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Why are my toenails blue? The nail turned blue on the big toe: symptoms, causes, treatment. Is it possible to get rid of a hematoma under the nail on your own?

Sometimes you suddenly and unexpectedly discover that the nail on your big toe has turned blue. You remember for sure that you didn’t hit yourself anywhere, nothing fell on your leg. However, the nail is blue and it is alarming. There can be a great variety of reasons for blue nails - from the most harmless to symptoms that signal serious health problems.

Injury due to bruise or blow

When a person sees a blue toenail, the first thought that comes to mind is that this is an injury. Perhaps you did not pay attention to a minor blow or your foot was stepped on in transport. In the best case, such an injury will go away on its own, because a small hematoma will resolve in a few days.

With a more serious lesion, the nail turns blue to black due to the accumulation of blood that has formed under it. After a while it will begin to delaminate and peel off. This process is lengthy, and the finger looks unsightly. Therefore, many try to remove accumulated liquid from under the nail plate in order to avoid detachment of the nail plate. You can try to do this yourself without resorting to the help of a surgeon. In this case, you should remember the need to use antiseptics to avoid infection and subsequent suppuration of the soft tissues. Sterilized instruments should be used. But it is better to consult a surgeon.

A varied range of bluish tints can be observed due to pinching of the toes when wearing uncomfortable shoes. Tight, narrow or unsuitable shoes in size and style squeeze the foot when walking, putting pressure on it, and the result is blue toenails on the big toes. Due to their anatomical structure, it is the thumbs that are most often injured. The final picture is exactly the same as with a bruise: the nail turns blue, and if the damage is severe, it can peel off. To avoid this, you should wear comfortable shoes that fit and fit. It's not just the appearance of bruises on the toes; unsuitable shoes disfigure the feet as a whole. This includes venous insufficiency, deformation of the toes, and painful protrusion of the valgus bones of the foot.

If the bruises are small and mild, for a speedy recovery you need to lubricate your fingers with bruise ointments with anticoagulating properties. If your fingers are seriously injured, you will have to expect the nail to peel off.

Manifestations of a traumatic nature can occur implicitly, over a long period of time, and imperceptibly. For example, the legs receive the greatest load during prolonged or intense sports. As a result of heavy loads, capillaries burst, and hemorrhage occurs in the soft tissues of the fingers or subungual areas. The result is a blue hematoma under the nail.

Injuries during pedicure are a common cause of suppuration and blue discoloration of subungual soft tissues. Low-quality cosmetics can be the culprit for turning your toenails blue. For example, long-term use of even ordinary varnishes leads to thinning and discoloration of the nail plate. What can we say about non-certified varnishes, creams and varnish removers. Often the extremely corrosive coloring pigment in nail polish is the cause of the bluish tint.

There is another unpleasant reason why nails turn blue. These are fungal diseases. The nail plate changes: it collapses, becomes thinner, and changes its color. An unpleasant blue color indicates an extreme degree of advanced disease. A fungal disease is accompanied by itching, flaking of the skin, and an unpleasant odor.

One of the banal reasons why a nail turns blue is frost. Cold constricts blood vessels, slowing blood circulation and outflow of blood from tissues. Paleness and bluishness of the skin and fingers from hypothermia will quickly go away if the person is warm.

In rare cases, the cause of blue nails is contact with household chemicals. When working with chemicals without protective gloves, the skin and nail plates may become stained. The blue color is predominantly found in copper compounds (copper sulfate) and some alkalis.

There are a number of life-threatening diseases that are indicated by blue nails.

Heart failure often presents itself in this way. Blue toenail? Take a close look at the skin around you, at your fingertips. If there is pallor, a bluish or bluish tint to the skin and nails, such a symptom may indicate a circulatory disorder. Stagnation of blood in capillaries and small veins gives this color. Heart failure in itself is dangerous, and if blood stagnates in the general circulation, this is fraught with the formation of blood clots.

The picture of heart failure often occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus. In this case, blueness of the nails and fingertips from stagnant blood may cause the development of gangrene. The tissues are poorly supplied with oxygen, and this is a direct path to gangrene and amputation of fingers or limbs.

Copper metabolism disorder syndrome (Wilson-Konovalov disease) causes an imbalance in the central nervous system and blood circulation. The result is insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues, a bluish tint to the nails and skin of the fingers.

Cyanosis is the coloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to the high content of depleted hemoglobin in the blood. This is a clinical sign of a number of diseases - from pulmonary to cardiovascular. In case of cardiac and pulmonary pathologies, some areas of the patient’s skin, including arms, legs and nails, become blue. Some liver diseases manifest themselves by turning the nail hole blue.

An extremely serious disease, one of the signs of which is blue discoloration of nails and body tissues, is scleroderma. This is a connective tissue disease, a specific form of arthritis. The type of diffuse scleroderma “specializes” in the extremities, including nails. It is characterized by hardening of tissues and their coloring blue.

Some medications turn nails blue. These are preparations containing silver.

If a blue nail does not indicate a serious illness, but is the result of mechanical injuries, all that remains is to wait out the unpleasant time, but it will restore its original color. If the nail is severely bruised, it will most likely come off. This is a natural self-healing process, quite long, but it is better not to interfere with it yourself. You can use the help of a surgeon. There is no particular need to take care of a new growing nail, the main thing is to prevent it from deforming so that it grows evenly. To do this, you will need loose, non-squeezing shoes; you can cover your toe with a bandage.

