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How to write a presentation. Presentation. What is friendship? How to become friends

They tell students in great detail at school, during lessons, before giving such an assignment. But not everyone understands the explanation the first time. So you should talk about all the principles of writing a concise summary in detail.

The essence of the work

It's worth starting with a definition. An exposition is, essentially, a written retelling of a certain text in your own words. Nowadays this is already called rewriting (and many schoolchildren, unfortunately, prefer this word). It can be narrative, descriptive and judicious. In principle, the classification here is the same as in the case of an essay. And the main essence of the work is to convey the meaning of the text, albeit in an abbreviated version. On the contrary, concise texts are highly valued. But the main thing is that the essence of the original work does not change. And this is precisely what causes difficulty for many. Because of this problem, many people think: how to write a statement? 9th grade, 11th or 7th - no matter where the student studies, he may have this question. Unfortunately, a considerable number of schoolchildren suffer from inattention and poor memory. They may not catch some important details that are necessary in the text. Or, even worse, not understanding the meaning of the work in principle. But this is not scary: every problem can be dealt with, and writing a presentation will no longer seem difficult.

How to write a narrative essay?

This type of work is also called plot presentation. And it is considered the simplest. Because the basis for presentation is a text that tells about some events, cities, countries, or the life of a certain person. Maybe about a separate type of activity. For example, as a dictated text, the teacher has the right to choose a story about the profession of an engineer. Or the history of Moscow, Sevastopol, Munich, Rome, and indeed any city.

So, the first thing any schoolchild needs to learn is that while listening to the text you need to be as focused as possible. And while the teacher reads the work, the student must determine its character. The text can be either purely informative or artistic. Accordingly, you will need to follow the given style when writing your retelling.

Secondly, you need to remember events. What happened, where, under what circumstances, why - there are answers to all this in the text. And while listening, you need to mentally substitute these questions for the work being read. This makes the text much easier to digest. In addition, this is how you can build a sequence in your head, a chain that the student will follow while writing the retelling.

Common mistakes

Many schoolchildren, thinking about how to write a statement, are actually thinking about something else. To be more precise, about how to prevent mistakes. And rightly so. Because many people make mistakes.

One of the most common is as follows: the student clings to the only remembered fact from the spoken text and tries, as they say, to inflate his own retelling from this. And while he writes with concentration, everything else he remembers slowly dissolves in his memory. It’s better to do this: make sketches in the form of a plan, which will contain the main key words or phrases, from which the student can then calmly reconstruct the entire text.

Another mistake is that many, when sketching out a plan, try to immediately add artistic flair to the text by inserting beautiful figures of speech, quotes, etc. This can be postponed until later - it is better at this time to write down the names of the characters, dates, exact names of places of action and other important nuances. It will be more practical.


Now - a few words about how to write a descriptive statement. Most people find this type of work the most difficult. And in principle, one can understand why. Because descriptive text contains a huge amount of detail. If students have to retell a portrait essay, then they need to remember almost everything: the color of the main character’s eyes, their squint, the shade of their hair, and whether they are curly, straight, or maybe slightly curly? a scar that adds originality and mystery, a proud posture, a thoughtful look - these are the kind of phrases that the authors of such texts like to use. And all this will have to be retold in your presentation to the student.

And how to write such a character? Many people advise that while reading the text, imagine a portrait in your mind (landscape, setting, depending on what will be in the center of the plot), and then describe it in a retelling. A kind of visualization, one might say.

By the way, sometimes a student can be helped out by his own erudition. For example, if the text was about a collection of books, stamps, or about a city whose history he is well aware of, but his memory failed him, then he can simply insert a few sentences, selecting information from his own knowledge.


The last type worth talking about. presentation-reasoning? In principle, it’s simple. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, you need to be able to think. While listening to the text, you need to ask yourself questions as it sounds. Why is this happening? Where? What can happen? For what reasons? What will be the consequence? There can be an unlimited number of questions. It’s even better if there are more of them. The student will become more interested in himself and will be determined to look for answers to the questions he asks himself.

