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  Pregnancy twins dream interpretation meaning. What is the dream of pregnancy in the English dream book. Why do rumors dream

The dream that you are “in an interesting position” can become both a pleasant daydream and a real nightmare. But what does the dream book say: pregnancy for a girl in a dream? There are many different interpretations, we will talk about them.

Do not literally take your dreams. They do not always mean that what they see will come true soon. These are images sent to us by the subconscious. The language of dreams is a language of symbols

How to understand that a dream is prophetic?
How to make a dream not come true?
Which dream book is the most truthful?

How to interpret pregnancy in a dream

A dream about pregnancy for a girl has several interpretations for different dream books:

  • In the near future you should not make new love relationships, as they may not work out;
  • Someone around you may not understand you;
  • The emergence of new prospects, opportunities and achieving goals.
  • If you are already pregnant - a dream does not mean anything, it's just an experience of ordinary events

  Dream of a boy

Quite often, girls dream of not just pregnancy, but the birth of a child of a certain gender. If in a dream you had a son, then soon you will overtake chores, important things and worries.

For business girls, such a dream can broadcast a promotion, salary, or even the expectation of good financial returns.

For an unmarried girl, a dream about a boy becoming pregnant can carry several interpretations:

  • Judgment, gossip in your direction and gossip;
  • Promotion or change of job to a higher paying one.

  Dream about a girl

Such a vision portends an unexpected profit or the fulfillment of some miracle. If an unmarried girl dreams about the birth of a girl, then she will soon expect small, but rather pleasant chores. For married girls, a dream may mean that your half has a sympathy or even a constant lover.

A dream about many children

If you dreamed that you had twins or triplets, this indicates the fullness of your life, inner harmony and serenity. A dream can promise a meeting with a future good, loving and caring husband.

  • Pregnancy by twin sons can mean for unmarried girls a profitable dating, which can be the beginning of a successful career;
  • A dream in which you are pregnant with two girls means that you really really want to have children and soon fulfill this dream;
  • Dreams of triplets speak of imminent favorable changes. Business ladies may soon expect an increase or increase in salaries. For single girls, such a dream can promise a love triangle in which you will need to make a very important choice between two sympathies.

See someone else's pregnancy

The “interesting position” of another girl or woman in your dream may warn you of different changes in life.

If in dreams you see someone else's belly, then you are a self-confident person who makes grandiose plans. They will certainly be achieved, but only on condition that you do your best.

Think now, what would you most like to achieve now? Do not hesitate to connect your relatives to the fulfillment of your dreams, as they will not refuse you.

If the pregnant best friend visited your dreams, you should be careful with her, as this dream broadcasts that she may soon become your rival.

If in such a dream you swear or argue with a friend, then your calmed down ill-wishers may begin to gossip about you. And with the girl you saw, there will be strong and trusting relationships. Such a dream may be a sign that after a narrow black strip a wide white one will come, therefore, during adversity, you should not despair.

For business ladies, a pregnant girlfriend from a dream can become a sign that this particular person is your lifesaver in business. Do not lose sight of her ideas and suggestions, because they can turn into a reliable foundation for a good start to your success.

If a girl in a dream saw her pregnant mother, then this means that the health of the mother needs to be taken care of. Another interpretation says that the girl will soon receive good news or changes in life for the better. Get ready for help from your friends or relatives, and especially your mother.

See the growing belly

If in a dream you saw your pregnant belly, then in the dream book for this may mean that you are surrounded by gossip, deception or even condemnation.

Your acquaintances may begin to condemn how you live and what principles you adhere to. Therefore, you should not aggressively or sharply respond to the comments of others, but take them into account nevertheless.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Each dream interpretation of a particular dream in different ways, so only you decide which one to believe and what changes to expect.

Dream Interpretation: Pregnancy in a Dream

  • The Chinese dream interpretation interprets pregnancy for a girl as significant changes in the near future. Moreover, the direction of these changes may be different. Therefore, in the near future you will either be overwhelmed with luck or be lucky. The Chinese dream book says that a girl who clearly saw her pregnant belly in a dream should be careful with unfamiliar rich men.

    According to Freud’s interpretations, this indicates your readiness for motherhood. But there’s another explanation - you don’t like the current relationship and so soon you will meet a more suitable couple

    Miller's dream interpretation treats pregnancy as a fresh, boring and monotonous life with his soul mate. Your heirs from this man will not be endowed with beauty and mental abilities. If the virgin dreamed of an “interesting situation”, then soon she will be expected to be dishonored and dishonored.

    Wangi's dream book to a married girl promises twins or twins. Single girls need to be careful with their young man, as you can expect deceit and dishonesty from him.

    Loff's dream book says that this vision promises wealth or is a sign from the subconscious that your female system is healthy.

Failed pregnancy

If you saw an ectopic pregnancy in a dream, then it is likely that your plans will not work out.

In this case, do not spray on a lot of ideas, but rather review them and take on the most important things, otherwise you can’t do everything right away. Put things in order in your life and get rid of chaos.

Also, an ectopic pregnancy is interpreted as the dreamer's unwillingness to have his own children. Apparently, in this case, the priority is career or other concerns, but not family life. And in the twenty-first century it is absolutely normal.

Seeing a false pregnancy means cheating by people close to you or your own mistakes. You need to reconsider your ideals and priorities in order to establish inner harmony. Also, a dream may indicate that you are not able to take care of yourself fully, and you need support.


Why is a girl dreaming about pregnancy? Such a vision can be interpreted both from the good and from the bad side. In general, according to ancient Russian signs, to see and feel pregnant in a color dream is a good sign that promises abundance, prosperity, wealth. Therefore, stay on a positive mood, and at the same time do a pregnancy test to calm the nerves. After all, everything can be.