To avoid injury to your nails and feet in general, you should be thoughtful about your choice of shoes. Comfortable and appropriately sized shoes made from high-quality natural materials are the key to healthy feet. Slim high-heeled shoes should be a weekend option, not an everyday option.

If you paint your nails with low-quality cosmetics, you will have to wait for a natural change in pigmentation and no longer use cheap or untested products. You can try whitening compresses with lemon juice or vinegar. Let your varnish, creams and other cosmetic and hygiene products in the future be much more expensive, but with a guarantee.

Medical illnesses are dangerous to ignore. If you have the slightest suspicion of heart failure, diabetes or other pathologies, rush to see a doctor.


You should listen carefully to your body, because it promptly signals all the changes occurring to it. Any manifestations that go beyond the norm, including changes in the color and condition of the nails, should be a reason to pay attention to your health.


I recently discovered that my left big toenail has turned blue. I know for sure that I didn’t hit him. I don’t know what to do: sign up for medical treatment or are there any other ways to return the nail to its normal appearance? I read on the Internet that it is necessary to establish the cause of the blueness. But who can do this? I realized that this happens to many people. maybe it's a matter of age? I am 56 years old.


Valentina Goncharenko

The impact may not be significant - you could simply trip. Also, subungual hematomas (the most likely diagnosis) occur after wearing tight shoes.

Conditions of this kind more often develop after 50, since by this age in women the support of the vascular wall by estrogen decreases and hematomas appear for the most insignificant reasons.

Increased fragility of blood vessels may indicate a hormonal imbalance. In particular, this often happens at the onset of diabetes, when due to constant fluctuations in sugar levels, the strength of the cell walls of small vessels decreases.

Diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way

  • Nevus (pigment spot) of the nail bed is a benign formation, there is a risk of malignancy;
  • Longitudinal melanonychia - merging pigmented stripes. May appear due to metabolic disorders;
  • Subungual melanoma - in addition to the darkened nail (wide stripe), the color of the nail fold changes. Requires immediate surgical treatment.

What to do

Worrying is harmful - see a polyclinic surgeon to diagnose the condition.

As a rule, the hematoma moves along with the nail plate and gradually disappears. If the bleeding continues (this is about the situation with tight shoes), then the color of the nail will not change.

If there is no throbbing pain (progressive hematoma), wait until the spot goes away naturally. When discomfort increases and throbbing pain appears, part of the nail is removed, which immediately alleviates the condition (option: a small hole is drilled).

Abnormal changes in the color of the nail, as a rule, “signal” damage to the tissue underneath.

Sometimes the problem that arises turns out to be relatively minor (for example, a change in the color of the nail may occur due to a slight bruise).

However, it also happens that a change in nail color warns of serious problems that require immediate assistance from a qualified specialist.

  • The most common reason why a toenail turns blue is injury. A change in the color of the nail is a consequence of a subungual hematoma or, simply, an accumulation of blood under the nail. This may cause severe pain, in which case you should consult a doctor.
  • While the risk of accidental injury is true for everyone, the risk is higher for athletes and people who like to go barefoot.
  • In athletes, black and blue nails are often the result of wearing athletic shoes that do not have enough room for the toes.
  • Nails may also turn blue during physical activity. This repeated stress to the feet causes bloody blisters to form under the toenails. The condition is most common in runners and football players because their fingers are exposed to rough handling and is more severe in athletes who forget to trim their nails.
  • A blue or black toenail can be caused by a fungal infection, which is a consequence of the patient's weakened immune system.
  • Or the explanation for why the toenail turned blue is melanoma (a malignant tumor consisting of darkly pigmented melanocyte cells).

Symptoms of a black or blue nail may include:

  • A change in color that can range from reddish to purple, brownish to blue or black.
  • Pain, unpleasant odor, discharge from under the nails.
  • Although these symptoms are not always present, there is a wide range of signs that indicate something is wrong with the nail. If there is an underlying infection, there may be pain associated with redness and swelling of the finger.
  • It also happens that the nail separates from the nail bed due to injury and accumulation of blood under it.

Here are some tips to help you prevent black or blue nails:

  1. Trim your nails regularly, but not too short.
  2. Wear well-fitting shoes. Shoes should offer a wide enough toe box to prevent your toes from pressing together.
  3. Be careful when moving heavy objects. Try to avoid walking barefoot, as this may increase the risk of injury.
  4. Keep your feet and nails clean and dry.
  5. Always wear clean socks and shoes.
  6. Let shoes air out between uses.
  7. Treat any nail problems early.

Blackened toenail: when to see a doctor

If there is no pain or signs of infection (such as pus, inflammation, foul odor, fever, chills), you do not need to seek medical attention immediately.

  • However, keep in mind that if the blackening of your toenail affects 25 percent or more of your nails, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. In such cases, it is more likely that the nail bed is severely damaged or that the bone under the nail is affected.
  • If left untreated, a bone tissue infection (osteomyelitis) may develop, and then you will have to take antibiotics or even require surgery.

In most cases, your visit to the podiatrist will be an act of self-soothing.

The specialist will check to see if you have an open or closed fracture of the injured leg, if there is an infection, and if further medical intervention is necessary.

Depending on the type and severity of the injury with laceration and exposed bone and the degree of discoloration of the nail, the doctor may decide to remove the nail to examine the nail bed. If there is no wound, but there is blackening of the toenail, the doctor may order special tests, including a biopsy. He or she will ask you about your occupation, the situation that caused the nail color to change, and your medical and family history.

