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Dream interpretation car accident. Why dream of an accident? Deep analysis and detailed interpretation

An accident is a very unpleasant event, even in real life, and here you managed to see the accident in a dream. The interpretation of the "accident" dream in all its diversity will be presented in this section. Many dream books tend to agree that if you had an accident in a dream, this is prophetic dream. Whether you yourself made an accident or you became only an observer of it, it does not matter at all. The main thing is to pay attention to what feelings you experienced immediately after waking up, how strong the experiences were, how negative. It is advisable to look into the dream book: why the accident is dreaming, into the dream book: interpretation of dreams "accident" and into the dream book: I had an accident. After all, this dream, as it were, warns us - be careful, especially in the next week. So what does an accident mean in a dream? Let's figure it out.

Modern dream book

  • If you had a dream that you had an accident, expect unfavorable circumstances, both at work and at home. Pay special attention to your health.
  • If you managed to avoid an accident in a dream - no matter what difficulties fate promises you in the next week, you will adequately resolve them.
  • I dreamed of an accident on the road, but you were only a witness to it - troubles only touch you, you will worry, but you will not suffer much either physically or mentally.
  • In a dream, to see a car accident from the outside or the consequences of such a thing, remember the Russian proverb “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself”, i.e. in the coming days, rely only on your strength and your mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: an airplane crash is a negative sign warning of difficult times ahead. A plane crash in a dream says that you can become a victim of an unforeseen situation, deceit or disappointment.

The latest dream book

Any traffic accident in a dream with any consequences is a warning. Be careful during the week, watch your health, refuse to travel, and in the evening, if possible, stay at home. The dream book considers an accident in a dream as receiving unpleasant news.

Family dream book

  • Why dream of a car accident? This is a warning of trouble. If there are troubles at work, then the dream warns of a possible dismissal or a strong conflict between employees and you. Try to think over your every word and action, otherwise all plans will collapse.
  • Why dream of a train accident? To the loss of money. So keep an eye on your wallet or handbag as you walk down the street.
  • If in a dream you were on a ship and it crashed, in reality you may lose a friend or be disappointed in a loved one.
  • Seeing a car accident in a dream, but not participating in it - there will be a profit that you will receive due to the mistakes of other people.
  • The "bus accident" dream says that if you make mistakes and blame them on other people, you will not be exposed.
  • The dream book interprets the accident of a friend whom you helped in your dream as receiving news from him about a real trouble.
  • If you had a dream about an “accident with victims”, then you will have no prospects in commercial affairs, and there will be discord in sexual relations with a partner, which will lead to a lack of pleasure.

Universal dream book

  • Seeing an accident in a dream is a sign that some kind of trouble will happen. Sleep car accident warns you that in the near future be careful. And pay attention to your health.
  • A universal dream book to avoid an accident is interpreted as a worthy way out of your confusing and difficult situation.
  • What does it mean when you dream of an accident? It may also mean that you will meet such a person on your life path, which you will never forget later, it will be a truly bright, crazy and insane passion.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

You had a dream "car accident" - bad sign. Perhaps at work, your relationship with superiors and colleagues will deteriorate. Be prepared for this and think about what you're going to say so you don't hurt yourself later. This dream book to see an accident in a dream, but not to participate in it, says that all the troubles, although they will happen next to you, will not affect you personally.

Women's dream book (eastern)

  • Did you dream that you had an accident? For women, the dream book regards the "accident on the road" as follows - your plans for the next seven days will be disrupted due to absolutely unexpected things.
  • You saw from the side how the cars collided - something will happen to your relatives or best friend, this will all affect you, you will worry quite seriously.
  • If you dream that you had an accident, and you were there next to dead friends or relatives, postpone all car, plane and train trips for the next week.

200,000 dream interpretations

  • Dream Interpretation, to see a car accident, is interpreted as a prediction of tragic events in your life, which will shake you up to a personal drama. If you had a dream, you had an accident, then you may be drawn against your will into a lawsuit, some kind of proceedings. Or maybe a dream warns that your rash steps will lead to the collapse of plans. Think about it.
  • Why dream of your own accident? Those. it was your fault that it happened. This dream book sees an accident as a breakdown in your affairs, a deterioration in relations either in the family or among colleagues.
  • A "train accident" is regarded by a dream as a loss of funds.
  • A shipwreck is a disappointment in a friend, a loved one.
  • I dreamed of a bus accident - you write off your failures on others, while remaining “clean”.
  • A motorcycle is a symbol of work. If you ride a motorcycle, then in reality you are independent at work and can organize a holiday or event on your own, but a motorcycle accident is a bad sign. A dream interpretation of a motorcycle accident is interpreted as a scandal at work, up to and including dismissal.
  • To die in an accident in a dream is to lose property, a lot of money. Or vice versa, live happy long life.

Erotic dream book

If you dreamed of a car accident - do not be discouraged, some kind of meeting and insane passion awaits you. It will overtake you by accident, but it will leave such a bright mark on your life that you will remember it for many years as the happiest moments.

Freud's dream book

  • In a dream, I had an accident - you can be overtaken by an all-consuming insane passion for a rather extraordinary person. Love, if it is short, is unforgettable. You will never forget moments of happiness with this person.
  • The dream book interprets a "car accident without victims" either as an acquaintance in real life in a car with this unique person of your dreams, or as an unforgettable romantic trip by car.
  • If you had a dream "a friend had an accident", then soon there will be a serious conflict with him.

Erotic dream book Danilova

What does an accident in a dream mean? Any movement is life, fast movement is a stormy personal life, but the erotic dream book of an accident regards an accident as an unexpected stormy romance that will swallow you completely.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga's dream book interprets the accident exclusively with a fatal outcome. If you see your own death, then you are a long-liver, and your life will not only be long, but also happy. You are the messenger of God on Earth, you are good.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

An accident in a dream dream book prophesies to failure. The meaning of sleep "accident" is seen as a psychological internal conflict with others.

