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Representatives of which zodiac signs attract men the most? Rating of zodiac signs by beauty, by intelligence, by fidelity, rating of killers among zodiac signs, rating of mentally ill people by zodiac sign Which zodiac sign has the most people?

Success and financial well-being largely depend on your zodiac sign. The location of the stars at the time of birth determines how talented a person will be in the ability to set and achieve goals, whether he will be able to rise and move on after falls and failures, and whether he will be able to make success his constant life partner. Astrologers have compiled a rating of the most successful people by zodiac sign and revealed the areas of activity through which they will achieve success.


Successful Taurus is driven by the credo: “I see the goal, I see no obstacles.” Their inherent tenacity helps them reach heights that seem like a fantasy to others. As a rule, Taurus are very material, so status is a vital concept for them. They are ready to work with dedication, sacrifice sleep and rest, if only their well-being and success become the envy of others. Taurus have very well developed financial intuition, which allows them to have an excellent understanding of business and take on only promising matters. Most often, Taurus conquers business peaks in the field of design art, real estate, restaurant activities, as well as the beauty and health industry.


The success of Scorpios is facilitated by their indestructible will to win. They strive for leadership in everything and are ready to demonstrate to everyone their superiority in the financial field. Scorpios have a thorough approach to business. They explore profitable areas, identify the most promising ones and boldly enter into difficult battles with competitors, not even allowing the thought that someone could be better and more successful. Such unshakable confidence opens the door to the world of the richest and most successful people. Scorpios forge their financial happiness in the services sector, lending, insurance, industrial activity, and trade. Having gained vast experience in achieving success, they are ready to share their knowledge with the whole world, however, only for a lot of money.


Achieving success is one of the main life goals for many Aries. They are full of activity and enterprise. The bubbling energy allows representatives of the sign not just to earn money, but to literally make capital from their own business projects. They are full of new ideas, know how to make competent calculations, motivate, inspire and organize people. Aries succeeds in everything that is within the power of the human mind. However, in business you can’t do without the hints of intuition, and Aries just don’t get along with their instincts. Therefore, they often require more time and patience to achieve success. Aries find their well-being in activities related to active movement. For example, tourism projects or businesses focused on sports, cars and construction equipment.


Virgos are strong in analytics, patient, hardy, neat, well organized and responsible. With such qualities, the road is open to any activity, but Virgos are the kings of small business. Perhaps they simply do not have the courage to engage in battle with the toothy sharks, without which no big business can do. However, this does not in the least prevent them from taking first place in the ranking of the richest people on the planet. And everything big, as you know, starts small. Success and financial independence for Virgos comes from politics, medicine, trade, agriculture, online entrepreneurship, services to ensure a healthy lifestyle and everything related to beauty and health: SPA salons, fitness centers, health resorts and sports establishments, tourism.


What makes Capricorns successful and wealthy is their ability to be disciplined and purposeful. The driving force is the high ambitions of Capricorns. True, they lack healthy adventurism, where there is always room for justified risk, and they will never take the laurels of the pioneer of a new direction in business. However, competent business strategies, stubbornness and endurance will be enough for Capricorns in their chosen and proven field of activity to develop it to unprecedented proportions. Capricorns do not rush to success, because they are confident that it is impossible to achieve high results without a fundamental approach and high-quality execution. Great success awaits Capricorns in the field of finance, insurance, accounting, engineering services, restaurant business, construction and real estate sales.

What activities will make other zodiac signs successful?


Geminis do not know how to trust their success to others. They themselves can only decide on small-scale business projects. Finding reliable business partners who you can rely on in everything will help Geminis become successful.


Cancers will find their success in activities related to the food industry: food production and trade, restaurant business, cooking or organizing gastronomic tours.


Leos will be able to find success and fame in the television and film industry, organizing mass events for sports and entertainment events, creating a business for organizing holidays, and selling expensive jewelry.


As champions of justice, Libra can realize their potential with the greatest chance of success in the field of legal services or social projects. Also, under their leadership, activities in show business, perfumery and the antiques trade will become successful.


Sagittarius will be able to try their luck at a successful, carefree life in any business related to travel or extreme sports, publishing, creating and supervising educational structures.


The success of Aquarius directly depends on the chosen field of activity. They will have the greatest chance of success in the field of science, information technology, advertising or the fashion industry.


Pisces will have success in commercial projects, in particular those related to the trade in medicines and alcohol. They can also count on luck in organizing charitable and musical events.

