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Star of Svarog: the meaning of the amulet. Amulet star of Rus' sacred meaning of the Old Slavic symbol

The Slavic amulet Star of Rus' or the Square of Svarog belongs to a number of powerful amulets that allow you to receive the protection of not only Svarog, but also other gods and even your ancestors. It contains much more power than some others dedicated to a specific deity or purpose.

The Svarog Square is a very complex symbol that carries within itself the traditions of the ancient Slavs, helping to pass on this knowledge to subsequent generations. This article will help you figure out who the amulet with the Star of Rus' is suitable for, how to activate it, wear it and clean it.

Svarogov Square has its own history of origin. According to it, our ancestors decided to create a special sign that would contain the wisdom of previous generations, their knowledge, experience and willpower. The Square of Svarog, also called the Star of Rus' or the Seal of Svarog, became such a symbol.

This sign, dedicated to the blacksmith God Svarog, was used as a personal talisman to help one find one’s path in life, develop in one’s chosen work field, and protect one’s family. It was usually worn in the form of wooden jewelry or rings and even embroidered on clothing.

There is information that the symbol was depicted on the robes of princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav.

Symbolism of the amulet

Like any ancient sign, the Svarog Square has its own interpretation. Over the past centuries, a huge number of symbols have come to us without undergoing transformation - retaining their appearance and meaning. But Svarog Square is not one of them. This is one of those signs whose symbolism is still debated among Slavic scholars.

The Star of Rus' is visually very similar to. Their meaning in some way also has something in common, although it is not identical. Both symbols are an eight-pointed star consisting of a square and intersecting ellipses. But, unlike the Lada symbol, the Star of Svarog has pointed ends of the ellipses, rather than rounded ones.

The Square of Svarog (Star of Rus') has pointed ends of the ellipses, and the Star of Lada has rounded ends.

As for the general symbolism, the opinions of experts agree. It is generally accepted that these two eight-pointed stars contain the harmony of the universe, expressed in three worlds:

  • Rule;
  • Navi;

Two intersecting ellipses also mean harmony, but not a general one, related to the Universe, but between representatives of the Slavic family - a man and a woman. With a deeper decoding of the meaning hidden in the signs, everything is much more complicated.

In articles about these signs, their meanings are so mixed up that it may seem as if they are exactly the same. But here it is worth remembering that the Lada Star is a female sign. He helps to fulfill his destiny before Rod as a wife and mother.

The Star of Rus' symbol, on the contrary, is masculine, so it will have a different meaning. In the case of the Seal of Svarog, the square will mean not the family hearth, but the forge in which Svarog himself worked, and the four corners of the ellipse protruding beyond the edges of the square are human virtues.

  • honesty;
  • justice;
  • Liberty;
  • faith.

The meaning of the Svarozh square

The Svarog Square provides connection with ancestors and the protection of the gods. The one who wears this sign shows that he respects his Family, honors the traditions of past generations and with all his heart wants to support them in order to pass them on to his heirs.

The Svarog Square provides connection with ancestors and the protection of the gods.

The main meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet comes down precisely to fulfilling the duty of a Slav - maintaining the clan in a state of prosperity. For women, this is expressed in creating a family and maintaining a home, and for men, in protecting loved ones and manual labor.

The Svarog Square, the meaning of which we discussed above, does not simply create a connection between a person and his ancestors or a person and the gods. It allows you to find your path in life. If you can't find your calling, the Star of Rus' will send you on the right path. The amulet will also contribute to the accumulation of spiritual strength, bestow wisdom and help in development.

Other names for the amulet

Some ancient Slavic amulets have several names. Because of this, and also because of some external similarity, many signs are often confused and misused. So the Star of Rus' has several more names. In some sources it is called the Star of Svarog. It’s not hard to guess where this name came from, because the symbol is associated with the Blacksmith of the World.

Another variation of the name for this protective sign is Svarog Square. One of the components of the symbol is this geometric figure - this is what led to the appearance of another name. However, the word “square” itself is not of Slavic origin, but came into the language from Latin relatively recently (around the 18th century). Therefore, the name of the amulet is also probably new.

The Star of Rus' symbol is also popularly called the Square of Svarog, or the Seal of Svarog. Some researchers call this sign the Star of Svarog.