It is also advisable to have time to identify certain components of the argument in the text itself as you listen. And be sure to clarify the main idea that the author wanted to convey. Even if during the writing process the student forgets some of the details, but remembers the main essence, he will be able to complete the presentation. After all, as they say, the main thing is to start and finish, but the rest can be improvised.

It’s also worth trying to remember a few arguments that the author of the text himself gave. Then the student will either write them into his retelling, or they will become the basis for his reasoning. This is what a student needs to remember if he is thinking about how to write a good presentation.

Brevity is the soul of wit

And this is a true statement. Because not everyone is able to briefly but succinctly convey the essence of something. And you should be able to do this. Because in schools they often give an assignment, the essence of which is to write a concise summary.

If a student knows how to place logical emphasis, reasons well and uses various figures of speech, this is good. But how to write a concise summary if the program requires it?

There is only one rule here - you need to highlight the most important thing in the text and discard the unimportant. Do not oversaturate your retelling with unnecessary details and details. Just the main point. The student can imagine that he is writing not a retelling, but a news story, like a publicist. What is its main purpose? So that a person can quickly read it and understand what happened. It's the same here. This, in principle, is the answer to the question of how to write a concise summary.

How to listen to the text for the first time?

Perhaps it’s worth saying a few words about this too. This topic is directly related to advice on how to write a presentation in the Russian language correctly.

During the first reading, you need to concentrate on the content and try to highlight all the most important things from what you hear. And it is advisable to divide the text into logical parts. It is also important to determine the meaning and theme of the work.

As soon as the teacher finishes reading, it is worth sketching out a plan in a rough draft. And determine the specific features and its composition. If this is a narrative, for example, it is important to grasp where the plot begins, where the climax is and where the denouement is.

Second audition

You need to listen to the text no less carefully the second time. You should clarify your first impressions and correct yourself. If there are no shortcomings, then you can glean a few more details. And after the second listening, you can start sketching out a draft version of the retelling. During this process, the student will already understand what he should write in the final version and how. Writing an essay in Russian is not difficult, you just need to follow these recommendations. After all, they really simplify everything.

Working with the final version

The very last stage is cleaning up the draft. You need to completely remove irrelevant information from your sketches. That is, the one without which the text will not lose its meaning. It is also worth re-reading what you have written from beginning to end and, if necessary, rearranging the sentences. And replace frequently repeated words with synonyms. This way the text will not look overloaded. And if the presentation should be concise and not standard, then details with details will also have to be excluded from the text. Individual and specific phenomena - generalize, in turn.

In principle, this is all a student who is concerned about presentation needs to know. Just follow the above recommendations and everything will work out.

How to compress text correctly, what a microtheme is and why you need to know whether you are a visual or an auditory learner.


In the first part of the OGE in the Russian language, you need to write a brief summary. During the exam, an audio recording is played twice in which the actor reads a short text of about 150 words from three paragraphs. The first time is for familiarization, the second time is to consolidate what you have heard. The audio recording lasts 2.5–3 minutes. Between readings, give another 3-4 minutes to comprehend the text and work with notes in the draft. After the second listening, students begin to write a summary.

Types of perception

People perceive information differently. There are visual learners who assimilate it visually: to understand the text, they read it. And there are auditory learners who easily perceive text by ear.

What you do while listening to an audio recording depends on what type of perception you have.

If you are a visual person, immediately write down your abstracts in a draft. Ignore when they say “listen first” in the exam. Do what is convenient for you - after all, it will be easier for you to work with the written text later.

If you are an auditory learner, then listen carefully to the audio recording first. Even when everyone around you rushes to take notes in drafts, don’t write anything: sit and listen. You will have a break between readings to write down what you hear.