Incredible facts

Zodiac signs cannot always describe in detail the character of each of its representatives. “Pure” signs, which have all the basic characteristics in the worldnot so much . This is why many people say that they are disappointed in astrology, because it gives wrong descriptions!

But if everything were that simple, it would be not interesting to live! Agree, it is impossible to divide people into 12 equal parts and describe each of them with 100% accuracy. We are too complex beings, and everyone has their own certain level of development.

Moreover, the same sign can demonstrate completely different sides of character, when the traits inherent in this zodiac sign may simply not be developed, or weakly developed and not particularly pronounced.

In this article we will try to find in the signs of the Zodiac those character traits that, it would seem, are not “their native” at all, but which very common. This is due to the fact that the horoscope is not described by one position of the Sun; it also contains other planets that at the time of birth were in other signs of the Zodiac and can give their energy to this particular representative, influencing the formation of the character as a whole.

Character by zodiac sign

Everyone knows that Aries in its purest form is impulse, fire and an unstoppable will to win and the desire for leadership. However, few people know that the thinking of many Aries is not so fast and is not aimed at momentary decision making.

It's all about Mercury, which can move into one of the signs neighboring Aries - Taurus or Pisces. Some Aries, therefore, can become so-called "slow-witted" and will doubt, ponder, reflect, imagine and fantasize a lot before making a final verdict.

Moreover, you will be surprised, but such Aries will try to complete everything, even if inner enthusiasm theirs will drop slightly. They will have more responsibility and will not constantly abandon everything halfway.

Not all Aries are ready to quickly fall in love, and in love to be selfish, even though this sign is accused of being the most selfish of all. If Venus, for example, remains in Pisces, Aries will be very sacrificial in love, will become very attached, and give his love without any self-interest.

On the other hand, earthly Venus can reveal to Aries a special side of sensual love; such an Aries will hardly be selfish: he will think about his partner more than necessary, he will very physically attached to him, he will be inclined to long-term and reliable relationships.

Taurus is known for his attachment to the material world, but not all Taurus attach such the importance of money and earnings. Moreover, among them there are also those comrades who waste money left and right.

However, it is important to have stability under your feet, this is important for any Taurus. But this stability he usually creates for himself: sometimes for this it is enough to have a good sofa, a warm bed, regular meals, the rest is not so important.

In the life of any Taurus, as well as other earthly signs of the Zodiac, there should be stability, and it is not necessary that this stability is financial. For example, some Taurus do not like to lie on the couch, but love to travel and discover new countries. And this, too, may have its own stability: he regularly goes on vacation, consistently changes his environment, and consistently receives a new portion of impressions.

But in feelings, some Teets can be very superficial and may treat partners rather coldly. Where is the stability and reliability when Taurus really likes to change partners like gloves and look for simple and uncomplicated relationships? If this sounds familiar, it's very likely that you have Venus in Gemini. Your attitude towards money will also be easy, and you are unlikely to worry much about it.

It is known that Geminis are quite inquisitive, sociable, love to surround themselves with many people and know all the latest news. However, some representatives of the Gemini sign may no logic at all, which may seem very strange to some.

Not all Geminis are intellectuals and have brilliant mental abilities. Sometimes it is enough for them to learn some very superficial things to satisfy curiosity.

Some Geminis can easily adopt the opinions of others without having their own. Especially if they hear this opinion from from the mouth of an authoritative and important person. Moreover, not all Geminis are easy and interesting to communicate with; many of them are boring and stubborn.

Moreover, if you think that Geminis don’t get attached to much in life, then there may also be a mistake lurking here. Some of them experience very strong emotions and feelings that require constant presence and swan-like fidelity from partners, and are tormented by jealousy.

Cancers are not always ready to hide all the most secret things, as one might think. Some of them really love stand out from the crowd, express themselves and their feelings, show the whole world what they think about this or that.

Some Cancer men are very fond of bright and sultry women who will not be housewives and exemplary wives, but will shine and demonstrate their talents. It's all because of the neighbor Leo sign, which can include the personal planets of Cancer.

For other Cancers, family and family ties may not come first. They might prefer to be free from any obligations, especially in relationships. Such Cancers do not create families at all for quite a long time. They can devote themselves to their profession, friends, relatives, but not to their own family.

Among Leos there are not always only winners, masters of life and notable personalities. Although any Leo will stand out in at least something: with his demands on others or criticism of that, what he sees around him, considering himself the smartest, by and large he may turn out to be a small cog in the whirlpool of life, a small plankton in his work and an ordinary family man who is not a role model.

