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Red caviar fish species. Who determines what quality caviar should be? Fish – coho salmon

The caviar of many salmon species is very important, both in haute cuisine and for ordinary housewives when preparing ordinary dishes. At the same time, there are many-sided differences between the eggs of similar fish species.

Caviar differs in size, shape, and color. Plus, caviar differs in taste, presence of nutrients, and fat content. As a rule, caviar contains a whole bunch of vitamins, such as A, C, B, E, D, as well as an equally large bunch of microelements, such as phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, chlorine, molybdenum, lecithin and protein.

The most important point is the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in caviar, since their presence has a unique effect on the human body, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, taking part in the renewal of nerve cells, protecting the body from cardiovascular abnormalities, normalizing metabolic processes, and also reducing sugar levels in blood. Therefore, we can safely assume that the caviar of fish such as chum salmon and coho salmon should be present in the diet of any person.

Coho salmon lay up to 7 thousand eggs in one go. Caviar is small in size, but its nutritional value is considered the highest among culinary specialists. The diameter of the eggs is no more than 4 mm, and the taste has a peculiar bitterness. At the same time, the caviar has a bright, rich red color, in contrast to the caviar of other salmon species, the color of which ranges from faint scarlet to red-crimson.

Chum salmon caviar is somewhat larger in size (5-9 mm) compared to coho salmon caviar. At the same time, the eggs have the shape of balls of regular geometry with a clearly defined red dot in the center of each egg. The color of the eggs is characterized as orange-amber, and there is no bitterness in the taste.

Difference between flavors

Naturally, there is a difference, but the preference of one caviar over another depends on the personal taste preferences of the consumer.

Coho salmon caviar may be characterized by uneven coloring and the presence of bitterness. Despite this, coho salmon caviar is considered quite tasty and healthy.

Chum salmon caviar is characterized by the presence of a pronounced taste. Despite this, it is not particularly popular among the population due to the hard shell surrounding each egg.

Properties of caviar

Coho salmon caviar is much more nutritious than the caviar of other salmon species, but its industrial value is not as high as compared to Chinook salmon or pink salmon caviar.

Chum salmon caviar has a slightly higher protein content, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

100 grams of chum salmon caviar contains more than 300 kcal, and coho salmon caviar – 150 kcal. This indicates that chum salmon caviar has more calories. Coho salmon caviar contains from 6.1 to 9.5% fat. In this regard, we can safely assume that coho salmon caviar is more suitable for dietary nutrition.

Harm and benefits of caviar

The presence of many useful substances in the caviar of salmon species helps to rejuvenate the body, helps to cope with male impotence, feel a surge of vital energy, and strengthen the immune system. The presence of iodine in caviar helps combat poor functioning of the internal secretion organs.

Despite the many positive effects of consuming red caviar, it is better to limit its use to people who have undergone surgery, for people suffering from rickets, and also in conditions where the human body is very weakened. Coho salmon caviar is not recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from poor functioning of the digestive system, or in cases of liver dysfunction.

Cost – is it worth paying more?

Due to the fact that most salmon species, including coho salmon, are caught at a high rate due to their nutritional value, the cost of caviar from these fish is quite high. Chum salmon caviar is in somewhat greater demand in restaurant chains, as well as in other areas of catering. In general, the cost of chum salmon and coho salmon caviar is practically the same on the market and is about 300 rubles per 130 grams.

When choosing this delicious product, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is better to choose a product packaged in glass containers, but not in cans, since there is no way to determine the quality of the product without breaking the packaging.
  2. A high-quality product is represented by the presence of grains of the correct geometric shape that do not stick to each other.
  3. If the color of the eggs corresponds to a red-crimson hue, not counting Chinook salmon caviar, then this indicates a fake.
  4. Caviar packaged in cans may be a product containing an increased amount of liquid, with grains of irregular shape, and also with the presence of preservatives.
  5. The shelf life of the packaged product is no more than six months, which must be indicated on the label.
  6. Caviar can correspond to the first grade, when the salt concentration is no more than 6%, as well as the second grade, with a salt concentration of up to 8%. First grade caviar must have whole eggs, without the presence of blood and without the presence of parts of the egg, as indicated in the technical specifications.