Here are some questions you can ask your doctor if your toenail turns black:

  1. What is the chance that my nail will fall off and grow back without treatment?
  2. What symptoms may indicate that the treatment is not working?
  3. How long will it take before the nail returns to its normal shape and color?
  4. What are the chances of this problem happening again?
  5. Can I try to remove blood from under my nail at home?
  6. Could this be malignant melanoma?
  7. Is there an oral or topical medication I can use to prevent further nail discoloration?

Why does a toenail turn blue and how to treat it?

Typically, why a toenail turns blue can be explained by repeated trauma over time, such as the constant “collision” of your toes and the toe of your shoe. And sometimes this can be the result of a one-time, sudden, traumatic injury to the foot (for example, a heavy object fell on the foot).

  • Damaged blood vessels cause the nail to change color to black, blue and purple.
  • This condition is not very attractive, but is not always painful. However, if there is a lot of blood, it will create unpleasant pressure.
  • Sometimes there is an unpleasant odor.
  • Less commonly, you may have serious damage to the nail bed, a laceration, or even a broken bone. Damage like this makes you an easy target for infections and other complications.

It is worth noting

In some cases, drug treatment is not necessary, especially if the injury was minor.

The bruise under the nail will go away without outside help. However, if you have any concerns about your health, make an appointment with a podiatrist. Only he will be able to determine the cause and severity of the problem, which will determine the treatment.

  • If your doctor doesn't see the need for medication or drainage, leave the nail alone and it will heal on its own.
  • On the other hand, if the injury is a cause for concern, a local anesthetic will be administered and the nail will be removed to examine the nail bed.
  • If there is tissue damage, it will need to be washed and possibly sutured.

If the doctor has found out why the toenail turns blue and wants to relieve the pain and pressure of the hematoma, then there are three ways to do this:

  1. Removal: The nail will be removed and the area underneath will be cleaned, thereby removing the hematoma.
  2. Needle: Using a sterile needle, a small hole is poked into the nail so that the liquid can flow out from under it.
  3. Cauterization: The device “burns” a hole in the nail to allow blood to drain out.

Your doctor may recommend a follow-up visit within a week after treatment. You may be asked to soak the nail in Epsom salts and warm water twice a day for ten to fifteen minutes, followed by antibiotic ointment and a dry, sterile bandage.

Recovery time will depend on the severity of the injury, the type of treatment, and how well you respond to treatment. On average, nails will take up to three months or more to completely heal and return to their normal appearance. Nails typically grow at a rate of approximately 3 mm per month.

Very often, nails turn blue as a result of injury. In this case, a hematoma appears. But if there was no injury, and the fingers have changed color, you need to consult a doctor. Such disorders can be caused by serious diseases of the internal organs.

This can happen due to exposure to cold or as a result of severe emotional shock. But in these cases, the color change is temporary. It will go away on its own when the provoking factor is eliminated.

But increasing or constant blue discoloration is a sign of pathology within the body.

Why do my fingernails turn blue?

Color changes can be caused by both external and internal reasons:

  1. Injury. As a result of the damage, a hematoma (bruise) can form: when a bruise occurs under the nail, blood circulation is disrupted and blood accumulates. It can occupy part of it or occupy the entire plate. This causes severe throbbing pain. At first the hematoma is blue, then turns black. Usually it gradually decreases, and the tissues acquire a healthy shade. The bruise may be accompanied by the formation of debris. So in this situation, you need to visit a doctor to determine the extent of the injury and select treatment;
  2. The cause may be a fungal infection. The disease can be diagnosed independently based on a number of symptoms. The skin that suffers first is the area between the fingers. The legs are most often affected, not the arms. Constant itching is the first sign of fungus, the second symptom is painful cracks between the fingers. There is also peeling and redness. The color of the nail plates changes to yellow, gray, light blue and even black. They also lose transparency. The structure also changes: fragility, delamination, and sometimes even severe deformation appear. In some cases, the plates can, on the contrary, thicken excessively. If you suspect a fungal infection, you should seek help from a dermatologist;
  3. The reason for the color change may be hidden in regular and long-term wearing of uncomfortable and tight shoes. Constant pressure on the fingers leads to injury. You need to take shoes in your own size or a little larger. It may be longer, but the width is narrower. The sole should be quite soft;
  4. Low-quality varnishes, aggressive removers, frequent contact with household chemicals. The listed factors lead not only to color changes, but also to delamination. In addition, the skin on the hands becomes rough, tight, and the cuticle is damaged. Sometimes nails turn blue due to the dye contained in dark varnishes;
  5. Incorrectly done manicure. To protect yourself, you need to visit only trusted nail salons, or even better, do a manicure yourself. An inexperienced master can accidentally damage the cuticle/nail fold, which is why inflammation begins, which leads to improper growth of nails, changes in their shape, color and structure;
  6. If your fingers also turn blue, you should urgently consult a doctor. Similar signs are characteristic of gangrene. This also happens after a severe injury, but it is better not to risk your health and consult a specialist.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons and it’s not always possible to deal with them on your own. If a person is sure that he has not injured his hands and does not use dark varnishes, then seeing a doctor is the only correct course of action.

Fingernails turn blue: the reason is inside the body

This phenomenon can also be regarded as a symptom of such serious pathologies as pulmonary and heart failure.

