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What a year-old child should be able to do: psychomotor and speech skills. What a child should be able to do by month What should a baby be able to do 1

At the age of 15 months, parents notice changes not only in the development, but also in the behavior of the baby - the child does not just repeat the actions of the parents or attract their attention, but is already able to conduct a dialogue and play simple story-based games with them. But it’s quite difficult to assess the pace of development of children after a year; no one can say exactly what a child of 1 year and 3 months should be able to do. At this age, different children behave completely differently: some are already starting to talk and walk, while others still continue to crawl and do not utter a word. Moreover, the early development of a child is not a guarantee of his high level of intelligence in the future, it’s just that the maturation of the nervous system and brain in all children occurs at different times.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

At 1 year and 3 months, the child most often already knows how to walk, go up and down stairs holding hands, as well as getting up and sitting down without assistance. Even if the baby is not yet in a hurry to please his parents with the ability to walk independently, at this age he should already be able to stand up and walk, holding on to the walls and hands of adults. The child’s movements become much more confident and freer - he already knows how to bend over, turn back, turn from side to side, while from time to time losing his balance and falling.

Most children become much more careful after a year - babies already understand that if you crawl to the edge of the bed or sofa, you can fall, and if you hit your head against the wall, your head will hurt. Constantly trying to walk, climb and run helps develop coordination and improves balance. The baby tries to squat, stand on tiptoes, run and perform more complex movements, for example, trying to throw and catch a ball and learn to carry toys in two hands at once.

At 15 months, a healthy, well-fed and well-rested baby is constantly cheerful and energetic - he runs or crawls, plays with toys, and is constantly distracted and changing them - usually at this age the maximum time when a child can concentrate on one activity is 10-15 minutes. After a year, the baby’s teeth continue to grow - not only canines and incisors, but also the first chewing teeth erupt; at this age, the child should already receive not only ground purees and cereals, but also food that needs to be chewed.

Neuropsychic development

After a year, the baby plays all day long; it is in play that he acquires the most important skills, learns to build relationships with others and explores the world around him. It is very important at this age to begin learning in a playful way; the child will be happy to complete any tasks and repeat the actions of the parents if they are presented in the form of an exciting game. Starting from 15-18 months, the child’s play style with his parents changes, only now they begin to play “together”, and not parallel to each other. If before this parents were simply present when the child played or showed him how and what to do, now the child understands that two can play together and actively involves parents in such games. Moreover, children at this age able to play not only with parents and adults, but also with their peers– toddlers can play together in the sandbox, build a house out of blocks or play with cars. Unfortunately, such an idyll cannot last for any long time - after just a few minutes, children simultaneously grab one scoop or machine and begin to tear it away from each other, fight or cry - depending on the temperament and character of the baby.

Most children at 15 months are possessive; they do not understand and do not want to listen to adults urging them to share, play together, or give away a toy. Parents should not try to appeal to the child’s conscience; distracting the child with something else is much more effective, for example, inviting him to play some game with you or go watch something, as well as trying to find a compromise - swap with another child, play in turns or take a similar toy.

At 1 year and 3 months the child already understands that in the evening he needs to collect toys, wash himself and go to bed. At this age, you already need to begin to accustom your child to certain actions, for example, he can help you put away toys before dinner or go wash himself before bed.

Also, starting from 15-18 months, you need to accustom your child to regular, daily reading of books. Now the baby no longer just looks at pictures, but listens and perceives short fairy tales and poems. The most important thing is to choose children’s books that are understandable, colorful and easy to understand - children at this age really like nursery rhymes, poems - quatrains and short fairy tales, such as Turnip, Kolobok, Ryaba Hen and others. Parents should not only read books, but also comment on them and explain the plot of the fairy tale, trying to interest the child; they should also show him pictures and tell him what is drawn on them. At the age of 15 months, a child can already point out familiar animals, fairy-tale characters or familiar objects in books.

In the vocabulary of children at this age there are about 15-20 words, and with the help of sounds and gestures the child can already explain what he wants and what he needs. Some children already confidently pronounce 5-10 words, while others are just beginning to pronounce the first sound combinations. There is no need to worry if the baby does not speak anything yet; the most important thing is that he understands the speech addressed to him and can carry out simple requests and tasks.

After a year, babies begin to actively take an interest in other children; now on walks they look not only at cars and houses, they are interested in peers and older children. Babies at 15 months still rarely decide to interfere in the games of other children, but they watch them with pleasure.

What should a child be able to do at 1 year and 3 months?

At 1 year and 3 months the child:

  • tries to walk independently, knows how to get up and sit down;
  • orients himself in space, knows how to bend, squat, and turn;
  • fulfills requests and instructions from adults - brings toys, shows objects, gives hands, and so on;
  • knows the names of household items, toys, animals, knows his name, reacts to it;
  • pronounces a few words, shows with gestures what he wants - beckons to him, asks to be held, asks for a drink, and so on;
  • shows different emotions when meeting with mother, grandmother, acquaintances and strangers;
  • transfers actions from one object to another - feeds all the dolls or animals from a spoon, rolls all the cars, collects different cubes, talks on a real and toy telephone;
  • holds a spoon, tries to eat porridge, puree, and drinks from a cup on his own.

Boy and girl - is there a difference?

