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XXI Orthodox Youth International Festival “Brothers. XXIII International Festival "Brothers

International festival "Brothers". The festival is held with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna.

To participate in the Brothers festival, you must familiarize yourself with the following conditions and rules:

1. Registration sequence:
To register for the festival, you need to pay a fee for participation in the festival, fill out and send a form to the specified contacts and receive confirmation of registration.

2. Excursions:
Select one route and indicate it in the Application Form.
1. Moscow.
2. Moscow + Tretyakov Gallery.
3. Sergiev Posad.
4. Kubinka, Zvenigorod, New Jerusalem.
5. Butovo and Mozhaisk.
6. Serpukhov, Talezh, Borovsk.
7. Optina Pustyn. 8. Tver.

3. Appearance: the organizers urge you to be careful when choosing clothes for the festival! Open shoulders and short skirts/shorts are not blessed - the appearance must be Christian. In case of violation, you may be given a warning or penalty, do not be offended! Please note that the evenings can be very cold; warm socks and clothes will not hurt; in case of rain, we recommend taking a raincoat.

4. Meeting of participants: on the day of the official arrival, participants are met by buses with volunteers at the railway station in Mozhaisk. Participants arriving after the official arrival date must travel independently.

5. For citizens of other countries (not the Russian Federation) who have not reached 18 years of age, it is necessary to have a notarized consent of the parent (guardian, trustee) for the minor citizen to travel outside the country, indicating the date of departure and the state that he intends to visit (RF) . The power of attorney is issued to an accompanying person who has reached 18 years of age.

6. Approximate age limit 15-35 years.

7. At the festival it is strictly prohibited:
- alcohol consumption (a participant found drunk will be expelled and evicted!)
— smoking on the festival grounds (there will be a special smoking area for smokers, although we advise you to exercise your willpower and try not to smoke)
— leave the festival territory without permission without approval from the festival organizing committee;
— light a fire throughout the festival area!!! (bonfires are arranged by the organizers themselves in specially designated places according to the festival schedule!)

8. Please do not take any animals with you to the festival.

9. Coming to the festival with small children is not a blessing. In some cases, exceptions are possible, please contact the organizing committee.

Registration and sending the questionnaire automatically confirms your agreement with the terms and rules of the Brothers festival!

Website – Brothers Festival

Contact Information:

Website www.bratia.ru
We are VKontakte: http://vk.com/bratia

It is best to write by e-mail:

If you are from Russia or any other country - [email protected]

If you are from Belarus - [email protected]

If you are from Ukraine - [email protected]

Moscow — Irina +7 926 181-74-40
Mozhaisk - Olga +7 903 749-81-20
Belgorod region — Father Peter +7 910 321-86-18
Volgograd – Father Lazar +7 905 392-10-70
Izhevsk - Yuliy +7 912 761-13-70
Kirov - Sergey +7 962 897-94-15
Kostroma - Vera +7 920 642-89-59
Krasnodar region - father Bogdan +7 918 649-00-39
Crimea – Victoria +7 978 827-15-07
Kursk - Olga +7 919 279-45-87
Nizhny Novgorod - Mikhail +7 950 608-30-23
Orel - Vitaly +7 909 229-91-67
Perm - Dmitry +7 951 938-77-24
Pyatigorsk - Vasily +7 918 780-00-68
Ryazan - Natalya +7 920 635-55-93
St. Petersburg - Danil +7 905 205-22-06
Stavropol Territory - Andrey +7 903 416-85-72
Yaroslavl - Sergey +7 910 970-34-87

Maria +375 29 509 05 49

Valery +38 099 603 23 92

From July 15 to July 23, 2017, the XXI Orthodox youth international festival “Brothers” was held on the Borodino field near the city of Mozhaisk. The festival has been held since 2005 and still has no analogues in the world. This year the gathering included more than 400 participants from different countries, among whom was a group from the Akhtuba diocese of 30 people.

Playgrounds were opened for football and volleyball fans. At the end of the festival, the winners of the tournament were determined. A huge number of games, interesting evening concerts, excursions, a knight's tournament, master classes, role-playing games on the Borodino field - all this very quickly brought the participants together.
The festival ended with a folk ball and evening party. Girls and boys in traditional dresses performed prepared dances and took part in the festivities.

