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Patriotic War then. Patriotic wars. Stages of the Great Patriotic War

The 20th century has forever gone down in world history not only thanks to a number of discoveries that radically changed the face of human civilization, but also because of two large-scale military conflicts called world wars.

About the First World War

One of the most global and bloody wars lasted four years - from 1914 to 1918. Despite the fact that these events are separated from us by much less time than from the legendary battles of the Middle Ages, a lot of information remains unknown to a large number of people. But even the generally known data is striking. It was during First World War tanks and gas weapons were used for the first time. Historians are still arguing whether it was possible to resolve the existing conflicts between the alliances of European countries peacefully, or whether war was the only way out. The two main opposing parties were the Quadruple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey (or the Ottoman Empire) and Bulgaria) and the Entente, which included France, England, the Russian Empire and many other countries.

The First World War is divided by historians into five military campaigns. Military operations were carried out on two fronts - Eastern and Western. The Western Front moved across the territory of France, gradually moving towards the sea coast.

On the Eastern Front, the troops of the Russian Empire began an offensive on the eastern territories of Prussia, and to the south, in the Balkans, Austria was in conflict with Serbia. Japan also joined the war, beginning active operations against Germany.

The First World War is also known for its huge number of casualties. According to modern scientists, almost 10 million soldiers died during the war. Despite the fact that there is no exact data on civilian casualties, historians believe that famine, epidemics and harsh living conditions caused the death of about 20 million people. Both the victors and the defeated countries in this war found themselves in a difficult situation.

The Great Patriotic War

In the time since the end of World War II, a lot has been said and written about this large-scale military conflict. Every now and then new information emerges about the actions of the command, the secret development of new weapons that could radically change the course of history.

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. The Barbarossa plan, developed by the German military command, envisaged a very quick capture of the main cities of the USSR with the help of tanks, armored personnel carriers and other mobile equipment. At the start of the war, the Soviet army was dispersed over a large area and was unable to provide effective resistance, which resulted in the retreat of Soviet soldiers. During military operations near Kiev, several Soviet armies were defeated. The winter Battle of Stalingrad became the bloodiest battle in the entire history of human civilization - according to historians, more than two million people died here.

The Great Patriotic War ended in May 1945 with the capture of Berlin. On May 7, the act of surrender of Germany was signed. The second, more famous document was the act signed on May 8, which was adopted by Marshal Zhukov, representing the forces of the Soviet Union. The Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow on June 24.

Memory of wars

The Great Patriotic War ended almost 70 years ago, but studying the history of the first half of the twentieth century and two world wars is a very important part of the school history course. Despite all the exploits and heroic deeds of the fighters during the war, the war itself remains a terrible shock for human civilization.

Patriotic War of 1812- This is a war between the French and Russian empires, which took place on the territory of. Despite the superiority of the French army, under the leadership, the Russian troops managed to show incredible valor and ingenuity.

Moreover, the Russians managed to emerge victorious in this difficult confrontation. To this day, the victory over the French is considered one of the most significant in Russia.

We bring to your attention a brief history of the Patriotic War of 1812. If you want a brief summary about this period of our history, we recommend reading.

Causes and nature of the war

The Patriotic War of 1812 occurred as a result of Napoleon's desire for world domination. Before this, he managed to successfully defeat many opponents.

His main and only enemy in Europe remained. The French Emperor wanted to destroy Britain through a continental blockade.

It is worth noting that 5 years before the start of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Tilsit Peace Treaty was signed between Russia and Russia. However, the main point of this agreement was not published then. According to him, he pledged to support Napoleon in the blockade directed against Great Britain.

However, both the French and the Russians were well aware that sooner or later a war would also break out between them, since Napoleon Bonaparte was not going to stop at subjugating Europe alone.

That is why countries began to actively prepare for a future war, building up their military potential and increasing the size of their armies.

Patriotic War of 1812 briefly

In 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the territory of the Russian Empire. Thus, for this war it became Patriotic, since not only the army, but also the majority of ordinary citizens took part in it.

Balance of power

Before the start of the Patriotic War of 1812, Napoleon managed to assemble a huge army, which included about 675 thousand soldiers.

All of them were well armed and, most importantly, had extensive combat experience, because by that time France had subjugated almost all of Europe.

The Russian army was almost as good as the French in the number of troops, which numbered about 600 thousand. In addition, about 400 thousand Russian militia took part in the war.

Russian Emperor Alexander 1 (left) and Napoleon (right)

Moreover, unlike the French, the advantage of the Russians was that they were patriotic and fought for the liberation of their land, thanks to which the national spirit rose.

In Napoleon’s army, with patriotism, things were exactly the opposite, because there were many hired soldiers who did not care for or against what to fight.

Battles of the Patriotic War of 1812

At the height of the Patriotic War of 1812, Kutuzov chose defensive tactics. Bagration commanded the troops on the left flank, Raevsky’s artillery was located in the center, and Barclay de Tolly’s army was on the right flank.

Napoleon preferred to attack rather than defend, since this tactic repeatedly helped him emerge victorious from military campaigns.

He understood that sooner or later the Russians would stop retreating and they would have to accept battle. At that point in time, the French emperor was confident of his victory and, I must say, there were good reasons for this.

Before 1812, he had already managed to show the whole world the power of the French army, which was able to conquer more than one European country. The talent of Napoleon himself, as an outstanding commander, was recognized by everyone.

Battle of Borodino

From Moscow to Maloyaroslavets

The Patriotic War of 1812 continued. After the Battle of Borodino, the army of Alexander 1 continued its retreat, getting closer and closer to Moscow.

Crossing of the Italian Corps of Eugene Beauharnais across the Neman, June 30, 1812

The French followed, but no longer sought to engage in open battle. On September 1, at the military council of Russian generals, Mikhail Kutuzov made a sensational decision, with which many did not agree.

He insisted that Moscow be abandoned and all property in it destroyed. As a result, this is exactly what happened.

Entry of the French into Moscow, September 14, 1812

The French army, exhausted physically and mentally, needed replenishment of food supplies and rest. However, bitter disappointment awaited them.

Once in Moscow, Napoleon did not see a single inhabitant or even an animal. Leaving Moscow, the Russians set fire to all the buildings so that the enemy could not take advantage of anything. This was an unprecedented case in history.

When the French realized the deplorability of their stupid situation, they were completely demoralized and defeated. Many soldiers stopped obeying their commanders and turned into gangs of robbers running around the outskirts of the city.

Russian troops, on the contrary, were able to break away from Napoleon and enter the Kaluga and Tula provinces. They had food supplies and ammunition hidden there. In addition, the soldiers could take a break from a difficult campaign and join the ranks of the army.