At the age of 1 year and 3 months, the difference between girls and boys becomes more and more noticeable. Boys are usually more active and restless, they like outdoor games more, especially in the fresh air, but it is much more difficult for them to concentrate on one game or one subject. Most boys at 15 months already have a collection of cars and toy weapons, but they often don’t have dolls and strollers, although many of them also like to roll and rock dolls.

Young parents often wonder: what can children do at 1 year old? When the first child is born, mom and dad also learn new things, just like their baby. The first year of life is extremely important for a family, because during this period a new personality is formed.

And now the time has come, when the baby is one year old, he has already become an independent, understanding person. He has an increasing desire to learn something new.

At this stage, it is important to know what the child should be able to do. 1 year is the time when it is not too late to turn to specialists if the baby has developmental problems.

Child's height

At this age, the baby’s height and weight increase unevenly - about 100-300 grams and 1-1.2 cm per month. Body proportions gradually change: arms and legs lengthen, the tummy becomes flat. During this period, children are all different, some weigh a lot, some weigh little. The main thing is to monitor the child’s stable development.

The weight norms for babies accepted by doctors are: boys - 8.9-11.6 kg, girls - 8.5-10.8 kg. The height of both sexes is 71.4-79.7 cm.

Baby's speech

A child can already speak about 10 simple words in the first year of life. 1 year is just the beginning in a baby’s spoken language. As a rule, a child’s speech is associated with emotions. He often communicates with himself and communicates with adults with gestures, showing what he needs.

At this age, the child already distinguishes “possible” from “impossible”, understands when praise and scolding. On an intuitive level, he is aware of everyday words.

The baby also learns to imitate sounds and movements, repeating words with the right intonation after adults. Therefore, it is very important not to use curse words in front of your child, so that the child does not remember them and use them later in his speech. It is also worth excluding clarifying the relationship in front of the child, so that the baby does not learn to experience negative emotions at this age.

The baby may not say exactly what is happening. He continues to babble, adding syllables.

A child’s development is considered normal if he has a certain vocabulary, points to objects that are named to him, and gives some things upon request.

At one year of age, the baby acquires the ability to perceive simple melodies. By playing music for him every day, you can develop his musical taste.

Baby's stubbornness

The child begins to show his independence, tries to insist, if he fails, he is capable of throwing a tantrum with tears and rolling on the floor. At this moment, you need to help the baby cope with negative emotions, but under no circumstances should you escalate the situation. - a very important period in which special attention needs to be paid to the development of the child’s psyche. Reassure the baby, tell him that you understand his feelings, calmly explain how he needs to behave.

Let your child feel independent more often. It is also very important that the child has the opportunity to choose, no matter whether he chooses food for an afternoon snack, clothes for a walk or a toy in the store. It is important for the baby to feel that his opinion is taken into account.

It is necessary to constantly observe what children can do at 1 year old, since every new step is real happiness for parents, and everyone wants to remember for the rest of their lives how the baby makes his first attempts to understand the world.

Baby's movement

What children at 1 year old can do is move confidently, leaning on objects, some even walk independently. In six months the children will already be running.

The baby wants to explore all the places in the house that were previously inaccessible to him, he walks through all the rooms, climbs on the sofas, crawls under the table, climbs into cabinets and other furniture that comes along his way. During this period, it is better to accustom the child to useful things: assembling a pyramid, feeding animals, opening a nesting doll. The baby is interested in everything, so he will repeat your every action.

The child can already climb to new places using a chair. With the advent of more opportunities, the baby explores the world around him with genuine interest.

At one year old, children especially love toys that can be rolled in front of them, so you can buy a ball or a stroller.

Provide your baby with a safe place for physical activity and play. To store toys, you can use boxes on wheels that the child can move independently.

If a child at this age does not go, then you should not be upset, nor should you assume that he is behind in development. It is better to pay attention to massage and gymnastics so that the baby’s joints are flexible.

What children can do at 1 year old depends to a large extent on temperament. Some are active, while others are calmer and do not strive to stand on their feet at any cost.

There is an opinion that if you constantly carry a child in your arms, he will walk later than usual. However, scientists have proven that this is not the case at all, and there is no connection here.

What a 1-year-old child can do is a relative concept, since all babies develop at different speeds. Just be with your child during this period and help him understand the world around him.


Children at one year old are still reluctant to make contact; they are not ready for socialization. They may act out when around strangers or be reluctant to play with other children. The baby develops a sense of ownership, he defends his territory, and does not want to share toys and parental attention with anyone.

Everyday skills

The baby is gradually beginning to adapt to life and begins to learn to hold a mug and drink from it. A child (1 year old) can chew and can already hold a spoon and is quite capable of spearing food onto a fork. When dressing/undressing, the baby can lift his arms and legs himself, helping his mother. When washing, he pulls his hands towards the water.

What a child should know

The baby is already learning to think ahead about what to do to achieve his goal. This mainly concerns the desire to reach an object from a height. In order for the baby to independently learn to climb onto ledges and get the necessary things, you should put a bench in his room so that he can move it where he needs it and get the necessary things.

It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the child's vision. To do this, use the method of color stimulation. Use colorful toys, pictures, and brightly colored clothes.

