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The smallest star in the universe. Astronomers have discovered potentially the smallest star in the universe The size of the smallest star

Scientists have discovered potentially the smallest star in the Universe in the constellation Sculptor. Its radius is only slightly larger than Saturn's, and its mass is only 85 times that of Jupiter, according to a paper published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

“Our discovery is a clear demonstration of the minimum sizes stars can reach. If EBLM J0555-57Ab had a slightly smaller mass, then thermonuclear reactions in its core simply would not have started, and it would have turned into a brown dwarf,” said Alexander Boetticher from the University of Cambridge (UK).

Stars of the milky way

All the stars of the Milky Way and other galaxies are born inside especially dense clouds of gas, some of which at a certain point in time become denser and begin to become denser. Over time, the temperatures and pressures inside these growing clumps rise to such high values ​​that thermonuclear reactions between individual hydrogen atoms begin to occur in their centers.

Such reactions, as calculations by astrophysicists show, can only occur inside fairly large objects, whose mass is approximately 7% of the solar mass, which is 73 times the mass of Jupiter. Smaller celestial bodies turn into brown dwarfs - “failed stars” that glow faintly in the infrared and gradually fade away.

The smallest star found by astrologers from the University of Cambridge

Bottisher and his colleagues discovered the first example of a star at the very boundary between brown dwarfs and the faintest, smallest red dwarfs by observing close pairs of stars, one of which is noticeably smaller than its companion.

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When such a small and dim star passes through the disk of a larger star, its brightness drops sharply, which allows astronomers to very accurately measure the diameter and mass of both “halves” of the binary system. Guided by a similar principle, astronomers from the EBLM project have been observing the night sky of the southern hemisphere for several years, trying to find the smallest and faintest stars.

These searches were crowned with complete success - Bottisher's team recently managed to discover the record small star EBLM J0555-57Ab, located just 600 light years from Earth in the constellation Sculptor. It orbits an almost complete twin of the Sun, completing one revolution in just seven days.

The smallest star in the solar system

This Saturn-sized star, with just 8% the mass of the Sun, is incredibly dense for a star and attracts matter about 300 times stronger than Earth. As observations by scientists show, it is distinguished by an unusually calm character for stars of small size, which, coupled with the very long life spans of such luminaries, creates the most favorable conditions for the origin of life.

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In about 3-4 billion years, as astronomers say, the depths of our native star will begin to run out of hydrogen. The thermonuclear reaction of helium fusion supported by it will no longer be able to restrain gravitational compression. With a sharp decrease in the size of the star's core, the pressure and temperature there will reach such values ​​at which the second step in the evolution of the star - the synthesis of carbon from helium - will become possible. Then the Sun, having increased its diameter from the current 1.4 million km to 355 million km, will simply “swallow” our Earth, which will burn and evaporate in the sizzling atmosphere of the newly born red giant.

But even with this, the Sun will be far from the real ones. So Antares (α Scorpio) has a diameter of 1.2 billion km, Betelgeuse (α Orion) - almost 1.7 billion km. The largest star today is considered to be UY of the Scutum constellation with a diameter of about three billion km. So? It turns out that all the stars that surround us are larger than our Sun? Not certainly in that way.

Our star belongs to the class of yellow dwarfs. Yellow dwarfs are stars whose mass makes it possible to maintain conditions in the core for the thermonuclear reaction of helium fusion from all types of hydrogen, including (which is important) ordinary, light hydrogen. The mass of this class of celestial bodies varies from 0.81 to 1.22 solar masses, and the surface is heated to 5-6 thousand Kelvin (the same scale as Celsius, only zero Kelvin is −273 ° C, or absolute zero) .

Objects that “received” less than 8% of the solar mass at the birth of matter are not destined to become stars in the usual sense of the word. This is a kind of transitional link between the giant planets and stars. Their mass allows only the combustion of heavy hydrogen isotopes - deuterium and tritium - to be maintained in the depths. The surface temperature of such “understars” sometimes does not exceed a thousand Kelvin. According to most researchers, such a star will externally resemble our Jupiter - the same equatorially oriented stripes of clouds, only illuminated from the inside with a reddish-brown light.

But between the class of stars to which our Sun belongs and brown dwarfs there is a most interesting type of luminary - red dwarfs. Although the pressure and temperature of their cores support the conditions for full thermonuclear fusion, it proceeds extremely slowly. It is to this group that the smallest star in the Universe known today belongs, bearing the complex name: OGLE-TR-122b.


It was possible to get acquainted with OGLE-TR-122b thanks to hunters for mysterious and elusive dark matter. How can we find an object located hundreds and thousands of light years away from us that does not emit anything? As part of the Polish-American project OGLE (the name of the project served as the name of the objects discovered during its course), a solution was proposed based on the gravitational effect that such an object would have on the light coming to the Earth from stars or galaxies located further away. Modern science has technical means capable of recording such a slight deviation.

