place chopped onion and preferably (but not necessarily) fresh parsley sprigs in the belly of each fish:

For a special taste, I always add butter to baked fish.
You only need a little bit of it, and the fish tastes wonderful.
About five grams (a small piece) can be put inside the fish before and after adding the onion:

Now all that remains is to put the remaining onions and carrots on top of the carcasses:

So that the fish does not lose its juices during baking, and the carrots on top do not dry out too much, I cover the fish with a piece of foil and send it to a preheated oven (about 175C) for 35-45 minutes (depending on the thickness of the carcasses).

And after the allotted time, you can get the form with the fish:

The fish turns out in its own juice, aromatic from onions, carrots and parsley, and butter gives its own touch of tenderness.

I’ll say right away that the carrots on top can be a bit harsh, but the carrot base is always steamed in fish juice and turns out incredibly tasty.
I like fish when it cools a little, the taste becomes more distinct, and the fish juice becomes thick and it’s very good to pour it over the fish on a plate.
That's all the wisdom.
Thank you for your attention, I hope you enjoy this simplest and healthiest way to cook fish.

And finally, I’ll say that you don’t need to cut all the carrots and onions in advance; you’ll figure out the right amount as you go.

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.

Stewed sea bass is prepared according to the following cooking steps.

If the perch was frozen, then the first thing you need to do is defrost it. This should be done under natural conditions, that is, at room temperature. Since fish does not tolerate defrosting in hot water or in a microwave oven.

After the sea bass is thawed, it must be cleaned. Sea bass is quite easy to clean; you just need to cut off the sharp red fins and remove the large head. Further cleaning the fish is simple; scales are easily removed. It is also worth removing the entrails if the perch carcass was sold not yet gutted.

Rinse the carcass under running water and pat dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture.

You need to pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and plain water into the frying pan, salt and pepper the perch carcass, in accordance with your taste preferences or the taste preferences of your family, after which we place the carcass in the frying pan. Turn on the heat, the level should be below medium, cover the pan with a lid, and leave to simmer for 20-25 minutes.

While our sea bass is stewing on its own, you need to peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Then add the onion to the frying pan with our perch, and sprinkle everything with finely chopped dill. Cover the pan again with a lid and simmer for another 7-10 minutes.

The green beans, if they are fresh, must be washed, and if they have been frozen, then defrost under natural conditions, after which we add them to the pan and add a little salt.

It is necessary to simmer our dish for five minutes without covering the pan with a lid.

After this, cover again and simmer for about fifteen minutes. During this time, all water added. It should evaporate, and our perch may even fry a little.

A side dish for fish dishes can be rice or mashed potatoes, but our stewed sea bass can also be served on its own, since green beans will be an excellent side dish for stewed fish.

If you want to try a spicier and more aromatic dish, you can cook sea bass with stewed paprika; the recipe can also be found on the Internet, or on the pages of a cookbook. Sea bass can be stewed with any vegetables, baked, fried or boiled, constantly changing the added ingredients, which will change the taste of the cooked fish.

Any fish dish can serve as a wonderful dinner or addition to a holiday table. There is only one warning: you should eat perch carefully, and it is better to give small children meat that has already been deboned. After all, perch’s bones are quite thin and sharp, and can damage human mucous membranes. You should use this product with extreme caution, but the “difficulties” of consuming it are fully justified by its wonderful taste and aroma, which will be remembered for a long time not only by all family members, but also by those whom you want to treat with this simple but gastronomic fish dish, the recipe of which will be passed on from mouth to mouth and become a desired dish on the tables of all your friends and acquaintances.

Sea bass is a tasty and nutritious fish that can be found frozen in stores all year round. This fish contains a lot of protein, as well as valuable fats and amino acids that the body needs - especially in the autumn-winter period. There are many delicious sea bass dishes to choose from - some simple and some more complex. If you're looking for ways to add variety to your diet, this article will give you some interesting sea bass recipes.

