home - A bathroom
  Why is a policeman dreaming? Dream Interpretation for the whole family. A policeman searches in a dream

Having a dream with the police does not bode well for family life, where you will find grief and quarrels with loved ones. If in a dream you are taken to the police station, this portends unfulfilled promises and failed meetings. Seeing a policeman visiting your apartment is a serious illness of a relative.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream of militia

To ask a policeman for help is a harbinger of difficulties that you cannot solve on your own.

Be a policeman yourself - only you can help someone cope with problems.

To be an employee of an international organization, to cooperate with it - you have to answer for meanness, rudeness or incorrect attitude towards someone.

Interpol is looking for you - you have to communicate with unpleasant or vile people, but you can not avoid it.

They saw a police outfit or patrol - they might drag you into some kind of trial in a case that has nothing to do with you.

Check documents from you or ask to show a passport - a dream promises a change in life.

  Interpretation of dreams from the 21st Century Dream Interpretation

What do the dreams mean Police

Any dream about the police means in reality an event that you cannot handle on your own.

A policeman’s visit is for someone in the family to recover.

  Interpretation of dreams from

Interpreting what the policeman dreams of, the dream book proceeds from the authoritarianism of this figure. In a dream, the law enforcement officer is often identified with his father, teacher, boss, code of moral or religious principles, and his own conscience. A dream can have different interpretations for law-abiding citizens and for those who are not in tune with the law.

Popular Interpretations

If you dreamed about how you turned to a policeman for help, Miller’s dream book warns that in real life you can’t cope with the problem alone.

Seer Wang claims that the one who dreamed of a policeman would receive the necessary emotional support. True, provided that the dreamer's conscience is pure - only in this case, to see the guard of law and order is a good sign.

Interpretation of Sigmund Freud claims that people who suffer from many sexual taboos see a servant of the law in night dreams. The dream book calls for emancipation and to leave the Puritan upbringing in the past on the conscience of mentors.

I serve in the police

If you dreamed that you had to be a policeman, you probably will have to face a problem that no one but you can solve.

The commentator notes that one who is not the first to be an operative in dreams may be abusing his powers, physical or psychological strength.

Miller’s dream interpretation believes that being a policeman in night dreams is a good sign. Your authority in the eyes of others will increase significantly, and your point of view will gain weight.

If in a dream you happen to be in the form of a policeman, in reality you sincerely hope that an unseemly act will get away with it.

The dream, in which he happened to be in the form of a riot police, symbolizes excessive confidence in his own rightness. Maybe it makes sense to partially reconsider your views?


The spring dream book of Imennikov explains why he dreams of greeting a policeman. In real life, the dreamer runs the risk of being undeservedly reproached by a superior.

The Slavic predictor believes that when it happens to greet a policeman in a dream, in reality, one also has to deal with law enforcement agencies.

Conflict situations

A fierce fight, in which police officers participated, personifies the unfair treatment of the sleeping person. The interpreter believes that this is precisely the case when the offenders should be repelled.

This is not the only explanation for why there is a fight involving law enforcers. In reality, the dreamer is afraid of losing what is dear to him. Anxiety does not let go even in a dream.

If a drunken policeman had a dream, it is very likely that reality and the world around him seem absurd, unfair and even dangerous, devoid of landmarks and points of support.


The Dreamwalker's Dream Interpretation explains why it is dreaming of how a police officer arrested you. If a man happened to see a similar story in a dream, he will discover a new kind of activity. If a woman dreamed about it, she would soon get married.

When it happens to dream of your own detention, circumstances will force you to break a promise.

There is also such an interpretation of dreams, why one dreams of being behind bars: in the family a strip of minor troubles is coming, the ailments of one of the relatives.

Miller’s dream interpretation considers the arrest or verification of documents a favorable symbol, meaning that in reality you will not be able to avoid a change for the better.


Dream Book of Medea

Policeman   - is a symbol of power and order. Emphasizes volitional traits in the character of a dreamer.

If you see a policeman   - then you will have problems with loved ones. You may be unfairly blamed.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Policeman in a dream   - symbolizes a serious conflict situation that you cannot solve on your own.

If in reality you have no problems with law enforcement   - Such a dream can warn you that you will not try to solve any controversial problem yourself and bypassing the law.

If in real life your relationship with the law is far from ideal   - such a dream indicates that your nerves are tired and you risk being in a very unpleasant situation.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If in a dream you are stopped by a policeman   - probably, a slight misunderstanding will soon follow, which will bring you losses.

If a policeman is chasing you   - Do not enter into conflicts with either the law, or with your own spouse, or with work colleagues. Otherwise, trouble is guaranteed to you.

See yourself as a policeman   - probably you will be sure of your own rightness, but no one will support you. Consider your position several times if you decide to seek justice. Maybe you're not so right?

Dream interpretation for bitch

Policeman   - big troubles, anxiety, worries for close people and relatives.

Modern combined dream book

To see a policeman in a dream - means that you should begin to lead an honest life. Sleep warning.

If you dreamed that you were asking a policeman for help   - Soon you will need the help of influential people.

See yourself as a policeman   - means that in the near future a person close to you will ask you for help. Do not refuse him.

See in a dream a column of police   - is a foreshadowing of the fact that your friends are imaginary, at the first opportunity they will let you down.

East female dream book

If you dreamed that a policeman is trying to arrest you for an act that you did not commit   - that means you can cope with a competitor.