If you cannot determine your type of perception, ask someone to read two texts to you. With the first one, work as a visual person: write down the points immediately while reading. Listen to the second text first, and then write down everything you remember. Then see what you liked best and stick to that strategy as you prepare for and take the exam.

Stages of work on the presentation

1. First reading.

Visual learners: immediately write down what you hear. It is better to do this by shortening words and leaving large spaces between lines. Don't skimp on paper: you will be given as many drafts as you need.

Auditory learners: mentally highlight the most important things in the text and divide it into semantic parts in order to understand what is said in each of them. It is also worth immediately identifying the main topic of the text.

2. Break between readings.

Visual learners: complete the abbreviated words and skim what is written to understand what the text is about.

Auditory: Write down the key words, leaving large spaces between them. Try to immediately draw up a detailed outline of the text. Highlight the micro-topics of each of the three parts and formulate 1-2 sentences that contain the main idea of ​​each paragraph.

3. Second reading.

Visuals: fill in the spaces left with what you didn’t write down the first time. It doesn’t matter if there is some space left: this is still a draft.

Auditory: Concretize the first impression of the text and, if possible, supplement the text’s outline. Pay attention to the logic of the author’s reasoning and compare it with your plan: highlight the supporting words and correlate the paragraphs with them.

4. Correction of the draft: find micro-topics, make an outline and separate the main information from the secondary.

Put together everything you wrote and make a condensed draft. Pay attention to the highlighted micro-topics: they should be connected and together form a logical text. Then read what you came up with.

5. Text compression: shorten what you write.

The summary must be at least 70 words. There is no maximum number limit, but if the text is large, you will be deducted points for the compression criterion. Therefore, re-read the text and think about how else it can be shortened. Then make final revisions and additions.

6. Work on the composition of the presentation: re-read the text for the third time.

Your text should have three paragraphs. One micro-topic - one paragraph. If there are fewer or more of them, points will be deducted from you. Check your draft twice, don't rush it. If the text is read in one breath and without hesitation, then you have a good presentation.

7. Content correction: correct errors and omissions, check spelling and punctuation.

Underline all the words whose spelling you are unsure of. Get a spelling dictionary and check them. A dictionary is required during the exam, and you have the right to use it.

8. Copying the final copy onto a form.

At this stage, we advise you to put aside your text and move on to the test or essay, and return to the first part at the end of the exam. This way you will have time to take a break from the presentation and look at it more detached. Allow at least one hour to rewrite your presentation and essay, as well as check what you have written.

Evaluation criteria

You can get a maximum of 7 points for your presentation. To earn them, you have to look at your work like an expert. To do this, check it according to the following criteria.

Microthemes. The topic is what the text is about. And it, as a rule, is revealed through several small subtopics.

A microtheme is the main idea of ​​a paragraph; it reveals one problem. Your presentation should have three micro-topics and, accordingly, three paragraphs.

The first criterion for assessing presentation on the OGE

Text compression. Your presentation should not be verbose or detailed. To shorten it, use three compression methods:

1. Exception repetitions of words, homogeneous members, participial and participial phrases, introductory words.

“The Kremlin stones can sound. Each wall and dome has a special sound, and together they merge into a heroic symphony, performed by a huge orchestra from the pipes of the golden domes of the Kremlin.” “Each stone, wall, dome of the Kremlin has its own sound, which merges into a single heroic symphony.”

2. Replacement words with synonyms or other parts of speech. For example, several nouns can be replaced by one pronoun.

“Men and women, old people and teenagers came out to protect their hometown.” “All residents came out to protect their hometown.”

3. Merger several sentences into one.

“A calling is a small sprout of talent that has turned into a strong, mighty tree on the fertile soil of hard work. Without hard work, without self-education, this little sprout can wither on the vine.” “A calling is a small sprout of talent, which without hard work can wither.”

  • sequence of presentation;
  • three micro-topics in three paragraphs;
  • keywords.

