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Ribbon embroidery - the history of the craft. Kanzashi: history, features. Do-it-yourself Kanzashi tulips The history of flowers from satin ribbons

Municipal budgetary educational institution, center for additional education for children “Rainbow”, town. Novoagansk

Outdoor CLASS:

« Satin ribbons, making roses»

Compiled by: Kirdun Palina Ivanovna

Head of t/o "Crazy Hands"

Lesson topic: “Satin ribbon, making roses”

Target: Introduce students to a new type of needlework - making roses from satin ribbons on cardboard.


    To acquaint students with the history of the origin of the satin ribbon, as well as the psychophysiological effects of color on humans.

    Teach students how to make products from satin ribbons.

    Develop independent performing skills, aesthetic taste, and attentiveness.

    Instill skills in work culture, accuracy, thrift, and interest in the final result of work.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical work.

Equipment and materials: cardboard, satin ribbon, thread (to match the color of the ribbon), scissors, ruler, pencil, awl, compass.

During the classes.

    Greeting students. Set up for the lesson.

Today is a wonderful winter day. And winter means new positive emotions, a joyful mood. Are you ready to work today? What's your mood? I see you smiling, I will smile at you, and with such a positive mood we will get to work. Today in the lesson we will introduce you to satin ribbons and make a rose. I'll tell you where ribbons came from and how they were used before.

The history of the origin of the satin ribbon:

The history of satin ribbon goes back centuries and goes back several thousand years. Archaeological excavations carried out in the sites of ancient people confirm this fact. Initially, the ribbon was an ordinary braid made of plant material and, naturally, served as a hair decoration - it was woven into the hairstyle. During the period of antiquity, ribbons began to be decorated with embroidery, even embroidered with stones and coins. During this historical period, ribbons were made from cotton and linen.

In ancient China, silk was, of course, used for this. So all the ancient civilizations used these beautiful shiny satin ribbons. The history of their use in each state was different: somewhere they were a sign of distinction, somewhere they were used exclusively by women, or only by men, they were a privilege of the upper class or had sacred meaning.

In our country, satin ribbons and braids were especially popular when many women, due to the lack of interesting ready-made dresses in stores, sewed outfits for themselves and their children on their own. Richer fashionistas ordered clothes from dressmakers or sewing studios. Satin ribbons were a universal decoration and finishing material

All in all, history of satin ribbon dates back a huge number of years. And during all this time it has not lost its relevance and attractiveness. Nowadays, tape is produced from both natural and synthetic threads. If earlier it was mainly one-sided (with a clearly defined front and back sides), now it is also made double-sided. Extraordinary beauty is achieved using a special method of weaving threads when making satin ribbon.

Currently, satin ribbons have not lost their relevance and their use is quite wide: decorating children's clothing, wedding and evening dresses, decorating gift wrapping and bouquets of flowers. Bright satin ribbons are used to decorate dolls’ outfits; they are even used to create works of art - paintings, boxes, and various crafts. Traditionally, in our country, satin ribbons are used for the festive greeting of newborns from the maternity hospital - a blue ribbon is used to tie a boy’s blanket, and a red one is used to tie a girl’s blanket.

And now we will remember the topic of our lesson today: “Making roses

from satin ribbons."

Target lesson: learn how to make roses on cardboard from satin ribbons.

Flowers, like people, are generous with kindness,

And generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom, warming hearts,

Like little warm fires.

There are many stories about flowers,

But she is the most beautiful of all,

All covered in thorns, untouchable,

Full of delicate scents? (rose)

That's right, a rose is a noble, exquisite flower. She is called the queen of the world.

Poets of all centuries sing about her,

There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,

Than this bundle of scarlet petals,

Opened with a fragrant cup.

We need to prepare the tape for work. When choosing, you need to remember that color has a certain effect on physiological processes and the psychophysiological state of a person. Knowing the characteristics of each color, you can evoke certain emotions and influence its state. Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, excite or disturb.

Each person likes certain colors and combinations. The tendency towards one color or another depends on the time of day, weather, a person’s mood and other factors. Swiss psychologist Luchard, after numerous studies, came to the conclusion that by how a person reacts to colors, one can determine character. It has been established that with the help of color or combinations of colors it is possible to treat a person. This effect was called color therapy. Different colors can create different moods

Psychophysiological effects of color on humans:

Each person likes certain colors and combinations. The tendency towards one color or another depends on the time of day, weather, a person’s mood and other factors. Swiss psychologist Luchard, after numerous studies, came to the conclusion that by how a person reacts to colors, one can determine character. It has been established that with the help of color or combinations of colors it is possible to treat a person. This effect was called color therapy. Different colors can create different moods.