If you realize that the arrest is authorized   - a black streak will soon begin in your life.

See a police patrol   - to unpleasant changes in business.

You see and call the policeman, but he doesn’t respond   - You will experience great disappointment when those whom you considered your friends do not lend you a helping hand.

Children's dream book

Policeman   - soon the secret will become apparent and you will have to pay for what was done wrong by you.

Standing policeman   - to a tense labor rhythm.

Dream Interpretation of September, October, December Birthdays

Policeman   - to criminally punishable misconduct.

Policeman   - to the undeserved accusation of petty sins.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

Guardians of the Rule of Dream   - symbolize the inevitable patterns of life or trouble with loved ones.

Seeing a policeman in a dream   - pressure from dignitaries, policeman's visit   - to the recovery of family members, conversation with a policeman in a dream   - to the argument.

For a young woman, this dream   - an official proposal to get married.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Militia   - control: law and order, perceived by the conscience of the individual and, therefore, self-control or external authoritarianism, such as, for example, the father, imposing morality, standard religious principles, restrictions.

Contacting the police for help   - appeal to conscience in connection with protection from one’s own destructive impulses and deterrence of affects.

Policeman dressed in civilian uniform   - an attempt to obtain official sanction on their own anomalous impulses, from the point of view of the individual.

Police / criminals   - changeable impulses of the unconscious, which come into conflict with reality. In everyday life they are associated with ideas about insincerity, “venality” of the authorities.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Policeman   - pressure of compelled circumstances; dispute, disagreement; self-condemnation.

Arrested - a new occupation (for a man) or marriage (relationship) for a woman.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

Law enforcement   - a mask of natural life / misfortune with loved ones.

Talk to them   - disputes.

Esoteric dream book

Policeman   - This is your fear of the law. Perhaps you have a "snout in the cannon", and this fear is inspired by your upbringing. Justify yourself in your own eyes, and the fear will pass.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

A policeman arrests you   - unexpected offer; visit   - to recovery in the family.

Collection of dream books

Policeman   - unexpected offer; visit   - to recovery in the family.

See a policeman   - to unpleasant events, negative emotions and neuroses; to be him   - the need to clean up their own affairs and improve their own health, for patients   - to recovery.

Why is the policeman dreaming?

Dream Interpretation

Policeman - is a symbol of power and order. Emphasizes volitional traits in the character of a dreamer.

If you see a policeman, then you will have problems with loved ones. You may be unfairly blamed.

East dream book

  What does the policeman dream about in a dream book?

If you dreamed that a policeman was trying to arrest you for an act that you did not commit, then you can deal with a competitor.

If you realize that the arrest is authorized, a black streak will soon begin in your life.

Seeing a police patrol is an unpleasant change in business.

You see and call the policeman, but he doesn’t respond - you will be very disappointed when those whom you considered your friends did not extend a helping hand to you.

Children's dream book

Policeman - soon the secret will become apparent and you will have to pay for what you did wrong.

New dream book of 1918

A policeman is an unexpected offer; visit - to recovery in the family.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Police - control: law and order, perceived by the conscience of the individual and, therefore, self-control or external authoritarianism, such as, for example, the father, imposing morality, standard religious principles, restrictions.

Contacting the police for help is an appeal to conscience in connection with protection from our own destructive impulses and deterrence of affects.

A policeman dressed as a civilian is an attempt to obtain official sanction for his own anomalous impulses from the point of view of an individual.

Police / criminals are the volatile impulses of the unconscious that come into conflict with reality. In everyday life they are associated with ideas about insincerity, “venality” of the authorities.

Modern dream book

  Find out what it means if a policeman dreams?

To see a policeman in a dream means that you should begin to lead an honest life. Sleep warning.

If you dreamed that you are asking a policeman for help - soon you will need the help of influential people.

Seeing yourself as a policeman means that in the near future, someone close to you will ask you for help. Do not refuse him.

To see a column of policemen in a dream is a foreshadow of the fact that your friends are imaginary, they will let you down as soon as possible.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

  What did the Policeman dream about in a dream?

The guardians of law and order who dreamed about you symbolize the inevitable laws of life or trouble with loved ones.

To see a policeman in a dream - to pressure from dignitaries, a policeman visit - to recover family members, a conversation with a policeman in a dream - to a dispute.

For a young woman, this dream is an official proposal to get married.

Dream Interpreter Grishina

Guardians of order - the mask of a regular life / misfortune with loved ones.

Talking with them is a debate.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If a policeman stops you in a dream, it is likely that a slight misunderstanding will soon follow, which will bring you losses.

If a policeman is chasing you, you should not conflict with the law, or with your own spouse, or with your work colleagues. Otherwise, trouble is guaranteed to you.

Seeing yourself in the guise of a policeman is likely to be sure that you are right, but no one will support you. Consider your position several times if you decide to seek justice. Maybe you're not so right?

Dream interpretation for bitch

Policeman - big chores, anxiety, worries about close people and relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A policeman in a dream - symbolizes a serious conflict situation that you cannot solve on your own.

If in reality you have no problems with law enforcement agencies, such a dream can warn you that you will not try to solve any controversial problem yourself and bypass the law.

If, in real life, your relationship with the law is far from ideal, such a dream indicates that your nerves are tired and you risk being in a very unpleasant situation.