The best solution to this absurd situation for Napoleon was the conclusion of peace with Russia, but all his proposals for a truce were rejected by Alexander 1 and Kutuzov.

A month later, the French began to leave Moscow in disgrace. Bonaparte was furious at this outcome of events and did everything possible to engage the Russians in battle.

Having reached October 12, near the city of Maloyaroslavets, a major battle took place, in which both sides lost many people and military equipment. However, the final victory did not go to anyone.

Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812

The further retreat of Napoleon's army looked more like a chaotic flight than an organized exit from Russia. After the French began to loot, local residents began to unite into partisan detachments and engage in battles with the enemy.

At this time, Kutuzov carefully pursued Bonaparte’s army, avoiding open clashes with it. He wisely took care of his warriors, fully aware that the enemy’s forces were melting before his eyes.

The French suffered serious losses in the battle of the city of Krasny. Tens of thousands of invaders died in this battle. The Patriotic War of 1812 was coming to an end.

When Napoleon tried to save the remnants of the army and transport them across the Berezina River, he once again suffered a heavy defeat from the Russians. It should be understood that the French were not prepared for the unusually severe frosts that struck at the very beginning of winter.

Obviously, before the attack on Russia, Napoleon did not plan to stay in it for so long, as a result of which he did not take care of warm uniforms for his troops.

Napoleon's retreat from Moscow

As a result of an inglorious retreat, Napoleon abandoned the soldiers to their fate and secretly fled to France.

On December 25, 1812, Alexander 1 issued a manifesto, which spoke of the end of the Patriotic War.

Reasons for Napoleon's defeat

Among the reasons for Napoleon's defeat in his Russian campaign, the most often cited are:

  • popular participation in the war and mass heroism of Russian soldiers and officers;
  • the length of Russia's territory and harsh climatic conditions;
  • military leadership talent of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army Kutuzov and other generals.

The main reason for Napoleon's defeat was the nationwide rise of Russians to defend the Fatherland. In the unity of the Russian army with the people we must look for the source of its power in 1812.

Results of the Patriotic War of 1812

The Patriotic War of 1812 is one of the significant events in the history of Russia. Russian troops managed to stop the invincible army of Napoleon Bonaparte and showed unprecedented heroism.

The war caused serious damage to the economy of the Russian Empire, which was estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles. More than 200 thousand people died on the battlefields.

Battle of Smolensk

Many settlements were completely or partially destroyed, and their restoration required not only large sums, but also human resources.

However, despite this, victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 strengthened the morale of the entire Russian people. After it, many European countries began to respect the army of the Russian Empire.

The main result of the Patriotic War of 1812 was the almost complete destruction of Napoleon's Grand Army.

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The Patriotic War of 1812 began on June 12 - on this day Napoleon's troops crossed the Neman River, unleashing wars between the two crowns of France and Russia. This war lasted until December 14, 1812, ending with the complete and unconditional victory of the Russian and allied forces. This is a glorious page of Russian history, which we will consider with reference to the official history textbooks of Russia and France, as well as to the books of bibliographers Napoleon, Alexander 1 and Kutuzov, who describe in great detail the events taking place at that moment.

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Beginning of the war

Causes of the War of 1812

The causes of the Patriotic War of 1812, like all other wars in the history of mankind, must be considered in two aspects - the causes on the part of France and the causes on the part of Russia.

Reasons from France

In just a few years, Napoleon radically changed his own ideas about Russia. If, upon coming to power, he wrote that Russia was his only ally, then by 1812 Russia had become a threat to France (consider the emperor) a threat. In many ways, this was provoked by Alexander 1 himself. So, this is why France attacked Russia in June 1812:

  1. Violation of the Tilsit agreements: easing of the continental blockade. As you know, the main enemy of France at that time was England, against which the blockade was organized. Russia also participated in this, but in 1810 the government passed a law allowing trade with England through intermediaries. This effectively rendered the entire blockade ineffective, which completely undermined France's plans.
  2. Refusals in dynastic marriage. Napoleon sought to marry into the Russian imperial court in order to become “God’s anointed.” However, in 1808 he was denied marriage to Princess Catherine. In 1810 he was denied marriage to Princess Anna. As a result, in 1811 the French emperor married an Austrian princess.
  3. Transfer of Russian troops to the border with Poland in 1811. In the first half of 1811, Alexander 1 ordered the transfer of 3 divisions to the Polish borders, fearing an uprising of Poland, which could spread to Russian lands. This step was regarded by Napoleon as aggression and preparation for war for Polish territories, which by that time were already subordinate to France.

Soldiers! A new, second Polish war begins! The first ended in Tilsit. There, Russia promised to be an eternal ally for France in the war with England, but broke its promise. The Russian emperor does not want to give explanations for his actions until the French eagles cross the Rhine. Do they really think that we have become different? Are we really not the winners of Austerlitz? Russia presented France with a choice - shame or war. The choice is obvious! Let's go ahead, let's cross the Neman! The second Polish howl will be glorious for French arms. She will bring a messenger to the destructive influence of Russia on European affairs.

Thus began a war of conquest for France.

Reasons from Russia

Russia also had compelling reasons for participating in the war, which turned out to be a liberation war for the state. The main reasons include the following:

  1. Large losses for all segments of the population from the break in trade with England. The opinions of historians on this point differ, since it is believed that the blockade did not affect the state as a whole, but exclusively its elite, who, as a result of the lack of opportunity to trade with England, lost money.
  2. France's intention to recreate the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1807, Napoleon created the Duchy of Warsaw and sought to recreate the ancient state in its true size. Perhaps this was only in the event of the seizure of its western lands from Russia.
  3. Napoleon's violation of the Peace of Tilsit. One of the main criteria for signing this agreement was that Prussia should be cleared of French troops, but this was never done, although Alexander 1 constantly reminded about this.

For a long time, France has been trying to encroach on Russia's independence. We always tried to be meek, hoping to deflect her attempts to seize us. With all our desire to maintain peace, we are forced to gather troops to defend our Motherland. There are no possibilities for a peaceful resolution of the conflict with France, which means there is only one thing left - to defend the truth, to defend Russia from invaders. I don't need to remind commanders and soldiers about courage, it's in our hearts. The blood of the victors, the blood of the Slavs, flows in our veins. Soldiers! You defend the country, defend the religion, defend the fatherland. I'm with you. God is with us.

Balance of forces and means at the beginning of the war

Napoleon's crossing of the Neman occurred on June 12, with 450 thousand people at his disposal. Around the end of the month, another 200 thousand people joined him. If we take into account that by that time there were no large losses on both sides, then the total number of the French army at the start of hostilities in 1812 was 650 thousand soldiers. It is impossible to say that the French made up 100% of the army, since the combined army of almost all European countries fought on the side of France (France, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Prussia, Spain, Holland). However, it was the French who formed the basis of the army. These were proven soldiers who had won many victories with their emperor.

