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Cheese composition proteins fats carbohydrates vitamins. Calorie content of cheese, composition, nutrition, beneficial properties and contraindications

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Cheese, everyone’s favorite product, is sometimes undeservedly pushed into the far corner of the refrigerator as extremely fatty and harmful to the figure... Did you know that cheese is the leader in calcium content! So, 100 grams of hard cheese contains 1300 mg of calcium, which is 130% of the daily requirement. And unlike milk, this product is 90% digestible! But cheese contains 50% fat, you say... So let's figure out what cheese is?

Cheese is made from milk, special lactic bacteria (ferment) and rennet. Butter is also added to some cheeses. It turns out that cheese is a protein product with a decent fat content. And processed cheeses are very fatty, but more on them later.

Cheese is a fatty product... or is it not?

As a rule, there are cheeses with 60, 50, 45 and 25% fat content. Most often we see two numbers on store shelves: 60% and 50%. And it seems to us that these are just crazy numbers, because you don’t want to eat extra fat! And for those who are on a diet, such fats seem sky-high. However, do not rush to conclusions. Manufacturers indicate the percentage of fat in dry matter, and in the finished product this fat content is reduced to 20-30%. And if you try and find cheese in which the percentage of fat in dry matter is 25%, then this is an extremely dietary product. But there are pitfalls here too!

Do full-fat dairy products contain more calcium, or do they not?

If you are told that full-fat dairy products are healthier because they contain more calcium, this is not entirely true. Calcium and fat are not interrelated; it even happens the other way around; manufacturers reduce the fat content of dairy products, but artificially enrich them with calcium. But don't fall for this trick!

The thing is that calcium is absorbed together with vitamin D. And this same vitamin D is absorbed with fats. Therefore, cheese (a product containing fat) brings so much calcium to our body, and at the same time vitamins A, E, D, B1, B12, essential amino acids and minerals!

Cheese consumption rate

Still, you shouldn’t overuse cheese, just like any other food. 30-50 grams of cheese per day is more than enough. And it’s better if you eat it separately from bread, and not as you are used to: in combination with sausage and a thick piece of loaf.

So what is the harm of your favorite cheese?

Everything is banal: there is a lot of salt in cheese. Yes, cheese is an extremely salty product. It is salt that spoils it, but, unfortunately, this product cannot be prepared without salt. The only thing you can do is soak the cheese before eating. It is enough to keep it in fresh milk or water for an hour so that some of the salt comes out. This also applies to other pickled cheeses.

Types of cheeses

Cheeses are divided into the following types (fat, protein and kcal are indicated per 100g):

Hard cheeses: Parmesan and its types, Swiss, cheddar, Maasdam, Emmental, Gruyere, etc. (fat - 28-35 g; proteins - 23-33; kcal: 340-420)

Semi-hard cheeses : Russian, Lithuanian, creamy, Dutch, gouda, etc. (fat - 22-30 g; proteins -22-28; kcal - 330-350)

Brine cheeses : suluguni, feta cheese, feta, Adyghe, mozzarella, etc. (fat -18-25; proteins - 17-25; kcal: 215-300)

Soft cheeses: all blue cheeses: Camembert, Brie, Gorgonzola, Roquefort, etc. (fat – 30; proteins – 20; kcal – 350-400)

There is an opinion among gourmets that the most delicious and healthy delicacy that can be seen on our table every day is cheese. The BJU in it depends on the production technology of the popular fermented milk product and the ingredients used in it. Cheeses are prepared by curdling milk and adding substances that promote its coagulation (lactic acid bacteria and enzymes).

At the end of the process, excess moisture is removed from the resulting mass by draining and pressing, then it is salted and sent for maturation.

