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Glycemic index of different types of rice. Beneficial features. The Great and Terrible Glycemic Index Southern Night Rice Glycemic Index

In addition to calorie content (that is, nutritional value), every carbohydrate-containing product in the world that the human body is able to digest also has a glycemic index (GI). Interestingly, a high-calorie product can often have a low GI and vice versa. Meanwhile, the GI indicator influences the processes of weight loss and obesity no less than the calorie content of the product.

What does the glycemic index mean?

The glycemic index (GI) is a symbol for the rate of breakdown of any carbohydrate-containing product in the human body compared to the rate of breakdown of glucose, whose glycemic index is considered the standard (GI glucose = 100 units). The faster the breakdown process of a product occurs, the higher its GI index.

Thus, in the world of nutrition it is customary to divide all carbohydrate-containing foods into groups with high, medium and low GI. Essentially, foods with low GI are so-called complex, slow carbohydrates, and foods with high GI are fast, empty carbohydrates.

High GI Foods - Insulin Alarm Clock

Foods with a high glycemic index, when entering the body, are quickly digested and increase blood sugar levels, stimulating the pancreas to sharply release the hormone insulin.

Insulin, in turn, does the following work: firstly, it distributes all the “excess” sugar in the blood evenly throughout all tissues of the body, partially converting it into fat deposits - a kind of energy “in reserve”. Secondly, obeying the ancient evolutionary instincts of conserving energy in the body, it prevents the breakdown of fat already in the body back into glucose.

Figuratively speaking, insulin is a strict and very stingy storekeeper who vigilantly monitors the consumption of energy reserves in our body (or, simply, subcutaneous fat). It willingly promotes the accumulation of fat, and does everything to ensure that this process does not go in the opposite direction - when fat turns back into glucose and burns, giving the body the energy necessary for life.

Thus, if your daily diet consists primarily of foods with a high glycemic index, which means that the hormone insulin is released regularly and frequently in your body, then you are unlikely to ever lose weight. Most likely, you will continue to systematically gain excess weight day after day until you change your eating style.

So that insulin “sleeps”

Products with a medium and low glycemic index take a long time to digest, break down gradually and almost do not cause an increase in blood sugar levels. This means that the hormone insulin does not show its natural zeal in accumulating fat.

Glycemic index: food table

Let us recall that the standard for the breakdown and absorption of glucose is 100. Surprisingly, there are foods that break down even faster - for example, beer or dates. However, if your goal is to lose those extra pounds, you need to pack your daily diet with foods that have a low to medium glycemic index.

Note: The table shows average values, without taking into account the characteristics of the preparation of the product, the degree of its ripeness and other circumstances.

Glycemic index of foods in tables

Foods with a high glycemic index (GI=70 and above)


Beer 110
Dates 103
Glucose 100
Modified starch 100
White bread toast 100
Swede 99
Butter buns 95
baked potato 95
Fried potatoes 95
Potato casserole 95
Rice noodles 92
Canned apricots 91
Gluten-free white bread 90
White (sticky) rice 90
Carrots (boiled or stewed) 85
Hamburger buns 85
Cornflakes 85
Unsweetened popcorn 85
Rice pudding with milk 85
Mashed potatoes 83
Cracker 80
Muesli with nuts and raisins 80
Sweet donut 76
Pumpkin 75
Watermelon 75
French baguette 75
Rice porridge with milk 75
Lasagna (soft wheat) 75
Unsweetened waffles 75
Millet 71
Chocolate bar (“Mars”, “Snickers”, “Twix” and the like) 70
Milk chocolate 70
Sweet soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and the like) 70
Croissant 70
Soft wheat noodles 70
Pearl barley 70
Potato chips 70
Risotto with white rice 70
Brown sugar 70
White sugar 70
Couscous 70
Semolina 70

If you are surprised that the glycemic index table does not include meat products, as well as fish, poultry, eggs and other protein products, then let us remind you: the glycemic index is a conditional indicator of the speed with which a carbohydrate-containing product is broken down to the state of glucose. Protein products, such as all types of meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, contain almost no carbohydrates. This means their glycemic index is zero.

