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Invisible people are trying to get a job in the foreign intelligence service. A story about psychological testing How to get into the foreign intelligence academy

Is it difficult to get into the SVR foreign intelligence service?

  1. They “get into” this service after graduating from special educational institutions located in the FSB system. The prospect of a “higher education diploma” in the field of marketing will clearly not be enough for this
  2. education (higher);

  3. A citizen of the Russian Federation who, based on his personal and business qualities, age, education and health status, can fulfill the duties assigned to him can become an employee of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

    Quite stringent requirements are imposed on candidates for military service (work) in the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, which is due to the specifics of the work and the availability of access to information that constitutes state and other secrets protected by law. Therefore, people who can be trusted and be confident in their unconditional devotion to the Fatherland and their profession are selected as employees of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

    A citizen entering military service under a contract must meet the requirements for the level of:

    education (higher);

    professional training (must have the appropriate level of professional training necessary to successfully perform job duties).

    A citizen entering military service under a contract must meet the medical and professional-psychological requirements of military service in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. To determine whether a candidate meets the established requirements, a medical examination and professional psychological selection activities are carried out.

    In order to determine fitness for military service for health reasons, the candidate is sent for a medical examination, which is carried out by a military medical commission. Please note that a citizen who is recognized as fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions can be accepted for military service under a contract.

    Candidates are required to undergo professional psychological selection. During its implementation, the level of intellectual development, psychological readiness for military service, speed of thinking, communication skills, neuropsychic stability and other qualities of the examined citizens that are professionally important for military service (work) are assessed. The professional suitability of a candidate is determined in relation to a specific type of activity.

    In relation to the candidate, with his consent, verification measures are carried out related to access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by law.

  4. Well, the most important thing is physical. preparation and love for the homeland. They will take you without physical. preparation if you know several languages ​​+ one specialist. language (For example: Farsi, Arabic or Chinese)
  5. Is your health ok? What is the fitness category “B”??
  6. The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR of Russia) is designed to protect the security of individuals, society and the state from external threats. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service carries out intelligence activities for the purposes of:

    providing the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and the Government with the intelligence information they need to make decisions in the political, economic, military-strategic, scientific, technical and environmental fields;
    ensuring conditions conducive to the successful implementation of the Russian Federation's security policy;
    promoting economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country and military-technical security of the Russian Federation.

    For this purpose, the Federal Law on Foreign Intelligence grants the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation powers, including confidential cooperation with persons who have given consent to this.

    In the process of intelligence activities, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has the right to use overt and covert methods and means, without causing harm to the life and health of people or causing damage to the environment. The procedure for using these methods and means is determined by the laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation.

    Intelligence information is provided to the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive and judicial authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

    The leaders of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service bear personal responsibility to the President of the Russian Federation for the reliability, objectivity of intelligence information and the timeliness of its provision.

    In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on measures to counter terrorism dated February 15, 2006, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) was created, which included the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

    General management of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation (including the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service) is exercised by the President of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Law on Foreign Intelligence of January 10, 1996, today the organizational structure of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has been built, which includes the following operational, analytical and functional units (directorates, services, independent departments).

    In general, the structure of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, according to information from the official website, is as follows:

    Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service
    Group of consultants
    First Deputy Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service
    Secretary of State
    Public and Media Relations Bureau (Press Bureau)
    Director's Office
    Protocol department
    Deputy Director for Human Resources
    Deputy Director for Science
    Scientific and Technical Intelligence Department (scientific and technical intelligence)
    Department of Operative Equipment
    Computer Science Department
    Foreign Intelligence Academy of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service
    Deputy Director of Operations
    Operational departments
    Deputy Director for Logistics and Technical Support
    Operation and support service
    Analysis and Information Department
    Foreign Counterintelligence Directorate
    Economic Intelligence Directorate

    There is also a functioning Board of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, which includes deputy directors and heads of departments. The analytical center of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service was the Institute of Strategic Studies, formed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 29, 1992 202 from the former All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems under the State Committee for Science and Technology (VNII KP USSR). Had the status of a military unit.

    In 2009, the institute was reorganized and reassigned to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

  7. To begin with, you need to speak English not “not bad”, but fluently, preferably with the Boston dialect, and in addition, also fluently in Hindi, Farsi, Spanish and German, also preferably with local dialects...
    ..go ahead, you have a lot of time
  8. People with initiative are not accepted there. . They choose. .
    And never ask stupid questions like “how much do they pay”

Cadets at the schools are taught the history of espionage, several foreign languages ​​and some special disciplines, for example, methods of evading counterintelligence, surveillance and special communication methods. They are ready to make future intelligence officers out of them, and they do it with the highest quality possible, since a mistake by a future special services specialist could cost the life of not only him, but also thousands of people.

It is worth noting that during the Soviet era, the KGB did not accept those who themselves took the initiative. They could only get there after military service in the army or after graduating from a civilian university. But it was impossible to just come there to work. It was preferable, of course, to enter a law university. This approach of the KGB to the selection of employees is quite understandable. After all, the intelligence services always treat with some suspicion people who themselves take the initiative. This has been noted more than once by many experts.

