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What are masculine women called? Masculine women: how to turn from a big guy into an inch, getting rid of virilism. Strong - yes, but feminine

  • The disgusting thing is that every girl thinks this way from time to time.

    Here you are walking down the street in a wonderful mood, everything is fine with you, you are loved very much, you just had the best sex in the entire history of mankind. On the first try, against the light, you took a wonderful selfie. People smile at you.

    And then you suddenly start to think that your shoulders are too wide, which don’t go with your almost bald head, that with such a hairstyle everyone is sexy except you, and that your skin will never be the same as when you were sixteen (that is, when you were sixteen). terrible rash, but that doesn’t matter, “Sixteen” is the general mood here.

    This is all terrible.

    At one time, a psychoanalyst forced me to collect “Automatic Thoughts”, that is, in simple terms, the broadcast of emotions, the range from the sudden “life is wonderful!” to “if I fall straight on the asphalt in a faint, no one will come.” This nonsense about old age and masculinity is from the same area. Emotional echo of patriarchy.

    Humanity has worked so well on the image of the undine as the only worthy embodiment of female beauty that now we are all poisoned by it.

    No matter how annoying Kim Kardashian is, no matter how creepy she seems, we women know that this is the ideal. Lips, eyelashes, curls, breasts, waist, ass, an aura of defenselessness (high heels can break at any moment under the weight of huge artificial buttocks) - all this is feminine, feminine, feminine, sexy - sexy - sexy.

    In a certain sense, we envy her and others like her, because they took and painted all women's phobias directly on themselves, and now they have nothing to fear anymore. They are simply a mobile diagnosis for all victims of sexism.

    And we are hiding. We are fighting. Not with world evil, not with chauvinism, injustice and inequality, but with ourselves.

    I was about 12 years old when I started having tantrums about “Faspers on the Men’s Side.” Dad bought me a lot of cool things back then, but I didn’t wear them. He seemed to be in real shock - he didn’t even curse, but just quietly begged.

    I picked this up at school - suddenly there was a theme with fasteners. On the male side - bad. Great, right? Who even cares these days about whether he wears men's jeans or not?

    I wore jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers all the time. Once my older sister tried to squeeze me into a dress with ruffles - I sobbed, screamed and resisted, as if I was being sent to an orphanage. I didn't give up. And then suddenly society took it and broke it. Apparently, at the most disgusting time of puberty, when everything is complicated with hormones.

    I also remember how, as children, we talked about such topics: does anyone want to become a boy? Some did. Even though my dad raised me in splendid isolation, I never had this kind of doubt - I was always glad that I was born a girl.

    Relatives told me that when my mother was pregnant, she was worried that my father, like all men, wanted a boy. And he, they say, just repeated to her that, on the contrary, he really wants a girl, because girls are cute, but boys are not so much.

    But at school it turned out that girls are the ones with bows. With bows! Dad's fuses went off when he saw these bows. My poor grandmother listened to so many screams about bows, ruffles, and some other girlish accessories that she tried to attach to me. I'm used to hating them. In addition, it turned out that the girls with their trinkets in their hair did not know how to do a left hook.

    Of course, there were also fat girls, girls in accordion tights, too tall girls (also ugly - unfeminine), skinny ones (board - two nipples. But those who set the tone had curls and aprons with lace, they always smelled pleasant, and not gasoline or dog... And the boys bullied them.

    Already in high school, ninth grade, I really sympathized with one girl who was bullied by young people. I remember I even shaved off one impudent person, and another classmate said to me: “What are you talking about! They’re all madly in love with her!” I thought about this for probably a week. The boys mocked the girl, joked about her stupidity, tormented her. that this is not life, but a nightmare, but it turned out - love.

    I took a closer look and realized that men were really going crazy about our classmate.

    It occurred to me that it is very difficult to be not only a beautiful, but also a feminine girl: maybe all these idiots are in love, but that doesn’t stop them from tormenting you. It is precisely at this stage that a woman forces herself to believe that love is cruel and that a man humiliates a woman because he loves her?

    Then I was even glad that I always had some kind of abrasions and torn pants - apparently, this prevented men from causing me trouble due to romantic feelings.

    But now you live a great life, you have your own tastes and values, and then it turns out that the more men harm you, the more sexy you are, and this all has something to do with fluffy angora sweaters, strawberry hairpins in your hair, shoes - pumps and hair curling.