For example:

Kanzashi is part of a traditional Japanese costume, a floral hair accessory created from scraps of fabric. Now this technique is used for various jewelry: brooches, headbands, hairpins. But it can also be used to decorate topiaries, bouquets of satin ribbons and various panels. Most often, satin ribbons are used in this type of needlework, but sometimes flowers are created from cotton fabric.

The history of kanzashi in Japan

The art of kanzashi appeared during the Jomon period, when Japanese women wore jewelry made of silk flowers on a long rod in their hair. It was believed that such accessories had magical powers and could ward off evil spirits. During the Nara period, this type of handicraft was influenced by Chinese cultural values. During the Heian period, it became fashionable for women to wear their hair tied back instead of on top as before. Kanzashi has become a general term for any type of hair ornament. From the Azuchi-Momoyama period, further changes in traditional hairstyle began and the appearance of nihongami (traditional Japanese hairstyle) and taregami (long and straight hair). Both versions used hair accessories.

Development of kanzashi during the Edo period

During the Edo period, the kanzashi technique became even more popular as hairstyles became more elaborate and complex. At this time, craftsmen began to create complex accessories to highlight kimonos and various hairstyles. In addition to the usual function of decoration, products made from ribbons were created as weapons for protection against attacks and often indicated the status of a woman.

To become a master of this art in Japan, one had to study with professionals in the tsumami technique (the art of petal folding) for 5-10 years. Kanzashi Tsumami is the official name of this traditional type in the Tokyo region since 1982.

Kanzashi tulips made of satin ribbons: master class

Let's look at the technique of working with satin ribbons using tulips as an example. Let's make a basket with these flowers to decorate the interior or as a gift to loved ones.

To work you will need:

  • 2.5 cm wide ribbon of different colors for buds;
  • green tape 0.6 mm, 4 or 5 cm wide;
  • organza or other fabric;
  • paper;
  • decorative elements - beads, seed beads, rhinestones;
  • artificial berries and insects;
  • stamens;
  • PVA glue;
  • semolina painted black;
  • basket;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue gun;
  • green sisal;
  • candle or lighter.

At the first stage of the master class “Kanzashi Tulips from Satin Ribbons” we prepare the petals for the flowers. To do this, cut the 2.5 cm ribbon into 4 cm wide pieces. We round them on one side to get leaves of a natural shape. One Kanzashi tulip will need 9 petals. We singe the edges over the candle, bending them with the wrong side inward. Turn it over to the other side, make two folds, and, holding the edge with tweezers, also secure it over the fire. We process all the scraps in this way.

Making stamens and leaves for tulips

Ready-made artificial stamens need a little modification. We take PVA glue and black-painted semolina, dip the blanks first in the glue and then in the cereal. We knead it with our fingers, giving it an oblong shape, and dry it. Now you need to make the leaves. For them, we take a green ribbon 4 or 5 cm wide. We cut them into pieces approximately 8 cm long. We cut each piece diagonally.

It’s easier and faster to fold the tape several times. For each kanzashi tulip you will need two leaves. The straight edge is cut slightly diagonally, the lower right corner is rounded to make the shape of the sheet more natural. We singe the edges of the resulting blanks, slightly bending the tip. Take a thin green ribbon, tie a knot and cut it off with a small tail. One knot is required per flower.

Before making a kanzashi tulip, we distribute all the elements into separate piles. We assemble the flower: we glue the edges of the knot using a gun and attach 3 stamens to it, straightening them in different directions. We connect the petals by applying a drop of glue to the bottom edge and connecting them to the knot. The middle is formed from 3 petals. The remaining layers are glued in a checkerboard pattern. We make the required number of flowers. Glue two leaves on the sides of each bud. We cut off the bottom edge. Then we prepare the basis for the bouquet: we place a ball of crumpled paper in the basket, cover it with a cloth and secure it with a glue gun. We attach sisal along the edge of the basket. We place the kanzashi tulips on the surface and fix them with glue. The basket of flowers is ready!

Municipal educational institution

Urlyadinskaya basic secondary school

9th grade student: Tungatarova Aimkul

Technology teacher:

Alekseeva Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Urlyadinsky village 2010 – 2011 academic year.
Table of contents

Satin ribbon history………………………………………………………………..