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Almost every woman at least once in her life had a dream about pregnancy. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this adult woman or a girl, had this dream during pregnancy or not, do you think about future children or vice versa do not want them. Such dreams are often dreamed. It does not seem strange, but men see dreams about pregnancy. Sleep "pregnancy" is one of the most common dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • This dream book interprets pregnancy for a woman with a rather negative coloring - in marriage, a woman is most likely unhappy and knows this. She constantly thinks that she hurried, chose an unworthy partner, although there were worthy ones, that she could live better, happier. Children from such a marriage were born far from geeks, and indeed look like a failed husband.
  • Why a girl dreams about pregnancy - a dream-caution - be careful, don’t be so frivolous, your behavior will not be well done and your honor will be a disgrace (you would have smeared the entrance gates to your house before tar), be more legible in communications.
  • A pregnant woman dreams about pregnancy - childbirth will take place without complications on time, the baby will be born healthy and strong.
  • Why a man dreams about pregnancy - minor troubles at home.

Starry Dream Book

Pregnancy in a dream indicates a possible major win in the lottery. Fate will present you with a gift in the form of a monetary reward or in the form of tangible profit in business.

Dream Interpretation of the subconscious

  • If you often think about a possible pregnancy, want to have a baby and you had a dream in a dream, of course you are happy, you have a positive attitude towards this dream, you are happy that you finally waited for it. Such positive dreams indicate the imminent fulfillment of your desire to become a mother. He interprets a dream book to see pregnancy in a dream on the good side, if you had only positive emotions.
  • If you did not think about having a baby, but had a pregnancy, a new idea in creativity, a new project, a new way of development in the creative profession. The symbol of something new. The beginning of your development as an individual.
  • Why dream of an unwanted pregnancy is a negative implication. You have a fear of the possibility of becoming pregnant, of birth pains and you do not want to become a parent in any case.
  • Why dream of triplets pregnancy - you have a conflict of loyalty. It is possible either with God, or with oneself, or with a partner, or with a friend, or on a national basis, or in professional activity, when you have to choose between the ethical and the monetary side. Understand yourself, evaluate your priorities and make a choice. You cannot serve everyone at once and be good everywhere and for everyone.
  • Why pregnancy is difficult, painful - a person who constantly requires something depends on you at a given time. Talk to him, if possible, make your life easier, your nerves are exhausted from this situation.
  • What is the dream of a friend’s pregnancy - you sincerely wish good luck to your girlfriend, a real strong friendship binds you.

Home dream book

The interpretation of dreams "pregnancy" comes down to one thing - something new is coming, for example, a new business or idea. Having no children may finally get pregnant. If a woman is already pregnant, she constantly thinks about the upcoming birth and these dreams mean nothing. Another pregnancy in a dream means that you will discover in yourself unknown completely new character traits.

English dream book

Pregnancy in a dream what does it mean? It means that everything that you experienced in a dream, all those emotions that you experienced in a dream are a reflection of the true, possibly hidden emotions that accompany you in reality. Only by understanding your feelings about pregnancy in a dream can you draw an analogy with the current situation in life.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Sleep about pregnancy, what does it mean from a psychoanalytic point of view? An interesting fact is when we see our own or someone else’s pregnancy, then in reality in most cases no one is currently pregnant.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see pregnancy - you need to finish the things that you put off. This dream says that all this needs to be done in a certain limited time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a friend’s pregnancy - observing yourself, the development of new qualities in yourself, you will not know about their outcome, since there was someone else’s pregnancy in a dream.
  • If you saw a pregnancy dream in a man - on a subconscious level, you want to shift all responsibility to others, you are tired, give yourself rest.

Russian dream book

  • Russian interpretation of pregnancy is not unambiguous. He says that it all depends on how you perceived the pregnancy in a dream, what emotions you experienced at the same time, what you felt. Was there joy or pleasant excitement from this news, or didn’t you care, and you were indifferent. They may have experienced fear in connection with the further upbringing of the child, or they may be disgusted with what is inside you, or they may be weak from the thought that they will have to carry this heavy belly. Remember your emotions and only then the interpretation of sleep will be correct. Consider some interpretations of what a pregnancy dream is about.
  • If you dream of pregnancy and - soon the time will come for changes, new ideas and beginnings, you can find yourself in a new direction and it doesn’t matter at all who has a dream “pregnancy and childbirth” for a man, woman, girl or old woman.
  • Why does the husband dream of pregnancy - he is very afraid of the changes in life that you have begun, he feels helpless.
  • If the husband is pregnant in a dream, childbirth has come, and cannot give birth in any way - he does not know what to do and what to do. Talk to him, find out the reasons for his concern, solve problems together, you are still one family.
  • Why does the wife’s pregnancy dream - your husband is very worried about you, about what is happening in your life and about the changes that have come to her.

Freud's Dream Book

The great Austrian neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist used to say that sometimes a thing is a thing and if it is a cigar, then it really is nothing more. To the question: “What does it mean if you dream about pregnancy” Freud's dream book replies that this means pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, the delivery will go well. But why does the guy dream about pregnancy - the guy strongly wants his beloved woman (possibly a lover, not a wife) to give birth to his children.

Young's Dream Book

This dream interpretation of what dreams about pregnancy is interpreted as a desire to become a mother, a fear of bearing, childbirth, upcoming difficulties in raising a child. And also your transition from childhood to adulthood.

New dream book

  • What does it mean if you dreamed of pregnancy - in life everything is working out successfully in monetary, personal, family terms.
  • Why dream your own pregnancy - you will soon become pregnant.
  • Why is the daughter's pregnancy dreaming - happy times are coming.
  • Pregnancy is often a dream - think about procreation, about the birth of a baby.
  • Why do you dream about your sister’s pregnancy - you have a rival.
  • Why mom’s pregnancy dreams - you will live together, the family will reunite.
  • Why dream of someone else's pregnancy - you are very worried about someone.
  • Dream Interpretation: a miscarriage during pregnancy - your beloved person will disappoint you, you will lose meaning and interest in life.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about pregnancy? Miller's dream interpretation treats pregnancy in a dream as worries about real events that happen in your life. And here is how Miller’s dream interpretation “Interpretation of Dreams” considers pregnancy in other aspects:

  • If the pregnancy is pregnant, the birth will be successful.
  • If you have long dreamed of becoming pregnant - difficulties in life, the inability to control ongoing events.
  • Why does a virgin dream about pregnancy - to shame, to scandals, to dishonor. Be careful when choosing a sexual partner.
  • Why dream of an unwanted pregnancy - your marriage will be unsuccessful.
  • If a pregnant woman in a dream was thin - a good sign, well-being and prosperity. You will achieve all this without putting too much effort.
  • The "pregnancy by a girl" sleep says that a girl will be born.
  • The "pregnancy by a boy" dream claims that a boy will be born.
  • Pregnancy test in a dream - an addition to the family.

Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book “seeing pregnancy in a dream” is interpreted as building bold new plans and ideas, the dream book of another woman’s pregnancy is a nuisance, pregnancy for a girl is a lie from the partner’s side, a shame, and pregnancy in age is a quick death.

Dream Interpretation Morpheus

This dream book interprets pregnancy in a dream (stomach) as an expectation of news in life, new goals, new ideas. Get ready for change, they will be positive. Perhaps wealth or profit.

  • See in a dream pregnancy to a woman - an early pregnancy in real life.
  • I dreamed about pregnancy and childbirth - your life will move to a new qualitative level, new abilities will open.
  • A pregnancy test is dreaming - wait for a new love, work or legitimize your relationship with a partner. In life, you doubt whether you can become a good wife, mother, and adequately raise future children. You are afraid of changes, you are afraid of pregnancy itself because of the burden of responsibility that it will bring with it.
  • Unwanted pregnancy, sleep - unpreparedness for future changes, loss of control, ignorance of what to do with new things that come to life.
  • Why twin pregnancy dreams - difficulties that will appear in the very near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy fori am a man - a dream to have children, create a strong family. At the moment, life will be a sharp turn in it.
  • Dream Interpretation Online: Dream Interpreter Pregnancy - Winning the Lottery. Pregnancy in a dream can tell you numbers that will help you win the lottery:

Dreamed of own pregnancy - 89;
  - dreamed of pregnancy pregnant - 59;
  - dreamed of someone else's pregnancy - 21;
  - Seen a pregnant woman in old age - 65;
  - dreamed of a pregnancy girl - 44.

Dream Wanga

The Bulgarian seer dreambook Vanga interpreted pregnancy in a dream as an early pregnancy in life. If a married woman sees pregnancy, twins will be born, if a girl - her chosen one is lying, she can be abused and abandoned.

Dream Interpretation

Sleep "Pregnancy" Loff value gives this:

Dream interpretation of Felomen

This dream interpretation of pregnancy interpretation reveals from a positive point of view. For the most part of dreams about pregnancy, the interpretation in this dream book is unequivocal - profit, changes for the better in life, in creative activity. If the dream about pregnancy is to see yourself in a position, then changes in your personal life, cash infusions into your budget are coming. If a woman dreamed of a pregnancy dream, she might give birth to twins, a monetary profit is possible. I had a positive pregnancy test - the dream interpretation explains how the dream of having a baby becomes stronger and stronger. Dream Interpretation: Pregnancy baby pushing - to big money, profit. If a man dreams about his wife’s pregnancy, he worries about his wife’s health, and he has strong real feelings. If you had a dream about a friend’s pregnancy, these are good changes in your girlfriend’s life. I had a dream about a miscarriage during pregnancy - a fear of responsibility that awaits you in connection with the upcoming changes in life. I dreamed about the pregnancy of my mother - the health and appearance of the mother will suffer great changes.

The latest dream book

Let's take a look at the dream interpretation book of dreams to see what pregnancy means.

  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy in a dream - the creation of a new, creative beginning, new potential, new ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: own pregnancy - an early pregnancy in real life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnancy test - a strong desire to become a waking mother.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy for a girl is betrayal of a chosen one, disappointment in love.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy and childbirth - profit, desire to have a baby, successful delivery.
  • Dream Interpretation: a friend’s pregnancy - a change in her life will be positive.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy by a girl - a girl will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy as a boy - a boy will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy with twins - serious cardinal changes in personal life
  • Dream Interpretation: blood, pregnancy - profit, surge of strength, the ability to resolve the most complex problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's pregnancy - a lot of money, a reward, a valuable gift.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sister's pregnancy is a pleasant good change in her life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a daughter’s pregnancy is a loss of control over her daughter, a serious confidential conversation is needed where you need to find out about the daughter’s problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: mom’s pregnancy - global changes will occur in the health and appearance of your mom, possibly not for the better.
  • Dream Interpretation: ultrasound, pregnancy - changes in life, a lot of money.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy, labor - a threat to health, possibly life, personal injury, accident.
  • Dream Interpretation: false pregnancy - hopes for a monetary reward or for profit in business will not come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy, baby moving - if the movement was obvious, right up to handprints - big profit, monetary reward.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy, childbirth - a tangible profit, a lot of money.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy in a dream, big belly - solid cash infusions.
  • Dream Interpretation: unwanted pregnancy - fear of changes in your life, loss of control over what is happening.

Dream interpretation common

The interpretation of dreams "pregnancy" this dream book gives a brief and unambiguous - changes in personal life. Also, the online dream book "pregnancy in an unmarried girl" is regarded as treason on the part of the partner, a shame, big trouble.

Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation Muslim pregnancy considers as grace, mercy of Allah. The husband saw in a dream his wife’s pregnancy, so earthly goods await him. The dream book also prepares the news of pregnancy to those who have seen this dream for a secular, peaceful life full of wealth.

Islamic dream book

The Islamic dream book "Pregnancy" is interpreted in the same way as the Muslim one. And what does it mean if you dreamed of pregnancy in an old woman? This is a disease, ailment. Muslims sincerely believe in dream books and treat their dreams very carefully and attentively.

Generalized dream book

This dream interpretation of pregnancy reduces dreams to one thing - this is a positive sign, your life includes changes for the better, the main thing is not to sit back and act.