Dream Interpretation Health

Seeing a policeman leads to unpleasant events, negative emotions and neuroses; to be it - to the need to clean up their own affairs and improve their own health, for patients - to recovery.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of January, February, March, April

A policeman - to an undeserved charge of petty sins.

Dream Interpretation of September, October, November, December

A policeman - to criminally punishable misconduct.

Dream Interpretation of May, June, July, August

Standing policeman - to a tense labor rhythm.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

  Interpretation of sleep: A policeman in a dream book?

Policeman - pressure of forced circumstances; dispute, disagreement; self-condemnation.

Arrested - a new occupation (for a man) or marriage (relationship) for a woman.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

A policeman arrests you - an unexpected offer; visit - to recovery in the family.

Esoteric dream book

A policeman is your fear of the law. Perhaps you have a "snout in the cannon", and this fear is inspired by your upbringing. Justify yourself in your own eyes, and the fear will pass.

Online dream book

  The meaning of sleep: A policeman in a dream book?

You see a policeman - a dream warns you in advance, you need to take up your mind and start living honestly.

If in a dream you ask him for any help - in the near future you will be in great need of the support of quite influential people.

I dreamed that you were in the role of a policeman - know that soon a friend or relative will ask you for help.

You see how some representative of the law wants to detain you for something that you actually never did - you are not destined to cope with any rival.

If you feel that you have something to hold up for, be prepared for the black stripe in your life.

The policeman who came to visit you is dreaming - someone from your relatives will be seriously ill.

what is the dream of the cop?


^ l l ^

Dead if you dreamed - good! Alive - bad !!!

Personal Account Deleted

never dreamed, new to change or the appearance of a miracle

Mikhail Nikolaevich

This is for the money!

MrDmitry Doom

You did something bad, but you didn't get punished


If you dreamed that a policeman was trying to arrest you for an act that you did not commit, then in reality you can deal with a competitor. If you realize that the arrest is lawful, then a black streak will soon begin in your life. To see a police patrol in a dream means that you are in danger of unpleasant changes in business. If you see and call a policeman in a dream, but he does not respond, then in real life In life, you will experience great disappointment when those whom you considered your friends do not lend you a helping hand.


To the money ... the cop.

Elena Savelieva

it seems to me to bankruptcy or ruin)))))


You have a conflict in your soul. You are trying to hide your thoughts from your inner censorship. This dream symbolizes a guilt complex.

Personal Account Deleted



POLICEMAN - (Miller's Dream Book)
If you saw a policeman in a dream, then those who occupy a higher official position will begin to exert pressure on you.


  unnecessary chores.
  arrest is an unexpected offer; visit - to recovery in the family.
  Seeing a policeman in a dream portends pressure on you from those in a higher position.


i want to make fun of course, but to be honest (from experience), be very careful and think through every step.

Why is the traffic cop dreaming (cop, policeman)?

  You can find in the dream book for free, what the Policeman dreams of (cop, policeman)having read below interpretations of dreams from online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a traffic cop (cop, policeman), but something else - use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

What the Policeman dreams of (cop, policeman)

Cop Declares Love

Dream Interpretation Cop Declares Love   dreamed of why in a dream Cop declares his love? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream A cop declares its love by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Confess

Admitting a dream in some unseemly act - to an honest act.

Dream Interpretation - Declare love (confess love)

Declare love in a dream - to treason.

To the conflict with the authorities.

If a traffic cop stopped you in a dream and demanded a fine - you are haunted by evil rock in life.

Dream Interpretation - Get drunk on love (love, love)

To get drunk in a dream from love is to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Ecstatic experiences of unearthly cosmic love

(accompanied by lightweight flights and wonderful sharp aromas of flowering plants, flowers and bushes) from the experience of one woman of a prayer house practicing a laser beam and Christian prayer.

Dream Interpretation - At the moment of love, one of the family members bothers her

The individual is emotionally connected with the person who interferes with his sexual relations.

If family members unexpectedly appear at the moment when the individual is sexually aroused, this may mean that the new sexual partner is associated with forbidden incestuous relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Love and the projection of love outside the family

Passionate love and loving relationships often appear in dreams as incestuous.

However, it’s not easy to project love between mother and son, between father and daughter, brother and sister on a lover or beloved, it is often just an ideal, hence the difficulties and obstacles that are characteristic of these dreams arise.

Dream Interpretation - Love Stories

The presentation of sleep is difficult for you to perceive. But from experience: if one dreams that one loves the other, then such a relationship is unlikely to arise in real life. The manifestation of a feeling of love in a dream often speaks of obstacles and the impossibility of such relationships in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Declarations of Love

If you broke up no more than a month ago, then the dream simply reflects your separation, if more, then any non-standard situation in a dream, or an unnatural type of gay, also in real life to a non-standard situation that will greatly surprise you

Cops in a dream

Dream Interpretation Cops in a dream   dreamed of why dreaming in a dream Cops in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream Cops in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Traffic controller (traffic cop, cop)

To the conflict with the authorities.

Dream Interpretation - Policeman (cop, policeman)

If a traffic cop stopped you in a dream and demanded a fine - you are haunted by evil rock in life.

Dream Interpretation - Feelings and Conditions in a Dream

Rejoice in a dream - confidence in their affairs.

Frantically rejoice - to grief.

Laughing - not achieving the goal.

Laugh uncontrollably - to sadness

Curiosity in a dream - beware of gullibility.

