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RSA is the providing insurer for PTS. Consent - reviews. How does e-osago guarantor work?

E-OSAGO Guarantor works with big problems in service; many car owners receive refusals to conclude contracts.
Recently, as soon as the opportunity to issue an electronic OSAGO policy through the e-OSAGO Garant system appeared on the official website of RSA, problems arose in the operation of the service. They also turned into problems for car owners.
It turned out that the system, while collecting money for the service from bank cards using the entered details, did not provide drivers with policies. Car owners began to sound the alarm - complain to supervisory authorities and leave negative reviews about the work of insurance companies on the Internet.

The most harmless cases are when the issued policy still reaches the customer of insurance services, but after a few weeks. Although the service is configured in such a way that the electronic document should be sent via e-mail immediately after payment for the service. In fact, the policy is sent in the so-called manual mode. And in the worst case scenario, drivers receive nothing at all except a notification that the insurer is canceling the contract and the cash transaction from the bank is cancelled.

Why is e-OSAGO Garant moping?

Insurance companies whose reputation suffers the most due to the incorrect operation of e-OSAGO Garant are advised to contact RSA for an explanation of the problems. They say that RESO-Garantii, Renaissance Insurance, VSK, and other insurers are not to blame for what happened. The problem is not on their side at all!

It turns out that the problem is really in the operation of the PCA service. The service allows you to issue a policy on the official website of the Union, accepts funds, but does not work at the stage of confirming the payment made by the client. Insurance companies simply do not receive information about the funds transferred to them for the MTPL service.

RSA does not deny the existence of the problem, promising to correct the operation of the system, as well as quickly resolve issues of sending policies manually, if car owners have funds reserved for the service.

And even despite the fact that problems arose in the operation of the new service on the RCA website, the service has successfully processed about 100,000 applications for policies since its launch.

How does e-OSAGO Garant work?

Guaranteed conclusion of electronic MTPL policies is valid if the customer was unable to purchase an electronic policy on the insurer’s website. In automatic mode, the user is redirected to the RSA portal, and there, by entering the PTS number, he receives random access to the insurer’s service, where he is guaranteed to be able to issue an auto insurance contract.

Car owners often face the problem of purchasing insurance. But the management of insurance companies made the task much easier by providing the opportunity to fill out the document on their official website.

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Due to frequent technical failures or reluctance to purchase additional services, a new system, Egarant.autoins.ru, has appeared. The site is intended to redirect policyholders from the company's service to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. More details about the system will be discussed below.

What it is

E-OSAGO Guarantor is a special program for issuing an electronic policy with a full guarantee. The presented service can be used in the event of a technical failure.

The system began operating in July 2017 and has significantly reduced the load on the numerous resources of insurance companies.

Why was the system introduced?

The E-OSAGO Garant system was developed to make it easier and more convenient to purchase an insurance policy for a vehicle.

The purpose of the presented service is to redirect the user from the insurance company’s website to RSA - Russian Union of Auto Insurers, access to which is provided only to moderators and system administrators.

This became necessary after regular complaints from car owners. Most of the dissatisfaction was associated with a forced transition to a third-party site from the service of the selected insurance company.

As a result, the applicant was left without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, and when visiting the insurer’s office in person, he was faced with the absence of the appropriate form.

Using the E-OSAGO Garant website now makes it possible to do everything quickly and independently, and most importantly, purchase an insurance policy directly from RSA.

Users also note that such a purchase is associated with significant savings. This is explained by the lack of forced registration of additional services by company employees, which is carried out without explicit explanation.

It should also be noted that only vehicle owners are allowed into the RSA. Employees of insurance companies and other citizens cannot access the service, so fraudulent activities will not follow.

How does it work

The E-OSAGO Guarantor system complies with all legal standards, therefore the policy is issued in the following sequence:

  • To begin with, it is recommended to select an insurance company - you can optionally or by PTS number using a special server;
  • register on the official website of the insurance company;
  • Next, you should log in to the server of the insurer's organization;
  • on the insurer’s website, select a tab that will contain a form for entering information in order to purchase an insurance policy;
  • here we additionally offer a calculator that will help you pre-calculate the amount of insurance;
  • This is how an application to purchase an MTPL policy is completed.
  • It is necessary to upload all documents in electronic form to verify the entered data;
  • if all data has been entered correctly, the system will offer payment for the service of purchasing an MTPL policy;
  • make payment using the proposed method;
  • The applicant will receive a letter to his email with a ready-made form, which can be printed and taken with him for document verification by traffic police inspectors.

