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Why do you dream about potatoes? What does a potato mean in a dream? What do Potato dreams mean?

Potatoes entered the Russian diet relatively recently - at the beginning of the 18th century. However, as one of the most popular vegetable crops, it is rightfully considered the second bread. Potatoes in a dream may well be a reflection of the day’s efforts in growing, caring for and collecting this tasty root vegetable, but at the same time, according to the interpretation of various dream books, it is a rather expressive symbol. So why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation: seeing potatoes in a dream

Miller's Dream Book suggests that when you dream of potatoes, you can expect profit. Dig it out - achieve success.

If you see potatoes with sprouts that the dreamer plants in the ground, this is a good sign. In reality, all your dreams will soon come true.

According to Vanga's dream book Towards the completion of a long-awaited event, I dream of potatoes. This could be receiving a marriage proposal or a salary increase.

There is a new acquaintance ahead - this is what potatoes are dreamed of, according to Ukrainian dream book. But taking tubers out of a barn or cellar is a danger of getting sick.

Azar's Dream Book predicts that large potatoes on earth mean profit.

According to the eastern dream book If you dream of potatoes in the ground, a difficult life stage lies ahead. However, thanks to the presence of spirit, you will be able to survive it.

Family dream book warns that Colorado potato beetles on potatoes mean damage. This could be a loss or loss in business.

Why does a woman dream about potatoes?

Potato unmarried portends successful development in the business sphere for a woman. Very soon, the dreamer will expect recognition in her professional field.

Potato flowers, dreamed girl, are a harbinger of a romantic adventure. You may even receive a marriage proposal.

Dreamed of small potatoes married The lady signals temporary financial problems. Large tubers promise a harmonious environment in the house and good security.

When you dream about potatoes pregnant a woman, she will have to go through a rather difficult process of childbirth. However, the dream is a positive omen - everything will be fine with the woman in labor and the baby.

An interesting offer will soon come if you had to plant potatoes in a dream into the ground. It can concern both personal life and business cooperation. It’s also worth remembering what color you planted potatoes in your dream. Pink tubers delight lonely dreamers with the news of a successful romance, and foretell a happy period of life together for families. Almost white planting material predicts the emergence of new prospects. Yellow tubers indicate unexpected support from friends. Connections will help you carry out your planned transaction very profitably.

Stable career growth is predicted by a dream in which you had to plant potatoes in pots. The dreamer himself limits the possibilities of his own development.

Plant potatoes in winter or burying obviously rotten tubers in the ground is a warning sign. You can lose part of your income if you act carelessly.

The plot of a dream in which I happened to plant potatoes warns of a threat to one’s financial condition. in someone else's garden. Working in a good mood on your own site promises an inevitable reward for your work. If the landing was carried out through force and with reluctance, it is worth paying attention to other people’s claims. Someone decided to take away a tasty morsel, and you will have to make an effort to maintain your own income.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes?

To correctly interpret what it means dig potatoes out of the ground in a dream, it is necessary to remember what tool was used. If it was a shovel, in reality you will find out information that has long been a secret to the sleeping person, but is crucial for his well-being. The use of a rake and pitchfork suggests the need to fight vanity. Digging potatoes with a toy scoop indicates ill-considered actions. Digging up root vegetables with your fingers symbolizes hard work, sticks or other improvised means, hints that it is time to compare your own desires with your capabilities, and adjust your aspirations.

It is also worth considering what kind of gather potatoes in a dream. Smooth, beautiful tubers portend an increase in strength and a successful solution to all assigned tasks. If the potatoes turn out to be rotten, the joyful period in reality is coming to an end, and you will have to postpone the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of potato

As a sign of pleasant troubles associated with acquiring significant capital, you dream of potatoes large and smooth. Entrepreneurs can expect very lucrative contracts, and they should pay attention to all incoming offers.

Big potatoes symbolize excellent profits. Everything will work out soon.

If you dreamed small potatoes, small but empty troubles await ahead. This also reflects the sleeper’s dissatisfaction with insufficient attention to his person from others.

Receiving good news means clean potatoes in a dream. We must rejoice.

Against, dirty potatoes foretell the onset of difficulties. There's trouble ahead.

The dream also has a bad meaning rotten potato. A difficult stage of life comes when you have to fight for your own happiness.

A new source of income portends young potato. It’s worth looking around, and you’ll find benefits in something you never thought of.