    And you realize that you have lived wrong all your life. And that in general a man’s interest is the main priority. Let them say you're stupid, let them smear gum in your hair - it's all passion. And passion must be forgiven, because it is flattering.

    Only if passion does not arise on its own, it must be evoked. Breasts, lips, legs, lace, lipsticks, glitter, stockings, heels.

    I decided to show off my passion with terrible purple eye shadow, red lipstick and a coyote collar, which I ripped from my jacket and sewed for some reason onto my turtleneck. The most violent passion came to my dad - it seems that the sight of me caused him to have a hypertensive crisis. But I'm a stubborn person. He himself taught me to hold my own opinion.

    The shadows and the coyote attracted the attention of young people to me, which was both gratifying and strange. Because, in truth, these young people were not worth my attention.

    But I was honestly happy and enjoyed my newfound femininity and attractiveness. I kissed and went to the movies, putting aside all sorts of activities that interested me. A sexy woman, you see, does not belong to herself.

    I even started to have real elegant dresses - and then they started meeting me on the street and inviting me to the casino. I learned to do all the “hihi” and “haha” things that real women do, and I found myself in a circle of serious men who talk about their work and joke about blondes for fun.

    But in the end I got tired of all this, the dresses were burned, they bought jeans and Martins instead, and I cut my hair to zero.

    But femininity is like hepatitis C. sits inside you like a time bomb. No - no, and you'll look at yourself in the mirror and think that sleeveless T-shirts don't suit you, because with your shoulders you look like Butch. You stand and look at yourself in horror, and then you find a wrinkle. The kind, you know, like a scar right in the middle of the forehead. And your pants are also baggy. And all your legs get tangled in them, not giving men the opportunity to think “Yabeivdul.” How can you live without this?

    What will happen if everyone, when they see me, does not remember their father’s treasured “Playboys”, sanctimoniously wrapped in a “light” cover? How do I even turn it on?

    Men's basic instinct? Is it really just your face, taste, intelligence, wit and, if you’re lucky enough to get naked, your shape?

    This is not enough, yes. The fact that I am basically a woman is not enough. You have to be exaggerated, romantic, goofy, touching, in the rays of the setting sun, and smell of fields and meadows, and stand on your heels very uncertainly, and even better - step on your dress.

    Then harmony will visit me - my inner demons of femininity will be temporarily satiated until they, infinitely gluttonous, need lips with fillers and a forehead with Botox from me. And a shortened nose. And bigger breasts. And some anti-cellulite torture.

    Eternal torment, endless sacrifice to the devils of attractiveness, who offer nothing in return except empty vanity and the attention of people who are not interesting to you. Author Arina Kholina.

    On the street today you can often see a young man in tight pants, pink clothes, long hair, with all sorts of rhinestones and hearts, a chain around his neck, a bracelet on his wrists, etc. Sometimes it is not always possible to determine whether it is a guy or a girl... Even more often you can see girls in jeans, trousers, chewing gum, laughing loudly, using obscene language...

    In this article we will try to express the point of view of Sharia regarding such self-expression - when men acquire feminine qualities, and women acquire masculine qualities.

    Imam al-Bukhari and others cite a hadith from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), which says: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed men who resemble women and women who resemble men.”

    At-Tabarani reports the following hadith: “One day a woman passed by the Prophet (PBUH) with a bow around her neck, and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “The Almighty cursed women who resemble men and men who resemble women.” In the hadith narrated by Imam al-Bukhari, it is said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) cursed effeminate men and masculine women.”

    Imams Abu Dawud an-Nasai, ibn Majah and al-Hakim cite the following hadith in their collections: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) cursed a man wearing a woman’s attire and a woman wearing a man’s attire.” The hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad says: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed effeminate men who resemble women and masculine women who resemble men and the woman who set out on a journey alone without a mahram (without a close relative, with whom she is prohibited from marrying )". Another hadith cited by Imam at-Tabari says: “Four categories of people will be cursed (deprived of the mercy of the Almighty) and the angels will say “Amin” (O Allah, curse him!) both in this world and in the next: the man whom The Almighty made him a man, and he became like a woman; a woman whom the Almighty made a woman, and she became like a man; the one who misleads the blind and the one who does not marry, having a passion for women, and the Almighty did not make anyone like that except Yahya, the son of Zakariya (alayhima-s-salam).”

    Masculine woman psychology. Masculinity in women – where is the measure?

