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  Why dream of the death of a child. What does a dying child dream about in a dream book? Incredible dream come true

The death of a child is perhaps the worst dream that can ever be. Each person who is not knowledgeable in the meanings of dreams will be frightened by such a development of events, and will think that this can happen in reality.

However, dream books explain such dreams in different ways. They can be both good and bad. To find out its exact meaning, one must turn either to the interpreters of dreams, or to the literature explaining them.

To see the death of one's own or another's child in a dream is, of course, scary, but only until the whole meaning of the dream has been realized. Dream Interpretations most often interpret this vision as positive.

But in order to give an accurate interpretation of the dreamer, it is necessary to analyze the details.

Why dream of the death of your child

If you dream about the death of your child, then you need to pay attention to how this happened:

  • If in a dream a child was sickly for a long time and painfully, and only then died, then it is necessary to carefully monitor his life, mental and physical health. Usually dream books interpret this in the opposite sense, predicting good health to the child.
  • Some dream books interpret the death of a child as a symbol of a sharp revolution in the dreamer's life. A sleeping person may suddenly change his attitude to life or religion. Dream Interpretations only hint, but can’t tell exactly what change will occur.
  • If he dreamed of the death of his child, then in the future he may expect minor difficulties, but they are not related to his health. This may be a problem in school, or some kind of test in his personal life.

If the dream of the death of the son is what it is

Seeing the death of your boy in a dream is, most often, a joyful event. But great attention must be paid to his emotions and appearance. Depending on his emotions, various events in life can happen.

The dream interpretation interprets them as follows:

  • A severely mutilated son means that the dreamer will have to wait for trouble in his career.
  • If you dream about the death of your son at the moment when he is sad, then this means a future victory in something. It can be both a sports competition and a lottery. It is possible to receive a bonus at work, one should expect an increase or unexpected joyful news.
  • If the child met death with a smile on his face, then this is a very unusual and rare dream. But, nevertheless, he still meets and is interpreted by the dream book. This means that soon there will be a meeting with a person about whom the dreamer forgot, but this meeting will be happy.

Why dream of the death of a child who is alive

If you dream of the death of children who are still alive, then it is difficult to understand that it was the living children who dreamed. If your child or is not unfamiliar, then difficulties do not arise, but if someone else’s dream is being dreamed, it can be difficult to determine whether he is alive or not.

A person who does not exist does not dream at all, since the human brain is designed so that in a dream he sees only those faces that he met in real life.

Therefore, the interpretation of the death of someone else’s child is the same, regardless of whether he is alive or not. But, if he dreamed of his dream, then this will lead to monetary problems in the dreamer's family.

Why dream of the death of a stranger’s child

If you dreamed that someone else’s son or someone else’s daughter was dying, then this is always perceived much easier than the death of your own children. Such a dream has many different meanings, it is important to those who had a dream:

  • If a pregnant woman had a dream, then this means that the birth will pass without serious complications. Also, this may mean that a pregnant woman will be very happy with her newborn baby.
  • If an elderly woman had a dream, then this is a reminder that she should pay more attention to her health, because she is already in poor condition.

Why dream of the death of a boy’s child

  • The death of a boy dreams much more often than the death of a girl. Such a dream means new acquaintances that will happen in the near future.
  • If a stranger’s son dies, then this is to gain new love.
  • If you meet familiar children in a dream, then there may be various acquaintances. In case a newborn baby dreams, then this is to meet a new friend.

If a son meets a girlfriend in a dream, this is a new business acquaintance.

Why is the death of a baby dreaming?

  • Pregnant women are tormented by dreams in which newborn babies die. Do not worry that this will happen in life. This, on the contrary, means that the birth will be successful.
  • If you had a similar dream to your future father, this means that his relationship with his son will be wonderful. It will be the same if the dream comes to the future grandfather and mother.
  • If a newborn baby is not dreamed of by a pregnant woman, this is a sign that her undertakings will not turn into luck, but will be ruined immediately.

What is the dream of the child died in a dream

Although the dream of the death of his child causes great concern among parents, nevertheless, he talks about his health or about the recovery of a sick child.

If you dreamed that someone else's child had died, such a dream contains real reasons for concern. This dream means that soon you will find disappointment in friends and relatives. The dream also speaks of an approaching streak of failures in business and in general in life.