Kids really like to play with “matryoshka dolls”, and not necessarily with dolls; you can use boxes of different sizes. As a reward, place cookies or any other treat in the very last box.

Children begin to feel a craving for art, so the baby needs crayons or pencils to play. In this case, the child (1 year old) will demonstrate natural development for his age. The child should be able to draw simple images.

To help him learn new words faster, introduce your child to them both during play and while bathing, eating, or walking. Describe tastes and smells, name the colors of objects around. Go to the store with your child and name the products so that your child can hear new words.

Baby's whims

In the process of psycho-emotional development, the baby understands how to behave with different people. The attitude towards mom and dad and other children becomes different. You can trace the following trend: the worse a child knows a person, the more well-mannered he behaves with him.

As a rule, the baby behaves capriciously with his mother, may stomp his feet and express dissatisfaction. In this way he checks whether his mother loves him in any way. If you accept the child for who he is, he will soon calm down and begin to behave normally, but if you do not accept, then such checks can last a lifetime.

Cognitive development

By providing your baby with some toys, you can monitor how he develops.

At one year old, the baby can already remove and string 3-4 rings onto a pyramid on his own or by repeating after an adult.

If you show your baby various actions with toys, he will remember them and try to repeat them. So, for example, he will be able to place a cube on another cube, open and close the lids.

Also, the baby can choose one toy and feed it, brush it, and put it to bed.

In many ways, what your child can do at 1 year old depends on his abilities and the efforts of his parents.

Baby care

At one year old, a baby simply needs constant physical activity, so it is worth providing him with all the conditions for walking, crawling, running, and jumping without restrictions.

The baby becomes more active, so you will have to carry out water treatments more often. He explores the new world with pleasure, he can pull earth into his mouth, touch animals, splash in a puddle. After bathing, check the condition of your baby's skin, use moisturizers and, if necessary, anti-sweat remedies.

As your child learns to walk and run, he will develop scrapes and bruises. Don't worry about this, the baby will soon learn to move. In the meantime, it’s worth stocking up on bandages and disinfectants.

It is also worth taking care of your child's hair. To help your baby learn how to use a comb, show him how to do it on a doll. The child will happily brush the doll’s hair, and then his parents’ hair. Many kids are afraid of scissors, believing that cutting their hair is painful. In the same way, you can demonstrate this process on a doll.

And, of course, you definitely need to visit the doctor often and get tested to make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

Children are the flowers of life. Having a baby in the house is a great joy, because watching your child grow up and become a conscious inhabitant of this planet is unforgettable. A lot depends on parents in the first years of a child’s life. By giving your baby love and care, you are able to raise a harmonious personality with the right attitude towards life.

It is very important to guide the baby on the right path. Of course, he has an instinctive sense of how to do something correctly. However, he cannot always cope on his own. Help your child in all his endeavors, teach him.

The child celebrates his first anniversary older, stronger and more conscious. He has personal character traits unique to him, has his own opinion, preferences in games and food. The baby strives to actively explore new territories, and it is practically impossible to keep him, because such qualities as perseverance and even stubbornness begin to appear. Now parents will have to take into account the opinion of the little person, and knowing what a child of 1 year should be able to do, try to guide him in the right direction.

A one-year-old child weighs about 10 kilograms, and his height is approximately 76-78 centimeters; compared to the first months of life, he has tripled in size. Now, due to active pastime, the baby will grow slower, but will begin to improve his abilities and acquire new skills.

Features of the changes:

  1. By the age of one year, many children already have about 8-12 teeth, four of which are molars. Even if not everyone has appeared yet, this should happen in the near future.
  2. A characteristic feature of children at this time is their feet, which are still completely flat, since there remains a pad of fat that disappears over time. Despite this, children can now stand up freely from any position and can walk without support or the help of adults. In general, most children master walking by the age of one and a half years.
  3. Kids know all their relatives well, call them by name, respond to their name, vigorously showing joy or sadness if they are about to part.
  4. Now, day by day, the child will become more and more independent, and by copying the behavior of his elders, he will develop his own manners, so parents should monitor their actions and not the best habits, so as not to see their repetition in the baby’s actions later.

Proper upbringing is important during this period - if children live according to a certain regime, they quickly learn discipline. In this case, it is easier for them to explain the meaning of the requirements and taboos on certain things. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do without prohibitions, and besides, the child himself feels more protected when they exist. In the end, established rules make life easier for the whole family and protect the health and psyche of children.

The physical and mental development of a child at the age of 1 has reached certain heights, but it is too early for parents to relax; there is still a lot of work ahead to ensure that the little person grows up not only strong and smart, but also has such important human character traits as kindness, sensitivity, empathy .

What should a 1 year old child be able to do?

Physically, the one-year-old child has stepped far forward, and in the literal sense. Some early babies, although rare, immediately choose a method of movement such as walking and, in fact, skip crawling.