    Remember the photographs of your grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Everyone has long hair, skirts or dresses, in a word - women from head to toe. And look at your photos or your mothers. Some have short hair, while others are wearing trousers or shorts. But half a century ago, not all women wore jeans or trousers. Everything changes in our age of change, as the song sang almost 30 years ago.

    Man – strength and protection, woman – beauty and care

    As the incomparable Faina Ranevskaya said: “Women are not the weaker sex. The weaker sex are rotten boards.” Nowadays, the standard scheme, when a man is a hunter and conqueror, and a woman is a homemaker, has practically lost its relevance. What ideals of masculinity and femininity reign in the modern world, what criteria should we rely on? Not many people can answer this question unequivocally now. If we turn to the origins of our unconscious, we will find that the archetypes “animus” and “anima”, the masculine and feminine principles of the soul, are inherent in both men and women, regardless of cultural origins. In other words, every woman, like every man, is a bearer of the feminine and masculine principles.

    When you see a beautiful couple, you notice that the more feminine the woman looks, the more masculine the man next to her is. He and she, like pieces of a mosaic, make up a holistic and harmonious picture. What can a relationship lead to if a man is an active, active, leader and has an equally strong woman with him? Will they get along? Will their union be strong and long-lasting? As is correct, these couples break up. Both cannot occupy a leading position: someone is a leader, and someone is a follower.

    Femininity as a resource

    What can femininity be compared to? What metaphor would best describe this word? Among female characteristics in the literature on psychology, one can find sensitivity, caring, gentleness, tenderness, pliability, and empathy. External manifestations of femininity, for example, demeanor, graceful physiological forms, are more obvious than those described above.

    Does this mean that if outwardly a woman is perceived as a true feminine, then her inherent qualities characterize women to a greater extent than men? Not at all. A means by which a woman can unlock her potential and feel her energy gives her the opportunity to develop. The first impression is formed by what we see and hear. Changes in external parameters entail internal changes. In other words, having done makeup and hair, bought a new dress, we are filled with energy that we receive externally from other people and internally, of course, we are also energized. The personality traits of a woman that we talked about can complement external characteristics. This creates a holistic picture and image of femininity. In our lives there are women who behave rudely and sometimes abruptly, their gait is angular, their clothes are, at best, unisex, or even just a man’s shirt and jeans. Primary sexual characteristics are barely visible in such ladies, not to mention manners and corresponding gender-role identification of behavior. Does this mean she doesn't feel feminine? And does she need it? After all, to be feminine means to be yourself, to correspond to your essence and understand yourself. A masculine woman may well feel confident and calm if she lives so comfortably and conveniently.

    Cherche la femme

    Women's and men's roles at work, in the family, in life are different. If a woman takes on a male role in some matter, this will entail an imbalance in other areas. Surely, you have met women who say about themselves “I am both a woman and a man.” These women believe that they are doing men's work too, since they identify themselves, albeit indirectly, with the other gender. When we consider men's and women's responsibilities in the family, we note the functions that each of them must perform. The woman’s task is to take care of the family, and the man’s task is to provide for the family financially. Often, the roles change and this is a disaster for both. A woman, taking on a masculine position, changes her behavior, her family’s attitude and perception of herself changes. Nowadays, it is difficult to determine the standard of male and female behavior in the traditional sense. Gender-role identification is no longer as obvious as it was two decades ago, but you still need to remain a woman.

    Despite the modern rapidly changing world in which everything is mixed, there are only two genders: male and female. There is no average, so you need to choose from two options: how to perceive yourself, how to relate to life and organize the space around you. You can earn your place in the sun in a guipure sundress, heeled sandals and a light hat.

    The psychology of women’s love interests humanity no less than the psychology of men’s love.
    Many scientists and ordinary men are interested in the psychology of interpersonal relationships between the opposite sex, and most importantly, why do all girls show their love differently?
    The opinions of psychologists, by the way, men, are divided on this matter. Some agree that women are all individual, and therefore their attitude towards men and their expression of love are different.
    Others are sure that “all women are the same.” Let’s try to figure out which one is right and why girls love differently.

    Women's logic

    For most men, women's actions are always unclear, and most do not even try to find out the true motives of women's actions.
    The female motives of this or that action, which remain behind seven locks, force men to only superficially judge the actions of the fair sex. In such cases, men blame women for everything, and do not think for a second that perhaps they themselves do not understand female psychology at all.