Vladimir Putin once spoke about his attempt to get into the KGB. He, then still a schoolboy, took the initiative, but in response he only received recommendations on what he needed to do to become an intelligence officer. His school initiative worked well. However, the future president did not even get into intelligence after graduating from the Faculty of Law at Leningrad State University in 1975. Before this, it took him 9 years to work in the KGB system, mostly on the counterintelligence side. It was only in 1984 that he received an invitation from the KGB Institute to undergo a year-long foreign intelligence training course. As it turned out, it was not easy for even the future president to get a job in the intelligence services.

Now it is somewhat easier to achieve the right to the title of scout. Many intelligence services from all over the world have begun to demonstrate their openness and are now inviting their compatriots to work for them. Russian authorities also began to follow this trend. Now the question of how to get into intelligence has become much easier to answer.

At the head of this entire modern trend is the structure that is responsible for external espionage in the Russian Federation, namely, the Foreign Intelligence Service or SVR. Not long ago, the department’s general procedures were changed and, according to some experts, these innovations are a breakthrough. Even the official SVR portal now has a “How to become an employee” tab. By going to this section, those wishing to get a job in the structure must download and fill out two forms:

  1. The main one. It contains 23 questions that are devoted to personal data, including information about loved ones and relatives.
  2. Additional. It contains 15 questions that relate to health status.

After filling out the application form, everyone must attach a photocopy of the passport and diploma of the application form, and then you can send this small package of documents to the organization by registered mail or send it personally to the press bureau. But it is worth noting that these documents do not guarantee that you will be able to immediately get into the “office” and work there. To begin with, the candidate will be required to undergo training at a special university at the SVR Academy.

Detailed information about who can send a package of documents in order to receive special education, and who cannot, is indicated on the official website of the service in the “Questions and Answers” ​​tab. The training can only be completed by a Russian citizen who has a higher education and is under 30 years of age. In addition, the applicant is required to have the skills to study foreign languages ​​and be sufficiently prepared in such categories as: general educational culture, political culture, scientific and technical training and general culture.

Anyone who fully meets these requirements will first be required to undergo a medical examination and an examination by a psychologist. An applicant for a place in the Foreign Intelligence Service cannot have a penchant for rash and abrupt actions, religious fanaticism and adventurism.

If the results of the examination yield good results, the applicant will be admitted to the commission. After this, members of the commission will conduct a test of knowledge of the Russian language, determine preparedness in foreign languages, analyze language abilities, check indicators in foreign languages ​​and, at the end, conduct a personal interview. All this information is provided on the SVR website. Members of the commission will check the preparation of each applicant and conduct interviews, after which they will sum up whether the applicant should be admitted to study at the academy or not.

For those who want to go to work as military intelligence officers, there are certain requirements. They will need to get a job in the GRU. You can prepare to work in this organization at the Military Diplomatic Academy (MDA).

At the moment, this educational institution is closed. On the site you will not find any forms that you can fill out and there are no rules for admission. Experts pointed out that people can only be invited to join the ACA to receive a second higher education. However, in this academy, as a rule, they are not particularly valued for the education they received at a civilian university. Only officers who have been tested from all sides and have demonstrated their moral qualities and reliability can attend the training. In general, the GRU is a more closed organization with its own rules and in which those who show initiative are not preferred. Therefore, they themselves look for candidates who would fit their parameters.

As the expert notes, it will be necessary to undergo training at intelligence schools for 3-5 years. Cadets have to learn the history of espionage, foreign languages ​​and a number of special disciplines, such as methods of evading counterintelligence, surveillance, and special communications methods. The training of intelligence officers is treated even more carefully, training them according to certain programs.

It is worth noting that the training of intelligence officers costs any country huge sums of money. Back in 2002, 30 thousand dollars a year were allocated for each cadet in the Air Force. However, such costs are not always justified and help intelligence officers remain undetected. Thus, training to become an intelligence officer may not be successful and productive for everyone.

The reporter checked how easy it really is to become a spy

Thanks to Edward Snowden and Anna Chapman, many consider intelligence officers almost media figures. In reality, everything is different: where publicity begins, service ends. But be that as it may, more and more young people now secretly dream of becoming a spy. However, the dreamers are firmly convinced that there is no way a person on the street can get into intelligence. But what if you really want it?

As a journalistic experiment, I decided to get a job in intelligence. I know that since the time of Yevgeny Primakov there has been an unspoken rule - journalists should not be used in “spy business”. But I doubt that it has never been violated, so I certainly have a chance.

There have always been more than enough real intelligence officers among reporters. Just look at Richard Sorge and Ernest Hemingway. The second, by the way, recalled how he had to watch enemy submarines under the guise of fishing. In reality, he did everything the other way around - under the guise of watching the submarines, he simply fished...

