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Celebrities with wide nose women. Famous actors with unusual appearance (47 photos). Peter Falk and Sammy Davis Jr.

Next time, before you cry into your pillow because of your “crooked” legs,
humps on the nose or uneven teeth - remember that even star beauties,
which millions of men around the world dream of, cannot boast of...
perfect body. They just learned to disguise their cuteness
(and sometimes not so much) shortcomings or passing them off as advantages.
Megan Fox
Appearance defect: deformed fingers
While filming an advertising campaign for a new model for Motorola, the actress had to
resort to the help of a stunt double. Megan asked not to take close-ups of her... hands.
It turned out that the “sexiest woman on the planet” is beautiful, but not to the tips of her nails.
Megan suffers from brachydactyly (a congenital abnormality of the fingers),
because of which the thumbs on the hands grow slower than the rest
and their nails look underdeveloped.

Paris Hilton

Yes, Paris doesn’t want to change anything - can she really give up her sky-colored eyes and return to her natural brown shade? This is so “boring”!

Title="Paris Hilton
Appearance defect: lazy eye
Have you ever noticed that every time Paris poses for photographers... she squints her left eye?
Several years ago (possibly after unsuccessful plastic surgery), the famous blonde’s left eyelid began to seriously sag.
The defect cannot be corrected - the heiress's love for colored contact lenses has extremely depleted the mucous membrane.
Yes, Paris doesn’t want to change anything - can she really give up her sky-colored eyes and return to her natural brown shade? This is so “boring”!">!}

Lily Allen

Today, such a genetic anomaly appears in one woman in fifty and looks like a large mole.

Title="Lily Allen
Appearance defect: third nipple
“When you touch it, it gets hard,” Lily doesn’t miss a single opportunity to talk about her… third nipple.
As a rule, the matter does not end with stories alone - the singer is happy to demonstrate the “miracle of the body” to everyone.
Lily is lucky that this is the 21st century, because there were times when those with a third nipple were considered witches and burned at the stake.
Today, such a genetic anomaly appears in one woman in fifty and looks like a large mole.">!}

Kate Bosworth
Kate Bosworth always looks dazzling on the red carpet, but if you get closer to her, it looks like she... has mixed up her colored contact lenses. The actress has congenital heterochromia of the iris: one eye is brown, the other is blue. This symptom is often found in animals - dogs, cats, horses, but in humans it is rather an exception to the rule.

Title="Kate Bosworth
Appearance defect: eyes of different colors
Kate Bosworth always looks dazzling on the red carpet, but if you get closer to her, it looks like she... has mixed up her colored contact lenses. The actress has congenital heterochromia of the iris: one eye is brown, the other is blue. This symptom is often found in animals - dogs, cats, horses, but in humans it is rather an exception to the rule.">!}

Vanessa Paradis
Appearance defect: chipped
Don't rush to the dentist if you notice a gap between your front teeth. Thanks to the charm of Vanessa Paradis, perfectly straight teeth have long been out of fashion! Glossy magazines and giants of the beauty industry sing the praises of the gap, which not only does not spoil the face, but also gives it a special charm. Today it is believed that such a slit indicates a special sexuality and cheerful disposition. But dentists call it a diastema (bite defect).

Title="Vanessa Paradis
Appearance defect: chipped
Don't rush to the dentist if you notice a gap between your front teeth. Thanks to the charm of Vanessa Paradis, perfectly straight teeth have long been out of fashion! Glossy magazines and giants of the beauty industry sing the praises of the gap, which not only does not spoil the face, but also gives it a special charm. Today it is believed that such a slit indicates a special sexuality and cheerful disposition. But dentists call it a diastema (bite defect).">!}

Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson has never been shy about her small breasts, which in a bikini looked completely... boyish. “She’s the same size as me in the comedy White Chicks,” Marlon Wayans burst out when the strap of her dress treacherously slipped off her shoulder during the American Music Awards. “The main thing is not the opinion of others, but self-awareness,” the beauty waved it off. However, there are rumors that on her birthday, in April of this year, she enlarged her breasts to... size one.