But considering the average option, we should list the following skills that apply to most children:

  • one-year-old babies are very mobile - they crawl a lot, sit well, know how to get up and sit down, doing it quite deftly;
  • children walk holding on to the hand of their father and mother, or leaning on the sofa;
  • Many people manage to squat and get up on their own;
  • The little ones have mastered climbing stairs quite well and can carefully go down, including getting down from elevated areas;
  • A child’s speech skills improve significantly at the age of 1 - his vocabulary is about 15-20 words, although sometimes he confuses syllables;
  • The kids understand their parents’ speech perfectly and try to repeat after them all unfamiliar words;
  • a one-year-old toddler is already quite capable of answering the question “Where” and “Who” addressed to him by saying his name or pointing his finger;
  • The child can also be entrusted with some tasks, for example, wiping off the dust, helping mom set the table, or washing fruit;
  • the child will very quickly build a tower from several cubes, and with his hand he can already take two small objects, using two fingers for manipulation;
  • a year, children love to find and hide toys, throw them, take them apart;
  • children at this age know the names and appearance of many animals, trees, and household items;
  • they remember events that happened 4-5 days ago;
  • use cutlery, cup, toothbrush and comb independently.

The social activity of children also increases, they become more sociable and are drawn to communicate with peers. Adults are truly happy when they observe the manifestations of their emotionality - now they are able to smile, laugh, and have learned to hug and kiss mom and dad. When there is an overabundance of feelings, they even kiss their toys - their favorite bears and dolls. The feelings of one-year-old children are sometimes visible in their gestures and facial expressions, and relatives usually understand this language well.

However, children can express not only contentment and positive emotions - they can be angry and indignant about prohibitions, look upset when dad leaves for work, show resentment if they are put to bed early. Kids themselves have a good understanding of the emotional state of their father and mother, determining it by tone of voice and facial expression, and due to the rapid formation of long-term memory in them, they often demonstratively show resentment, remembering recent unpleasant events.

Reflecting on what a 1-year-old child should be able to do, let’s add that he can dance and sing, study his reflection in the mirror with interest, know the purpose of many household devices, and carry out simple requests and tasks from adults. All that remains is to set a good example for them so that the child quickly absorbs useful information and puts it into practice.

How boys and girls develop at 12 months

The differences between the abilities of children of both sexes are, in fact, not distinguishable, but behavior patterns begin to differ greatly. When the question arises of what a one-year-old boy should be able to do, it is logical to answer “everything”, with the difference that he is less sensitive, more independent, and often protests when he is offered help. The child begins to feel not just a person, but a little bit like a man, who, in fact, is busy, for the most part, with men’s affairs. He plays a lot on his own, loves cars, construction sets, and outdoor games with a ball.

Does a 12-month-old girl need to be able to do this? Of course, yes, but the baby will prefer a quieter time spent feeding and dressing the doll, treating animals and similar activities.

But natural egoism is developed in children of both sexes - they do not understand why they should give their toy to someone else. And psychologists do not recommend forcing them to do this; in order to avoid scandal and hysteria, it is better to distract the child with something more interesting.

By one year of age, children also become firmly accustomed to self-care skills. In addition to using a spoon and a cup, they already use a fork, bite off and chew hard pieces, wash their hands by wiping them with a towel, and master the potty. Kids can already take off their hats, outerwear, socks and Velcro shoes. And to get dressed faster, they need training.

What should a child be able to do in one year? Of course, what his own parents will teach him, having found the right time for this and interested the baby. Basically, the achievements and failures of one-year-old children depend on them

Joint games and activities

One-year-olds should develop different skills and abilities, paying attention to each point. At this age, everything is important - the physical and creative improvement of the baby, the formation of his logical thinking, training of memory and attention.

Activities and games with your baby can have different goals, but they are all necessary:

  1. The development of motor function is probably one of the main goals. To help the baby in this difficult task, we can advise parents to purchase for the baby a gurney in the form of a large beautiful car or a toy stroller, which will stimulate the desire to walk, while at the same time serving as a support for the baby.
  2. Among the games that develop fine motor skills, as well as logic and memory, we can highlight large mosaics and puzzles, construction sets, lacing games, cups, jars and small parts for folding and pouring.
  3. One-year-old children are already suitable for more complex educational toys - insert figures, labyrinths, simple applications.
  4. To develop coordination and dexterity of your baby's hands and fingers, use salt dough or plasticine. Of course, the child will not yet be able to make a figurine from this material, but he will be happy to decorate the rolled out cake with small elements - shells, buttons, colored beads.
  5. Reading is a necessary element not only of development, but also of education, so a child needs to read every day. Firstly, he can remember new words, and secondly, he will learn the correct pronunciation. In addition, studying interesting and necessary information will increase his intelligence and broaden his horizons.
  6. Children will be happy to “play” musical instruments if you give them a drum, a baby piano, a xylophone, maracas, a toy tambourine or a harp.
  7. Little children love drawing, and this is a very useful activity for them. In the process of creating their extraordinary masterpieces, children improve visual function, train their fingers, learn to correctly perceive color combinations, develop imagination, memory and thinking. In addition, paints and pencils are excellent tools for children's experiments, the main thing is that mom and dad are nearby.
  8. Finger theater will also be a good workout and, at the same time, a game. In this case, the child has the opportunity to independently create characters from paper, cardboard or other materials, and then put on a real performance. This game involves several aspects of a child’s development at once.

You should not literally understand the standard indicators of what a 12-month-old toddler should be able to do, because a lot depends on the desire and real interest of the parents in the success of their child. And here it should be recalled that it will help to find time for joint lessons and games - a correctly compiled daily schedule for the little person.