Thus, if you want to lose weight, then your optimal diet would be to combine protein foods with foods that have a low glycemic index. Actually, the majority is based on this principle.

Low glycemic index foods

Foods with a low glycemic index have the opposite characteristics of those with a GI. As a rule, they undergo minimal processing and purification, which means they contain a lot of healthy natural fiber.

One of the most striking examples of foods with the lowest glycemic index is fruit. Despite the fact that fruits by nature contain a fairly large amount of sugar, it (unlike synthesized and artificially added sugar) is absorbed rather slowly and is not harmful to health.

In addition to fruits, foods with a low glycemic index include most vegetables, legumes, skim milk and whole grains.

High glycemic index foods

It is, of course, wrong to believe that foods with a high glycemic index are harmful to health and that you should eat only foods with a low GI. For example, eating foods with a high glycemic index can be extremely beneficial after grueling sports training or any other physical activity.

But as for the constant consumption of foods with a dangerously high glycemic index, this can indeed cause significant harm to the human body.

Sudden fluctuations in blood glucose levels are usually the cause of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

As can be seen from the table of the glycemic index of foods, you can “enjoy” a variety of foods to your heart’s content, both for health benefits and to harm yourself.

Take care of yourself and eat right!

Cereals have been present in the human diet since childhood. It is dishes made from them that give the child strength and energy for growth and development. Most often, porridge is prepared from cereals. Rice is considered one of the most commonly consumed cereals. Not only porridge is prepared from it, but also pilaf. Rice is added to soups and salads, as well as cutlets. This is one of the most popular side dishes for meat and fish dishes. There are countries where rice is the main dish; even wine and sweets are prepared from it. The popularity of this cereal and its use in different forms requires special caution from people when consuming it. It is important to know about all the beneficial properties of this product and its calorie content. Recently, when drawing up menus, they also take into account glycemic index of rice, which is especially important for people on a diet.

Types of rice cereals and their beneficial qualities

India is considered the birthplace of rice, but it has become popular in China. Rice is distinguished by varieties:

  • white (GI from 65 to 85 units);
  • brown (GI equal to 50 units);
  • brown (GI is 45-50 units);
  • black, wild rice (GI from 35 to 40 units).

The glycemic index of rice depends on the type of cereal. For example, brown rice has a low GI and is considered healthier than white rice, which has a GI of 65 or higher. But even with such a GI, cereals are considered dietary, capable of fighting excess weight well. Rice is acceptable for people with diabetes.

Rice cereal contains quite a lot of vitamin E, PP and B vitamins. The important thing is that rice contains 8 types of amino acids.

Due to the lack of salt in rice, it can be used for mono-diets. It is believed that brown rice is more beneficial than white rice, as it perfectly removes toxins from the body.

Among the beneficial properties of rice, the main ones are:

  • noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypotensive properties.

Including rice in your diet will help enrich your body with many beneficial substances. But you need to pay attention to the fact that brown rice can cause constipation.

Eating rice for diabetes

Studies have been conducted repeatedly on the consumption of rice by diabetics. As a result, it was revealed that rice can be included in the diet for diabetes, but the white variety should still be limited. It is best to replace it with brown or brown rice. They do not contain simple carbohydrates, which increase sugar levels. Boiled brown rice without oil has a calorie content of 350 kcal, and white rice - 340 kcal/100 grams.

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Regular white rice is high in calories and has a high glycemic index (about 70). Most often, it undergoes multi-stage cleaning and polishing, as a result of which it contains practically no biologically valuable components. It is quite difficult to digest and slows down the motor processes in the digestive tract.