If you dream that your child was sick and then died, the dream warns that you need to monitor his health. It is better to consult a doctor after such a dream for preventive purposes.

Dream Interpretation Dying child

What does a dying child dream about in a dream book?

The dream in which the dying child appears should be taken as a signal warning of a real threat. You may have lost your vigilance and do not feel the trick, but the dream book says that your situation is now very vulnerable and first of all you need to take care of your safety.

When you dream of a baby dying on your hands, what you see promises a serious illness. But correctly selected and timely treatment will bring a quick recovery.

Dream Interpretation died alive in a dream

Why dream that he died alive. The interpretation of dreams

A dream in which you see how one of your living acquaintances or relatives died, means, first of all, the longevity of this person. However, its correct interpretation depends on who exactly died. If your friends have died, a dream warns of the possibility of a serious conflict with them because of your restraint or frivolity. You should control your behavior and words. If a friend dies, for some reason, a relationship with him may end. A dream in which you and your spouse die at the same time promises a quiet family life. A dream in which one of the relatives dies indicates that everything is in order with them, but at the same time portends a conflict with one of them. If a loved one died in a dream, be prepared for impending loneliness. Sleep can promise loss.

Dream Interpretation Husband Dies

What is the dream husband died in a dream

If in a dream you saw that your husband died, then in reality you may have a rival who will try to take him away. In general, seeing a husband dead usually portends disappointment and sadness in real life. A dream can also reflect your own fear. If in reality you cannot overcome it, this fear can cause trouble and attract danger to you. If in a dream you are sleeping with a deceased husband, such a dream indicates the need to be careful in business. If you dreamed of a husband who died in real life, then a dream may not mean anything, but simply serves as a reminder of your life together. If the widow dreamed that her deceased husband was joking with her, such a dream means receiving a favorable marriage proposal in the near future.

Tell me why in a dream your child is dead? Cried all night in a dream !!


Nelya Zham

To a long and happy life, health to you and your baby, do not worry, everything will be fine!

Lyudmila Sh

Will live happily ever after !!!


Bunny, I can reassure you! This means exactly the opposite, a long life !!! \u003d)

Personal Account Deleted

It’s just that you’re worrying about him very much in the head and all kinds of Taam’s imagination are climbing up, just don’t take it into your head and relax!

Irina Askirko

i read in the dream book that this is a warning, you need to be careful in your actions and words, and tears in a dream are in trouble ((but whether this characteristic is correct depends on the day of the week and probably on a lunar day. In any case, everything will be ok))) ) do not worry so, do not think about wacky dreams

Max max

a good dream, I assure you, I know for sure that crying in a dream, laughing in reality


The death of a loved one means his longevity! It is written in all dream books !!! Do not worry !!!


Usually tears are for joy, death is for long life, a child is for surprises. All is well, but most likely to nothing. I had a similar dream, and nothing unusual happened. It’s just that, most likely, some problem with the child bothers you


i completely agree - you are very worried about your child. It's good. Nothing bad will happen to a child.

Personal Account Deleted

Today, too, crap dreamed. For 2 hours I was asleep and cried all this time, it would be truer to say that I was fighting in hysteria, in a dream someone said something against me, so I screamed at this person like that there, a nightmare, in my life I never freaked out.
  Closer to the topic. Today is 23 lunar day. The dreams of this day are deceptive and may directly contradict reality. Losing money promises profit, discord with a loved one - to strengthen relations.
  All dreams are directly related to what is on the subconscious, nothing more, everything is OK!


Tell the flowing running water and all problems go away with it.

misha Kobzar

If you dreamed that your loved one was dying, then this is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life.
  Cry. Unexpected news, great joy

Why is it that your child died? Is something really threatening in real life? Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday.


Marina Rakhmanova

it is a dream of a happy fate for your child, nothing threatens him


To the fact that you are very worried about him.

Expulsion from the Garden Angel

mother’s manifestation))) I’ve been dreaming for one year and eight that my daughter is either sick or the Gypsies were taken away or she died or the war and they captured her .. in short, etc. here and when the pregnant was the same ... I only dreamed that they didn’t give up the house ... and instead a cat ... even when I gave birth to an eye I didn’t sleep until they were discharged from the hospital))) although I was in serious condition ... and immediately began to ask them to give it to me ... so the doctors at the ward nursed me so that she would be served. . I did not go for 3 days ... I made sure that the nurse didn’t take her away.