“Well, how do I get there?” - I pestered my friends and acquaintances all the last days. They only rolled their eyes in response: “What are you talking about? They don’t just take you there!” But the words of one veteran intelligence officer are etched in my memory: “Your neighbor, your classmate, your boss, your mother, finally, anyone can be connected with intelligence. And if you want to get there, you will get there." Neither my neighbor nor my mother, alas, helped me. But on the SVR website I found detailed step-by-step instructions on what candidates like me need to do.

Stage one. So, you’ll have to start with the questionnaires that are right there on the website. Let's get started!

In addition to the expected and banal ones (we judge - we don’t judge, whether you have foreign citizenship or not), there are some very original questions there. For example, they need to know whether among my relatives there were people who died as a result of an accident, suicide, or under unclear circumstances? Moreover, it is necessary to clarify who, where, when, under what circumstances. Intelligence is also interested in whether I have endured significant physical or nervous stress in my life. And again, it is necessary to describe when and which ones exactly. Today almost everyone asks about drugs and psychoactive substances, but SVR personnel officers want to know in detail what sensations a person experienced when using them. At the same time, I even need to report to intelligence whether I tried “laughing” mushrooms and what happened to me after that. I'm a little stuck on the issue of diseases. It was necessary to list all the illnesses that she had suffered in her life, indicating her age and circumstances. Well, even if they don’t take you into intelligence, there are a lot of benefits from filling out these questionnaires - thanks to them, I remembered all the illnesses and hardships of life.

One of the main questions in the main questionnaire is why do you want to go into intelligence? And answer options. I checked two boxes next to “prestige of the organization” and “usefulness of the results of work.” I think that with the answers “close to home”, “availability of free time”, “difficult to find another place of work”, my chances of admission would have decreased sharply.

Stage two. The completed forms were to be taken to the specified address - Ostozhenka, 51/10. The specialists will study them and then, if I suit them, they will call me and invite me for an interview.

An old beautiful mansion in the center of Moscow. The SVR press bureau is also located here, and I even interviewed the legendary intelligence officer Gevork Vartanyan here. I remember that after a few minutes of conversation, the thought then occurred to me: “But he can recruit anyone!” Vartanyan (blessed his memory!) was incredibly charming and talked about intelligence with such enthusiastic love that the memories still give me goosebumps...

The gate is locked tightly. I'm calling the intercom.

- I brought application forms for joining the service.

Come in.

Two guards are already meeting me at the threshold. Without further ado, the forms are taken away. Awkward pause.

Something else?

- I would like to ask some questions. Can?

Which ones exactly?

- Well... what salary will I have and what will I do? At least these.

I'll call the duty officer now. He will talk to you.

A minute later the officer comes out. The look is caring and attentive, like a doctor's. Afterwards I understood why.

In this room, future intelligence officers ask “uncomfortable” questions and fill out questionnaires.

Stage three. We are sitting in an elegant office with antique furniture. The officer still looks at him with the same gentle, attentive gaze.

- I’m embarrassed to ask this question...

It's okay, ask whatever you want. In fact, people who are not interested in anything, who do not care who they will be and what they will do, are always more suspicious.

- Then tell me, what position can I count on in the SVR?

I cannot answer this for sure. It all depends on your abilities, and I don’t know them.

- Should I be fluent in several languages?

Not necessary. But at a good level you need at least one. You may need to take a language improvement course from our specialists.

- But does the job require traveling abroad?

Certainly. Scouts work abroad.

- Where exactly can they send me? To what country?

Only you and your immediate supervisor will know this. Nobody else. But if you have a family, then you can go together.

- What salary can I expect?


- Or more precisely?

I can’t name the numbers. But believe me, it’s very good by today’s Moscow standards. And plus the additional care of the state - medical care, comfortable sanatoriums, military mortgages.

A delicate question, but I can’t help but ask. Is it true that women in intelligence can be used in a variety of... uh... different ways?

For example?

- Well... force you to meet someone... marry the right people...

Force?! No, definitely not. This did not happen even in the Soviet years. Sometimes scouts make pairs with each other, but solely of their own free will.

Our conversation gradually became more and more interesting. I relaxed a little (the trembling in my knees subsided), and the officer was convinced that I was serious, so he answered extremely openly - how open intelligence officers can be in principle. Sometimes we were interrupted - one of the employees came into the office, and my interlocutor invariably turned over the notebook that lay in front of him. This is the first rule of a scout - never leave a single piece of paper within the reach of someone else's gaze. Remember how Zheglov taught Sharapov? And also, no real intelligence officer will come close enough to a colleague to look into his computer or documents. But this is so, a small digression.

And then... a terrible thing happened - I failed miserably. The head of the press bureau, Sergei Ivanov, recognized me when he entered the room. He weakly believed that I wanted to become a scout and forced me to confess everything. Thank God that there is no criminal liability for my harmless deception. “Now, if you provided us with false documents, then yes, but otherwise we can only scold you,” said the officer on duty.

“I’ll be useful to you - I can walk through walls.”

Different people come to get jobs in intelligence. Many of them are very strange individuals, from whom you immediately want to ask for a certificate from a psychiatrist. Recently someone came who claimed that he could read thoughts from a distance.

If he had read, he would have immediately understood from my thoughts that he needed to run away from here,” Ivanov jokes.