In addition, each variety has special requirements for the aroma, which must be attractive and not contain any other odors, as well as for the homogeneity of the product.

And yet, which caviar is better?

Considering the taste characteristics, we should pay tribute to chum salmon caviar, which is easily explained by the presence of larger caviar (relatively) and the lack of bitterness, which allows you to prepare delicious gourmet dishes. The caviar of pink salmon and sockeye salmon is considered no less valuable, despite the fact that their caviar is characterized as small or medium in size. At the same time, pink salmon caviar has a rich orange hue, and sockeye salmon caviar has a rich red color.

Caviar, both chum salmon and coho salmon, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person, since it contains a sufficient amount of both a variety of vitamins and microelements. At the same time, the caviar of both fish is used to prepare interesting, tasty and healthy dishes. Caviar has always been considered a delicacy and today it has not lost this status. The only thing that worries humanity now is that red caviar may soon become a great rarity, inaccessible to the general population.

Red caviar- this is caviar that is given to us by representatives of the salmon family, which includes such fish as chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, as well as coho and chinook salmon. Moreover, the beneficial properties of red caviar obtained from different fish are no different from each other. But there are differences in taste and appearance. And each of us has our own preference for red caviar. One, for example, likes the eggs to be large and dark in color, while the other prefers small eggs of a brighter color.

Let's find out what is the difference between red caviar and different salmon fish.

Red pink salmon caviar
Red pink salmon caviar has become quite popular for many reasons. Pink salmon ranks first among the salmon family in terms of fertility. And the very taste of its red caviar is universal and is liked by most lovers of this unusually tasty and healthy fish delicacy. Pink salmon eggs are medium in size, that is, about 5 mm, and bright orange in color. When stirred, the eggs burst and juice is formed. This is due to the fact that the shell of the eggs does not have sufficient strength. In terms of nutritional value, red pink salmon caviar ranks second.

Coho salmon caviar
The eggs of this fish are relatively small - about 4 mm, dark red in color, with a predominant burgundy tint. Red coho salmon caviar has a bitter taste, but despite this, it is rich in essential vitamins and beneficial microelements. The caviar of this fish is not valued as highly as pink salmon caviar, but in terms of its beneficial properties it is not inferior to any other caviar.

Sockeye salmon caviar
The eggs are red in color and average size about 4.5 mm - this is sockeye salmon caviar, which is extremely rare on the Russian market, since this fish lives along the American coast.

Red trout caviar
Trout caviar is the smallest. The size of its eggs is no more than 2-3 mm. In its color, it differs from other types of red caviar in its brightness, and can range from dark yellow to bright red. Recently, red trout caviar has become increasingly popular, despite the fact that its taste is distinguished by the presence of bitterness.

Red chum salmon caviar
Red chum salmon caviar was called royal caviar in ancient times. Its eggs are about 6 mm in diameter and range in color from amber to orange. Unlike other types of red caviar, chum salmon eggs all have a regular spherical shape with a clearly visible spot where the embryo is located. Most often, chum salmon caviar is used to decorate holiday seafood or fish dishes.

Chinook caviar
The bright red eggs of Chinook salmon reach up to 7 mm, which makes the eggs of this fish the largest of all types of red caviar. But, despite its large size, red caviar from king salmon or chinook salmon is quite delicate in taste, with a slight bitterness content. Unlike chum salmon eggs, the shell of Chinook salmon eggs is not so dense. Currently, this red caviar is the most expensive and scarce.

