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Economic information. Economic information system Evolution of economic systems and the concept of information economics

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Lecture 2. Economic information. Economic Information Systems.

1. Economic information

One of the most important types of information is economic information. Its distinctive feature is its connection with the processes of managing teams of people and organizations. Economic information accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. A significant part of it is related to social production and can be called production information.

Economic information is a set of information that reflects socio-economic processes and serves to manage these processes and groups of people in the production and non-production spheres. This includes information that circulates in the economic system about production processes, material resources, production management processes, financial processes, as well as information of an economic nature that is exchanged between various management systems.

Let us specify the concept of economic information using the example of an industrial enterprise management system. In accordance with the general theory of control, the control process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - the control and the controlled.

The enterprise management system operates on the basis of information about the state of the facility, its inputs X (material, labor, financial resources) and outputs Y (finished products, economic and financial results) in accordance with the goal (to ensure the production of the necessary products). Management is carried out by submitting management influence 1 (product release plan) taking into account feedback - the current state of the managed system (production) and the external environment (2, 3) - the market, higher management bodies. The purpose of the control system is to form such influences on the controlled system that would induce the latter to accept the state determined by the control goal. In relation to an industrial enterprise, with some degree of convention, we can assume that the goal of management is the implementation of the production program within the framework of technical and economic restrictions; control actions are work plans for the department, feedback data on the progress of production: production and movement of the product, condition of the equipment, stocks in the warehouse, etc.

Obviously, both plans and the content of feedback are nothing more than information. Therefore, the processes of forming control actions are precisely the processes of transforming economic information. The implementation of these processes constitutes the main content of management services, including economic ones. The following requirements are imposed on economic information: accuracy, reliability, efficiency.

The accuracy of the information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and resulting information, at which the efficiency of the system’s functioning is maintained. Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in changing conditions.

^ Classification of economic information

Depending on the content of E. and. can be classified:

1) by phases and processes of reproduction - information on production, distribution, exchange, consumption;

2) by elements (factors) of reproduction - information about the population and labor resources, natural resources, products and services, funds, etc.;

3) by displayed structural units - sectors of the national economy, economic regions, enterprises and organizations, etc.

The division of E. and is important. according to the affiliation of one or another management function:. In this regard, they distinguish: planned energy and., developed in the planning process; accounting and statistical, which is generated by the functions of accounting and analysis; normative; control, forecast, etc. Based on the nature of the impact on consumers, they distinguish between E. and. informing and controlling: the first contains information used to justify decisions, the second - the results of decision-making, communicated to performers and subject to implementation.

1. Concept of information system (IS)

System. A system is understood as any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a collection of heterogeneous elements united in the interests of achieving set goals.

A system can be defined as a set of interconnected elements that has either a purpose of operation or laws of its development, relatively isolated from the environment.

The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in their main goals.

Table 2.1 Examples of systems consisting of different elements and aimed at achieving different goals

information economics science Russian

The concept of information economics in modern science

In the last quarter of the 20th century, humanity entered a new stage of its development - the stage of building a post-industrial, information society, which was caused by the socio-economic revolution taking place in the modern world. It is known that the basis of each socio-economic revolution are certain specific technologies, production and technological systems and production relations.

For a post-industrial society, this role is played, first of all, by information technologies and computerized systems, high knowledge-intensive technologies that are the result of new physical, technical and chemical-biological principles, and innovative technologies based on them, innovative systems and innovative organization of various spheres of human activity. Its final result should be the creation of a new form of economic organization - the information economy.

A post-industrial society is a society in which, as a result of the scientific and technological revolution and a significant increase in population incomes, priority has shifted from the primary production of goods to the production of services. Information and knowledge become productive resources. Scientific developments are becoming the main driving force of the economy. The most valuable qualities are the level of education, professionalism, learning ability and creativity of the employee.

The essence of the information society is the expansion of the boundaries of communication in all spheres of human activity, an increase in diversity and choice, expansion of the boundaries of cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual information in business, science, culture and education, the emergence of new means of knowledge and communication, and an increase in the availability of information resources.