Miller's dream book

  • In a dream, I had an accident, which means you will have difficulties in the near future. Never dismiss such dreams, because Miller's dream book has an accident as a warning about something very unpleasant. Try to take some measures, correct your behavior, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Forewarned is forearmed”.
  • Why dream of avoiding an accident? This dream means that you will get out of the most difficult situation dry and even strengthen your authority among employees.
  • Why dream of seeing an accident from the side? This is an occasion to seriously think about your behavior, immediately decide something and improve relationships. Try to take control of the current bad situation in order to control the actions of other people.
  • This dream book "Accident, corpses" is trying to interpret as misfortune, sad news, disappointments in love, lack of sexual pleasures.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • I dreamed of a car accident - your affairs will be arranged in the best way.
  • I dreamed of an accident with victims - difficulties await you that you cannot overcome alone, so do not neglect the help of people who will offer it themselves. The dream book also interprets an accident with victims as a threat to your property.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

The interpretation of dreams "car accident" in this dream book is presented in great detail. The dream "Accident" is considered by the dream book from all sides:

  • Dream Interpretation: a car accident - you witnessed an accident in a dream, which means that in real life you will meet with an ambitious narrow-minded person with an unpleasant conversation with him.
  • Dream Interpretation: to get into an accident - a vehicle ran over you, but did not injure you, which means that troubles will bypass you.
  • You yourself ran into a person or knocked him down during an accident, then the upcoming vacation will be ruined.
  • If in a dream you were sure that now you will have an accident, but it did not happen by a happy coincidence, then you will adequately get out of the most slippery and unpleasant situation and avoid collisions without conflict.
  • Why dream of an airplane crash? It promises in reality confusion in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: train accident - train crash or collision - changes in life. If a freight train is financial activities if passenger - in personal.
  • An accident on a ship, steamer or boat dreams of a successful resolution of even the most difficult case.
  • This dream book to die in an accident at sea warns that your help close person will be at great risk to you.
  • If in a dream you saw a sinking ship from the side, then you will soon need help.
  • The dream "motorcycle accident" says that you will be very disappointed in your friend.

Noble dream book Grishina

"Accident, corpses" dream - if you saw corpses at the scene of an accident, then you need to remember what feeling they aroused in you. If the corpse is terrible, you are in deep melancholy. If the corpse was in the blood - you will have a surge of vitality. If the corpse did not cause you bad emotions, then everything will be fine, happiness in the family and a good relationship at work.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Any accident warns you - stop, think, slow down. So why dream of an accident? If an accident occurs on the ground, your physical body, on the water - an emotional body, and in the sky - a spiritual one. Listen, they are exhausted and want a stop, a respite. Understand yourself, what do you really expect from life and want to get from it?

If you dream of an accident on a car with blood, then this dream book of an accident interprets blood in different ways. During the accident, you saw bright blood in a dream - a symbol of energy and vitality. If bleeding - loss of strength, moral exhaustion, anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima

  • The dream "accident on the road" is a warning dream. Look again at the upcoming cases and think through all your actions step by step.
  • Dream Interpretation: the car had an accident, and you were not injured at the same time - all errors will be written off, there will be enough skill and strength to adequately get out of a delicate situation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of "car accident" dreams boils down to the following - the collapse of all your expectations, hopes and dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

  • The “accident” dream says that changes will come in relations with your spouse (wife), in which direction it depends on you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

What does it mean if you had an accident? This means that you are suicidal, and this tendency is implicit. However, for any stressful situation you will solve the problem by suicide. Remember the people who were in your dream during the accident: the driver, the interlocutor, the people from the other car involved in it, the pilot of the aircraft, the captain of the ship, in general, all the people involved in this dream. One of these people has a detrimental effect on you by sending death signals and thoughts of suicide on a subconscious level.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Why dream of a bus accident? You are haunted by the thought of suicide, but everyone will decide that a completely innocent person is to blame.

English dream book

The British are more optimistic about dream accidents. Their dream book interprets an accident in a dream as an opportunity to cope with the personal grief that you are experiencing at the moment. Dream Interpretation: why dream of an accident at sea - an ambulance in love.

Gypsy dream book

This dream book is to see an accident, and no matter what kind and with what consequences, it interprets it as a misfortune in your family or at work. You are also gnawed by conscience and a terrible sense of guilt about an unworthy act. Try to fix something, or at least apologize.

Esoteric dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream of an accident? Dream Interpretation: a car accident - dreams of arranging some kind of business that could not be completed in any way.
  • If a friend or acquaintance has an accident, then someone will help you in solving the problem.
  • If you are the victim of an accident, then whatever you do will benefit.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bus accident in a dream - something negatively affects your plans, interfering with their implementation.


Summarizing the above, we can say that the dream "Car Accident" is a warning dream. The dream "Car accident" seems to be telling us: stop, think over all your steps, all your claims, work through all the upcoming dialogues carefully so as not to get into a mess. Any dream book interprets an accident as something not good. Only the dream of “seeing the accident from the outside” consoles us a little. If "Accident", then there you will find all of the above interpretations.

A dreamed accident promises a meeting in reality and a long explanation with a narrow-minded, but ambitious person - this is if you observe the events taking place in a dream, as if from the outside.

Another thing is to be a participant in the accident. In this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from the opposing forces.

If at the same time you were run over by any terrestrial vehicle- you will surely avoid any complications and troubles.

If you yourself hit as a result of an accident - in reality, do not expect satisfaction from the rest that you decided to afford.