But, no matter how different salmon caviar is, this favorite fish delicacy has anti-allergic and many other beneficial properties. Red salmon caviar is deservedly the most valuable natural medicine, which restores strength to a weakened body and also strengthens the immune system. Red caviar contains such valuable microelements as phosphorus, potassium, and folic acid. In addition, salmon caviar is superior in energy value and calorie content to milk and meat, and this despite the fact that it does not contain fats and carbohydrates. That is why red caviar is useful not only for adults, but also for children.

Red caviar is caviar that is given to us by representatives of the salmon family, which includes such fish as chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, as well as coho and chinook salmon. Moreover, the beneficial properties of red caviar obtained from different fish are no different from each other.

But there are differences in taste and appearance. And each of us has our own preference for red caviar. One, for example, likes the eggs to be large and dark in color, while the other prefers small eggs of a brighter color.

Let's find out what is the difference between red caviar and different salmon fish.

Red pink salmon caviar
Red pink salmon caviar has become quite popular for many reasons. Pink salmon ranks first among the salmon family in terms of fertility. And the very taste of its red caviar is universal and is liked by most lovers of this unusually tasty and healthy fish delicacy. Pink salmon eggs are medium in size, that is, about 5 mm, and bright orange in color. When stirred, the eggs burst and juice is formed. This is due to the fact that the shell of the eggs does not have sufficient strength. In terms of nutritional value, red pink salmon caviar ranks second.

Coho salmon caviar
The eggs of this fish are relatively small - about 4 mm, dark red in color, with a predominant burgundy tint. Red coho salmon caviar has a bitter taste, but despite this, it is rich in essential vitamins and beneficial microelements. The caviar of this fish is not valued as highly as pink salmon caviar, but in terms of its beneficial properties it is not inferior to any other caviar.

Sockeye salmon caviar

The eggs are red in color and have an average size of about 4.5 mm - this is sockeye salmon caviar, which is extremely rare on the Russian market, since this fish lives along the American coast.

Red trout caviar
Trout caviar is the smallest. The size of its eggs is no more than 2-3 mm. In its color, it differs from other types of red caviar in its brightness, and can range from dark yellow to bright red. Recently, red trout caviar has become increasingly popular, despite the fact that its taste is distinguished by the presence of bitterness.

Red chum salmon caviar
Red chum salmon caviar was called royal caviar in ancient times. Its eggs are about 6 mm in diameter and range in color from amber to orange. Unlike other types of red caviar, chum salmon eggs all have a regular spherical shape with a clearly visible spot where the embryo is located. Most often, chum salmon caviar is used to decorate holiday seafood or fish dishes.

Chinook caviar
The bright red eggs of Chinook salmon reach up to 7 mm, which makes the eggs of this fish the largest of all types of red caviar. But, despite its large size, red caviar from king salmon or chinook salmon is quite delicate in taste, with a slight bitterness content. Unlike chum salmon eggs, the shell of Chinook salmon eggs is not so dense. Currently, this red caviar is the most expensive and scarce.

But, no matter how different salmon caviar is, this favorite fish delicacy has anti-allergic and many other beneficial properties. Red salmon caviar is deservedly the most valuable natural medicine, which restores strength to a weakened body and also strengthens the immune system. Red caviar contains such valuable microelements as phosphorus, potassium, and folic acid. In addition, salmon caviar is superior in energy value and calorie content to milk and meat, and this despite the fact that it does not contain fats and carbohydrates. That is why red caviar is useful not only for adults, but also for children.

Classification of caviar: main types of caviar, classification of black, red and yellow caviar by fish breed, method of processing and packaging of eggs.

Caviar is the eggs of various fish species that have undergone special processing. This product is valued for its taste and nutritional properties all over the world. There are not so many types of caviar; the most valuable are black and red. But there are other varieties, and each, in turn, includes other subspecies. A detailed classification of caviar will help us understand this diversity.