Female dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: what pregnancy means - you are nurturing new plans, projects, ideas.
  • Pregnancy of a woman in a dream - an early pregnancy in reality.
  • The "interpretation of motherhood" is interpreted by the dream interpretation as follows: either the mother will soon become ill, or you will have strong patrons, guardian angels.
  • Dream Interpretation: a frozen pregnancy - if you are pregnant, a high probability of a miscarriage, if not, then there are big troubles in work, problems at home, in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big belly is pregnancy - you stroke it - a substantial monetary reward, you look at it with disgust - you are afraid to get pregnant.
  • Dream Interpretation: Pregnancy as a girl in a dream - minor troubles, because of which you will worry and be nervous.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnancy in a dream by a boy - career growth.

Dream Interpretation folk

Dream Interpretation of pregnancy interprets the same way as any other dream interpretation of a pregnancy. New beginnings are arising in your life that will turn your life in a completely different direction. The general interpretation of dreams "pregnancy" is practically no different from other dream books. Only the interpretation of dreams "pregnancy and childbirth" folk dream book gives a special place. If you had a dream "pregnancy and childbirth", you need to remember what feelings you experienced when you saw it. If the child was healthy, strong and joyful - you are guaranteed money and victory in business. If the child was crying, was weak - your expectations will not come true and your efforts will not be adequately appreciated. But if you had a positive pregnancy test, then everything will be fine.


We want to summarize all of the above. To unravel all your dreams, interpretation of pregnancy, we looked into the most popular dream interpretation of pregnancy interpretation and provided answers in a form convenient for you. They answered a lot of the most popular questions, looked into Vanga’s “Pregnancy” dream book, found how he answered the question “What is the dream of pregnancy for?” Miller. Ultimately, it turns out that in most cases the dream book interprets the meaning of dreams and pregnancy itself as the bearing of new ideas and plans. But depending on who sees the dream, the interpretations are naturally different. Therefore, our dream book of the meaning of dreams Pregnancy revealed as widely as possible.

Having plunged into a dream, from time to time we see amazing pictures that our subconscious gives us. Dreams are very different and when we wake up, we try to interpret them. For example, a dream about pregnancy. Why is he? What events in life can he talk about? Moreover, such night dreams are visited not only by women, but also, strangely enough, by men.

So why during pregnancy dreams of twins of boys or twins of girls? What events predict dreams of a boy or girl becoming pregnant? What do dream books say? What do psychologists think about this? Let's talk about this interesting topic today, on the site "Popular about Health":

Dreams of Pregnancy

Most old and more modern dream books interpret such a dream as the good news of fate. Seeing yourself pregnant means some good changes in life, the beginning of a successful stage. This is not surprising, because the birth of a new life in the real world always means happiness, the birth of an heir, the continuation of the clan.

Therefore, dreams about pregnancy are most often interpreted as a good sign, they mean profit, promotion, creative growth or the transition to a new stage in life. Although sometimes, some dream books interpret them not so positively.

For example, some interpreters promise the discovery of some new, unknown qualities. Others interpret such dreams as heralding losses or an unhappy marriage, or exposing a loved one to a betrayal or a lie.

By the way, several dream books promise a woman an early pregnancy in real life, and some of them warn about the birth of twins. But first things first:

Why dream of pregnancy with twins?

If a woman has a dream in which she is pregnant with twins of boys or girls, she can be sure that everything in her life, at least at this stage, is going well. The feeling of inner balance will not leave her for a long time. The clairvoyant Wang interprets such dreams in approximately the same way.

For a young girl, such a dream is also considered a good sign. It means that her real life will soon change, in the most favorable way. You can expect career growth, success in career or study. In addition, he portends a new love, and her new chosen one may in the future become her husband.

For an unmarried woman, such a dream means not very good changes. Sleep warns of possible grief, loss. Some dream books warn of deceit and slander. Such dreams indicate that it is necessary to be more careful and not to believe everything that they say.

If a married woman dreams of twin pregnancy, this means pleasant chores and serene family happiness.

But if her husband dreamed that his wife was pregnant with twins, this is an extremely favorable sign. Dream Interpretations interpret it as making big cash profits.

Why is a girl dreaming about pregnancy??

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant with a girl, a dream warns of the difficulties in her life. For a young girl, such a dream indicates the appearance, albeit small, but rather unpleasant troubles. For a married woman, this may mean that she will soon find out about the betrayal of her husband.

Although Miller’s dream book interprets such dreams as a good sign - getting good, good news.

Kind to introduce brings such a dream to persons who are preparing to become mothers in real life. For example, for pregnant women, if a girl dreams, a dream portends the birth of a boy.

Why is a boy dreaming about pregnancy??

According to Wang, such a dream means excitement and not very pleasant worries. For a young girl, sleep means gossip because of the romantic relationship that awaits her in the near future.

He talks to a man about finding new solutions and making a profit. But the pregnant woman promises a favorable solution to all problems and a happy future.

What psychologists say?

Experts in this field consider dreams the clues of our subconscious mind to find a solution to problems in real life. It is like a message of fate. In particular, psychologists consider the dreamed pregnancy a symbol of the origin of something new in life.

Sigmund Freud interpreted dreams of pregnancy as unfulfilled hopes and the desire of a woman to become a mother.

Modern psychologists advise remembering the sensations that a woman experiences after such a dream. Those feelings that you felt when you woke up will affect your reality.

In particular, violent emotions accompanied by fear, or a feeling of sadness and depression can be interpreted as the occurrence of a stressful situation in the near future, when solving a problem or implementing plans.

Calm or joyful sensations after waking up may indicate a positive solution to the problem, or the successful implementation of plans.

If, after sleeping about a twin baby, or a boy or a girl, you are weighed down by gloomy thoughts, psychologists advise you to think about whether everything suits you in real life? Perhaps you need to radically change something in your usual reality.

Any dreams basically reflect any problems, feelings or thoughts of the sleeper.   Any woman can see herself pregnant in a dream at least once in her life, regardless of status and age.

In various dream books, interpretations are sometimes completely contradictory, therefore, when deciphering any dream, it is imperative to take into account those feelings that have been experienced.