This was the reason that some Slavic scholars call the symbol a “remake,” questioning its use by our ancestors. This is only partly true. The ancient Slavs most likely did not call the amulet “Svarog Square”. The name appeared much later and can be considered a “remake”. But this does not mean that the sign itself is also a fiction; rather, its popularity today has brought new names to the ancient symbol.

Much less often you can find a mention of a talisman under the name Seal of Svarog.

There are claims that the Star of Svarog and the Star of Lada are the same symbol. Experts say completely opposite things, and newcomers to the study of Slavic culture are completely confused. But among all this chaos, there is a very logical version that these are separate signs, and not one whole. They belong to different deities and personify interconnected, but opposite, things - masculine and feminine.

Who is it suitable for?

Don't forget that not all ancient symbols are universal. Some of the amulets with these signs can be worn by both sexes, others are suitable only for women or men, and sometimes only for a certain age category.

The Svarog Square also has its own features of use:

  • Only men should wear the Star of Svarog;
  • sign not suitable for children;

Compliance with these rules will ensure that the Svarog amulet will fulfill its calling without causing any harm to the owner. So that you do not have doubts and desire to use it differently, we will explain what such restrictions are associated with.

The Svarog Square amulet is exclusively for men; women and children cannot wear it.

The Star amulet carries masculine energy belonging to the blacksmith god. It was Svarog, who worked with his hands and using force, who was credited with hard work. This is his difference from other gods - he is not a warrior, like Perun, but a craftsman. Therefore, men who work with their hands will find this talisman most useful.

As for age, symbols associated with the power of the entire family should not be worn by children. The energy of such signs is too comprehensive for them and can suppress their not yet formed personality. In addition, a child cannot be required to fulfill his duty to the Family, because he is not ready either to create a family or to protect it. It is better for children to use amulets of a softer effect: for example, or special ones. Perfect for kids.

How to wear a talisman correctly

You can make a talisman with the symbol of the Square of Svarog yourself, or order it from a trusted craftsman.

When choosing a protective sign or amulet for yourself, do not concentrate on the meaning of the symbol. It's not just what you wear, but also how you wear it. Individual amulets are usually worn as jewelry or turned into.

An excellent amulet for a man would be:

  • pendant;
  • ring;
  • suspension.

The Star of Rus' tattoo is a slightly less troublesome option than the Svarog body amulet. After all, it does not require activation and regular cleaning. But in any case, the image will have to be hidden from prying eyes so as not to attract the attention of unkind people. Despite this, the amulet in the form of decoration is very popular among the people, because it can be replaced with a new one, made of a different material.

Most often, the Star of Svarog amulet can be found in the form of a pendant or ring.

The cleaning and charging method is different for each material. Metal is more durable, so almost any element, including fire, will do. Using a candle flame, you can simultaneously cleanse and charge the amulet.

The Star of Rus' amulet in the form of a tattoo must be hidden from prying eyes.

If you prefer the water element, place the item in spring water and leave it for several hours or overnight. A wooden pendant will be damaged by lying in water for a long time, as well as by fire. Therefore, it would be better to resort to a more neutral method - cleaning with salt.

When thinking about purchasing an amulet with the sign of Svarog, people usually wonder whether it is possible or better to buy from a master. The first method is good if you are engaged in wood carving or working with metals. But it is better for a person who does not know how to handle these materials not to take on the job - any protective sign must be depicted very clearly, without errors.

Ordering or buying jewelry from a master is the easiest way, but besides this there is also another option that has taken root with our ancestors. The Slavs believed that a talisman made by blood relatives would have better energy than a purchased item. But here it is important to take into account how much the master will believe in what he is doing.

Of course, we shouldn’t forget that the amulet needs to not only be cleaned and charged, but also to share your emotions with it - ask for help, ask for advice or support and, of course, thank you. This will help strengthen the bond between you and get the most out of it.

Not everyone has heard about the Star of Rus' amulet, but this does not detract from its significance. This ancient, powerful talisman has a truly sacred meaning that is timeless.

The amulet was valued very highly by the Slavs and had a deep meaning that not everyone understood. Can it be used in everyday life today? Yes, if you figure out what it means and if you treat it in the right way.

The main meaning of the amulet is balance. It, as already mentioned, unites the future, present and past, the material and mystical world. Our ancestors called it “reality, nav and rule.” The amulet gives an understanding of the world order and, as a result, harmony and tranquility. It can help a person understand the essence of things.