Types of cheeses

Thanks to various technologies for producing such a popular fermented milk product as cheese (BJU and calorie content are indicated per 100 g), it can be: mature or hard (Parmesan, Emmental, Swiss, Maasdam, Gruyere, cheddar and others) with a fat content within 28 -35 g, protein 25-33 g and calorie content 350-425 kcal; semi-solid (Russian, Dutch, creamy, Gouda, Lithuanian and others), which contains 25-30 g of fat, 23-28 g of protein, and calorie content varies in the range of 320-350 kcal; brine (mozzarella and suluguni, Adyghe and feta, feta cheese and others), in which there is less fat than the others - from 18 to 25 g, proteins - 18-25 g, and its energy value can be found from the label (approximately 210-310 kcal); soft - all mold varieties - Roquefort, Brie, Camembert, Gorgonzola and others, which contain 30 g of fat, 20 g of protein, and an average calorie content of 355-410 kcal; and also fused.

The last type of product is high-calorie cheese; its nutritional value depends on the nutritional value of the components used in its production. This can be milk, butter, cottage cheese and many other ingredients (sugar, flavorings). The main complaint of nutritionists about this product is the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in it, so it is not recommended for people who are overweight. Other types of cheese, except processed cheese, contain little or no carbohydrates.

Is cheese a fatty product?

Those who care about their figure often have to deny themselves the pleasure of eating cheese, since it is considered an extremely fatty food. However, you should not do this if you come across cheese with a fat content of 45, 50 and 60% on store shelves. These numbers are indicated by manufacturers to determine the concentration of fat in dry matter. At the same time, the amount of fat in a complete fermented milk product is no more than 20-30%. In addition, you can find dietary varieties of cheese on sale with a mass fraction of fat in dry matter ranging from 18-25%.

Low-fat types of cheeses differ in color - they are much lighter than varieties made from whole milk with the addition of cream. The described product is a leader in calcium content: 100 g contains 1300 mg of an important microelement, which corresponds to 130% of the required amount per day. It is absorbed only with fat-soluble vitamin D, so cheese (the BJU contained in it is ideal for saturating the body in the first half of the day) brings the human body so much calcium, as well as vitamins B, A, E and D, minerals and amino acids. As for the milk fats present in cheese, they are rich in phosphatides - components that help digest and assimilate 90% of food and ensure proper metabolism of fats in the body. In addition, milk fat has a low melting point, which further facilitates its absorption.

Nutritional value table for hard cheeses

This type of fermented milk product differs from others in its low moisture content (no more than 55%) and increased hardness. These qualities of cheese are obtained due to: heat treatment, pressure and salt, which contribute to the appearance of a specific hard crust on the surface of the product; as well as a long ripening period (from two to three months to three years). Some gourmet varieties can take up to ten years to harden. Rossiysky cheese also has a strong taste and strong aroma, characteristic of all hard varieties. The BZHU in it correspond to the level of 24.1 g/29.5 g/0.3 g, which is confirmed by the table of nutritional value of the described variety and others:

Types of cheeses and calorie content per 100 g

(in grams)


Cheese "Russian"

50% fat -

Cheese "Russian"

45% fat -

Cheese "Como" (Russian) -

Swiss cheese - 396 kcal

Cheese "Soviet" -

The subtle aroma and characteristic pattern of the Russian cheese, called “small lace,” make it easy to distinguish it from others on store shelves in Russia and neighboring countries.

It is prepared using pasteurized cow's milk, a starter containing mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, and rennet, which promotes coagulation. The resulting Rossiysky cheese is aged for 70 days and then goes on sale. Housewives use hard varieties of cheese both for sandwiches and for topping a variety of dishes.

Semi-hard cheeses

In a whole group of varieties of fermented milk products, which includes: “Kostromskoy”, “Edamsky”, “Poshekhonsky”, “Lithuanian”, “Gouda”, “Estonian” and “Gollandsky” cheese, BZHU are distributed as follows:

Cheese varieties

(in grams)

(in grams)


(in grams)

“Dutch” 352 kcal






Semi-hard cheeses - Dutch, Maasdam and others - have an average calorie content (from 280 to 350 kcal), while 100 g of Parmesan, cheddar and Swiss cheese provide the human body with more than 380-400 kcal.