    A common opinion among the stronger half of humanity is that a woman is “capricious, strange, and the actions she commits are devoid of any logic.” However, this opinion is “subjective”; men who do not understand the peculiarities of female psychology think so.

    Having understood at least a little about female psychology, you can conduct a comparative analysis with male psychology. So, it is known that the girl herself does not always fully understand what she wants, because... in most cases he is guided by female intuition.

    Not a single professional psychologist will talk about a woman’s lack of logic; he would rather point out that women have their own – individual logic. And it’s hard to disagree with this.

    Female sensitivity

    Despite the similarity of emotions and behavior, all women and the love they show for a man are inherently unique. Although girls tend to perceive and experience relationships with the greatest strength: to take everything to heart, to feel sorry and empathize, each one does it in her own way.

    Of course, the weaker sex is more sensitive than the stronger and this cannot but affect the relationship between a man and a woman. The weaker sex is attentive to people, and especially attentive to their man.

    The psychology of the weaker sex in love has not been fully solved even today, and despite the fact that for many centuries in a row great thinkers have been pondering this issue, it has not yet been possible to reveal the secret of female psychology. Only one thing is known for sure - each of the girls understands love in her own way, which means that each representative of the fair sex on Earth radiates her own unique shades of this wonderful feeling of “love”.

    It turns out that an ugly woman has more chances to please a man in a relatively underdeveloped country than to attract a man from a country where high standards of human life are established.

    A recent study by Finnish scientists showed that men living in countries with relatively low levels of health care are less attracted to pretty women than representatives of the stronger sex from highly developed - in terms of living standards - countries of the world.

    For this purpose, 1,800 men from 28 countries of the world, located at different levels of economic and social development, were interviewed. All subjects were given the opportunity to view several portraits of women and then evaluate what they saw.

    Through special calculations, it was concluded that the more developed a country is, the more its men are interested in ladies with beautiful feminine faces.

    Masculine women have existed at all times and among all nationalities. However, in recent years, the number of females who are clearly similar in appearance to guys and have primordially masculine character traits has been rapidly growing. You will meet such ladies, devoid of feminine traits, everywhere.
    Masculine ladies march down the catwalk and devour their own kind of show business sharks. Masculine creatures, who apparently put on expensive skirts by mistake, turn around millions in capital and tear their throats on a par with biological male politicians. Masculine individuals, considered women according to their passports, carry sacks in vegetable markets and plow hectares of vegetable gardens with their own hands.

    A strong and masculine woman: is it necessary to put an equal sign?
    The attitude towards masculine female creatures is twofold: both on the part of gentlemen and on the part of ladies. Some clearly do not show sympathy and do not like, and often even cannot stand, masculine young ladies. Others consider them to be quite attractive individuals and call them “strong personalities.” In their opinion, “strong woman” and “masculine creature” are absolutely identical concepts. In their understanding, a strong person is either a male from birth or a woman, internally and externally similar to guys.
    We cannot unequivocally agree with this point of view. If we consider the meaning of the word “strength” in the context of its physiological meaning - a person’s ability to perform any actions with the participation of muscles, then the conclusion about the equality of concepts is fair. No one would call a woman involved in bodybuilding or weightlifting a frail and weak subject. However, it is unlikely that such persons can be called feminine, since outwardly they are masculine creatures.

    If we consider strength as an indicator of the presence and development of certain characteristics of the volitional sphere, then not all masculine creatures are psychologically ready to demonstrate such qualities, thanks to which their name will be written in history. Among outwardly masculine women, there are a lot of “emotional weaklings.” Therefore, not every masculine girl can be called a “strong person.”

    Modern masculine women: portrait of a creature in a skirt
    Masculine ladies have many traits that are usually classified as traditional masculine character traits. They are determined and brave. They do not stop in action in the face of difficulties. They are free from hesitation in implementing their decisions. They understand what exactly they want in life. They know how to persistently pursue their goals.
    Very often, masculine ladies strive for dominance and do not imagine themselves as victims. Often masculine women have a high level of conflict and aggressiveness. Their belligerent attitude may be explained by excess amounts of male hormones. The predominance of masculine character traits over traditionally feminine characteristics may be a consequence of the characteristics of a person’s growing up, namely, an incorrect parenting strategy.