Russia after mobilization had 590 thousand soldiers. Initially, the army numbered 227 thousand people, and they were divided on three fronts:

  • Northern - First Army. Commander: Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly. Number of people: 120 thousand people. They were located in the north of Lithuania and covered St. Petersburg.
  • Central - Second Army. Commander - Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration. Number of people: 49 thousand people. They were located in the south of Lithuania, covering Moscow.
  • Southern - Third Army. Commander - Alexander Petrovich Tormasov. Number of people: 58 thousand people. They were located in Volyn, covering the attack on Kyiv.

Also in Russia, partisan detachments were active, the number of which reached 400 thousand people.

The first stage of the war - The offensive of Napoleon's troops (June-September)

At 6 o'clock in the morning on June 12, 1812, the Patriotic War with Napoleonic France began for Russia. Napoleon's troops crossed the Neman and headed inland. The main direction of the attack was supposed to be on Moscow. The commander himself said that “if I capture Kyiv, I will lift the Russians by the feet, if I capture St. Petersburg, I will take them by the throat, if I take Moscow, I will strike the heart of Russia.”

The French army, commanded by brilliant commanders, was looking for a general battle, and the fact that Alexander 1 divided the army into 3 fronts was very beneficial to the aggressors. However, at the initial stage, Barclay de Tolly played a decisive role, who gave the order not to engage in battle with the enemy and to retreat deeper into the country. This was necessary to combine forces, as well as to strengthen reserves. Retreating, the Russians destroyed everything - they killed livestock, poisoned water, burned fields. In the literal sense of the word, the French moved forward through the ashes. Later, Napoleon complained that the Russian people were carrying out a vile war and did not behave according to the rules.

Northern direction

Napoleon sent 32 thousand people led by General MacDonald to St. Petersburg. The first city on this route was Riga. According to the French plan, MacDonald was supposed to capture the city. Connect with General Oudinot (he had 28 thousand people at his disposal) and move on.

The defense of Riga was commanded by General Essen with 18 thousand soldiers. He burned everything around the city, and the city itself was very well fortified. By this time, MacDonald had captured Dinaburg (the Russians abandoned the city at the beginning of the war) and did not take further active action. He understood the absurdity of the assault on Riga and waited for the arrival of artillery.

General Oudinot occupied Polotsk and from there tried to separate Wittgenstein's corps from the army of Barclay de Tolly. However, on July 18, Wittgenstein launched an unexpected blow on Oudinot, who was saved from defeat only by the arrival of Saint-Cyr's corps. As a result, balance came and no more active offensive operations were carried out in the northern direction.

South direction

General Ranier with an army of 22 thousand people was supposed to act in the southern direction, blocking the army of General Tormasov, preventing it from connecting with the rest of the Russian army.

On July 27, Tormasov surrounded the city of Kobrin, where Ranier’s main forces gathered. The French suffered a terrible defeat - in 1 day 5 thousand people were killed in the battle, which forced the French to retreat. Napoleon realized that the southern direction in the Patriotic War of 1812 was in danger of failure. Therefore, he transferred General Schwarzenberg’s troops there, numbering 30 thousand people. As a result of this, on August 12, Tormasov was forced to retreat to Lutsk and take up defense there. Subsequently, the French did not undertake active offensive actions in the southern direction. The main events took place in the Moscow direction.

The course of events of the offensive company

On June 26, the army of General Bagration advanced from Vitebsk, whose task Alexander 1 set to engage in battle with the main forces of the enemy in order to wear them down. Everyone realized the absurdity of this idea, but only by July 17 was it possible to finally dissuade the emperor from this idea. The troops began to retreat to Smolensk.

On July 6, the large number of Napoleon's troops became clear. To prevent the Patriotic War from dragging on for a long time, Alexander 1 signed a decree on the creation of a militia. Literally all residents of the country are enrolled in it - there are about 400 thousand volunteers in total.

On July 22, the armies of Bagration and Barclay de Tolly united near Smolensk. The command of the united army was taken over by Barclay de Tolly, who had 130 thousand soldiers at his disposal, while the front line of the French army numbered 150 thousand soldiers.

On July 25, a military council was held in Smolensk, at which the issue of accepting the battle was discussed in order to launch a counteroffensive and defeat Napoleon with one blow. But Barclay spoke out against this idea, realizing that an open battle with an enemy, a brilliant strategist and tactician, could lead to a monumental failure. As a result, the offensive idea was not implemented. It was decided to retreat further - to Moscow.

On July 26, the retreat of the troops began, which General Neverovsky was supposed to cover by occupying the village of Krasnoye, thereby closing the bypass of Smolensk for Napoleon.

On August 2, Murat with a cavalry corps tried to break through the defenses of Neverovsky, but to no avail. In total, more than 40 attacks were launched with the help of cavalry, but it was not possible to achieve the desired result.

August 5 is one of the important dates in the Patriotic War of 1812. Napoleon began the assault on Smolensk, capturing the suburbs by evening. However, at night he was driven out of the city, and the Russian army continued its massive retreat from the city. This caused a storm of discontent among the soldiers. They believed that if they managed to drive the French out of Smolensk, then it was necessary to destroy it there. They accused Barclay of cowardice, but the general implemented only one plan - to wear down the enemy and take a decisive battle when the balance of forces was on the side of Russia. By this time, the French had all the advantage.

On August 17, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov arrived in the army and took command. This candidacy did not raise any questions, since Kutuzov (a student of Suvorov) was highly respected and was considered the best Russian commander after the death of Suvorov. Having arrived in the army, the new commander-in-chief wrote that he had not yet decided what to do next: “The question has not yet been resolved - either lose the army, or give up Moscow.”

On August 26, the Battle of Borodino took place. Its outcome still raises many questions and disputes, but there were no losers then. Each commander solved his own problems: Napoleon opened his way to Moscow (the heart of Russia, as the Emperor of France himself wrote), and Kutuzov was able to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, thereby making the initial turning point in the battle of 1812.

September 1 is a significant day, which is described in all history textbooks. A military council was held in Fili, near Moscow. Kutuzov gathered his generals to decide what to do next. There were only two options: retreat and surrender Moscow, or organize a second general battle after Borodino. Most of the generals, on the wave of success, demanded a battle in order to defeat Napoleon as soon as possible. Kutuzov himself and Barclay de Tolly opposed this development of events. The military council in Fili ended with Kutuzov’s phrase “As long as there is an army, there is hope. If we lose the army near Moscow, we will lose not only the ancient capital, but also all of Russia.”