What does it mean to see yourself pregnant in a dream

In the Jewish dream book, pregnancy is always the birth of something, the beginning of a new path. If a woman sees herself in a position, this usually does not mean pregnancy in real life, most likely - new life turns and events.

If the dreamer actually dreams of a baby, it is quite possible that the dream reflects this cherished desire.

Freud's dream book explains such a dream as the emergence of a new serious relationship, the discovery of himself on the other side.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian says that   a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of a real pregnancy and replenishment in the family. When a woman’s intentions do not have such a goal, this may indicate successful transactions in business, a monetary reward.

If a woman is in an interesting position in reality, this dream may not mean anything special.

In the 21st century dream book, pregnancy appears in dreams of increasing the level of material well-being, financial stability, and the successful completion of work and projects that have begun.

  If you happen to see yourself pregnant in a dream - what you dream about, a dream book in many variations will tell you.

In the modern dream book there are two options for interpreting pregnancy for women:

  • now is the time to realize ideas and ideas, the result will not be long in coming;
  • manifestation of sluggish chronic diseases.

If the sleeping person is young, such a variant of sleep can predict a vivid and stormy romance.

Ukrainian dream interpretation decodes pregnancy as career planning, the growth of material well-being. The only exception is if he dreamed of not marrying a young girl: she would be betrayed, betrayed and deceived.

If you had to see yourself pregnant in a dream - what such a dream is about, the dream book will tell you, given all the details.

Dream Interpretation (interpretation): pregnancy in a dream for a woman with a stomach

The dream of an interesting position for a woman can be deciphered in different ways depending on the duration of pregnancy.

So, a dream in which a woman has a big belly and she is about to give birth, says that now the time has come for the embodiment of the most daring plans and ideas.

Of no less importance are feelings attending the sleeping woman at this time.   If she is afraid, feels insecurity, then in fact it is these feelings that will hinder the achievement of her tasks.

In general, a dream in which a long gestation period is beneficial. It may indicate an unexpected monetary reward.

The modern dream book gives various interpretations depending on the financial situation of the dreamer.   If a girl (woman) is wealthy, a dream about a big belly portends her ruin, loss of wealth, while a poor one - on the contrary, receiving money.

An important point!   Bad (as well as good) interpretations do not always have to be taken for granted. Sometimes there are just dreams that do not carry much meaning.

It is also believed that a pregnancy with a stomach can be dreamed on the eve of a joyful event or receiving unexpected pleasant news.

There is another, not entirely positive, decoding of such a dream: a woman is unhappy in marriage, has problems with children.

As an interpretation option, a big belly tells a woman about a possible conception. This does not apply to those representatives of the fair sex who are waking up trying to get pregnant. Such dreams in this case are a simple reflection of daytime events and desires.

Miller's Dream Book: Pregnancy and Birth

Miller's dream book gives a variety of interpretations of his own pregnancy and childbirth. It is enough to analyze the details of such a dream and compare it with real life.

Childbirth usually portends a major success in life,   the beginning of a streak of luck and the resolution of many long-standing problems.

If the birth takes place in a hospital under the supervision of an obstetrician, you can expect unpleasant events in your personal life. Having a baby on the floor at home means a woman’s strong desire to regain her past relationship.

If the dreamer is young and not married, such dreams can warn that she leads an immodest lifestyle, which could damage her reputation.

A woman in an interesting waking situation, pregnancy and childbirth from sleep portend easy birth   and quick recovery after that. For the unborn child, the interpretation is also the most favorable.

Why dream of seeing yourself pregnant in a dream: Vanga’s dream book

The predictions and prophecies made by this Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer are fulfilled exactly to this day, so her dream book can be completely trusted.

For a young girl, a dream about her pregnancy is not the best.   He is trying to warn her from starting a new relationship, which, apart from the disappointment of the sleeping woman, will bring nothing. Also, such a dream suggests that the girl is waiting for gossip, intrigue behind her back.

Note!   If a woman dreams of pregnancy in the later stages and at the same time she clearly feels the baby pushing inside, this means that she has only favorable twists of fate ahead.

If such dreams are visited by a lady who is far from reproductive age, this indicates that her life will soon have troubles and experiences that will concern only her.

Successful childbirths add a positive moment to decoding: all troubles will leave quickly and without a trace.

As an option of interpretation, there may be upcoming health problems and their overcoming. Gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys are at stake.

A pregnant woman in a dream dream of Vanga predicts a happy birth in the near future.

What is the dream of pregnancy: the birth of a child (boy and girl)


Women who in a dream could become the mother of their son, in the very near future expect career growth or success in business. After all a male baby personifies perseverance in the implementation of goals.

Miller's dream interpretation interprets such a dream as raising his social status, and if the dreamer is not married - a possible marriage proposal.

A dream ending in the birth of an heir is always towards improving financial well-being.

Freud pays more attention to the emotional component of life, therefore, in accordance with his dream book, the birth of a boy portends the meeting of his second half.

In Loff's dream book it is indicated that a woman who sees a newborn in her dream is resisting all possible forces of a possible pregnancy.

When a son is born in a home environment, this means that very soon calm, comfort and prosperity will settle here.


The birth of a female child in a dream suggests that the dreamer is expecting something new, unknown.   It is likely that a new period begins in her life.

If the girl is young, most likely after such a dream it is possible to receive unexpected news, which can dramatically change her whole life.

Often such dreams are visited by those who in real life really want a baby.

To a pregnant woman, this dream portends good health and a successful birth.

The resumption of romance in a relationship symbolizes the birth of a daughter in a dream for an adult, already held in the life of a woman.

If a daughter was born at home, this predicts the beginning of a white streak in life. BUT a girl who looks like a sleeping woman symbolizes great happiness, success in the professional field, good health and good luck in everything.

Why dream of someone else’s pregnancy (of another person)

It is not always possible to see one’s pregnancy in a dream, often a familiar or unfamiliar woman can act as a future mother. Such dreams also have their own interpretation.

If you happen to see the pregnant woman not yourself, in order to find out what it is dreaming of, the dream book requires you to remember who was in the position.