    In childhood, many masculine ladies adored boyish fun and communicated exclusively with children of the opposite sex. They always preferred patched trousers to beautiful sundresses and dresses. Instead of teenagers cradling dolls to sleep, they fought for their territory, fighting off attacks from children from other areas. Despite the fact that they had many male friends, they never had ardent feelings for guys. All relationships with the guys did not go beyond the level of friendship.
    Many masculine women are serious, intelligent, well-educated ladies. They shine with amazing erudition and have a fairly extensive store of professional knowledge. They often have a high social status and occupy prestigious positions. Masculine girls build successful careers because they are able to reason logically, discarding emotional components when making decisions. To carry out their project, they are able to walk over corpses, destroying all obstacles on the way.

    With masculine girls, wimps and wimps feel great and calm. It’s safe to wander the streets at night with such people, without worrying about having to protect them from hooligans. With them, it’s fun to enjoy the aromas of gasoline, being confident that they will carry a weakling drunk from fumes home. With masculine women, it’s great to admire the fascinating lights of signs from the roofs of skyscrapers, knowing that they will not let you fall down.
    It’s easy and simple to communicate with masculine girls. With them you can freely watch strippers while sipping whiskey from the same glass. It is impossible to offend them, insult them, or make them blush from indecent jokes. You can tell them everything you think about them, joke around and clown around. They don't get hysterical when they are rudely teased.
    Masculine young ladies are straightforward and reliable. They don’t whisper behind their backs or spread gossip. They are not afraid to say out loud everything they think. They do not lisp or pull the cat by the tail, avoid any unnecessary details and immediately move on to the conversation on the merits.

    Masculine creatures have a loyal attitude towards the tastes of other women. They do not compete with those who prefer to look feminine. They do not condemn the desire of others to conform to fashion trends. They do not rebel against the standard canons of female beauty. Masculine women do not condemn girls who lead an opportunistic lifestyle and actually become men's litter.
    Masculinity today is not a gender trick. Short haircuts, no makeup on the face, unisex clothes and shoes are convenient and practical. Such masculine women understand that they only greet you by their clothes, but send them off by their intelligence. Therefore, they do not attach much importance to their outer shell.
    However, there are also creatures who have clearly confused masculinity with uncultured redneckness. They are like barbarians, vulgar and ill-mannered. Their losing “trump cards” are symptoms of masculinity: rudeness, lack of culture and impoliteness. They behave defiantly, are rude and sarcastic. They have a difficult character and a stupid habit of swearing.

    For many true gentlemen, noble knights at heart, communication with masculine women is unacceptable. Nobles by birth and aristocrats by upbringing require real feminine persons of royal blood. The behavior of masculine women is in no way consistent with the gentlemen’s concepts of the fair sex. After all, many masculine girls do not take care of their appearance and do not take care of their bodies. They don't know how to dress sexy. There are no seduction techniques in their arsenal. They don’t know what flirting, coquetry, a languid look, shooting eyes are.
    You don’t want to hug masculine women, because it’s impossible to wrap your arms around the waist of such women. Not only is it impermissible to carry their heavy carcasses in your arms, but the bodies of such girls cannot even be torn off the floor. Masculine women cannot be spanked on the butt, because there is a risk that you will break your arm on their inflated buttocks. The guys have no desire to put their lips on their fingers, since their palms resemble old shovels. Their all-encompassing, sonorous and rough bass distorts the meaning of even the most tender words.

    Guys can't stand masculine greyhounds who don't care what others think about them. Such women smoke cigarettes and cigarettes without a filter. They can get drunk on moonshine and start a fight in a cafe. Such persons, even on a subconscious level, forget that they are women by nature. They crushed their feminine essence, turning into an ugly, sexless creature. They killed themselves both externally and internally. They put a big end to their personal life.
    In the intimate sphere, a masculine woman most often behaves like a man, trying to guide her partner. She is almost always the first to take the initiative, brazenly dragging a weak man into bed. In sex scenes, the favorite position of masculine ladies is to be on top. Thus, they, like the Amazons, prove that they have the power to subjugate any individual of the opposite sex. Many gentlemen do not like masculine women precisely because they deprive them of self-respect, not allowing them to feel like a real man - a conqueror and hunter.