If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

An accident that happened on board an airliner promises you many new plans that can bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.

accident on sea ​​vesselgood news, to success in a difficult matter.

If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you a lot of risk.

If trouble did not befall you at sea, then you yourself will need the protection and help of a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing an accident in a dream

Participation in a transport accident or presence in the event of a breakdown of equipment, any machine or unit indicates violations in the activity of the genital organs or fear for their functioning, which can be caused by physical or emotional overload.

Several breakdowns or accidents in one dream speak of the fear of death.

To get into an accident or under a vehicle means the desire for sexual intercourse.

The presence of relatives or close people during an accident or breakdown indicates a brewing conflict with them, which you are still holding back.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

See in a dream an accident

Accident - On the road - to the arrangement of affairs. Seeing an accident - someone will help you settle your affairs. Get into an accident yourself - your steps will benefit the cause.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do dreams mean Accident

The dream in which you witnessed an accident is a sign that you will be drawn into trial or your rash actions will lead to the collapse of plans.

Your partners will make claims to you, and you will have to make excuses for a long time. The dream warns that trouble awaits you and you may lose your place.

A train accident in your dream portends a loss of money, and a shipwreck portends the loss of friends and disappointment in love.

If in a dream you witnessed an accident, but have nothing to do with it, then the dream promises you profit, which itself goes into your hands, thanks to an oversight committed by other people.

To help the victim in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a friend in trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Accident

An accident in a dream portends a stormy all-destroying passion for a very extraordinary person. Unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss await you, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Sleep Meaning Accident

An unpleasant surprise along the way. Seeing an accident from the outside - some unplanned event will disrupt the plans of your close friends. This will indirectly affect your expectations for changes for the better.

Imagine that the accident ends happily. All remained alive, and the damage was compensated many times over.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Accident

An accident in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

If you dreamed that you were in a car accident, get ready for any unforeseen circumstances. Special attention devote to health.

If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, in life you will honorably get out of a confusing situation.

If in a dream you only witnessed a catastrophe, then some unforeseen circumstances will occur, but will not cause you much harm.

Seeing only the consequences of the disaster, in reality try not to rely on others. Then all your plans will be fulfilled on time.

An accident can be dreamed of as a harbinger of a stormy, all-consuming passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. Perhaps you will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss that will forever remain in your memory.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does an accident predict in a dream

If you see any accident in a dream, you have to deal with a stupid, stupid person.

Your participation in the accident means a collision, a conflict with people who are hostile to you.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see an accident in a dream

To have an accident - to a quarrel, a scandal with a person close to you, followed by a possible reconciliation. A serious conflict with a commanding person is not excluded.

Interpretation of dreams from

An accident on the road is a terrible sight. As the dream books suggest, the plot in which the dreamer becomes a participant in an accident is a warning about imminent unpleasant events. Set aside for a while things that do not require an urgent decision, and those with which there is no way to delay - think carefully. When interpreting what a car accident is dreaming of, do not forget to take into account the details seen in the dream.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of an accident on the road, and you see that smoke is swirling over the cars, then this means that troubles await you at work, ranging from strained relations with the team to open confrontation.

The interpreter also does not bode well for girls who saw a car accident in a dream. Such a vision means meeting an imposing man who, in fact, turns out to be a gigolo and a womanizer.

What vehicle was involved in the accident

The details of the dream have a great influence on the interpretation of sleep. If you want to understand what the accident on the road is dreaming of, consider what kind of vehicle crashed in a dream:

  • car - do not hit the road;
  • bus - to misunderstanding with loved ones;
  • truck - problems at work will spoil your mood;
  • ambulance - you will need a "kind word";
  • a police or fire truck - to problems with the authorities.

Get off with fright, or Danger does not sleep

What is the dream of an accident on the road, having got into which, you miraculously avoided injuries, Pastor Loff's dream book will tell you. Troubles await you, the consequences of which can have a detrimental effect on your career, but you will still be able to “turn” the course of events in a safe direction.

Did you dream of a car accident in which many people died, and you weren’t even scared? You will become an accidental participant in a large conflict, but thanks to strong angel Keeper, this story will not touch you in any way.

The deplorable consequences of the accident, as a symbol of trouble

Seeing a car accident in a dream in which you were severely injured is a sign that it is time to start thinking before doing something, Tsvetkov’s dream book broadcasts. You rely on "maybe" when doing any risky actions. Keep in mind that luck will not "smile" at you forever. Especially if you are the culprit of the car accident in a dream.

Even worse, if you dreamed that an accident on the road put an end to your earthly existence, claims Eastern dream book. Problems and failures will be drawn to you in a string, making life unbearable.

Seeing from the side is a sign of help and patronage

To all those who dreamed that they witnessed an accident on the road, Vanga's dream book recommends moderating your ardor in communicating with people around you. You allow yourself too many liberties. Better lend a helping hand critical moment they will appreciate it.

Many of you probably had such a dream in which you got into a car accident. Why dream of a car accident with my participation, with or without victims? What can this dream portend and how to interpret it correctly? The most terrible dream is to see death in a car. Witnessing a car accident or becoming a victim of it - both cases will bring negative, disturbing emotions. Since many of us are fond of driving and in some cases do not even see life without it, the question is: why dream of a car accident, does this portend a tragedy in reality? Let's take a closer look...

Many car enthusiasts worry about their car, so they often have dreams about their car crashing.

Do not be upset, even if you had an accident with victims, this is not a prophetic dream. The accident itself is a sharp stop, a stop, a shock. As if time freezes. Our dreams are a reflection of the soul, the subconscious. According to the dream book, a car accident means that in a dream you made a sharp “stop”. So the soul really needs it.

