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Salted parsley at night for swelling. Parsley for puffiness under the eyes. Parsley eye mask: recipe

Causes of leg swelling

  • passive lifestyle
  • Predominance of processed foods and high-salt foods in the diet
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • side effects of medications
  • pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very common cause of edema, especially during the hot season.

Warning: if you are pregnant , Do not use parsley to get rid of excess liquid. Large amounts of parsley can harm a child.

Also, the legs can swell for more serious reasons, associated with diseases of the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, or even heart disease. In this case, drinking parsley tea will not be enough - consult a doctor.

How parsley helps with swelling

Parsley is a potent medicinal plant; it has been used for swelling for several hundred years. Parsley is a natural diuretic, which means it helps the body get rid of excess fluid. It also flushes out excess salt from the tissues, a common cause of swelling.

Parsley also supports the health of your kidneys, which are responsible for removing urine and toxins from the body. With constant use of parsley, your body begins to remove excess water faster and get rid of toxins. The liquid simply does not have time to reach your feet.

Chemical diuretics often wash out potassium from the body, which leads to unpleasant side effects. Parsley has a clear advantage in this regard: it rich in potassium which will allow you to maintain healthy levels of this mineral.

Parsley tea - recipe

  1. Boil the water. Chop fresh parsley leaves.
  2. A large bunch of greens can be pre-washed, dried, chopped and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  3. Pour one cup of boiling water over 1/4 cup of chopped parsley leaves.
  4. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes, strain and drink as tea.
  5. If desired, you can add a little ginger and honey.

For best results, drink parsley tea warm .

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How to prepare parsley root infusion

Hot extraction. Pour two tablespoons of fresh parsley root chopped using a blender or meat grinder into 250 ml of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid or saucer and leave for about half an hour. Before use, filter the infusion and take 70-80 ml three times a day 25-30 minutes before meals or, if it is more convenient for you, then an hour and a half after it.

Cold extraction. To preserve more essential oils in the drink, an infusion of parsley root is prepared in a cold way: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of raw crushed root into a glass of cold boiled water and leave for at least 12-14 hours, strain and take a quarter glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

How to brew parsley root

Steam from the roots in the form of medicinal tea helps with flatulence (bloating), diseases of the genitourinary organs, urolithiasis and as an effective diuretic for dropsy. Traditional medicine doctors prescribe tea from parsley roots to speed up skin healing in cases of chickenpox, scarlet fever and measles, since from time immemorial it is believed that parsley “expels rashes” by cleansing the skin.

Recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of dried parsley roots crushed in a mortar, pour ½ liter of boiling water (it is better to do this in a ceramic mug or clay pot), cover the container with a lid, leave for about a quarter of an hour and strain. You should take 120 ml of this tea 4 times a day.

How to prepare a decoction of parsley root

To treat the genitourinary system, traditional medicine recommends taking a decoction of parsley root. Also, this substrate effectively stimulates lactation processes, so the decoction is often drunk by nursing mothers. Systematic use of the decoction cleanses the blood, helping to get rid of pimples and acne.

The following composition helps against edema of cardiac origin: take a tablespoon of fresh crushed root in a glass of hot water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes, strain and take half a glass twice a day.

How to prepare parsley root tincture

This remedy helps with heart pain. Place 140-150 grams of root, peeled and cut into small cubes, in a dark glass bottle and pour ½ liter of good vodka or medical alcohol diluted in half, leave at room temperature, in a dark place for three weeks, shake the container periodically. Take 15 ml in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of spring water.

The use of parsley root in cosmetology

Parsley root juice and masks based on it are a proven and very effective remedy for whitening facial skin and lightening age spots, including liver spots, as well as freckles. By regularly using the juice, you can significantly improve your complexion, smooth out skin unevenness, tighten pores and reduce the visibility of acne scars. The best effect is obtained by combining parsley root juice with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

A decoction of parsley roots is used to wipe the face to reduce the secretion of fatty secretions and relieve inflammatory reactions in juvenile acne. The same healing elixir helps with hair loss, excessive oiliness and dandruff (seborrhea). A decoction of parsley roots should be rubbed with massage movements into the scalp after each wash or rinsed with it. The best results can be achieved if you combine a decoction of parsley roots with freshly squeezed juice from them (add 2 tablespoons of juice per glass of decoction).

Dermatologists advise treating lichen and fungal-affected skin areas with a decoction of parsley root. To improve the condition of the skin, it is advisable to systematically use parsley root, adding it to various dishes, and also take aqueous extracts from it (decoction, infusion). In order for parsley root to bring benefits and not harm, before external use of extracts based on it, you need to conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply the juice or decoction to the area behind the ear and observe the skin reaction throughout the day. If there are no changes, then any areas of the skin can be treated with drugs.

Swelling usually indicates the presence of health problems. If your face swells, you should check the condition of your kidneys; legs that swell at the end of a working day are a sure sign that the cardiovascular system is not working; often swelling occurs as a result of an allergic reaction. Parsley will help with swelling of various origins.