In developed countries, material production itself is narrowing while the “knowledge industry” is growing rapidly. The product of the information economy can be theoretical, methodological and practical conclusions and proposals for increasing the efficiency of the information and electronic sphere.

The change in the place of information in the system of factors of social production, which occurred thanks to the scientific and technological revolution, promoted a relatively young and rapidly developing area of ​​economics, which studies the economic laws operating in the sphere of production and reproduction of scientific and technical information and scientific knowledge, into a number of independent components of modern economic science. . This area of ​​economic science is called the economics of information production or, in short, information economics.

The basis of the new society - the information economy - is the modern stage of development of civilization, which is characterized by the predominance of creative work and information products.

Information as a factor of production is extremely necessary in modern operating conditions. It ensures the speed of decision-making, helps develop entrepreneurial ability and increase the efficiency of the production process.

Information in economics manifests itself in many aspects, here are just a few of the ways it manifests itself:

1) the production of information as such is a manufacturing industry, i.e. type of economic activity;

2) information is a factor of production, one of the fundamental resources of any economic system;

3) information is an object of purchase and sale, i.e. acts as a product;

4) some part of the information is a public good consumed by all members of society;

5) information is an element of the market mechanism, which, along with price and utility, influences the determination of the optimal and equilibrium states of the economic system;

6) information in modern conditions is becoming one of the most important factors in competition;

7) information becomes a reserve of business and government circles, used in decision-making and the formation of public opinion.

The presence of information reduces the influence of such external factors as uncertainty. The theory of sustainable development is one of the complex concepts and is designed to solve the problem of uncertainty in the development of the macroeconomic system in the long term. At the moment, this theory is rapidly developing and leaves open many theoretical questions about the essence of sustainable development and applied problems of forming a model of sustainable development in the specific conditions of developed and developing countries.

The subject of the economics of information production in its most general form is the economic relations that develop in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of scientific and technical information, and the economic laws that govern the development of these processes. It should be emphasized that information economics does not study the information sector

economy, but the economic laws of production, social movement and productive application of scientific and technical information, in whatever areas and sectors of the economy these processes unfold. In particular, the subject of research in this area of ​​economic science is the development of systems of economic relations that act as social forms of existence and movement of information technologies, the existence of which is directly related to the upcoming dominance of the information technological mode of production.

Information technologies, computerized systems and high production technologies are the basic systems of the information economy. In their development, they radically transform production systems and technologies, all means of obtaining, processing, transmitting and producing information, and radically technologize intellectual activity.

1) any individual, group of persons or enterprises anywhere in the country and at any time can receive, on the basis of automated access and telecommunication systems, any necessary information about new or known knowledge, innovations, innovative activities, innovative processes, etc.;

2) modern information technologies and computerized systems are produced that are accessible to any individual, group of persons and organizations, ensuring the implementation of the previous paragraph;

3) there are developed infrastructures that ensure the creation of national information resources in the volume necessary to support constantly accelerating scientific and technological progress and innovative development, and society is able to produce all the necessary multifaceted information, primarily scientific information to ensure dynamically sustainable socio-economic development of society ;

4) accelerated comprehensive automation and computerization of all spheres and branches of production and management are taking place; radical changes in social structures are being carried out, resulting in the expansion and intensification of innovative activity in various spheres of human activity;

5) the population welcomes new ideas, knowledge and technologies, and is ready to create and introduce into widespread practice at any necessary time innovations of various functional purposes;

6) there is a developed innovation infrastructure capable of quickly and flexibly implementing the currently necessary innovations based on high production technologies: it must be universal, competitively carrying out the creation of any innovations and the development of any production required by the customer and the market;

7) there is a well-established flexible system of advanced training and retraining of professionals in the field of innovation, effectively implementing complex projects for the dynamic development of domestic industries and territories.

The development of the information economy largely depends on the creation of an effective mechanism for managing the practical implementation of projects of complex innovation systems in the regions. And here we cannot do without government support for innovation processes. The need for financial and legal support for science and innovation, intensification of innovation activity, transition to new forms of solving economic, environmental and social problems of the regions require government bodies to develop a responsible policy in relation to the management and development of innovation activity in the region, intensification of interaction between regional government bodies and federal on the problem of formation and development of an innovative economy.