Appears in dreams for important events old potato. Its quality will tell you whether they will be sad or favorable.

Great sign - raw potato. It signals joyful events in reality.

If you dream cleaned potatoes are good. Such a vision promises good luck.

Has positive symbolism fried potatoes in a dream. You may receive a tempting offer for a new project or even a change of job.

Boiled potatoes in a dream warns that in reality the sleeper fulfills the wishes of others. We must devote time to our own life aspirations.

Why do you dream about a lot of potatoes?

Bucket potatoes means successful completion of the task. The main thing is that the root vegetables are smooth and strong.

Bag Excellent quality potatoes mean well-being. Spoiled or very small tubers warn of troubles with finances.

It's good when you dream garden with potato. In reality, successful prospects will appear.

Even rows in field with weed-free potatoes portend the successful implementation of ideas. Projects will develop according to plan.

Lots of potatoes in the cellar symbolically represents an attempt to hide a secret.

Interpretation of sleep based on actions with potatoes

In order to find out why you dream about potatoes, you definitely need to remember your actions. It is also worth considering the type of occupation in reality.

For farmers and gardeners spud potatoes - a sign to prepare for a rich harvest. For businessmen, such a dream predicts significant profits.

Weed potatoes are a double symbol. This is both a fun meeting with friends and the danger of a skin disease.

Hard work lies ahead in reality, if you dreamed about it collecting potatoes in the garden. But the material return will please you.

Sort through potatoes - worry about mistrust of someone around you. There is reason to doubt if there is a rotten tuber.

You will be able to cope with bullying and evil ridicule of yourself if you had a dream clean potatoes. Tubers that are too small indicate dissatisfaction with oneself.

Soon there will be guests in the house if you dream cook potatoes. Most likely, visitors will be from afar.

Fry potatoes - a prosperous stage of life begins. But if it's burnt, you should keep your plans to yourself.

Good sign - prepare a potato dish in a dream. These are positive events and decent pay for real work.

Soon you will be able to meet with friends if you dreamed about it There is potatoes in a dream. You'll have a lot of fun. Eating baked tubers means good luck accompanies everything.

To envy, a dream appears in which it is brought steal potatoes. It is worth fighting this negative feeling.

If you dream sell potatoes, in reality someone is very tired of the sleeping person. The dream suggests that you will soon be able to part with clingy guests and acquaintances.

There is an unexpected find ahead, if you dreamed about it buy potatoes. The smoother and larger the tubers, the more expensive it will be.

Potatoes in a dream are a multi-valued symbol, but mostly carry a positive meaning.

Eating potatoes in a dream is a more positive symbol than a negative one, dream interpreters say. The explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is largely influenced by the degree of its readiness and the form in which you ate it. Remember all the details of the dream, and compare the interpretations of several dream books.

Gustav Miller and his dream book

Explaining why one dreams of eating potatoes, Miller’s dream book foreshadows significant profits and benefits that await the dreamer if he makes even a little effort on his part. And yet some differences in the interpretation of this plot exist. Compare:

  • I dreamed that you were frying potatoes - you will be offered a promising job;
  • eating potatoes with mushrooms - organizing a party will require more money than you thought;
  • ate mashed potatoes for breakfast - a sign of making a decision about the “fate” of other people’s finances;
  • to see that you are having baked potatoes for lunch is a sign of success in the professional field;
  • caught a burnt baked potato - a competitor will get ahead of you;
  • chew potato peelings - get rid of other people's influence.

French fries as a symbol of change

If you dreamed that you were eating fried potatoes, then be prepared for the fact that in reality major changes await you. For men, eating fried potatoes in a dream is a signal that he has a chance to get a high position, the main thing is not to miss this opportunity.

But in a dream, a girl eats country-style fried potatoes - a sign of imminent marriage. Moreover, her husband will be from a wealthy family, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Puree: From hospitality to prospects

The Eastern Dream Book will tell you why you dream of boiled potatoes. If you dreamed about yourself eating delicious mashed potatoes, this means that welcome guests will come to you. And if you feasted on boiled potatoes in their jackets, then they will make you an interesting offer, which at first glance will seem unpromising to you.

Seeing in a dream how you eat boiled potatoes with butter means that you are not in a hurry to make a decision. The more thoughtful and balanced it is, the greater the chances of success.

Pies with potato filling are a sign of profitable work

Baking pies with potatoes in a dream is a symbol of painstaking but interesting work, Longo’s dream book suggests. If you added fish to the pie, then you should not tell anyone about your plans until you implement them. Especially if you caught the fish yourself.