- What if he turned out to be truly unique?- I ask.

In that case, I would catch up with him and ask him to answer a couple more questions.

A woman came who assured that she could teleport. She was immediately asked to demonstrate this amazing and “undoubtedly necessary” ability for a scout. They offered me a choice of teleporting to China or Africa. The “Flying Lady” hesitated and said that she was not in shape today, but was ready to do it later. She hasn't appeared since then. “Invisible people” and “people who can walk through walls” especially often try to get a job. One, as employees recall, concentrated for a long time, trying to disappear into space before their eyes. At the same time, he loudly suggested that his outlines were blurring, that he was almost no longer visible... It ended with the security being asked to help him disappear outside the building.

Scout and writer Zoya Voskresenskaya at work. Photos from the SVR ARCHIVE

Now I understand why the duty officer looked at me suspiciously from the very beginning. I was waiting for me to start showing miracles...

- But in all this time, was there really at least one person who possessed all these abilities?

And as for the candidates... Among those who came on their own, there are real diamonds. After good cutting, they turned out to be high-quality intelligence officers. Many of them are now extracting valuable information in different parts of the planet.

Some people get into intelligence this way, through the so-called open channels,” says Sergei Ivanov. - Entire groups of schoolchildren came to us and, after watching some film about intelligence, asked to take them. We talked to each one separately. And many quite sincerely want to serve their homeland. So why discourage this hunt? In no case! We say that we will wait until they graduate from school, and then we will take them into our ranks. But there are also individual individuals who pursue exclusively selfish goals and have a perverted idea of ​​intelligence.

By the way, this is calculated quickly. Even if the candidate is chosen, he will have to undergo a medical examination, communicate with psychologists and undergo a polygraph test, where “uncomfortable” questions are asked.

But in general it is difficult to say which qualities are more important in this matter. Sometimes it seems that a person does not fit all the parameters, but they take him. He may be over 35 years old (the age limit when one is accepted into the ranks of intelligence officers), and his eyes are “not like an eagle’s.” But despite all this, he seems to have been created for undercover activity.

There are also absolute contraindications to the service. Guess what's first on the list? Psychological tendency to betrayal. I remember that very interview with Vartanyan. How the legendary illegal intelligence officer’s face changed when I asked about the reasons for Anna Chapman’s failure: “It won’t save anything if a traitor points his finger at you.”

Among the absolute contraindications are poverty of mind, poor memory and slow reaction. There is no intelligence officer with such shortcomings. For this purpose, a triple screening system is provided. They won't hire you to the SVR without a higher education - that's it. During the verification process, you need to pass a special intelligence test - that's two. In practice (by simulating specific situations) they will check how a person behaves if he is confused, severely frightened, etc. - three. Careerists are “declassified” quickly and they try not to hire them, because you can never trust such people 100%. Only out of a desire to get another star can they make some ridiculous mistake. But a scout, like a sapper, makes one mistake. No matter how pretentious it may sound, without a special relationship to your homeland, without the desire to do something for it, you shouldn’t even get involved in intelligence. And if you really want to live abroad and make good money, then there are plenty of other ways to do this.

Soviet illegal intelligence officer Leontina Cohen worked as a liaison for the legendary intelligence officer Abel. Photos from the SVR ARCHIVE

Intelligence doesn't need plumbers?

What if I were hired? What would happen next? I will try to imagine the possible progress along the “spy path”. No matter how talented and beautiful a newly minted intelligence officer is, he cannot do without training. You need to know a bunch of subtleties. “Addresses, passwords, appearances.” But who would teach me all this? It turned out that in intelligence everything is very, very flexible. Perhaps I would be sent to special courses taught by active intelligence officers and service veterans. Perhaps they were assigned to a supervisor who would teach me everything I needed.

But there is that famous Academy of Foreign Intelligence, within the walls of which almost all intelligence officers and such masters as Heroes of Russia V. Barkovsky and L. Kvasnikov studied (however, then it was called the 101st school). It is interesting that each intelligence officer studies at the academy not exactly 5 years, but for as long as “recommended” by the Center.

Entering the service and entering the Foreign Intelligence Academy are completely different things, they explain to me. - Many people get confused. Not everyone we accept goes on to study at the academy. But everyone who enters the academy is already our employee.

Among the special disciplines taught at the Foreign Intelligence Service are international law, the history of diplomatic relations, political science, regional studies, and operational psychology (its emphasis is on the behavior of various types of people who will be encountered in practical work). In general, psychology is the main thing in intelligence. Therefore, the academy studies all the latest achievements of this science and their use in the activities of foreign intelligence services.

A foreign language is the second weapon of a scout; it is the first thing that every student is told at the academy. - Here you will hone it with special care. Master the phonetic course, enrich your vocabulary, accumulate linguistic knowledge in the country where you will have to act in the near future in the interests of your homeland.

Knowing how to use the latest generation of spy technology is a whole science, and you will have to spend a lot of time on it. Although the SVR says that the human factor plays a paramount role. And if you rely only on technology, you will definitely stumble somewhere. Equipment breaks, but you can’t break a person.