In the conditions of active development of innovative activity in a society with an information economy, the attitude towards the main productive force of society - a person of highly intellectual, highly productive labor - must completely change. The role of highly qualified specialists in the information economy is very large and will constantly grow. Therefore, training personnel capable of effectively managing innovation processes, developing and implementing innovative projects should become a priority regional and federal program.

By its properties, the information economy is global in nature and is the basis for the formation and development of the information society. In the conditions of the information society, the processes of encoding and decoding scientific and economic information reach a level at which an annual doubling of the volume of knowledge is observed. In this regard, in order to have time to assimilate the growing volume of information and keep up with the pace of modern scientific, technological and economic life, the individual, specialist and staff need the opportunity to continuously update their knowledge. This possibility becomes a reality if the basic principles of informatization are implemented, there is a sufficiently high information culture and a developed, ramified market for information services.

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System elements

The main goal of the system


People, equipment, materials, buildings, etc.

Production of goods and services


Electronic and electromechanical elements, communication lines, etc.

Data processing

Telecommunication system

Computers, modems, cables, network software, etc.

Transfer of information

Information system

Computers, computer networks, people, information and software

Production of professional information

In computer science, the concept of “system” is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of technical tools and programs.

The hardware of a computer can be called a system.

Adding the word “information” to the concept of “system” reflects the purpose of its creation and operation.

Information Systems provide the collection, storage, processing, search, and issuance of information necessary in the decision-making process of problems from any area. They help analyze problems and create new products.

^ Information system (IS) - an interconnected set of means, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in the interests of achieving a set goal.

The modern understanding of an information system involves the use of a personal computer as the main technical means of information processing.

In addition, the technical implementation of an information system in itself will not mean anything if the role of the person for whom the information produced is intended and without whom its receipt and presentation is impossible is not taken into account.

2. Information systems in economics

All enterprises and organizations belong to the category of systems.

An economic system (ES) can be interpreted as an artificial large complex system designed to make a profit by producing certain products or providing services in a certain sector of the national economy.

The following properties of economic systems can be distinguished:

The presence of a specific purpose of operation - making a profit in a certain sector of the national economy;

The integrity of the system due to the presence of an organizational structure and relative isolation from the environment.

All information processes occurring in the departments of the management apparatus can be divided into two types: formalized processes for which information processing algorithms exist, and informal processes.

It is to automate formalized processes that economic information systems specially developed for enterprises and organizations are used.

^ Economic Information System (EIS) - a system whose functioning over time consists of collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of an economic entity. An information system is created for a specific economic object and must, to a certain extent, copy the relationships between the elements of the object.

EIS are designed to solve problems of data processing, office automation, information retrieval and individual tasks.

Data processing tasks generally provide routine processing and storage of economic information for the purpose of producing (regularly or on demand) summary information that may be required for the management of an economic entity.

Automation of office work presupposes the presence in the EIS of a filing system, a text information processing system, a computer graphics system, an e-mail and communication system.

Search tasks have their own specifics, and information search is an integral task that is considered regardless of economics or other areas of use of the information found.

Information systems in economics are characterized by cyclical processing associated with the peculiarities of accounting. Accounting information is subject to the same processing for the same time periods when the content and numerical content changes; differ in the complexity of calculations (the average number of arithmetic, logical and other operations per one form of indicator).

The information system of an economic entity is the basis of the management system; it is constantly changing, new information flows appear due to the widespread introduction of computer technology and the expansion of production and financial connections of the enterprise. The functional purpose and type of information system depend on whose interests and at what level it serves.

An economic information system is an environment whose constituent elements are computers, computer networks, software products, databases, personnel, technical and software communications. This is a system aimed at achieving many goals, one of which is the production of information necessary to support management decisions.

^ Properties of economic information systems

They are dynamic, constantly evolving, and can be analyzed;

When designing them, the principle of a systems approach is used, which presupposes the presence and consideration of a large number of interconnected system elements.

Thus, economic information system is a set of software, hardware and information tools designed to automate the operations of collecting, processing, storing and issuing the resultant information to users for making management decisions.