Nutritional value of pickled cheeses: table

Mediterranean, Italian and Caucasian cheeses ripened in brine - mozzarella, suluguni, feta cheese, chechil, Adyghe - are extremely loved by most compatriots. The technology of their preparation gives them a distinct layeriness and a piquant salty taste.

The Bavarian mozzarella manufacturer Paladin (Germany) produces a product with a soft, creamy taste, which contains 153 kcal: 18 g of protein, 18.5 fat and 1.5 g of carbohydrates, and a low-calorie variety from the Italian company Galbani (cheese " Mozzarella") BJU correspond to 17.5 g-20 g/9-13.5 g/0.4-1 g.

Types of cheese

(in grams)

(in grams)


(in grams)

Cheese cheese (from cow/sheep milk) 260/298 kcal

Mozzarella 240 kcal

Chechil 140 kcal

Suluguni 290 kcal

Feta 290 kcal

Sirtaki 227 kcal

Adyghe 240 kcal

Ossetian 356 kcal

Pickled cheeses are great for baking and salads, making rolls. The most delicious dishes are obtained if you use exclusively fresh cheese, which smells of milk, cream, and mushrooms.

Diet menu and cheese: BJU, calorie content, consumption rate

Low-fat cheeses are a staple component of many low-calorie diets. One of the popular curd cheeses, reminiscent of unsalted and low-fat cheese, is considered tofu with a fat content of 1-4%. Produced on the basis of soy milk, it is rich in high-quality amino acids that can successfully replace meat products. 100 g of tofu contains less than 100 kcal, so it is ideal for people losing weight or suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Another dietary product is country cheese or cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%. It is mixed with cream (fresh, lightly salted). 100 g of granular or Lithuanian cottage cheese (the name of the same village cheese) contains 85 kcal and 19 g of protein. Among the low-fat cheeses in demand: “Gaudette” (with a fat content of 7%), dietary “Chechil”, “Fitness”, “Grunlander” (5-10%), “Ricotta” (13%) - its slice contains 4 g of fat and 50 kcal.

In light cheese and feta light versions, the fat content varies between 5 and 15%. This cheese is made from goat's milk and contains no more than 30% fat, while traditional feta contains about 60% fat.

Nutritionists do not advise overusing any type of cheese; a couple of slices before lunch (30-50 g) is quite enough. They can be chopped into a salad, eaten on their own, or used on thin, toasted toast. Brine cheeses must first be soaked in water or fresh milk for an hour.

Cheese is considered one of the healthiest and most nutritious dairy products. Each variety differs not only in texture, aroma and taste, but also in its composition.

How much protein is in cheese?

The milk delicacy is a source of easily digestible protein, which helps to stay in good shape and restore muscle tissue. Most of the protein composition is represented by essential amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine, and lysine. The most protein is found in hard and semi-hard varieties. The most famous of them are “Russian” (23 g), “Cheddar” (24 g), “Emmental” (28 g), “Parmesan” (30 g).

There is slightly less protein in brine cheeses, for example, in “Adygei” - 20 g, in “Suluguni” - 20.5 g, in “Feta” - 14 g. The least amount of protein is in a home-made product - no more than 15% of the total masses.

To replenish protein reserves, it is useful for vegetarians to eat tofu. 300 g of this product contains the same amount of protein as 150 g of lean meat.

Essential amino acids play an important role in the proper functioning of the human body. For example, tryptophan improves metabolism, quickly restores strength after grueling workouts, and lysine helps strengthen the immune system and collagen synthesis.

Carbohydrate content in 100 grams of cheese

Hard and some soft varieties have a minimal carbohydrate content. For some cheeses the indicator is almost zero. These are “Russian”, “Dutch”, “Lambert”, “Parmesan”. Such products can be consumed in moderation on fasting days. A higher carbohydrate content was observed in brine, processed, curd, and smoked varieties. For “Adygeisky” the indicator is 1.5 g, for “Hochland” - 5 g, for “Kolbasny” - 4 g.

