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Pancake recipe during Lent. Pancakes with mushrooms and buckwheat. Thin lean pancakes with holes in mineral water - the simplest recipe

It's Lent, and as luck would have it, we remember pancakes, and our family asks us to cook them, and we really want to please them with delicious pancakes. And, it seems, what kind of pancakes are there without eggs and milk, but there are lean pancakes in which these important ingredients are replaced with others, as a result they turn out no worse than the pancakes we are used to and love. In addition, lean pancakes have a significant advantage: they are not as heavy as regular ones and have a low calorie content, so they are good for those who are watching their figure and for those who are fasting.

So it is quite possible to please yourself and your loved ones with pancakes during Lent, because the recipe for Lenten pancakes is made taking into account all abstinence in food prescribed by religious rules: no eggs, no milk, no sour cream. Dough for lean pancakes can have either a fresh or yeast base. You can cook delicious lean pancakes with plain water. The main ingredients of Lenten pancakes are flour, water, salt, sugar and vegetable oil, the presence of which indicates that pancakes can only be prepared on days permitted by the church: Saturday or Sunday. Water, vegetable or cereal decoctions, or highly carbonated mineral water can be used as a liquid base. By combining different types of flour, you can get different types of lean pancakes - mix rye or buckwheat, as well as oat or corn flour with wheat flour. This ability to use different types of flour and a variety of fillings opens up endless possibilities for imagination.

Lenten pancakes are good on their own, but you definitely can’t spoil them with the right tasty filling. Prepare lean pancakes with a variety of sweet fillings, using jams, syrups, honey or preserves, dried fruits, steamed and ground in a blender with honey or sugar, as well as sweet pumpkin, lightly stewed in a frying pan with sugar, apples, bananas, pears, berries , kiwi, pineapples or other fruits pureed or lightly fried with sugar or honey, chopped nuts or coconut with honey. Lenten pancakes with savory fillings will be no less tasty: mashed potatoes with fried onions or with fresh herbs, buckwheat and mushrooms, stewed cabbage with herbs, mushrooms with onions, with eggplant and zucchini stew, as well as with various baked goods. Perhaps among our recipes you will find one that will become the ideal dish on your Lenten table.

Lenten pancakes on the water

1.5 stack. flour,
2 stacks water,
50 ml vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. soda,
a little vinegar or citric acid,
salt - to taste.

Dissolve sugar, salt in water, add sifted flour and citric acid and knead the dough thoroughly until smooth so that there are no lumps. Then add soda and vegetable oil. Stir everything well. Heat a frying pan, grease it once before baking with vegetable oil and bake the pancakes over medium heat.

Pancakes with mineral water

500 ml mineral water,
1.5-2 cups. flour (this depends on the thickness of the desired dough),
4 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp. salt,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Mix the sifted flour with salt and sugar, add mineral water and vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Heat a frying pan, pour just a little vegetable oil into it so that the pancakes do not stick to the surface of the pan, and fry them on both sides until cooked.

Pancakes with tea

250 ml black or green tea,
6 tbsp. (with a slide) wheat flour,
1 tsp (without a slide) baking powder,
2-3 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt.

Brew tea, cool it, pour it into a deep bowl and add vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix everything with a whisk. Gradually stir in flour. If you want thick pancakes, add another 1-2 tbsp. flour. Add baking powder and whisk until there are no lumps. Heat a frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil, and bake pancakes.

Pancakes with brine

2 stacks flour,
1 liter of cucumber or tomato brine,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp soda.

Add flour and soda to the brine and stir thoroughly until thickened. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it and bake the pancakes on both sides until browned.

Pancakes with apple and lemon juice

250 g wheat flour,
100 ml apple juice,
420 ml water,
100 g sugar,
10 g baking powder,
1 tsp lemon juice,
vegetable oil.

Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a separate bowl. Mix apple juice with warm water, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Pour some of this liquid into the flour, stir with a whisk, then add the rest of the liquid, continuing to stir. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and start baking pancakes.

Pancakes with soy milk

1 stack flour,
½ cup soy milk,
½ cup water,
50 g vegetable margarine,
2 tbsp. honey,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
¼ tsp. salt.

Mix flour, salt, melted margarine, sugar, honey, soy milk and water, cover the resulting mass with film and refrigerate for 2 hours. Heat the frying pan, after greasing it with vegetable oil, pour in 3 tbsp. dough, distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the pan and fry on both sides.

Lenten yeast pancakes

1.5 stack. flour,
300 ml water,
3 g dry yeast (or 10 g fresh pressed),
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
5 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp. salt.

Mix flour with 4 tsp. sugar in a deep bowl. Pour 200 ml of warm water into it and leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the dough. To do this, dissolve yeast and 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm water. sugar until foam appears. Then pour the prepared dough into the dough, mix and leave until bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. Then pour vegetable oil into the dough, add salt, stir and bake pancakes in a heated frying pan on both sides. This dough makes thick pancakes; if you want thin pancakes, add another 100 ml of water to the dough.

These pancakes with toppings are very tasty. To do this, soak washed dried mushrooms for three hours, boil until tender, cut into small pieces, fry, add chopped and lightly fried green or onions, cut into rings.
Having spread the baked goods in a frying pan, fill them with dough and fry like ordinary pancakes.

RRussian yeast pancakes (an old recipe)

2.5 stacks. wheat flour,
⅓ stack. buckwheat flour,
25 g fresh compressed yeast,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
vegetable oil - to taste.

In the evening, knead a fairly thick dough from buckwheat and half the amount of wheat flour, yeast and water and place it in the cold. The next day, add the remaining flour, sugar, salt and let the dough rise. 30 minutes before baking pancakes, pour enough warm water into the dough so that it has the consistency of sour cream and stir. Then you can start baking pancakes.

Lenten buckwheat yeast pancakes “Grechishniki”

4 stacks buckwheat flour,
4.5 stacks water,
25 g yeast,
salt - to taste.