Cardiac disease occurs due to poor functioning of the heart. Blood cannot properly transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. It is the lack of oxygen that causes hands to turn blue. Most often, this pathology is a consequence of ischemia, hypertension or other heart disease.

Heart failure also has other symptoms: coughing attacks, shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling (especially of the legs).

Pulmonary failure occurs due to lack of oxygen. The cause may be hidden in diseases of the alveoli, lungs, upper respiratory tract, PNS and central nervous system. Other symptoms: headaches, rapid breathing and pulse.

Treatment of fungus on hands

Fungal infections are common among patients of all ages. Symptoms of the disease can appear in combination or separately. It is worth noting that people with poor immunity and frequent visitors to public baths, saunas, solariums and swimming pools are at risk. Predisposing factors include damage to the skin and nails, for example, due to wearing uncomfortable shoes or sloppy pedicure/manicure.

If the cause is a fungus, the characteristic symptoms listed above will be present. After an external examination and history taking, the doctor should prescribe the following tests:

  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • sowing nail scrapings onto nutrient media;
  • microscopic examination.

But the patient must be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be long. The course may take several months. Moreover, therapy may include the use of several drugs at once.

A non-started infectious process on the hands can be eliminated with topical agents, for example:

  • "Loceryl" - antifungal varnish;
  • "Batrafen" - varnish;
  • "Mikozan" - serum.

In more severe cases, Nogtivin or Nogtimycin may be prescribed. If required, antifungal drugs are prescribed orally (eg Ketoconazole, Fluconazole).

To protect yourself, you need to follow the rules of prevention. So, if necessary, shoes are treated with antifungal sprays, for example Mycostop.

Treatment of hematoma

If the bruise is severe, you should immediately apply something cold to your leg/arm. This measure will not get rid of the hematoma, but it will be much smaller.

If the bruise is small, it will go away on its own. With an extensive hematoma, you cannot do without the help of a surgeon. The doctor will partially or completely remove the nail, treat the wound with antiseptic agents and apply an aseptic bandage.

At home, some patients pierce the nail with a hot needle. The accumulated blood flows out through the hole. This measure helps prevent delamination, the likelihood of which is very high. Practitioners of this method claim that the procedure is painless, since there are no nerve endings in the nails.

But if you puncture yourself, there is a possibility of infection and a puncture that is too deep.

If no pathologies are identified, then the fingernails most likely turn blue due to impaired local circulation. Traditional medicine recipes will help correct the situation.

The phenomenon of blue toenails is often caused by foot injuries or because a person has crushed a toe with tight shoes. In this case, the blueness of the finger is an ordinary bruise. A heavy object falling on a finger, or even tight shoes can provoke the appearance of such a painful and completely unaesthetic phenomenon as a bruise under the nail. Within six months, the nail grows completely, gradually displacing the damaged plate. In addition to injuries, blue toenails can have causes such as various vascular diseases.

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Symptoms and causes of blue nails

Due to injury and rupture of the vessel, the blood does not find an outflow and puts pressure on the nerve endings. This causes the finger to hurt a lot (especially when pressed). Dried blood is the main reason why a bruise appears. At first, the nail may turn bright purple or crimson, then gradually turns blue. Over time, the bruise may turn black. Over time, the pain also goes away.

Besides injury, other factors can also cause your nails to turn blue.

  1. Frostbite on the feet is accompanied by blue discoloration of the skin and nails.
  2. The fungus damages the nails, causing them to become deformed and change their color and structure.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system can also manifest themselves in the form of blue discoloration on the legs. Stagnant processes, circulatory disorders, varicose veins and thrombosis become the reasons why toenails turn blue.
  4. Wearing tight shoes both mechanically puts pressure on the big toe and impairs blood circulation in the feet. This can lead to serious consequences such as thrombosis or even gangrene.
  5. A pedicure done incorrectly can cause your toenails to turn blue. Inaccurate pedicure and cuticle treatment can lead to deformation and damage.
  6. Low-quality nail polish, nail polish remover or cream can also affect your beauty and health. Nails may turn blue, crumble and change their structure.

If the problem is not caused by a mechanical injury and has no apparent cause, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will find out the real reason for the blueness and tell you what to do next.

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Methods of treatment and prevention

If the blue toe is due to an injury, then first of all apply a cold compress to the foot. This narrows the blood vessels and reduces blood flow. Protect the damaged area from repeated injury and pressure. For speedy healing, apply castor oil to your finger daily.

To eliminate pain and reduce bruising, you can do a procedure such as nail piercing yourself. To do this, a needle or paperclip is heated over a fire, and then the pre-disinfected nail is pierced with it. This way the blood can find its way out and the bruising will be minimal. But this method is too radical, and such a procedure will leave a burnt hole. Therefore, it is better not to interfere with the natural healing process, and the injured area can be lubricated with heparin ointment. The ointment has excellent antimicrobial properties and promotes the resorption of hematomas. It is applied to the damaged area three times a day until the hematoma disappears.

Over time, the nail will peel off and fall off in sections. Do not tear it off with force or touch it at all. If it bothers you, then you can make applications with special ointments to remove the nail (for example, “Nailtivit”) or contact a surgeon. Once the rejection process begins, pay special attention to personal hygiene to prevent the emergence of a pathogenic environment. Trim the loose areas and carefully file with a soft file. Care must be taken not to touch living tissue and cause further problems.

To prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as a blue nail, follow these rules.