Our ancestors understood perfectly well that everything in the world is harmonious, interconnected, that nothing happens for nothing. And the Star of Rus' helps to make sure of this. It is worn to gain wisdom, understanding of the world and its depths, to achieve a state of calm and spiritual harmony, to feel like a part of Nature. If you practice esoteric teachings, do meditation, yoga, spiritual practices - this talisman will help you a lot and will become a wonderful friend.

Another meaning of the Star of Rus' talisman is connection with one’s family, with ancestors. The amulet will not let you forget your roots, will give you an understanding of the importance of your family, and will not leave you alone. A person wearing a talisman always understands and remembers who he is and where he comes from, knows how to value his family and feels a strong, sacred connection with it.

And besides, the experience and wisdom of the ancestors is transmitted through the Star. This amulet can be used in many rituals and meditations - to achieve a mystical connection with ancestors, with family, to ask for advice, to ask a question, to seek help or protection.

The significance of the talisman in magic and rituals is great. Its sacred meaning and enormous power help to achieve a mystical connection with the subtle world, to reach hidden mysterious forces. This amulet can become like a key to knowledge, a conductor of higher magical power. In other words, in any rituals it will help achieve success and positive results, and increase spiritual strength.

However, it's not that simple. For everything to work out, a person must take actions only for the good! If his ritual is aimed at some kind of evil or is performed to the detriment of other people, then the Star of Rus' will not help, but, on the contrary, will prevent the commission of evil deeds. In addition, a person must be aware of his connection with Nature, with his family, honor and be very respectful of the forces contained in the amulet.

And, of course, the Star of Rus' has protective significance and is an excellent amulet. This amulet can protect against any evil - from the evil eye and dark magic, from evil words and thoughts, from curses and simply failures. It protects against illness, grief and misfortune. The range of its action is simply huge! The Star of Rus' can be kept in the house; it will reliably protect you and your family. But the main condition is to believe, respect this ancient symbol and understand its meaning.

The Star of Rus' is an amazing talisman. He really has enormous power, but this power will only help those who use it knowledgeably, with faith and respect for their ancestors. Use amulets consciously and carefully, and they will bring you only benefit and goodness!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Ancient symbols have enormous power. Especially if they are used correctly.

So, for those who want to find harmony with themselves, see the secrets of the past and get closer to understanding the future, and at the same time avoid the curse of envious people, their evil eye and damage, unjust slander, the Star of Rus' amulet is simply necessary.

The Old Russian, or better yet, the Old Slavic amulet contains not only the connection of the past, present and future, it combines the feminine and masculine principles - a circle and a square with rays. The very power of life. In unity, life is born, that which, when multiplied, becomes a race. That is why the Star of Rus' amulet can be used to protect the home, feminine strength and male independent luck.


A woman has always been the keeper of home peace and comfort. Its symbol is the hearth. Take a closer look; in the amulet you can clearly see the outlines of a fire in a home. The Star of Rus' connects the Star of Lada and the square in which the name of Svarog is encrypted.

Lada is the most powerful Slavic deity (the wife of the great Perun, the mother of all Slavic gods), patronizing family happiness, children, mothers, wives. And also to widows, bravely killed soldiers, orphans left without a father.

She gave a woman wisdom, a sixth sense - intuition, the ability to be that neck, without which her head would turn in the right direction. And, of course, female attractiveness. She is a prototype of the all-loving Mother of God. Old Russian women knew that Lada would never refuse to help those who, sincerely turning to her, wear her image on themselves - in the form of embroidery, rings, pendants, scarves.

Therefore, that girl who dreams of finding a faithful husband; a widow looking for support for her children, a wife who wants harmony to reign in the family, hung the image of Lada around their neck. In this case, the Star of Rus' was transformed into the Star of Lada - a female amulet.