Feeling great excitement - strive for clear self-awareness.

Crying in a dream - to joy and to all that is good.

Feeling offended - disputes with loved ones.

Repentance to worry - your adviser is right.

Feeling irritated - a good friend will help.

Feel indignation - to live in peace, but in an unfavorable environment.

Aversion to people - caution is needed.

Aversion to objects - your stomach is out of order.

Feeling envy - a true heart cannot forget you.

Pity - you have the right to a calm conscience.

Malice - fidelity / joyful day to come.

Raging in anger - a small delusion will have grave consequences for you.

Revenge in a dream - for a long time you can’t achieve justice.

Fear in a dream is a danger from joyful hopes / secret cares that you drive during the day / the danger that you love / guilt, obsessions.

Shame and shame in a dream - beware of trusting others, hindrances from your own restraint in feelings.

To be slandered - beware of rashly disclosing a secret.

Judge in a dream - they will ridicule you.

To be late in a dream is near death.

To be lazy in a dream, to be indifferent - to sadness, loss.

Avaricious to be in a dream, to be greedy - you have to survive the horror.

Be cruel in a dream - you have to leave your home.

Dream Interpretation - Urination and bowel movement in a dream

Dreams of this type are never discussed publicly.

Even talking in private with me, dreamers are embarrassed.

  The “toilet” theme is often physiologically determined.

If a sleeping person has such a need, then he is looking for a place in a dream where he could relieve himself.

Different obstacles may arise.

The toilet is closed, people who try to wake the dreamer and put themselves in order interfere. These dreams are not necessary to interpret.

Urination in a dream is a symbol of relieving the soul, getting rid of some worries, heavy memories.

A dream in which a woman irrigates a pipe.

The penis symbol is clearly associated with the sexual past, which she is trying to forget.

Here, as it were revealed a look at the past from a height.

The roof of today, a new understanding of life circumstances.

Shoes symbolize the chosen lifestyle.

But excrement can personify not only undesirable experience, failures in life, but also be a sign that something from a past life should be used.

Sometimes a person “urinates” in a dream the night after a failed exam or speech.

This particularly clearly confirms the importance of symbolic urination in a dream, as a way to relieve emotional stress.

But the meaning of symbolic bowel movements in a dream and, in general, the type of excrement, has a wider range of interpretations.

Excrement can embody not only undesirable experience, failures in life, but also be a sign that something from a past life should be used.

In such cases, the type of excrement gives us information.

1. Pay attention to actions in a dream: your own and other characters. If you act only as an observer, then in life you are lacking in activity.

Lateness in a dream is also reported about this.

3. If you enter the fight or are attacked, this is a sign of intransigence of your character. Do not forget about compromises.

4. Physiological actions in a dream. The fulfillment of natural needs is a factor that heals your psyche and carries emotional liberation. In some cases, indicates difficulties or successes in your current activities.

Dream Interpretation - In a dream beat a husband

In a dream, beating a husband is a sign that his love for you is sincere and deep. Beating in a dream your lover (lover) is a harbinger of the fact that your secret affection will soon be revealed to others.

Dream Interpretation - Time as the duration of events (in a dream)

A dream sometimes keeps its attention in any place, detail, action. At the same time, it seems to freeze on the process, "scrolls" thereby the dream emphasizes the special duration of what constitutes a signified fixation. For example, “to run in a dream” and at the same time to additionally “get stuck”, slow down, freeze in place, reports the duration of interference, problems, given that “running in a dream”, in general, is a hindrance and difficulty. "Eat in a dream" with fixation on the chewing process has a similar effect: minor troubles, scrolls (chewing) receive additional reinforcement. Moreover, such a temporary elongation of the event will not necessarily be associated with the extent of the day (real) time, but, more often, it happens in the internal, subjective perception. On the contrary: the speed, instantness of events and various transformations indicates suddenness, unexpectedness, suddenness, transience of the phenomena and feelings of a waking sleeping person.

Dream Interpretation - Death in a Dream

Psychologically, psychoanalytically and spiritually esoterically, everything presented in a dream does not refer to the external, but to the individual, “internal” field of consciousness of the sleeping person, to his own feelings, thoughts, feelings, energies, desires, reactions ... Therefore, death in a dream is of any characters or images of sleep, especially enemies, in most cases is interpreted positively. Such "death" (death) means the end of our negative feelings, worries, feelings, anxieties. This is the end of affairs, the completion of some important event, a difficult period of life. It is peace, satisfaction, deep relaxation, rest; it is a fulfillment of desires, an achievement. In a person, something always dies and something is born. There is also a psychoanalytic version: killing someone else in a dream (including acquaintances and loved ones) is nothing more than a child’s primitive desire that these people do not die, but simply disappear, retire, leave for a while from the dreamer's life (as something interferes ) a very dubious version, since dreams are fulfilled according to their own, strictly defined other laws!

Dream Interpretation - The death (in reality of living) of parents in a dream may turn out to be the acquisition of the long-awaited freedom and independence

It’s good for the parents themselves (with the rare exception of direct non-symbolic scanning dreams. True, unfulfilled plans and unrealized missed opportunities may also “die”. Death in a dream of someone you know may turn out to be separation from him, his departure, or his success (in reality). It’s even sadder when such a feeling as love dies, but a dreamer can always expect new love, new acquaintances and prospects. In very, very rare, exceptional cases, the death of other people in a dream turns into their death . However, in the most favorable to die or be killed himself in a dream, because an absolute fortune this complete death of all mental movements manifestations; it is a complete success or break, the internal non-action and bliss.