I imagine that I am already “savvy”, I know and can do everything. What's next? Employment. This time it’s not quite real, but for “cover.” Those who the management decides will have to work. What if this is the profession of a cleaner or plumber? What if they send you to some canteen to fry donuts?

They explain to me that this does not happen. An intelligence officer usually works in the field of diplomacy, foreign trade, and private business. Cleaners, maids, plumbers, and waiters certainly help the service, and quite often (say, to install listening equipment). But there is no point for a scout to impersonate them, he will simply recruit a person, and that’s all.

"Stirlitz" in a skirt

Despite the fact that more young men are selected for the SVR, I was not the only woman in several months who wanted to get a job in intelligence herself (that citizen who teleports does not count). I won’t give specific figures on how many modern “Stirlitz” men in skirts there are among the scouts - I don’t think even the ordinary scouts themselves know them. And yet intelligence today is not a woman’s business? Not certainly in that way. It’s just that girls don’t delve into intelligence like boys, they are more timid and shy.

But in general, the ladies in domestic intelligence left a very noticeable mark. There are even books and films about them. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, intelligence only talks about past affairs. There are so few declassified intelligence officers... Why? Because the role of women was not so great and there was nothing special to tell about them? I recently spoke about this topic with a senior government official. And he said quite confidently, they say, what can they do - in intelligence they have only worked and are working in the wings. They say that all they can do is send an encrypted message or give a secret sign at a meeting. I even felt a little offended for our entire female race. How can one not remember the names of Hero of Russia Leontina Cohen, Gohar Vartanyan, Zoya Voskresenskaya, Anna Kamaeva-Filonenko and many others?

It is curious that if in Soviet and Russian intelligence women actually more often found themselves in secondary roles (they almost never rise to high military ranks), then abroad everything is completely different. In the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, British MI6 and the American CIA, women even head entire intelligence services and departments.

It turns out that foreign intelligence officers achieve greater success than ours? Maybe our intelligence officers simply take more care of their women?

But for some reason I want to believe that somewhere out there, in a foreign land, in the interests of Russia, unusually strong intelligence officers are working for you and me. And our children and grandchildren will recognize their names, not us. Intelligence is still not a public profession...

So the almost two-meter “baby” son told his father with a grin. And then, quite seriously, the Moscow State University graduate asked: “Who is hired for intelligence?” The AN columnist sought the answer to this question together with staff members of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

The modern Russian intelligence officer bears little resemblance to the hero of spy action films. He doesn't bed stacks of Hollywood beauties like James Bond does. Pursuits and shooting with a pistol are such a rare occurrence for a real intelligence officer that they are comparable to failure. And although the profession is not without romance, this field is not for those who are looking for fame or big money. And yet thousands of boys and girls dream about her.

Alas, we have to disappoint our very young readers who dream of the laurels of Stirlitz and Sorge. There is a strict age limit in intelligence. Only the FSB Academy, where they train mainly counterintelligence officers, can enroll immediately after school. And the Foreign Intelligence Academy accepts people with higher education. The admission rules dryly but clearly say: “A citizen of the Russian Federation aged 22 to 30 years can become a candidate for military service in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in operational positions.”

Dispute about selection

It is not easy to get into service in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. To do this, you need to go through a long and complex professional selection process. As the former director of the SVR, Army General Sergei Lebedev, told an AN observer, future intelligence officers are looked for after the first year of university. Then potential candidates are carefully studied for three to four years. Those who are prone to excessive adventurism or were members of radical youth organizations or religious sects are immediately eliminated. They look at the student's record book very carefully. For some reason, it is believed that there is no place for C students in Russian intelligence. I think this is a controversial opinion.

For example, the legend of Soviet intelligence William Fisher, aka Rudolf Abel, was not an excellent student at school, and after graduation he did not receive a honors diploma. But he was a talented intellectual. He and his colleagues obtained information about the secrets of the American nuclear bomb. It was about him that the head of the American intelligence services, A. Dulles, said that he would like to have three or four such intelligence officers in Moscow. People who knew him recall that Fischer was brilliantly educated and incredibly talented. He drew professionally, played various musical instruments beautifully, had patents for inventions in the United States, solved complex mathematical problems and was well versed in nuclear physics.

In addition to high intelligence, a scout must have good health. In the SVR, selection for medicine is almost like astronaut selection. The military medical commission is literally vicious, cutting for the slightest chronic sore. And although the doctors themselves say that now there are no absolutely healthy people, but only insufficiently examined patients, the requirements for the health of intelligence officers are increased. After all, they can be sent on business trips to any region of the world. Therefore, everyone entering the intelligence service must be prepared to work in an unusual, sometimes difficult climate, in countries with a turbulent situation, or even in crisis situations.

Thanks to strict selection and, probably, the best medical care in the country, intelligence officers, as a rule, live and work for a very long time. Thus, the oldest Russian intelligence officer Boris Gudz, about whom our newspaper has already written, died at the age of 105. Or the legendary pair of intelligence officers - Mikhail and Elizaveta Mukasey...