Seeing a pregnant woman unfamiliar in a dream

When a beautiful, well-groomed pregnant unfamiliar woman appears in a dream, this portends an unexpected profit, although it will take a lot of effort.

If a stranger is ugly and it’s unpleasant to look at her - to feelings and troubles.

When deciphering such a dream, the emotional state of the woman who met in a dream plays a role.

If the pregnant woman cries, swears or is nervous - financial losses await the sleeping woman; if he’s happy, he laughs, the opportunity to climb the career ladder will soon turn up.

To dream in a dream a pregnant woman (girl)

This dream can mean various events, interpretation should be made, taking into account small details from sleep and facts of real life.

If in a dream that acquaintance who awaits a baby is met in reality, this does not mean anything, but simply reflects current events. A meeting in this position of an old acquaintance whom we had not seen for a long time symbolizes an unexpected meeting and the resumption of friendship.

Unfamiliar pregnant woman promises unexpected material gains   or a long-planned major acquisition.

Prophetic dreams are most often remembered very clearly. While empty, meaning nothing, they are often obscure and confused.

For pregnant women, such dreams carry light and painless childbirth.

What is the dream of a friend’s pregnancy

A beloved friend's pregnancy is basically a good sign.

But some dream books give negative deciphers:

  • mild malaise;
  • loss of an insignificant share of capital invested in any project;
  • active actions of ill-wishers and envious persons;
  • possible quarrel with this girlfriend from sleep.

What good is a friend in an interesting position in a dream:

  • marriage in the very near future, relocation;
  • complete and quick recovery (if a woman is sick);
  • making easy profit;
  • implementation of creative projects or opening your own business.

If a friend is pregnant in life, then such a dream means easy delivery for her.

What is mom's pregnancy dream about?

One of the most common transcripts - everything that was planned and planned will be implemented.   Also, a dreaming pregnant mother can predict the appearance of a rich patron in the life of her daughter in the family or at work.

Most often, a mother in an interesting position in a dream promises a solution to material issues. We are talking about unexpected income: winnings, inheritance, gift.

Caution!   If the dream itself was disturbing and restless, its meaning is reversed.

When a mother gives birth in a dream, this is a hardship along the way.   If the sleeping woman takes birth herself, you can be sure: very soon she will meet a good reliable person who can become a reliable life partner.

Why is a daughter dreaming about a mother’s pregnancy?

The value of sleep about the daughter’s pregnancy is generally positive. Joyful events, good news await the whole family. This dream is a hint that the daughter chose (or will choose) a decent person as her companions.

Moreover the term of an interesting position also matters:

  • early - the daughter will soon become pregnant in reality;
  • late - grandchildren are not yet in sight.

Sleep becomes negative in the event that the mother is unpleasantly surprised or unhappy with the position of her daughter.

To dream of a pregnant woman (relative)

The closer the pregnant woman is to the dreamer, the more important events await her. Such dreams often come as a warning of possible difficulties.

If the sensations after sleep are joyful, then the difficulties will be insignificant and fleeting. Unpleasant feelings indicate that the goal may be unattainable.

What is the dream of a sister’s pregnancy (native or cousin)

The basic meaning of the dream about the sister is in the position: soon in life there will be new prospects for profit, and this can apply to the whole family.

Also it all depends on which sister you dreamed of:

  1. A pregnant sibling carries joyful news for the sleeping woman.
  2. If the sister is step-by-step - intrusive attention from relatives.
  3. Cousin - the appearance of a certain problem that will disappear soon.
  4. If the sister is not married - in reality she will soon start a family.
  5. I had a dream about a sister who is not really - a difficult test for the one who sees a dream. But if she gave birth in a dream - a difficult situation will be solved by itself.
  6. Huge wealth awaits the woman who, in a dream, singled out several pregnant sisters. The number of girls indicates the sources of cash income.

See yourself pregnant by status

The interpretation of sleep also depends on the status of the woman.   Next will be considered the dreams of a married or unmarried woman, girl.

What is the dream of pregnancy (own) for a married woman

According to Vanga's dream book for a married lady, such dreams predict the birth of twins or twins.

Miller's dream book, on the contrary, gives a poor prognosis - a woman expects major quarrels with her husband, a divorce is possible.

Why does a woman (girl) have a lonely (unmarried) pregnancy?

For a woman single or unmarried, such a dream does not bring anything good. This is a kind of warning that you should be more discriminating in communications.

If she continues to behave too frivolously, she may find herself in a shameful situation.

In some dream books, this dream is interpreted as a possible deception by the beloved.

Why dream of a virgin pregnancy

For a very young person, such dreams also have basically a negative decoding:

  • warning of cheating or betrayal;
  • reflection of fear of intimacy;
  • deterioration of her health condition is possible (if the girl is sick).

In principle, the dream of a pregnant virgin suggests that the sleeping person wants to get something impossible.

Pregnancy in a dream, which means the gender of the child

If in a dream about pregnancy the sex of the unborn child is known, then such dreams have the following interpretation.

Why is a girl dreaming about pregnancy?

Oddly enough, but such nightly dreams are often visited by those women who in real life do not want to get pregnant.

Many dream books pregnancy by a girl is considered as a message about a conception that occurred in reality.

Felomene's dream interpretation interprets it as receiving a gift in the very near future. Moreover - this gift will be necessary and very pleasant.

Why is a boy dreaming about pregnancy?

From unpleasant interpretations - there is a risk of getting into a car accident.

If the woman is actually pregnant at the moment, this dream can mean a rapid birth.

Good values \u200b\u200bfor son pregnancy in a dream:

  • getting a new, higher position or raising salaries;
  • receipt of a large amount of money.

Why dream of pregnancy with twins

When a dream of such a content occurred in a truly pregnant woman, it is likely that it will be prophetic. Everyone else needs to be especially careful in the near future, be more attentive to their health.

Various interpretations of this dream are offered depending on the material state of the sleeping person.

For the poor, this dream means an opportunity to get rich, for the wealthy - on the contrary, the risk of losing their fortune.