September 2 - following the results of the military council of generals, which took place in Fili, it was decided that it was necessary to leave the ancient capital. The Russian army retreated, and Moscow itself, before the arrival of Napoleon, according to many sources, was subjected to terrible looting. However, this is not even the main thing. Retreating, the Russian army set the city on fire. Wooden Moscow burned down almost three-quarters. The most important thing is that literally all food warehouses were destroyed. The reasons for the Moscow fire lie in the fact that the French would not get anything that could be used by the enemies for food, movement or in other aspects. As a result, the aggressor troops found themselves in a very precarious position.

The second stage of the war - Napoleon's retreat (October - December)

Having occupied Moscow, Napoleon considered the mission completed. The commander's bibliographers later wrote that he was faithful - the loss of the historical center of Rus' would break the victorious spirit, and the country's leaders had to come to him asking for peace. But this did not happen. Kutuzov settled down with his army 80 kilometers from Moscow near Tarutin and waited until the enemy army, deprived of normal supplies, weakened and itself made a radical change in the Patriotic War. Without waiting for a peace offer from Russia, the French emperor himself took the initiative.

Napoleon's quest for peace

According to Napoleon's original plan, the capture of Moscow was to be decisive. Here it was possible to establish a convenient bridgehead, including for a campaign against St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia. However, the delay in moving around Russia and the heroism of the people, who fought for literally every piece of land, practically thwarted this plan. After all, a trip to the north of Russia in winter for the French army with irregular food supplies actually amounted to death. This became clearly clear towards the end of September, when it began to get colder. Subsequently, Napoleon wrote in his autobiography that his biggest mistake was the campaign against Moscow and the month spent there.

Realizing the gravity of his situation, the French emperor and commander decided to end the Patriotic War of Russia by signing a peace treaty with it. Three such attempts were made:

  1. September 18. A message was sent through General Tutolmin to Alexander 1, which stated that Napoleon revered the Russian emperor and offered him peace. All he demands from Russia is to give up the territory of Lithuania and return to the continental blockade again.
  2. September 20. Alexander 1 received a second letter from Napoleon with a peace proposal. The conditions offered were the same as before. The Russian emperor did not respond to these messages.
  3. The 4th of October. The hopelessness of the situation led to Napoleon literally begging for peace. This is what he writes to Alexander 1 (according to the major French historian F. Segur): “I need peace, I need it, at all costs, just save your honor.” This proposal was delivered to Kutuzov, but the Emperor of France never received a response.

Retreat of the French army in the autumn-winter of 1812

It became obvious to Napoleon that he would not be able to sign a peace treaty with Russia, and that staying for the winter in Moscow, which the Russians had burned while retreating, was reckless. Moreover, it was impossible to stay here, since constant raids by militias caused great damage to the army. So, during the month that the French army was in Moscow, its strength decreased by 30 thousand people. As a result, the decision was made to retreat.

On October 7, preparations began for the retreat of the French army. One of the orders on this occasion was to blow up the Kremlin. Fortunately, this idea did not work out for him. Russian historians attribute this to the fact that due to high humidity, the wicks got wet and failed.

On October 19, the retreat of Napoleon's army from Moscow began. The purpose of this retreat was to reach Smolensk, since it was the only major nearby city that had significant food supplies. The road went through Kaluga, but Kutuzov blocked this direction. Now the advantage was on the side of the Russian army, so Napoleon decided to bypass. However, Kutuzov foresaw this maneuver and met the enemy army at Maloyaroslavets.

On October 24, the battle of Maloyaroslavets took place. During the day, this small town passed from one side to the other 8 times. In the final stage of the battle, Kutuzov managed to take fortified positions, and Napoleon did not dare to storm them, since the numerical superiority was already on the side of the Russian army. As a result, the French plans were thwarted, and they had to retreat to Smolensk along the same road along which they went to Moscow. It was already a scorched land - without food and without water.

Napoleon's retreat was accompanied by heavy losses. Indeed, in addition to clashes with Kutuzov’s army, we also had to deal with partisan detachments that daily attacked the enemy, especially his rear units. Napoleon's losses were terrible. On November 9, he managed to capture Smolensk, but this did not bring a fundamental change in the course of the war. There was practically no food in the city, and it was not possible to organize a reliable defense. As a result, the army was subjected to almost continuous attacks by militias and local patriots. Therefore, Napoleon stayed in Smolensk for 4 days and decided to retreat further.

Crossing the Berezina River

The French were heading to the Berezina River (in modern Belarus) to cross the river and cross to the Neman. But on November 16, General Chichagov captured the city of Borisov, which is located on the Berezina. Napoleon's situation became catastrophic - for the first time, the possibility of being captured was actively looming for him, since he was surrounded.

On November 25, by order of Napoleon, the French army began to imitate a crossing south of Borisov. Chichagov bought into this maneuver and began transferring troops. At this point, the French built two bridges across the Berezina and began crossing on November 26-27. Only on November 28, Chichagov realized his mistake and tried to give battle to the French army, but it was too late - the crossing was completed, albeit at the loss of a huge number of human lives. 21 thousand French died while crossing the Berezina! The “Grand Army” now consisted of only 9 thousand soldiers, most of whom were no longer capable of combat.

It was during this crossing that unusually severe frosts occurred, to which the French emperor referred, justifying huge losses. The 29th bulletin, which was published in one of the newspapers in France, said that until November 10 the weather was normal, but after that very severe cold came, for which no one was prepared.

Crossing the Neman (from Russia to France)

The crossing of the Berezina showed that Napoleon's Russian campaign was over - he lost the Patriotic War in Russia in 1812. Then the emperor decided that his further stay with the army did not make sense and on December 5 he left his troops and headed to Paris.

On December 16, in Kovno, the French army crossed the Neman and left Russian territory. Its strength was only 1,600 people. The invincible army, which terrified all of Europe, was almost completely destroyed by Kutuzov's army in less than 6 months.

Below is a graphical representation of Napoleon's retreat on the map.

Results of the Patriotic War of 1812

The Patriotic War between Russia and Napoleon was of great importance for all countries involved in the conflict. Largely thanks to these events, England's undivided dominance in Europe became possible. This development was foreseen by Kutuzov, who, after the flight of the French army in December, sent a report to Alexander 1, where he explained to the ruler that the war needed to be ended immediately, and the pursuit of the enemy and the liberation of Europe would be beneficial to strengthening the power of England. But Alexander did not listen to the advice of his commander and soon began a campaign abroad.