Parsley infusion for swelling

Pass well-washed parsley roots and sprigs through a meat grinder. Pour one glass of parsley mixture into two glasses of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10-12 hours. After this time, the infusion must be filtered and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon added to it. Take a third of a glass twice a day. After two days of use, you should take a three-day break and repeat the treatment.

How to prepare parsley decoction for swelling

Wash 800 grams of parsley thoroughly and finely chop. Pour two glasses of milk. Place in a water bath. Simmer until the volume is reduced by half. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon hourly.

Parsley mask for swelling of the eyelids

Wash the parsley leaves thoroughly and chop. Fold in gauze and place as a compress on your eyes. Cover the top with damp cotton pads.

The following mask is also effective for swelling of the eyes: combine a teaspoon of chopped parsley leaves with 2 teaspoons of sour cream. Apply the mixture to the area around the eyes and keep for 20 minutes.

Before using parsley, remember that it has a diuretic effect and can remove a lot of potassium from the body.

Recipes based on parsley have a diuretic effect and are used for diseases and disorders of the urinary system.

Most people are accustomed to using this herb in cooking. But in many traditional medicine recipes, due to its beneficial properties, the plant has been popular for a long time. The leaves, seeds and roots are used for a variety of purposes. Parsley is most often used as a diuretic. It is indispensable for kidney dysfunctions and diseases, inflammatory changes in the bladder and excretory tract. In addition, parsley relieves swelling due to heart failure and other disorders. Its beneficial effect is determined by the rich composition of all parts of this aromatic plant.

Recipes with parsley for diuretic effect

This herb can be safely called medicinal. Its seeds, leaves and even roots are used to treat edema of various etiologies. The greens contain substances that make them a diuretic. Recipes based on parsley have a diuretic effect and are used for diseases and disorders of the urinary system.

In folk medicine, parsley is used for the following ailments:

  • cardiac edema;
  • jades;
  • dropsy;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • urinary disorders in children and adults.

The diuretic effect is caused by the essential oil of this plant. Studies have shown that parsley in any form, dried or fresh, not only improves the functioning of the urinary system, but is also a plant that tones the uterus and has a beneficial effect on erectile function in men. The spice is used to restore intestinal motility and the functioning of the digestive tract.

The seeds and leaves of the plant are used for a diuretic effect. Decoctions, infusions, and compresses are prepared from them. To enhance the effect of medicinal parsley, it is combined with other medicinal components of natural origin.

How to use correctly

To increase urine output and normalize urination function, use parsley juice and a decoction of the roots of the plant. In addition, there is an equally effective recipe based on seeds.

Parsley will have its healing effect only if used correctly. There are several proven recipes.

Decoction with milk from the rhizome

To prepare you need

  • 220 grams of crushed plant roots;
  • 500 ml milk.

The roots, previously dried, are ground into powder. Then fill it with milk. Place the container with this mixture on low heat and cook until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Allow to cool and strain through cheesecloth. Take a milk drink from the root, one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Infusion based on parsley roots

It will require one medium-sized rhizome and regular drinking water. The main ingredient is crushed, then poured with a liter of boiling water, and the drink is left for 1 hour. The diuretic should be taken half a glass for 12 days.

Parsley decoction

For preparation, take the roots of the plant, as well as its seeds. Dry ingredients are poured with water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water. Place on low heat and cook until boiling. Then let it boil for another 2 minutes and leave to cool. It is important to steep tea prepared this way for an hour. It is recommended to drink the decoction three times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

Seed decoction

They, like the root part of the plant, contain a lot of essential oils. They allow, with short-term use, to establish the outflow of urine. To prepare, pour 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds into one glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. It is important to leave the decoction overnight, and only then begin treatment.

In addition, the juice of the plant also has a diuretic effect. It is obtained from pureed fresh parsley leaves. The concentrated juice is diluted with water and drunk before meals. This will not only remove excess fluid from the body, reduce swelling, but will also improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Parsley for swelling in the legs

Most often, with insufficient functionality of the kidneys and liver, as well as disorders of the heart muscle, edema occurs in the lower extremities. Fluid accumulates and swelling forms on the legs. Parsley as a diuretic helps to cope with difficulties in the outflow of urine, providing a diuretic effect.

It is very simple to prepare it for these purposes. Greens are taken either already dried or fresh. All parts of the plant are used for infusions, teas and decoctions. Both seeds and roots with leaves “work” equally well. They prepare decoctions, water infusions, and make tea.

For tea you only need fresh leaves and water. To achieve maximum effect, you need to drink a glass of tea every two hours. This drink does not have the most pleasant aroma and taste, but to improve it, you can add lemon juice or honey.

A decoction is most often prepared from the seeds, which is important to infuse well. But you can make an aqueous infusion from the dry leaves of the plant. Boiling water will speed up the fermentation, and cooking will take no more than 1 hour.


Even such a natural healing remedy has its own characteristics and is sometimes prohibited for use. It is important to remember that “more” does not mean “better”. Getting carried away with folk recipes based on parsley is dangerous. Abuse of infusions, decoctions and other remedies can lead to pain and muscle cramps.