    Whether it is good or bad to be a masculine creature is up to the woman to decide. Definitely, if such an image creates serious problems for finding happiness, you need to take measures to transform yourself into a real woman. There are many ways to return an ugly, masculine creature to an attractive woman.
    We can transform ourselves on our own or seek help from a psychologist. We can start making changes with our appearance or try to transform our inner world. The main thing is to act and not be afraid of anything. Believe in success and persistently pursue your goal. Then the handsome men around us will not shy away from us. They will see us as a luxurious, desirable goddess to love.

    Each man has his own idea of ​​what an ideal woman should look like. Some people like busty young ladies, some like slender schoolgirls, and some find model shapes exciting. Therefore, in a certain sense, the weaker sex can feel relatively safe, and with some intelligence, every woman, no matter what figure nature bestows on her, will definitely find a soul mate. But, unfortunately, such assumptions sometimes turn out to be powerless. And the point here is not at all about the inflated demands of the weaker sex. Remember, in the novel “The Master and Margarita” Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov described the miracles of transmitting hereditary information: “How bizarrely the deck is shuffled”? And if Margarita is lucky, then some women whose medical records indicate “virilism” can consider themselves happy with a very big stretch. The disease is not so much dangerous as it is unpleasant, and not everyone will agree to constantly feel sidelong glances in which pity, contempt and disgust are mixed.

    Should you curse fate if your doctor diagnoses you with virilism? Is the disease incurable or can one try to become “normal”? Are there preventive measures that could guarantee “immunity”? What is this: a hereditary pathology, the result of external factors, or an incompletely studied malfunction in the body? Let's find out!

    Viril syndrome: a little theory

    The popular belief that virilism is a hereditary disease can be considered doubly incorrect. Firstly, it should rather be called a syndrome or pathology. And secondly, it is not only and not so much genes that contribute to the emergence and development of virilism, but other factors (more on them below) that have a rather indirect relationship to heredity.

    Therefore, reputable medical sources carefully indicate that virilization is a pathological change in the synthesis of hormones in a woman’s body, in which the production of male sex hormones (androgens) begins to increase at the expense of female ones (estrogens). In other words, hormonal imbalance is to blame for virilism, which patients should thank for the fact that they have a razor, gel and a set of replacement blades in their bathroom.

    Symptoms of virilism

    An increase in the concentration of androgens in the female body most often has quite obvious external manifestations, therefore, at first glance, there should not be any special problems when making a diagnosis. At the same time, patients often lose sight of the fact that the symptoms of virilism may indicate some other diseases (including cancer) and therefore consult a doctor when time has already passed.

    Attention! If you notice one of these symptoms, you need to understand that there is nothing shameful, uncomfortable or indecent about them. And you shouldn’t delay your visit to the doctor, hoping that “it will pass just like that”!

    Main causes and risk factors

    It is not entirely correct to talk about what can provoke the development of virilism. After all, the main (and, by the way, the only!) cause of the pathology is the predominance of androgens in the patient’s body. Therefore, it makes sense to talk not about the causes of virilism as such, but about what factors are responsible for hormonal imbalance:

    1. Taking certain medications (cyclosporine, interferon, minoxidil, streptomycin, diacarb and some corticosteroids).
    2. Congenital or acquired pathology of the adrenal cortex.
    3. Malignant neoplasms in the ovaries or adrenal glands.
    4. Polycystic and hyperthecosis of the ovaries.
    5. Benign neoplasm of glandular tissue (prolactinoma).
    6. Lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).
    7. Excess in the body of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex.
    8. Family history (hereditary factor).


    An adequate diagnosis of “virilism” requires considerable qualifications from the doctor and the availability of appropriate laboratory facilities, therefore, the favorite method of visiting a gynecologist friend, “drop in and talk”, which is popular with some young ladies, in this case has to be considered completely ineffective. But a woman can be cooperative and provide all the necessary information, especially since by doing so she will significantly simplify the work of medical personnel and make the procedures as effective as possible:


    If your doctor has diagnosed you with virilism, the worst thing you can do is go shopping for a new razor with a mind-boggling number of blades. Dear women, understand: it is not hirsutism (acne, flat bust, irregular periods) that needs to be treated, but what provokes the symptoms. Therefore, if the doctor wants to grace you with a business card from a state-of-the-art beauty salon, then you can safely turn around and leave.

    Another important note concerns the optimism shown by some impatient patients. Remember, expecting the first results the next day after starting treatment is the same as expecting to win the lottery after filling out the first ticket. Yes, this is theoretically (!) possible, but very unlikely. Moreover, selecting medications that are effective in your case (of which there are a great many) will also take some time.