Dissolve fresh yeast in half a glass of warm water, then add another half glass and stir until smooth. Without stopping stirring, add 2 cups of flour and stir well so that there are no lumps. Cover the dough with a towel and place in a warm place. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times, then add the remaining flour, pour in the remaining water, add salt, mix thoroughly and place again in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises again, start baking pancakes. Do not stir the dough.

Lenten millet yeast pancakes

3 stacks flour,
1 stack millet flakes,
5 stacks water,
1 pack of dry yeast,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. salt,
½ cup unrefined vegetable oil with flavor.

Pour 3 cups of boiling water over millet flakes, put on fire and cook for 3 minutes. Cool the resulting porridge. Dissolve the yeast in a third of a glass of water, adding 1 tsp. Sahara. Add flour to the porridge, stir, then 1 glass of water, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix everything well, cover and leave for 1 hour for the dough to rise. Then pour 1 glass of warm water and vegetable oil into it and mix again. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Rice-based pancakes stuffed with rice and raisins

2.5 stacks. wheat flour,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 stack rice,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. soda,
½ cup raisins,
salt - to taste.

Boil the rice in 2 liters of water, covered, until cooked. Drain the broth through a sieve or colander (you will get about 1 liter of broth). Cool the resulting broth. If it turns out too thick, it can be diluted with boiled water to a liquid jelly. The total broth should be 1 liter. Add flour, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, soda and mix. The dough should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil on both sides. Let the finished pancakes cool and wrap them with the filling, prepared as follows: add raisins to the cooked, washed rice, which you first soak for 5-10 minutes in hot water, and sugar. You can make a savory filling by adding fried mushrooms and onions to the rice.

Potato pancakes with mineral water

½ cup wheat flour,
3 potatoes,
1 stack mineral water,
4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and boil until tender. Then drain off the excess water, leaving a little broth. Make mashed potatoes and cool slightly. Add sifted wheat flour to it and gradually dilute the resulting dough with mineral water so that the dough has the consistency of kefir. At the end, add vegetable oil and stir. Fry as usual. These pancakes will be especially good with mushrooms or sauerkraut.

Lenten oat pancakes

2.5 stacks. flour,
2 stacks oatmeal,
4 stacks water,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tsp starch,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp. soda,
4 tbsp vegetable oil.

Pour water over the oatmeal overnight, strain the resulting mass in the morning, you will get 900 ml of oat milk, add sugar, starch, salt, soda and flour, pour in 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Whisk until smooth. Pour 1 tbsp into a heated frying pan. vegetable oil and bake pancakes on both sides.

Lenten semolina pancakes

1 stack decoys,
1.5 stack. water,
2 carrots,
1 onion,
1 tsp salt,
a little turmeric.

Chop the onion very finely and fry it along with the turmeric until golden brown. Add carrots grated on a medium grater and fry for a few minutes along with the onion. Mix semolina with water, add fried onions and carrots, stir and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Lenten corn pancakes

200 g corn flour,
1 onion,
50 g vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt.

Knead corn dough, the consistency of which resembles jelly, add chopped onion, salt, pour in vegetable oil, stir and bake corn pancakes in a greased with vegetable oil and heated frying pan until golden brown.

Vegetable Lenten Pancakes

120 g wholemeal flour,
3 large potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 stalk of celery,
20 g parsley,
20 g dill,
spices: dried basil, ground black pepper and marjoram,
salt - to taste.

Grate the carrots, potatoes, celery and onion on a coarse grater. Add flour, spices, herbs and vegetable oil. Stir and let stand for a few minutes. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan and fry the pancakes over medium heat. Place the finished pancakes in a saucepan, cover with a lid and let stand for a while, about 5-10 minutes, they will become even tastier. Before serving, sprinkle the pancakes with lightly toasted sesame seeds.

Lenten pancakes are a wonderful opportunity not only to please loved ones, but also to diversify your Lenten diet with tasty and healthy dishes.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Lenten pancakes are an integral part of our life. In the old days they were fed to women in labor, placed on the funeral table, and eaten during Lent. Many traditions are still observed today. And when your family asks you to please them with baked goods, there is no need to refuse, since you can bake a pile of pancakes without milk or eggs. Without traditional ingredients, they turn out no less tasty, and if you do not inform about the change in the recipe, then your family will not even realize that the pancakes are not quite classic.

I offer a selection of tried and tested recipes that will help you quickly prepare delicious pancakes. By the way, they have one more advantage: they are easier to digest and have lower calorie content. Therefore, even those who are struggling with excess weight will not have to deprive themselves of treats.

Lenten pancakes for a wake - a delicious recipe made with yeast

It’s not for nothing that they say that pancakes accompany us from birth to our last day. Funeral pancakes are usually made with yeast. Thanks to this, they turn out fluffy, with holes, but are prepared from unsweetened dough.

For the dough:

  • Fresh yeast – 15 gr. (replacement with dry ones is acceptable, then take a standard bag).
  • Flour – 3 large spoons.
  • Water - a glass.

For the pancake dough:

  • Flour – 200 gr.
  • Water – 1-1.5 glasses.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons + for frying pancakes.

How to bake:

  1. Take the products indicated for the dough. Warm the water a little (not higher than 40 o C), crumble the fresh yeast. Add flour, stir. Place in a warm place, covered with a towel. Soon the yeast will begin to “play” and bubbles will appear. This will indicate that the dough has started working. Live yeast takes longer to start; if you are in a hurry, use dry yeast.
  2. Pour flour into the dough. add little by little, stirring well. Be sure to sift the flour to make the pancakes truly delicious.
  3. When there are no lumps left in the dough, pour in vegetable oil and water intended for the main kneading. Be sure to heat the water.
  4. The dough will not be too thick. Adjust the consistency of the dough by adding water if necessary. Cover the bowl and return to heat. Leave the mixture for about an hour.
  5. Preheat the pan over medium heat. Bake pancakes as usual. Funeral baked goods are not greased with butter.