Reasons for Napoleon's defeat in the war

When determining the main reasons for the defeat of Napoleonic army, it is necessary to dwell on the most important ones, which are most often used by historians:

  • A strategic mistake by the Emperor of France, who sat in Moscow for 30 days and waited for representatives of Alexander 1 with pleas for peace. As a result, it began to get colder and provisions ran out, and constant raids by partisan movements brought a turning point in the war.
  • Unity of the Russian people. As usual, in the face of great danger, the Slavs unite. It was the same this time. For example, the historian Lieven writes that the main reason for the defeat of France lies in the massive nature of the war. Everyone fought for the Russians - women and children. And all this was ideologically justified, which made the morale of the army very strong. The Emperor of France did not break him.
  • The reluctance of Russian generals to accept a decisive battle. Most historians forget about this, but what would have happened to Bagration’s army if he had accepted a general battle at the beginning of the war, as Alexander 1 really wanted? 60 thousand of Bagration’s army against 400 thousand of the aggressor army. It would have been an unconditional victory, and they would hardly have had time to recover from it. Therefore, the Russian people must express words of gratitude to Barclay de Tolly, who, by his decision, gave the order for the retreat and unification of the armies.
  • The genius of Kutuzov. The Russian general, who received excellent training from Suvorov, did not make a single tactical miscalculation. It is noteworthy that Kutuzov never managed to defeat his enemy, but managed to tactically and strategically win the Patriotic War.
  • General Frost is used as an excuse. To be fair, it must be said that the frost did not have any significant impact on the final result, since at the time the abnormal frosts began (mid-November), the outcome of the confrontation was decided - the great army was destroyed.

2012 marks the 200th anniversary of the military-historical patriotic event - the Patriotic War of 1812, which is of great importance for the political, social, cultural and military development of Russia.

Beginning of the war

June 12, 1812 (old style) Napoleon's French army, having crossed the Neman near the city of Kovno (now Kaunas in Lithuania), invaded the Russian Empire. This day is listed in history as the beginning of the war between Russia and France.

In this war, two forces collided. On the one hand, Napoleon’s army of half a million (about 640 thousand people), which consisted only half of the French and also included representatives of almost all of Europe. An army, intoxicated by numerous victories, led by famous marshals and generals led by Napoleon. The strengths of the French army were its large numbers, good material and technical support, combat experience, and belief in the invincibility of the army.

She was opposed by the Russian army, which at the beginning of the war represented one-third of the French army. Before the start of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Turkish War of 1806-1812 had just ended. The Russian army was divided into three groups far apart from each other (under the command of generals M.B. Barclay de Tolly, P.I. Bagration and A.P. Tormasov). Alexander I was at the headquarters of Barclay's army.

The blow of Napoleon's army was taken by the troops stationed on the western border: the 1st Army of Barclay de Tolly and the 2nd Army of Bagration (153 thousand soldiers in total).

Knowing his numerical superiority, Napoleon pinned his hopes on a lightning war. One of his main mistakes was to underestimate the patriotic impulse of the army and people of Russia.

The start of the war was successful for Napoleon. At 6 o'clock in the morning on June 12 (24), 1812, the vanguard of the French troops entered the Russian city of Kovno. The crossing of 220 thousand soldiers of the Great Army near Kovno took 4 days. 5 days later, another group (79 thousand soldiers) under the command of the Viceroy of Italy Eugene Beauharnais crossed the Neman to the south of Kovno. At the same time, even further south, near Grodno, the Neman was crossed by 4 corps (78-79 thousand soldiers) under the overall command of the King of Westphalia, Jerome Bonaparte. In the northern direction near Tilsit, the Neman crossed the 10th Corps of Marshal MacDonald (32 thousand soldiers), which was aimed at St. Petersburg. In the southern direction, from Warsaw across the Bug, a separate Austrian corps of General Schwarzenberg (30-33 thousand soldiers) began to invade.

The rapid advance of the powerful French army forced the Russian command to retreat deeper into the country. The commander of the Russian troops, Barclay de Tolly, avoided a general battle, preserving the army and striving to unite with Bagration’s army. The numerical superiority of the enemy raised the question of urgent replenishment of the army. But in Russia there was no universal conscription. The army was recruited through conscription. And Alexander I decided to take an unusual step. On July 6, he issued a manifesto calling for the creation of a people's militia. This is how the first partisan detachments began to appear. This war united all segments of the population. As now, so then, the Russian people are united only by misfortune, grief, and tragedy. It didn’t matter who you were in society, what your income was. The Russian people fought unitedly to defend the freedom of their homeland. All people became a single force, which is why the name “Patriotic War” was determined. The war became an example of the fact that the Russian people will never allow freedom and spirit to be enslaved; he will defend his honor and name to the end.

The armies of Barclay and Bagration met near Smolensk at the end of July, thus achieving their first strategic success.

Battle for Smolensk

By August 16 (new style), Napoleon approached Smolensk with 180 thousand soldiers. After the unification of the Russian armies, the generals began to persistently demand from the commander-in-chief Barclay de Tolly a general battle. At 6 am August 16 Napoleon began the assault on the city.

In the battles near Smolensk, the Russian army showed the greatest resilience. The battle for Smolensk marked the development of a nationwide war between the Russian people and the enemy. Napoleon's hope for a lightning war was dashed.

Battle for Smolensk. Adam, around 1820

The stubborn battle for Smolensk lasted 2 days, until the morning of August 18, when Barclay de Tolly withdrew his troops from the burning city to avoid a big battle without a chance of victory. Barclay had 76 thousand, another 34 thousand (Bagration’s army).After the capture of Smolensk, Napoleon moved towards Moscow.

Meanwhile, the protracted retreat caused public discontent and protest among most of the army (especially after the surrender of Smolensk), so on August 20 (according to modern style) Emperor Alexander I signed a decree appointing M.I. as commander-in-chief of the Russian troops. Kutuzova. At that time, Kutuzov was 67 years old. A commander of the Suvorov school, with half a century of military experience, he enjoyed universal respect both in the army and among the people. However, he also had to retreat in order to gain time to gather all his forces.

Kutuzov could not avoid a general battle for political and moral reasons. By September 3 (new style), the Russian army retreated to the village of Borodino. Further retreat meant the surrender of Moscow. By that time, Napoleon's army had already suffered significant losses, and the difference in numbers between the two armies had narrowed. In this situation, Kutuzov decided to give a general battle.

West of Mozhaisk, 125 km from Moscow near the village of Borodina August 26 (September 7, new style) 1812 A battle took place that will forever go down in the history of our people. - the largest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 between the Russian and French armies.