If the blueness is not caused by any external reasons, then you need to consult a doctor. Before starting treatment, the cause of blue toes must be accurately determined. Only a doctor will be able to find out why the nail turned blue and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

A change in nail color may indicate the presence of various ailments. Blueness can indicate lung diseases, disorders of the heart, blood vessels, and liver.


What are the causes of blackened nails?

A black toenail can occur for two reasons.

External: injury, improper pedicure. In the latter case, there must be damage to the cuticle, which causes injury to the blood vessels. Any external reason that caused black spots and darkening on the big toe nail does not cause any danger to the body. The exception is when gangrene develops as a result of injury.

Internal: fungal infection, inflammation in internal organs, diabetes mellitus, benign tumor of the nail plate. Treatment in this case must be carried out with the use of medications. With untimely and inadequate treatment, we can talk about an unfavorable prognosis in the future.

If the nail on the big toe has turned black, and the doctor has determined the cause of this phenomenon, the necessary treatment is prescribed. To correct a blackened nail, both medication and treatment using folk remedies are prescribed. You can remove black spots like this:

If there has been an injury, after which a dark spot has already appeared, it is necessary to immediately apply a cold compress to slow down further blackening of the nail. This is also necessary to ensure that the injured foot does not hurt.

A dark nail after an injury must be disinfected to avoid tissue infection.

If there is an extensive hematoma covering the entire big toe, including the nail, surgical intervention is resorted to.

It is difficult to treat a darkened nail when the symptom is due to an internal cause. So, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of the underlying disease.

In cases where a change in nail color is associated with bacterial damage, antimicrobial varnishes and solutions are used.

What are the causes of blue nails?

Why the toenail turned black has been clarified. In some cases, the nail may change its color to a blue tint, which also indicates some pathological process. So, we can highlight the following reasons why the nail on the big toe turns blue:

Injury. A bruise under the nail is a consequence of subcutaneous hemorrhage.

You may notice that your nails turn blue even if you have diabetes.

Frostbite is one of the most common causes of a blue nail.

The toenail of the big toe also turns blue when wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially tight ones. In this case, the limb, namely the feet, do not receive sufficient blood circulation in the tissues, and the required volume of blood does not reach the nail bed. A blue nail is not the most dangerous consequence. So, thrombosis and even gangrene can develop.

If you cut the cuticle carelessly, a blue hematoma can also occur, and the nail becomes wavy.

Using low-quality pedicure products, including expired products, can cause blue nails. In addition, the nail may begin to crumble.

Bruising also occurs when the nail is exposed to chemicals.

One cannot help but mention that the nail is affected by fungus, which not only changes the color, but also causes itching, burning, deformation and thickening of the plate.

A disease occurring in the body can also spoil the natural color of the nail. So, we can talk about heart failure, trophic ulcers, diabetes.

Treatment for a blue nail depends on what caused the symptom. If the cause lies inside the body, first of all, the provoking disease is eliminated. If the blueness of the nail is caused by an external reason, the provoking factor is eliminated. If there is a bruise, first of all, cold is applied to the nail.

How to prevent blackening and blueing of the nail?

Why the nail on the big toe turned blue has been found out. Of course, it is better to take care of preventing such a phenomenon. If you follow these rules, you can reduce the risk of symptoms:

  • not too short and, most importantly, regular nail cutting;
  • Wearing properly fitted shoes that have wide toes to prevent pinching of the toes;
  • preventing injury to the toes;
  • maintaining foot hygiene (clean and dry);
  • regular change of socks;
  • timely treatment of foot pathologies.

If you do not feel pain and there are no signs of infection (pus, inflammation, odor, fever and chills), you do not need to see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, if the blackening of the nail is accompanied by the above symptoms, a trip to the doctor is inevitable.

If treatment is not timely, bone tissue can become infected (in other words, the development of osteomyelitis), and antibiotic treatment will be ineffective. In this case, only surgery will help.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

There are many ways to treat the problem using folk remedies. But it is worth immediately noting that such treatment can only be carried out if the darkening of the nail is caused by an external cause. Let's look at some of the most common treatment methods.

Take yarrow and plantain leaves, chop and mix until smooth. Apply the product as a compress to the nail.

Mix water and vinegar in a two to one ratio, soak gauze in the resulting solution, and then apply it to the affected nail.

You can make an ointment at home. To prepare, take one glass of turpentine, 50 ml of lamp oil, 30 g of chalked laundry soap, alcohol and a few drops of camphor oil. Mix all ingredients.

The greatest effect of treatment is observed if you combine medications and folk remedies.


Causes of damage to the nail plate are wearing tight shoes or shoes that fit uncomfortably on the foot. This trouble often happens to athletes: track and field athletes, skiers, tourists, mountain and hiking lovers. But you don’t have to be an athlete to buy uncomfortable shoes. Sports here play more of a provoking factor, accelerating the appearance of a bruise. incorrectly performed pedicure. This happens when the cuticle master is inaccurately processed. Cutting too much or pushing the nail away can damage the nail fold. This is dangerous because the nail may stop growing correctly after such a procedure. It may take on a blue tint or become wavy. low-quality cosmetics. Cheap, low-quality polish, frequent use of nail polish remover containing acetone, or constant contact with chemicals can greatly affect the health of your nails. Nails may not only turn blue or yellow, but also begin to crumble. After prolonged exposure to harmful substances, nails usually peel off and become brittle.
The toe of the little finger can break lengthwise, which will cause serious discomfort. Bleeding may even develop. the appearance of hangnails, under which infection often develops. The development of hangnails is usually caused by improperly cut cuticles or exposure to chemicals. Another cause could be fungus. The presence of fungus can be determined by the accompanying deformation and thickening of the nail plate. Itching of the skin of the feet and the skin between the toes often occurs, and the patient experiences a strong burning sensation. A nail affected by fungus not only turns blue, but also crumbles, flakes and breaks. Treating fungus is very difficult. Fungal infection is prone to frequent relapses. Therefore, entrust the treatment to professionals. You can go to a private clinic and pay a considerable amount, or you can go to the clinic at your place of residence and get a referral to a dermatologist.