Thin lean pancakes - recipe using mineral water with holes

Prepare pancakes according to this recipe, and you will get the most delicious Lenten pastry, with delicious holes. Carbonated mineral water is an excellent leavening agent that replaces yeast. Please note that the water should be table water, not medicinal. I know that even highly carbonated lemonade is suitable for the dough.

You will need:

  • Mineral water – 0.5 liters.
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons.
  • Flour – 1.5-2 cups.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons.

How to cook:

  1. Sift the flour, add bulk products to it.
  2. Stir and pour in mineral water. Use the mixer to knead the dough. All that remains is to splash in the butter, stir the mass conscientiously again and bake delicious, thin pancakes.

Simple lean oatmeal pancakes

It’s hard to believe, but if you don’t give a hint, no one will guess that he’s treating himself to pancakes without milk. The flatbreads look normal, thin and very tasty. Elastic, which allows you to easily wrap any filling.


  • Water – 3 glasses.
  • Oatmeal - a glass.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Wheat flour - 2 cups.
  • Table salt – 0.5 small spoon.
  • Soda - the same amount.
  • Sunflower oil – 4 large spoons.

How to bake:

  1. The water must be warmed to about 30-40 o C. Soak the flakes in it for at least an hour.
  2. Then drain off the excess and place in a blender bowl. Grind into a puree, or rub through a sieve.
  3. Add quicklime soda, salt and sweeten. Slowly add flour, continuously stirring the dough with a spoon.
  4. Stir the mixture. The dough will become viscous and flow from the spoon in a continuous thread. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, then bake lean pancakes.

Advice! During Lent, everything that makes pancakes rich and flavorful is prohibited. Remember a little trick: add vanillin. Better yet, find vanilla sugar with creamy flavoring. The pancakes will be very tasty.

Delicious millet pancakes for Lent according to grandma’s recipe

The pancakes turn out delicious, full of holes, and aromatic. Made with dry yeast.


  • Flour - 3 cups.
  • Millet flakes - a glass (or millet, but it takes longer to boil).
  • Water – 5 glasses.
  • Dry yeast - a packet.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 large spoons.
  • Salt - a small spoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.


  1. Boil 3 cups of water, add cereal, cook for 3 minutes. If you replace it with regular millet, cook until the cereal is ready. Cool the porridge.
  2. Add yeast to 1/3 cup warm water, add a small spoonful of sugar. Stir and leave in a warm place for the baking powder to start working.
  3. Pour flour into the cooled porridge and stir the contents.
  4. Pour in a glass of water, add the rest of the granulated sugar, and add salt. Pour in the dough.
  5. Stir everything well and cover. Leave it alone for an hour, putting it in a warm place.
  6. Pour a glass of warm water and oil into the risen dough, mix thoroughly again and start frying the pancakes.

Lush lean buckwheat pancakes - an old recipe


  • Buckwheat flour - a third of a glass.
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Live yeast – 25 gr.
  • Salt - a teaspoon.
  • Sugar - a large spoon.
  • Oil for frying.

How to bake:

  1. Combine half the wheat flour and all the buckwheat in a bowl. Add yeast, splash some water. Place the dough in the cold. This is not a mistake, just put it in a cold place. I advise you to do this the evening before the baking day.
  2. In the morning, add the remaining flour, salt, and sugar. Cover and keep warm. Wait for the dough to rise.
  3. When you realize that the dough has fermented well and risen, pour in warm water. Determine the amount of liquid yourself. Pour in enough to get the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Leave the dough for another half hour, then bake the pancakes.

Pancakes for Lent with soy milk - a delicious recipe

It is not necessary to give up milk when baking lean flatbreads. True, you will have to replace it with soy.

  • Flour - a glass.
  • Soy milk – 0.5 cups.
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons.
  • Margarine for lean baking – 50 gr. (if you can’t find it, replace it with sunflower oil).
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Salt - a quarter of a small spoon.
  • Water – 0.5 cups.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the margarine and pour it into the soy milk. Salt the mixture, add granulated sugar, flour, pour in water (warm it a little). Add honey and knead the dough.
  2. Wrap the bowl in film and place it on the refrigerator shelf. After 2 hours, heat the frying pan, grease with sunflower oil, and bake delicious pancakes.

Quick lean pancakes on water - the best recipe

The recipe has been tested for years, I have never regretted baking and using it. The original does not contain vanilla, but I always add it. The flatbreads will turn out thin, elastic, and you can wrap any filling in them.


  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Sunflower oil – 50 ml.
  • Water – 2 glasses.
  • Granulated sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Baking soda - a quarter of a small spoon.
  • Vinegar or citric acid to remove soda.

How to knead the dough:

  1. Combine all dry ingredients except baking soda in a bowl and stir the mixture.
  2. Pour in water and knead the dough. Stir until there are no lumps left in the mixture.
  3. Extinguish the soda, add it to the dough, pour in the oil. Stir quickly and bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan. Usually I grease the pan only the first time, after that it is not required.

Video recipe for lean pancakes stuffed with potatoes

Lenten does not mean tasteless. In the video you will learn a step-by-step recipe for baking pancakes, which the author stuffed with potatoes. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes

While looking through pancake recipes, you probably noticed that in addition to traditional recipes using milk, kefir, and whey, there are also simpler ingredients. These are lean pancakes. They do not contain eggs, dairy products, sour cream or butter, and the fillings are prepared without the use of animal products. But this does not mean that the recipe for lean pancakes is dull and boring and will only contain water, flour, salt and sugar. You can diversify them just as easily as other baked goods by using spices, dried fruits, honey, jam, vegetables, sweet pumpkin, apples, bananas and even coconut milk or grated coconut pulp.