Dream Interpretation - People who have died in reality (appearing in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) In our minds. In the popular belief "to see the dead in a dream to change the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of people who are close to the dead who dream most easily penetrate either the phantoms of deceased friends, or the luciphages from the non-physical measurements of the noosphere of the earth in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special methods only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifagus is alien (non-human), then determining their arrival is quite simple. And although lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our beloved ones who have gone to a world of relatives, when meeting with supposedly our deceased relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we feel special discomfort, great excitement, and even fear! However, from reaching direct destructive energy contact with genuine representatives of the underground infernal spaces, we are saved by the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unconsciousness that together with the high-speed action of our body is our spiritual defense against them. Nevertheless, quite often we can come up with “genuine”, “real” bodys of relatives who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, secret and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives, we can receive a good parting warning, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, the dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt" unfinished relationship with this person. Such unphysically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance by spiritual purification.

Dream Interpretation - Active in a dream

If in dreams you walk, run, fly or fight, then in life you are active.

This does not mean, of course, that saving the inhabitants of the whole city from a disaster in a dream, you will also act in reality.

But such behavior in a dream indicates that a person can and should be active.

This is his nature.

A person who actively acted in a dream, and in reality will try to change something, using the prompts of sleep.



I did not come to life, but former employees and policemen came to visit me (about 10 people). the employees began to cook on the table in the kitchen, I went to the store and bought sausage (I didn’t pay money for the sausage, because there were a lot of people and I was kind of lost), and when I got home, I saw that the police were dancing in a round dance and in only underpants and caps


i saw a friend in a dream, she was very well dressed and I wasn’t, and she gave me in one package there were a lot of black children’s caps to support. I saw an ex-boyfriend


i didn’t go on the stairs, I went to the elevator, and he began to crumble, and I cuddled up to the policeman and arrived in the attic and there I took dolls that were now thrown away by the deceased


in a dream, I was sitting on a bench at home suddenly the policeman comes in, I started to run away and then he approached, he put me in the car and drove away and he kept repeating one thing I’ll check for alcohol


Hello) today I dreamed from 7 pm to 9 that it was like at first with my young man we were playing some kind of game where there were a lot of people, there we had to jump on the toilet papers! and even during the game we collected some money, people threw this money away, and we picked it up eagerly! in the end, we lost the game and drove with him in a car towards the house! But before we went we drank a glass of beer! And then, when we were driving on the road, there were traffic police and like, we left the road! And drove along the road through the mud, it was dark! He rolled down, but in the end we drove out onto the road, and while we were driving through this mud a policeman ran after us slowly and said, like: I’ll get to you! you didn’t turn into mud because you drank i know !!! and runs quietly. and when we left already, he fell behind! We drove onto the road and it got even darker! You can’t see anything, and I was scared that we were about to leave the road! but after a few seconds the guy turned on the headlights and I woke up! ” What does this mean? please tell me:?


I had a dream that I was in police uniform with the rank of major. All relatives were surprised that I became a policeman!


i somehow got into a pile village where I wanted to meet a friend there before and we were greeted by police officers and wrote something later I came to my mother’s house but she was drunk and there was a drunk and not a familiar man and we swore hard and I woke up.


i dream that I am walking down the street in winter and cannot sleeplessly walking in something. A policeman comes up and offers his help to help me get home. He brings me home, and we part, but then I understand that he didn’t lead me to my entrance and I’m yelling for him to return. And he returns I explain to him the whole point of the matter. And then he offers me to go to the cafeteria or something like that, but here I understand that I really like him, and he and I are in a relationship, we kiss, hug, then I wake up.


I am 12 years old and can’t walk after 10, and today I had a dream that we and the whole class went to the square, there was some kind of holiday. Soon I was offended by all of them and left when I went and looked at the time it was already 22:02 I was very scared but went home to my house you can get in 2 ways I looked at the 1st way there was a police car and I went 2 -m way. I walked and suddenly along my street I saw 2 policemen, it was dark, they let go of 2 German shepherds and dogs ran to meet me then I went to the police with dogs and they asked where my house was, I said that he was here on this street, this house I was looking for a long time and was all in tears.


It was a dream that I and my friends were walking around the city (Lviv), and we see
  Mashyna “bus”, a cloud of Masars comes out and they start to run after us, we respectively started to run, they caught up with us and just started with cigarettes, kicked our legs, soon we got around and we ran away, after I’ve survived the cop, on castes when he sees me and my friends, he starts to run away, we followed him into the train, I run 1 and then something very scared me, I don’t remember that after I chewed my eyes shut and started to sing))) but funny) but friend means something)


The role of a policeman was a guy to whom I am not indifferent. I was going to the market, when suddenly the police car stopped and the guy put me in the car. I don’t remember if he made any complaints, but I quickly got out of the car, telling him that he was handsome. He did not answer. The funny thing is that later, when I walked around the market, I found out that I had forgotten a bag in his car. With this guy we only exchange views in life. But what’s strange, that same day I went to the market and really met him there. He had a dream on Saturday, the 9th.
  Thanks for the help!))))