Development of finished products……………………………………………………….

Calculation and construction of the product……………………………………………………….

Characteristics of materials and equipment…………………………………….

Technological map of product manufacturing…………………………………….

Brief description of the design task………………………………………………………..

Economic part................................................... ...........................................

Ecological part………………………………………………………………………………………




I have an exam. And I’m glad that the time has finally come when I can fully show myself, what I’m capable of and what I’ve learned over these 9 years of study. Now society is gradually returning to national techniques for processing materials. I was interested in an ancient Russian craft - embroidery. I got acquainted with the history of the craft, building a historical line for the creation and improvement of hand embroidery, I became acquainted with new types of material processing, such as satin ribbon embroidery. Satin ribbon is a bright, flexible and, most importantly, very affordable material in our conditions. But, satin ribbon can not only be used for artificial embroidery, but also used as a decorative craft material. I decided to start working with ribbon in the topic “Three-dimensional design” (making a “Decorative box”). Instead of the material used to cover the form, I suggested satin ribbon. And the results were not long in coming. The product turned out bright and colorful.

Satin ribbon story

The history of satin ribbon begins with ordinary braid made from plant fibers, which was used mainly for weaving into hairstyles. This decoration has been popular since prehistoric times. What is confirmed by archaeological finds at ancient human sites in various parts of our planet. And already in the ancient period, the history of satin ribbon reached its peak. At this time, they begin to decorate it with embroidery, stones, and coins. All this is done using expensive materials. Naturally, then satin was made from natural threads - cotton, linen.

In ancient China, silk was, of course, used for this. So all the ancient civilizations used these beautiful shiny satin ribbons. The history of their use in each state was different: somewhere they were a sign of distinction, somewhere they were used exclusively by women, or only by men, they were a privilege of the upper class or had sacred meaning.

All in all, history of satin ribbon dates back a huge number of years. And during all this time it has not lost its relevance and attractiveness. Nowadays, tape is produced from both natural and synthetic threads. If earlier it was mainly one-sided (with a clearly defined front and back sides), now it is also made double-sided. Extraordinary beauty is achieved using a special method of weaving threads when making satin ribbon.

History gives us the opportunity to trace how fashion and people's tastes changed. Nowadays you won’t see a girl with ribbons woven into her braid, but they are still used in the manufacture of clothes (except for the fact that now satin ribbons are firmly established in women’s outfits, and have almost completely disappeared from men’s). Their use in interior decoration also remains unchanged. We can offer any types of satin ribbons to our clients. They are available in a wide variety of colors, plain and patterned, and in various widths.

Development of finished products.

Photo 1

Calculation and construction of the product

The box consists of a base and a lid.

In turn, the base of the box consists of two bottoms covered with lining fabric connected to each other, two cylinders inserted into one another (the inner cylinder is covered with lining fabric, the outer one is covered with a satin ribbon) (Fig. 1) and the lid - also consisting of two cylinders inserted one in the other, like the base, there are two circles, the upper circle is covered with embroidery, the lower one with lining fabric. Rice. 2.

Picture 1

Figure 2

To determine the length of the side surface of the base and cover, I determine the circumference C.

The height h of the side surface is determined arbitrarily: for the base h = 10.5 cm. For the lid - h = 4.5 cm.

Lateral surface of the base

Side surface of the cover

Characteristics of materials and equipment

Fabrics. For the base when embroidering with silk ribbon, it is better to use cotton fabrics of plain weave. The fabric must be strong so that the stitches are securely held on it (not slipping), and so elastic that the tape can easily pass through it. I used canvas. Therefore, in my work I use fabric of a neutral tone - white. You can use fabric that matches the color of the main ribbon from which the box is made.

I also use canvas for the interior and exterior decoration of the box.

Tapes – satin - sold in a large assortment of different widths and colors. To finish the outer shape of the box I use ribbons 1 cm wide, for embroidery 0.5 cm wide. I wash the products embroidered with ribbons by hand with soap and iron them on the reverse side. To prevent the embroidery from becoming flat.

Threads– I use two types: for embroidery - floss thread; for the remaining seams - spool stitches in the color of the base of the box.

Beads and seed beads of various sizes and shapes are sewn into the product for decoration and give the embroidery a special grace.