Daily routine of a one-year-old baby

When creating a routine for a child, it should be taken into account that children who prefer to sleep once during the day should get up later. This, of course, is not a whim of the baby, but his peculiarity of the body and one quiet hour during the day is enough for him to remain vigorous and cheerful. In total, a child needs about 13-14 hours of rest per day, while at night he can sleep from 9 to 10 hours, and during the day 3-4 hours. Now is the time to teach children to fall asleep on their own.

One-year-old children eat with adults, but they are prohibited from certain foods, including pickles, marinades, sausages and smoked products. Too soft food, prepared in the old-fashioned way, as at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, can lead to malocclusion and digestive disorders, so children need to be given fairly solid food in the form of small pieces. At the age of one year, you can gradually transfer your child to four feedings a day, especially if he no longer eats mother’s milk.

The rules of care remain the same as in previous months and include all basic hygiene procedures. As for exercise and massage, babies need them, as they help strengthen the structure of muscle tissue, ensure normal blood circulation and enrich the body with oxygen. Massaging, in addition, relieves tension after active wakefulness.

Child development at twelve months: video

Imagining what a child should be able to do at the age of 1, and knowing the rules of upbringing and education, parents, of course, should constantly encourage the child to engage in cognitive activity and the desire to do everything independently. But at the same time, we must not forget that in front of you is a small child who, as before, needs parental love and affection, and a dry, teacherly tone cannot replace them.

It would seem that just recently the parents brought from the maternity hospital a small bundle containing such a long-awaited baby. He couldn't do anything on his own yet. And after twelve months, adults see a small personality in front of them: the baby can already walk or is trying to take his first steps, pronounces individual words and shows character. After all, a one-year-old child is already an individual, with his own desires and requirements. Doctors never tire of repeating that each child is individual and the pace of development of children may differ. But the World Health Organization has developed norms and standards within which the baby should fit at the age of one. Let's take a closer look at what a child should be able to do at twelve months. What are the signs that indicate you need to see a doctor?

Features of the physical development of boys and girls

By the age of one year, the baby makes a big leap in physical development. Some children begin to walk on their own, while others take their first steps with caution. At the same time, babies continue to actively crawl; for them, this method of movement is more familiar and faster. It is on all fours that the child fully feels his body and can control it.

Experts point out that parents should not worry if the baby is not yet walking independently at one year old. But the baby must confidently stand and walk with support, hand in hand with adults. If at twelve months the child does not try to perform these actions, this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

By the age of one year, babies are very inquisitive, they know how to sit down and stand up, they can climb onto a sofa or bed and get off it. Many parents notice that by the age of one year, children are very interested in music, they have an excellent sense of rhythm and begin to sway from side to side to the sounds of songs. Despite the fact that each child is individual and the time frame for him to learn new skills may differ, there are generally accepted standards for the physical development of children. A child develops according to his age if by twelve months he can:

  • sit independently, confidently holding your back;
  • Active crawling: Doctors warn that some children go beyond the crawling stage and immediately begin to sit up and then stand up. This is also considered a variant of the norm. Such babies can master crawling after they take their first steps;
  • climb onto the bed, climb the steps of the stairs;
  • stand on your own, with or without support;
  • walk with support or hand in hand with an adult;
  • drink from a cup with the help of parents and try to perform this action independently, eat from a spoon with mother’s help;
  • move objects from place to place, collect your toys, point to an object of interest to the child.

Some children are already walking independently by the age of one year. But experts point out that if a child does not walk on his own at twelve months, this is not a reason to panic. Normally, babies begin to take their first steps on their own by the age of 1.2 years.

By the time of their first anniversary, a baby has an average of 8 teeth. But this figure is approximate: some children have 4-6 baby teeth, while others can boast of having as many as 12 helpers to chew food.

Sleep and rest time at twelve months

The child’s daily routine also changes: the baby is more awake than asleep. Night sleep takes 11 hours, and during the day the baby rests only 3 hours, which are distributed over two daytime naps. Some children already at this age switch to one nap during the day. Dr. Komarovsky explains that this is not a deviation from the norm, but the individual needs of the body. The fact is that babies who go to bed later at night wake up later in the morning, so they do not need rest in the first half of the day. The body needs a nap in the afternoon.

If the child is active, has a good appetite and develops according to norms, then one nap during the day is enough for him. Dr. Komarovsky recommends listening to your baby's needs and not forcing him to sleep twice during the day.

Baby's height and weight depending on gender - table

Height and weight are the main indicators that confirm that the child is developing according to standards. From birth, every month the doctor and nurse evaluate the baby's growth in centimeters and grams. Lack of body weight in children under one year of age can signal anemia, problems in the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as disorders of the central nervous system.

Experts draw the attention of parents that constant underweight, which leads to a child’s underweight, can cause a lag in the physical and mental development of the baby.

Basic reflexes, skills and abilities of a 1 year old child

Children of different ages have their own parameters for psychological, mental and speech development. Every mother compares her child with others. And if her baby lags behind according to some criteria, he immediately rushes to the doctor. Experts warn that the pace of development depends on the baby’s temperament, as well as genetic predisposition. Therefore, at the appointment, the doctor evaluates the skills that the baby has acquired by the age of one year, his height and weight, and explains to the parents whether they should worry or whether there is time to wait a little for the child to learn new skills.