What can be excluded when compressing text:

  • examples, evidence, details, digressions;
  • generalizing words and sentences;
  • homogeneous members;
  • repetitions;
  • direct speech - we transfer it to indirect speech;
  • a lengthy description of nature, feelings and moods.

The first paragraph is the hardest to condense because it is the most memorable and students write it down in detail. And the last paragraph is forgotten, so it is well shortened. Be sure to check the first paragraph of your presentation.

The second criterion for assessing presentation on the OGE

Separating paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a complete thought.

In the first task of the OGE in Russian you need to write summary of at least 70 words. A condensed presentation is not a simple retelling, but a new, created text based on the sound. The presentation should be short in form, but not poor in content; it should convey the information of the primary text briefly and generally. However, when compressing the text, it is necessary to remember that the new text being created must reflect the main thoughts of the author and maintain a logical sequence of events. In addition, distortions of the author's thoughts are unacceptable.

First, let's look at what criteria you need to follow in order to score the maximum number of points for your presentation.

Criteria for evaluating concise presentation Points
IR1 Contents of the presentation
The examinee accurately conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, reflecting All micro-themes important for his perception. 2
But I missed or added 1 micro-topic. 1
The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, But missed or added more than 1 microtheme. 0
IR2 Source text compression
The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them throughout the entire text. 3
The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 text microtopics. 2
The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 micro-topic of text. 1
The examinee did not use text compression techniques. 0
IR3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:
there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;
There are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work.
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, But 1 logical error was made, and/or There is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work. 1
The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent, But more than 1 logical error was made, and/or There are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text. 0
Maximum points for a concise presentation according to IK1-IKZ criteria 7

As can be seen from the table, the main criterion is proper text compression. It is not enough to simply retell everything the author says; it is necessary to present information in a compressed form using special text compression techniques.

All information in the text is divided into main and secondary. Your task - keep the main information and get rid of the secondary information. You can do this using the following methods.


Elimination of repetitions.
Feelings are a person's internal relationship to the environment. Feelings are an integral part of our personality.
Feelings are a person’s internal relationship to the environment is an integral part of our personality.

Exclusion of one or more of the synonyms.
with open, simple-minded, clear persons.
Gilyarovsky was the trustee of one of the schools near Serpukhov. And there is a photograph of the students: village kids with clear persons.

Exclusion of clarifying, explanatory, introductory constructions.
Such "experts" , of course, they are not surprised at anything , and consequently, and are unable to make a discovery , even the smallest. In my opinion, people for whom everything is clear are hopeless people.
Such “experts” are not surprised by anything and are not able to make a discovery. People for whom everything is clear are hopeless people.

Excluding a sentence fragment that has less significant meaning.
Why did Kuprin change his professions so often? What force pushed him to pull on a canvas robe, put on a helmet and race on fire horses? What made him spend days, until his hands ached, unloading barges with watermelons, bricks, and cement?
Why did Kuprin change his professions so often?
A comment: The most important of the three sentences is the first. The second and third only expand and specify the meaning of the first. Therefore, we can use the technique of eliminating sentences: leaving only the first of the three.

Elimination of homogeneous terms in a generalizing word.
There are people for whom everything is always clear. They, in their opinion, know best in politics, medicine, education - in short, in all areas of human knowledge and activity.
There are people for whom everything is always clear. They, in their opinion, are the best versed in any area of ​​human knowledge and activity.

Elimination of one or more sentences.
The relationship between teenagers and parents is a trivial topic for popular scientific psychological and pedagogical articles. It seems that everything that can be said and written about this has been written and said many times and is already familiar to everyone, as they say, to the point of toothache.
Therefore, when starting it again, you involuntarily experience a feeling of some awkwardness.

The relationship between teenagers and parents is a trivial topic for popular scientific psychological and pedagogical articles. Therefore, when starting it again, you involuntarily experience a feeling of some awkwardness.
Replacement of homogeneous members with a general name.
no one whispers, rustles candy papers, coughs, or chairs creak. Many argue that listening to music at home is even better than in the hall:

no one interferes.
Replacing direct speech with indirect speech.
“Madam, you gave them a moment of happiness, allowing them to forget their daily worries for a moment,” the maid answered the great ballerina’s question.