Title="Kate Hudson
Appearance defect: lack of breasts
Kate Hudson has never been shy about her small breasts, which in a bikini looked completely... boyish. “She’s the same size as me in the comedy White Chicks,” Marlon Wayans burst out when the strap of her dress treacherously slipped off her shoulder during the American Music Awards. “The main thing is not the opinion of others, but self-awareness,” the beauty waved it off. However, there are rumors that on her birthday, in April of this year, she enlarged her breasts to... size one.">!}

Julia Roberts
A few years ago, Hugh Grant, recalling his joint filming with Julia Roberts, opened up and admitted that “when you kiss her, you hear a little echo.” Of course, the British heartthrob was joking! However, the “beauty’s” huge mouth really violates the ideal proportions of her face. However, would Julia have made her dizzying career without her wide smile (and endlessly long legs, of course)?

Title="Julia Roberts
Appearance defect: huge mouth
A few years ago, Hugh Grant, recalling his joint filming with Julia Roberts, opened up and admitted that “when you kiss her, you hear a little echo.” Of course, the British heartthrob was joking! However, the “beauty’s” huge mouth really violates the ideal proportions of her face. However, would Julia have made her dizzying career without her wide smile (and endlessly long legs, of course)?">!}

Hayden Panettiere
The beloved of Vladimir Klitschko is the unlucky owner of a problematic figure. Not only does she have to constantly struggle with being overweight and endure attacks because of her short stature, but Hayden’s legs don’t grow from her ears at all. In order to somehow hide the last flaw, Hayden carefully chooses his wardrobe, giving preference to shoes with stunning heels, and dates two-meter-tall gentlemen.

Title="Hayden Panettiere
Appearance defect: short legs
The beloved of Vladimir Klitschko is the unlucky owner of a problematic figure. Not only does she have to constantly struggle with being overweight and endure attacks because of her short stature, but Hayden’s legs don’t grow from her ears at all. In order to somehow hide the last flaw, Hayden carefully chooses his wardrobe, giving preference to shoes with stunning heels, and dates two-meter-tall gentlemen.">!}

Katy Perry
Before her wedding to Russell Brand, the 25-year-old star is desperately battling not only excess weight, but also problem skin. “I’ve always been pretty pimply,” she admits. “I even have scars after eating too much, which I am very embarrassed about and carefully cover with foundation.” This year, Katie declared final war on the red bumps on her face - she became the ambassador of the Proactiv Solution facial care line.

Title="Katy Perry
Appearance defect: problem skin
Before her wedding to Russell Brand, the 25-year-old star is desperately battling not only excess weight, but also problem skin. “I’ve always been pretty pimply,” she admits. “I even have scars after eating too much, which I am very embarrassed about and carefully cover with foundation.” This year, Katie declared final war on the red bumps on her face - she became the ambassador of the Proactiv Solution facial care line.">!}

Halle Berry
Year after year, authoritative men's publications include Halle Berry in the ratings of "the most beautiful women on earth" and this despite the fact that the actress was born... with six fingers. Doctors call this anomaly polydactyly. According to statistics, one baby in 5,000 is born with six fingers and usually the extra finger is immediately removed surgically. Curious why Holly's parents decided to keep him?

Title="Halle Berry
Appearance defect: six toes
Year after year, authoritative men's publications include Halle Berry in the ratings of "the most beautiful women on earth" and this despite the fact that the actress was born... with six fingers. Doctors call this anomaly polydactyly. According to statistics, one baby in 5,000 is born with six fingers and usually the extra finger is immediately removed surgically. Curious why Holly's parents decided to keep him?">!}

We present to you a selection of famous actors who have achieved recognition and popularity despite their unconventional and even frightening appearance.

The actor became widely known thanks to Robert Rodriguez, who directed him in the films From Dusk Till Dawn, Spy Kids and Machete. Trejo mainly plays the roles of evil Mexicans and Indians. Mustaches, tattoos, long hair and a gloomy look from under his brows - the ominous image turns out to be quite convincing.