Main types of caviar:

  1. Black caviar – caviar of sturgeon fish (beluga, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, sturgeon);
  2. Red caviar is the caviar of salmon fish, mainly from the Far East (pink salmon, chinook salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon);
  3. Pink caviar – caviar of vendace, whitefish, pollock, cod;
  4. Yellow or partial caviar is the caviar of fish that live in Russian rivers: pike perch, pike, ram, roach, mullet and mullet. It is often called “white”, although in fact the color of partial caviar is yellow;
  5. Tobiko flying fish roe;
  6. Imitated (artificial, surrogate, protein caviar).

Classification of black caviar

Varieties of black caviar depending on the processing method:

  1. Granular - caviar that, immediately after catching the fish, is rubbed on a sieve, due to which its grains are completely cleared from the caviar, maintaining a round shape, and then lightly salted with fine table salt. The ovary is a shell sac consisting of a durable film that envelops each egg;
  2. Pressed - caviar that is salted in eggshells immediately after catching the fish, and then laid out in small troughs, slightly dried and only after that cleared of eggshells and pressed in special vats. Sevruga is considered the best pressed caviar - it has a delicate aroma and delicate taste;
  3. Troishnaya (or ternary) is caviar that is prepared in exactly the same way as granular caviar, but, unlike the latter, it is not salted, but doused with warm, strong brine, then placed on a sieve, and when it has completely drained, it is hermetically packed in barrels. Made for special occasions;
  4. Yastychnaya is caviar that is salted together with the yastyk, quite steeply, and goes on sale in this form. This is cheap caviar, often over-salted, with a compacted consistency and a matted or dried appearance.

Calorie content and varieties of black caviar

Each of the varieties of black caviar (except for roach), depending on the delicacy of salting and the degree of freshness, is divided into 3 grades: highest, first and second. Different types of black caviar have a calorie content from 200 to 270 kcal per 100 g, contain 22-28% protein and 9-18% fat (per 100 g of product).

Main types of black granular caviar:

  1. Beluga caviar is in first place in terms of taste and nutritional value, the eggs are silver or dark gray in color with a subtle nutty flavor. Calorie content – ​​237 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: proteins – 27.2 g, fats – 14.2 g;
  2. Sturgeon caviar is yellowish or brownish caviar, smaller than beluga caviar, with a sharper taste, in which a hint of sea and algae is felt. Sturgeon caviar is cheaper than beluga caviar. Calorie content – ​​203 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: proteins – 28 g, fats – 9.7 g;
  3. Sevruga caviar - the eggs are small, but more elastic than beluga, black in color, with a delicate aroma and amazing taste. Calorie content – ​​221 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: proteins – 28.4 g, fats – 11.9 g.

Varieties of black granular caviar according to packaging method:

  1. Canned - packaged in cans, contains up to 5% salt. This is the best grained caviar;
  2. Barrel - packaged in oak barrels, a little saltier and rougher than canned, contains up to 10% salt. Not produced for the domestic market;
  3. Pasteurized - caviar in glass jars, which after treatment with salt is hermetically packaged and undergoes double pasteurization.

Classification of red caviar

Main types of red caviar:

  1. Pink salmon caviar is the best and most widespread in Russia. The eggs are medium-sized, orange in color, with a pronounced marine aroma and a light, barely noticeable bitterness;
  2. Chum salmon caviar is considered the most delicious. The eggs are larger than those of pink salmon, with a thin elastic film, bright orange in color;
  3. Coho salmon (silver salmon) caviar has a unique vitamin composition, which makes it considered the most healthy. The eggs are medium in size, dark orange in color with a soft, delicate creamy taste and noticeable bitterness;
  4. Sockeye salmon caviar is not popular in Russia, but Europeans pay tribute to its unique, piquant taste with a slight bitterness. The eggs are small, rich red in color;
  5. Trout caviar - usually served on canapés and sandwiches, the eggs are sticky and quite salty, medium in size, with a pinkish or golden hue, a bright aroma and an unsaturated taste.