Yes, you can prove that you are going to right direction, you don’t get tired at all and don’t overstrain, but you can’t deceive your soul! Try to take a break. Perhaps your sacrifices are in vain, and in reality you want something completely different.

Why dream of a car accident with my participation

Accident in a dream - what is it for? First of all, the interpretation of a dream depends on whether you were inside the car or were outside. If you saw a dream in which a car accident occurred with your participation, then the first thing to think about is whether you are moving too quickly towards some goal. Perhaps in a hurry you do not notice the really important, although not very noticeable details, and life will pass you by. Or worse, give you some unpleasant surprise. It is possible that you are too carried away by some goal that you do not notice other areas of your life. You should reconsider your priorities, otherwise you may run into difficulties.

The dream in which you were sitting in the passenger seat, and your acquaintance or friend was driving the car, and it was his negligence that caused the accident, has its own interpretation. You need to consider whether it is worth continuing to communicate and keep in touch with this person at all. Most likely, this acquaintance promises you big trouble with a bad outcome.

The worst plot of a dream is the one in which you saw an accident with your participation and death. If you saw your death in a dream, then in reality you will face huge problems, a kind of black streak in life. According to the dream book, a car accident with victims may mean that some important and dear person for you will die or you will become seriously ill. However, there is a more positive interpretation: difficulties and problems cannot be avoided. This is a sign that you need to mentally prepare for them.

The only thing that can be advised to a person who has such a dream is to be prepared for moral upheavals and solve all problems in their right mind and sober memory, ignoring feelings that can only worsen the situation.

Did you dream that you had an accident with your car? Take care of your nerves.

If you had a dream about a car accident without victims or you survived despite the severity of the damage, this is a very good sign. According to the dream book, an accident in a car without victims means that in the near future you will successfully be able to avoid serious problems and further improve your financial situation, health and personal life.

However, it is important to remember that if you experienced an emotional shock, shock or stress a few days before sleeping with an accident, then such a dream could have occurred as a reaction of your subconscious to the situation that caused these emotions. In this case, you should not open the dream book, why the accident in a dream does not have a prophetic meaning. This dream is a reflection of recently experienced emotions.

Your friends were injured in the accident

According to the dream book, a car accident with victims involving acquaintances does not portend their death or illness. If you dreamed about this, it means that on a subconscious level you seem to want this accident. Of course, this is exaggerated, but the subconscious cannot be deceived. Most likely, you simply envy them, but with evil, black envy, you want them to lose, and you to gain. Try to correlate such an interpretation with your life and immediately deal with the problem: where does her “legs grow from”. Be sure not to miss this moment, otherwise the situation will turn against you.

Also, do not rush to get upset if in a dream you lost someone close to you in an accident. The death of this person, on the contrary, predicts him a long life full of joy. Some dream books interpret the loss of loved ones as their kind, sensitive attitude towards you. They sincerely love you and wish you all the best. If you need help, it will be provided immediately.

If people you don't know died, then expect unexpected financial surprises in your life in the near future. If the participants in the accident without victims were strangers, and you watched the process from the side, you should not worry. Everything will be with you in perfect order, the problem will affect people with whom you directly interact: friends, acquaintances. In reality, you will also be only a witness.

If you have witnessed a disaster

In a dream, did you witness an accident? Then you should rely more on yourself and not listen to the advice of other people at this moment in life. After all, if you blindly follow the advice, then you can get away from right decision quite the other way.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

Getting into an accident for a girl means problems in life regarding reputation. Most likely, you will come across a not quite “positive” person who uses you, defiles you. Beware of new unverified acquaintances. A person will soon appear in your life, called to test your principles and personal boundaries for strength. Be careful!

If a woman dreamed of an accident, it symbolizes negative circumstances in life. You yourself will literally get into an "accident" in the figurative sense of the word. Some problem will happen with the participation of another person: discord, misunderstanding, conflict. The person with whom you have to quarrel is higher in position - most likely the boss. The cause of the conflict will be your oversight, you will be guilty before him. Be careful, otherwise there is a risk of losing your job!

Seeing yourself as a participant in an accident in a dream for a man means problems with money. You need to be careful with spending, an “accident” can take on any character: from business losses to the theft of a large amount of money. Be carefull!

Interpretation of meaning according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

The interpretation of what it means if an accident is dreaming differs in modern and classic dream books. According to modern interpreters, negative, scary dreams should never be classified as prophetic. Most likely, they simply reflect your life, some problems that we do not pay due attention to. According to psychologists, the accumulated nervous tension that you do not relieve through communication, sports, etc. etc. is expressed in dreams in the form of frightening events: it could be a car accident, or even. However, Miller's popular dream book, on the contrary, believes that a car accident in a dream portends a catastrophe in reality. What to believe is up to you, but we advise you to be more careful while driving and more attentive when crossing the street for some time after such a dream.

A car accident in a dream is not a good sign.

Miller's dream book - there is a threat in reality

According to Miller's dream book, an accident is considered a harbinger of the accident itself or an accident in real life. The more real and believable the dream seemed to you, the greater the likelihood of its repetition in life. It is also important to remember any indication of the date or time of the accident. This may help you avoid it or make the consequences less severe.

Subconsciously, this dream says that you seem to be ready for death in order to free yourself from pressing issues. Be careful with this question, quickly resolve your difficulties and learn to feel happiness. The subconscious takes our thoughts too literally. This kind of discontent and indignation can result in real trouble with loss of health.

If you personally were not a participant in the incident, but watched it from the side, think carefully and remember who was driving. If you are familiar with this person, then in this situation the subconscious mind warns that he is a potential enemy. In a dream, he is the cause of the victims of the accident, but in life he can become the cause of your problems. He wishes you harm, is going to take revenge, harm, lead you to an "accident".