On the eve of the war, the Soviet vice-consul in the USA Mikhail Mukasey had to communicate with many great contemporaries - Theodore Dreiser, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin... Recipient of many state awards, Mikhail Isaakovich Mukasey lived for 102 years. Elizaveta Ivanovna was five years younger than him and did not live to reach her 100th birthday.

Special secrecy surrounds professional and psychological selection. His candidates for intelligence officers are required to pass. Here the level of intellectual development, psychological readiness, quickness of thinking, communication skills, neuropsychic stability and other professionally important qualities for work are assessed. They say that not only a lie detector is used, but also dozens of other instruments and scientific techniques.

In relation to the candidate, with his consent, verification measures are carried out related to access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by law. And here they “examine” all close relatives up to the seventh generation. But as the example of the traitor Poteev shows, a “clean” questionnaire is not a guarantee of correct selection. Alas, the son of the Hero of the Soviet Union can become a traitor.

Unfortunately, for some reason Colonel A. Poteev was not subject to the following requirements of the law: a person who has close relatives living abroad and has been observed using narcotic or other psychoactive substances cannot be an employee of the SVR.

Instead of money, execution on Fridays

Evil tongues say that many billionaires in Russia come from intelligence services. As an example, they point to the banker Alexander Lebedev and the new Tula governor Vladimir Gruzdev. But this is the exception rather than the rule. After all, they were included in the Forbes magazine list after their dismissal from the Foreign Intelligence Service.

As the former director of the SVR, Army General Sergei Lebedev, said: “In 2000, we experienced certain difficulties with financial support, young employees especially suffered. But now, in my opinion, we get enough for a scout to be able to support his family at the proper level, dress and eat normally. But if a candidate comes to us and immediately starts talking about money, then we tell him that he has come to the wrong address.”

Indeed, an intelligence officer’s salary cannot buy a 600th Mercedes or a large apartment in the center of Moscow. Although there used to be a rule: intelligence officers are not sent on business trips abroad if they do not have their own apartment in their homeland. Because for a person working abroad, it is very important to feel that he has his own corner, somewhere to return. This is a significant psychological factor. Now they are relying more on a military mortgage. But it is still far from perfect.

They say that scouts do not live on one salary. While they work abroad, their salary in rubles is deposited in their accounts in Russian banks. But those who work under the “roof” of any department in Russia receive not two, but only one salary. Either in the Yasenevsky forest, or in a civilian institution. It happens that in two places at once, but the “law of communicating vessels” applies here: if the “roof” pays more, then the accountant in the “office” will reduce the intelligence officer’s salary by the same amount. In short, financiers won’t let you show off.

Among the motives for a career as an intelligence officer, money, even now, in our market times, is far from being in the first place among SVR employees. The fate of the Hero of Russia, the famous illegal intelligence officer Alexei Mikhailovich Kozlov, is a very clear confirmation of this.

This illegal intelligence officer in the 80s, according to legend, a German businessman, traveled half the world, went to South Africa to study its secret connections with the West and find out whether there was a program to create nuclear weapons there.

As a result of his betrayal, Kozlov went to prison. He spent six months on death row. The interrogations went on day and night, but the intelligence officer firmly adhered to the legend developed at the Center: I am a German businessman. And only when he was presented with irrefutable evidence of who he really was, Alexei Mikhailovich said: yes, I am a Soviet intelligence officer. Dot. He didn’t say anything about his work, didn’t give anyone away.

They offered him huge amounts of money for betrayal. But, seeing that this was useless, they switched from bribery to intimidation. On Fridays he was taken to execution, showing a man executed on the gallows. At the same time, they laughed: you are white, you have the privilege of receiving a chicken before you die, but you will hang out just like the blacks.

The KGB leadership did everything to rescue our intelligence officer from captivity. For the first time, a complex multi-way exchange was accomplished. And now Kozlov is in his homeland, receiving a quiet cabinet position. But the scout yearns for real work full of risk. One day, unable to bear it, he risked turning to the head of illegal intelligence with a request to send him back “to the field,” beyond the cordon.

After much doubt and hesitation, he is sent abroad to work illegally. They say that the calculation was that no one would suspect a man who miraculously escaped death of wanting to go all-in again. As a result, Alexey Mikhailovich successfully completed the most difficult task and was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Turnout at Ostozhenka failed

How to be like Alexey Kozlov? To become an intelligence officer, you need to contact the personnel service of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. It is best to appear yourself at the address: Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, 51/10. Please bring with you the completed application forms, a 4x6 color photograph, a photocopy of your passport (pages with photo and registration), photocopies of your professional education diploma and its annexes. These documents can also be sent by registered mail to the address: 101000, Moscow, Main Post Office, PO Box 958, Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Appeals from citizens related to applying for a job in the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia sent via electronic communication channels (fax, e-mail, etc.) are not considered.