If Leo becomes unnoticeable, there are reasons for this. However, his character is often influenced by the picky sign of Virgo, in which he may find himself Venus or Mercury representative of the Leo sign. Hence the desire to analyze everything, to find fault with little things. At best, this person has good analytical skills, a logical mind, and the ability to make plans and strategies.

Character Traits of Zodiac Signs

Poor in emotions, correct in everything, Virgos can sometimes demonstrate quite vivid feelings, what you don't expect from them. Some Virgos manage to attract everyone's attention and be in its center, although, it would seem: they should be the most modest!

Not all of them serious and focused on specific things. They may be frivolous and simple. And although they will have a need to put everything in order, this will not always extend to specific things next to them. For example, they can create a clear and logical order in their heads, but treat material things inattentively, and do not devote a lot of time to cleaning or distributing things.

Libra is a sign aimed at partnerships and relationships, in its purest form it is distinguished by diplomacy, good nature, the ability to talk on any topic and the ability to quickly win over others. However, among Libras you can often find quite emotional and very passionate individuals, which have fairly high standards in partnerships.

Some Libra women are real vamp women, and men have a rather rich and vivid experience of love relationships, overloaded with strong emotions. This means that their Venus is located in Scorpio.

Some representatives of this sign have logical and analytical minds and are not at all like peaceful and easy-to-communicate diplomats who can resolve any situation. They don’t particularly want romance; rather, they can live perfectly well without it, without even remembering it. Planets in the sign of Virgo can influence here.

Among Scorpios there are many who will not allow themselves to be offended, will defend their interests, will put pressure, manipulate and even take revenge. However, among them there are quite a few good-natured and helpful people who will not try to get into your soul and gain your trust through deception.

Many Scorpios are very calm and sometimes even lazy. They love to communicate and surround themselves with a variety of people. And although many of them still keep their distance and they are hiding something, some can win people over without any self-interest. With such Scorpios you feel very easy and positive.

It is interesting to communicate with them and talk about everything. They won't judge or try impose your opinion. Typically, such Scorpios have personal planets in the sign of Libra or Sagittarius, and in Scorpio, for example, only the Sun.

It is known that Sagittarius are big fans of a change of scenery, new experiences and new knowledge. They are cheerful and very sociable, people always gather around them big companies. But in relationships, Sagittarians are often monogamous, or are very reluctant to make new serious connections, and if they do, these connections usually last for many years.

This often happens if a representative of the Sagittarius sign has Venus located in the following sign - sign of Capricorn. Such a Sagittarius can be considered very reliable. He will have a lot of plans and goals, and he will be more likely to see things through to completion.

Although Capricorns are quite serious and purposeful people, there are often quite easy to communicate, humorous and cheerful people who adore noisy companies and do not kill themselves at work.

Instead of a dry and rational approach, some Capricorns are able to demonstrate very original and modern ideas. They are not afraid of novelty, they let something completely new into their lives, often change their minds and do not bother others with their conservative views on life.

Incredible facts

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of zodiac signs.

But it's time to talk about real statistics. To demonstrate criminal tendencies, the FBI shared the birth dates of serial killers.

Read also:The worst qualities of the zodiac signs

According to their research, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types crimes

So, which zodiac signs are most likely to commit crimes?

Let us remind you that all zodiac signs can be divided into four forces:

Air– Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Water– Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Fire– Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth– Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Criminals by zodiac sign

Of all fire signs, among Sagittarius there are the most criminals, and they are the most difficult to arrest. Aries are usually armed to the teeth, but Leos are very dangerous.

When it comes to air signs, most crimes are committed by Libras, and they are usually well armed and dangerous. On the other hand, Geminis are most often caught cheating, and Aquarians most often commit crimes out of revenge.

From earth signs, Taurus is the most temperamental and risky. Virgos are usually armed, and Capricorns are the most versatile criminals.

Surprisingly, among water signs and the largest number of criminals among all the zodiac signs was found among Cancers, and they are very cruel. Pisces and Scorpios have an uncontrollable temperament.

12. Gemini

Even though you hear a lot of bad things about Geminis, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! Among Geminis, it is rare to find those whose hands were covered in blood, since they do not take others so seriously as to injure or kill them. The greatest harm they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego that is difficult to crush. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. This may be because they are smart enough to avoid getting caught, or they don't leave evidence behind after a crime.