Concepts characterizing economic information systems:

Integrability – ensures the interaction of the system with newly connected components or subsystems;

Scalability – characterizes the ability to expand system resources and productive capacity;

Controllability – characterizes the possibility of flexible management of the system;

Adaptability – characterizes the ability of the system to adapt to the conditions of a specific subject area;

Usability – provides the ability to implement the functions built into the system;

Validity – allows you to obtain reasonable results during the execution of application programs;

Reactivity – characterizes the system’s ability to respond to internal and external influences;

Security – characterizes the ability to prevent system destruction as a result of unauthorized access, etc.

^ Quality of economic information systems

Economic information systems are characterized by varying complexity of creation, maintenance and integration with other systems. Their functioning is usually aimed at achieving several goals, so their quality is determined by a set of properties that characterize the system’s ability to satisfy the user’s needs.

^ Functional indicators. Functional indicators include indicators characterizing the functional completeness, adaptability, and correctness of the system.

Economic indicators- this is the cost of creating or acquiring a system, the costs of its implementation and operation, the effect obtained from the functioning of the system.

^ Operational indicators. Operational quality indicators include indicators that define a set of hardware requirements, characterizing the ability to work on a network, ease and simplicity of installation, software reliability, ease of use, quality of help and user interface, degree of automation of functions, ability to protect data and the system itself, and others.

In a broad sense, information is information, knowledge, messages that are the object of storage, transformation, transmission and help solve the tasks assigned to the organization.

The term "information" comes from the Latin word "informatio". The original meaning of the word “information” is knowledge, information, messages, notifications, i.e. something inherent only in human consciousness and communication.

In the philosophical understanding, information is a reflection of the real world, that is, information that one real object contains about another real object. "Having recognized that our knowledge is a reflection of the real world, the materialist theory of knowledge has established that reflection is a universal property of matter." There are the following forms of reflection: consciousness - is the highest form of reflection, inherent only to humans, mental - inherent not only to humans, but also to animals, irritability - also covers plants and the simplest organisms, and, finally, the most elementary form - the imprinting of interaction, which is inherent in both inorganic nature, and elementary particles, i.e. all matter in general. Thus, knowledge is a reflection of the real world, therefore, reflection is a universal property of matter. That is, as soon as the states of one object are in accordance with the states of another object, we say that one object reflects the other, contains information about the other.

The information economy is based on information as the main resource and product at the same time.

An information resource is understood as data converted into a form that is significant for the enterprise.

An information resource is understood as data that is significant for enterprise management. IR is information created and/or discovered, registered, evaluated, with certain laws of degradation and renewal. Enterprise IR is presented in documents of information systems (IS) information arrays on computer media, in archives, funds, and libraries.

Information resources, of which are also information Technology, have a clear structure in this definition in accordance with the methodology of their creation, evaluation and inventory. Moreover, based on the definition of the IR structure, it is possible to take into account the static and dynamic components of the IR.

The laws of degradation and renewal make it possible to determine the position of information technology in the IT market using the appropriate methodology. The methodology includes an assessment of technical (accuracy, reliability, etc.) and economic characteristics (cost of obtaining registered information, etc.).

The assessment of IR as a whole for a given point in time is done after its creation (including the determination of the law of degradation (novelty), renewal (the ability to maintain at the same level and development)) and is based on an assessment of the demand for IR.

In organizational management systems, economic (related to the management of teams of people engaged in the production of products, works, services) and technical (related to the management of technical objects) information are distinguished.

Economic information reflects the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services, and is associated with social production, therefore economic information is also called production information. Economic information is characterized by large volume, repeated use, periodic updating and transformation, the use of logical operations and the performance of relatively simple mathematical calculations.

Economic information has a certain structure; the main structural unit of economic information is an indicator. The indicator has a complete semantic content and consumer significance for management purposes, and it cannot be divided into smaller units without destroying the meaning.

The indicator consists of a set of details. Props are a logically indivisible element that reflects certain properties of an object or business process. Each indicator consists of one basis attribute and one or more attribute attributes. Props - the basis characterizes, as a rule, the quantitative value of the indicator (weight, cost, time standard, etc.); attribute - sign - the semantic meaning of the indicator and determines its name.