As Trejo once admitted, he got into cinema quite by accident - when he was trying to “get off” drugs. And in childhood and adolescence, the actor was not on friendly terms with the law and was involved in petty crimes. According to the celebrity, with his roles he is trying to convey to fragile minds how quickly a crooked path leads criminals to prison or a cemetery.

American theater and film actor. He began his career in 1995, but his popularity came after his role in the 2003 film “The Station Agent.”
Dinklage was born with a hereditary disease - achondroplasia, which leads to dwarfism. He is 135 cm tall. Both his parents are of average height, as is his brother Jonathan.

You may remember Richard Keel as James Bond's steel-toothed nemesis "Jaws" in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker. His gigantic height (217) cm and his terrifying face forever secured him the role of a pathological villain; even in 1999’s “Inspector Gadget,” he played a parody of himself.

American actor of Sicilian origin, known mainly for his episodic roles in films and television series. Schiavelli's tall stature, elongated head with specific facial features, long arms with long thin fingers and other body features were due to Marfan syndrome.
Despite the fact that the artist mostly had to play mentally ill people, films with his participation are very popular.

Buscemi looks like he's been battered by life rather than like an actor of the first magnitude. Despite his acting talent, he often plays episodic and supporting roles on wide screens.

Steve Buscemi is also known for his masterful impersonations of various criminal characters. For example, he played Mr. Pink in Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, the maniac Garland Green in West's Con Air and a petty crook in the Coen brothers' Fargo.

Ron Perlman, famous for his role as Hellboy, looks a little scary himself. It seems that after the nuclear winter, when the radioactive ash cools down a little, such determined men with batons will emerge from the ground and rebuild the world with their powerful hands.

From this point of view, it is only natural that Perlman is the voice of the narrator in the Fallout series of post-apocalyptic games.

Lily's unusual appearance was noticed by British actor and TV presenter Benjamin Hart. It was he who recommended her to the Storm Models agency. And by the age of 15, the red-haired girl with an angelic appearance became a real star of Vogue magazine.
While studying at Cambridge, Lily Cole made her stage debut playing Nina in a student production of Chekhov's The Seagull. And in 2007, the actress got her first role in the comedy “Classmates.” Two years later, the star was cast as the lead female role in the science fiction film “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.”

Cole also starred in the films Where There Be Dragons and The Moth Diaries, as well as an episode of the sixth season of Doctor Who. And in 2012, Lily took part in the filming of the Hollywood blockbuster “Snow White and the Huntsman.”

All her life, Linda Hunt openly mocked tall owners of “legs from ears.” The petite actress, whose appearance on the screen, even in episodes, makes the strongest impression, is quite happy with her fate. She began acting in 1980 and in most cases remained in supporting roles, but... Her acting skills were always at the highest level and were paid very decently. In particular, for the film “Kindergarten Cop” she received a tidy sum of 300 thousand dollars!

The actress has more than 40 films to her credit, and even now, at the age of 71, she still continues to act in TV series. And for her role as photographer Billy Quant in the drama The Year of Living Dangerously, Hunt not only won an Oscar, but also became the first actress to be awarded this award for playing a man.

English actor, one of the most famous dwarf actors in film history. He starred in such films as "Willow" (1988), "Leprechaun" (1992), "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2".

Davis Warwick's height is only 1 m 7 cm. Unlike most dwarfs suffering from achondroplasia, the actor's short stature is caused by an extremely rare genetic disease. However, Warwick not only does not have a complex about this, but is also proud of his unusual appearance.

Michael Berryman's unusual appearance is the result of a genetic disease - hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, which can leave a person without hair, nails and teeth. A large forehead, sunken cheeks and wrinkled skin are also symptoms of this rare disease, which determined Berryman’s creative role.

During his long career, he managed to star in almost a hundred films, playing mutants, monsters, monsters and other creepy characters. Michael Berryman is best known for his roles in the cult film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the Star Trek series.