Stanislava Sabanskaya, Black Yar:“Living in tents for more than a week, despite the climate near Moscow, is cool! Even heavy and unusual rain on cold nights for Astrakhan residents did not affect the festival mood. All difficulties were forgotten in a kind, pleasant atmosphere. All the time passed unnoticed and usefully. The festival surprised the participants more and more every day. It’s impossible to single out just one thing, because every minute was especially interesting and exciting!
Open-air services, conversations on various topics, the opportunity to ask long-standing questions, get advice and learn a lot of interesting things were possible thanks to the clergy who came to the participants. Everything that was happening around seemed impossible: faith in God united people of different professions and different ages. The festival gave us the opportunity to remember how many of us there are, who we are and what we should be. In a short time, completely different people managed to get to know each other and become “Brothers”!”

Snezhana Bredikhina, Akhtubinsk:“The first day I arrived from the Brothers 2017 festival. I still can't believe it's over. These 8 days flew by so quickly. Even too much. I remember the first day, the first emotions when I just got off the bus and stepped on the wet asphalt. Everything seemed so unfamiliar, these large gray clouds, bright grasses and dense forests, everything that the Astrakhan citizen had not seen in his homeland. It's like you've been transported to another world. The very realization that you are on the Borodino field, where the war between the Russian Empire and the Napoleonic army took place in 1812, leaves an indelible impression. You are met by complete strangers, but such sunny people, whom you look at and understand - I’m home. During this week I became so attached to everyone, every day everyone became closer and dearer.
Recent memories of events held, conversations, candles, meetings by the entire sector, travel around Moscow, our small victories and events within the sector, meetings of sunrises, bonfires and songs, all this was mixed in my head, causing tears in my eyes. Tears of sadness and joy at the same time. It’s sad that you have to part with your loved ones, that a wonderful shift is over, that we won’t see each other soon... But you are happy that you have become part of a big family, that you had the opportunity to live such an interesting week, you learned a lot, found answers to my questions, gained experience, found friends. Many thanks to the parents of the festival - father Yaroslav and Oksana. See you in winter, brothers!”

Ivan Glakin, Kharabali:“The festival is a place where people from more than one country gather. And not just people, but believing Orthodox Christians. Some have spent their entire lives in the Church from infancy, while others have just begun to learn what the Church is. Behind all the visible differences in the area of ​​the so-called world, the remarkable thing is that for all those gathered, the main thing in life is Christ.
Many times the words have been uttered: “It is good for everyone to be in their place.” This amazed me - the Lord arranges the destinies of people for a good cause. “The festival is not a party,” the organizers repeated. Yes, they jumped at the party and ran home. “Brothers” is the Church, the community, a small part of which has gathered here. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Many years to the Brothers festival!”

Representatives of the Orthodox society "Kovcheg" took part in the Orthodox youth festival in the Astrakhan region.

Activists of the Orthodox society "Ark" visited the XXIII Orthodox Youth International Festival "Brothers", which was held with the blessing of Metropolitan Nikon of Astrakhan and Kamyzyak from August 4 to 12 in the village of Rastopulovka, Privolzhsky district, Astrakhan region. 400 people from different regions took part in the festival: Moscow, Minsk, Kharkov, Brest, Yaroslavl, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan and other cities.

The festival included general mini-conversations, open-air services, master classes, games of volleyball and lapta, team role-playing in the Astrakhan Kremlin, and swimming in the Volga. Every evening there were concerts where both invited artists and festival participants performed. The festival program also included pilgrimage trips and excursions. The “brothers” visited the Vladimir Church of Astrakhan, the Astrakhan Nature Reserve in the Volga Delta, the Museum of Local Lore, Lake Baskunchak, and visited the cathedral of the city of Akhtubinsk and its spiritual center. On the night of August 9, a night Divine Liturgy was celebrated, led by Bishop Anthony (Azizov) of Akhtubinsky and Enotaevsky. During the service, most of the festival participants received the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

With the blessing of Bishop Anthony, a general conversation on social service took place with Alexander Gezalov, director of the social center in the name of St. Tikhon at the Donskoy Monastery. I was especially impressed by the conversation with the Athonite Elder Nikon. One of the main events was the baptism of two festival participants in Volga. At the end of the festival, there was a festival-wide “Evening” with songs and dances in Russian folk style, as well as a final gala concert, which brought together the best numbers shown in the previous days.