Considering all this, white rice is not an essential food for diabetics. More exotic and expensive varieties contain much less simple carbohydrates and more fiber, so they can be consumed if you have diabetes.

Much depends on the method of industrial production, as well as further culinary processing of the product at home. The glycemic index of different varieties of rice differs because the production technologies and chemical composition of these products differ.

White rice

White rice contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which quickly fill you up, but at the same time cause sharp changes in blood glucose levels. Because of this, hunger soon returns again and the person experiences symptoms of hypoglycemia. In addition, classic white rice is completely cleared of the grain shell, which contains all the useful components.

Polished grains mainly contain only starch, which, although it is a complex carbohydrate, does not provide anything useful to the body.

This product cooks quickly, is very nutritious and can cause excess weight gain. Obesity threatens cardiovascular diseases, problems with joints and skin of the feet due to the increased load on the musculoskeletal system. It is advisable for patients with diabetes to avoid such dishes, since their metabolism is already impaired.

Instant rice, which does not need to be cooked, is especially harmful for people with diabetes. To eat it, simply pour boiling water over it and let sit for 5-15 minutes. Such a product is subjected to significant processing, including the use of high temperatures in production, so the level of vitamins, amino acids and microelements in it is not very high.

The healthiest of all types of light rice is basmati rice, in particular its long-grain variety. It is available in unpolished form and contains many useful chemical elements and compounds. The glycemic index of the product is average - it is equal to 50 units. This makes it quite suitable for use for diabetes. The product has a pleasant aroma and characteristic taste with light nutty notes. The only disadvantage of this variety is that it is very expensive.

Otherwise, the benefits of basmati rice are obvious, because it:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • protects the gastric mucosa from inflammatory processes;
  • removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • does not increase the risk of obesity, but on the contrary, promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens the immune system.

This rice is grown in certain parts of India and can be stored for a long time. There are even special aged varieties of rice, which in the process acquire an even more pleasant taste and aroma.

The glycemic index of long grain rice is lower than round and medium grain rice

Brown rice

Brown (brown) rice is a type of rice in which, in addition to the grain, the main part of the shell and bran is preserved. During production, it is cleaned only from pronounced external husks and impurities, so the main biologically active substances are preserved in it. Brown rice contains much more B vitamins, micronutrients and fiber than regular white rice. Its glycemic index is 50, so dishes from this product may periodically be present on the table of a patient with diabetes.

Brown rice has the following effects on the human body:

  • strengthens the nervous system due to the high content of magnesium and B vitamins;
  • removes toxins, waste and metabolic end products;
  • improves the condition of the digestive system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Brown rice does not contain gluten (a powerful allergen), so the product is ideal even for diabetics with allergies.

Red and black types

Red rice is one of the rarest varieties of this product. It is good for diabetics because it contains a lot of fiber and essential amino acids. The red pigment it contains is beneficial for the immune system. It strengthens the body's defense mechanisms and speeds up metabolism. The glycemic index of red rice is average – 55 units. It is boiled for about half an hour, after cooking the grains become even more saturated red.

There is also a black variety of rice. According to nutritionists, this type is the healthiest, as it contains the maximum amount of fiber, tocopherol (vitamin E), iron, magnesium, B vitamins and amino acids. A black thin shell covers the white inner grain, and it is in it that most of all these useful substances are stored. The GI of this rice is about 50 units. Dishes made from it are satisfying, but light, so they do not overload the pancreas and intestines.

You need to cook black rice for about 50 minutes, before soaking the grains in cool water for several hours. Boiled rice does not change color, although the water may become slightly colored during cooking.

Any rice other than white is essentially unpolished. It is the grain shell that is responsible for the coloring, and when it is ground off, the product acquires a pure white color

Best Cooking Methods for Carbohydrate Load

When preparing rice dishes, it is better to use those varieties that have the lowest glycemic index. It is better to completely abandon highly purified and polished white varieties, since, apart from starch, they contain practically nothing. They simply saturate the body with energy due to their high calorie content, but such foods are not advisable to eat if you have diabetes because of the risk of rapid weight gain.