    What drugs and methods of treating virilism are currently considered the most effective?

    1. Drug therapy
    • Estrogens. Oral contraceptives (POCPs) containing progestins, norgestimate and desogestrel.
    • Antiandrogens. The spironolactone they contain blocks androgen receptors, and the greatest effectiveness is achieved with complex treatment together with POCP.
    • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. They reduce the secretion of gonadotropins, which leads to a decrease in the production of both estrogens and androgens by the ovaries.
    • Progesterone drugs. The most famous of them is cyproterone acetate. Has a moderate antiandrogenic effect.
    1. Cosmetology

    Let us remind readers once again: treating virilism is not at all the same as getting rid of its external manifestations. No one can prohibit you from visiting a beauty salon or aesthetic medicine clinic, but this will not get rid of the problem, but will only make you look more beautiful and attractive. Which, if you think about it, isn't so bad!

    On the street today you can often see a young man in tight pants, pink clothes, long hair, with all sorts of rhinestones and hearts, a chain around his neck, a bracelet on his wrists, etc. Sometimes it is not always possible to determine whether it is a guy or a girl... Even more often you can see girls in jeans, trousers, chewing gum, laughing loudly, using obscene language...

    According to a study by psychologists from New York University and Princeton University, published in the journal Psychological Science, most women prefer men with a feminine oval face and dark skin, writes The Daily Mail.

    Men with effeminate faces are more likely to be successful with women - they are considered more attractive than men with a pronounced “masculine” appearance. Men also like women with a typically feminine oval face, full lips and wide eyes.

    The findings came from a survey of two groups of men and women who were asked to rate the attractiveness of several of thousands of computer-generated faces.

    Singer Steven Tyler, football player David Beckham, actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Jude Law are cited as examples of men with effeminate faces.

    As history shows, feminine men or male feminization always arise only as a response to female emancipation... a consequence, so to speak, of strengthening the masculinity of women. The dynamics of the social images of men and women occurs according to the type of communicating vessels, in compliance with the peculiar law of maintaining influence in society.

    The more women become emancipated, the less masculine men become, and vice versa. And the modern growth of femininity in men is by no means a new phenomenon or a discovery of the 20th century, but a natural cyclical process that has existed, apparently, at all times.

    The change in the character and status of women in the 20th century seriously influenced the principles of raising children: girls from an early age were taught to be strong and decisive, so that in the future they could do the difficult work of men. Boys were protected and cherished, because the country needed new generations of healthy men.

    The career boom among women in the last two decades of the 20th century also contributed to continued emancipation. The woman became completely independent, capable of providing for herself and not recognizing the power of a man over her.

    Masculine women

    Each subsequent generation of men became more and more dependent on the care of their mothers, grandmothers, and wives.
    Thus, by the beginning of the 21st century, the psychological portraits of a man and a woman acquired new features, changing their attitude towards each other and towards creating a future family. Women are confident in themselves and are ready for full-fledged relationships, but they only imagine these relationships from the side of their masculine qualities, they see them through the “male eye.” They plan, achieve, change and hunt. Men naturally don’t have enough space in these relationships.

    The femininity of a modern girl is hidden behind external shells, which she successfully uses to protect herself from the problems and pressure of the outside world. To awaken the feminine principle, you need to look deep inside yourself. Where that same romantic nature hides, which had to give way to a principled and strong woman.
    When a man feels next to him the presence of a meek and modest, affectionate, gentle creature, he changes, awakening in himself masculinity and the desire to be in charge. A man opens up, strives to protect femininity, he is ready to take responsibility for two people. He grows up overestimating his own importance in relation to the real woman next to him.

    But what does a “real woman” mean? Culture replaces this disappearing integrity with the image of a strong, courageous girl, capable of easily achieving her goals. Of course, such a woman, if she wishes, will be able to achieve prosperity in her personal life as quickly as in her career, but such happiness will not last long.
    A real woman is softness, tenderness, affection, kindness. This is a loving wife and caring mother, vulnerable and in need of the protection of her man. Capable of asking, yearning, waiting, forgiving a loved one.

    Women don't want masculine men anymore! What is the reason?

    Birth control pills A study conducted at the British University of Sheffield showed that over the past 40 years, women have increasingly become less attracted to masculine men due to the use of birth control pills.

    Scientists have proven that oral contraceptive hormones suppress women's interest in masculine men, so they begin to like younger, somewhat effeminate men.