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - it's time to sort yourself out

You should be more careful in your actions, one wrong step can start a whole chain of bad events that will be difficult to close. And if your relative or friend died in a dream in an accident, then perhaps you are experiencing subconscious negative feelings towards him. You should take care of yourself.

According to this dream book, a car accident without victims portends future upheavals in life. But they will not be associated with something negative: losses, problems. On the contrary, these are sudden cardinal changes in a positive direction. Something will come that will change your life forever, and you will become a real happy man. For girls and women, this undoubtedly means the sudden appearance of strong, passionate feelings of love.

Freud's dream book - you have relationship problems

According to Freud's dream book, a car accident symbolizes conflicts between people.

If you yourself became a participant and victim of an accident, expect problems, malfunctions in personal life. For family people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a crisis in marriage.

For couples who are not united by marriage, such a dream may mean that you are secretly dissatisfied with something in your life with your lover, with some of his qualities. If you do not try to solve the problem, you can face serious difficulties or even break the relationship. It is also possible that your partner is dissatisfied with some manifestations of your character, but is afraid to admit it. Try to subtly and unobtrusively ask if everything suits him in the relationship.

If you were only a witness to an accident, expect a problem in which a large group of people will participate. Most likely, you and your colleagues will be heavily framed. Perhaps trouble will happen in the family circle: your common enemy wishes you harm or is envious, wants to take revenge. Or you will get involved in some kind of universal scam. All these cases are united by the fact that you are not the culprit of the situation. Someone alone wants to harm a whole group of people, which you will also be a part of. Think about what communities you belong to, or maybe someone is threatening your family or friends.

Modern dream book - new problems will appear

The accident itself in a dream says that most likely the consequences of this dream will not be very good. Although, if in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, then in life you will find a miraculous deliverance from some problem that has long tormented you. However, if you observed the accident itself or its consequences, it is worth preparing for unexpected problems. It can be an old sore that has shown itself again or the cancellation of your honestly earned bonus. You may also dream of a car accident, oddly enough, to a new acquaintance that will turn your life upside down and you will be forgotten in a new relationship.

Psychological dream book - be careful

According to the dream book of psychologists, if you were destined to observe the accident from the side, you will find a not very good and completely unplanned event. Most likely, this will happen to a close acquaintance, but it will also affect you. But if you personally got into an accident, or for example, a collision occurred with your loved ones, and possibly with a deceased relative, you definitely should not go on long trips for a while and get to work by public transport.

Autumn dream book - a quarrel with a loved one

To dream of a fatal accident portends your future quarrel and disappointment in the person with whom you have been in a relationship for a long time, or just friends.

All dream books give different interpretations what the accident was about.

Spring dream book - it's time for you to relax

  • A car accident in your dream may indicate that your relationship with your soulmate may change dramatically soon. True, it is still unknown in which direction, so it is worth doing everything possible to make the changes positive.
  • But crashing in a dream in a car suggests that in Lately you are too overzealous in work, it is worth giving yourself a little rest, it will only benefit you.
  • If before a long road you dreamed that you rolled over or fell in a car from a ravine, then you can exhale, which means that the ambulance will pass without incident.

Summer dream book - you will be disappointed

The dream in which you saw or participated in an accident promises you trouble, disappointment, health problems and a lot of minor troubles. However, if during a car accident your car turned over, then you can expect feelings that you have never experienced before.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - it's time to look for a new job

Seeing an accident in a dream promises only negative consequences. At work, you may expect unexpected betrayal from colleagues or unreasonable dismissal. Such a dream warns that it is worth looking for new job options faster.

Gypsy dream book - get rid of guilt

A dream about an accident suggests that you have done a bad deed and reproach yourself for it. Maybe it happens subconsciously, but you need to do something about it, otherwise it will shake your inner world and you may become depressed. Try to correct or apologize to the person if a bad deed was committed in his direction.

Imperial dream book - your loved ones need help

If an accident happened to you, think about it, maybe you are moving too aggressively towards the goal, do not take into account the interests of your loved ones and work colleagues. This spells serious trouble. If you were a witness, this means that your loved ones may need help.

Culinary dream book - your plans will change

If you witnessed or participated in an accident or got into a serious car accident, take this as a warning: obviously, some unpleasant event will deprive you of peace and rest for a while, and at the same time cross out plans related to rest.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff - you should be more modest

Surprisingly, according to some dream books, an accident in a dream is a good sign.

This dream is just a reminder that you do not need to pay a lot of your attention and spend effort on acquiring wealth In this life. Necessity and sufficiency, that is the motto you must follow.

Indian dream book - a happy event will happen

An accident without bad consequences is a joyful shock, sudden happiness, an unexpected gift of fate. A tragic accident is a happy event, for the achievement of which you will have to make sacrifices. To die in an accident - the goal you set does not justify the means to achieve it.

Islamic dream book - beware of gossip and rumors

A car accident means trouble at work, gossip from colleagues, problems with business partners. If you yourself are a participant in the accident, ill-wishers can cause irreparable damage to your reputation. To see from the side - to face an aggressive but stupid person.

Azar's dream book - your health will improve

If you get into an accident, expect a speedy recovery after long-term treatment of loved ones. If you see that the accident happened in front of you, but there are no people there - empty chores about the health of loved ones. If people are crippled before your eyes, you will ask for forgiveness soon.


Seeing an accident in a dream is not a very good sign. You should quickly understand yourself, your thoughts, your recent actions. Such dreams warn you that you are not on the path that was originally planned. You need to stop and think about whether you are doing everything right. And then your dreams will become kind and joyful!