Why dream a frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, such dreams bring nothing good: if there is a pregnancy in real life - a miscarriage is possible, if a woman is not pregnant - major domestic and work troubles.

Bad sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is subject to various fears, which can be expressed through dreams. What to expect the future mother if she had a bad dream.

Why dream a miscarriage during pregnancy

Whatever the nightmare is, it does not necessarily dream of bad events, and very rarely turns out to be prophetic.

It is possible that such a dream portends an unexpected end to problems, exemption from what tormented for a long time.

For a future mother, such terrible pictures emerge because of a logical fear for the life and health of the baby.

Why bleeding during pregnancy

Miller, one of the few interpreters, believes that bleeding for a pregnant woman is about health problems or problems from ill-wishers.

The rest of the dream books interpret such nightmares much more positively:

  • safe delivery (childbirth in a sense is a loss for the body);
  • the birth of a healthy baby;
  • childbirth can begin ahead of schedule, but everything goes well.

Moreover, such a night vision can reflect anxieties and fears, to one degree or another, inherent in every woman in the situation.

Orgasm during sleep during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience a phenomenon such as an orgasm during sleep.   They are often afraid of such a state, and in vain: an orgasm actually only benefits the fetus and the woman herself.

This is because the hormonal restructuring of the body begins, the flow of blood to the pelvic organs increases.

At this time, the pregnant woman sleeps very restlessly, she may even wake up from strong sensations.

Interesting!   Orgasms in a woman’s sleep can be experienced not only during traditional sex with her husband, but also from the caresses, touches of absolutely strangers (possibly even their gender).

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy Test

Often a pregnancy test may be dreamed. Such dreams are interpreted depending on the position of the woman.

Why dream a positive pregnancy test

If a woman is in an interesting position, this dream can mean for her:

If a woman is not married or not pregnant:

  • a quarrel with a husband or friend;
  • unpleasant conversations, gossip;
  • losses and losses are possible.

Had a one-strip pregnancy test

A test with a single strip is usually dreamed of destroying hopes and plans.   It can portend losses (not only material).

For pregnant women, it can symbolize possible problems during childbirth, therefore, it is necessary to treat this with all responsibility.

In general, the dream about the test says that at the moment there is some kind of choice, which needs to be done, but the sleeping one does not dare. It is from this fateful decision that the further development of events depends.

How to find out about pregnancy in a dream

During the period of the birth of a new life, a woman's hormonal background changes, which affects the content of dreams.

Therefore, those representatives of the fair sex who are attentive to their dreams often find out about their interesting position long before the first results on the test. Moreover, for each of them it can be completely different subjects.

What dreams portend pregnancy

Fish - dream of pregnancy

Of all the dreams that portend pregnancy, dreams of fish and its species occupy a leading position. True, the fish in such a dream must be alive or fresh (if the dreamer eats it).

What dreams about pregnancy, except for fish

Of the possible options for dream predictions about pregnancy, there are:

  1. Simple clean clear water - calm blue sea, a beautiful aquarium, lake.
  2. Stork or swans.
  3. Butterflies (especially if you catch them).
  4. Mushroom picking.
  5. Swimming in clear water, swimming in the sea or lake.
  6. Cabbage.
  7. Lotus flower.
  8. Cornflowers (flowers).
  9. Pearls.

Pregnancy of a woman is an excellent condition both in a dream and in reality. It must be remembered that sleep is just a reflection of our everyday emotions, sometimes a warning.   But one should not take interpretations too seriously.

From this video you will learn why - to see yourself pregnant in a dream, what such a dream is, and what dream books say.

This video is an interpretation of a girl’s pregnancy dream.

When a person goes into a dream, he sees different pictures that his subconscious gives out. Sometimes they are folded into a whole plot, but it happens that they look ridiculous, but in any case, every event in a dream is a message from your consciousness or fate.

It can warn you of trouble or point out something very important, which is worth paying special attention to. There are many approaches to the interpretation of dreams, often they differ significantly or even contradict each other, but what to believe from all this is up to you to choose.

What is the dream of pregnancy? The most complete interpretation of this dream we offer in this article.

What is the dream of pregnancy in Miller’s dream book

Pregnancy according to Miller has many meanings. For the one who is really waiting for the baby to appear soon, it means that she has nothing to worry about childbirth: everything will pass without complications and she will recover quickly.

When such a dream does not occur to a pregnant woman, it only means a dysfunctional marriage, a difficult relationship with her husband, problems in family life. To a virgin in a dream to be pregnant - to suffer shame and discussion.

Pregnancy - Wangi's Dream Book

What is the dream of pregnancy in Wangi's dream book - the great forecaster? If a married woman dreamed of pregnancy, then she should be ready for the birth of twins.

For an unmarried girl, this dream does not mean anything good. This is a sign that her young man is lying and dishonorable.

Pregnancy in a dream - Freud's interpretation

Often, such dreams become a symbol of a desire to have children or a subconscious readiness for this. Perhaps the woman is already pregnant, she just does not know about it yet.

It happens that pregnancy in a dream means that you have unfulfilled hopes and plans for a sexual plan. If you have recently had a replacement partner, such a dream is a sign that this relationship is much warmer and more favorable for you than the previous ones.

Pregnancy in a Dream - Interpretation by David Loff

In fact, anyone dreams of pregnancy, regardless of gender and age. Often, it signals a transition from the stage of childhood to youth, puberty, and profit.

Young girls who dream of becoming a mother, but are not able to do this right now, pregnancy in a dream is a signal of awakening the instinct of procreation.

Girls who live an active sex life, but who do not want to give birth to children right now, dream of pregnancy in connection with the monthly cycle. When the moment of menstruation comes, or the delay begins, an involuntary thought about an unwanted pregnancy creeps into the head.

That girl who is really pregnant, such a dream may not portend anything. Due to constant thoughts about this beautiful state, mentions may arise in a dream, both terrible and nightmare, and ridiculous absurd.

There are also types of dreams that indicate the death of a loved one, personal problems, adultery, termination of pregnancy due to an accident or for any other unpleasant reason.