Psychological and emotional development of a one-year-old baby

It is at this age that the baby begins to show character. Some parents are perplexed: just yesterday the child was completely obedient, did not throw tantrums, but today he is simply unrecognizable. Child psychologists explain this behavior as the first psychological crisis. The baby is learning the boundaries of what is permitted: the baby may not pay attention to the word “not allowed” and throw a tantrum on every occasion.

Psychologists explain that parents should not allow a small child to manipulate himself. At this age, children understand that crying can achieve what they want. Adults must clearly define boundaries; if something is forbidden to a child, they must stand their ground, even when he cries and is hysterical. Over time, children understand that a parental ban cannot be canceled with tears.

This behavior can continue for up to six months. At this time, parents need to be patient in order to explain to the baby why certain things are not allowed. At one year old, he already understands well what can and cannot be done. Knows how to recognize praise and also reacts when he is scolded for wrongdoing. The child understands when he is asked to bring or serve something. Distinguishes between parents and acquaintances: joy appears on the face at the sight of mom and dad.

At twelve months of age, communication is important for a child. He learns to communicate with peers. The baby is no longer so afraid of strangers, but his mother remains the most important person for him. The presence of the mother calms the baby, he feels safe. Child psychologists recommend that parents teach their children to communicate in the company of peers. It is at this age that you can explain to your child that toys can be shared and that you cannot offend peers. Early development schools are excellent for social adaptation, where the baby will study in a group with other children.

How to determine whether a child’s psychological development is normal - video

Learning to speak: baby’s speech development

Children at twelve months can pronounce the simplest words: mom, dad, baba, dai, am, lala and others. The baby’s vocabulary already contains 10–20 words, although the child does not pronounce many of them completely, and some sounds are missing from them. But he tries to repeat the words after his parents, and over time his vocabulary will expand.

Some children do not speak a year, or their vocabulary is limited to two or three words. If the doctor does not see any developmental abnormalities, this situation may be due to the child’s genetic predisposition and temperamental characteristics. But parents should pay attention to speech development, read more fairy tales to the baby, and talk to him often. During the game, you can explain each action and name objects.

The child is already trying to tell something to his parents using words. For example, when he sees a car, he can say “beep,” or ask for an object or toy that interests him: “give me.” The kid is trying to voice his requests and dissatisfaction. At this age, his facial expressions and intonation are well developed: what the baby cannot express with words, he tries to say with the intonation of his pronunciation.

How to develop your baby's speech

  • read stories and fairy tales every day;
  • look at pictures and illustrations in books, while naming each object, animal, etc., clearly pronouncing the name;
  • explain to the baby all actions and situations: for example, while bathing, you can tell him that this is water, and this is soap, etc.;
  • create children's songs: a child at this age loves music very much, this also develops a sense of rhythm;
  • develop fine motor skills: scientists have proven that such activities directly affect the baby’s mental development, including the formation of speech.

How to help your baby learn to speak: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Development of a child's motor skills

  • collect your toys in place: in a play corner or toy basket;
  • grasp objects with two fingers;
  • play independently for half an hour;
  • assemble a pyramid;
  • place cube on cube;
  • play with the ball: tries to throw it into a box or basket.

If parents notice that the child does not show interest in toys, a ball, or cannot hold objects in his hands, this is a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician and neurologist. One of the reasons may be hyper- or hypotonicity of the muscles. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations.

Introducing to beauty: musical development

According to psychologists, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the physical and mental development of the child, but also to the musical development of the child. At the age of twelve months, he already has a sense of rhythm, he is interested in moving to music, listening to children's songs and cheerful notes. Many children love to play toy musical instruments: they like to reproduce sounds and make sounds happen. Music has the properties of relaxing and calming: the sounds of nature have a positive effect on the child’s nervous system.

Musical development is simply necessary for children. Music influences active processes in the brain and also has a positive effect on the development of thinking, memory and attention.

Doctors often recommend using music as a healing therapy. For example, for children with hyperactivity, neurologists prescribe turning on the sound of water and the sounds of dolphins in order to calm the nervous system and relax the baby. Psychologists recommend playing music to your child every day. These don’t have to be classical works; children’s songs or sounds of nature can be used. The main thing is that the baby likes the music. But you shouldn’t overload your baby’s hearing: 10–20 minutes a day to listen to music is enough.

Norms and terms of child development - video

Necessary activities: how to develop, what to teach a child at this age

A child cannot develop independently; he needs help, guidance, and most importantly, create comfortable conditions. Doctors warn that parents should pay equal attention to physical and mental development so that the baby develops harmoniously.

Sports is required

From birth, doctors insist that to strengthen the baby’s muscles, it is necessary to do massage and gymnastics. Although a child is already more independent at one year old, there is no need to give up physical exercise. After waking up, it is recommended to do gymnastics, which will invigorate you and set you up for an active pastime. In the evening you can have a relaxing massage.

  • Walks in the fresh air, games on sports grounds, and ball activities are required;
  • If possible, you can install a sports complex for your baby at home. Doctors are only for it if a child is introduced to sports from an early age. This perfectly strengthens muscles and prevents problems with the spine;
  • Swimming in the pool is beneficial. You can study with an instructor or on your own. Hydromassage is also very useful for the general condition of the body, as well as strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
  • Fitball exercises not only appeal to children, but are also useful for training the vestibular system.