Video "Why dream of an accident"

Website visitor comments

    In my life, for 7 years of driving, I never got into an accident, neither driving myself, nor as a passenger. Even on the one hand, it was interesting to experience the sensations of such an event, and it's good that it happened just in a dream. When I woke up, I thought it was not good. Clearly, accidents are not a good thing. But what exactly to prepare for - I decided to read in a dream book. Yes, and on the roads he became more attentive, more accurate, stopped driving.

    Wow, what an interpretation! today I had a dream that I had an accident, a man was driving, with whom I have been dating for three years, but he is married and this relationship no longer pleases me. and in a dream I saw this accident, now I read the interpretation and understood everything! You need to consider whether it is worth continuing to communicate and keep in touch with this person at all. Most likely, this acquaintance promises you big trouble with a bad outcome.
    This is a sign that our relationship has exhausted itself and we must move on!

    I have been having the same dream for several days in a row ... More precisely, with the same meaning. In a dream, my old friend and I, with whom we have stopped communicating for about 2 years, are driving in my car and have an accident. In this accident, only my car always suffers, thank God there is not a single scratch on us. Tell me, what is the meaning of this dream and why my old friend so often appears in it, if she doesn’t even know that I have a car ...

    Such a dream is very scary ... But it’s even scarier when this happens in reality ... It’s up to you to decide whether to give great importance dreams, or not .. I, for example. greater value give real life)
    You have a very interesting interpretation of dreams! All sorts of dream options are analyzed in detail) Thank you very much!)

    I had a dream in which I see an accident, one of the drivers could stop, avoid an accident, but for some reason did not. I remembered my surprise, bewilderment from what was happening. It seems to me that the feelings that we experience in a dream are very important. After reading the interpretation, I realized that this dream does not carry anything bad. Apparently, I will be at a loss from other people's advice) But now I know that I need to act as I see fit

    I clearly remember a dream, as I walk down the street and in front of me a terribly accident of two cars happens right in front of me. Since I attach great importance to what I dream about, I immediately got into the dream book and found the meaning, as it says here, “Then you should rely more on yourself and not listen to the advice of other people at this moment in life.” How helpful it was then and how it helped me go my own way, not listening to the confusing words of strangers! I consider this a sign from above, then I successfully changed jobs and now I don’t regret for a second that I did so.

    My neighbor from above is seriously interested in the interpretation of dreams, I once had a terrible dream, I remember it very well, even though more than two years have passed. I get into an accident, miraculously survive after an accident, I remember a torn off steering wheel on the road, a car torn into two parts, a lot of clothes and shoes lying around the broken cars ... But there were no traces of blood. The neighbor said that this meant that unexpected guests would soon arrive. Can you suggest what this might mean? No guests came then.

    Behind the wheel for more than 10 years, but there have been no serious accidents, so on trifles - a bumper is scratched in the yard or a fencing post is gently touched. But in a dream, accidents are often dreamed, and with my participation. According to the interpretation with a more detailed description of the dream, I see in this good value, it seems that the negative happens in a dream and we protect reality from such events.

    Subtracted by Muslim interpretation that if you ride an elephant, then expect a promotion in the near future. Our Slavic interpreter gave a different meaning, in no way connected with work. Indeed, within a few weeks, my employee suddenly quit (poached by competitors) and the management chose me for the position of the new boss. I think that such a religion as Islam in the interpretation of dreams is given a more correct meaning.

    read here in summer dream book meaning if the car rolled over during the accident: “However, if your car rolled over during the accident, then you can expect feelings that you have never experienced before.” Last summer, I clearly remember that terrible dream on July 27 at night. But then I did not know what meaning it carried, now I understand what it meant. In autumn I had a very interesting trip abroad, spiritual, clearing my mind. Spontaneously agreed to it, because there were difficulties in life and it was necessary to revive somehow. And yes, everything is written here correctly, the feelings that I experienced during this trip were completely unfamiliar to me until then. It was as if I had changed my skin and healed anew, but this is a short description.

    An accident in a car both in a dream and in reality is morally difficult to endure. I had the same dream today, I woke up in a cold sweat. I read the article and realized that such a dream does not mean an accident in real life, but I will still be careful while driving. In a dream, I knew each other while driving, I’ll probably stop any contact with him, well, him ...

    That's exactly the truth. I recently had a dream with an accident, I read the interpretation and forgot. Then she blabbed to her friend about the secret, and we work in the same organization with her and off we go. They called me to the authorities on the carpet and deprived me of the bonus. And then I remembered Vanga's Dream Interpretation: You should be more careful in your actions, one wrong step can start a whole chain of bad events that will be difficult to close.

    I'm driving my car, there's a pedestrian crossing ahead. People are walking along it. The pedestrian crossing is far away and I understand that people will pass now and I will calmly pass it. Suddenly, one of the women stands in the middle of the pedestrian crossing facing me, and without having time to slow down, I knock her down. The last thought before waking up is that I hit a man at a crosswalk and now I'm going to jail. The dream is clear, as if in reality. What does it mean?

    And I saw in a dream how to get on the bus at full speed bus crashed. I helped people get out of there. In life, I am terribly afraid to ride minibuses, because I have already had a real accident in it. It seems to me that this is all my brain gives me such nightmares from fear at night. Therefore, it is with accidents that I do not take dreams seriously

    i had a dream where I was driving a small car, and a minibus drove into me from behind, carrying furniture. It was as if he pushed my car and dragged it, pushing it from behind, to a cliff. and the last thing I remember from a dream is that I am flying into the water by car. Then I woke up, it was scary .. What can such a dream signal?

    dreamed bad dream, still can not come to my senses and accept that it was just a dream. My husband and I drove around the city, approaching a country road before our eyes, a truck hit a dog on the road and drove on without stopping. and we all saw it with our own eyes, is this also considered an accident? how to interpret a dream in which they saw a downed animal?