To embroider with silk ribbons, I use chenille needles with an elongated eye; the ribbon fits into it easily, without twisting.

For floss threads, use regular embroidery needles, but for embroidery on Aida fabric, needles with a rounded end are preferable so that the fabric does not come apart during work.

For other hand projects I use a size 4 needle.

Scissors- I use those that are necessary for embroidery - small ones with sharp ends.

Technological map of product manufacturing.


Sequence of operations

Graphic image


I cut out a rectangle measuring 10.5*48 cm from cardboard.

I form a ring from this rectangle, fastening the seams with a stapler.


To braid a cardboard ring (this will be the outer part of the box), I cut 34 pieces of ribbon 10 cm long; and 8 pcs. ribbon 48 cm long.


I cover the shape in a circle with tapes (I use PVA glue) in a vertical direction. I close the ribbons that will go horizontally into a ring and sew them along the edge. The seam width is no more than 1 cm.


Now I intertwine the ribbons with each other (vertical and horizontal to get the look of a plain weave), securing the lower edge of the vertical ribbons on the inside of the form with PVA glue.


I cut out another rectangle from cardboard measuring 10.5*48 cm and also form a ring. This will be the inside of the box. (see point 1)


I will cover this part of the box with fabric. To do this, I cut out a rectangle measuring 14*50cm from the lining fabric.


I close the fabric into a ring, align the cuts and sew them with a “back needle” seam.

Seam width 1 cm.


I stretch the fabric over the cardboard form and tighten this fabric from the outside of the cardboard form with a zigzag seam.


Now I connect the two parts of the box. I insert the part covered with fabric into a ring covered with a satin ribbon. The parts must fit tightly into each other so that there is no gap between them.


I cut out two 14.5 cm circles from very thick cardboard.


I cover the circles with lining fabric. You need to cut out a circle from the material, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the cardboard circle plus 3 cm for the hem. Sew small stitches along the entire cut using a “forward needle” seam. Pull the thread and put a cardboard circle into the resulting bag. Fasten the thread in several places.


I sew the circles together, with the seams inward. Thus, the bottom of the box is formed


I sew the bottom to the walls of the box with a hidden seam.


To close the seam, I sew a string of beads onto the bottom of the box.


To make the lid of the box, I repeat steps from P. 1 to P. 10 (only rectangles cut from cardboard have dimensions of 4.5 * 52 cm. Accordingly, the number of ribbons for the outer ring will be: 36 pcs. 6 cm each and 4 pcs. 52 cm each. .


I cut out two 16 cm circles from cardboard.


I cover one circle with lining fabric, as in the first case. (see paragraph 11)


I cover the second circle with canvas with embroidery, while inserting a piece of padding polyester between the cardboard and the fabric.


I sew the circles together and sew them with a hidden seam to the walls of the lid. (See clause 12 and clause 13)


I decorate the top of the lid in a circle with an organza ribbon, beautifully forming and fixing the folds. I sew a string of beads along the bottom edge of the lid.


At the junction of the ends of the braid I attach a bow.

Brief description of the design challenge
The box must be made carefully, must be convenient and practical.

The box should not contain complex parts, because the manufacturer is making it for the first time.

Economic part.

Name of material

Price for 1 meter.



Satin ribbon

7 rub. 00 kop.

50 m.

350 rub. 00 kop.

Fabric canvas









18 rub. 00 kop.

1 b.

18 rub. 00.kop

Total: 368 rub. 00 kopecks

Ecological part.
The manufacturing process and operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment or disruptions in human life, since my jewelry box is made from environmentally friendly materials. The remaining materials will be useful to me for the next project work.
I believe that my project is an environmentally friendly product.


  • The “Decorative Box” project, in my opinion, was a success.

  • During the process of making the product, I learned techniques for sewing and twisting satin ribbons.

  • I learned how to decorate interior items with voluminous embroidery.

  • Once again, I was convinced that work done with my own hands brings savings to the family budget.

  • I'm glad that everyone really liked my box.

  • You can learn anything if you want!

Bibliographic list.

1. “Ribbon embroidery”, popular series

2. “Embroidery from A to Z”, edited by T. V. Levichov

Psychological effects of color

Physical effects of color

Creates a feeling of emptiness, bottomless space; symbolizes purity and innocence; color of justice, impartiality

Enlarged, lightweight


A symbol of renunciation of worldly vanity, spirituality, wisdom

It’s overwhelming, scary, but in small quantities it helps you concentrate.