In order not to violate the canons of fasting and the principles of vegetarianism, the dough for lean pancakes is prepared with ordinary or mineral water, vegetable and fruit juices, potato or cereal broth, tea, and compotes. They can be thick and fluffy, like flat cakes, or thin, almost transparent, all in a hole. They are baked using soda, slaked with lemon juice or vinegar, and yeast. The choice of fillings is such that it will allow you to hold out even during the strictest fast: with mushrooms and onions, rice with vegetables, potatoes with mushrooms, apples, stewed cabbage, and buckwheat and onion filling is generally a classic of Russian cuisine. However, without fillings it will also work out well; lean pancakes with jam or jam are not an option for a light and satisfying meal?

Our site will introduce you to options for preparing fillings and dough for lean pancakes, the intricacies of mixing dough, baking rules and stuffing methods. We will try to make all the recipes for lean pancakes with step-by-step photos, so it will be easy to understand, and if anything is unclear, look at the pictures. In fact, making lean pancakes is not that difficult. Start with the easiest recipe, for example - with water or choose a recipe with oatmeal and just follow the instructions.

Fragrant, thin pancakes with coconut milk - a recipe for real gourmets and lovers of exotic desserts. They turn out very tender, soft, you can serve them with pieces of fresh fruit, pineapple jam, orange sauce or liquid honey. This recipe for coconut pancakes will also come in handy during Lent - prepare...

You can't have milk or eggs during Lent, but you always want pancakes, regardless of calendar dates. And sometimes just in the mood. And what to do - after all, without these main ingredients you can’t cook delicious pancakes. Let's throw away conventions and bake pancakes in water without eggs, and there will be no milk in them either. You'll see, they will turn out delicious!...

By themselves, lean pancakes on water are boring and bland, but with the filling it’s a completely different matter. We will have pancakes with potatoes. You can add fried or pickled mushrooms, herbs, fried onions or onions with carrots, young wild garlic, fresh or dried dill to the filling. Thin lean pancakes are ideal for stuffing: they...

Dietary low-calorie recipe - pancakes made from rye flour with water. They also contain wheat flour, but you must admit that if it is half as much as usual, then the calorie content of the pancakes is reduced. In general, rye pancakes are good not only for those who are slimming and losing weight. They do not contain milk or eggs and can be cooked during fasting. For dinner...

A good option for a quick breakfast for those who are fasting are lean pancakes in mineral water, thin, with holes; the recipe for these pancakes will certainly also be of interest to vegetarians and vegans. Although the pancakes are thin, they are elastic, roll up perfectly into an envelope or tube, and you can wrap any lean filling in them. A...

And in our time, many people observe fasting. But, whatever one may say, there is no way without baking during Lent. Prepare lean pancakes quickly and tasty. This is a versatile dish that can be eaten with either sweet or savory toppings. You can even use pancakes. Excellent recipes for simple, but at the same time delicious Lenten dishes - such as these rosy suns - will help us maintain a good mood during Lent.

Diversify your Lenten 2019 menu with these delicious, flavorful pancakes with your favorite fillings and your table will become bright, tasty and healthy. This article will help you learn how to bake lean pancakes quickly and tasty.

Thin lean pancakes made with mineral water perfectly absorb all the juices from the filling. Suitable for pancake pies and cakes. As a rule, the dough is kneaded in a ratio of 1 to 2, i.e. For one glass of flour, use two glasses of mineral water (in the recipe, the volume of a glass is 220 ml). It is better to use sparkling water, then lacy holes will appear.

Premium wheat flour - 1 cup (220 ml)
Mineral water - 2 glasses
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


First, mix the dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar.

Pour in the first glass of mineral water, mix into a homogeneous mass without lumps.

Add a second glass of mineral water, vegetable oil, and beat vigorously.

We immediately begin baking thin lean pancakes in mineral water. Grease a hot frying pan with a thin layer of any fat. Pour the batter into about a third of the ladle and dry on both sides.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water are ready. Serve them with jam, honey, jam. Bon appetit!

On a note
It is best to sift the flour through a sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen.

Lenten custard pancakes on water without eggs

This recipe will be useful not only for people fasting, but also for those losing weight. Soft, flavorful and very tasty pancakes.
Water - 500 ml
Tea bag - 1 pc.
Flour - 9-10 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Soda - 0.5 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Fill a tea bag with 200 ml of boiling water. Let it sit for 5 minutes.

Add 300 ml cold water to the bowl. Add sugar, salt and stir.

Add flour and knead the dough.

Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix.

Then quench the soda with lemon juice and add to the dough. Mix everything well again.

Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes with flaxseed flour

Prepare lean pancakes. This is a basic recipe that will definitely come in handy for a delicious breakfast during Lent. It is also suitable for you if you are excluding dairy products and eggs due to allergies or dietary reasons. This recipe produces small and rather thick pancakes, in the style of American “pancakes”. Both adults and children always eat them with pleasure.
This recipe uses a standard vegan trick: ground flax seed as an egg substitute. If you fill it with water and let it stand for a while, a viscous mass is formed, which perfectly replaces eggs in recipes where they play a binding role.
Instead of one egg, you need to take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 2.5 tablespoons of water. This substitute in baking can also be used for various vegetable “cutlets” during Lent. Flax seed or ready-made flaxseed meal can be purchased at a pharmacy or in the “health” section of a supermarket.

Flaxseed flour - 1 tbsp. l. (ground flaxseed)
Water - 2.5 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Baking powder - 1 tsp.
Soda - 1/4 tsp.
Salt - 1/4 tsp.
Soy milk - 255 ml (almond or oat)
Vinegar - 1 tsp. (apple)
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. (in dough)
Vegetable oil - for greasing the pan

How to bake lean pancakes with flaxseed flour

First we will make the “egg”. A tablespoon of flaxseed flour should be poured into 2.5 tbsp. l. cool water and let stand.