    I like Freud's interpretation) Grandfather Sigmund tunes our inner self in a positive way, love-carrots and everything else. Yes, I dreamed of an ordinary accident, that I was driving, I didn’t have time to slow down and drove into the car ahead, nothing serious, that’s why I don’t wind myself up with complex interpretations. I'll wait for a love story, all according to Freud)

    I dreamed that I was driving a car in reverse! I drove for a long time, along a busy street, stopped in front of pedestrian crossings, let people through. At a red light, he also slowed down at intersections. But all the movement was backwards! At the end, I crashed into a lamppost, the car was not badly damaged, but in fact it is considered an accident. What does such a dream mean?

    Sleep: I am driving along a country road, it is rather poorly lit, the speed is not very high, 70 kilometers per hour. Either a hare or a rabbit runs out in front of me, I try to save the life of the animal and as a result I crash into a standing truck on the side of the road, and by inertia it goes forward and knocks on the passenger car in front, and that one - another one. In general, such a locomotive. Everyone is alive, surprisingly, too, I got out of the car through the passenger front door, but I can’t interpret the meaning of sleep (

    I am always very afraid to ride in tourist buses on the mountain slopes ... For me, in general, flying by plane is a much less scary and dangerous way to travel than these huge buses. It’s scary to look out the window, at the cliff, especially if the sea is below, and the fences along the road are not very high. Sometimes I have such dreams, I wake up in a sweat from them. Several times I dreamed that the bus was flying down (

    I dreamed that I was driving with my godfather in his car, he was driving. And suddenly he falls asleep, I wake him up, but I don’t have time, we crash into a parked car, the airbags go off, we stay alive, and the car has no bumper. It’s very interesting, but we didn’t talk to my godfather for a long time, and then after this dream, he wrote to me in viber, as he felt that I was dreaming.

    “According to the dream book of psychologists, if you were destined to observe an accident from the outside, then most likely you will not have a very good and completely unplanned event. "I really hope so, there was a dream where I was standing at the crossroads waiting for the green light, and a car drove into the tram in front of me. For some reason, I then ran away from there, as if someone was chasing me.) A strange dream, I hope the "psychological interpretation" turns out to be correct, I'm waiting)

    It’s very strange and wild to see here what really happened to me ... There was a dream in which my friend’s husband was driving a car, I was driving in the back of the car. We had an accident because he was drunk! And in life, he periodically sins like this, drinks and drives. Fool! And he died in his sleep. Honestly, I woke up angry at him, I have been walking for the third day with some kind of subconscious anger at him. So here it is written “And if your relative or friend died in a dream in an accident, then perhaps you are experiencing subconscious negative feelings towards him. You need to take care of yourself."
    She figured out herself, but he still does it wrong, that after alcohol he allows himself to drive a car.

    Now I am dating a man who is very wealthy, drives an expensive car, and has a very profitable business of his own. I dreamed the opposite, that he was taking me out of the house in a Zhiguli, taking me somewhere to a cafe, and on the way we knocked down a dog. According to the interpretation, I understand that this is not a very good meaning, but maybe you should not give it much meaning ..

    And I had a terrible dream when a red BMW was chasing me, I don’t know who was driving, but I ran away and dodged the car in every possible way. I took it as troubles that I do not allow to enter my life completely. There was no accident in the dream, but the car touched all sorts of poles, trees, while “chasing” me. I still remember the dream, I woke up and walked for several days still knocked, as if not in myself.

    That's how much it coincided! “You need to consider whether it is even worth it to continue to communicate and keep in touch with this person. Most likely, this acquaintance promises you big trouble with a bad outcome. I had a dream last month, but I remember it very well. We were driving in a car, driving my ex girlfriend, with whom we have not communicated for a couple of years (very much set me up). Probably, the dream book hints to me that there is no need to continue communication with her further. Just periodically she reminds me of herself, mostly on holidays. And I have almost erased the person from my life.

    I dreamed of a head-on collision with a minibus on the city avenue. And I was driving my car. I vaguely remember the details of the dream, but I needed help getting out of the car. Some people came, unscrewed the door, got me out of the driver's seat. No casualties, but something happened to my leg, it hurt it.

    In reality, in the fall there was a dream in which I observed an accident while waiting for transport at a bus stop. Two cars collided in front of my eyes, the traffic police arrived, they began to sort it out, the red and blue beacons were flashing, as I remember .. they write here that this could be a loss of the premium. Indeed, they didn’t give me a bonus for the autumn (3rd quarter) ... The director named some sluggish reasons. Already it became uncomfortable, as I read the interpretation of this.

    I dreamed that I was driving my car, there was no one else in the car with me. Suddenly the car begins to skid, spins on the road, I fly into a ditch, roll over and, as in computer games like GTA, the car starts to smoke. But I stayed alive, got out of the car, there were cuts on my body, some foresters or eyewitnesses appeared, I just, I don’t know, helped me call my husband, he came and scolded me .. Why do I have such a dream?

    I don’t drive a car myself, which is probably why I had a car accident without my participation. I watched all this in a dream from the side, and the accident was terrible with many victims, an ambulance immediately arrived, but nothing could be done. The dream book says that this means that someone will try to destroy my reputation.

    I have been driving for over 20 years. I consider myself a careful driver. I always follow the rules of the road. I often have dreams in which I get into an accident. I don't feel comfortable with them. I can't say that I actually think about it, no. But today I again dreamed of an accident in a car with victims, and I considered myself guilty of it. Eyewitnesses stood around, everyone looked at me with such condemnation. I never drink alcohol while driving, I always take driving seriously. Why such nightmares? Can you explain please.