A symbol of refined elegance.

Heavy, reduced

It causes strong emotional reactions, excites, quickens the pulse, increases blood pressure, changes the rhythm of breathing, stimulates the brain, inspires momentary actions, but in large quantities it quickly tires, especially the eyes. Associated with wealth and luxury.

Fast, heavy

It excites to a lesser extent than red, but is capable of stimulating real results.


It excites, accelerates blood pulsation, warms and spiritualizes in small doses, but a strict dosage is needed. Stimulates the senses, accelerates the heartbeat, sharpens perception, helps resolve difficult situations

"Dangerous color"

Raises the mood, stimulates the activity of the nervous system and brain; tends to fantasize and daydream.

"Happy Color"

calms, gives a feeling of freshness, reduces sensitivity to noise, concentrates, reduces the effects of strong sun, regulates pressure, especially eye pressure, calms the nervous system, reduces pain, fatigue, normalizes blood pressure.

calms, stabilizes blood pressure, breathing, does not tire, makes you want to philosophize, relax, be sad, dream, reduces mental stress

Creates a feeling of coolness, a mood of serenity, peace, satisfaction. Relieves pain from neuralgia and inflammation; tension and blood pressure decreases.


Causes internal excitement. It affects the heart and blood vessels, and the psyche.

The color of sadness of mysticism.


Creates a feeling of security; it has the best effect when used in small quantities; when used in excess, it causes lethargy, apathy, and inertia.

The color of coziness, comfort, modern.

Induction training

    Before , Before we get started, let's remember the safety rules for manual work (students call)

Girls, tell me, what dangers will you and I encounter when we make a rose?

Prick your finger with a needle, get hurt with scissors.

What is TB when working with needles?

Inject needles and pins only into the needle bed;

TB when working with scissors?

scissors pass forward in rings

Proper organization of the workplace is of great importance when working. Name what sanitary requirements must be observed when working

sit straight, the light falls from the left side...e?-

Inject needles and pins only into the needle bed; scissors pass forward in rings

Sit straight, the light falls from the left side...

    The teacher tells and shows techniques for making a three-dimensional rose (master classes in presentation)

Master class rose-web for scrapbooking

The rose web is very common in ribbon embroidery :) This master class is how to make such rose webs for their further use in scrapbooking designs: let’s repeat what we need when working

Materials and tools:

1. Cardboard;

2. Satin ribbon;

3. Threads, preferably in the color of the ribbon with which we will have a rose;

4. Needle, scissors, ruler, compass, awl, pencil.

Cut out circles from cardboard of the diameter you want for the roses. Use an awl to make a hole in the middle of the circle. We use a nail file to make 5 (five) notches on the outside or use something to deepen the cardboard evenly in 5 (five) places by 1 mm.

We take a thread, preferably in the color of the ribbon with which we will have a rose, and thread it into a regular needle. It is better to fold the thread in half and make a regular knot at the end.
We bring the needle and thread to the front side in the place where we will have the center of the rose and make five equally spaced stitches from the center, going around the circle along the radius.

Take the ribbon and insert it into the needle. We bring its small tip to the wrong side in the middle and glue it to a cardboard circle.


Hands raised and shook -
These are trees in the forest.
Arms bent, hands shaken -
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -
These are the birds flying towards us.
Let's show everyone how they sit down quietly.

Sh ag 4.

Take the ribbon from the front side and insert it into the needle. Drag the needle under the first stitch and skip the second. Continue, alternately passing the needle under or over the stitches. In the first circle, tighten the tape more, it should be quite tight.

Each subsequent revolution must take place next to the previous one. Avoid over-tightening the belt in subsequent turns.

To make the petals more rounded, like a mature, blooming rose, we constantly twist the ribbon. When the stitches become invisible, secure the remaining tip of the tape with double-sided tape on the back side of the cardboard circle.

    Repetition of covered material.

    Today in the lesson we will continue working with satin ribbons. Let's remember what you know about ribbon embroidery.

Answer the questions:

    When and where did satin ribbons appear? (ancient Greece, ancient Rome)

    What historical period was the peak of the use of satin ribbons? (beginning of the 13th century - period of the reign of Louis XIV-XV centuries)

    Where can satin ribbons be used? (decorate children's and women's clothing, hairstyles, hats, handbags, tablecloths, napkins, etc.)