The Russian army numbered 132 thousand people (including 21 thousand poorly armed militias). The French army, hot on her heels, numbered 135 thousand. Kutuzov's headquarters, believing that there were about 190 thousand people in the enemy army, chose a defensive plan. In fact, the battle was an assault by French troops on a line of Russian fortifications (flashes, redoubts and lunettes).

Napoleon hoped to defeat the Russian army. But the resilience of the Russian troops, where every soldier, officer, and general was a hero, overturned all the calculations of the French commander. The battle lasted all day. The losses were huge on both sides. The Battle of Borodino is one of the bloodiest battles of the 19th century. According to the most conservative estimates of total losses, 2,500 people died on the field every hour. Some divisions lost up to 80% of their strength. There were almost no prisoners on either side. French losses amounted to 58 thousand people, Russians - 45 thousand.

Emperor Napoleon later recalled: “Of all my battles, the most terrible was the one I fought near Moscow. The French showed themselves worthy of winning, and the Russians showed themselves worthy of being called invincible.”

Cavalry battle

On September 8 (21), Kutuzov ordered a retreat to Mozhaisk with the firm intention of preserving the army. The Russian army retreated, but retained its combat effectiveness. Napoleon failed to achieve the main thing - the defeat of the Russian army.

September 13 (26) in the village of Fili Kutuzov had a meeting about the future plan of action. After the military council in Fili, the Russian army, by decision of Kutuzov, was withdrawn from Moscow. “With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not yet lost, but with the loss of the army, Russia is lost”. These words of the great commander, which went down in history, were confirmed by subsequent events.

A.K. Savrasov. The hut in which the famous council in Fili took place

Military Council in Fili (A. D. Kivshenko, 1880)

Capture of Moscow

In the evening September 14 (September 27, new style) Napoleon entered empty Moscow without a fight. In the war against Russia, all of Napoleon’s plans consistently collapsed. Expecting to receive the keys to Moscow, he stood in vain for several hours on Poklonnaya Hill, and when he entered the city, he was greeted by deserted streets.

Fire in Moscow on September 15-18, 1812 after the capture of the city by Napoleon. Painting by A.F. Smirnova, 1813

Already on the night of September 14 (27) to September 15 (28), the city was engulfed in fire, which by the night of September 15 (28) to September 16 (29) intensified so much that Napoleon was forced to leave the Kremlin.

About 400 lower-class townspeople were shot on suspicion of arson. The fire raged until September 18 and destroyed most of Moscow. Of the 30 thousand houses that were in Moscow before the invasion, “hardly 5 thousand” remained after Napoleon left the city.

While Napoleon's army was inactive in Moscow, losing its combat effectiveness, Kutuzov retreated from Moscow, first to the southeast along the Ryazan road, but then, turning west, he flanked the French army, occupied the village of Tarutino, blocking the Kaluga road. gu. The basis for the final defeat of the “great army” was laid in the Tarutino camp.

When Moscow burned, bitterness against the occupiers reached its highest intensity. The main forms of war of the Russian people against Napoleon's invasion were passive resistance (refusal of trade with the enemy, leaving grain unharvested in the fields, destruction of food and fodder, going into the forests), guerrilla warfare and mass participation in militias. The course of the war was most influenced by the refusal of the Russian peasantry to supply the enemy with provisions and fodder. The French army was on the verge of starvation.

From June to August 1812, Napoleon's army, pursuing the retreating Russian armies, covered about 1,200 kilometers from the Neman to Moscow. As a result, its communication lines were greatly stretched. Taking this fact into account, the command of the Russian army decided to create flying partisan detachments to operate in the rear and on the enemy’s communication lines, with the goal of impeding his supply and destroying his small detachments. The most famous, but far from the only commander of flying squads, was Denis Davydov. Army partisan detachments received full support from the spontaneously emerging peasant partisan movement. As the French army advanced deeper into Russia, as violence on the part of Napoleonic army grew, after fires in Smolensk and Moscow, after discipline in Napoleon’s army decreased and a significant part of it turned into a gang of marauders and robbers, the population of Russia began to move from passive to active resistance to the enemy. During its stay in Moscow alone, the French army lost more than 25 thousand people from partisan actions.

The partisans formed, as it were, the first ring of encirclement around Moscow, occupied by the French. The second ring consisted of militias. Partisans and militias surrounded Moscow in a tight ring, threatening to turn Napoleon's strategic encirclement into a tactical one.

Tarutino fight

After the surrender of Moscow, Kutuzov obviously avoided a major battle, the army accumulated strength. During this time, 205 thousand militia were recruited in the Russian provinces (Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Tula, Kaluga, Tver and others), and 75 thousand in Ukraine. By October 2, Kutuzov withdrew the army south to the village of Tarutino, closer to Kaluga.

In Moscow, Napoleon found himself in a trap; it was not possible to spend the winter in a city devastated by fire: foraging outside the city was not going well, the extended communications of the French were very vulnerable, and the army was beginning to disintegrate. Napoleon began to prepare to retreat to winter quarters somewhere between the Dnieper and Dvina.

When the “great army” retreated from Moscow, its fate was decided.

Battle of Tarutino, October 6th (P. Hess)

October 18(new style) Russian troops attacked and defeated near Tarutino French corps of Murat. Having lost up to 4 thousand soldiers, the French retreated. The Tarutino battle became a landmark event, marking the transition of the initiative in the war to the Russian army.

Napoleon's retreat

October 19(in modern style) the French army (110 thousand) with a huge convoy began to leave Moscow along the Old Kaluga Road. But Napoleon’s road to Kaluga was blocked by Kutuzov’s army, located near the village of Tarutino on the Old Kaluga Road. Due to the lack of horses, the French artillery fleet was reduced, and large cavalry formations practically disappeared. Not wanting to break through a fortified position with a weakened army, Napoleon turned around the village of Troitsky (modern Troitsk) onto the New Kaluga Road (modern Kiev Highway) to bypass Tarutino. However, Kutuzov transferred the army to Maloyaroslavets, cutting off the French retreat along the New Kaluga Road.

By October 22, Kutuzov's army consisted of 97 thousand regular troops, 20 thousand Cossacks, 622 guns and more than 10 thousand militia warriors. Napoleon had up to 70 thousand combat-ready soldiers at hand, the cavalry had practically disappeared, and the artillery was much weaker than the Russian one.

October 12 (24) took place battle of Maloyaroslavets. The city changed hands eight times. In the end, the French managed to capture Maloyaroslavets, but Kutuzov took a fortified position outside the city, which Napoleon did not dare to storm.On October 26, Napoleon ordered a retreat north to Borovsk-Vereya-Mozhaisk.

A.Averyanov. Battle of Maloyaroslavets October 12 (24), 1812

In the battles for Maloyaroslavets, the Russian army solved a major strategic problem - it thwarted the plan for the French troops to break through to Ukraine and forced the enemy to retreat along the Old Smolensk Road, which they had destroyed.