You can reduce the glycemic index of boiled rice by:

  • short cooking time (overcooked rice has a very high glycemic index);
  • combining it with fish and fresh vegetables.

If you have diabetes, it is not advisable to combine rice with meat, as this combination of products can cause heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion. It is also undesirable to prepare sweet puddings and casseroles from this product, since the glycemic index of such dishes is very high.

Parboiled rice is a type of product that is steamed under pressure during production. This rice has a rich, often yellowish color, which during cooking is replaced by a regular white tint. With the help of such processing, most of the biologically active components from the shell are transferred to the grains, so the benefits of eating the product are much higher. Parboiled rice should not be confused with home-steamed white rice. The latter contains a lot of carbohydrates and is not recommended for diabetics.

The glycemic index of the product is quite low - it is 38 units. Steam treatment technology allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in it: vitamins, minerals and trace elements. This type of product is recommended for use by diabetics who often suffer from indigestion and other problems with the digestive tract.

Parboiled rice is not only healthy, but also delicious. When cooked, its grains do not stick together and the dish has a crumbly texture

Beneficial properties of steamed rice:

  • is slowly absorbed and broken down into simple carbohydrates, without causing sudden jumps in blood glucose levels;
  • saturates the human body with vitamins;
  • improves the functioning of the excretory system;
  • normalizes water-salt balance in the body;
  • improves the condition of the nervous system;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • coats the gastric mucosa and reduces acidity.

Different types of rice inhibit intestinal peristalsis (motor activity) to varying degrees. This property allows it to be used for non-drug treatment of mild forms of diarrhea and indigestion. But if consumed frequently, it can cause problems with bowel movements, so it is not recommended for people with a tendency to chronic constipation.

Considering that in diabetes mellitus all processes proceed a little slowly, you should not often get carried away with rice, even those varieties that have a low glycemic index.

Last updated: October 2, 2019

Different types of rice differ in glycemic index, production method and components.

During the production process, many valuable substances are washed away.

Rice takes a long time to digest and delays digestion.

However, the white variety is not the basis of the diet of diabetics. There are more suitable, but expensive types, which contain much less simple ones and contain fiber. Products are allowed for diabetes. Their quality depends on the manufacturing method and cooking methods.

Letters from our readers

Subject: Grandma's blood sugar has returned to normal!

From: Christina ( [email protected])

To: Site Administration


My grandmother has been suffering from diabetes for a long time (type 2), but recently there have been complications in her legs and internal organs.

The glycemic index of white rice is 50 units, the product contains a lot of carbohydrates. A person eats well, but increases sharply. For this reason, it resumes quickly. White rice is peeled from the shell, where many beneficial microelements are present.

Polished grains contain starch, which belongs to the category of hard-to-digest carbohydrates; it does not provide any benefit to the body. When diseases of the heart and blood vessels, joints, and feet occur due to the high load on the bones. It is better for diabetics not to eat such foods so that metabolic processes remain normal.


Glycemic index of brown rice is 50 units. Grains are not completely cleaned during production. After processing, the cereal contains husks or cuts, thanks to which the cereal does not lose its beneficial qualities.

100 g of rice contains 335 kcal, it is filled with vitamins, helps regulate glucose, removes toxins and reduces cholesterol. Positively affects the blood supply system.

The dietary fiber in the product is large. After entering the intestines, it absorbs harmful foods and toxic elements. Fiber helps remove toxins from the intestines, creating a feeling of lightness in the stomach.

The condition of the skin is normalized, vitamins slow down the aging of organs and tissues, the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized and well-being improves. Antioxidants normalize the effects of radionuclides on the body.