10. Leo

Lions are actually big cats and they try to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if Leo commits murder, he does it only to attract attention.

9. Libra

Libras are considered kind, fair and patient. However, there were more cases of murder among Libra than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to become cruel if you try to abuse their good intentions.

8. Virgo

Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

7. Pisces

If you thought Pisces were cute, you are sorely mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers there are many Pisces. Given their penchant for addiction, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders.

6. Capricorn

Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. Although they respect rules and laws, when they are angry they bring out the worst. They don't kill often, but once they start doing so, they are difficult to stop.

5. Aries

People born under the sign of Aries are known for their uncontrollable nature. They can get angry easily, but usually cool down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, but they will soon forget what made them angry.

4. Taurus

Taurus's anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to cheating than murder.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is in third position on the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs. They do not target petty crimes, but something larger, such as mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They commit thefts more often, but are very difficult to catch.

2. Scorpio

People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers are born in November.

1. Cancer

Tops the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs Cancer. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy, envy or emotional instability. They kill with special passion, and leave distinctive marks on the body of the victim.

Today it is very difficult to determine the rarest zodiac sign, since conception occurs all year round, and not as before - in late autumn or winter.

In former times, from early spring to late autumn, people worked in the fields; there was simply not enough time for carnal pleasures and conceiving children. Therefore, almost all those born belonged to the signs born in July, August, September and October. The remaining signs were considered very rare.

If we consider the existing rare signs, we can come to the conclusion that the fewest children are born at the end of November and December. This is due to the fact that vitamin deficiency begins in February and March, and conception is usually delayed. From this theory it follows that Scorpios and Sagittarius can be found less often than other zodiac signs. You can also notice that there are more Virgos and Libras than other signs, because on New Year's holidays the conception rate is higher.

Astrologer's advice: By observing cosmic bodies above our heads, there is a chance to read the answers to complex problems, even if you do not have specific skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

Astrologers suggest that there is another 13th sign in the zodiac cycle - Ophiuchus. And it is this representative who is the rarest sign of the zodiac. Ophiuchus is not considered an official sign, and therefore can be considered the rarest. This sign does not stand out as a separate category, and many astrologers do not take it seriously. The meaning and meaning of this sign is still not clear, and what its element is also not yet clear. It is believed that people who were born from November 27 to December 17 belong to this sign. Ophiuchus is assigned certain mystical traits, and people born under this sign have a unique life mission. Astrologers define the life of these people as happy with a lot of bright and happy moments.

Ophiuchus people are prone to idealism and often sacrifice themselves so that others can achieve happiness. They are very brave and purposeful, capable of achieving any heights, no matter how much effort it takes. They are characterized by great endurance and the ability to get used to any difficult situation. Ophiuchus can surprisingly easily change goals and generally change their entire lifestyle; they do not get hung up on one thing for long, but at the same time, in order to achieve the desired goal, Ophiuchus is ready to go through all the thorns, including ice and fire, showing incredible endurance.

These people are incredibly attractive and friendly, open up completely to their interlocutor and help create a pleasant atmosphere when communicating.

Ophiuchus are great romantics, but this does not at all prevent them from being womanizers, constantly being drawn into love whirlpools. Most of all, representatives of this sign love to court and win the favor of their other half, but as soon as the victim has given up, Ophiuchus’ attention can immediately switch to another object of desire. It becomes a vicious circle.

Despite the impossibility of a specific definition the rarest zodiac sign, we can on all grounds say that Ophiuchus is, if not the rarest, then at least one of the rare signs.

The debate about which people are the most beautiful has been going on for decades. They try to measure physical attractiveness and link it to various social groups, explain it by nationality, profession, even zodiac sign. In the latter case, you should trust the opinion of astrologers. True, it is ambiguous. Experts do not single out any one zodiac sign as the most beautiful. But they immediately talk about three signs under which the most people were born, whom the whole world admires.

What are the most beautiful women of the zodiac signs?

Who else should take first place in the beauty contest and our ranking, if not the Lionesses? These are real queens, majestic and brilliant. True, they captivate people not only with their luxurious appearance, but also with their bright charisma and unsurpassed charm, which Lviv endowed with their heavenly patron, the Sun. The lioness literally sparkles, no matter whether in her own home or at a gala reception. Her secret weapon is her smile. A lioness only needs to smile once to enchant people. And not only men who are greedy for beauty, but also other recognized beauties.