The path to an acting career for Danny DeVito was thorny: he got into big cinema straight from a hairdressing salon. The actor's father, who worked as a barber, caused a huge scandal for his son when he mentioned that he was going to become an artist. He believed that a man 152 cm tall was unlikely to succeed in this field.
At the insistence of his parent, DeVito trained as a makeup artist, but his acting career overtook him. The role of the dispatcher in the TV series "Taxi" brought Danny great fame and a Golden Globe award. And worldwide fame came to the actor after the film “Romancing the Stone,” in which he played a short gangster.

The actor admits that he likes to play outsiders with an unusual fate. And the demonic appearance only helps here. It is perhaps difficult to find a better performer of the roles of sociopaths and outcasts.
Willem Dafoe, like no one else, is known for his “villainous” roles: he played a Martian, a strip club owner, a thief in law, an FSB agent and the Green Goblin! It is worth noting that his positive roles are no less convincing - for example, his work in “The Last Temptation of Christ” and “The English Patient”.

"God gave me a strange face - something between an otter's face and something that people find vaguely attractive," says the Laurence Olivier and Emmy Award winner and Golden Globe and Oscar nominee.

A sharp mind, a sense of humor and talent - and not a single rating of the sexiest actors can do without Cumberbatch. And Time magazine generally lists him as one of the hundred most influential people.

Two-time BAFTA Award winner Marty Feldman was not only an outstanding comedian, but also a successful screenwriter and director. He gained fame as the leading actor in the TV series "Marty" (1960s). Feldman also starred in Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie and the Monty Python sketch series How to Annoy People.
Feldman's bulging eyes are the result of an overactive thyroid gland, and the strange shape of his nose is a consequence of boxing matches in his youth.

Long-nosed, long-legged, big-armed, with dog-like sad eyes, Adrien Brody, if he were a woman, would probably suffer from vicious sexist jokes.
But Brody was lucky to be born a man whom women want to love, directors bestow with roles, and Adrian, with a sad look, shovels all kinds of awards. His most famous films: “The Pianist”, “The Secret Forest”, “King Kong”.

The actor believes that morning is the best time to watch movies. We think this is true, especially when it comes to films in which he portrays Evil, because at night the heart of impressionable people can stop. And Walken can scare you with just one look, he doesn’t need makeup.

For this reason, he always gets criminal and mystical roles. As Walken admits, you don't have to do anything to him to make him look sinister.

Another actor on our list with a face that could belong to a serial killer or psychopath. It is not surprising that he also often gets the roles of people whom you don’t want to meet in a dark alley.
"I think I'm good at playing these characters because I just don't like them. The audience is very attracted to them, but I hate them. It's quite strange," says Malkovich.

"Don't underestimate the power of eyebrows!" - says Black. And indeed, it is difficult to surpass him in the ability to raise an eyebrow correctly. It’s hard not to envy such talent, as well as such thick hair and beard.
It would seem that most men have hair, eyebrows and a beard, but only Jack Black looks like Chewbacca, who has dyed his hair brunette.

Everyone and everyone made fun of Depardieu’s appearance, especially his eggplant nose. However, this did not stop the actor from acting with the best directors (in total he starred in several hundred films) and dating beauties. In addition, according to Depardieu, in addition to four official children, he has twenty more illegitimate children from a dozen mistresses.

His bright Puerto Rican appearance and sad eyes that remain sad even when Benicio del Toro frowns or laughs brought him many roles in crime thrillers and dramas.

Movies about drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll may seem banal, but del Toro's dark and moody presence alone casts them in a new light.

Charlotte, whose mother Jane Birkin was one of the main beauties of the 60s and 70s, took after her father, chansonnier Serge Gainsbourg. Evil tongues called him nothing less than a monster.
In her youth, the girl was dissatisfied with herself, she said that from her mother she got a flat body and lifeless hair, and from her father - Slavic cheeks, a strange nose and mouth.
However, despite her excessive self-criticism, Gainsbourg became a symbol of intellectual beauty. Fashion designer Nicolas Ghesquière, inspired by the image of Charlotte, made her the face of the first perfume of the Balenciaga fashion house.