    If this theory is confirmed by other scientists around the world, then it will definitely become clear why tastes have changed from the real macho stars of the 50s and 60s, such as Sean Connery and Kirk Douglas, to the weaker, female-looking celebrities of today Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.

    Dr Alexandra Alvergne, who led the study, says the pill is also influencing the way women choose men as partners, so society as a whole is changing because of the pill.

    At the same time, the doctor emphasizes that oral contraceptives have many obvious advantages, but one should not forget that they can cause psychological side effects.

    The connection between taking birth control pills and sexual preferences was published in the scientific journal Trends in the Ecology and Evolution section.

    Scientists have long identified changes in men's female preferences depending on the menstrual cycle.

    In the first days of each month, when a woman is most fertile, that is, on the days of ovulation, women pay more attention to more self-confident, assertive men with pronounced masculine and even rough facial features. In addition, during the days of ovulation, women are interested in men who are genetically different from them, according to Dr. Alvergne, that is, women instinctively choose a partner to ensure the conception of the healthiest child possible.

    On other days, women are more inclined to prefer a softer, even effeminate man; at these moments they are interested in men as a person, and not in a set of genes.

    Thus, if women take birth control pills, then they no longer have ovulation days, that is, there are no hormonal changes, and they begin to be attracted only to softer, younger and more effeminate men.

    Dr. Elvergne has conducted seven studies in this direction and is not going to stop to finally verify her assumptions.

    Two different concepts are often confused: “masculine woman” and “strong woman”. The implication is that a strong woman is like a man both internally and externally. This is not always the case.

    Strong - yes, but feminine?

    What are considered male character traits: the ability to persistently achieve a goal, determination, the desire for dominance, largely depends on hormones. The types of women with characteristic masculine characteristics are based on a biological principle.

    The first type of women are individuals whose set of sex chromosomes is disrupted. Their appearance is like that of real women, and they consider themselves as such, but they are not capable of bearing children. Their character is purely masculine.

    The second type of women without any chromosomal abnormalities, but with a high level of male sex hormones in the blood. Such changes occur due to certain physiological characteristics of the body, or because the pregnant mother had excess androgens.

    Sometimes women who have problems with female identity are the breed of workaholics: they themselves do not see themselves as women, and men stop perceiving them as representatives of the weaker sex. These ladies have successfully crushed the woman within them - both externally and internally.

    Ladies who look very cute and feminine are of a completely different type. But life sent them many trials, which affected not only their appearance, but also their inner well-being. And these women carry their family on their shoulders, putting an end to their personal lives. These representatives of the fairer sex are far from hopeless; it is possible to find the feminine principle in their soul.

    Bypass routes or main road?

    It’s worse when a woman is smart and businesslike, she herself is proud of her masculine qualities, completely forgetting about her feminine ones. And yet she does not realize that she has problems with gender identity. When achieving their goals, such people act assertively and straightforwardly.

    And in relationships with men, such ladies experience failure. Such a lady can attack a man she likes like a hurricane, trying to win him over. And if a true woman, in order to please a man, uses coquetry, flirting and other ladylike things, then this person has no idea about them.

    Such an onslaught scares off men, and a woman has no chance of success. This is not a hopeless case, but it is not at all easy to make a woman out of her!

    A man must dominate at least in sex. After all, sexual positions are similar to positions of dominance and submission, and this is very important for male pride. And at the beginning of meeting the woman he loves, the initiative should still come from him, or at least he should be allowed to think that he is in charge of the situation.

    You know everything is in your hands

    The most important thing for a woman with a strong character is to understand what her problem is. If she realizes that she has gender identity disorders, then she needs to take action.

    There are many ways to do this, and only she can decide which one is right for this woman: she will choose the opportunity to work on herself independently, or turn to a psychologist. It is best to combine both, because a woman must change herself with the professional help of a specialist.

    How to awaken a real woman in a person with a masculine character? You can start with her internal sensations, or you can start with her external appearance. People who are oppressed by life need to learn how a real woman behaves, walks, talks to men, and flirts.

    This way is faster and easier. When a woman feels confident, sees herself as attractive and desirable, changes will occur. The creature of indeterminate gender inside her recognizes herself as a woman. And then her problems will be solved.

    And if a woman is confident that something wrong is happening with her gender identification, she should not despair - everything is in her hands. The main thing is to act and not be afraid of anything.



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