Baked sea bass in the oven

The easiest way to cook perch deliciously is to bake it in the oven. This will require a minimum of time and effort from you. To bake perch, do the following:

  • Rub the defrosted fish with oil and spices. You can add ketchup or mayonnaise. This way you will get a tasty and aromatic crispy crust. Various aromatic herbs and peppers are excellent as spices for perch.
  • You can put a few slices of lemon inside the perch - this will make the fish even more delicious.
  • Place the perch on a baking sheet wrapped in foil. Place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • After 40 minutes, use a knife to check if the perch is cooked. If the meat is soft, the dish can be served.

What's the best way to eat baked perch? It goes perfectly with almost any side dish - for example, fish is often served with spaghetti, potatoes or rice. Perch is also very often eaten with vegetables - fresh, fried or stewed. You can diversify the preparation of perch in the oven by combining it with vegetables or a side dish. The following dishes are often prepared with perch in the oven:

  • You can make a fish casserole from perch with potatoes. To do this, cut the potatoes into wedges and divide the perch into small pieces. If possible, you should also remove the bones from the fish. Place the fish and potatoes on a baking sheet wrapped in foil; you can also add carrots and onions. Add spices to taste, mayonnaise and a little sunflower oil. Bake the dish for half an hour until a beautiful golden crust appears.
  • You can bake perch with vegetables. Bell peppers, carrots, tomato or eggplant are perfect. You can cover the top of the fish with these vegetables - this will make the perch especially juicy and soft. You can also stuff the perch with vegetables so that they are soaked in juice.
  • If you want to cook perch with rice, you can stuff the fish as a side dish. Soak the rice in hot water, add carrots and green peas, place inside the perch and place in the oven until cooked.

Fried sea bass

Another way to cook perch is to fry it. This is very easy to do as follows:

  • Choose how you want to grill your perch. If you have small carcasses, you can fry them whole. If the fish is large, it will have to be cut first. This can be done by cutting the carcass into several pieces crosswise. If you want to fry perch without bones, you should fillet it - this is a more labor-intensive process. Plus, if you want to fry the fillets, you'll have to skin the fish and you won't get a crispy finish.
  • It is best to fry breaded fish. Make a mixture of raw egg, flour and breadcrumbs, add salt, herbs and spices. Dredge the perch pieces in breading.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil and place the perch on it. Fry it for two minutes on each side, and then cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes on low heat. Open the lid and leave the snapper for a few more minutes to get a crispy, golden crust. After this, the dish can be served.

You can consider other options for frying perch. For example, a fillet can be easily deep-fried, and a whole fish carcass can be deliciously grilled in the oven by selecting the appropriate mode and placing the fish on the grill. Cooking is a creative process; you should proceed only from the capabilities of your kitchen and your food preferences.

Braised sea bass

Stewed fish is also a very tasty dish that is quite simple. You can stew perch in an ordinary pan on the stove, but it will be most delicious if you cook it in a clay pot in the oven. To create such a dish, use the following tips:

  • Choose exactly how you want to cook your perch. It can be stewed separately with onions and herbs, you can add almost any vegetables to your taste, or you can stew it together with potatoes. Decide what kind of dish you want and prepare all the necessary products.
  • It is advisable to cut the fish into small pieces and separate from the bones. If you are going to cook in a pan, you can coat the fish pieces in breading - you can lightly fry them first, and then add the rest of the ingredients and leave the dish to simmer. There is no need to use breading for cooking in a pot.
  • If you are cooking in a pot in the oven, simply place all the ingredients in the pot, add spices, vegetable oil and a little water, then place in the oven for one to two hours. The longer the dish simmers, the tastier it will be.
  • When cooking on the stove, first pour a little oil into a preheated pan and fry the fish for five minutes. Then pour some water, add vegetables or potatoes and leave for one hour.

There are many ways to cook sea bass - you can make an almost dietary and very satisfying dish, you can simply put the whole fish in the oven or choose a more complex recipe. Finally, if you get tired of one cooking option, you can always find a lot of other recipes that will help you significantly diversify your diet. Sea bass is a tasty fish in itself, so it’s difficult to spoil it - when choosing a recipe, you should focus only on individual preferences.

Stewed sea bass with vegetables. If you want to cook something special sea ​​bass, then definitely for you. Follow our simple instructions and let's prepare a delicious dish - braised sea bass.