Magnesium and

On the outer surface of unpolished grains, magnesium remains, which is necessary for teeth and bone tissue. Substances in rice protect against osteoporosis and arthritis. Iron improves blood composition and prevents anemia. Rice helps remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels, veins and arteries become elastic. Diabetics also consume large amounts of this food because it reduces the amount of sugar.


Glycemic index of black rice – 50 units. Nutritionists consider this product one of the most useful.

  • cellulose;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • amino acids.

Only the shell is black; it contains most of the vitamins. The prepared food is satisfying, light, and does not slow down the digestive system.

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Black rice is cooked for 50 minutes, the grains are soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. The appearance of the product does not change after heat treatment, but the liquid in which it is cooked becomes colored.

You need to choose the right type of rice to consume it if you have diabetes. You can eat 200 g per day 3 times a week. Type 2 diabetes is treated with a diet of foods with a glycemic index below 50. The GI of some types of rice corresponds to this indicator.

Variety GI
White 50
Brown 50
Steamed 60
Red 55

Therefore, you cannot use anything else at the same time as this product. Otherwise, the overall glycemic index will be greater than 50 and too much sugar will accumulate in the body. The pancreas intensively produces

When blood sugar is high, endocrinologists prescribe patients a low-carbohydrate diet, products for which are selected according to their glycemic index.

This indicator makes it clear at what speed the concentration of glucose in the blood will increase after consuming a certain product or drink. This nutritional system is the main treatment for non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes.

For insulin-dependent patients, it is also important to know the number of bread units (XU). This value makes it clear what dose of short-acting insulin should be administered immediately after a meal.

There are foods in the diet that, depending on their variety, have different indexes. A striking example of this is Fig. Its varieties for the diabetic nutrition system have different effects on the patient’s blood sugar. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying each variety of rice to understand which one is beneficial for diabetes and which is harmful to health.

Below we consider how many units of bread boiled white, red, brown and basmati rice have, the glycemic index of different varieties of rice, a table with all the values ​​is given, how much rice porridge a diabetic can eat per day, whether it is advisable or not to include it in diet therapy.

Rice and its glycemic index

Food with indicators of 50 - 69 units is allowed to feed a patient only as an exception, no more than 100 grams twice a week. Taking into account the fact that the “sweet” disease is not in the acute stage. Products with a high value, over 70 units, are strictly prohibited. After their use, a rapid increase in glucose concentration, the development of glycemia and other complications on target organs is possible.

GI may increase depending on heat treatment and changes in product consistency. Only the last rule applies to cereals. The thicker its consistency, the lower the index. Below is a table from which it will be quite easy to understand whether rice can be eaten if you have diabetes of the first, second and gestational types.

Rice and its meanings:

  • the glycemic index of red rice is 50 units, the calorie content per 100 grams of product will be 330 kcal, the number of bread units is 5.4 XE;
  • The GI of brown rice reaches 50 units, the calorie content per 100 grams will be 337 kcal, the number of bread units will be 5.42 XE;
  • GI of white rice is 85 units, the calorie content of boiled rice will be 116 kcal, the number of bread units reaches 6.17 XE;
  • Boiled basmati rice has a glycemic index of 50 units, the calorie content per 100 grams is 351 kcal.

It follows that white rice, which has a high glycemic index, has increasing properties on the concentration of glucose in the blood. It should be permanently excluded from a diabetic's diet.

But brown (brown), red rice, basmati rice are safe foods if you follow diet therapy.

Benefits of Basmati

Sugar level

In order to understand the benefits of rice, you will have to study all its “safe” varieties for diabetics. Perhaps we should start with basmati rice.

It has long been considered that this is the most elite cereal. It has a characteristic pleasant smell and oblong grains. Delicious, complex dishes are prepared from this long-grain rice.

This cereal is valued not only for its taste and low index, but also for its absence of gluten, a kind of allergen. Therefore, basmati is even allowed to be included in the diet of young children. However, it should be borne in mind that rice contains astringents, which means they can provoke the development of constipation. It is ideal to eat rice no more than three to four times a week.