    I dreamed of an accident in a car, no casualties, an accident rather, at a traffic light, I walked past and one car crashed into another, everything is like in life, only the cars were strange somehow like inflatable ones. They hit and bounced off each other like balls. Okay, at least not a terrible dream ..

    Sometimes I have a dream that I am driving a car (although I don’t drive in my life and I don’t have a license, and I don’t have such a need), I drive past cars and scratch them. Not that it's an accident, no, it just happens that my car hits others, what should I do in this case? Didn't find options

    I saw a dream in which the car I was driving as a passenger had an accident. A few weeks later, she came to work with us tax audit and I am one of the people who communicate with them, since I work in the accounting department. And I was lucky, for the accounts for which I am responsible - the tax office had no issues with fixed assets and material assets, but I had to work much more than usual during the audit

    If you have some kind of dream, then first of all I turn to Vanga's dream book for interpretation. There are quite streamlined answers and there will almost never be negative, on the contrary, the interpretation of this dream book is supported in various life situations, in my opinion, the most positive dream book

Dream interpretation of an accident

A traffic accident in real life is a terrible sight. If you become not only an eyewitness to it, but also a participant, then it is absolutely impossible to find a good omen in this situation.

As for the dream, then it should also be taken seriously. Why dream of an accident, the interpretation of dream books will prompt, since they are freely available and in sufficient quantities.

Why see an accident in a dream

It is considered that similar dream is a warning and it is foolish to ignore it. What does the dream hint at? You are too in a hurry to live, in pursuit of the unattainable, you miss the simple joys of life. Such haste can end tragically for you.

An important point: did you just see the accident or did you become a direct participant in it?

Seeing an accident in a dream

An accident is dreaming, but you are not a direct participant in it - you will meet an unpleasant person.

Dream Interpretation believes that seeing an accident in a dream without your participation means that you will witness an unpleasant situation that, in principle, will not affect you personally. If you feel any difficulties, they will be minor.

Why see your friends or relatives die in a clash? You are not too kind to them, you have harbored old grievances, sometimes you wish evil.

If you saw not the collision itself, but only its consequences, it is advisable to rely only on your own strength, not trusting even the most trusted people.

Dreaming that you are a participant in an accident

Were a member or not

The most frequently asked question, why dream of an accident with my participation. This dream has many interpretations, depending on where the tragedy occurred, and other related factors.

Location of the accident

  • A tragedy on the water, sea, ocean - to parting with your loved one. But it is in your power to prevent the intensity of the conflict and smooth out sharp corners.
  • Why dream of a collision with your participation, by car - to quarrels and misunderstandings among acquaintances and friends. Also, this is a dream before you are visited by troubles related to business matters.
  • You yourself were driving - the dream simply shows you that you are too afraid of responsibility, allowing other people to make decisions for you.
  • Dreaming of an accident with victims on railway- what you planned for the near future, you will not succeed. The fact is that certain obstacles and obstacles will constantly arise that will be beyond your control.
  • If in a dream you were walking along the road and you were hit by a car - urgently take care of your health. Start leading a healthy lifestyle and seek the advice of a doctor.

Consequences of a traffic accident

Miller's dream book says that seeing clouds of smoke due to a collision of two cars is hostility with loved ones. Subconsciously, you have long noticed that your relationship is far from ideal, but open hostility may soon begin.

Get into a car accident - expect a deterioration in well-being. Another dream book prophesies various troubles and obstacles in your path.

If the traffic collision was without casualties, then such a vision means that no matter how hard it is for you, you will find a way out of this situation and fix everything. This is exactly what the dream book thinks.

Why dream of an accident with victims? If at the same time you saw absolutely everything, sparks, smoke, blood, mutilated bodies, heard the squeal of brakes, and the grinding of metal, then, unfortunately, your relationships with others will deteriorate greatly. In addition to difficult relationships with people, you can say goodbye to your illusions and plans regarding promotion at work, stabilizing your financial situation.

If you were in a broken car

Seeing yourself crippled in a broken car is a formidable sign. You should not travel and make long journeys in the near future. Do not play with fate, because you can lose.

Most often, the dream book considers the vision in which you initiated a car collision as something that you should slow down. Moreover, this interpretation applies to absolutely all spheres of your life. You rush through life, trying to be in time everywhere, in the end not succeeding in any business. Decide on your priorities and act slowly.

Why see yourself in a broken car - interpreters of dreams

Among hundreds of various interpreters, dreamers single out literally a dozen of the most truthful.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud considers all dreams from the point of view of intimate relationships between a man and a woman.

Dreaming of getting into an accident in a car - you will meet a unique, unpredictable person with whom you will have a stormy romance. These relationships will not be long, but passionate, and you will not be able to forget about them for a long time.

Miller's dream book

Why get into an accident in a dream? To a meeting with a person with simply awesome, unrealistic ambitions. Communication with him will only bring you trouble and heartache, but if you listen to the forecasts of dream books, slow down your pace, then this acquaintance can be avoided.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The seer, in turn, believed that a transport wreck, on the contrary, is seen as an acquaintance with a unique person who will change your horizons, open up new opportunities for you, and in general will be useful for you.

If such dreams visit you quite often, then you should rethink your life. The seer considered them a sign that you did something inappropriate, perhaps undeservedly offended a person.

Interpreter Meneghetti

  • This dream book considers an accident in a dream as your subconscious desire to forcibly leave this world. You are suicidal, you may not know it in real life, but your subconscious is already preparing you for death of its own accord.
  • If you were not driving, then the driver of the vehicle is the person who, skillfully manipulating you, inspires you with thoughts of death.



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