These are your experiences, fear for her that something will happen, calm down, everything is fine ....


Sleep - Changeling ... Everything will be fine ..


Nothing will happen. Nothing threatens. You will get rid of the problem, or care, it will kind of "die." The dream is symbolic.

Alien child dies

Dream Interpretation Died Alien Child dreamed of why in a dream a strange child died? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see someone else's child in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - To die, to be killed

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Die for Yourself

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dead child

Dream Interpretation - Revitalizing a Child

A dream can reflect a situation where you did poorly (or can handle) in a certain and rather troublesome business entrusted to you, with which you "repent" (boy) and almost "ruin" this business. The comb episode may indicate that you urgently need to "tidy up" some things.

Dream Interpretation - I give my child away

You are already good at interpreting your dreams yourself, experience probably affects)))))). There will be no financial claims. Life will change for the better, but only slightly, after you solve the problem with it. Be happy.

Dream Interpretation - Kidnapped teeth

The dream seems to relate to some important matter for you ... For some reason you will have to turn to a specialist, and he, in turn, will offer you some drastic measures. Teeth in a dream symbolize your strength, as well as the problems that affect you for the living. Tearing a bad tooth in a dream means that you better give up on some sore problem with your hand and put up with it, than try to solve it, delivering torment to yourself and to others.

Dream Interpretation - The machine crushes the child

Some kind of situation will come out of your control, or it will not be subject to you, although you will try to fix it. I cannot say what exactly will be connected. What a matter, a question. Arose recently. About 2-3 months.

Dream Interpretation - The machine crushes the child

In the case when the dream is repeated and has almost the same meaning, it is necessary to perceive it as a signal of danger, interpreting exactly such images is rather difficult, because much depends on the personal qualities of the dreamer himself, on a moonlit day, on sensations after sleep and the smallest details, it is possible that your dream is a signal of your health condition or a warning about unpleasant events, be attentive to your life in general and in the details. Personal dreams of similar content - it is better to order as a separate service, without using public discussion.

Dream Interpretation - The machine crushes the child

Your thoughts (inspecting) that his firm decision (a close person driving a car) strongly affected the best feelings of another person (child). Are you rude? Afraid you won’t forgive (mother will blame). But can we talk about a case (child) that has suffered little damage in your presence, fear that you will be accused of irresponsibility?

Dream Interpretation - Alien Child

From a distance in your written story, two developments can be suggested: 1. Your young man is preparing to surprise you or report things you have not suspected of yet. Remember, each person has the right to a secret or secret 2. You do not completely trust your LM. Subconsciously expect from him the realization of your fears. Most likely you should explain and develop the relationship further. Stop wandering in the dark!

Dream Interpretation - Killed a child

The dream that some things (small children) that exhaust you (boy - toil) will lead you to despair (kill them). There is a bad sign in a dream, you will be "fed up" with some problems. The scene with the dog reflects a problem that is not very pleasant for you with one of your friends - helpers, who in fact will not be such for you.

Hello! Well, actually, dreams that have been dreamed from Saturday to Sunday usually do not come true, and if they do come true, it is only until noon ... In general, this dream means that you will carry in yourself some kind of idea or plan, but doomed to failure in advance (dead fetus) ... Dead girl with long hair, some business related to the road (this business will never happen) ... You are dead - so you will live long and everything will be fine with your boyfriend (in a dream he has risen) ... So, in general, everything is not bad ... All the best to you!

Dream Interpretation - Abortion, death, child resurrection

Hello, sleep can mean the loss of the ability to fulfill your plans and dreams. You are an opportunity, a child is a plan, with long hair - perhaps it was an old dream, or one that was thought of a lot. He feels himself dead - perhaps due to the collapse of plans, he will lose ground, but then he will find himself. Good luck!

The baby died in the womb

Dream Interpretation A child died in the womb  dreamed of why in a dream a child died in the womb? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. The child died in the womb, reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - To die, to be killed

To die or die in a dream is to live long, a turn for the better.

To be killed - another from your labors will benefit.

Drowning in a dream - a great happy change ahead.

From a heart attack to die - a great joy to be.

To be poisoned is harm from unfounded suspicions.

To be crushed is harm from lying people.