The maid replied that the ballerina, with her art, gave those around her a moment of happiness.
Replacing a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a general meaning. neither Pushkin, nor Yazykov, nor Zhukovsky
cannot yet give an answer to the alarming question that is connected with the future of the country:

And where will you put your hooves? Poets and writers of that time were concerned with these problems. But nobody
cannot yet give an answer to the alarming question that is connected with the future of the country:
cannot yet give an answer to the alarming question that is connected with the future of the country:

Where are you galloping, proud horse?
Merging several sentences into one.
Reading aloud at home brings us closer together. When the whole family reads the same book together for several evenings in a row, this involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts. If the book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our home.

Replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun.
Knowing how to make friends and love is a great art. Psychologists often say that love and friendship must pass certain tests, a test of strength.
Knowing how to make friends and love is a great art. About this psychologists often say.

Replacing a complex sentence with a simple one.
Mood mainly depends not from events as such, but from how we perceive them.
The mood depends not on the events themselves, but on our perception of them.

Replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression.
a) replacing the attributive clause with a synonymous definition;
Car models, which are equipped the route on which the competition takes place,
Car models, supplied electric motors, take part in real sports competitions. Configuration competition tracks includes high-speed sections, profiled turns, jumps and slides.

b) replacing the adverbial adverbial clause with a synonymous adverbial phrase;
When you analyze events When you talk about it
Analyzing events related to the past, remember the future. Speaking of which what is and what will be, do not forget what was.

c) reducing the number of parts of a complex sentence.
then unpleasant experiences arise, so that we begin to feel unhappy.
If in some situation we acted to our detriment, then unpleasant experiences arise.

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation Points

- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken,
- there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work.
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:
but there was 1 logical error
and/or there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work.
The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,
but more than 1 logical error was made
and/or there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text.
The third criterion for assessing presentation on the OGE

How to prepare

On the FIPI website there is an open bank of tasks with audio recordings that will be on the exam. Open materials and practice writing summaries. Perhaps one of these texts will come across to you on the OGE.

For example, let's take this text. Listen to it carefully twice and write down micro-topics and keywords. Then check this table:

Microthemes Keywords
1 Kindness is the basis of a person’s spiritual beauty, and there is no need to be ashamed of it. Question - answers, kind, spiritual beauty.
2 Good feelings should be cultivated from childhood along with knowledge of the value of life. Caring, being brought up in childhood, the value of life, actions in the name of good.
3 Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity. The path of goodness is the only true path in life for a person. The path of goodness. In a world where there is a lot of evil. Useful to people and society.

Write your summary and check it twice. Check if it meets all the criteria:

  • all three micro-topics are transmitted;
  • all three micro-topics are compressed;
  • the text is clearly divided into three paragraphs;
  • no logical errors.

The more statements you write and check, the more comfortable you will feel during the exam.

– a concise presentation of the text, which is listened to twice in an audio recording. You will have to not only “turn on” your memory, but also demonstrate the ability to process the information received, highlighting the most important and essential things in it.

What is a summary?

Concise presentation - the text is abbreviated, without small details and secondary information. This is something like a well-written note (very good, by the way, if you were taught how to write notes correctly in literature, history or geography lessons).

Text shortened by 1/3 is considered compressed. However, the requirements for the OGE are somewhat different. In the demo version of the OGE 2015, the listening text contains 152 words, and the required volume of presentation is 70 words (this is a little more than a third of the original text).

The optimal number of words in the presentation of the OGE is 70-90 (function words and interjections are also included in the count). Many expert teachers believe that a larger presentation is no longer concise and mercilessly reduce points for work with too many words. So don't take risks - write 70 to 90 words, no more and no less.