From Mozhaisk the French army resumed its movement towards Smolensk along the road along which it advanced on Moscow

The final defeat of the French troops took place when crossing the Berezina. The battles of November 26-29 between the French corps and the Russian armies of Chichagov and Wittgenstein on both banks of the Berezina River during Napoleon's crossing went down in history as battle on the Berezina.

The French retreat through the Berezina on November 17 (29), 1812. Peter von Hess (1844)

When crossing the Berezina, Napoleon lost 21 thousand people. In total, up to 60 thousand people managed to cross the Berezina, most of them civilians and non-combat-ready remnants of the “Great Army”. Unusually severe frosts, which struck during the crossing of the Berezina and continued in the following days, finally exterminated the French, already weakened by hunger. On December 6, Napoleon left his army and went to Paris to recruit new soldiers to replace those killed in Russia.

The main result of the battle on the Berezina was that Napoleon avoided complete defeat in conditions of significant superiority of Russian forces. In the memories of the French, the crossing of the Berezina occupies no less place than the largest Battle of Borodino.

By the end of December, the remnants of Napoleon's army were expelled from Russia.

The "Russian campaign of 1812" was over December 14, 1812.

Results of the war

The main result of the Patriotic War of 1812 was the almost complete destruction of Napoleon's Grand Army.Napoleon lost about 580 thousand soldiers in Russia. These losses include 200 thousand killed, from 150 to 190 thousand prisoners, about 130 thousand deserters who fled to their homeland. The losses of the Russian army, according to some estimates, amounted to 210 thousand soldiers and militias.

In January 1813, the “Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army” began - the fighting moved to the territory of Germany and France. In October 1813, Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Leipzig, and in April 1814 he abdicated the throne of France.

The victory over Napoleon raised the international prestige of Russia as never before, which played a decisive role at the Congress of Vienna and in the following decades exercised a decisive influence on European affairs.

Key dates

12 June 1812- invasion of Napoleon's army into Russia across the Neman River. 3 Russian armies were at a great distance from each other. Tormasov's army, being in Ukraine, could not participate in the war. It turned out that only 2 armies took the blow. But they had to retreat to connect.

August 3rd- a connection between the armies of Bagration and Barclay de Tolly near Smolensk. The enemies lost about 20 thousand, and ours about 6 thousand, but Smolensk had to be abandoned. Even the united armies were 4 times smaller than the enemy!

8 August- Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief. An experienced strategist, wounded many times in battles, Suvorov's student was liked by the people.

August, 26th- The Battle of Borodino lasted more than 12 hours. It is considered a general battle. On the approaches to Moscow, the Russians showed massive heroism. The enemy's losses were greater, but our army could not go on the offensive. The numerical superiority of the enemies was still great. Reluctantly, they decided to surrender Moscow in order to save the army.

September October- seat of Napoleon's army in Moscow. His expectations were not met. It was not possible to win. Kutuzov rejected requests for peace. The attempt to escape to the south failed.

October December- expulsion of Napoleon's army from Russia along the destroyed Smolensk road. From 600 thousand enemies there are about 30 thousand left!

December 25, 1812- Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto on the victory of Russia. But the war had to be continued. Napoleon still had armies in Europe. If they are not defeated, he will attack Russia again. The foreign campaign of the Russian army lasted until victory in 1814.

Prepared by Sergey Shulyak

INVASION (animated film)

The fire of European wars increasingly engulfed Europe. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia was also involved in this struggle. The result of this intervention was the unsuccessful foreign wars with Napoleon and the Patriotic War of 1812.

Causes of the war

After the defeat of the Fourth Anti-French Coalition by Napoleon on June 25, 1807, the Treaty of Tilsit was concluded between France and Russia. The conclusion of peace forced Russia to join the participants in the continental blockade of England. However, neither country was going to comply with the terms of the treaty.

The main causes of the War of 1812:

  • The Peace of Tilsit was economically unprofitable for Russia, so the government of Alexander I decided to trade with England through neutral countries.
  • The policy pursued by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte towards Prussia was to the detriment of Russian interests; French troops concentrated on the border with Russia, also contrary to the provisions of the Tilsit Treaty.
  • After Alexander I did not agree to give his consent to the marriage of his sister Anna Pavlovna with Napoleon, relations between Russia and France deteriorated sharply.

At the end of 1811, the bulk of the Russian army was deployed against the war with Turkey. By May 1812, thanks to the genius of M.I. Kutuzov, the military conflict was resolved. Türkiye curtailed its military expansion in the East, and Serbia gained independence.

Beginning of the war

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1812-1814, Napoleon managed to concentrate up to 645 thousand troops on the border with Russia. His army included Prussian, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Polish units.

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The Russian troops, despite all the objections of the generals, were divided into three armies and located far from each other. The first army under the command of Barclay de Tolly numbered 127 thousand people, the second army, led by Bagration, had 49 thousand bayonets and sabers. And finally, in the third army of General Tormasov, there were about 45 thousand soldiers.

Napoleon decided to immediately take advantage of the mistake of the Russian emperor, namely, with a sudden blow to defeat the two main armies of Barclay de Toll and Bagration in border battles, preventing them from uniting and moving with an accelerated march to defenseless Moscow.

At five in the morning on June 12, 1821, the French army (about 647 thousand) began to cross the Russian border.

Rice. 1. Crossing of Napoleonic troops across the Neman.

The numerical superiority of the French army allowed Napoleon to immediately take the military initiative into his own hands. The Russian army did not yet have universal conscription and the army was replenished using outdated recruitment kits. Alexander I, who was in Polotsk, issued a Manifesto on July 6, 1812 calling for the collection of a general people's militia. As a result of the timely implementation of such internal policy by Alexander I, different layers of the Russian population began to rapidly flock to the ranks of the militia. Nobles were allowed to arm their serfs and join the ranks of the regular army with them. The war immediately began to be called “Patriotic”. The manifesto also regulated the partisan movement.

Progress of military operations. Main events

The strategic situation required the immediate merging of the two Russian armies into a single whole under a common command. Napoleon’s task was the opposite - to prevent Russian forces from uniting and to defeat them as quickly as possible in two or three border battles.