Being buried alive is a great danger (be moderate in your desires) / fear of the responsibility ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children. Such a dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple.

To dream of a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future something that has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will happen not without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger that our polluted atmosphere poses. This dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a man who will very much need his help.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - a dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, SP And House will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a man will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, so many children with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders, will be born.

To dream of a healthy smiling child is a happy sign. On Earth, a happy time will finally come when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will bring forth many healthy beautiful children.

To see in a dream a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes a snake or kills it predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child - this is a sign that you have come to that line of life when you need to review and change your life.

Seeing a crying baby endangers your future.

To search for your child in a dream - to try to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Keeping a baby in a dream - trying to find a way out of a predicament.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child - a dream: to freak a child - wealth. How a full-bodied child dreams - these are cares for good; slender, crying concern for the bad. To see a little child in a dream is a big trouble. The child is an argument, a brawl. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or is feeding a newborn, there will be profit. The old one will see the same dream - he announces a heavy illness and death. If you dream that a baby sucks piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. The child - to attack, quarrel, chores. The child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children are anxious. The child on the shoulders (on the crusts) of a man - a pregnant woman will have a boy, a woman will be born on a woman's shoulders.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child - to poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who in a dream is nursing a child is waiting for a deception from a person whom she trusts the most.

Nostradamus believed that the child was dreaming as a symbol of hope, the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to a dreamer a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

Dreaming a healthy, smiling child is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the earth means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to that line of life when you need to review and change your life.

When you see a crying child, know that you are endangering your future.

They were looking for their child in a dream - you will find lost hope.

A dream about a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

They were holding a baby in a dream - try to find a way out of a predicament.

And here is the interpretation of D. Loff: “As an object of your dreams, the child is something that requires care and attention. It is important to determine whether the feeling of responsibility comes from you or is it imposed from the outside.

Women with childbearing age can dream about a child’s participation as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing embedded in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which, apparently, is associated with a fear of the obligations of fatherhood. ”

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also trouble and anxiety. If you had a dream about a child, then you can say with confidence that in reality, you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you do not get the desired result. Holding a child in her arms, lulling her to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. The dream in which you feed your baby promises you a troublesome business, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you are experiencing great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they take care of someone too much or are taken care of, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: "Whatever the child is amusing, if only he would not cry."

A child is a symbol of trouble, anxiety, moodiness, inconstancy, so if you had a dream, you can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around, something does not give you rest, and acts as a signal of your mental state in a dream child.

If you dreamed of a crying baby, then this is a sign that, despite all your troubles, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in her arms, rocking her, putting him to sleep - in reality you will need a lot of hard work, because the path to success will be very difficult.

The dream in which you feed the baby promises you a troublesome business that ends with a benefit for you, will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream - in reality, feel inconvenience, discomfort, because you will perform work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Seeing crying children in a dream - to poor health and disappointment.

A cheerful, pure child is a rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and neglect of unworthy opinions. If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts the most.

A bad sign is to see in a dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Die for Yourself

Health, joy // cattle will fall, poverty; someone has died - well, you will recover (to the patient); the dying is the gain.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Crying children in a dream portend ill health and disappointment. A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity. If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts the most. A bad sign is to take in a dream a sick child rushing about in a fever: such a dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child, baby, boy

if it is a baby, then in a dream he indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news. To dream of a healthy baby in a dream - to get rid of life's problems and to happy love. Seeing a sick baby is in trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If in a dream a person has a child, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Dreams in which the sleeper saw someone or, possibly, his death, usually bring negativity. This is especially true of visions in which the child was a participant. Few people will be pleased with such a plot. However, far from all cases of dreams of this nature carry a negative interpretation. No need to prepare immediately for serious illness. It is best to responsibly approach the search for meaning, to understand why dead children visited you in a dream.

A strange child is dreaming

The world of dreams can not only interest, but also frighten. Finding the meaning of the plot seen is sometimes extremely difficult. But in any case, it is not recommended to take literally the picture seen in a dream. Dead children are vivid evidence of this. It is worth sorting out the basic interpretations.

A completely alien child dies in dreams? The dream reports that the sleeping person suffers due to accumulated fears and doubts, he is constantly accompanied by emotions and fears. It is recommended to take a responsible approach to business, to pay attention to everything that happens around.