The E-Garant system comes into play if there is a failure in the insurance company’s system. In such a situation, the user will automatically be presented with the opportunity to purchase a policy on the PCA website. Here you need to perform authorization and all the above steps.

Registration procedure

The registration procedure on the E-OSAGO Garant website can be carried out in the following sequence:

  • the user will be automatically redirected to a page with mandatory data entry;

In the form presented, you must enter the PTS number and select the region of registration of the vehicle owner.

  • to confirm your intentions, you must agree to the offer and other conditions;

  • Next, the user will be offered a form to fill in with personal data and information about the technical components of the car.

Filling out the last form is the initial stage of purchasing an MTPL policy at RSA.

How to find paid insurance

Car owners are advised to check the previously purchased one before purchasing a new OSAGO policy.

This will help in choosing an insurance company, since the PCA website will automatically suggest processing the document from the insurer from whom the form was previously received.

Checking the paid insurance is carried out in the following sequence:

  • on the RSA website find the service “Check OSAGO policy”;

  • select “Information for policyholders on insured vehicles” in the list that opens;

  • you should enter the required data in the form provided to find out information about the previously issued compulsory motor liability insurance policy;

  • After entering the information, you must click on the “Search” button. The results will be presented in a special form.

This way you can check whether there is a valid MTPL policy for the car.

How to apply for a policy

An MTPL policy through RSA can be issued in the following sequence:

  • on the official website of RSA, select the “Electronic OSAGO Policy” tab;

  • the first tab will offer all the insurance companies where you can contact to draw up the document;

  • Here are links that you can use to continue completing the document.

In this case, the user will be automatically redirected to the website Egarant.autoins.ru. To authorize, you will need to enter your vehicle passport and password.

Advantages and disadvantages

The system under consideration has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects include the following factors:

  1. The ability to prepare a document without technical glitches and with a simple sequence.
  2. The procedure for filling out and obtaining an MTPL policy is completely controlled by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.
  3. There has been a noticeable decrease in the number of dissatisfied reviews regarding the purchase of a document via the Internet.
  4. Insurance companies no longer suffer losses due to being forced to pay fines for incorrect issuance of policies or failure to provide services to vehicle owners.
  5. There is an even distribution of car owners, so insurance companies do not experience difficulties in serving customers.

Among the shortcomings, we can only highlight frequent server outages, which is associated with freezing of the provision of data from the common RCA database.

Also, most users experience difficulties in paying the already calculated cost of the MTPL insurance policy. This is due to the lack of possibility of using electronic wallets and various payment systems.

The website Egarant.autoins.ru provides invaluable benefits to those who prefer to resolve all issues quickly and without technical troubles. You should not be afraid of fraud, since tracking is carried out by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Issuing electronic insurance policies is a pressing issue for car owners. On the basis of the Union of Auto Insurers, the RSA personal account was created - this is the so-called E-Garant service, which allows you to obtain insurance at any time convenient for the user. How can you apply for compulsory motor liability insurance in your personal RSA account?

The principle of operation of the E-Garant service

Starting from 2017, motorists are given the opportunity to obtain a motor vehicle license electronically. The state obliges all insurers to create special applications designed to provide electronic insurance.

Due to such restructuring, insurance companies began to rapidly develop this category of services, however, not everyone was able to provide a high-quality platform for electronic insurance: for some, the link does not function, and some sites do not work at all for technical reasons.

You can log into your PCA personal account directly from the insurance company’s website. If we talk about the principle of operation of this service, it looks like this: the insurer sets the goal of issuing an electronic motor vehicle license, and, when faced with technical problems with the site, and this phenomenon is observed very, very often, it is automatically redirected by the system to the E-Garant service.

After this, the auto insurance system, directly through the personal account of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, will automatically select the insurer whose services its potential client resorts to, and it will no longer be able not to issue electronic compulsory motor liability insurance.