OGLE-TR-122b is the smallest star discovered

A side result, so to speak, of the program was the discovery of many objects, such as brown or red dwarfs, invisible from Earth due to their small mass and extremely low luminosity. Similarly, in 2005, the smallest star in the Universe was discovered - the red dwarf OGLE-TR-122b. This is the second star of a binary system. OGLE-TR-122a is its neighbor, more massive, similar to our Sun, but the “younger brother” is a typical representative of red dwarfs. The diameter of the baby is only about 160 thousand kilometers. The phrase “only” is appropriate, since the diameter of our Jupiter is not much smaller - 140 thousand km. The mass of OGLE-TR-122b is about one hundred Jupiter masses or 9% solar. But the smallest star in the Universe is 50 times denser than our star.

Mysterious babies

Red dwarfs are truly unique stars. Their special distinguishing characteristic is their simply unrealistically long life span. 4.5 billion years ago, when our solar system was still a whirlwind of dust and gas, and the Proto-Sun flared hesitantly at its center, many red dwarfs had already formed and had planets. Our star will turn over time (in about 5 billion years) into a red giant, “welding” Mercury, Venus and Earth in its crown. And then, after 7...8 billion years, it will become a dying stellar “cinder” - a white dwarf, and the same red dwarfs will practically not grow old during this time and will shine for another billions of years (and according to some assumptions - up to a trillion years) and shine...

Such a long lifespan of a star creates favorable conditions for the emergence and development of life on its planets. Just imagine - billions and billions of years of stable, unchanged meteorological conditions on the planet. Most astrobiologists are confident that it is the satellite planets of red dwarfs that are the main candidates for the presence of extraterrestrial life.

Another interesting fact about the life of red dwarfs is their number. If we could see all celestial bodies of this type with the naked eye, just as we see brighter stars, then the sky would become five times brighter for us. Despite the fact that red dwarfs are so difficult for discoverers, they, according to some assumptions, account for up to 80% (!!!) of the entire stellar mass of the universe.

How to see

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to see the system (a-b) OGLE-TR-122. The luminosity of this pair is about 16 (remember, the naked eye is able to distinguish stars up to 6 stars inclusive). But this is not the biggest obstacle to observations: OGLE-TR-122 is a star in the southern hemisphere and the best place to observe it would be, for example, Australia.

Its coordinates for trained astronomy lovers who are ready to go there and owners of good optics with the ability to point in azimuth:

  • right ascension: 11h 06m 51.99s
  • list marked: -60° 51′ 45.7″

Happy observing!

The star - VY Canis Majoris is the largest of all known stars in the Milky Way. Mention of it can be found in a star catalog published back in 1801. There she is listed as a seventh magnitude star.

The red hypergiant star VY Canis Majoris is located 4,900 light-years from Earth. It is 2100 times larger than the Sun. In other words, if we imagine that VY suddenly appeared in the place of our star, then it would absorb all the planets up to Saturn. In order to fly around such a “ball” at a speed of 900 km/h it will take 1100 years. However, when moving at the speed of light, it will take much less time - only 8 minutes.

Since the mid-19th century, VY Canis Majoris has been known to have a crimson hue. It was assumed that it is a multiple. But later it turned out that this is a single star and it does not have a companion. And the crimson spectrum of the glow is provided by the surrounding nebula.

3 or more stars that are seen as closely spaced are called a multiple star. If in fact they are simply close to the line of sight, then they are an optically multiple star; if they are united by gravity, they are a physically multiple star.

With such a gigantic size, the mass of the star is only 40 times the mass of the Sun. The density of the gases inside it is very low - this explains its impressive size and relatively low weight. Gravity is unable to prevent the loss of stellar fuel. It is believed that by now the hypergiant has already lost more than half of its original mass.

Back in the mid-19th century, scientists noted that the giant star was losing its brightness. However, this parameter is still very impressive - the brightness of VY is 500 times greater than the Sun.

Scientists believe that when VY's fuel runs out, it will explode as a supernova. The explosion will destroy any life for several light years around. But the Earth will not suffer - the distance is too great.

And the smallest

In 2006, it appeared in the press that a group of Canadian scientists led by Dr. Harvey Reicher had discovered the smallest currently known star in our galaxy. It is located in the star cluster NGC 6397 - the second farthest from the Sun. The research was carried out using the Hubble telescope.

The mass of the discovered star is close to the theoretically calculated lower limit and amounts to 8.3% of the mass of the Sun. The existence of smaller stellar objects is considered impossible. Their small size simply does not allow the nuclear fusion reaction to begin. The brightness of such objects is similar to the glow of a candle lit on the Moon.

There are trillions of stars in the Universe. We don't even see most of them, and those that are visible to our eyes can be bright or very dim, depending on their size and other properties. What do we know about them? Which star is the smallest? Which one is the hottest?

Stars and their varieties

Our Universe is full of interesting objects: planets, stars, nebulae, asteroids, comets. Stars are massive balls of gases. The force of their own gravity helps them maintain balance. Like all cosmic bodies, they move in space, but due to the great distance it is difficult to notice.

Thermonuclear reactions occur inside stars, causing them to emit energy and light. Their brightness varies considerably and is measured in magnitudes. In astronomy, each quantity corresponds to a certain number, and the lower it is, the lower the brightness of the star. The smallest star in size is called a dwarf; there are also normal stars, giants and supergiants.