I dreamed that I was walking along the street, I see how little children drink beer, I ask them how you can, you’re not ashamed, then I went on and saw a classmate with cards in his hands and his friends playing cards, then a passerby policeman notices this and forces him to give the deck of cards to him, of course the classmate gives the deck of cards. The policeman makes us all go with him to an unknown place and it turns out to be some kind of summer residence, we run out of him into the street and jump straight from the big bridge into the water, everyone bent a, I shout from them, I don’t know how to swim, they shout close your eyes and jump do not be afraid, I closed my eyes and bent down, found myself in the water and this was the end of the dream


a policeman came and was looking for my son. When I asked how serious his problem is, he said that he faces 1 year in prison


At first I was at home, my best friend called me, and a little later it turned out that she met my boyfriend and his good friend, whom I did not even know, it made me very angry ... And then I dreamed that I was in some big and a house I didn’t know, There was also my aunt with my niece, abushka and a guy, and then a lot of policemen came, they walked around the house, the yard and I was scared of them at first and was going to leave, but there was also a militiner at the gate


I have a former boyfriend, a policeman, we’ve been divorced for almost a year, but sometimes I call each other, or rather I’ll call to ask how things are, so from Thursday to Friday I have a dream that I’m leaving the entrance of my house and I see a man who seems to be As I was waiting for me, I’m very glad to see me. I look at him from head to toe and see that he is wearing a police uniform. I don’t see the face, but I see the statue of my young man and I understand that it’s kind of like he is waiting for me, but I don’t see his face ...


i dreamed I bought some you’re extinguishing with some kind of guy, I think he was a poor guy (I never use anything like that!) we go along the sidewalk, two policemen pass right by side, and one of them has a kind of radar and it turns on me and says something type op ... ..


It was night. A lot of people ran and among them was me, we ran from the police there were a lot of them, they shot everything indiscriminately, I don’t know why ?! Somehow, a guy took my hand and dragged me behind the building to hide from the police, i.e. he began to help me, then he said sit here, and he went to see where the policeman was and I was left alone, and the police began to surround the building, standing near the wall, I saw the light of a fanarik approaching me, a panic began in a dream, that me they’ll kill, because they have already killed everyone and I was left alone. Well, here I woke up. Explain me a dream please, I am very interested. Thank.


i walked with the guys as suddenly everything became dull and a panic began a few seconds later everyone was detained by the riot police, including me, but I was not touched by a finger


I dreamed that I was standing among the audience in a white police uniform with the major's epaulettes and for some reason I was ashamed, but my classmates were crazy about me.


it all started with the fact that my family celebrated someone’s birthday, I baked a cake myself, treated the guests and ate myself, when my sisters and I ate, we decided to go for a walk passing by the garden, I saw a plum tree and decided to eat a plum, when I came closer I saw that there was a lot of ripe plum lying on the ground and didn’t pick it off the tree, after I went to the street and there I met a policeman, he said that some kind of our neighbor had lost a huge amount of money and didn’t we see this money, I said that we will help them find after some time I finally found them, there were a lot of them and large bills, I collected them and gave them to that policeman


saved the girl from coming up from a hill of ice, returned her purse, stole a car with vodka and drinking water and viscar, hit another car her steering wheel was hard to spin but I was able to drive her, threw the car, found 2 both full of cartridges from the gun, left me a cop to check the documents he released later, met with old friends to sit out from the investigation in his hands was a bottle of water and a bottle of expensive vodka!

[email protected]:

i live on the 1st floor and dreamed that a police car drove up, and 2 policemen got out and looked at me through the windows, then when she got up I looked, they started to leave, what was it for?


Hello! On the night of Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream that my husband and I were driving in a car, I was trying to reach my son, but he was not picking up the phone. After some time, the son gets in touch with me and in some incomprehensible way I see on the phone screen that my son is in the police and he is being tortured by the police. I scream in horror and wake up.

[email protected]:

I dreamed that the police stopped the car to check the documents. but the wind blew my help document and I chased him


i dreamed that I was sent to prison and there I fought with a policeman in a dream there were orange colors


I cried because they killed two policemen (I don’t know them) and wounded a person I knew. Then, as it were, a second dream - I went into a strange yard (to a neighbor) and took my two black boots.


I had a colorful dream and even I controlled some actions. My private house and the internal troops of the Russian Federation are storming into it. I have an assault rifle in my arsenal and several against tank grenade launchers. There are weapons at home and I am not surprised with the weapons. The dream ended at the time of the hot shootout. I blew up with an RPG btr and woke up.


Good afternoon, this dream guarded me very much. I don’t remember everything, I remember I somehow screwed up traffic cops in a dream. In my opinion, I broke their cars, but it’s not strange, there wasn’t much reaction from them. Then I remember what is behind me a whole horde of cops, in official vehicles, was chasing, I was in some kind of car, leaving them, later they still stopped me, but didn’t arrest me. Some foreigners helped. What did it dream of?


i dreamed that I was in prison ... I saw a friend there and a policeman whom I also know ... other cops ... a friend of mine gives onions and garlic ... like everything


i saw how the cops went into the entrance to the neighbor 2, went to the lower neighbor and one to the other, but he escaped from him and the cop ran after him


I'm driving in a car ... rather, driving. I see the opposite standing cop .. just 3m. I stopped .. and he gives me a black bag of groceries.


i was stopped by a traffic police officer and demanded to present documents, I presented documents, except for a driver’s license, he asked where the driver’s license was, I said I forgot at home .... and he demanded everything from me and demanded