Did you fry pies with potatoes in your dream? Remember if you added dill to the filling. If the filling for your pies contained greens, then you will be able to earn good money doing what you love.

Did you dream about potato pancakes, but with sour cream? You will be able to profitably “sell” your skills and experience. And if in your night dreams you feasted on “zrazy” with meat, then you are worrying about your abilities in vain - you are a master of your craft.

Potatoes from a dream are a very polysemantic symbol, which can be difficult to interpret. It is advisable to try to remember all the details and circumstances of the plot immediately after waking up. The following are examples of interpretations of what potatoes mean in dreams in different situations.

In Miller's dream book, potatoes turn out to be a warning about accidents in the dreamer's real life that will lead him to positive changes. If the sleeper himself happily tried delicious potato dishes, then you can prepare to receive large financial benefits. Such a plot may also foreshadow a worthy offer regarding a new job.

In the work of the fortuneteller Vanga, flowering potato bushes promise the dreamer good, joyful news in reality. There is a possibility that he will finally be able to reconcile with an old friend, whom the man or woman really misses. If a person prepares potatoes in any form on his own, this promises him the return of old debts. Such a cash receipt will be completely unexpected and no less pleasant.

According to Hasa's dream book, rotting, foul-smelling potatoes are a sign that an easy, successful period in the life of a sleeping person will soon end. You need to enjoy happy moments while you have the opportunity. Otherwise, you will then have to use all your strength to deal with the difficulties that arise. But the huge harvest in bags in the work of the same interpreter promises a cloudless future financially.

Plant, dig, collect potatoes

Did you have to plant potatoes in a dream? In the very near future, the dreamer's cherished dream will come true. If in a dream one of his acquaintances helped him in planting a vegetable, the situation will be similar in reality - he will be able to achieve his goal with the support of others.

Digging potatoes in night dreams is a sign of successful endeavors in any area of ​​life. The plot suggests that you can safely take on unfamiliar things and try yourself in new areas. All experiments will be successful.

Harvesting potatoes in a dream is a clear sign that soon the sleeper will finally receive a reward for his labors and efforts. The more he tried in reality, the more worthy the reward would be.

I dreamed of black, rotten potatoes

Black potatoes from a dream most often become a harbinger of a difficult life period. A sleeping person will experience a “black streak.” Such a plot will allow you to prepare for it in advance and complete all things before it starts.

Rotten potatoes are also not a very good sign. She promises a man or woman large expenses, which will ultimately cause disappointment. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to “turn on” the austerity regime in the near future.

Peel, boil, fry root vegetables

If the sleeper had to prepare a root vegetable, then when interpreting, one must take into account which method of processing the vegetable he chose:

  • Peeling potatoes in a dream means a change of opinion about someone you know. It is difficult to predict in advance which way this will happen, but most often it will be positive.
  • Boiling potatoes in their jackets foreshadows unexpected guests for a man or woman. If the dish looks appetizing or the sleeping person even likes the taste, it means that visiting friends or relatives will give him extremely positive emotions.
  • Potatoes boiled in large pieces promise the dreamer an impressive profit in a business for which he no longer hoped for success.
  • Did you see fried potatoes with onions in your dream? This means that you cannot trust people you barely know in reality. Excessive openness will bring many problems.

See large or small potatoes in the garden

A harvest of very large potatoes in a garden bed in a dream is an excellent sign. He suggests that the dreamer’s efforts will soon allow him to achieve the desired success. If you had to dig up small potatoes with great difficulty, it means that, despite all the efforts made, the sleeper will still not be able to become successful.

In general, the size of the root has a great influence on interpretation. Small potatoes in a bag foreshadow unpleasant, sad events in a person’s life that will make him cry. And a vegetable of the same size in your pockets symbolizes the pettiness of friends and family.

Large, beautiful vegetables promise material well-being or even real wealth to a man or woman. The larger the size of the root crops, the greater the profit the sleeper will receive. If in a dream a whole field appears covered with large potatoes, this is a clear sign that in the near future a person will definitely not need to think about money.