The maximum amount of carbohydrates is contained in sweet glazed cheese curds (more than 30%).

This solid and semi-solid dairy product is ideal for those following a low-carbohydrate diet. However, for athletes, carbohydrates in moderation are no less important than proteins. They replenish the body's energy reserves and reduce protein consumption.

Mass fraction of fat in cheese

The mass fraction of fat in a popular fermented milk product, on average, is about 30% of the total mass. One standard serving of cheese (100 g) can satisfy one third of the daily requirement for this nutrient.

The calorie content of a product is determined mainly by fats, mostly represented by saturated fatty acids.

There has been a direct relationship between the amount of lipids in cheese and the milk used to make it. The higher the fat content of the milk, the greater the energy value. The least amount of lipids is in very hard varieties, for example, “Parmesan” - less than 27%, in the semi-hard “Russian” - 30%, in “Adygei” - 20%. The latter refers to brine varieties, which are distinguished by a small amount of fat compared to the others. Read more about it in our publication.

Table of nutritional composition of cheeses of different brands

To choose the most suitable product in terms of chemical composition, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the BZHU table, which presents several varieties of cheeses.

Cheese brand Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Water, g
Adyghe 20 20 1,5 56
Curd 6 26 3 50
Creamy 6 20 2,5 45
Russian 23 30 0,3 41
Lambert 24 30 0 40
Hochland 12 22 5 50
Sausage 21 19 4 51
Mozzarella 20 16 1 50
Dutch 26 26 0 40
Tofu 11 4 3 More than 70
Philadelphia 6 25 3 45
Parmesan 30 27 Less than 1 25
Amber 13 26 3 55
Friendship 23 19 2 52

BZHU table - nutritional composition of Adygei cheese (per 100 g of product)

Knowing the indicators of BZHU, you can include the most healthy product in your daily diet. Each of them is of great value to the body, as it saturates it with a large amount of proteins and fatty acids.

The prevalence of cheese is due not only to its variety of flavors, but also to its beneficial properties and nutritional value. This product quickly saturates and is absorbed in the human body.

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Today there is a rich assortment of types and varieties of these fermented milk products. Depending on the method of preparation and ingredients, the calorie content of the cheese, its external and technical characteristics vary.

Product Description

Cheese is a fermented milk food product obtained from raw milk by adding clotting enzymes or by melting other dairy products. For this purpose, different milks are used: goat, horse, sheep, cow. Today there are more than 700 varieties of cheese. Such diversity depends on differences in production technologies.

Nutritionists divide cheeses into rennet, fermented milk and processed cheeses, which, in turn, are divided into groups:

  • Solid- obtained by long-term pressing (from 6 months to several years), with preliminary cooking at a certain temperature. Therefore, on the cut, the eyes are completely absent or very small. Such varieties have a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially on the digestive and nervous system. With regular use of the product, overall health improves. The calorie content per 100 grams of product is 340–350 kilocalories.
  • Semi-solid- have a dense but plastic structure. There is a chaotic perforated pattern inside. These cheeses ripen for only a few months.
  • Soft- have a creamy-curdled consistency, soft on the inside, but dense on the outside. Without a surface crust or with slight mold. They contain fewer calories (about 230 kcal), so they are recommended for weight loss. There are varieties with and without ripening. The taste can be hot pepper, mushroom, fermented milk, ammonia.
  • Curd- a protein cheese product with a high content of vitamins and microelements. For vegetarians they can be a complete replacement for meat. They are not stored for a long time.
  • Fused- obtained using a special method, by combining various dairy products, with the addition of melting salts and subsequent thermal exposure. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus and amino acids.
  • Brine- involve ripening and storage in a special salt solution. They have a sour-sharp taste and aroma, layered and fragile texture. They are divided into soft and hard. This category includes the traditional Georgian cheese Suluguni, as well as Brynza, Chanakh, Feta, Adygei. Have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • With mold- an elite variety of cheese products, in the production of which mold fungi that are safe for health are introduced. The color of mold can be different: blue, green, white, bluish, red. This type of food is good for people with lactose intolerance.