How to treat a blue nail? How to prevent blue nails from appearing? If the cause is a nail injury, you cannot avoid discomfort in the form of painful pulsation. The aching pain may remain for quite a long time. The feeling of pain in this case is a consequence of blood accumulated under the nail plate. The fluid simply has nowhere to go and puts pressure on the surrounding tissue. It seems to a person that his finger is simply torn apart.
However, not everyone will like to admire a nail with a hole burned in the middle. It is better to wait for the nail plate to gradually grow back. Of course, this can take quite a lot of time. But on the other hand, a person will certainly avoid infection and other troubles that may arise when removing a blue nail on their own.
It is very good if at the time of injury you have a cold water tap at hand. Place your injured finger under running water. Cold helps the hematoma to resolve, pain and inflammation to subside. You can also apply a gauze bandage to the nail and apply ice on top for three minutes. You can repeat the manipulation after a quarter of an hour, about four times in total. Timely measures will help avoid rejection of the nail plate.
Be more responsible when purchasing shoes. Buy only shoes that are spacious and comfortable to wear, of high quality. Shoes should be larger than your feet in length and slightly tight in width. Don't wear synthetic socks. They quickly cause hangnails and infection to develop. Wash your feet thoroughly with soap before going to bed. Dry thoroughly after water procedures. If you violate the rules of personal hygiene, don’t be surprised why your nails turn blue.
Has your thumbnail turned blue? Keep an eye on your pedicure. The injury may be preceded by an excessively long nail. When trimming the cuticle, be careful. Visit only trusted salons and qualified pedicurists.


Many people are interested in the question: why does the toenail turn blue and hurt, and also what causes this phenomenon. Everyone has situations in life when a heavy object may accidentally fall on their foot or a person gets injured in their foot, which leads to the formation of a hematoma; it is in such cases that most often people complain that the toenail has turned blue and hurts. A blue nail certainly causes concern, especially among the fair sex. But there are cases when the toenail turns blue on its own without mechanical damage, and here it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as find ways to quickly treat it.


In addition to obvious mechanical damage to the nail plate, there are a number of other reasons why the nail may turn blue:

    If your shoes are excessively tight and uncomfortable to wear. Often people involved in active sports, such as athletics, skiing, hiking and mountain hiking, often encounter similar problems. Although often people who are not even involved in active sports, but who spend a lot of time on foot and have uncomfortable shoes, are also at risk.

    An unprofessional pedicure on your feet can also cause the nail plate to turn blue. If the cuticle is cut too much or pushed back by the nail technician, the nail fold is disrupted, which in turn can lead to blue nails and abnormal lumpy growth.

    Low-quality nail cosmetics, varnishes, and nail polish removers that contain acetone greatly affect the color and health of our nails. Nails may turn blue or yellow, begin to peel, and even crumble.

    If you do your manicure incorrectly and you develop hangnails, an infection often develops underneath them, which can subsequently affect the nail plate.

If your nail, and then your finger itself, turns blue, this is a dangerous situation, indicating a circulatory disorder; perhaps there is a disruption in blood flow and the tissues of the finger are lacking oxygen. This is a very dangerous situation that threatens the formation of gangrene. In such cases, you should see a doctor immediately. At the very first signs, the doctor will try to quickly prescribe the necessary treatment and save the damaged tissue.

Blue discoloration of the toenails may also indicate that a person has heart failure. With such ailments, small vessels swell and blood stagnates. In this case, a change in the color of both the nail plates and the surrounding skin, as well as tissues, occurs.

Another dangerous reason for blue nails is the presence of fungus. The fungus can be visually recognized if there is deformation and thickening of the nail plate, often this is also accompanied by itching of the foot and areas of skin between the toes. The nail affected by the fungus begins to crumble, peel and break. Fungus is quite difficult to cure and is a long process. Fungal infections often lead to relapses, so treatment should not be carried out independently, but rather trusted to professionals. You need to visit a dermatologist in time, who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.


What to do if the nail has already turned blue? If the cause of a blue toenail is a mechanical injury to the toe or toe, you will feel a painful pulsation of the toe for quite a long time. But in this case, you don’t need to do anything special except be patient and wait for a new, undamaged plate to grow back, and the old one to gradually grow back and be carefully removed. Many people try to get rid of the blue plate, trying to mechanically lift it; this should not be done, since infection can get into open wounds and tissue infection can occur. If you do not want to put up with blue nail color for a long time, seek help from an experienced surgeon. He will be able to provide qualified assistance under local anesthesia. But when the plate is removed, even by a qualified specialist, the healing process will be very painful until a new plate is formed. Therefore, the best way would still be to trust the natural growth of the new plate.

If you apply ice or a cold compress to the injured area immediately after injury, the hematoma will be much smaller. You will also feel less pain. If cold is applied regularly the first day with a break of 3-4 hours, then you can further avoid rejection of the nail plate.