Calorie content, processing technology and varieties of red caviar

As for the processing method, salmon caviar is only granular. Unlike black caviar, it is salted more strongly and has the same taste standards. The caviar is freed from the eggs and immersed in brine for 8-15 minutes, then it is allowed to drain completely, preservatives are added and packaged. In red caviar there are only first and second grades. The calorie content of red caviar is from 230 to 270 kcal per 100 g. The protein content is 31-35%, fat - 11-18% (per 100 g of product).

Pink caviar is no less healthy than red caviar, but contains less fat, so its calorie content is half as high. Prepared in the same way as red caviar. Produced only in granular form.

Classification of yellow (partial) caviar

Varieties of yellow caviar depending on the processing method:

1. Yastik caviar – salted in yastyk in two ways:

  • in dry wooden chests for 8-12 days, and then washed and placed in barrels. This is how the caviar of pike perch (called galagan), roach and bream (called tarama) is salted;
  • in strong brine for 3-4 hours, after which it is dried for 2 weeks (moleline caviar);

2. Breakout caviar – salted only after the eggs are removed; may contain preservatives and vegetable oils. This method is used to prepare the caviar of pike, roach, bream and pike perch.

Black, red, pink, and yellow caviar have a unique vitamin and mineral composition and high nutritional value. This is what unites different types of caviar – it has great benefits for our health. The main thing is that the caviar is fresh, properly processed and of high quality.

The question of how to choose the right red caviar is very relevant before the New Year holidays. Well, it's time to figure it out!

Red caviar is obtained from salmon fish(chum salmon, pink salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon). The product is rich in vitamins A, D and E, easily digestible proteins (up to 32% of the composition), phosphorus, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also contains: iodine, calcium, potassium and iron, folic acid and other nutrients necessary for immunity, youth and strength. A small amount is enough!

Doctors consider red caviar to be the most valuable food product. The main thing is to know which red caviar is best to choose and how to recognize a fake. It is very important. After all, instead of a royal delicacy, you can buy an imitation. For the same money...

So, how to choose high-quality red caviar? Let's look at all the nuances.

We study the information on the packaging

Correct name: “Granular salmon caviar.” Classification and characteristics according to GOST 18173-2004.

Granular caviar is made from raw caviar of Pacific (Far Eastern) salmon fish: pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, and sockeye salmon. In production, raw meat is processed with a solution of table salt followed by the addition of preservatives (or without them).

Caviar comes in first and second grade.

Varieties of red caviar

Index Standard for variety
Red caviar 1st grade Red caviar 2nd grade
Appearance Caviar of one type of fish. The eggs are clean, whole, uniform in color, without films or blood clots.
— a small number of shells (lopanza) is allowed — presence of shells;
— color heterogeneity;
- slight sediment.
Consistency The eggs are elastic, with a slightly damp or dry surface, they separate well and do not stick.
- may be more moist, slightly less elastic;
- may be slightly viscous.
Smell Characteristic of the product of this type, without foreign odors.
Mass fraction of salt, % 4 – 6 4 – 7
Taste Characteristic of the product, without any foreign taste. A slight taste of bitterness (for sockeye salmon and coho salmon caviar) and pungency is allowed.
How to choose a fresh village goose for the New Year's table: how to distinguish an old bird from a young one, signs of a fresh and stale carcass. Useful article at the link:

Composition of red caviar (read on the packaging)

There should be three rows of signs on the cover:

  • date of manufacture;
  • assortment mark "ICRA";
  • plant number with shift number and fishing industry index “P”

The numbers on a can of high-quality caviar are pressed from the inside or applied with a laser with indelible paint. Dented on the outside, smeared - a sign of a fake!

  • Ingredients: caviar, salt and preservatives. As a rule, one cannot do without them. Sorbic acid (E200) or sodium benzoate (E211) can be used.
  • If the composition contains E239 (urotropine), you cannot buy the product - it is a dangerous preservative.

Where and when is caviar packaged?

It is best if the caviar was packaged near the place of its extraction and production: Far East, Russian Federation (Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands). According to GOST, no more than a month should pass between catching and getting into the jar.