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, the XXI Orthodox Youth International Festival “Brothers” was held in Borodino from July 15 to July 23, 2017. The event was organized with the assistance of the Warriors of the Fatherland Charitable Foundation and this year brought together more than 500 participants from various regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Israel.

The life of the Festival on Borodino Field was built in accordance with the internal schedule: the morning began with the Divine Liturgy, followed by exercises and breakfast. Then there were conversations with the priests, which touched on both theological topics and touched upon public and socially significant problems. The meeting with Schema-Archimandrite Hilarion, the geronda of the New Skete of Athos, who, with the help of a translator, spoke about important spiritual and moral things, evoked a great emotional response among the participants.

During the day, interesting activities took place: girls could try themselves in master classes on handicraft skills such as scrapbooking or making earrings, and young people could learn the sport of knife throwing. In addition, football and volleyball championships were held on the field. The evening concert program was attended by the organizer of the “Brothers”, Fr. Yaroslav (Erofeev), an Astrakhan group consisting of several families, “Kazachenka”, St. Petersburg group “Atrium”, Dmitry Sedov (Volgograd), participant of the “Voice” project Ruslan Silin (Moscow), Olga Bratchina (St. Petersburg), ensemble “ Poverie" and other performers. The day usually ended with friendly gatherings with fragrant tea and songs with a guitar.

The festival included events of various formats. One of the most striking was the knightly tournament: first, pairs of “knights” and “ladies” were determined. Everyone else was divided into squads, each of which collected “coins” for its “knight” in competitions. Then, at the auction, the earned “coins” were spent on useful items and gifts for “ladies.” During the battles, the “knights” had to fight and at the same time recite poems by A.S. Pushkin or remember the names of great commanders, sing songs or dance a waltz to impress the “ladies”.

As part of the historical program, an interactive military history game took place. At the stops of the “journey” into the history of the Patriotic War of 1812, a certain “hero” (P.I. Bagration, a soldier of the French army, Denis Davydov, two peasant women and many others) was waiting for each of the teams with a task. As a result, the teams collected fragments from the poem by V.A. Zhukovsky “Borodin Anniversary”, and then the captains solemnly read them out.

The participants prepared for the ball with special pleasure. Everyone was learning dances, girls were braiding each other's hair, making wreaths, young people were tying sashes. At the ball, young people performed folk circle dances with transitions: French quadrille and branle, Spanish tango, Irish castarvat, European chapeloise. After this, funny folk games and “streams” began, and at the end everyone started a friendly Serbian round dance to the song “Our Faith.”

During the excursion program of the Festival, participants traveled to Moscow, Tver, Optina Pustyn, visited the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery on the banks of the Istra River and the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery in Zvenigorod, as well as the Patriot military-patriotic park in Kubinka.

The night Divine Liturgy was a unique event. As expected, the entire camp confessed and prepared for Communion. After the evening service, closer to midnight, the Liturgy itself began. The weather was cool, but, oddly enough, this night became the warmest for the entire duration of the Festival. “The night service is a little Easter. The service took place literally in one breath, in concentrated silence and solemn singing. And finally, Communion. And after it - joyful brotherly hugs and congratulations. “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly He is Risen!”. It was with this exclamation that Fr. Yaroslav (Erofeev) completed this wonderful day",” wrote Festival participant Maria Evsina about her feelings.

As part of the closing of the Festival, a concert was held, which included the most striking performances of the participants, after which a large farewell bonfire took place.

The XXI Orthodox International Festival "Brothers" was held in an atmosphere of spiritual unity, kindness and heartfelt joy, becoming an opportunity for young people to touch the glorious history of the field of two Patriotic Wars, take part in interesting events and make new friends.

Based on materials from Maria Evsina from the Orthodox youth portal “Heir”



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