“Gaburi, you are so confident in yourself, how do you do it?” - this is the first question that, according to the actress, absolutely all journalists ask her. Why don't they ask Rihanna, for example, Gabourey jokes. She admits that as a child she was upset about any nonsense and constantly struggled with excess weight.

But with age, the opinions of others completely stopped bothering the American Horror Story star. One fine day, Sidibe decided that she was beautiful and began to live as if she really was. An approach worth adopting.

There's absolutely no room for Megan Fox.

Among all plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty is in first place among the stars. Finding a celebrity whose nose has been worked on by a skilled surgeon is much easier than finding a star with his own real nose. We've collected before and after photos of 15 celebrities who definitely benefited from rhinoplasty.

How it conveys Oxu.Az with reference to cosmo.ru, many stars have undergone successful plastic surgery, and rhinoplasty is in first place among them. Apparently, it is the nose, too long or too wide, that prevents many girls from feeling beautiful, and celebrities in this sense are no exception.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie's appearance was almost perfect, if not for the nose, which seemed too massive to the star... As a result, Angie had rhinoplasty, the operation was successful - the bridge of the nose became much more graceful and thin.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston wasn't happy with her big nose either. At the beginning of her career, Jen decided to undergo rhinoplasty and significantly reduced the size of her nose.

Blake Lively

Blake Lively's nose really spoiled her appearance, and at the very beginning of her career, the actress solved this problem by giving herself a small, graceful nose.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak's big nose was once a reason for ridicule from ill-wishers. Ksenia obviously had a complex about this and eventually decided to have rhinoplasty. It is worth noting that the surgeon worked conscientiously - the TV presenter’s new nose is simply in excellent shape.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson in the past had a simply huge nose that did not harmonize with her facial features. Fortunately, a skilled surgeon was found who corrected the star’s nose in such a way that many do not even suspect it.

Kristina Orbakaite

Once upon a time, Kristina Orbakaite had a very long nose, which the singer eventually decided to shorten a little. Please note that the star did not make the usual “pimply” - she left the previous shape of a slightly pointed nose, which now looks beautiful and natural.


And Beyonce not only whitened her skin, reminiscent of her African heritage, but also reduced her nose, which, according to Queen B, was too wide.

Scarlett Johansson

In her youth, Scarlett Johansson did not have the most attractive nose, reminiscent of a snout. But rhinoplasty changed everything for the better!

Keti Topuria

Keti Topuria was also not too happy with her large nose. It is worth noting that rhinoplasty transformed the singer - her face became more feminine and sophisticated.

Megan Fox

There is absolutely no room for Megan Fox - the actress has changed absolutely everything about herself, and this is her secret of success. The changes, by the way, also affected the nose - Megan adjusted its tip and made it a little thinner.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley also had rhinoplasty, getting rid of a small hump in her nose. It was barely noticeable, but the actress was worried about it and decided to have surgery.

Kim Kardashian

Let us remember that Kim’s pursuit of perfection began precisely with a nose job, which once reminded of the Armenian origin of the star. Now Kardashian has the same nose “like everyone else” - well, in vain!

Lady Gaga

Rhinoplasty did not spare Lady Gaga, whose nose also seemed far from perfect to the star. Gaga did not change it radically, but she did reduce it a little.

Gisele Bundchen

Young Gisele Bundchen's career began once with an agent's advice to have her nose corrected. Giselle’s was not the most sophisticated, so the model listened and did not regret it - who knows if she would have become one of the most beautiful women in the world without this operation?

Eva Mendes

In her youth, Eva Mendes was very sweet and... snub-nosed. The actress corrected this small flaw by adjusting the tip of her nose - now it looks simply chiseled!

Appearance for a celebrity is a calling card. This is why all celebrities take such careful care of themselves. The most modern techniques and technologies are used to care for the face and body.

You can often see truly dramatic changes appearing in the appearance of stars. For example, one of the most popular plastic surgeries is rhinoplasty - nose shape correction.

The list of celebrities who have had rhinoplasty is quite extensive: it’s easier to count those who haven’t had it done.

Why is this procedure so popular?

Everyone has their own reason, but the goal is the same - to become more beautiful and attractive, not to lose your youth and popularity.