Long grain basmati contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  1. B vitamins;
  2. vitamin E;
  3. magnesium;
  4. phosphorus;
  5. chlorine;
  6. cobalt;
  7. potassium;
  8. solid dietary fiber.

Solid dietary fiber removes toxins from the body, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Parboiled rice serves as a powerful natural antioxidant, binding together heavy radicals and ridding the body of their presence. Antioxidant properties also slow down the aging process.

This cereal has a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • envelops the affected areas of the stomach, relieves pain from ulcers;
  • increases the production of the hormone insulin;
  • removes bad cholesterol, prevents blockage of blood vessels;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • does not cause weight gain.

You can safely include basmati in the diet of any type of diabetic.

Benefits of brown rice

Brown rice tastes virtually no different from white rice. In general, this type of cereal is simply white rice that has not been peeled, which contains all the useful vitamins and microelements.

To make the cereal have a slightly yellow tint, you can add a seasoning such as turmeric to it. It will not only give the dish an exquisite taste, but will also have a rather beneficial effect on the diabetic body. If you want to give the rice a green tint, then you will need to add green pepper, coriander and parsley to the finished porridge, after grinding them in a blender.

Brown rice contains gamma oryzanol, a natural antioxidant. It slows down the aging process and removes heavy radicals from the body. Gamma-oryzanol also lowers the level of bad cholesterol, negating the blockage of blood vessels.

This cereal contains the following beneficial substances:

  1. B vitamins;
  2. vitamin E;
  3. vitamin PP;
  4. manganese;
  5. zinc;
  6. potassium;
  7. fluorine;
  8. nickel;
  9. cobalt;
  10. selenium.

Such an abundance of minerals makes brown rice a record holder for their content. Eat at least two servings of this grain once a week and you will not lack minerals. It is worth considering that such porridge needs to be cooked a little longer than steamed rice. On average it takes 45 – 55 minutes.

The taste of this cereal is no different from white rice. It is used in cooking pilaf and meatballs.

Dessert with rice

Few people know, but a traditional Hungarian dish is made from rice and apricots. It should immediately be noted that apricots are allowed for diabetes mellitus, as they have a low GI. It will take a lot of time to prepare such a dish, because the cereal is cooked in two stages. First, rinse the brown rice under running water, add water one to one and cook until half cooked, about 25 - 30 minutes.

Then drain the cereal in a colander and drain the remaining water. Next, mix rice with grape juice, one to one. First stir instant gelatin and sweetener to taste into the juice. It is best to use a substitute that is not only sweet, but also contains a lot of useful substances. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Let the porridge cool to room temperature. Remove the apricot pits from the berries and add to the porridge, mix gently. Place the dish in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Amount of ingredients:

  • 200 grams of brown rice;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 200 milliliters of grape juice;
  • 15 apricots;
  • sweetener - to taste.

The Hungarian dessert should be served chilled.

Healthy cereals

Cereals are foods that charge the body with energy. But porridges that negatively affect blood glucose levels must be permanently excluded from the menu - these are white rice, millet, and corn porridge.

The index indicators for wheat flour are also inconsistent, from 45 to 55 units. It is more advisable to replace it by preparing a portion of bulgur. Bulgur is also wheat flour, but processed differently.

Chickpeas are a quite healthy side dish for diabetics. When consumed regularly, chickpeas raise hemoglobin levels, remove bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Chickpeas are also called chickpeas. It belongs to the legume family. Pairs well with both meat and fish. You can also add it to vegetable stew.

Chickpeas can also be ground into a powder and used in baking instead of wheat flour.

Chickpeas have the following indicators:

  1. GI 30 units;
  2. flour from it 35 units.

The main thing that a diabetic should not forget is that it is aimed at maintaining blood glucose levels in the normal range and at increasing the body’s protective functions.

The video in this article talks about the benefits of brown rice.



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