Many universally recognized beauties were born under the sign of Leo. Of the Russian stars, it is worth noting Nyusha, Dasha Astafieva, Ravshana Kurkova, Yulia Menshova. Among the foreign ones are singers Whitney Houston, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and actresses Hilary Swank, Sandra Bullock and Melanie Griffith.


Nature generously rewarded these ladies with beautiful bodies that even the winners of beauty contests would envy. But their advantages are not limited to their striking appearance. Libra women are smart, have a sense of beauty, and are very talented. They are well aware of their advantages, so they are demanding when choosing a partner. A man must be on the same level as Libra, only then can he attract the attention of such a luxurious woman. True, ladies of this zodiac sign rarely openly show sympathy; they may even seem withdrawn and closed - but only in order to force the suitor to show a little imagination. A sensitive man will understand the hint and accept their game. And he will not regret it: he will receive a worthy reward for his initiative!

Among the famous beauties born under the sign of Libra, there are many beauties, equally striking in appearance and talent: Chulpan Khamatova, sex symbol Monica Bellucci, modern star Kim Kardashian, the legendary Sigourney Weaver and many others.


To say that Aquarius ladies are beautiful is to say nothing. Men constantly follow them with their gaze, because such girls are the real ideal of femininity. Nature gives these ladies magnificent forms, thick shiny hair, smooth skin. In addition to external attractiveness, Aquarians have incredible attractiveness and a whole set of positive qualities: kindness, loyalty, reliability. This combination of appearance and inner world makes such women the longed-for dream of millions of men. However, women of this zodiac sign are in no hurry to commit themselves to a specific man. Because of their gullibility, they often accumulate negative experiences, which is why they are picky in choosing a companion.

Among the popular Aquarius beauties, it is worth noting the Russians Ekaterina Klimova, Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vera Brezhneva. And also foreign stars: Nastassja Kinski, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Paris Hilton.

Men of which zodiac signs are the most beautiful

It is impossible to imagine ugly Taurus, because they are protected by Venus and the Moon. Almost any Taurus has a luxurious appearance, with his beautiful features he belongs on the cover: an ideal oval face, deep eyes, a sensual lip line, fluffy eyelashes. Taurus is not deprived of physique. Of course, not everyone can preserve their luxurious natural gifts as they age. But Taurus compensates for the consequences of their love for delicious food with their innate charm. The charisma of these men invariably attracts ladies; crowds of fans swirl around. Of course, Taurus people are aware of their attractiveness. However, despite this, an inferiority complex is often found among them.

This zodiac sign has given the world many popular handsome men: Danila Kozlovsky, George Clooney, Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Helmut Thom, Enrique Iglesias.


Men of this zodiac sign cannot be called stunningly handsome. They rely not on external data, but on their charm. Geminis know how to hide flaws and emphasize strengths. Many women, fascinated by such a man, claim that his beauty is not in the correct facial features and ideal body, like Apollo’s. Geminis have an innate charm and vibes flow around them. That is why women flock to them so much. However, the sweet fairy tale does not last forever. Over time, a woman may come to her senses and realize that she has become a victim of an alpha male, adding to his endless list of love victories.

Under the sign of Gemini, many handsome men were born who took the hearts of millions of women. These are Russian actors Alexey Guskov and Gosha Kutsenko, and their foreign colleagues: Chris Evans, Mario Casas, Colin Farrell, Clint Eastwood, Johnny Depp.


Sagittarius men fought with Scorpio men for first place in the ranking. They are no less charming, but their beauty is somewhat otherworldly, unearthly. Therefore, most ladies still choose Sagittarius. Typically, such representatives of the stronger sex are quite tall, have graceful facial features and a slender figure. The look of their beautiful eyes seems to see right through you. It is impossible to remain indifferent at the sight of such a man.
Especially when a man of this zodiac sign connects with sexuality, which he is fully endowed with by nature. However, Sagittarius's loyalty is not a constant value. You can find out whether a man will be faithful to you only by entering into a relationship with him. Of course, it is very pleasant to become the partner of such a man, it is a kind of honor. But Sagittarius is frivolous and very amorous. He may be faithful to you, but it is possible that within a day he promises his loyalty to another woman.

Among the famous Sagittarius who won the hearts of women: Maxim Averin, Vladimir Mashkov, Anton Makarsky, Brad Pitt, Frank Sinatra, Steven Spielberg, Danny de Vito, Jake Gyllenhaal, Woody Allen, Kirk Douglas, Ian Somerhalder, Brendan Fraser, Don Johnson, Til Schweiger .



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