Then whisk together the flour and other dry ingredients.

Mix soy milk and apple cider vinegar separately - this will give you a lean analogue of the fermented milk product. Acid is needed to react with soda and produce a more fluffy dough.

Then add the oil and the flaxseed “egg”.

Next you need to carefully knead the dough. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the liquid ingredients into it. Stir slowly until the ingredients are combined. There may be a few lumps left, this is normal, the dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time until completely smooth, otherwise the pancakes will turn out hard and “rubbery”. Pay attention to how many bubbles appear in the dough when mixing: it is the soda that reacts with the vinegar, the pancakes will turn out fluffy.

Heat a frying pan over high heat. Grease the pan with vegetable oil using a pastry brush or paper towel. To check the temperature, you can bake a test micropancake. When the dough hits the pan, it should sizzle and squeak, and after 1-2 minutes numerous bubbles should form on its surface.

One pancake should take about 4 tablespoons of batter; use a small measuring cup to pour the batter into the pan. If the pan is large enough, you can bake 2-3 pancakes at a time. Fry on one side for 1-2 minutes until many large bubbles appear on the surface and the edges of the pancake begin to turn golden. Turn over and cook for another minute. To keep the pancakes warm, you can put the first batch in the oven, preheated to 75-100 Cº.

Serve Lenten pancakes with fresh berries and fruits, jam or chocolate syrup, or other sweet toppings.

You can add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a grated apple to the dough. It turns out very tasty with nuts and honey. By the way, if you reduce the sugar a little and put one teaspoon instead of a tablespoon, the pancakes will become completely unsweetened and can be served with vegetables or fish. Bon appetit!

Recipe for lean pancakes on water without using eggs

The simplest Lenten pancakes made with water without eggs, ideal for a Lenten or vegetarian table. A prerequisite for preparing eggless pancakes is boiled water. You need to fry pancakes in a very hot frying pan, grease it with a drop of oil, or use a non-stick frying pan.

Boiled cold water - 500 ml
Flour - 250 gr
Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.
Baking soda - 2 g
Salt - 1 pinch


Sift the flour into a bowl, add sugar, a pinch of salt and soda. Mix dry ingredients.

Gradually add water and mix with a whisk. The amount of water may differ from that given in the recipe, determine by the thickness of the dough, it should be like liquid sour cream. The dough must be stirred very well so that there are no lumps.

When the desired dough consistency is reached, add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix again.

Heat a frying pan and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Pancakes on water without eggs are ready. Place them on a plate.

And serve with tea and delicious jam. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes with semolina

Pancakes can be prepared without milk and eggs, and they will taste even more tender than classic ones. These pancakes are prepared with the addition of semolina, which does not taste at all in the finished pancakes. Lenten pancakes with semolina are perfect for a Lenten meal, as well as for those who do not consume dairy products or eggs.
Semolina - 60 gr
Wheat flour - 140 g (1 cup)
Water - 1.1 l
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook lean pancakes with semolina

Pour 750 ml of water into a saucepan or saucepan and add sugar and salt. Place the saucepan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil; during this time the sugar and salt will completely dissolve.

Pour semolina into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a hand whisk or mixer at low speed. Bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the heat.

Now you need to mix the flour with water. To do this, take half a glass of flour and pour 170-180 ml of warm boiled water into it, mix well so that there are no lumps.

Pour this mixture into the saucepan with the semolina and stir. Then repeat this procedure again with the remaining flour.
The pancake batter should contain twice as much flour as semolina, otherwise the pancakes will tear during frying and will not turn over well.
Mix the contents of the saucepan well again with a whisk so that there are no lumps, and add 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil.

The consistency of the dough should be thicker than for pancakes, but much thinner than for pancakes - something in between.

Heat the frying pan well and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Pour the batter into the bottom of the hot pan. You will see that the dough will be covered with many holes - this is how it should be. Fry the pancakes on both sides for about 1 minute.

Pancakes fry quickly. You need to constantly make sure they don't burn. Since the pancakes are prepared without eggs, they will be slightly lighter than regular pancakes. But if you keep them in the pan longer, you can achieve a more ruddy color.
In order to easily flip the pancake to the other side, you should wait until its edges dry well and begin to rise slightly. Do not pour too much batter into the pan, otherwise the pancakes will be thick and may tear when flipping.

Place the finished pancakes on top of each other in a stack or envelope.

While Lenten pancakes with semolina are hot, they are incredibly tender, and honey or jam goes perfectly with them. Bon appetit!

Video on how to make lean pancakes from rye flour

Bon appetit!

How to cook lean pancakes with yeast

When baking lean pancakes with yeast, they are more troublesome than regular pancakes. The dough continuously “grows” and bubbles, sticking even to an oiled surface - a proven frying pan and some skills will help out. But the result is not disappointing. On the contrary, pancakes without eggs and milk, thanks to the warm yeast aroma, taste deceptively rich, and their texture is soft, flexible, and springy. With yeast the taste is completely different, for fasting people it’s simply great. Especially if they contain your favorite jam.

Flour - 180 gr
Water – 500 ml
Dry yeast - 1 tsp.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Vanilla sugar - 5-10 g
Vegetable oil - 30 ml


In about 150 ml of warm water, dilute a portion of dry yeast and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Cover with film until foam appears for 7-10 minutes.

The yeast mixture should foam noticeably. Add the remaining water.

Mix the sifted flour with salt and a second spoon of sugar, flavor with vanilla sugar if desired. Pour in the dough, knead the homogeneous pancake dough.

Beat again with vegetable oil.

Bake lean pancakes with yeast, after preheating the pan, until golden brown on both sides.

Serve lean pancakes with yeast warm or cooled - delicious with your favorite jam and tea! Bon appetit!

On a note
The appearance of small bubbles on the surface of the dough indicates that the yeast has begun its work.