    What tools and supplies are needed for the job? (wide eye needles, scissors, cardboard, ribbons)

    What width of satin ribbons can be used in embroidery? (0.5; 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5; 3; 4;5)

Expected Result:

    Get to know different materials and their properties.

    They will master the skills of working with scissors and needles.

    Learn some techniques for transforming materials.

    Learn to see the unusual in ordinary objects.

During the lesson you learned new skills. Do you agree that these skills will be useful to you in the future? Even if you do not perform such work, today you have touched the national culture by creating objects of decorative and applied art.

The hands of people can make any miracle:

And flowers can be woven across a white field,

And embroider a golden sun across the blue sky,

So that there is more beauty on earth.

We will take thread and satin ribbon in our hands,

And a little fantasy and magic,

We will create something that you can’t even dream of,

Only so that beauty lives on earth!

The lesson is over. Thanks for the work.

This activity is not only interesting, but also practical. With your own hands you can give new life to old products. With its help you can decorate any area of ​​clothing. This article is exactly about that. This type of folk art has a rich history and was widely used in Ancient China and Europe. on clothes has become quite popular recently. More and more beauties are starting to engage in such needlework and are achieving success. A modern approach helps transform ordinary things, making them bright and exclusive.

Its history today has a large role in the formation of this type of needlework. A woman who engaged in such a hobby embodied femininity. Once upon a time, every girl had to have her own dowry, which was highly valued. The secrets of creating canvases were passed down from generation to generation and were considered something integral for every needlewoman.

Everyone has a piece of clothing that they absolutely love, but nothing lasts forever. The proposed option will be suitable for both children and adults. The advantage of this is that an alternative to new things can be a decorated forgotten old dress or a knitted sweater. You will receive great pleasure from the work done.

Embroidery technique

Essential elements

Types of seams

  • Tape - thread the needle and bring it to the front side. Press a place on the strip with your finger, measure the length of the stitch and pierce it.

  • Japanese - a regular seam of 2-4 centimeters, puncture on the front and take it out from the back.
  • – pull the strip through the fabric, then lay it on the canvas. We create one turn of tape around the needle. You stick it into the hole, stepping back 1-2 millimeters, without tightening it and holding the strip, pull it through the material.

  • Air - bring the needle out from the back, place a pencil under the strip, wrap it around it, insert it there at the exit.

Ribbon bud

You will need two colors. Draw a circle on the canvas and put a dot in the center. Where the wrong side is, in the middle, we take out the tape. In the same place we thread it back, leaving a loop with a radius like a circle. We pass the needle inside the loop, pulling from the center to the line. We pierce at the exit point from the face. We introduce it again, tightening the next one, but shorter. We repeat the part 6 times, then move on to another color.

Draw a circle with a dot in the middle. We bring the needle to the center, drawing the strip face up along the circle line, do not forget to straighten the folds. We connect the edges beyond the circle line by 5 millimeters. We carry out from one edge and from the other. There was a knot at the end. We wrap the tip of the petal to give it a convex shape. Then puncture along the circle line from above and pull it out to the wrong side. We tighten it. He's ready

Ribbon stem

The stems are made with twisted stitches. We stretch the needle, twist the strip and pierce it at the desired point. We secure it by threading it over the face, forming a knot and pulling it to the back. The sheets are completed step by step.

Craft essentials

  • We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules:
  • You should start working with a wardrobe item from the edges to the center.
  • Create large components first, and then move on to smaller pieces.
  • The distance on the wrong side between the knots should not exceed 4 centimeters.
  • After applying all the massive accessories, proceed to creating various flowers, berries, petals, butterflies and the like.If your idea contains many separate components, then each of them needs to be made with a new node.

The stitches should not exceed the width of the length, plus - this will save you from twisting the working material.Another very important rule: try not to tighten the stitches too much, otherwise this will lead to deformation of the fabric.The knots must be secured separately from each other to prevent unraveling.If your stitch fails, you can overlap it again from above.And finally - for the best result, we recommend starting - this will prevent damage.

Preparatory process

The first thing is to draw a template to guide you during the process. If you don't follow these guidelines, you may end up with a condensed piece of work that's not at all what you envisioned. Secondly, the scheme should be simple. The main thing should not be the number of elements and details, but their color ratio.

embroidered flowers in the photo

Items from the wardrobe for decoration

  • Children's (panama hats, dresses, sundresses, socks, summer blouses and T-shirts).
  • Neckline area on blouses and T-shirts.
  • Pockets and sleeves of jackets.
  • Nighties.
  • Jeans products.
  • Winter mittens, mittens, hats.
  • Plain skirts.