Contraindications to using the plant for medicinal purposes are the following conditions:

  • pregnancy, since the herb causes muscle tone in the uterus, can cause premature birth;
  • lactation period;
  • children's age (minimum doses are allowed only with the consent of a doctor);
  • venereal diseases of the genitourinary area;
  • glomerulonephritis and renal failure at the stage of decompensation;
  • hypotension.

In addition, treatment with parsley should be avoided if there is a risk of an allergic reaction. A person excretes a large amount of potassium in the urine, so constant use of the plant can cause hypokalemia.

Soft tissue swelling is caused by a variety of disorders. And unfortunately, parsley can’t cope with everyone.

If the swelling occurs against the background of heart failure, then treatment with decoctions will only remove excess fluid, but along with it potassium, the deficiency of which is no less dangerous for the core.

Swelling on the face may increase after taking the infusion. But this is no longer a symptom of kidney disease, but rather an allergic reaction of the body, then it is important to seek help from a specialist as quickly as possible.

Renal, hepatic and cardiac edema can be relieved with parsley recipes, but it will not cure the cause of the disease!

Most often they occur in heart failure, which is characterized by their intensification in the evening and after physical activity. Cardiac edema always appears symmetrically, and if only one leg swells, this indicates an injury, some kind of inflammatory process or venous stagnation.

For swelling of the legs, take resinous rope tow, comb it along the fibers, wrap the swollen legs to the knees and leave until the bandage loosens, then replace it. Use until swelling disappears.

Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, immerse a terry towel in the solution, wring it lightly and apply it to the patient’s lower back. Repeat 10 times. Soon after this, profuse urination will begin and swelling will subside.

Take a jar of fly agarics, add water and leave for 9 - 10 days. The tincture produces oil, which you can drain and rub on your sore feet.

Birch, chickweed, kalanchoe, flax, lovage, parsley, chicory, garlic, spinach.

EDEMA OF CARDIAC ORIGIN. apricot, cherry plum, pineapple, orange, watermelon, eggplant, birch, immortelle, elderberry, cornflower, cherry, gorse, smokeberry, spruce, strawberry, calendula, viburnum, hemp, lily of the valley, lemon, onion, lovage, cucumber, juniper, nightshade, parsley, lumbago, wheatgrass, radish, asparagus, tartar, thyme, bearberry, pumpkin, beans, horsetail, horseradish, chicory, apple, hawkweed.

SWELLING OF THE JOINTS. sweet clover, cabbage, violet, physalis, horseradish, bird cherry, celandine, sage.

It is useful to rub swelling and tumors with grape wine with the addition of formic acid.

For swelling of the legs, take 2 tbsp. spoons of oat seeds and nettle roots, add 0.5 lemon and cook for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water. Drink throughout the day instead of water.

If your legs are swollen, wrap them overnight with a bandage made from wax, olive oil and water. Repeat if necessary.

For swelling of the legs, sew bags of cotton fabric to fit the leg to the knee. Fill the bags with birch leaves, insert the patient’s legs into the bag in such a way that a sufficiently thick layer of leaves (about a finger thick) fits the leg on all sides, so that sweat can occur between the legs. If the leaves become very wet after 3 - 4 hours, they should be replaced with new ones. Several similar sessions - and the swelling will subside. For minor swelling, 1-2 procedures are sufficient.

For swelling in the legs, drink a decoction of flaxseed: 4 tbsp. spoons of seeds per 1 liter of water, boil for 10 - 15 minutes, leave in a warm place for 1 hour. For taste, you can add lemon or other fruit juice. Drink 0.5 cups hot every 2 hours every day. The treatment period is 2 - 3 weeks, after which the result will become noticeable. Drink hot.

For swelling of the legs, drink a decoction of melon seed. Pour 4 teaspoons of seeds into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave, wrapped, in a warm place for 1 hour and drink hot for 2 - 3 weeks, 0.5 cups every 2 hours, 6 - 8 times a day. You can add fruit juice for taste.

To eliminate various swelling on the legs or face, mince the roots and greens of parsley and pour 1 glass of this mass with 2 glasses of boiling water, leave in a tightly closed container for 8 - 9 hours in a warm place, strain, squeeze. Add juice of 1 lemon. Take 1/3 cup for 2 days, take a 3-day break and repeat the course of treatment again.

For swelling of the legs, use a vodka infusion of fresh Kalanchoe leaves for rubbing.

For swelling of the legs, grind fresh Kalanchoe leaves and fill half of a 0.5-liter bottle with them. jar and fill it with vodka. Rub your feet with this tincture before going to bed.

If your legs are swollen and covered with a network of blue thin veins, rub the sore spots with vodka tincture made from fresh Kalanchoe leaves.

For leg swelling, use baths made from a strong decoction of woodlice herb.

It is useful to rub swelling and tumors with grape wine with formic acid 1:1.

For swelling of the legs, take 2 tbsp. spoons of oat seeds and nettle roots, add 0.5 lemon and cook for 20 minutes in 1.2 liters of water. Drink throughout the day instead of water.



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