Along Putin's path

“I remember that somewhere at the beginning of the ninth grade I went to the reception room of the KGB department. Some uncle came out to me. Oddly enough, he listened to me. “I want,” I say, “to work for you.” - “It’s gratifying, but there are a few points.” - “Which ones?” “First of all,” he says, “we don’t take initiative people. Secondly, you can only get to us after graduating from the army or some civilian university.” Naturally, I asked: “After what university?” He says: “After anyone!” He apparently already wanted to get rid of me. And I say: “Which one is preferable?” - “Legal!” “I understand,” Vladimir Putin described his attempt to get a job in intelligence in the book “From the First Person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin."

Intelligence headquarters in Yasenevo. First time filming inside in decades. Why do they keep the windows open there? What kind of notice board is there in the SVR wardrobe and what are the notices about? What, upon arriving in Yasenevo, did the president say unexpectedly about the new director of the SVR and how did he himself comment on it? How to get a job at SVR and what test to take? About the changes and constants of Russian intelligence - in an exclusive report by Vesti v Saturday.

We are interested in everything. For example, why are some windows slightly open? Everything here is prosaic: it turns out that the heating season has begun in intelligence.

It is not surprising that, like any government agency, the SVR has a wardrobe. But in this case, the intelligence officer also stumbles upon a bulletin board. When the SVR delegation goes to the Okudzhava museum, we will not talk, here we will reveal a state secret. But this ad is evidence of intelligence. Another interesting announcement is about standards and physical fitness requirements. For example, you need to run one hundred meters in a maximum of 16.4 seconds, and also do pull-ups on the crossbar.

To the right of the entrance is the dining room. We saw a lot of fish on the menu. That's right: brains require phosphorus. But on the morning of October 5, the canteen was closed. Everyone had no time for food. On the porch, the president was met by the fourth director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Mikhail Fradkov, who was completing his service, and became one of the only recipients of St. George’s honors in the new Russia. Battle reward!

Contrary to routine practice, the presidential protocol officers are not visible in the frame. So, in Yasenevo, Putin himself knows perfectly well where and what is, from his previous work. Although now there is a new item in the foyer - an exhibition of eavesdropping equipment that the FBI and US CIA installed at the USSR Embassy in Washington. They installed it, but whoever needed to find it and neutralize it. It was a great success, a big “counter operation” of Soviet intelligence. The minds here have really always tried to gather the best, and for intelligence officers, Putin is not only the supreme commander in chief, but also one of their own.

Only in one frame will they flash, active employees, who can only be shown from the back. Putin will treat them as his own. The president said something about the new director, yesterday's speaker of the Duma Sergei Naryshkin, which most of us could only guess about until now.

“I officially introduce you to the new director of the service, Sergei Evgenievich Naryshkin. You all know that he showed himself well both in intelligence when he worked there and in politics. In this sense, Sergei Evgenievich is returning home,” said the head of state.

- You have been declassified, Sergei Evgenievich.


- It turns out that you served in intelligence after all. And you were dark.

We are all, in a certain sense of the word, in intelligence, as, in particular, are journalists.

Information is indeed collected by both journalists and intelligence officers. But how do they get to work there?

Experiment in the public reception room of the SVR on Ostozhenka. The word "intelligence" is not written anywhere, but on the facade there is a memorial plaque in memory of Kim Philby. So, you have to go here.

Sergei Ivanov, former staff correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in New York. I also worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda. Now Ivanov is the head of the SVR press service. Sergei also has on his shelves spy novels by the Englishman Frederick Forsyth. And in the depths of this pre-revolutionary mansion, where cadres of the INO (foreign department) of the Cheka sat since the 20s, we establish canonical angles from which we can show more of the “blue corps”.

According to legend, the Finns designed the building, thinking that it would be a hotel. Another legend says: Andropov “cut down” the project into two floors - just so that it would not be visible from the Moscow Ring Road.

- Lenin?

Yes, says Sergei Ivanov.

-Still Lenin?

Yes, why not?

- Does he have anything to do with the creation of the INO VChK?

- Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Lenin.

I think that Felix Edmundovich reported on the need for its creation. And it is clear that Vladimir Ilyich satisfied the request of the head of the Cheka.

Many people live in the forest without interruption from “production”. The second and third directors of the SVR are Vyacheslav Trubnikov and Sergey Lebedev. Both are army generals. Both confirm that with such work it is easier to be five minutes from the service.

“And there were such moments,” recalls Sergei Lebedev.

- And at night?

Yes they were.

- When will something happen eight hours away from you?

That's exactly where it came from.

So the new director Naryshkin is ready to work around the clock.

- Will you live here on the territory now? I heard that sometimes directors live in the forest too?

Yes,” answered Sergei Naryshkin.

But where will Naryshkina go for a walk in Yasenevo? The headquarters of the foreign intelligence service rightly goes under the pseudonym "forest". But there are also apple trees in this forest. And they bear fruit!

These apples make for a very interesting calculation. In general, the SVR traces its history back to the INO VChK - this is 1920 - but the Yasenevo headquarters was built in the 70s. And every year a new apple tree is planted here in the presence of the director of the SVR and graduates of the Foreign Intelligence Academy. Judging by the area of ​​the garden, and for various other reasons, it still needs to grow and grow.