1.1.1. Information resource - a new subject of work

Until the 20th century, the main subject of labor was material objects. Human activities outside of material production and service, as a rule, fell into the category of “unproductive costs.” The economic power of a state was measured by the material resources it controlled. At the end of the 20th century, for the first time in human history, information became the main subject of labor in social production in industrialized countries; a fundamentally new concept of “national information resources” appeared, which soon became a new economic category.

It is quite difficult to select quantitative characteristics to describe this phenomenon. There are several approaches to searching for such a description, one of them was proposed by James Martin, a well-known expert at IBM. Its essence comes down to determining the time interval during which the total amount of human knowledge doubles (by 1800 it doubled every 50 years, by 1950 - 10 years, by 1970 - 5 years, currently - 1 year ). Such an increase in the volume of information required attracting additional labor resources to the field of information services and equipping them with modern information technologies.

In Russia, the approach to the development of society based on information technology has been constrained by political reasons, and this has hampered the growth of research in this area. But nevertheless, research was carried out, and the most important works of domestic scientists include the works of: D.I. Blumenau, G.R. Gromova, V.V. Dika, A.M. Karminsky, A.I. Rakitova, A.D. Ursula.

The basis for Russia's entry into the global information economy is the implementation of the decisions of the II UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. In pursuance of the agreements reached at the conference in 1992, the President of Russia approved by Decree No. 440 the government “Concept of the Russian Federation’s transition to sustainable development.” In addition, a number of fundamental legislative documents have been adopted, in particular the “Law on Informatization”, “Concept of Information Security”, “Concept of a Unified Information Space of Russia”, “Concept of Forming an Information Society in Russia” and a number of others. On their basis, the “Concept of the federal target program “Development of Informatization in Russia for the period up to 2010” was developed.” This program includes the following characteristics and characteristics of the information society:

  • creation of a global information space;
  • the formation and dominance in the economy of new technological structures based on the massive use of information and communication technologies;
  • creation and development of the information and knowledge market;
  • increasing the level of professional and general cultural development;
  • creation of an effective system for ensuring and protecting the rights of citizens to freely receive, disseminate and use information.

Within the framework of the program, three priority areas of work have been identified, including the formation of the information technology industry.

The determining role of information resources, information technologies and information systems in the modern Russian economy is played by the following factors:

  • creation of a fundamentally new type of business infrastructure based on modern information technologies that reduce transaction costs;
  • increasing the share of investment in information technologies and products, since the success of an enterprise now depends not on its size, but on speed, flexibility and the ability to use global networks;
  • an increase in the number of connections, both between companies and within them, through the use of modern communication means, hierarchical structures are gradually being replaced by horizontal ones;
  • an increase in the sector of information products and services for the end user, which is due to the rapid decline in the cost of information equipment;
  • rapid development of electronic markets for products and services;
  • reduction of state control over information flows on a global scale and, as a consequence, liberalization of the conditions for conducting international business;
  • the emergence of fundamentally new types of activities and changes in the range of specialists in demand in the new economy.

The awareness of information as a strategic resource led to the concretization of the concept of the information society, the main concepts of which are set out in the Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society, which was signed by the leaders of the seven leading countries of the world and the President of Russia V.V. Putin in August 2000.

In the process of formation, the economy within the information society is trying to use more resources. These include, in particular, labor, freedom (regional, group, individual), capital, as well as relevant data (various information and knowledge, practical skills that are constantly updated). Labor and capital are production factors. Freedom and knowledge are considered necessary conditions for the effective application of these factors. Thus, an information economy is being formed. It is the result of the transition from the industrial phase to the post-industrial one.

Information economics as a field of knowledge can be considered as a meta-economics relative to the branch branches of science. These industry disciplines are aimed at the effective use of technology, the formation of scientific knowledge and the means intended for its transfer. To realize these goals, the economic aspects of the material basis of information technology are being studied. This area of ​​knowledge manifests itself in a specific way when studying data as a resource. In this case, the research is carried out within the framework of a generalized consideration of information relations, combining individual aspects into a single object that functions in the market structure and government regulation.