Lenten yeast pancakes

Yeast played a role and the taste of the pancakes was completely different, for fasting people it was simply great. Especially if they are made with your favorite cherry jam, this is always a win-win option for deliciousness.
250 g flour (1.5 cups, 250 ml glass)
400 ml water (warm enough)
2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 PC. potatoes (raw, medium)
1 tsp. dry yeast (or 15-20 g fresh)
3/4 tsp. salt
3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for dough and for greasing the pan

Add sugar, salt, yeast to the sifted flour.
Peel the potatoes and grate them on the finest grater.
Add vegetable oil and grated potatoes to the water.
Combine a mixture of flour, sugar and yeast with potato mixture and water.
Stir well, place in a warm place and let the dough double in size (this is ~ 1 hour). Then stir and bake, greasing the pan with vegetable oil. The pancake should be allowed to brown well, and then turn over to the other side. It is necessary to bake not on low heat, otherwise the pancakes will be pale. It’s better to bake in a non-stick frying pan; in a cast iron pan, it would stick due to the lack of eggs.

The pancakes are not thin, it is better to eat them warm with sugar lemon.
Also, before frying, you can add a little cinnamon to the dough, and put soft lean chocolate icing inside - it tastes like dark chocolate (3 tbsp cocoa, 3 tbsp powdered sugar, 1 tbsp potato starch, 4 tbsp. l. ice water).

Bright spring pancakes - delicious with your favorite jam and tea! Bon appetit!

Recipe for soft chocolate pancakes

Make these pancakes, they are delicious, simple, and not at all expensive. Even a beginner can handle making pancakes using this recipe. The ingredients for such a recipe are always available in any housewife’s kitchen. This is just the perfect version of lean pancakes.

Wheat flour - 1.5 cups
Water – 500 ml
Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Cocoa powder - 1-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l. and for greasing the pan

How to make Lenten Chocolate Pancakes

Pour sugar, salt, cocoa powder into a deep bowl.

Then add water. Using a whisk, stir the liquid thoroughly until the salt, sugar, and cocoa are completely dissolved.

Now it's time to add flour. It must be sifted through a sieve. Due to a number of factors, sometimes you should add a little less or a little more flour, about +- 1 tbsp. spoon.

Now the mass should be thoroughly mixed with a whisk until smooth.

The next and final step is to add vegetable oil. Mix everything again with a whisk. The result was a beautiful glossy mass. If you add more cocoa the color will become even richer.

The consistency of the mass should be approximately like fairly thick cream, but quite fluid. It’s okay if during the frying process it becomes clear that the dough is, say, thick. Then you should add a couple of tablespoons of water and mix well. And you can fry further.
The whisk has done its job, we remove it. Now take a plastic ladle from a multicooker - its volume is just enough for a medium frying pan, about 24 cm in diameter.
It's best to use a non-stick skillet or a well-prepared cast iron skillet that has been salted and well oiled. You can also use a frying pan with a ceramic coating, such as Tefal.

Next, pour some vegetable oil into a saucer. Using a silicone brush, we will grease the pan before each pancake.

Heat well and grease the pan.

Using a ladle, pour the first portion of dough into the pan and then, tilting the pan clockwise, distribute the dough over the entire surface.

The pancake turns out to be a pleasant color, appetizing and even slightly lacy.

The pancakes turn out to be very elastic, not dry, and it is easy to wrap any sweet filling in them. Cherry filling goes well with chocolate pancakes. It’s good to sprinkle this pancake with grated dark chocolate. If someone does not strictly observe the fast, the pancakes can be served with cream cheese or filled with custard. In general, here imagination can be limitless. Bon appetit!

How to make an incredible Lenten Fairy Tale cake without eggs, butter or milk

A cake prepared according to this video recipe will cheer up your entire family during Lent.

Bon appetit!

Lenten water pancakes with seasoning. Recipe stuffed with mushrooms, onions and garlic

The pancakes turn out tender, turn over well, and remain just as soft the next day. We stuff it with jam or honey, or just instead of bread - it’s very tasty.
Ingredients for pancakes on water:
Cold water - 0.5 l.
Hot water - 0.5 l.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Soda - 1 tsp.
Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
Oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
Baking composition:


Mix all ingredients except oil and hot water with cold water. Then pour in hot water and vegetable oil. If you make it with berry sauce, don’t forget to add sugar to the dough to taste.
For baking: fry mushrooms and onions, add herbs and garlic, salt to taste. Let cool.

Then mix it into the dough and bake pancakes.

The pancakes are tender, turn over well, and remain just as soft the next day.

Lenten pancakes on water with mushroom sauce are ready. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes on water without baking

Cooking pancakes without baking. Anyone who doesn’t know that pancakes are lean will never guess. Golden, porous, tender, very tasty!

I hope this article will be useful to you. Bake lean pancakes, add a variety of fillings (mushrooms, stewed cabbage, apple jam, jam, nuts, honey). And may your Lenten table be tasty and healthy. Come back for delicious recipes more often, see you again on my blog. I would like to ask you, if you liked the article and found it useful, that you share the article with your friends on social networks, the buttons of which are located both at the very top of the article and at the bottom.

Happy Valentine's Day, subscribe to the channel and like it. Share musical greetings with your loved ones on social networks. Now I will have more work, I will congratulate everyone on the holidays, and we have a lot of them!

P.S. Very soon the whole country will proudly celebrate Aviation and Cosmonautics Day on April 12. Our courageous cosmonauts invested so much effort in the exploration of outer space. And this wonderful holiday awaits you on my blog. For older people, this will be a small journey into the past, the world of childhood - remember the magnificent emotional films “Youths in the Universe”, “Solaris”, “Milky Way”. The red thread running through them is the hope and dream of humanity - the exploration of space, other planets, worlds, knowledge of the Universe. Enjoy watching!