An important event will soon happen in your life, on the eve of which dead children appeared in a dream? Such a plot reports a failure. But negative consequences can be avoided. To do this, you just need to show self-discipline, control. A dream is more warning. A sleeping person needs to be more attentive to business and take on more responsibility. It is not recommended that you blame others for your own mistakes.

What do dead children come to in a dream? If they were fictional, the failures that accompany the sleeping person in all spheres of life are closely connected with fears and psychological blocks. You have to get rid of all this. Sign up for a psychologist, attend motivational courses, and find opportunities for change. Otherwise, problems will accompany you.

The presence of blood

Did you see not only the deceased child, but also the blood? It is not recommended to take such a dream too close to the heart. You can interpret it by recalling the related details.

  1. Soiled in blood? Have to ask for help from loved ones. It will be much more difficult to cope independently with the problems that arise in life.
  2. Wiped the blood off? It is not recommended to pay too much attention to other people's problems. It is first of all necessary to take care of yourself, your own desires.
  3. Smeared hands? In the near future, you can conclude a promising deal. You just need to show a little attention so as not to miss the moment.

If the dream visited the expectant mother

Did the little kid die? Sleep can be seen by pregnant women. Usually such a vision causes them only fear. But do not be afraid. In fact, such a dream does not carry anything negative. Usually it reports on the increased emotionality of a sleeping woman who is afraid for her baby. Do not forget that thoughts can materialize. Therefore, it is not necessary to keep a solid negative in yourself.

Did you see a dead child in a dream? What does a dream mean if it was in the blood? This story tells you that you need to ask for support from close people, relatives. It is not recommended that you always and in everything rely only on yourself and your own capabilities. If the situation suddenly came to a standstill, strength ran out, then you must immediately contact your loved ones. Excessive pride and independence will not bring to good.

Additional Interpretations

Did you see a dead child in a dream? Such a dream can visit a woman who cannot get pregnant. There is no reason for unrest. The plot simply reports that soon it will be possible to conceive a baby. Moreover, he will be born strong and healthy. Accordingly, childbirth will be successful.

Did you see the dead child? In a dream, the baby died in the womb - it is recommended to take a more responsible approach to planning, setting goals. Try to ponder all the details again, analyze your own desires.

It is likely that some plans will not come true simply because a sleeping person does not want this. In addition, the dream tells you that you need to think not only about the unborn baby, but also about your partner.

Miller's interpretation of the interpretation

What is the dream of a child who died in a dream? According to Miller's dream book, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. If in a daydream a child dies or is born dead, but his parents manage to resurrect him, they will be able to cope with all the tasks, problems will disappear from life. But you have to make a lot of effort.

Did the baby come to life on its own? A dream reports that a person is able to cope with any task, realize any goal, overcome any obstacles, while remaining to win. Miller's dream book also recommends a closer look at what is happening around the events. You may be able to meet a person who will help you deal with problems or solve important problems.

Is a dead child crying in a dream? It is likely that in all areas of life, troubles will begin to appear. However, do not worry, they will not become serious. With a little effort, you can successfully deal with them. The funeral foreshadows a confrontation with serious problems. To solve them will have to put maximum effort.

Did you see a dead boy in a dream? A child who has long since died in reality, after which he appeared in the dreams of a sleeping person, promises collisions with a variety of problems. Moreover, they will occur in the lives of the parents of this baby.

In your dreams, did you see that you were killing your own child? In reality, you will be able to save your baby from real disaster. It is necessary to show maximum attention in relation to your own child. Otherwise, you can miss the opportunity. The dream of an unmarried girl, in which a dead child was seen, portends a quick change in marital status.

Interpretation of other dream books

  1. An old dream book reports that an unfamiliar dead baby is a symbol of changes in weather conditions. The funeral of the baby speaks of a poor harvest and unsuccessful trade. Troubles can await at the conclusion of profitable contracts.
  2. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a dead baby does not bode well, so you should not worry about your own health and the health of children once again. Everything will turn out well in the life of close people, relatives.
  3. Parents in a dream saw their own baby? Dream Interpretation Hasse warns that at any moment the state of health may deteriorate. And the younger the baby is in dreams, the more serious the problems will be. If the child has already matured in the family, then failures in all spheres of life can await him. Parents should pay attention to his life. Did you hold the baby’s corpse in your dreams? It is recommended to bring up children in reality less severely.