In addition to brightness, they also have a temperature, due to which stars emit a different spectrum. The hottest are blue, followed (in descending order) by blue, white, yellow, orange and red. Stars that do not fit into any of these parameters are called peculiar.

The hottest stars

When we talk about the temperature of stars, we mean the surface characteristics of their atmospheres. The internal temperature can only be determined through calculations. How hot a star is can be judged by its color or spectral class, which is usually designated by the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M. Each of them is divided into ten subclasses, which are designated by numbers from 0 to 9.

Class O is among the hottest. Their temperature ranges from 50 to 100 thousand degrees Celsius. However, scientists recently dubbed the Butterfly Nebula, the temperature of which reaches 200 thousand degrees, the hottest star.

Other hot stars are blue supergiants, for example, Rigel Orionis, Alpha Giraffe, Gamma. Cool stars are M-class dwarfs. WISE J085510.83-071442 is considered the coldest in the Universe. The temperature of the star reaches -48 degrees.

Dwarf stars

A dwarf is the direct opposite of a supergiant, the smallest star in size. They are small in size and luminosity, and may even be smaller than the Earth. Dwarfs make up 90% of the stars in our galaxy. They are significantly smaller than the Sun, however, they are superior to the naked eye; they are almost impossible to see in the night sky.

Red dwarfs are considered the smallest. They have a modest mass and are cool compared to other stars. Their spectral class is designated by the letters M and K. Temperatures can reach from 1,500 to 1,800 degrees Celsius.

Star 61 in the constellation Cygnus is the smallest star that can be seen without professional optics. It emits a dim light and is located 11.5 light years away. Slightly larger in size is an orange dwarf located at a distance of ten light years.

The closest to us is Proxima; a person could reach it only after 18 thousand years. It is a red dwarf that is 1.5 times larger than Jupiter. It is located only 4.2 light years from the Sun. The luminary is surrounded by other small stars, but they have not been studied due to their low brightness.

Which star is the smallest?

Not all stars are familiar to us. There are hundreds of billions of them in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Of course, scientists have studied only a small part of them. The smallest star known to date in the Universe is called OGLE-TR-122b.

It is a double star, meaning it is connected by a gravitational field to another star. Their mutual rotation around each other's masses lasts seven and a half days. The system was discovered in 2005 during the Optical Gravitational Lens Experiment, from the English abbreviation of which it was named.

The smallest star is a red dwarf in the southern hemisphere sky. Its radius is 0.12 that of the sun, and its mass is 0.09. It is 100 times more massive than Jupiter, and 50 times more dense than the Sun.

The discovery of this star system confirmed scientists' theory that a star can be slightly larger than the average planet if its mass is at least ten times less than the Sun. Most likely, there are smaller stars in the Universe, but modern technology does not allow them to be seen.

Overalls are a real salvation for mothers whose children hate getting dressed for a long time. These clothes are completely universal, they are warm and cozy, comfortable to lie down and wiggle your legs or take the first steps.

The moms behind Loloclo thought long and hard before creating their first signature onesie. They wanted to make not a simple one, but the most convenient one in the world! To begin with, they remembered which overalls they had seen themselves and what they didn’t like - a row of many buttons on the back, slanting and crooked seams with protruding threads, a bunch of ruffles and frills, prints and even rhinestones, as well as eye-catching colors. They firmly decided that all this would not be in a Loloclo jumpsuit. What will happen? Solid colors of noble colors that are suitable for both boys and girls. The highest quality and softest knitwear made in Turkey. Comfortable cuffs that do not tighten the arms and legs. And, of course, a zipper and buttons on the front, no buttons! The Loloclo team sews overalls for newborns using special equipment that allows you to carefully process all the seams, making them durable and invisible to the child. All the fittings on the onesies have been tested in production and by dozens of mothers who have already bought the slips - the zipper can be fastened and unfastened in one motion, and the buttons can be fastened even in complete darkness (for example, at night, when the baby needs to be changed and not disturbed by bright lights).

The Loloclo collection includes overalls for babies in three models:

  • with a zipper
  • on the buttons
  • with buttons and cuffs

The onesies with a zipper are equipped with an additional button at the throat so that the baby cannot unfasten the clothes on his own. The buttons on the second overalls are also located on the inside of the legs of the product. They are there for a reason - you don’t have to remove the entire slip to change the diaper, but unfasten only the necessary part. The slip on buttons with cuffs took all the best from its brother and has wide and soft cuffs - it’s convenient to put on and take off socks, and also kiss tiny heels.

Any mother loves to dress up her baby. Baby onesies for newborns are offered in different shades: pink, red, yellow, blue, green, white, gray, fuchsia and others, a total of 14 colors. Choose your favorite color and buy something new for your baby. Placing an order is very simple - in the size table, which indicates the height and age of the child, as well as chest circumference, sleeve length and leg length, select the appropriate one, decide on the color, click the “buy” button. Loloclo does not have a mandatory minimum order amount, but it does offer delivery to all regions of Russia!



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