The information economy performs various tasks. One of the main ones is the study of natural trends in the development of the sphere of electronic data, its functions in the process of formation and development of information. Information economics also carries out a study of the factors and conditions under which the most effective implementation of these functions is carried out.

The product of the study may be methodological, theoretical or practical conclusions or proposals reflecting possible options for increasing the efficiency of activities in the field of electronic data.

According to classical concepts, capital was considered in material form. It was a certain set of objects (raw materials, machines, buildings, land, etc.), which, when using labor, contribute to the generation of income (increasing profits). This definition is applicable to a society in which the degree of industrial development, measured by potential output, is relatively insignificant. At the same time, the main events are taking place in the production sector. Subsequently, money began to play a big role. In this regard, capital began to be considered in monetary form, as a certain complex of money with which one can hire employees or buy tools.

As the application of new data and knowledge increases, ownership of physical objects decreases. At the same time, weight increases. As a result, the problem of protecting the rights of the latter arises.

Experts note that it is impossible to provide absolute protection. However, this is not necessary, in their opinion. In this situation, the task is to establish a certain “optimum”. On the one hand, it contributes to obtaining temporary excess profits, while guaranteeing the author's (individual) benefit from a useful innovation. On the other hand, the widest dissemination of this innovation will be ensured in order to increase the overall economic, technological, social, cultural and political potential.

Moreover, when the monetary industry acquires innovative features, capital begins to operate in a slightly different status. Economic information systems involve the use of capital in monetary and information form. In this case, it acquires a material form only for a while. After which it again turns into information-monetary. The information used in this case represents special knowledge and is considered in three statuses: as the professional knowledge of the employee and entrepreneur, as the technological knowledge of a specialist, and also as assumptions made by all interested parties regarding the upcoming state of affairs.

This type provides that labor services are based not only on professional skills, but also on individual abilities and knowledge.

Economic information is a transformed and processed set of information reflecting the state and course of economic processes. Economic information circulates in the economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the types of management information.

Economic information can be:

manager (in the form of direct orders, planned tasks, etc.);

informing (in reporting indicators, performs a feedback function in the economic system).

Information can be considered as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources.

Informational resources– a set of accumulated information recorded on tangible media in any form that ensures its transmission in time and space to solve scientific, production, management and other problems.

Information Technology

Collection, storage, processing, transmission of information in numerical form is carried out using information technology. The peculiarity of information technologies is that in them both the subject and product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are computers and communications.

primary goal information technology - the production of information necessary for the user as a result of targeted actions to process it.

It is known that information technology is a set of methods, production and software-technological tools combined into a technological chain that ensures the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information.

From the point of view of information technology, information requires a material carrier as a source of information, a transmitter, a communication channel, a receiver and a recipient of information.

A message from a source to a recipient is transmitted through communication channels or through a medium.

Information is a form of communication between managed and control objects in any control system. In accordance with the general theory of control, the control process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - the control and the controlled. The structure of the control system is shown in the figure

The enterprise management system operates on the basis of information about the state of the facility, its inputs X (material, labor, financial resources) and outputs Y (finished products, economic and financial results) in accordance with the goal (to ensure the production of the necessary products).

Management is carried out by submitting management influence 1 (production plan) taking into account feedback - the current state of the managed system (production) and the external environment (2, 3) - the market, higher management bodies.

Purpose of the control system- to form such influences on the controlled system that would encourage the latter to accept the state determined by the control goal.

In relation to an industrial enterprise, with some degree of convention, we can assume that management goal- this is the implementation of the production program within the framework of technical and economic restrictions; control influences are work plans for the department, feedback data on the progress of production: production and movement of the product, the condition of the equipment, stocks in the warehouse, etc.

Obviously, plans and feedback content are nothing more than information. Therefore, the processes of forming control actions are precisely the processes of transforming economic information. The implementation of these processes constitutes the main content of management services, including economic ones. The following requirements are imposed on economic information: accuracy, reliability, efficiency.

The accuracy of the information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and resulting information, at which the efficiency of the system’s functioning is maintained. Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in changing conditions.