Products made from cotton, linen, silk and wool are best suited for implementing this technique. In principle, there are no restrictions. The main recommendation is to take what you like.

Rules for caring for the finished product

Do not iron the item under any circumstances. You can iron only inside out, without touching the satin stripes. Do not use a washing machine, but wash by hand. Squeeze out the water without twisting the material, but gently squeezing it to allow the ribbons to dry on their own. With proper care, the composition will remain voluminous, will not lose shape and will not fade. For a more detailed introduction to this technique, we recommend watching a video lesson that will help you delve deeper into the process and in the future easily realize any paintings for your soul.

Master class from Olga Sobyanina with examples on clothes

As we have seen in practice, every little thing can be decorated. The main thing is to remember that beauty is in simplicity. You shouldn’t sew too much; a sense of taste and style in your work is important. Be confident in yourself and you will succeed! We wish you to improve your skills more, become brighter, and delight yourself and your loved ones with new and unusual decorations on your clothes. Beauty is in your hands!

A little history of the development of needlework in ancient peoples

In ancient times, items of clothing and interior decoration were decorated with strips of leather, creating wondrous patterns from them. With the development of folk art, artistic types of sewing also appeared. China is considered the birthplace of satin and silk embroidery; servants decorated the clothes of emperors, ancient ornaments dating back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. e. have survived to this day.

vintage clothing decorated with ribbons

France and King Louis contributed to the development of this fashionable trend at that time. The king loved to decorate his clothes with silk and precious stones. They were decorative embroidery made on silk fabric from golden threads.

Many centuries have passed, each season's fashion trends necessarily include handmade elements on coats, trousers, wide skirts and hats.

Satin ribbons in embroidered paintings look amazingly beautiful and picturesque. Atlas is translated from Arabic as “smooth” and it fully justifies this name. They owe their extraordinary smoothness to a special type of weaving, which is popularly called “satin”.

On the one hand, the ribbons have a shiny texture, and on the other, a matte texture, this must be taken into account. Amazing ribbons came to our country from China and have remained a popular material for decorating clothing and interior items.

In past decades it was not very popular, it was forgotten, giving preference to other types of decorative and applied arts, but today it is at the peak of its revival. The designs changed with each generation of masters; in addition to clothing, they also decorated the walls of rooms, curtains and, as a result, household items - bed linen, paintings, etc.

embroidery pillow

embroidered bed

read more:“Ribbon pillows”

It should also be noted that each country historically adhered to a specific motif, for example, in the history of Japanese ornaments, images of birds were quite common, the inhabitants of Ancient India, like the inhabitants of Iran, preferred to depict floral motifs on their creations. As for Ancient Greece, their embroidered compositions could not do without figures of living people and genre scenes. It was the Greeks who came up with the fashion of wearing ribbons in their hair, and the Romans complemented their hair with thin headbands embroidered with gold thread and decorated with jewelry. Color often spoke about a woman’s class affiliation.

The art was also known to the ancient Egyptians, as evidenced by the bright ornaments that decorated the clothes of the pharaohs. On the territory of our lands they began to decorate the outfit of the 13th century. It was noted on items of ladies' toilet, on upholstered furniture, umbrellas, lamps, and other household items.

In the 70s of the 19th century, trims made from overlay-type ribbons began to come into fashion; they could be attached with pins. Volumetric appliqués made from tinted gauze were present in the hair, on the dresses of rich ladies and even on handbags. The Art Nouveau style, characterized by the first half of the 20th century, contributed to the rise of this type of decorative and applied art, but by the middle of the 20th century, interest had noticeably decreased, as we observe.

I would like to tell you a little about the history of this feminine art.
Around the 3rd century BC. e. Sericulture began to emerge in China. Silk was extracted from the cocoon of the silkworm. The production technology was a closely guarded secret for a long time. And therefore, silk fabric became a sign of luxury and was worth its weight in gold. Silk threads intertwined in a special way became known as satin, which means “smooth” in Arabic. This is a fairly dense fabric with a shiny, glossy front side, a smooth and pleasant structure to the touch. After cutting clothes, they began to make various decorative elements from the remnants of such fabric, which were used to decorate clothes and interior items. This type of art has become so popular that it became necessary to make satin ribbons of different widths. Thus, tape became a universal material for creativity; it began to be used both as a basis for decoration and as a finishing material.
As you know, the fashion for outfits is constantly changing, but the satin ribbon remains. And even the ways of using it are constantly growing. Today the Japanese technique “Kanzashi” is very popular and we’ll talk about it further.