It is necessary to be extremely responsible when buying shoes. Beauty does not always mean convenience. Buy shoes made from natural materials that match your size; don’t chase beauty if you already feel discomfort in the store. Try to wear socks made from natural fabrics as well. Always practice good foot hygiene before going to bed. Wipe your feet dry after water procedures.

Watch the length of your toenails. If the nail is too long, it may cause discoloration of the plate. Trim the cuticles on your feet very carefully and trust foot pedicures only to trusted salons. If you have a cut near the nail plate, disinfect the wound with any antiseptic. Disinfect tools before cutting hangnails or cuticles. After the pedicure procedure, try not to immediately put on your shoes for two hours. The best way to do a pedicure at home is at night. Then there is time for the mini-damages to heal.

If your toenail turns blue and you experience pain, do not despair, try to determine the cause, and then begin treatment. If the problem is not clear, contact a specialist. After an injury, it is best to wait for the natural process of renewal of the nail plate.


Causes of blue nails

The reason why nails turn blue can be due to several factors, including:

  • injuries - most often provoke blueness of the nails on the toes and hands. As a result of the bruise, a hematoma forms on the skin under the nail plate. The accumulation of blood appears as cyanosis;
  • uncomfortable, poor-quality or inappropriate footwear provokes discoloration of the nails on the big toes;
  • Cardiovascular failure may be accompanied by stagnation of blood in the extremities. As a result, bluish nails appear. In this case, you must urgently consult a doctor, because such a condition can be life-threatening;
  • A fungal infection is one of the reasons why the nail turns blue. At the same time, a change in the shape of the plate, its thickening or fragility may also be observed;
  • hangnails, sloppy pedicure, excessive trauma to the cuticles provoke the appearance of blue nails. Moreover, skin wounds are an excellent environment for the spread of infections;
  • malignant tumors (melanomas) are characterized by the formation of small blisters under the nails, they cause some cyanosis;
  • With regular use of low-quality cosmetics and aggressive chemicals, a change in the color of the plate may occur. In this case, blue nails require subsequent restoration;
  • hypothermia of the extremities is accompanied by a change in the color of the nail plate;
  • Poor circulation causes a lack of oxygen. This may be the reason why your nails and fingers and toes turn blue. The lack of qualified assistance, in this case, often leads to gangrene.

Some causes of blue toenails and fingernails do not pose a risk to human health, while others require prompt treatment. In order to correctly diagnose the disease and identify the factors that provoked the problem, you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment for blue nails

What to do if your toenail or fingernail turns blue depends only on the cause of this problem. In any case, such a problem can be treated using both traditional medicine and folk methods.

When the reason why a nail turns blue is an injury, you should soberly assess its degree and, if necessary, consult a traumatologist. If there are no accompanying fractures or sprains, then you can apply ice to the site of the bruise. This will reduce pain and reduce hematoma.

With fungus, the blue nail does not disappear at the initial stage. A change in color may indicate advanced disease. In this case, treatment should be comprehensive. It is optimal to use antifungal ointments and creams simultaneously with herbal baths, compresses and lotions.

If the reason why your toenails and especially your fingernails turn blue is the use of low-quality cosmetics, you should first of all avoid contact with them. Then, strengthening creams and oils are applied to restore the nail plate.

In cases where problems arise as a result of various cardiovascular diseases, there is the greatest risk of complications. To avoid this, you should do all the necessary tests and start treatment as quickly as possible. The use of traditional medicine in such a situation is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

If you have frostbite, you should seek help from the nearest medical facility. Painkillers may be prescribed to alleviate the condition. The affected areas of the skin are treated with antiseptic agents. Severe frostbite may require surgery.

In general, if the nails on your big toes or hands turn blue, this is not very dangerous, but only if it is not a symptom of a serious concomitant disease.

Prevention of blue nails

It is better to prevent the occurrence of any problem than to try to solve it with all your might. Knowing why your toenails and fingernails turn blue, you can take the following preventive measures:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes that match your size. There should be no pain when walking. You should not let your big toe rest too heavily on the toe of the shoe, as this will cause your nails to turn blue. You should also avoid wearing high-heeled shoes for long periods of time.
  2. Perform manicures and pedicures extremely carefully to avoid damage to the cuticles. In addition, all instruments should be disinfected with special means. It is especially important to control their processing in beauty salons.
  3. Wear only natural underwear made from high-quality materials. Synthetics can provoke allergic reactions; they do not allow air to pass through and do not remove moisture. This leads to the appearance of fungus.
  4. Observe personal hygiene rules. Feet should be washed several times throughout the day and before bed. After the procedures, they should be wiped very thoroughly with a dry towel. It is also necessary to wash your hands well after visiting public places.
  5. Avoid frostbite. If you become hypothermic, you need to immediately warm your hands and feet.
  6. If a fungus is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

In general, blueness on the nails is not an independent disease. Most often it appears as a symptom indicating problems in the functioning of the body. Therefore, if you notice a change in the color of the nail plate, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor, because timely treatment is the right path to recovery.


"Harmless" culprits

There can be a variety of reasons why your toenails turn blue. Some of them are symptoms of serious pathological changes in the body, while others do not pose a serious health hazard.

The most common reason that toenails turn blue is mechanical damage. As a result of a slight blow, the vessels under the plate burst, and an ordinary bruise forms, only under the nail. The most commonly affected areas are the little finger and thumbnails. Their edge location increases the risk of accidental impact.