Interpretations of the Esoteric Dream Book

  1. A deceased child in a dream can symbolize replenishment in the family or the conclusion of profitable contracts in professional activities.
  2. Kid hit by a car? In reality, you should prepare for long trips.
  3. Did the child drown in a dream? In the near future will be able to go on a trip by water.

The birth of a dead baby promises to receive important news. There is a possibility of the arrival of distant relatives. A child who has died in a dream is capable of foreshadowing imminent changes. They will begin to occur both in the character of the sleeping person and in his environment. There is a possibility that you will have to look for a new job or there will be new goals in life, new habits or desires.


Everyone is able to see in a dream a dead child. And the interpretations of such a dream are extremely numerous. Therefore, it is necessary to remember absolutely all the details. First of all, you need to listen to your own feelings, emotions. If you experience panic and fear, then in reality not the most pleasant changes may occur.

We must try to understand the reasons for this dream. They can lie on the surface.

Why dream of dead children in a dream? - all the secrets of dreams on our website site

The death of a child is perhaps the worst dream that can ever be. Each person who is not knowledgeable in the meanings of dreams will be frightened by such a development of events, and will think that this can happen in reality.

However, dream books explain such dreams in different ways. They can be both good and bad. To find out its exact meaning, one must turn either to the interpreters of dreams, or to the literature explaining them.

To see the death of one's own or another's child in a dream is, of course, scary, but only until the whole meaning of the dream has been realized. Dream Interpretations most often interpret this vision as positive.

But in order to give an accurate interpretation of the dreamer, it is necessary to analyze the details.

Why dream of the death of your child

If you dream about the death of your child, then you need to pay attention to how this happened:

  • If in a dream a child was sickly for a long time and painfully, and only then died, then it is necessary to carefully monitor his life, mental and physical health. Usually dream books interpret this in the opposite sense, predicting good health to the child.
  • Some dream books interpret the death of a child as a symbol of a sharp revolution in the dreamer's life. A sleeping person may suddenly change his attitude to life or religion. Dream Interpretations only hint, but can’t tell exactly what change will occur.
  • If he dreamed of the death of his child, then in the future he may expect minor difficulties, but they are not related to his health. This may be a problem in school, or some kind of test in his personal life.

If the dream of the death of the son is what it is

Seeing the death of your boy in a dream is, most often, a joyful event. But great attention must be paid to his emotions and appearance. Depending on his emotions, various events in life can happen.

The dream interpretation interprets them as follows:

  • A severely mutilated son means that the dreamer will have to wait for trouble in his career.
  • If you dream about the death of your son at the moment when he is sad, then this means a future victory in something. It can be both a sports competition and a lottery. It is possible to receive a bonus at work, one should expect an increase or unexpected joyful news.
  • If the child met death with a smile on his face, then this is a very unusual and rare dream. But, nevertheless, he still meets and is interpreted by the dream book. This means that soon there will be a meeting with a person about whom the dreamer forgot, but this meeting will be happy.

Why dream of the death of a child who is alive

If you dream of the death of children who are still alive, then it is difficult to understand that it was the living children who dreamed. If your child or is not unfamiliar, then difficulties do not arise, but if someone else’s dream is being dreamed, it can be difficult to determine whether he is alive or not.

A person who does not exist does not dream at all, since the human brain is designed so that in a dream he sees only those faces that he met in real life.

Therefore, the interpretation of the death of someone else’s child is the same, regardless of whether he is alive or not. But, if he dreamed of his dream, then this will lead to monetary problems in the dreamer's family.

Why dream of the death of a stranger’s child

If you dreamed that someone else’s son or someone else’s daughter was dying, then this is always perceived much easier than the death of your own children. Such a dream has many different meanings, it is important to those who had a dream:

  • If a pregnant woman had a dream, then this means that the birth will pass without serious complications. Also, this may mean that a pregnant woman will be very happy with her newborn baby.
  • If an elderly woman had a dream, then this is a reminder that she should pay more attention to her health, because she is already in poor condition.

Why dream of the death of a boy’s child

  • The death of a boy dreams much more often than the death of a girl. Such a dream means new acquaintances that will happen in the near future.
  • If a stranger’s son dies, then this is to gain new love.
  • If you meet familiar children in a dream, then there may be various acquaintances. In case a newborn baby dreams, then this is to meet a new friend.