What is the dream of pregnancy in the dream book of Khamidova

A pregnant woman can not worry: this dream speaks of an easy pregnancy and a successful birth. If a woman is not pregnant, she may have problems in family life.

For a virgin, such a dream predicts a failed marriage, a bad husband and similar problems.

What is the dream of pregnancy in Tsvetkov’s dream book

A girl who sees her pregnancy will be cheated. A pregnant woman in a dream - in life she will rejoice, and feel a sense of pride.

For a man, pregnancy predicts bold plans for the future. But if a pregnant woman dreamed about you, then such a dream does not mean anything good. This is a problem.

Pregnancy in a dream according to Hasse

If you are pregnant in a dream, then you have big plans for the future. What result to expect, you need to look in the remaining details of sleep, their meaning.

When a pregnant other woman dreamed, then you are in trouble and trouble. Although it will be difficult, but you need to endure with dignity all the misfortunes.

Dream Interpreter Semyonova - what does it mean to have a pregnancy

A woman has such a dream when she is already pregnant, but still does not know, or in the near future this will happen to her.

When a woman is already in a position and sees such dreams, she need not worry - childbirth will be easy, the child will be born healthy and strong.

A man dreams about pregnancy when he wants to become a father. He so desires it, that even in a dream, the subconscious mind does not rest from this thought.

Why dream about an English dream book

A married woman will give birth to twins if she dreams that she is pregnant.

An unmarried girl should take a closer look at her young man. A dream about pregnancy indicates his dishonesty and selfishness. Maybe it's better to give it up.

Meneghetti's interpretation of sleep

Such a dream is an occasion to reflect on yourself and your feelings. Think about who you bore, what you felt from it, what feelings you experienced. This is what you have in yourself in reality.

Moon Dream Book

A young woman can count on good news and pleasant surprises.

A young girl should beware of being cheated.

Why dream a positive pregnancy test

A positive test in a dream, in any case, means some important events, changes in life, but still, each interpretation has its own nuances.

If you see a positive pregnancy test in a dream, then the sleeping person has already had to think or talk about this topic. Especially this dream is repeated among those who have long dreamed of children, but in no way can have them for various reasons.

For a married woman, a positive pregnancy test promises problems in family life. In an older woman, a positive test in a dream predicts an early illness and serious health problems.

From Thursday to Friday, a dream about a positive pregnancy test can come true, so if you do not plan to have children, pay special attention to contraception.

A young girl who sees in a dream a positive pregnancy test passes from childhood to adulthood. For a man, a positive pregnancy test means profit and prosperity of the business, good luck in business.

Why dream a pregnancy a girl or a boy, twins

When you dream that you are pregnant and the child is moving, it means that you have some urgent work, but for some reason you have started it, and now you have to return to it.

Pregnancy girl

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is waiting for a girl, but she really wants it, perhaps such a dream became the reason for her dreams and expectations.

Older people claim that pregnancy with a girl foreshadows some gift, good news, a generous gift, an incredible event.

Pregnancy boy

The boy in all dreams predicts some troubles, proceedings, problems. Perhaps you have to change the housing or at work you will be sent on a long business trip. In any dream book the interpretation is similar, the boy promises obstacles.

Pregnancy Twins

A woman who really wants to get pregnant can dream about twins. Such a dream about pregnancy is the fruit of her mental state. Or the woman is already pregnant and her subconscious is trying to tell her about it.

If she did not dream about pregnancy, it means that soon there will be some changes, and in double measure. For a man, pregnancy with twins (his or her spouse - it doesn’t matter) always means profit in large volumes.

Also, pregnancy with twins means that a hypocritical person has appeared in your circle, and if you do not protect him from yourself, you may suffer. Twins are a sign that you are communicating, as it were, simultaneously with two people in one person.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy of a man, daughter, sister. Own pregnancy in a dream

And what is the dream of the pregnancy of friends and relatives in? To observe a pregnancy in a dream means in life to pay special attention to someone, look at his career growth, changes in character traits.

Dream Interpretation - a man’s pregnancy

A woman may dream a pregnant man when she wants protection and patronage. If she has all of this, perhaps she will soon have big changes that will make a lot of noise, and everyone will talk about it.

If you dreamed of a pregnant acquaintance, you may very much doubt him, do not trust him. He is not worth it to communicate closely with him and rely on his help.

If a man sees himself pregnant, then this is good. This means that his undertakings will end very happily, a fruitful period begins in his life and one should not be afraid of difficulties - he will overcome them. All court proceedings will be decided in his favor, and a promotion is possible in the service, which will favorably affect the salary.

Pregnancy of a woman in a dream - dream book

If a pregnant woman dreams, it means that you will soon be enveloped in some gossip, confusion and deceit. But if you lie with her, very soon there will be positive changes.

A drunk pregnant woman talks about gossip and confusion. If the pregnant is your girlfriend, get ready for the chores. For her, this dream is good, perhaps she will soon become a mother.

Mom's Pregnancy - The Interpretation of Sleep

Perhaps your mother wants to get pregnant again and have a baby, as she has already raised you and is ready to take up this role again.

See daughter's pregnancy

Daughter’s pregnancy is often dreamed not as a prediction, but as revealing her dreams. She wants to have a child from a specific person. Perhaps she is already pregnant or you are just afraid that she will not become pregnant right now.

Dream Interpretation - Sister Pregnancy

A pregnant sister dreams of wealth and prosperity. Be prepared for the fact that you will be offered deals on favorable terms.

A woman who does not have a real sister, but dreamed that she is, should be expected to be promoted for hard, honest and painstaking work.

An elderly woman who sees a pregnant sister in a dream may expect a small inheritance from a deceased relative.

One who sees several pregnant sisters at once can be happy, because this is a sign of imminent wealth and income from several sources.

A pregnant sister dreams of a man whose only brothers are a sign that his close friend may betray, and the friendship between them was only out of mercantile motives.

Why dream your own pregnancy

You can dream of your own pregnancy if you expect failure, difficulties, problems on a personal front. Get ready, an ambulance with your husband is possible.



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