I dreamed how a detachment of policemen were running after me, I was running away. Then they surrounded me, I shot one of them in the forehead, there was red bright blood. What ended I do not remember.


came home five men in uniform stood in the courtyard then went with them to the garage before that dreamed of a man who shot me with a sniper rifle from behind a fence I was in my yard and was hiding behind the scenes as I took his rifle from him but the next one came and started shooting from the machine


good day. I was riding the bus where there were a lot of policemen


i had a dream that I went into the house where the church was supposed to be, we built it a little. But the doctor lives there, a friend of the priest. I go in and see the priest sitting at the table from the policeman a big boss and they probably drank and the priest looked at the name and it became uncomfortable for him the doctor came out of the room, but a word was not washed out. I, too, in good presentations with that priest. what is it


  I was driving in a police UAZ, there was no driver behind the wheel. I sit in the seat next to the driver, in the back seat there are 3 policemen, in shirts, in ties, with shoulder straps. Not arrested. But we are driving, without a driver.

Why does a woman dream about a dream book Why do I dream about bedbugs

Interpreting what the policeman dreams of, the dream book proceeds from the authoritarianism of this figure. In a dream, the law enforcement officer is often identified with his father, teacher, boss, code of moral or religious principles, and his own conscience. A dream can have different interpretations for law-abiding citizens and for those who are not in tune with the law.

Popular Interpretations

If you dreamed about how you turned to a policeman for help, Miller’s dream book warns that in real life you can’t cope with the problem alone.

Seer Wang claims that the one who dreamed of a policeman would receive the necessary emotional support. True, provided that the dreamer's conscience is pure - only in this case, to see the guard of law and order is a good sign.

Interpretation of Sigmund Freud claims that people who suffer from many sexual taboos see a servant of the law in night dreams. The dream book calls for emancipation and to leave the Puritan upbringing in the past on the conscience of mentors.

I serve in the police

If you dreamed that you had to be a policeman, you probably will have to face a problem that no one but you can solve.

The commentator notes that one who is not the first to be an operative in dreams may be abusing his powers, physical or psychological strength.

Miller’s dream interpretation believes that being a policeman in night dreams is a good sign. Your authority in the eyes of others will increase significantly, and your point of view will gain weight.

If in a dream you happen to be in the form of a policeman, in reality you sincerely hope that an unseemly act will get away with it.

The dream, in which he happened to be in the form of a riot police, symbolizes excessive confidence in his own rightness. Maybe it makes sense to partially reconsider your views?


The spring dream book of Imennikov explains why he dreams of greeting a policeman. In real life, the dreamer runs the risk of being undeservedly reproached by a superior.

The Slavic predictor believes that when it happens to greet a policeman in a dream, in reality, one also has to deal with law enforcement agencies.

Conflict situations

A fierce fight, in which police officers participated, personifies the unfair treatment of the sleeping person. The interpreter believes that this is precisely the case when the offenders should be repelled.

This is not the only explanation for why there is a fight involving law enforcers. In reality, the dreamer is afraid of losing what is dear to him. Anxiety does not let go even in a dream.

If a drunken policeman had a dream, it is very likely that reality and the world around him seem absurd, unfair and even dangerous, devoid of landmarks and points of support.


The Dreamwalker's Dream Interpretation explains why it is dreaming of how a police officer arrested you. If a man happened to see a similar story in a dream, he will discover a new kind of activity. If a woman dreamed about it, she would soon get married.

To see a dream about a policeman, what does it mean? (ABC interpretation of dreams)

Policeman - Soon the secret will become apparent and you will have to pay for what was done wrong with you. Policeman - It is a symbol of power and order. Emphasizes volitional traits in the character of a dreamer. If you see a policeman, then you will have problems with loved ones. You will be unfairly accused, so what you dream about is deciphered.

Policeman - If a policeman stops you in a dream, there will probably soon be a slight misunderstanding that will bring you losses. If a policeman is chasing you, you should not conflict with the law, or with your own spouse, or with your work colleagues. Otherwise, trouble is guaranteed to you. Seeing yourself in the guise of a policeman is likely to be sure that you are right, but no one will support you. Consider your position several times if you decide to seek justice. Maybe you're not so right?

What the Policeman dreams of (dream book of esoteric E. Tsvetkova)

Policeman - Arrest dreamed - an unexpected offer; visit - to recovery in the family. Policeman - Guardians of law and order, who dreamed about you, symbolize the inevitable patterns of life or trouble with loved ones. To see a policeman in a dream - to pressure from dignitaries, to arrest a policeman's visit - to recover family members, a conversation with a policeman in a dream - to a dispute. For a young woman, this dream is an official proposal to get married.

Policeman - Pressure of forced circumstances; dispute, disagreement. Policeman - An unexpected offer; a visit - to recovery in the family, so what you dream about is deciphered. Policeman - Resentment, trouble.

A policeman in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Policeman - This is your fear of the law. Perhaps you have a "snout in the cannon", and this fear is inspired by your upbringing. Justify yourself in your own eyes, and the fear will pass. Police - A policeman is dreaming or asking him for help is a harbinger of difficulties that you cannot solve on your own. Being a policeman yourself means that only you can help a person cope with problems.