The following table shows the course of the main chronological events of the Patriotic War of 1812:

date Event Content
June 12, 1812 Invasion of Napoleon's troops into the Russian Empire
  • Napoleon seized the initiative from the very beginning, taking advantage of serious miscalculations of Alexander I and his General Staff.
June 27-28, 1812 Clashes near the town of Mir
  • The rearguard of the Russian army, consisting mainly of Platov’s Cossacks, collided with the vanguard of Napoleonic forces near the town of Mir. For two days, Platov’s cavalry units constantly pestered Poniatowski’s Polish lancers with small skirmishes. Denis Davydov, who fought as part of a hussar squadron, also took part in these battles.
July 11, 1812 Battle of Saltanovka
  • Bagration and the 2nd Army decide to cross the Dnieper. To gain time, General Raevsky was instructed to draw the French units of Marshal Davout into the oncoming battle. Raevsky completed the task assigned to him.
July 25-28, 1812 Battle near Vitebsk
  • The first major battle of Russian troops with French units under the command of Napoleon. Barclay de Tolly defended himself in Vitebsk to the last, as he was waiting for the approach of Bagration’s troops. However, Bagration was unable to get through to Vitebsk. Both Russian armies continued to retreat without connecting with each other.
July 27, 1812 Battle of Kovrin
  • The first major victory of Russian troops in the Patriotic War. Troops led by Tormasov inflicted a crushing defeat on Klengel's Saxon brigade. Klengel himself was captured during the battle.
July 29-August 1, 1812 Battle of Klyastitsy
  • Russian troops under the command of General Wittgenstein pushed back the French army of Marshal Oudinot from St. Petersburg during three days of bloody battles.
August 16-18, 1812 Battle for Smolensk
  • The two Russian armies managed to unite, despite the obstacles imposed by Napoleon. Two commanders, Bagration and Barclay de Tolly, made a decision on the defense of Smolensk. After the most stubborn battles, the Russian units left the city in an organized manner.
August 18, 1812 Kutuzov arrived in the village of Tsarevo-Zaimishche
  • Kutuzov was appointed the new commander of the retreating Russian army.
August 19, 1812 Battle at Valutina Mountain
  • The battle of the rearguard of the Russian army covering the withdrawal of the main forces with the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte. Russian troops not only repulsed numerous French attacks, but also moved forward
August 24-26 battle of Borodino
  • Kutuzov was forced to give a general battle to the French, since the most experienced commander wanted to preserve the main forces of the army for subsequent battles. The largest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 lasted two days, and neither side achieved an advantage in the battle. During the two-day battles, the French managed to take Bagration's flushes, and Bagration himself was mortally wounded. On the morning of August 27, 1812, Kutuzov decided to retreat further. Russian and French losses were terrible. Napoleon's army lost approximately 37.8 thousand people, the Russian army 44-45 thousand.
September 13, 1812 Council in Fili
  • In a simple peasant hut in the village of Fili, the fate of the capital was decided. Never supported by the majority of the generals, Kutuzov decides to leave Moscow.
September 14-October 20, 1812 Occupation of Moscow by the French
  • After the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon was waiting for envoys from Alexander I with requests for peace and the mayor of Moscow with the keys to the city. Without waiting for the keys and envoys, the French entered the deserted capital of Russia. The occupiers immediately began looting and numerous fires broke out in the city.
October 18, 1812 Tarutino fight
  • Having occupied Moscow, the French put themselves in a difficult position - they could not calmly leave the capital to provide themselves with provisions and fodder. The widespread partisan movement constrained all movements of the French army. Meanwhile, the Russian army, on the contrary, was restoring strength in the camp near Tarutino. Near the Tarutino camp, the Russian army unexpectedly attacked Murat's positions and overthrew the French.
October 24, 1812 Battle of Maloyaroslavets
  • After leaving Moscow, the French rushed towards Kaluga and Tula. Kaluga had large food supplies, and Tula was the center of Russian arms factories. The Russian army, led by Kutuzov, blocked the path to the Kaluga road for French troops. During the fierce battle, Maloyaroslavets changed hands seven times. Eventually the French were forced to retreat and begin to retreat back to the Russian borders along the old Smolensk road.
November 9, 1812 Battle of Lyakhov
  • The French brigade of Augereau was attacked by the combined forces of partisans under the command of Denis Davydov and the regular cavalry of Orlov-Denisov. As a result of the battle, most of the French died in battle. Augereau himself was captured.
November 15, 1812 Battle of Krasny
  • Taking advantage of the stretched nature of the retreating French army, Kutuzov decided to strike the flanks of the invaders near the village of Krasny near Smolensk.
November 26-29, 1812 Crossing at the Berezina
  • Napoleon, despite the desperate situation, managed to transport his most combat-ready units. However, no more than 25 thousand combat-ready soldiers remained from the once “Great Army”. Napoleon himself, having crossed the Berezina, left the location of his troops and departed for Paris.

Rice. 2. Crossing of French troops across the Berezina. Januariy Zlatopolsky...

Napoleon's invasion caused enormous damage to the Russian Empire - many cities were burned, tens of thousands of villages were reduced to ashes. But a common misfortune brings people together. An unprecedented scale of patriotism united the central provinces; tens of thousands of peasants signed up for the militia, went into the forest, becoming partisans. Not only men, but also women fought the French, one of them was Vasilisa Kozhina.

The defeat of France and the results of the War of 1812

After the victory over Napoleon, Russia continued to liberate European countries from the yoke of the French invaders. In 1813, a military alliance was concluded between Prussia and Russia. The first stage of the foreign campaigns of Russian troops against Napoleon ended in failure due to the sudden death of Kutuzov and the lack of coordination in the actions of the allies.

  • However, France was extremely exhausted by continuous wars and asked for peace. However, Napoleon lost the fight on the diplomatic front. Another coalition of powers grew up against France: Russia, Prussia, England, Austria and Sweden.
  • In October 1813, the famous Battle of Leipzig took place. At the beginning of 1814, Russian troops and allies entered PARIS. Napoleon was deposed and at the beginning of 1814 exiled to the island of Elba.

Rice. 3. Entry of Russian and allied troops into Paris. HELL. Kivshenko.

  • In 1814, a Congress was held in Vienna, where the victorious countries discussed questions about the post-war structure of Europe.
  • In June 1815, Napoleon fled the island of Elba and retook the French throne, but after just 100 days of rule, the French were defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was exiled to Saint Helena.

Summing up the results of the Patriotic War of 1812, it should be noted that the influence it had on the leading people of Russian society was limitless. Many great works were written by great writers and poets based on this war. The post-war peace was short-lived, although the Congress of Vienna gave Europe several years of peace. Russia acted as the savior of occupied Europe, but Western historians tend to underestimate the historical significance of the Patriotic War.

What have we learned?

The beginning of the 19th century in the history of Russia, studied in grade 4, was marked by a bloody war with Napoleon. A detailed report and table “Patriotic War of 1812” tells briefly about the Patriotic War of 1812, what the nature of this war was, the main periods of military operations.

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