How to write a concise presentation in OGE format?

The presentation must be written in accordance with the approved criteria, since it is by these criteria that experts evaluate the work. The criteria for evaluating a concise presentation can be found in the demo version on the FIPI website, and read about how and who checks exam papers.

Let's look at each criterion separately.

Criterion 1. Content.

You are required to state the main content of the text you listened to. Try not to miss anything; you shouldn’t add anything “on your own” either. The expert looks at whether you managed to reflect the main micro-topics of the text and assigns an appropriate score.

What is a microtheme?

The sentences of the text are united by one common topic (remember, the topic is what is said in the text). A large topic, as a rule, is revealed through several small subtopics - microtopics. It is no coincidence that the text is usually divided into several parts - paragraphs. It can be said that microtheme is the main idea of ​​the paragraph . (Do not confuse the terms “paragraph” and “microtopic” - these are different concepts, and another criterion for assessing presentation is devoted to paragraph division).

The expert’s logic is as follows: if you have reflected all the important micro-topics of the text in your work, then the content of the text is conveyed correctly, which means you can give the highest score according to the first criterion.

Need a specific example? There is such an example in one of the articles on our website - by clicking on the link, you can.

To highlight the main information in a text, you need to understand it correctly. Try to understand what the text says the first time you listen.

Criterion 2. Text compression.

When checking the presentation, experts count the number of words (there should be, as we have already said, no less than 70 words). However, the main thing that attention is drawn to when evaluating work according to the second criterion is the use of compression techniques.

What are text compression techniques?

When compressing text, the information contained in it will need to be processed. This information is “filtered” - you leave the main thing and cut off the unimportant.

The text is abbreviated according to the rules. One of them is the use of certain actions called compression techniques (also called linguistic techniques for text compression). If you know these techniques, it will not be difficult for you to present the content of the text in a concise and understandable form.

But remember: no matter how you “compress” the text you listen to, try not to “lose” the main information it contains.

Basic text compression techniques:

1. Exception.

This technique is associated with exclusion, “crossing out” secondary information, and some students consider it the easiest. Indeed, is it really difficult to cross out some words or even sentences in the text?

However, not all so simple. Under no circumstances should you exclude the main information - you risk losing points. Only non-essential information is cut off!

What can be excluded from the text when presenting it concisely?

We exclude repetitions. Example: Need to educate children have conscientiousness, needs to be educated Children have the capacity for compassion.It is necessary to cultivate in children conscientiousness and the ability to compassion.

Synonyms can be excluded (one or more) . Example: Boy's eyes shone, sparkled, sparkled. – The boy’s eyes shone.

We exclude clarifications and explanations: My sister lived nearby on nearby street. - My sister lived nearby.

Maybe eliminating parts of a sentence or even several proposals, containing irrelevant information. It is important here not to confuse secondary information with the main information that is essential for the disclosure of the topic.

2. Generalization.

Replace homogeneous terms with a generalizing word or a phrase. Example: We picked daisies, bells, cornflowers. - We picked colors(different colors).

We summarize information by replacing a fragment of text synonymous (close in meaning) expression. Example: A person learns correct behavior from the very age when the first steps are taken, the first habits are laid, the first words are spoken. – A person learns correct behavior

since the early childhood.

3. Simplification. This compression technique involves structural simplification of a text fragment. To do this you can combine several offers in one. Example:

The years go by. The writer goes further and further into history; only his works do not age. – Years go by, but the writer’s books do not age (in this example, along with simplification, exclusion is also used). Possible : replacing a complex sentence with a simple one Aircraft models, which have electric motors , participate in sports competitions. – Aircraft models, equipped with electric motors

, participate in sports competitions. Direct speech better in a concise way replace with indirect « . This is another kind of simplification. Example: The driver said: I'll take you to the station in fifteen minutes " - The driver said,.

that will take us to the station in fifteen minutes

Studying literature at school is very exciting and educational. It is on this subject that we get acquainted with the work of great authors, with masterpieces of Russian and foreign literature. But there are also difficulties in studying. Teachers require you to learn poems, write essays, and others. Today we will look at what a statement is, learn how to write it correctly, and also look at some tricks that will make your work much easier.