In the square of Svarog (the ancestor of all Slavic gods, the universal ruler) are the rays of his arrows, the flame of the forge - their four petals. This is the central part of the Star of Rus' amulet. Svarog not only gave life to the sun, skillfully led his sons and assistants, he did everything himself - without the help of magic spells. Therefore, the Star of Rus' should be worn:

  • Men whose skillful hands are associated with some kind of craft. They will become more skillful, the fruits of their labor will be more in demand;
  • Men who participate in military affairs. Their martial art, ability to distinguish truth from lies, the goal and paths leading to it will increase a hundredfold. In addition, the supreme ancient Russian deity grants the male protector wearing his sign invulnerability and the ability to survive in the most difficult situations;
  • Men who have chosen a political or diplomatic path as their occupation. The body amulet will strengthen their gift of persuasion, give them confidence in their abilities, give them luck in solving complex issues and the correct vision of the problem.

Men can wear the Svarog Square amulet in the form of a pendant, embroidery, or a handcuff (wristband). In addition, ancient Russian warriors to increase influence Svarog for a successful resolution of cases, they made a talisman in the form of a tattoo on their forearm or in the heart area. So the most powerful Russian amulet was inseparable from them - until their death, protecting them from enemy thoughts and damage, slander and the evil eye when doing certain things.

Protection of the family

The Old Russian Star of Lada and the Square of Svarog, uniting into a single amulet, which concealed impenetrable protection of the entire family. And in order for it to be as effective and comprehensive as possible, the Star of Rus' amulet was embroidered, woven in the form of a panel, a tapestry on the wall. Such a powerful Russian amulet occupied a central place in the house. The rays of his inner flame fought off all attacks on the family and did not allow any evil spells to settle in the family nest. Such Russian amulets, made with soul, can still protect a family from the dark thoughts of ill-wishers today.

DIY Russian amulets

Only that amulet has powerful power, which is made by loving hands. The star was also made by hand. But with one condition - not for yourself, but for those with whom you are related by blood.

What material to choose for this - wool or cotton threads, straw, wood (corresponding to you according to the Slavic horoscope), dried rye or wheat straw, silver.

There are three mandatory conditions:

  • When making an amulet, you must always keep the image of the person for whom the amulet is intended before your eyes;
  • Before starting, during the work and at its end, he will turn for help and blessings to the ancient Russian protectors of the clan;
  • It is imperative to observe all proportions, otherwise the meaning and power of the amulet will not only be lost, it will acquire a completely different – ​​hostile power.

As a last resort, if you are unable to make a talisman yourself, but want to be under its protection, buy it. But before you wear it or hang it at home, charge it with your power– with the help of water (the decoration should lie overnight in water taken from a spring) and fire (over a panel or tapestry, the decoration, hold a three-lit wax candle, turning to the supreme Slavic deities). Russian amulets have always helped those who remember and know their roots.

Star of Rus' or Svarog Square. Among the Slavic amulets, it is the Star of Rus' or, as it is often called, the square of Svarog that is one of the most ancient and filled with secret meaning. Due to the fact that it consists of several parts that are integral and pervasive. Most historians involved in the study of Slavic symbols agree that this is an encrypted symbol of the family hearth with four flames that burst out of it. In some sources you can find information that the Star of Rus' and the Star of Lada are one and the same. This statement is incorrect - they are very similar, but the significant difference is the intertwined ellipsoidal petals - in the Star of Rus' they are sharp, in the Star of Lada they are rounded. Accordingly, these two Slavic amulets have different meanings.

The meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet

There are several main theories about the meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet - this is a stylized image of the family hearth, and an encrypted swastika. The swastastic meaning of the Star of Rus' is not so easy to notice, since it can be traced in magical fields that are intertwined and hidden from the gaze of an ignorant person; they are visible only to those who have certain knowledge.

One of the meanings of the symbol is the division of the world into three parts - Nav, Prav and Yav (there is no need to talk about these worlds for a long time, since every descendant of the ancient Slavs knows perfectly well the basics of the structure of the world). The Svarog Square is very important for those who strive to understand the secrets of the universe, comprehend the features of nature and understand it on an intuitive level, without additional interpretations. The presence of developed genetic memory allows one to comprehend the whole mystery of the sign of the Star of Rus'.

We should not forget the parallels between the Star of Rus' and the family hearth. The pointed parts of the star symbolize flames, each of which has its own meaning. The first is the desire to achieve a goal, the second is freedom, the third is a faithful assistant in protecting the country and faith, and the fourth will provide an opportunity to resist troubles.

Who should wear the Star of Rus' amulet?