Many artists and performers remove the wings of their nose that are too wide (Tyra Banks, Sarah Jessica Parker).

Some got rid of a hump (Tom Cruise, Abraham Russo), while others were prompted to undergo rhinoplasty by a serious injury (Kristina Orbakaite).

Secrets of stellar nose correction

One of the most successful operations to correct the shape of the nose among domestic show business stars can be safely called Kristina Orbakaite. It is worth noting that the actress’s natural nose did not cause disharmony with herself.

She got used to her masterpiece nose as a child - even the offensive nickname “Pinocchio” did not diminish her love for her own appearance.

She had to undergo surgery after receiving a serious injury to her star nose - according to rumors, Christina’s husband Ruslan Baysarov literally had a hand in this story.

To be completely confident in the successful completion of the procedure and not to regret it, the singer chose one of the best plastic surgeons. The chosen specialist repeatedly corrected the appearance of her mother, the famous Alla Pugacheva.

Other celebrities are also keeping up and are constantly changing their appearance with the help of rhinoplasty. Here are just a few examples of popular people who have changed the shape of their nose.

Aquiline nose

  • Katie Topuria, a Georgian by nationality, a talented singer and sexy girl, decided to say goodbye to her outstanding nose due to complexes. Now her nose has become “European”, as she boldly removed its feature - a prominent hump.

  • Ksenia Sobchak, a famous TV presenter and socialite, got rid of her hump to improve her appearance. The nose began to look smoother and more neat, while the proportions and size remained unchanged.
  • Lady Gaga, a shocking, world-famous singer with an outstanding appearance, decided to have rhinoplasty quite recently. The reasons for what happened are still being discussed on the Internet, in print publications and other media. The Italian hooked nose has now become much thinner and smoother.

Wide nose

  • Mila Kunis, the famous super star, decided to get rid of her wide nose in favor of subtlety and unique grace. Now the beauty can boast of even greater attractiveness and beauty.
  • Britney Spears – experiments are clearly her thing. Britney had rhinoplasty twice: in 2008 and 2015. Both versions of the shape are the same, but the last operation reduced the size itself.

  • Kate Hudson completed her beautiful look (after breast augmentation) with excellent rhinoplasty. After the operation, the nose became narrower and its tip thinner. Now the look of the Hollywood actress has become more aristocratic, and the perfect correction emphasized the beautiful features of her face.

A long nose

  • Blake Lively is another actress who did not fail to fix her nose. She shortened the length, made it smaller and made it a little thinner. It is very difficult to notice the excellent work of a surgeon, which is what the young star sought.

  • Ashlee Simpson had surgery after an injury, so you shouldn’t judge the girl harshly for her plastic surgery. The result is a smoother, more ideally shaped nose that highlights large blue eyes.
  • Kim Kardashian's smooth, one might say perfect, celebrity nose without its original elongated tip has become a real reason for discussion on social networks. Many argue that Kim has undergone more than one rhinoplasty to achieve such an amazing result. But the main thing is the result?

TO Beauty is everywhere: eyes, lips, facial features, figure.... But there are problems with the nose: it’s not the right size.

However, famous models are in no hurry to worry about this, since plastic surgery brings life back to their beauty. An increasing number of plastic surgery clinics are opening in every city. And not only in big cities, but also in much smaller towns. Surgery (plastic) costs incredible amounts of money. And it is not known whether this is fortunate or unfortunately, since, for sure, most people would actively use the services of plastic surgeons if this procedure were affordable for “every mortal.” And how many extreme sports enthusiasts and “players” would “divorce” from life…. It's scary to even imagine. Yes, no one will imagine it: why “clog” your imagination with something that is not beneficial to think about or know?

Beautiful girls with big noses. Can noses that are catastrophically unlucky in size have “non-deceptive” attractiveness? This question undoubtedly often flashes through the minds of “unlucky” people with long noses. Although, according to many wise women, attention from the nose can be distracted by other outstanding details of appearance, for example.