If a son meets a girlfriend in a dream, this is a new business acquaintance.

Why is the death of a baby dreaming?

  • Pregnant women are tormented by dreams in which newborn babies die. Do not worry that this will happen in life. This, on the contrary, means that the birth will be successful.
  • If you had a similar dream to your future father, this means that his relationship with his son will be wonderful. It will be the same if the dream comes to the future grandfather and mother.
  • If a newborn baby is not dreamed of by a pregnant woman, this is a sign that her undertakings will not turn into luck, but will be ruined immediately.

The plot of some dreams leaves behind a worry. I dreamed that the child died: what is it for? If the girlfriend’s child died in a dream, it’s worth preparing for household chores. Suddenly, guests will come who need to pay attention, as well as prepare a bunch of different dishes.

What if a child died in a dream?

According to Meridian’s dream book, the death of a child in a dream suggests that a person’s wishes do not come true. This makes the dreamer very sad, but this is only his fault. You need to be more determined and take advantage of the opportunities that life provides.

If a woman dreamed that her own child had died, then nothing bad would happen to him in reality, but it is still recommended that you look after him so that your heart is calm and there are no disturbing forebodings.

When an outside child dies in a dream, in reality the dreamer will not be able to do what was intended. He will have to answer for his failures, he may lose the friendship and trust of an important person. However, the sleeper still has time to prevent this. You need to roll up your sleeves and proceed with the assignment.

If you dreamed that many children died, in reality you should prepare for family problems. Perhaps the spouse will be dissatisfied with something and will express it in not the best form. As a result, there will be a scandal that will destroy the harmony that reigned in the family. You should not react sharply to his comments, you should take them into account and try to do everything the next time.

When a girl dreams that her younger brother is dead, she should worry less, nothing bad will happen to him.

According to the English dream book, the death of someone else's child in a dream promises trouble. The dreamer will help a friend, but he will be unhappy with how much effort has been put. As a result, harboring resentment and, on occasion, take revenge on the sleeping man. He should be alert so as not to get into a predicament.

According to the esoteric dream book, the death of a child who is a close relative of a person promises him trouble in a dream. If the dreamer saw the corpse of a baby in his dream, this promises a change of weather. Sometimes such a dream suggests that a person has a serious illness. He should undergo an examination and begin treatment before it is too late.

If a woman in a dream mourned the death of an unfamiliar child, then in reality she would soon become pregnant. However, he cannot bear the child. Perhaps she will lose him in an accident.

When a man dreams of a dead child, he should work better, as his superiors are not happy with him. More initiative needs to be taken, otherwise it will be difficult to maintain its place. It is not recommended to blame their work on other colleagues, any of them may complain to the authorities, then troubles can not be avoided.

If a woman dreamed that her nephew drowned and she had to bury him, in reality she would have to face cruelty. Someone will put her wheels in the wheel and the dreamer will not be able to meet the deadline.

Burying your child in a dream is a waking experience of concern for him. But do not overly patronize him, as he can begin to commit heinous acts out of harm and desire to annoy the parent.

What portends?

According to the women's dream book, the death of someone's child in a dream promises minor troubles in reality. We must try to deal with them as they become available, and not engage in their hoarding. After all, they can turn into a huge lump that will bring serious problems.

If a girl dreamed that she had found a dead child in her house, she should be wary of slander. Because of them, she may lose parental support. It is necessary to behave in the framework of decency, so that relatives do not doubt her honesty.

When a man has a dream in which dead children are present, this threatens him with serious troubles in the business sphere. Someone wants to denigrate him in the eyes of partners. You need to keep your finger on the pulse to avoid an unenviable fate.

If a woman dreamed that dead children rose from their graves in a dream, not the best details of her past would come up in reality. It will not be easy for her to make others stop washing her bones. After all, many will whisper behind her and condemn, say offensive things.

When a man dreams of such a dream, it says that he has many sins. He must repent of them, otherwise an unenviable fate awaits him, but so far the dreamer does not understand this and continues to commit unseemly acts.

The death of an outside child in a dream often bodes for a change in weather. But sometimes such a dream says that the dreamer is acting dishonestly with others, he needs to urgently change tactics, otherwise he will have to pay dearly for his sins.



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