To be an employee of an international organization, to cooperate with it - that you have to answer for meanness, rudeness or incorrect attitude to a person. If Interpol is looking for you in a dream - in reality you will have to communicate with unpleasant or mean people, but you cannot avoid it. Dreaming of a police outfit or patrol - means that you can be dragged into some kind of trial in a case that has nothing to do with you; if they check your documents or ask to show a passport, a dream will predict changes in life.

The meaning of the dream about the Police Officer (Numerological dream book)

Police - Seeing in a dream that you are typing in a dream 01 means that in reality you commit an offense for which you will have to answer. If you dial this number easily, then with honor you will get out of an unpleasant situation for you and you will not lose the respect of colleagues and relatives. However, if your finger gets stuck in the phone’s disk or you miss the phone buttons, then wait for the trouble - most likely, in 2 months your environment will turn away from you and you will have to start all over again.

To dream of someone else dialing number 01 - in reality you will put a loved one in an awkward position, and if you don’t apologize and help him out of an unpleasant situation by taking the blame, then after 29 days you will lose your faithful companion.

If you see a policeman, why is this? (interpretation of psychologist E. Erickson)

A policeman in a dream - restrained motives. A policeman - his visit - an unexpected offer. A policeman - you saw a policeman in a dream - you actually know yourself which of your actions you can attribute to dishonest; if you do not want to sacrifice your reputation, it's time to improve; some senior official will put pressure on you.

A young woman sees in a dream a policeman - the long-awaited proposal for marriage will be sustained in official colors. It’s as if a policeman comes to your home - if someone in your family is sick, then he will recover soon. It’s like you turned to a policeman for help - in reality, you will need the help of influential people. You see yourself in the role of a policeman - someone from your loved ones will turn to you for help.

What does the dream with the policeman mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, what a policeman dreams about is an undeserved charge of petty sins.

In the summer, what a policeman standing at the post dreamed of was an intense labor rhythm.

In the fall, why did the policeman dream of criminally punishable misconduct.

In winter, what a policeman dreams of is self-condemnation. Arrested - a new occupation (for a man) or marriage (relationship) for a woman.

To determine what the police dream of, remember the details of how the events of the dream developed. Although in general the symbol "police" means power, protection, security, but any little thing can put these interpretations "upside down."

The dream, where the police are involved, is bright but chaotic. The rarity of such dreams suggests that they should not be neglected, it is worth considering the interpretation.

And before embarking on an interpretation in books or on the Internet, think for a start yourself: "What is the police dreaming of?" Perhaps you yourself will find the answer better than any dream book.

Consider several interpretations in the light of possible sleep events. What such images dream of depends largely on what exactly happened in the dream.

You are stopped to check documents

This moment indicates that it is time to gather our thoughts. The situation is as follows: you have accumulated too many pending and unfinished business.

In this case, the question “what is the police dreaming about” can be answered unequivocally: decide what is most important to you, forget about the little things and the time wasted! Some business requires immediate execution.

In a dream, you are in a police building

If the authorities are friendly, then this sign indicates that you are under the protection of higher powers. This means that you need to discard unnecessary fears and doubts, as they take energy in vain.

If the police treat you with prejudice and hostility, then you should think about what mistake was made in the recent past, what your envious people, competitors, and enemies can take.

The police arrested you

If, in the story of a dream, the arrest is unreasonable and you are subsequently embarrassed to apologize, then in real life you can unexpectedly bypass a business competitor or an opponent on the career ladder.

  • If in a dream you are arrested in the case, then there will be difficult opposition, which, alas, will not be in your favor.
  • The arrest, after which he is released on his own recognizance, also does not bode well - the interpretation advises taking a time-out in business, rest, otherwise harming the cause with perseverance.

As you can see, arrest to arrest for the interpretation of sleep is discord. Calm the mind and remember the situation.

Other dream events

Let's see what other scenes are dreaming with the participation of district, road inspectors or other representatives of law enforcement agencies.

1. Police officers exceed powers, mock.

The dream clearly foreshadows a trick from the authorities. It is necessary to act on the circumstances. Most likely, you even guess what we are talking about. Then just get ready so that you can get out of the situation with the boss “beautifully”.

2. A police car with a flashing light turned on.

A sign of the increasing speed of events unfolding in real life. There is running around and vanity.

3. Dial the police number.

The dream speaks of your extreme anxiety, if you don’t calm down, you can undermine your health or harm your business.

4. Arrange an escape.

Interpretation of such a dream warns that you can get involved in cases that directly or indirectly violate the law. Perhaps you really think now: “he who does not take risks does not drink champagne!” But such a dream warns: the risk may end badly!

5. You will suddenly find out that you are wanted.

What is the dream of the police in this case? It is necessary to prepare for a strip of failures, for unjustified attacks by colleagues and superiors.

Under such circumstances, you need to believe in the good. Whatever happens, no matter how hostile the world may seem, but just as sunrise is inevitable after night, so after a period of trials there will certainly come bright moments of life!

As you can see, the interpretations can vary widely and even contradict, so if you want to know the meaning of sleep on the Internet, do not rush to simply type “dream book police” in the search engine. Let's say the police (police) had a dream, try to recall the events of sleep and ask a question more specifically.

Of course, the dream where the police (police) are involved is emotional, insignificant details go to memory. But if you calm down, as if avoiding the events of sleep, then the question of interpretation will be able to be formulated specifically, and, accordingly, get a specific answer.
  Author: Igor Vaskin



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