Exercises on a fitball for a one-year-old baby - video

Development of fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills plays a huge role for a child at the age of one year. It is at this time that the baby becomes more active and inquisitive. And the task of parents is to direct his interest in the right direction. Today, adults can enroll their children in classes at children's development centers, where experienced teachers will work with them. Parents can also develop an activity program on their own to perform various exercises with their child at home.

There are proprietary methods that are developed for children of different ages. Parents can study according to one method or choose individual tasks that are interesting to the child. The most popular today are the methods of Maria Monessori, Glen Doman and Nikitins.

Fine motor exercises - video

Teachers and child psychologists say that at twelve months you can do the following with your baby:

  • modeling: plasticine, salt dough, or a special mass for modeling perfectly develop imagination, thinking and fine motor skills;
  • Playing with sand and water: children are interested in learning different shapes. Liquid can be poured from one container to another. And make different figures or castles from sand. Today there is special kinetic sand on sale that does not leave stains and you can play with it at home when it’s cold outside and you can’t go to the sandbox;
  • exercises with a busy board: hard or soft educational boards, rugs or books will definitely interest the child. Details and elements that are attached to busy boards perfectly develop fine motor skills, patience, logic, thinking and attention;
  • drawing: the development of creative abilities affects speech development. You can begin to introduce the baby to a brush and paints; if the baby is not interested in this method of painting, it is recommended to try finger paints;
  • games with construction sets: for children of this age, there are construction sets on sale with large blocks that they cannot swallow.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that it is imperative to work with children. But there are certain rules: classes must be held in a playful way, and only if the child wishes. If the baby is capricious and does not want to do the exercises, it is better to postpone the classes to a later time or another day.

Early child development: opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Caring for a one year old child

Cleanliness is the key to health. This phrase is familiar to everyone since childhood. A one-year-old baby requires special care, because he cannot yet perform many actions independently.

Water treatments

Water procedures are required: in the morning it can be a light shower, during which the mother washes the child, brushes the teeth, ears and nose. In the evening, it is better to run a bath and the baby can swim and play in the water for at least 30–40 minutes.

Pediatricians and dermatologists warn that when bathing a child, you need to use special shampoos or soaps designed for children of this age. Adult shower gels can cause an allergic reaction, irritation or excessive dryness of the baby's delicate skin.

How to bathe a child - video

How to dress a child correctly

Another important point is the correct choice of clothing:

  • things should be made from natural materials to allow the skin to breathe and not cause allergic reactions;
  • You should not dress your baby too warmly: children have different thermoregulation from adults, so the child should be dressed according to the weather;
  • clothing should be comfortable: it cannot be too tight or loose. A small margin is allowed so that the baby can move freely.

Walks in the open air

At any age, a child can benefit from walks outside. Pediatricians recommend walking even in bad weather, with the exception of severe frosts, below - 15 degrees, and downpours. The rest of the time you need to be outside for at least two hours a day. In good weather, it is recommended to spend one of your naps outdoors. This is very beneficial for the baby's health.

Do not forget about fresh air in the room where the child sleeps. The room should be frequently ventilated and wet cleaned at least twice a week. If there are indoor plants in the nursery, make sure that they cannot cause allergies in the baby, otherwise the flowers should be removed from the room.

Child and walks - video

Baby's nutrition at twelve months

At one year old, the child already eats not only breast milk or formula, but also many solid foods in the form of purees or juices. The baby eats 4-5 times a day, with an interval of 3-4 hours. Children at this age have an average of eight teeth, so chewing skills are actively developing. Parents should help their child learn to chew; to do this, they don’t have to puree the food, but leave small pieces. There are special cereals on sale for training the chewing reflex.

The baby's diet should be balanced; the menu includes:

  • meat and fish purees;
  • vegetable dishes;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir, yogurt;
  • yolk;
  • butter and vegetable oil are added to dishes;
  • fruit purees and juices;
  • porridge.

All dishes are steamed or boiled. It is strictly forbidden to give a child at this age smoked and fried foods, because the unformed gastrointestinal tract is not able to accept food prepared in this way. Pediatric gastroenterologists warn that it is too early to transfer children to a common diet.

Pediatrician's advice on feeding a child at 9–12 months - video

Children develop every day. A one-year-old child is very inquisitive, strives to learn as much new things as possible, and also repeats everything after adults. Experts keep repeating that you definitely need to work with your baby. A properly planned daily routine will allow you to allocate time to have time to walk with the baby, conduct developmental activities, eat food on time, and also leave time for rest. You should pay attention not only to mental development, but also not to forget about physical exercise. The child must develop comprehensively.

At 1 year and 6 months of the year, the child’s development makes another “leap”; now the baby not only assimilates and repeats information; after one and a half years, children begin to analyze what they heard and saw and draw their first conclusions. Most parents, not knowing what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 6 months, pay more attention to his physical abilities and skills, although at this age his neuropsychic development and emotional sphere are much more important. It is impossible to accurately assess the development of a child at 1 year and 6 months, since children after a year develop according to their own individual timing and different children develop different skills and abilities with a difference of several months, which is considered completely normal.