Brief history of kanzashi

“Kanzashi” first originated in Japan and most likely means “stuck in the hair.” Although it is more correct to pronounce “Kanzashi”, I will use “kanzashi” because it is more common in Russia
this is the name. There are a huge variety of varieties and materials that are used to make kanzashi - silver, tin, brass and even tortoiseshell, wood and other materials.

But today we will talk about kanzashi which are made from silk or satin ribbons (Japanese Hana - kanzashi, which means floral decorations) or they are also called tsumami - kanzashi, kanzashi differ from other decorations in the complex applique of pieces of fabric that are folded into petals and so on gather in flowers.
Kanzashi consists of many small parts and requires accuracy and patience, as it is very painstaking work.

In Japan today, in addition to female geisha students (maiko), kanzashi are worn by both children and adults, for example young girls at events where they are expected to wear a kimono.
They don't even suspect that they laid the foundation for the great fashion for kanzashi all over the world.

What materials are needed to create kanzashi:

What materials are needed for kanzashi?

Today, many materials are available for creating the base - these are satin ribbons, grosgrain ribbons, organza ribbons, brocade ribbons, etc. What to choose, of course, everyone decides for themselves. But satin ribbons are most often used.
You can’t do without a lighter or a candle, basically something that can be used to scorch the ends of the ribbon so that it doesn’t fray and the decorations are strong.
Scissors, what would it be like without them?)
Ruler to measure the required length for the segments.
Glue, I use different types of glue, for example “Moment Crystal”, hot glue gun, second glue for rhinestones.
Needle and thread, for sewing the petals together.
All sorts of different decorations: rhinestones, beads, cabochons and so on.
Basics for attaching jewelry: elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, brooches.
In some cases it is used soldering iron for cutting strips, simultaneously with singeing, gurgles to form a petal on a flower and other necessary tools at your discretion.

What you can make from satin and grosgrain ribbons with your own hands.

The choice is quite wide, from small hair bows to luxurious bouquets embroidered on huge paintings.

In each individual case, this is the fruit of boundless creative imagination. After all, just from an ordinary small ribbon you can make unusual beautiful hair clips. Agree, such a gift will appeal to any little fashionista.
And for the needlewoman, this exciting activity will provide a pleasant and worthwhile pastime, as well as many grateful reviews and compliments, as well as an extra penny for the family budget or can even become the main source of income.

This very delicate headband of many small roses is also made of a narrow satin ribbon. Any feminine girl would certainly like such a decoration. Today, most girls love photo shoots and try to look their best during them, so a wreath headband like this is perfect for a photo shoot or a romantic meeting. Moreover, you can create such beauty yourself in literally 1 or 2 evenings. The main thing here is patience and perseverance.
Bows are one of the favorite decorations for girls, young and old. There are no different shapes, sizes and designs. Probably every girl has a bow or even many bows in her wardrobe. In the form of a hair accessory, on clothes, shoes, a handbag or somewhere else. This is a very fashionable and popular decorative element. And of course, to diversify your wardrobe, you can make them yourself and match different outfits, both for yourself and as a gift. Eg

Such a super lush bow consisting of various ribbons will be an original decoration on some special special days. Thanks to the pleasant combination of colors and the combination of ribbons of different structures, you can achieve unusually magnificent decorations.

Of course, we can’t help but mention the flowers folded using the kanzashi technique. These original jewelry will wonderfully decorate any hairstyle, hat or clothing. They are so beautiful that you can admire them for a long time and of course you want to experiment with different colors, this is actually a very exciting type of creativity where every even a novice needlewoman can express herself by creating her own exquisite masterpiece.

Roses also have a huge variety of manufacturing options; using different techniques you can get flowers that are completely different in shape and appearance. But they are all very beautiful and suit almost everyone.
One small article cannot even mention everything that can be created from such a wonderful material. But I tried to mention the most popular ones.
Below in the comments you can tell us what type of needlework you do or what direction, ribbon decoration you like best and would like to try making?
This is where I end, and if you liked the article, be sure to share it on your favorite social networks. networks)))
Enjoy your creativity and lots of inspiration!!!



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