  • When is the caviar packaged?
  • Salmon spawning occurs from July to September. High-quality products are harvested during these months.

Caviar of pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, trout

  • Pink salmon caviar. The size of the eggs is 5 mm. Color – from light orange to orange. This caviar is the most common.
  • Chum salmon caviar. The eggs are larger – 5 – 7 mm. Color – amber-orange. The eggs have an even, round shape, with a clearly visible spot-embryo. This is the fattest of all types of caviar.
  • Coho salmon caviar. Considered the most useful. The size of the eggs is small - about 3 mm. Color – bright orange. The taste has a slightly bitter tint, so this caviar is not the most popular.
  • Sockeye salmon caviar. Size – 3 – 4 mm. Quite expensive caviar, not often found on the Russian market. Color – dark red. There is a pronounced fishy taste.
  • Chinook caviar. The eggs are large – 6 – 7 mm. Color – rich red. The taste is specific - bitter, slightly spicy. A very rare product.
  • Trout caviar. Small caviar – 2 – 3 mm. Color - from yellow to bright orange. Pronounced salty taste.

Which caviar to choose is up to you. If the product is quality, you won't be disappointed either way.

Signs of good caviar

  • Appearance of eggs should be suitable for purchase: they should be smooth, elastic, free from impurities and sediment, and should separate well. Do not stick to the jar or to each other.
  • The embryonic eye of the egg should be rich in color and stand out.
  • The eggs should be firm, but not springy. The surface is slightly damp. When pressed and in the mouth, good caviar bursts easily and does not stick to the teeth.
  • The smell should be fishy and moderate. The taste is characteristic of this product, but not too salty or bitter. The color is characteristic of red caviar (too pale indicates that the caviar has lost its beneficial and tasteful properties).
To check the quality of the product right in the store, shake the jar. The contents should move, but not gurgle. If the caviar is motionless inside, it is dry, and it is better not to buy it.

Signs of a fake

It is equally important to know signs of fake. Here they are:

  • the word “imitated” is present;
  • the price is suspiciously low;
  • eggs without an eye-embryo, perfectly round and even;
  • there is a strong fishy smell, similar to herring milk;
  • caviar is very hard and salty, does not burst in the mouth (it feels like you are chewing gelatin capsules), and sticks to your teeth.
There is a simple test. Throw a couple of eggs into hot water: the imitation will dissolve in boiling water or color the water.

As for artificial caviar, it cannot be called harmful, but its value for the body is also not great. The product is made from protein, gelatin, milk and eggs. There are no vitamins or healthy fatty acids in its composition - it’s definitely not worth buying one at the natural price.

Type of packaging: glass or tin jar, by weight, in plastic containers

How to choose a jar of red caviar? What to prefer: tin, plastic, glass?

  • The most expensive caviar is usually sold in a glass jar. She looks presentable. But the main thing is that the product can be clearly seen. Glass is also recognized as the best in terms of hygiene - it does not affect taste in any way.
  • Select red caviar in tins more difficult - they are not transparent. We will not be able to assess the quality of the product until we open the jar. You'll have to trust the manufacturer. The jar should not be swollen, rusty, wrinkled, all inscriptions should be legible. When shaking, the contents of the jar should not gurgle.
  • Caviar by weight, in plastic containers. Such a product can only be purchased from trusted suppliers and good friends. As a rule, there is no information about the composition and shelf life. An unscrupulous seller may use various additives and even tint the product. Plastic containers are the worst containers - they can be damaged during transportation. Storing caviar in them is also not very correct.

In a word, tin and glass are a priority.

And finally. Store the product in the refrigerator, observing expiration dates. It is better not to keep an open jar for a long time - no more than 5 days. There is also no point in freezing caviar - it will lose not only its taste, but also its beneficial properties. Appearance will also suffer.

Optimal: bought - ate. Be healthy and happy holidays!

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