Yes, big noses can be beautiful, but most often models try to get rid of such beauty. Now we will tell you about those famous models who were sincerely dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose, but corrected the situation with the help of rhinoplasty procedures. It’s just not like that, they just had to do it both during it and before it, since there is no clear opinion about whether it is safe or not. Someone hides the truth in order to make a profit, someone believes in “miracles” and does not want to be disappointed in them... Envious people, of course, advise taking a risky step in order not to lose even a drop of beauty.

But the nose does not ask whether it is ready for such tests, and whether it really needs it. Or maybe he’s doing well anyway? Maybe he is proud of his individual and unique parameters? If noses could talk, they would take revenge on us verbally and express in detail everything that they think about us.

Famous models with a big nose (photo).

It's hard to be a model. And even heavier - famous models. It is necessary to meet absolutely all the standards and parameters of Her Majesty Beauty. Oh, how difficult it is. Maybe celebrities wouldn’t be interested in any kind of plastic surgery, but where would they be without it if they need to be perfect? It’s not for nothing that models are called “puppets of social life”: walk right, stand right, eat right…. And then there are these “plastic things”.

Gisele Caroline Bundchen, who is considered one of the princesses of the modeling business. She is not only a stunning beauty, but also a pleasant, interesting conversationalist. This is how friends and acquaintances speak about her. And also those who had a chance to talk with her. She remembered about rhinoplasty when she decided to change, at least a little, her nose, since for a very long time it seemed really big to her.

Halle Berry(actress and model) changed her nose, as it visually spoiled her facial features (as she believes). Her nose seemed somehow big, and this did not suit her in any way.

Linda Evangelista– one of the most beautiful people in the world. She had rhinoplasty not only because she was unhappy with her nose, but also because she wanted to become even more beautiful. Linda's dream came true: the new nose “gave” a non-standard charm to her image.

Alyssia Duvall, a former English model, also, at one time, was not distinguished by her “nasal” attractiveness. So she thought it would be great to “ask for help” from a rhinoplasty surgeon. Rhinoplasty did its job, but everything did not go as well as expected and desired. However, Alissia is unlikely to agree to another rhinoplasty.

But, for example, Kim Bassinger, who, as you know, was a fashion model, decided to “play” with rhinoplasty to see if this procedure could work real miracles. Her nose was not huge; it was only slightly noticeable that its size was larger than average. But women's curiosity has no limits. This woman's curiosity won, with a score of one to zero. And plastic surgeons, in turn, had to work hard.

If, purely because of filming, you need to “hide” the large size of your nose, then you can safely turn to the camera and shoot the model from the front or “head-on”. Then the nose will not be conspicuous.

I hawk nose Whoopi Golberg, of course, did not disfigure her, but she had to change it literally beyond recognition, at the request of plastic surgeons and stylists who saw her “new” with a changed nose.

In one of his interviews, Whoopi Golberg frankly admitted that in her distant childhood, she was teased in every possible way because of her nose, they came up with more and more new nicknames and nicknames for her, and laughed at her. She was very offended, she was in great pain. Over the years, she got used to the reaction of her classmates to her nose and stopped being upset about it, since, despite the size of her nose, she had a lot of fans. Naturally, this fact gave her self-confidence, and she stopped feeling somehow flawed. Men noticed the person in her, her spiritual qualities, the beauty of the rest of her body, and this, so to speak, “compensated for Whoopi’s “long nose.” By the way, she did not deliberately play the role of someone in order to lure a man, “forcing” him not to look at her nose. This woman herself radiated tons of charm. Well, what man can resist her?

The celebrity recalls a very comical incident when she tried to make her nose smaller using a cream that removes and smoothes out wrinkles on her face. Yes, whatever you can come up with in order to achieve the desired goal. Experiments with creams and ointments are much safer than any elements of rhinoplasty.

Did you also “get it” for the same reason? Remember your school days with a smile, no matter what. Your nose is one of a kind. There is no other like it. Any nose “knows how” to be beautiful, if you look after it properly. He doesn't like acne, pimples and dryness. Save your nose from such troubles, and it will not remain in debt. Love your nose the way it was given to you from birth.



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