Let's start with the very concept of what a presentation is. Let's give a real example of a fifth-grader's work and look at all the mistakes that should not be made. Let's try to write an ideal presentation, taking into account the teacher's corrections. We suggest you start immediately.

What is this?

What is the point of the presentation? You read, or have a short text read out to you, usually from classical literature. Next, you need to analyze what you read or heard and write a short retelling, preserving the main idea of ​​the work or its passage. There is also a type of work called oral presentation. What is it used for? Presentation (oral and written) allows you to develop spelling and stylistic skills, which are very necessary for survival in our society. After graduating from school, the student must be a formed personality who can express his thoughts beautifully and smoothly and has certain goals in life.

First, the teacher reads the text. The student’s task is to record the necessary data (numbers, names, sequence of events, and so on). The teacher gives some time to write a draft; the student must leave blank spaces where necessary (forgot something, did not have time to write it down). The text is then read again. This is the last chance to add something to your presentation. The draft version is supplemented, spelling, punctuation, and style are checked. The next stage is writing the final version.

This practice is often encountered: together with the presentation, it is necessary to complete a small creative task (title the text, write a detailed conclusion, that is, your attitude to the problem, supplement an unfinished thought, and so on).


When the teacher reads the text for the first time, it is necessary to make some sketches. It is very important at this stage to formulate a presentation plan. One part is a separate paragraph. It is necessary to listen carefully and divide the entire text into semantic parts. Write them down and you'll get a plan. It allows you to write a beautiful and harmonious text without getting confused in the sequence of events occurring in the text.


We have figured out what a presentation is and why it is used, and now let’s move on to a short reminder that will help you write a high-quality paper:

  • Listen carefully to the text, identify the main problem.
  • When reading for the first time, try to make small notes (outline, names, dates, vivid expressions that need to be included in the presentation).
  • Ask your teacher for the meaning of words you don't understand.
  • When re-reading, make a detailed plan.
  • Next comes work on the text, remove points from the plan that do not carry a semantic load.
  • Write a draft, check spelling, punctuation and style.
  • Start writing the final draft.


Let us give an example of a 5th grade presentation. Here we will also look at errors.

“They put a good new door in the hut, everyone praised it.”

That's right: a new door was installed in the hut.

“She did not miss the winter cold and summer heat, they stopped talking about her, because there was nothing to reproach her for.”

That's right: it closed and opened well, there was nothing to blame it for.

“But everyone talked a lot about the frames, and how could they not talk about them when they creaked, let in frost and swelled.”

That's right: everyone was talking about the frames because they were bad.

The principle of writing a concise summary is clear even in this short passage. It is necessary to exclude information that does not carry meaning, remove repetitions and descriptions.



Cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a frying pan - classic recipes for fluffy cheesecakes Cheesecakes from 500 g of cottage cheese

Cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a frying pan - classic recipes for fluffy cheesecakes Cheesecakes from 500 g of cottage cheese

Ingredients: (4 servings) 500 gr. cottage cheese 1/2 cup flour 1 egg 3 tbsp. l. sugar 50 gr. raisins (optional) pinch of salt baking soda...

Black pearl salad with prunes Black pearl salad with prunes


Good day to all those who strive for variety in their daily diet. If you are tired of monotonous dishes and want to please...

Lecho with tomato paste recipes

Lecho with tomato paste recipes

Very tasty lecho with tomato paste, like Bulgarian lecho, prepared for the winter. This is how we process (and eat!) 1 bag of peppers in our family. And who would I...

Aphorisms and quotes about suicide

Aphorisms and quotes about suicide

Here are quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about suicide. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of real “pearls...

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