The meaning of sleep depending on the gender of the dreamer

It happens that the meaning of a dream even depends on the gender of the person who saw it. So, if a man dreams of carefully washed potato tubers, it means that he will form an erroneous opinion about someone. At first the sleeper will not like the personality, but in the future it will become a close, loyal friend for him. Such a dream tells a woman that she is in vain accusing her other half of cheating. A similar plot may indicate that the young lady does not notice signs of attention from a very worthy, interesting representative of the stronger sex. Perhaps he is currently in the status of her friend.

Potatoes with sprouts for a man symbolize useless labor. Its results will not bring the dreamer either profit or moral satisfaction. If a young lady digs up tubers with sprouts, most likely, subconsciously she is already completely ready to start a family and even continue the family line.

A flowering vegetable tells a representative of the stronger sex that in the near future he will become the owner of a valuable, expensive gift or even receive an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative. For a woman, a similar plot promises an acquaintance with a wealthy man who will be ready to fulfill all her whims and desires. But there will be no sincere warm feelings in such a couple.

If you dreamed of boiled potatoes, you should know that profit awaits you, as most dream books predict. But this statement is true only if the potatoes in the dream were steamed and fresh, otherwise be prepared for trouble. You can find out more precisely why you dream about this dish by remembering the details of your vision.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, if you see potatoes in a dream, expect that not very happy accidents will happen to you soon. Eating boiled potatoes in a dream means benefit, but boiling them is a sign of fulfillment of desires.

In your dream, do you see rotten potatoes on a plate? This means that soon the end of all your joys will come.

Brief interpretations

If you decide to figure out what boiled potatoes mean in your dream, then you should pay attention to what you did with them in your dream. These are the interpretations interpreters offer for those who do not have the opportunity to go into details.

  • Eating it means profit.
  • Prepare - to implement your plan.
  • Peeling boiled potatoes means trying to find out something secret.
  • Stealing freshly boiled potatoes means in reality you will accidentally take someone else's thing.
  • Spoiled tubers symbolize problems and unpleasant situations.

A tasty dish is a sign of secrets and good luck

If you see yourself eating potatoes in their jackets, then this promises you protection from enemy attacks, explains Tsvetkov’s dream book. Peeling a jacket potato and eating it is a symbol of a profitable event, the success of which you would prefer to hide from others.

Do you want to know why you dream about boiled potatoes in their jackets being served to guests? The Wanderer's Dream Book gives the following explanations: if you dreamed that you were treating guests to potatoes boiled in their skins and watching them peel and eat them, then in reality some secret conspiracies await you with these people.

Spoiled lunch as a symbol of trouble

For those who have dreamed of boiled potatoes with worms, it would be a good idea to find out what such scenes mean in dreams. Freud's dream book speaks of a possible desire to have offspring, but the Eastern interpreter has a different version: potatoes with worms are a sign of loss and damage due to little things not corrected in time.

Did you dream that there was a steaming plate of boiled potatoes on your table, which upon closer examination turned out to be rotten or spoiled? Be prepared for the fact that some “rotten” situations may lie in wait for you, the White Magician’s dream book suggests.

Cooking: From Simplicity to Hassle

Do you see yourself in a dream as a cook in a restaurant who received an order for boiled potatoes? Such a plot personifies your desire to “become simpler”, to get rid of some qualities that seem too exaggerated to you.

And if you dreamed that you were forced to cook from leftovers, then this symbolizes the arrival of unexpected guests. In such moments, you should pay special attention to the interpretation of the dream: you have created an excellent dish - your visitors will be delighted; something inedible came out - visitors will not bring anything good, just trouble.

Most dream books interpret potatoes seen in night dreams as a favorable sign. Usually this dreams of some good changes in life that the sleeper so needs, or success in both personal and professional affairs. However, some dream books deciphered such a dream as something bad. To obtain accurate information about the meaning of a dream, you need to remember its plot and what the potato looked like.

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      I dreamed of a bag of potatoes

      Dreaming of potatoes in bags is a good symbol, foreshadowing the receipt of income and a favorable combination of circumstances. However, there are different variations in the plot of a dream with this product, which can interpret this sign completely differently. The interpretation of the dream also depends on the external characteristic features of the potato.

      • If a woman dreams

        A woman who is expecting a child dreams of potatoes speaks of her future difficult birth. For a young woman, it foreshadows failures in her personal life.

        Planting potatoes in a dream means hard work, which will be rewarded. Receiving a bag of potatoes as a gift is a symbol that the girl will marry successfully. A fragrant dish made from potatoes and meat is dreamed of by women who will soon have an old and cherished dream come true.

        Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream is a bad sign, which indicates a possible betrayal of a loved one. Peeling small potatoes means a rival will appear, because of whom a lot of tears will be shed. A woman who dreams of tubers in bags, especially large ones, means making a profit.

        If a man dreams

        A man’s dream about potatoes predicts that he will soon have a pleasant meeting. Buying a vegetable means getting a chance to move up the career ladder. Selling it, while doing it reluctantly, is a mistake that can cost a man his job.

        Digging potatoes on your plot means gaining important experience. Digging from a neighbor, and for free, means failures and mistakes. A large potato field dreams of huge material income.

        Loff's Dream Book

        The interpretation of a dream about potatoes will depend on the external signs of the vegetable itself and on actions with it.

        If you dream of a harvest that is in large bags or a net, this is a symbol of a future well-fed life, filled only with positive emotions and favorable moments. Small potatoes, even in large quantities, promise only troubles and tears.

        Digging potatoes in a field - someone can appropriate the labors of a sleeping person. It is worth paying attention to who exactly had to dig up the vegetable and what feelings and difficulties were experienced.

        Peeling potatoes is a sign of favorable changes, the onset of which must wait a little. If you happen to peel a large potato, then the dreamer’s happiness is not far off. Cooked potatoes are also considered a good sign, but only if they look appetizing. Enjoying a potato dish means improving your personal life.

        Miller's Dream Book

        If you dream of cooked potatoes, then this promises an offer that at first may seem profitable, but in the future will bring a lot of trouble and trouble. The dream about a potato in the ground has the same meaning.

        To dream of selling potatoes means that the sleeper will have to do things that contradict his inner beliefs. Eating raw potatoes portends an imminent serious illness.

        Back problems may occur to those who dreamed of watching a person dig up potatoes. Buying potatoes in a dream means trouble. Seeing a rotten vegetable means the onset of difficult times, which will bring disappointment and tears.

        Interpretation of Josse's dream

        The medium Hosse spoke negatively about the potatoes that he saw in his night dreams. In his opinion, large potatoes mean changes in life, and very unfavorable ones. Perhaps the dreamer will have to do small routine things that will ultimately negatively affect his destiny.

        Eating potatoes means all sorts of troubles and conflicts at work and in the family. But if you dream about a lot of potatoes, then this is a clear sign that the dreamer is completely dissatisfied with his life and wants to change something in it.

        What Vanga said

        Vanga had a very positive attitude towards this symbol. The ruler believed that potatoes were a sign of financial well-being. Good prospects for the future are promised by the dream in which a person had to plant potatoes in the garden.

        Many material problems can be solved if the dreamer saw ready-made potatoes in a dream (for example, fried, in their jackets, with meat or mashed potatoes). If you dreamed of a mountain of potatoes, then this means success in the professional sphere and an easy solution to all current affairs.

        A vegetable that had to be taken out of the cellar indicates problems. They will be unexpected and associated with unpleasant people, but you can deal with them quickly and easily. To bring good news, you dream of red and green potatoes. Pleasant excitement will arise in a person who saw a potato with sprouts in a dream.

        Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

        In their opinion, potatoes dream of changes that can affect all areas of the sleeper’s life:

        • If you dream of growing potatoes, then the dreamer will have to work hard to obtain the necessary and useful information.
        • The one who dug up potatoes in a dream will have to endure an unpleasant task, which will ultimately yield good results.
        • A large potato portends success in business.
        • A person who saw a rotten potato in a dream will have to go through hard times and financial difficulties.

        Solomon's Dream Book

        Solomon said that a dream about a potato harvest failure foreshadows sad events and tears.

        But a large number of vegetables, which had to be dug up and collected for a long time, usually means the acquisition of something significant for the sleeper.

        What did Simon the Canaanite say?

        Simon the Canaanite saw the symbol in the form of a dreamed potato as an omen of a future increase in income. He believed that the sleeper needed to replenish his resources and find new ways to make money:

        • Digging potatoes means thankless hard work that will be valued at a very small amount.
        • A vision of eating potatoes with meat will tell you about intestinal disease.
        • Escape from violence and liberation from the oppression of a bad person awaits the sleeper who peeled potatoes in a dream.
        • An unpleasant person will come to visit someone who was frying potatoes in a frying pan in his night dreams.
        • Seeing a potato field in a dream means receiving reward for your labors.
        • Selling potatoes in a dream - the sleeper will avoid meeting people who bother him in real life.



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