Popular cheese varieties:

Name Category Classification Photo
MozzarellaSoft, pickledA classic cheese product of Italian cuisine based on goat's milk. Fat content 22–24%. With an almost uniform structure, dense. Do not cut into thin slices. The taste is neutral. Typically sold as balls or braided
AdygheSoft, pickledA dense curdled structure with a difference in taste, which depends on the type of milk used. Prepares quickly, 2-3 weeks in brine is enough
SuluguniFirm, brineDense, similar in appearance to processed cheese. It is stored in brine, otherwise it will weather and become moldy on top and begin to burst. Most often it is brewed from goat and sheep milk. Always tastes salty
DutchSemi-solidIt differs from other types in that it is made exclusively from fresh cow's milk, without foreign additives. Endowed with a sharp-sour taste
GoudaSolidDutch dairy product, yellow when cut, with a nutty flavor. With prolonged exposure it acquires a pungent aftertaste. It has a fat content of about 50%. Young cheese is easy to cut into thin slices, aged cheese is quite difficult
MaasdamSemi-solidTraditional Dutch cheese with characteristic large holes inside. It has a distinct cheese flavor with a slight sweetness. Fat content - about 30%
LambertHard, rennetA unique variety produced on the basis of milk from the Altai region. It has a distinct creamy taste and yellowness.
RicottaSoft, wheyProduct with low milk fat content. More like a curd mass than cheese. It has no specific smell and tastes sweetish. Fat content depends on the type of milk: cow's milk - 10%, goat's - 22–25%. Color varies from snow-white to cream
MascarponeSoft, curdCreamy consistency, fat content up to 74%. The composition is a complete analogue of cottage cheese. The taste is closer to butter. Visually comparable to homemade cream. In cooking it is used to create dessert creams
ParmesanSolidCheese of long ripening and special hardness. Can't cut even with a sharp knife. Real Parmesan can only be broken into pieces with a hammer. Used for sprinkling dishes. There is usually young cheese on sale, which is not so hard. Outwardly, it is not very attractive due to the white crumbling coating. Product fat content - 30%
Pigtail (chechil)Smoked, brineA traditional Armenian product with a fibrous texture. The taste is similar to suluguni. Made by hand
CamembertSoft with moldOriginally from France. Visually it looks like a creamy dessert. It melts easily due to its high oil content. The product is not mass produced, therefore expensive. The mold on it is white. Fat content is 43–45%
TofuVegetableA popular soy cheese made from artificial ingredients. In terms of taste, it is close to feta cheese or mozzarella. Refers to dietary cheeses, indicated for weight loss. It is also recommended for use by people with disorders of the digestive system. Fat content is only 5% per 100 grams with a calorie content of 70–72 kcal


Cheese is a natural, easily digestible protein, along with vitamins and a large complex of minerals. It is especially beneficial for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. If you have individual lactose intolerance, cheese can be substituted for milk.

The composition contains unique amino acids: lysine, tryptophan, methionine, which are not produced by the human body. Vitamins in cheeses: group B, E, A, PP, C, D. From mineral components: zinc, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iron. The calorie content of cheese depends on the type and ranges from 250 to 400 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritional value and distribution of BJU in different types of cheeses:

Olive oil - composition, calorie content, beneficial properties and contraindications


All cheeses are healthy, regardless of production technology. This is a valuable supplier of amino acids, the lack of which can lead to dehydration and premature aging. The product is obtained as a result of fermentation, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Blue cheeses help speed up metabolism and protect against bacterial infections.

When including such a product in a regular diet, a person provides full support for the body in terms of mineral saturation, in particular calcium. This is especially important for children and older people.