1.4. Information Systems

The word "system" comes from the Greek systema, which means a whole made up of parts or many elements. System- is a set of interconnected elements that function to achieve a specific goal.

Main characteristics of the systems: goal, inputs, outputs, feedback and external environment. The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in their main goals. Systems include computer hardware and software, telecommunications, life support systems, education systems, etc.

To economic systems relate: industrial enterprises, trade organizations, commercial banks, government agencies, etc.

So, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system. Thus, the main purpose of the information system– creation of a modern infrastructure for managing an enterprise, organization, institution.

The variety of problems solved with the help of information systems has led to the emergence of many different types of systems, differing in the principles of construction and the rules for processing information embedded in them. Information systems can be classified according to a number of different characteristics.

Classification of information systems based on the structure of tasks.

There are three types of tasks, for which information systems are created:

structured (formalized);

unstructured (unformalizable);

partially structured.

A structured (formalized) task is a task where all its elements and the relationships between them are known. An unstructured (non-formalizable) task is a task in which it is impossible to identify elements and establish connections between them.

Information systems for semi-structured tasks. Information systems used to solve semi-structured problems are divided into two types: those that create management reports and those that are primarily focused on data processing; developing possible solution alternatives.

Principles of classification of management information systems:

1. Level of strategic management (3 – 5 years)

2. Level of medium-term management (1 – 1.5 years)

3. Level of operational management (month – quarter – half year)

4. Operational management level (day - week) 5. Real-time management level

There are other types of classification of information systems. Special programs have been developed abroad: Standards for enterprise management information systems, MRP, MRP-II, ERP, ERPII systems.

MRP– these are systems for planning requirements for material resources (provides the required amount of remaining materials in the warehouse). MRP-II – designed for production resource planning, i.e. resources used to produce products.

ERP– designed for planning and management of material, production and human resources.

SAP R/3 is ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) for enterprise resource management or SAP ER.

ERP II– designed to manage resources and external relations of enterprises.

Information systems used to plan and manage various resources are called integrated management systems or enterprise information systems.

TO main components information systems used in economics include:

1. Hardware and software of information systems:

a) technical means of information processing (computers and peripheral devices);

b) system and service software (operating systems and utilities);

c) application software for office purposes (MS Office);

d) computer networks (communication equipment, network software and network applications);

e) databases and data banks.

2. Business applications (application programs):

a) local information systems (1C: Accounting, Infin, Parus, etc.);

b) small information systems (1C: Enterprise, Parus, Galaktika, etc.);

c) medium-sized information systems (PEOPLE SOFT, BAAN, SCALA, etc.);

d) integrated management systems (ERP).

3. Information systems management is intended to manage and support enterprise information processes (personnel management, development, quality, safety, operational management, etc.)

Thus, information systems that are considered in economic informatics consist of three main components:

1 information technologies (computer hardware and software, telecommunications, data);

2 functional subsystems (production, accounting and finance, sales, marketing, personnel) and business applications (application programs for solving business problems);

3 information systems management (personnel, users, IS development, finance)

Currently, the most appropriate way to build an economic information system is to use ready-made solutions, which are implemented in the form of ready-made application programs.



Cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a frying pan - classic recipes for fluffy cheesecakes Cheesecakes from 500 g of cottage cheese

Cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a frying pan - classic recipes for fluffy cheesecakes Cheesecakes from 500 g of cottage cheese

Ingredients: (4 servings) 500 gr. cottage cheese 1/2 cup flour 1 egg 3 tbsp. l. sugar 50 gr. raisins (optional) pinch of salt baking soda...

Black pearl salad with prunes Black pearl salad with prunes


Good day to all those who strive for variety in their daily diet. If you are tired of monotonous dishes and want to please...

Lecho with tomato paste recipes

Lecho with tomato paste recipes

Very tasty lecho with tomato paste, like Bulgarian lecho, prepared for the winter. This is how we process (and eat!) 1 bag of peppers in our family. And who would I...

Aphorisms and quotes about suicide

Aphorisms and quotes about suicide

Here are quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about suicide. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of real “pearls...

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