Braised sea bass recipe

5 from 1 reviews

Braised sea bass

Sea bass stewed with vegetables

Type of dish: Fish dishes

Cuisine: Russian


  • Sea bass - 1 pc.,
  • olives - 15 pcs.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.,
  • sweet green pepper - 1 pc.,
  • tomato - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 2 pcs.,
  • thyme - 1 sprig,
  • white wine - 1 tbsp.,
  • olive oil,
  • pepper,
  • salt.


  1. First, peel the onion and cut it into strips.
  2. Next, wash and chop the bell peppers.
  3. Add 4 tablespoons olive oil to the pan and fry the onion, pepper and garlic. Garlic cloves are fried whole, unpeeled.
  4. Peel the tomato and cut it into cubes.
  5. Add the tomato along with the olives and thyme to the roasted vegetables and simmer briefly with a little tomato paste.
  6. Place the sea bass pieces on top of the vegetables, drizzle with wine, cover and cook for 7 minutes until the fish is very white and has a shiny crust.
  7. Serve the fish on a bed of vegetables.

Bon appetit!

Helpful Tips:

Steamed fish tastes better than regular boiled fish, and it also retains significantly more nutrients.

From the broth obtained by steaming fish, you can prepare a sauce and serve it separately with the fish.

To get fillets with boneless skin, the fish is flattened, then the fillets are placed on the table with the rib bones up and, holding them with the palm of the left hand, holding the knife in the right, cut off these bones, trying to leave as little meat on the bones as possible.

When cutting fish weighing up to 1–1.5 kg, the belly is not cut. For gutting, a deep cut is made in the flesh at the edges of the gill covers, the vertebral bone is cut and the head is separated, and most of the entrails are pulled out along with it.

Braised sea bass

Stewed sea bass with vegetables. If you want to cook something special with sea bass, then this recipe is definitely for you. Follow our simple instructions and we will prepare a delicious dish - stewed sea bass. Stewed sea bass recipe 5 from 1 reviews Stewed sea bass Print Sea bass stewed with vegetables Author: Cook Type of dish: Fish dishes Cuisine: Russian Ingredients Sea bass - 1 pc., olives - 15 pcs., onion - 1 pc., sweet red pepper - 1 pc., sweet green pepper - 1 pc., tomato - 1 pc., garlic - 2 pcs., thyme - 1 sprig, white wine -…

Stewed sea bass with vegetables

Sea bass is a beautiful, tasty fish. It is good fried, boiled and stewed.

And cleaning it is not difficult, you just need to immediately trim off the spiny red fins of the perch and the large head. And if you get a carcass without a head, it’s even easier to cook such fish.


for 4 servings

  • Sea bass carcass – 4 pieces;
  • Small lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Dried basil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons;
  • Starch (or flour) – 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook

Clean and marinate the fish

  • Rinse the perch in cool water. Trim fins and head. Cut the belly and clean it of entrails and black film. Remove scales. Cut off the tail.
  • Rinse the fish again inside and out. Cut each perch into 2 parts. Salt, marinate in lemon juice (pour it over and let stand for 15-20 minutes).

Fry vegetables

  • Cut: onions into half rings, carrots into circles.
  • Heat 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a saucepan. And fry the onion in it until transparent (over low heat). Add salt.
  • Add carrots and fry for another 5 minutes. Stir. Neither carrots nor onions should burn.

Stew perch with vegetables

  • Add the fish to the vegetables, add 1/2 cup of hot water and simmer over low heat with the lid closed for 10 minutes. If the fire is strong, the fish will break into smaller pieces.
  • Add dried basil and salt carefully.
  • Dissolve starch in cold water (1/3 cup). Pour in a thin stream into the pan with the fish, stirring. Simmer for another 5 minutes. All.

A good side dish for stewed sea bass with vegetable gravy would be mashed potatoes, pasta or rice.

Bon appetit!

Delicious fish stew - sea bass.


Be attentive while eating, do not talk or be distracted. The bones of sea bass are long and sharp.

Delicious sea bass!



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