Physical development of a child at one and a half years old

By the age of one and a half years, a child should already be able to walk independently, without holding on to support or the hands of his parents; usually by this age, most children already walk confidently, know how to climb and descend stairs, bend, turn and squat. By the age of 1 year and 6 months, babies still retain some clumsiness, often fall, cannot yet jump and maintain balance in one position for a long time, but at the same time they still have a poorly developed sense of self-preservation and have absolutely no understanding of what objects or situations may pose to them. them danger. An active and inquisitive one-and-a-half-year-old cannot be left alone for a minute, even in the “safest” room - children at this age manage to climb onto cabinet shelves, window sills, tables and other high objects. And curiosity and interest in everything new and exciting makes them pull the tablecloth with hot glasses off the table, open the oven door and pull the cords of household appliances.

Moreover, in order for such a child to realize the danger, one fall or other trouble may not be enough; psychologists advise not to prohibit the child from exploring the objects he likes, but either completely exclude the possibility of getting to them or constantly, over and over again, explain and demonstrate why he should not touch the hot kettle , stove or jumping on a chair.

A child’s games at this age become more and more active; on the playground, he strives to ride on a carousel, swing, climb an inclined surface, slide down a slide and climb a vertical ladder. Of course, while performing all these “acrobatic” tricks, parents must be constantly on guard, because the baby simply does not understand the limits of his capabilities or may be distracted by something more interesting and let go of the ladder rung or the rope of the swing.

By the age of one and a half years, most children already know how to independently eat semi-liquid food, hold a spoon in their hand, drink from a mug and bite off small pieces of bread, fruit and other solid foods.

The child’s everyday knowledge also expands - he can not only wash himself, but also recognize his clothes, put toys in a box, “read” books and even brush his teeth.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 1 year and 6 months

By the age of one and a half years, a child not only masters basic words and concepts, but also actively communicates with his parents and surrounding adults. Even if the baby has not yet begun to speak, he can already explain to his mother what he needs, what he wants, or why he is crying. Depending on the pace of development, by 18 months the child pronounces from 10 to 40 words, tries to formulate simple sentences of 2-3 words, answers adult questions by pointing to objects or pictures. The child’s speech is accompanied by emotional gestures and movements, and if he is not understood, the baby may begin to cry from grief.

At this age, most children really like music, singing and poetry; when they hear a familiar beautiful melody, children begin to dance and “sing along”, and their favorite poems and nursery rhymes help cope with the whims of the fidget while eating, changing clothes or other procedures. Pediatric doctors advise parents to listen to only good and calm music in front of their children, preferably classical or nature sounds, this calms children, stabilizes their psyche and speeds up the impact of speech.

Research conducted by foreign scientists has proven that children are categorically contraindicated in heavy rock, “metal” or other similar trends in modern music, and our psychologists add that it is also better to refrain from listening to songs by modern performers, since most often the meaning of the lyrics and musical accompaniment of such songs is far from from the ideal.

At one and a half years old, children willingly look at books with bright pictures, and if previously they just looked at the pictures and listened to the text, now they are interested in the details. Parents should choose large, colorful books with clear and easy-to-understand text that is illustrated with pictures, so it will be easier for the child to connect what is written and spoken with what he sees in the picture.

After one and a half years, a child’s games also become more complicated. now he plays not with one, but with several toys at once– loads and rolls blocks on a truck, covers a doll with a blanket or feeds it from a pacifier, puts toy food on plates, and so on. Babies at 1 year and 6 months are still very interested in balls, all kinds of rides and educational toys in the form of large wooden puzzles, inserts, pyramids and others where you can twist, fold or connect something.

The emotional state of the child also changes; now for a good mood it is not enough for him to be well-fed, clean and close to his mother; at the age of one and a half years, children begin to be interested in their own skills and achievements. If earlier the little one was simply playing with a toy, now he is trying to achieve some result and is very upset if he cannot get what he wants. The child’s behavior with different people and in different situations begins to change, for example, at home with their mother, kids behave much more confidently and capriciously than in a large company or, conversely, when playing with grandparents, fidgets allow themselves much more than under the supervision of strict parents .

By the age of one and a half years, a child should be able to:

  • walk independently, stand up, turn, bend over;
  • hold a spoon in your hands, drink from a cup;
  • report your physiological needs - ask to eat, drink, worry, if you want to go to the toilet, get dirty, and so on;
  • understand the speech of adults addressed to him, show household objects, body parts, animals in pictures;
  • understand and fulfill the simplest requests of adults, know how and where to wash, eat, dress, and so on;
  • pronounce several words and sound combinations;
  • treats mother, relatives, acquaintances, strangers differently;
  • in the game, repeat 2-3 simple actions - roll the car, put the doll to sleep, and so on.

Boys and girls aged one and a half years

At one and a half years, the difference in the character and temperament of children of different sexes becomes more and more noticeable. Moreover, psychologists advise parents to pay attention to this circumstance: for little boys, trust on the part of the parents is very important, which will be expressed in the fact that the child will be given the opportunity to do something independently. Excessive care on the part of parents can be perceived by boys as mistrust, doubt in his strengths and abilities, so parents of one and a half year old boys will have to find a middle ground between freedom and safety of the little fidget.



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