I noticed that you have a well-groomed area. Even from the photographs you can see summer flowers, the lawns are well trimmed. Is this also what people in uniform do?

No, these are civilian people,” explained Sergei Ivanov.

- So you also have civilian people?

Yes, sure.

- But with all types of access?


And if you still want to become an operational officer, then what is expected of you? First: you should not be a closed-minded person. Vyacheslav Trubnikov worked in India for a total of 19 years, and everyone knows how in love he is with it.

- What is it like to be in love with a country, but to work in it, performing very specific functions and tasks?

This may sound paradoxical, but if you love this country, you work, understanding what it represents not only for you, but also for your Motherland,” Trubnikov noted.

What does the Motherland need? It is also necessary not to waste money on dubious foreign policies.

Early 70s. Chile. Pinochet's coup. Soviet intelligence knew about the impending coup. Unfortunately, President Allende, who died in that coup, did not listen to Moscow; he thought that the army was still under his control. But the intelligence forecast allowed the USSR itself to avoid large expenditures on providing economic assistance to this country.

And in 1986, Soviet intelligence promptly identified a split in the leadership of South Yemen, and during armed clashes in Aden, the station took measures to separate the warring parties. What does that matter to an ordinary Russian person? Thus, intelligence also ensured the timely evacuation of eight thousand Soviet citizens from Yemen.

By the way, the president spoke separately about this intelligence function in Yasenevo. “The safety of our citizens abroad must remain under special control, especially in regions such as the Middle East, Africa, as well as in individual countries of Central Asia,” he emphasized.

One can only guess about what else intelligence is tasked with doing now; they still won’t say. But they will still explain something about the rules of the game.

I looked at the materials from recent years. They repeatedly emphasize that the Foreign Intelligence Service is also an integral part of the meeting of intelligence agencies and security services of the CIS countries. And even in past years, one of the meetings was held in Kyiv. Is it now possible to talk about such a single community with Ukrainians?

You're right. Indeed, there is such a partner platform. And if we talk about Ukraine, then, of course, we can’t talk about it now, but time will tell how events will develop,” said Sergei Naryshkin.

At one time there was an agreement within the CIS that the CIS countries would not conduct reconnaissance against each other. In the Ukrainian context, is this an unnecessary question?

This agreement continues to apply.

- And in relation to Ukraine too?

In relation to the CIS countries, this agreement continues to apply.

What about those who are opponents? And who is the enemy? Let us turn again to Vyacheslav Trubnikov, who worked in India. “I can say absolutely unequivocally that not a single action of mine in this country was directed against the interests of this country,” Trubnikov assured.

I understood right away, but I still ask you to translate your thought. That is, sometimes a well-known country is used as a platform for fighting not with it, but with an enemy who is located somewhere else?

Why be shy?! Then we had a very clear term - “GP” - the main enemy. And from all territories we worked against the main enemy.

Trubnikov’s replacement worked right there, in the USA. But as Primakov instructed him, he calls on him to respect even the enemy. “A great nation, a great people with great achievements in science, culture, education, in many areas,” says Sergei Lebedev.

- And there are enough of our people there.

Of course, we also made our contribution.

Coming from the lips of the intelligence officers, the last phrase sounds, of course, somewhat ambiguous. After all, “our people” in America are both Soviet and Russian illegal immigrants there. In the foyer of the SVR headquarters there are portraits of those of them who were later declassified, and what kind of pictures are these!

- Sergey Evgenievich, you have found a talented team.

Amazingly talented,” says Naryshkin.

- This is all the creativity of the Foreign Intelligence Service employees?

Talented and with traditions. The history of the service was written by amazing people.

- Behind you is Gregulevich, who worked as Costa Rica’s ambassador to the Vatican, being a Soviet intelligence officer.

Here is also the illegal intelligence officer Zarubin, the hero of “Tehran-43” Gevork Vartanyan, of course, Abel, and from the British there is also George Blake. Probably, there will soon be another portrait of someone who recently passed away.

“I’ll give you the example of Alexei Mikhailovich Kozlov, a man who, as a result of betrayal, was captured in 1980 in South Africa,” said Sergei Ivanov.

- The one who discovered South Africa's nuclear program?


- Illegal.

He was tortured for two years. He didn't say a single word. Didn't even say who he was. Only when they showed him a photograph of him in Soviet uniform, in uniform. The leak occurred as a result of Gordievsky's betrayal. Kozlov said: yes, I am a Soviet intelligence officer, but you won’t expect anything more from me.

Kozlov survived. But, unfortunately, many scouts died. So the transfer of cases to the SVR began with Fradkov and Naryshkin laying flowers at the memorial.

We laid our flowers here too. By the way, pay attention to the inscription “to the Chekist intelligence officers who gave their lives for the Motherland,” that is, a sign that is clearly from Soviet times. As a matter of fact, this is evidenced by the symbol with a hammer and sickle - this is the symbol of the KGB of the USSR, the SVR is its former First Main Directorate. But what is noteworthy is that despite all the changes that have taken place in the country, there is not a single specific name on this stele. The secrecy regime here is eternal.



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