Dear readers, another important and useful news from my blogging mentor Denis Povag. I recommend it to those who want to earn money:

After Maslenitsa comes Great Lent, during which a ban is imposed on all fasting foods. You have to give up many foods completely or limit their consumption. Regular pancakes are not eaten during Lent, as they contain animal products - eggs, butter, milk. You also have to forget about your favorite pancakes with a hearty filling.

However, this does not mean that you cannot prepare lean pancakes, which, even if they do not contain the usual lean ingredients, still turn out quite tasty. Moreover, the recipes for lean pancakes are varied, and their taste is not at all bland. And you can come up with very different fillings for them.

So, baking pancakes during Lent, without using dairy products, eggs and butter, is not only possible, but also necessary to make your diet as complete and varied as possible. It is sometimes desirable to eat such a tasty treat on ordinary days, especially for those people who closely monitor their health and weight.

Recipes for lean pancakes will also be useful for vegetarians who have completely abandoned not only meat, but also any other animal products.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water

A very simple recipe that is easy to remember, does not require any special ingredients and allows you to quickly prepare amazingly tender, airy hole-in-one pancakes.


How to cook:

  1. The flour is sifted into a convenient container.
  2. Mineral water is heated slightly.
  3. Salt and sugar are dissolved in mineral water.
  4. Pour water into the flour, kneading the dough.
  5. Leave the pancake dough for half an hour to ripen.
  6. Vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan in which lean pancakes will be fried in mineral water.
  7. Pour into the dough and mix vigorously with a whisk.

Thin pancakes are baked on a well-heated cast iron or Teflon pancake pan without adding vegetable oil. Fry on each side until browned.

It is better to serve fresh pancakes with mineral water warm, supplementing the dish with honey, jam, maple syrup, or wrapping them with stewed vegetables and mushrooms.

Pancakes with mineral water (video)

Lenten pancakes with live yeast

Despite the modest range of products, yeast pancakes made with water turn out deliciously tasty and fluffy. By varying the amount of sugar in the dough at your discretion, you can prepare sweet dessert or snack pancakes. They are ideally combined with both sweet fruit sauces and salty vegetable, mushroom, and cereal fillings.


  • Water - 400 ml
  • White flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Live yeast - 20 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • A little salt.
  • Sugar - to taste.

To make the taste more refined and unusual, you can add lemon or orange zest (1 tbsp) to lean water pancakes, or use apple, pineapple, orange, or any other fruit juice without pulp instead of water.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 200 ml of warm water into a deep bowl.
  2. Add a tablespoon of sugar. Stir.
  3. Live yeast is crushed in your fingers and poured into sweet water. Stir.

    Add a little sifted white flour, mix again and leave the dough warm until a foam cap forms on the surface of the solution.

  4. The remaining flour is sifted into a bowl convenient for kneading pancake dough, salted to taste, and sugar is added as needed. Stir.
  5. Pour in 200 ml of warm water (or fruit juice) and sunflower oil little by little. Rub the mixture thoroughly until all lumps disappear.
  6. Pour the prepared dough into the stiff dough and knead the pancake dough. The consistency should be similar to heavy cream.
  7. In order for the dough to fully ripen, it is left for another hour in a closed container in a warm place.
  8. When the yeast dough rises in the water, bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan.

This recipe produces very fluffy, even thick lean pancakes, so wrapping the filling in them is inconvenient. They are best eaten rolled up or cut into triangles.

Lenten potato pancakes with dry yeast

Potatoes, due to their high starch content, give the dough the required degree of elasticity. Unlike the previous recipe, this one allows you to make lean pancakes very thin. A dough made from the same products, but with a large amount of flour, can be safely used to make lean pancakes.


How to cook:

  1. Sift the flour into a convenient bowl, add dry yeast and sugar. Add a little salt and mix.
  2. The potatoes are washed, peeled, and grated on a fine-mesh grater.
  3. The water is heated so that it is like fresh milk, combined with vegetable oil and mashed raw potatoes. Stir until smooth.
  4. Little by little add flour and yeast to this mixture. Knead the pancake dough with a fork or whisk.
  5. The prepared mass without lumps is placed in a warm place for a couple of hours so that the yeast begins to act and rises the dough.
  6. Before baking lean pancakes with potatoes, the dough must be gently mixed, releasing excess carbon dioxide from it.

Fry in a dry frying pan on both sides until browned. It is advisable to serve hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Yeast buckwheat pancakes for Lent

According to the proposed recipe, it is better to bake pancakes not immediately before serving, but in advance. Serve cold with any sauce.


How to cook:

  1. Measure out 400 ml of water and heat it to the temperature of fresh milk. The liquid needs to be sweetened, salted, and yeast added.
  2. Add sifted wheat flour. Stir.
  3. Allow the solution to stand for a while (5 minutes), then mix again.
  4. Cover with a towel or cling film and place the dough in a warm place for 50–60 minutes.
  5. Sift the buckwheat flour and add it little by little to the dough.
  6. Pour in 200 ml of warm (not hot!) water and stir. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for another half hour.
  7. Pour in the remaining portion of water and mix the dough one last time.

Bake lean buckwheat pancakes from yeast dough in vegetable oil until golden brown. The pancakes turn out quite thick and fluffy.

If this option seems uninteresting, you can bake buckwheat pancakes according to the same recipe, but not with yeast, but with soda. For the indicated proportions of products you need to take 0.5 tsp. baking soda and be sure to add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid to the dough. Add soda at the very end of the kneading.

Lean rye pancakes

Those who love black bread will certainly like lean rye pancakes. There are no special differences in the composition of the products, but due to rye flour, the taste of the usual dish turns out completely different. In addition, such pancakes are very healthy, rich in minerals, and help improve digestion.


  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Rye flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  • Chicken egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • A little salt.

How to cook:

  1. Heat water well in a deep bowl.
  2. In a separate container, beat the yolk and whites, add rye flour. Grind the mass thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into a bowl of hot water and add some salt.