All types of cheeses are shown to support physical strength:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • in case of weakened immunity.

Has a positive effect on teeth, vision, hair and nails. Nutritionists recommend eating low-fat varieties of cheese when losing weight and in case of thrombosis.

For athletes and people with daily physical overload, such a nutritional supplement will help them recover faster. It is enough to eat 100 grams per day to fully supply the body with vital substances. Due to the large amount of calcium in the composition, it is indicated for bone fractures.

Benefits of each type of cheese:

Name Impact
MozzarellaCalms and effectively fights insomnia
Brie, CamembertNormalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Blue cheese is superior in protein content to eggs and fish. Thanks to amino acids, muscle tissue builds, and calcium in the composition strengthens bones. With frequent consumption of such cheeses, the body’s protective function against ultraviolet radiation increases.
Gouda, Emmental, EpuasSource of calcium
TofuNot only does it taste good, but it is also rich in protein, along with low fat content. Recommended for use by people with digestive pathologies. However, excessive infatuation with this product can negatively affect memory.
Swiss, DutchStrengthen the bone skeleton, improve tissue regeneration. Helps prevent caries and osteoporosis
AdygheOne of the most useful cheeses for medical reasons. Indicated for vegetarians and people losing weight. Helps replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals. Serves as a preventive measure for: cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, oncology, and nervous disorders. Indicated for exhaustion and anemia
The optimal daily dose is no more than 1-2 slices. For children under one year old, any cheese delicacies are prohibited. This may harm the kidneys and liver. After a year of life, the child’s stomach begins to produce the enzymes necessary to digest cheese.

Pregnant women should avoid eating blue cheese. The fungus in its composition can harm the developing fetus. Cheeses with noble mold should not be consumed more than 50 grams per day, and children under 8 years of age are completely contraindicated. Overloading the stomach with bacterial flora contributes to dysbiosis.

Overeating any cheese can cause insomnia, increased blood pressure and headaches, which is due to the presence of tryptophan in the product. Hard and soft varieties are absolutely harmless if you adhere to the norm of consumption.

Cheese quickly saturates and is quickly digested, without losing its beneficial composition.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Russian cheese is a well-known domestic product. It has a delicate taste and a pronounced, unique pattern called “fine lace.” It is prepared from pasteurized milk, which is coagulated and then pressed using rennet and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria. The variety of varieties depends on the fat content of the milk and the method of preparation.


Russian cheese has an elastic consistency, a beautiful creamy, slightly yellow color and small holes of different shapes. The taste is pronounced, sour, traditional for semi-hard and hard varieties. After 70 days of aging from the moment of production, the dairy product goes on sale. Its cost is not too high, which makes the cheese even more popular.

This variety first appeared on the shelves in the early 60s. During the manufacturing process we used milk from the Uglichesky State Farm. The variety has found wide application in cooking: it is used for making sandwiches, salads and snacks, grated and added to hot dishes.

Russian cheese is used to bake meat, fish and vegetables, and prepare pizza, pastries and casseroles.

Nutritional and energy value

Calorie content andBJUper 100 grams:

55% fat content is often found in processed Russian cheese, which is highly not recommended when following a diet.

Composition and benefits

Natural, high-quality cheese contains:

  • pasteurized cow's milk;
  • salt;
  • calcium chloride;
  • annatto extract;
  • rennet extract.

The product contains vitamins A, B, D, E, PP and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A large amount of calcium contributes to the normal functioning of the myocardium, improves the health of teeth, nails, and the musculoskeletal system.

Russian cheese is the most nutritious because it contains a large amount of calories. It contains a lot of high-quality protein that the human body needs. Most of the protein is in soluble form, making it easy to digest.

The increased fat content and caloric content do not allow consuming the product in large quantities, as this can lead to undesirable consequences and excess weight gain. It is recommended to eat a daily portion not exceeding 80 g. You can only eat fresh product.



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