The Slavic amulet Star of Rus' or the Square of Svarog will become a real assistant to those who seek to understand the secrets of the universe and appreciate the perfection of nature. You can buy the Star of Rus' amulet for both men and women. But at the same time, there are several peculiar points regarding wearing such an amulet. If a man wears it, then he takes the righteous path, develops his intuition, and gives the opportunity for self-realization. Women traditionally wore such a talisman in the most difficult life situations - especially in those moments when there was no male support nearby (today, such a talisman will help a modern woman gain the strength of her family in difficult and responsible positions, when raising children independently and during family discord) .

Buying a Svarog Square makes sense for men who are not confident in themselves - the power of the amulet is based on the heavenly forge of the great Svarog (one of the meanings of the amulet is the symbol of the Svarog forge), and therefore is capable of forging character through trials and difficulties so that one can say about a man - "Flint Man" The amulet will help those who are engaged in physical labor and military affairs.

Where can the Star of Rus' be depicted?

Every day the number of people who want to buy the Slavic Star of Rus' amulet is growing exponentially. This is not surprising, since the Star of Rus' amulet, the meaning of which is very symbolic, is an opportunity to touch the memory of ancestors. The Star of Rus' amulet can be made of silver or gold, since these noble metals have original powerful energy. Regardless of whether you buy a Star of Rus' pendant or a Star of Rus' bracelet, such a talisman will help many men concentrate their internal energy and gain access to their ancestral memory. An equally popular option is Svarog’s hammer with the star of Rus' - this is a real man’s amulet.

The fact that the Star of Rus' tattoo is popular among young Slavs deserves special attention. The Star of Rus' tattoo brings its owner good luck in business. And at the same time, it has one peculiarity - you can forget to put on the Star of Rus' ring, but the Star of Rus' rune is always with a man.

In ancient times, various Slavic peoples revered the sign of the Goddess Lada - the Star of Rus', which could also be called the Star of Lada. Externally, such a star consists of three figures - a square and intersecting elongated ovals. This sign is often confused with the “Svarog Square”, which differs from it by its sharp ends. The light and warm symbol of the goddess Lada is suitable for babies, girls and women, men use it with wishes for harmony in the family.

Sign image– amulet Star of Rus' (Star of Lada)

In the Star of Lada you can see a rhombus, which denotes the stability of borders. And in the case of the Goddess Lada - the protection and protection of the family hearth. The rhombus is crossed by elongated ovals, their ends facing the four cardinal directions. The Star of Lada is perceived as something pleasant, giving, creative and beneficial.

The Lada Star is often confused with the famous symbol of Svarog - the “Svarog Square”. The Lada star is rounded, and the symbol of God Svarog has sharp corners. The soft outlines of the Lada Star are considered a favorable sign for women. However, when men need to improve their family life, then this symbol will definitely come in handy.

Under the auspices of the Light Lada there are two more signs - Molvinets and Ladinets. The first gives prosperity, health, happiness and good luck. The second organizes the circumstances around him, all living things. Especially such amulets help children to be healthy.

Symbolically, the Star of Rus' sign shows how seamlessly body, spirit and soul should coexist in a person. The wearer of the Star of Lada shows how orderly he is within himself, and how capable he is of organizing his life. Love comes only to the soul that knows how to rejoice!

The power of the sign of the Goddess Lada - amulet Star of Rus' (Star of Lada)

How does the Lada sign help, what action does it perform?

Symbol of the Goddess Lada It will always help a person who uses it in everyday life, magic or in life circumstances:

  • find the love of your life;
  • get full health;
  • attract good luck in business;
  • strengthen love in the family between spouses, parents and children;
  • bring happiness into life.

Amulet so powerful that it can ward off the person wearing it:

  • illnesses, ailments, ailments;
  • boredom and melancholy;
  • unlucky people bringing chaos;
  • family quarrels;
  • misunderstanding your children.

To everyone who turns to Lada the Mother of God, She will give wise advice and help them find the brightest and kindest forces within themselves to restore health and improve the situation.

Who is suitable for the sign of the Goddess Lada - the Star of Rus' (Star of Lada) amulet

Anyone who needs Her strength and improvement of health, their affairs, and home atmosphere can turn to Mother Lada of Heaven. Both men and women, both children and adults turn to Her. The Lada Star sign is more suitable for women, and for men - on special occasions.



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