Immediately after an injury, the entire space under the plate turns blue, and the fingers themselves hurt. But after a certain time, the hematoma takes on a clearly defined shape, usually a dark blue spot. In some cases, colors can vary from pink to dark brown and even black. It all depends on the intensity of the damaging effect.

Another harmless reason that the nail turns blue is too frequent use or the use of low-quality varnishes during pedicures. Coloring pigments penetrate the structure of the plate and change its color.

The presented causes are harmless to the body, as they are not symptoms of complex diseases. The hematoma spot will resolve itself over time. And only if this does not happen over a long period, then you should consult a doctor. Usually, to eliminate the blue spot, the nail is cut off and filed.

Mycosis of the nail

Fungal infection is a fairly common ailment that can affect a person at any age. It is difficult to combat, and the situation is aggravated by the fact that detection of fungal spores is delayed.

If you don't remember hitting yourself recently and your toenail turning blue, there's cause for concern.

In addition to the bluish color, other symptoms will appear on the finger:

  • redness of the skin ridges around the plate, peeling of the skin and itching;
  • change in the shape of the stratum corneum;
  • the nail changes its thickness up or down;
  • the plates of the legs become fragile and brittle.

The combination of these signs on several toenails gives serious cause for concern. In such cases, it is imperative to consult a specialist - a mycologist or dermatologist. Anyone can contract fungal spores, but there are certain groups that are most susceptible to infection:

  1. Children, teenagers and elderly people.
  2. People with reduced immunity levels.
  3. Family members of the patient, because they are in direct contact with him.
  4. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The risk of infecting your feet with a fungal infection increases when visiting public places - swimming pools, gyms, solariums, saunas. Moreover, the spore can be picked up by the hands, and only then transferred to the feet when putting on shoes. Therefore, take care of the hygiene of your hands and feet.

Communication with internal organs

Very often, nails turn blue due to impaired or insufficient blood circulation in the tissues. In this case, the stain has a mild character, and the tips of the fingers also become bluish. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, because such manifestations may be a signal of chronic illnesses.

The reason why nails turn blue may be diseases of the internal organs. If liver function is impaired, a blue spot appears closer to the base of the nail. This suggests that there are many toxic compounds in the body that should have been retained by the liver.

Heart failure is also a common reason why the nail takes on a bluish tint. It is worth paying attention to the change in color of the fingertip.

If a bluish tint appears quite quickly, then the disease is severe and requires immediate intervention from a doctor.

Blockage of blood vessels in the limb may also be the reason why the nail has acquired a bluish tint. In this case, oxygen supply to the tissues is disrupted, which creates the risk of gangrene.

Other reasons

Less common reasons that lead to discoloration of the nail are poorly performed cosmetic procedures. Improper treatment of the cuticle and skin ridges during pedicure, as well as the use of low-quality cosmetics, leads to the fact that the nail turns blue.

The appearance of burrs and their improper processing is the reason why a blue tint appears on the plate. In addition, wounds left after hangnails can “attract” infection.

A third, less common source is improperly selected shoes. Pressure from boots or shoes leads to compression of the blood vessels, which is why the nails turn blue. This effect is aggravated when a person leads an active lifestyle, walks and moves a lot.

There are many reasons for changes in the color of the nail plate. It is worth analyzing your lifestyle, thinking about your state of health and consulting a doctor for help in determining the source of pathological changes.


A blue toenail may not always be the result of the mechanical impact of any objects. When a fall, blow or other injury occurs, the finger acquires an unsightly bluish tint, but if a person has not noticed anything like this, he needs to look for another reason for this phenomenon, often together with a doctor.

One of the common causes of blue nail plates is wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes. As a result of constant pressure, blood circulation in the tissues of the finger is disrupted. There is not enough blood flowing into the nail bed, and given that there are quite large vessels in the big toe, this can lead to serious consequences. We are talking about thrombosis and gangrene.

An incorrectly performed, artisanal pedicure can also lead to the above problem. Inaccurate treatment of the cuticle, namely cutting it too much or pushing it back, can lead to damage to the nail fold. Such interference is very dangerous. In the best case, the nail will acquire a blue tint and a wavy structure.

If a woman constantly uses low-quality cosmetics, including those with expired expiration dates, in particular nail polish, nail polish remover, creams and scrubs, she risks damaging the health of her nails. They may not only turn blue or yellow, but also begin to crumble. Work associated with constant contact with chemicals can lead to the same consequences. Workers in such industries usually have brittle nails, and in severe cases, even bleeding develops.

Another common cause of toenail damage is fungus. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and burning, the nail plates become deformed and thicken, and subsequently acquire a bluish tint, peel and break. In this case, only a dermatologist can help. You should also consult a specialist if your nail turns blue for no apparent reason. This may be a sign of congestive heart failure. Small vessels swell and blood stagnates in the veins. As a result, not only the nails, but also the surrounding tissues change color.

Another terrible disease – trophic ulcer – also leads to darkening of nails. It often goes hand in hand with diabetes. Therefore, people who have been observing an increase in their blood glucose levels for a long time, or who have discovered this for the first time during a regular examination, should regularly examine their lower extremities for wounds, cuts, ulcers, etc.

Persons exposed to frostbite may encounter the above problem. Turning your toenails blue when exposed to extreme cold for a long time is normal. Moreover, the legs are more sensitive to cold and slow blood circulation than the arms. First aid to such victims must be provided immediately. The feet should be placed in a basin in warm, but not hot, water and seek medical help.



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