Beat with a hand mixer to obtain the correct thickness of pancake dough.

Lenten pancakes are fried from rye flour according to the same principle as regular ones. The dish can be served with or without vegetable filling and unsweetened sauces. Fans of unusual combinations are recommended to try salted rye pancakes with honey.

It is enough to cook lean pancakes from rye (peeled) flour just once to understand how tasty a simple dish can be. The only warning to those who observe strict fasting: the dough contains eggs, so you can eat such pancakes only on certain days.

Lenten pancakes made with tea from different types of flour

The dish is very healthy and nutritious, but... not for everyone. The taste of pancakes is very original and may not appeal to everyone. However, for a meager menu on fast days, such a dish will be just right.


  • Black tea without sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Flour - oatmeal (50 g), wheat (3 tbsp.), rye (20 g).
  • Bran - oat (2 tbsp), wheat (1 tbsp).
  • Live yeast - 5 g.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Bake pancakes as usual. You only need to grease the pancake maker with oil before making the first pancake. It is advisable to serve hot or warm with or without filling.

How to cook:

  1. Brew loose leaf black tea in one and a half glasses of boiling water. Leave it to cool.
  2. Live yeast is crumbled in your hands and poured into warm tea leaves. Add sugar.
  3. The dough is left warm for several minutes.
  4. In the bowl where the pancake dough will be kneaded, mix all types of flour and bran. Add some salt.
  5. Little by little the tea leaves with yeast and sugar are poured into this mixture and the semi-liquid dough is kneaded.
  6. Let the mixture rise, covering the bowl with cling film, in a warm place. Cooking time - 1 hour.
  7. Pour warm vegetable oil into the mixture, leave the dough warm for another half hour.

Pancakes with starch

If you add just a little starch to the dough, the pancakes turn out thin and lacy. They literally shine through in the light, but at the same time they do not tear when turning them over in a frying pan. And they taste amazing!


  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Starch (potato, corn) - 1 tbsp. l. with a good slide.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • A little salt.

Pancakes with starch are baked and served according to the same rules as regular pancakes.

How to cook:

  1. Pour starch into a cup and add a little water. Stir.
  2. Pour the lump-free solution into a bowl and add the rest of the water.
  3. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate container.
  4. Add this mixture to the starch solution and knead the semi-liquid pancake dough.

Lenten pancakes with semolina

Surprisingly tender and tasty pancakes with semolina and vegetables are the ideal breakfast for a child. Turmeric colors the dough bright yellow, so the pancakes turn out beautiful and glow like little suns.


  • Water - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in vegetable oil with turmeric.
  2. Peel the carrots, grate them with small shavings, and add them to the pan with the onions. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Heat the water and pour it into a bowl.
  4. Pour semolina into the same bowl and brew for 10 minutes.
  5. Combine vegetables sautéed with turmeric and steamed semolina.
  6. Knead the dough.

Semolina lean pancakes are fried in vegetable oil as usual. Served with sauces based on vegetable broth.

Pancakes with buckwheat porridge and mushrooms

A complete hearty meal. Lenten yeast pancakes with such a delicious filling can be eaten for breakfast and lunch.

Ingredients for the dough:

For filling:

How to cook:

  1. Pour yeast and sugar into warm water. Stir and leave for 10–15 minutes.
  2. The sifted flour is mixed with salt, added little by little into the yeast solution, and kneaded into the dough.
  3. Add warm vegetable oil to the mixture. Mix and leave the dough to rise for 30 minutes.
  4. Boil mushrooms in slightly salted water. Drain, dry, finely chop.
  5. The onion is cut into cubes and fried in vegetable oil.
  6. Add finely chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry for a minute.
  7. Pour buckwheat porridge into a frying pan and mix with mushrooms and onions.

Lenten pancakes are fried on a hot pancake pan without oil on both sides, as usual. Place in a stack on a plate. When the pancakes have cooled a little, wrap the filling in them, folding them into an envelope.

No less interesting is the option of preparing lean pancakes with seasoning. The dough is prepared in the same way, but the mushrooms fried with onions are not wrapped in ready-made pancakes, but placed in a frying pan before pouring the dough into it. Thus, on one side, the pancakes come out with a mushroom coating. Delicious!

Lenten apple pancakes

When you have to give up all the sweets, you want them even more. During the 40-day fast, you can treat yourself to dessert sweet pancakes or pancakes with apples. You can serve them with honey, jam, preserves. Apples can be added directly to the dough, pureed fruit, or used to make a delicious aromatic filling.


How to cook:

  1. The dough for lean pancakes with apples is made in the same way as for regular ones. First, mix all the dry ingredients, then pour warm water into them and mix.
  2. Let the dough rest a little, add vegetable oil and soda, mix a second time. The most important thing is that the dough should not be too dense or too liquid. And, of course, there should be no lumps in it.
  3. Fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan until golden brown. Place the finished pancakes in a stack on a plate. Each one is smeared with honey.

The apples are peeled and grated with shavings on a coarse grater.

  1. Transfer to a saucepan, add just a little water and sprinkle with sugar. Simmer the apple mixture over low heat, stirring all the time. After 5 minutes, add cinnamon and remove from heat. Cool.
  2. The filling is wrapped in pancakes soaked in honey. Place pancakes in layers in a deep glass or cast iron baking dish. Pour in the remaining honey. Place the dish in the oven (temperature 150 degrees). Bake the pancake cake with apple filling for 20 minutes. Serve to the table without removing from the mold.

Using this recipe, you can prepare pancakes for children with bananas, various berries, and canned peaches. There is no need to boil this filling like apples, which further simplifies the process of preparing an incomparable and healthy dessert.

By the way, during Lent it is not prohibited to eat and add greens to various dishes. Therefore, recipes for lean pancakes can be varied by making the dough with additional fiber-rich ingredients: chopped parsley, cilantro, dill, spinach, ground flax seeds, etc.



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