As soon as the insurer gets to the website of the E-Garant service, in order to be able to issue a motor vehicle license, he will need to register on the official website of the RSA. How to register in your RSA personal account? In fact, this procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

How to register in your RSA personal account

The registration process for your RSA personal account is simple. To log in to this system, you will need to fill out a registration form. The registration algorithm in the RSA personal account is as follows:

At this point, the registration procedure in the RSA personal account is completed - after this, the client will work in the personal account not of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, but in the service of the directly selected insurance company.

That is, now the client needs to register on the website of the insurance company whose services he wants to use when applying for electronic compulsory motor liability insurance, and pay for the insurance.

As soon as the user creates an account, goes through all the stages of registration in the personal account of both RSA and his insurer, pays for the services of purchasing an electronic motor vehicle license, he will be able to receive his policy to the email address specified during the authorization process.

Authorization in your personal account RSA

After the initial registration in the PCA system, you will need to go through the authorization procedure in the system. Firstly, this will be required to complete the main task - purchasing an insurance policy, and secondly, this service is used to check the authenticity of the purchased insurance.

So, in order to log in to your RSA personal account, you need to enter the appropriate data in the form. You can get to the form itself by following the link https://egarant.autoins.ru/egarant-web-1.0/login.htm.

  • valid email address;
  • indicate the type of document that is registered in the system;
  • vehicle passport number or technical passport in electronic form;
  • password.

After entering all the necessary data, click on the “Login” button.

What to do if you forgot the password for your RSA personal account

Due to the fact that now many companies providing various types of services to the population are actively switching to an electronic base of work, most clients, in order to take advantage of this opportunity, register on all possible services.

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) has decided to improve the system of guaranteed conclusion of electronic MTPL contracts. If a car owner, for technical reasons, is unable to purchase an electronic policy on the insurance company’s website, he will be redirected to a special closed part of the RCA website. An application filled out on the insurer’s website with all the data entered by the user will also be automatically sent there. Payment of the insurance premium will need to be made on the RSA website, and it will be credited to the insurer’s account. After this, the citizen will receive the policy by email. The relevant information is posted on the website of the RSA Journalists Club.

It began to apply on January 1 of this year - when the sale of car insurance in this form began. However, the RSA, according to the President of the Union Igor Yurgens, until now there have been no mechanisms to control the redistribution of users wishing to purchase an electronic MTPL policy, but who encountered technical failures in the operation of the insurer’s website. Due to the fact that RSA will be included in this process, a decrease in the number of complaints from citizens and fines for insurers is expected. The new mechanism, as noted, guarantees the conclusion of MTPL agreements in electronic form and will ensure full control over the process by the Union.

Who should pay amounts exceeding the amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance? Find out from the material "What is included in the insurance compensation under MTPL" in "Home Legal Encyclopedia" Internet version of the GARANT system. Get 3 days free!

In addition, RSA decided to extend the operation of the RSA Unified Agent system until December 31, 2017. Let us recall that it was initially planned that the agreement under which they sell MTPL policies as agents on behalf of all other insurers will apply until July 1, 2017.

In this material we will tell you how to issue an electronic MTPL policy on the RSA website using the E-Garant system.

As the portal site previously reported, on July 1, 2017, RSA launched on its website a system for guaranteed issuance of electronic OSAGO policies, which is called E-Garant. Its essence is the same as that of a single RSA agent. If an error appears on the insurer’s website and it is not possible to issue an electronic policy, in the case of a single agent, the driver is redirected to another insurance company, which is selected at random, using the PTS number. In the case of the E-Garant system, the redirection is not to the website of another insurer, but to the official website of RSA, which guarantees the issuance of an MTPL policy.

We were able to test E-Garant for ourselves. When I tried to apply for an MTPL policy on the Ingosstrakh website, I received an error and was prompted to go to the RSA website to register. After confirmation, the client is redirected to the PCA website. Moreover, all previously filled in data about the car and driver are also automatically redirected to the RSA website - you do not have to fill them out again.

As in the case of a single agent, in the E-Garant system you need to indicate the PTS number, by which an insurer is randomly selected, whose policy will be issued on the RSA website. In our case, we came across the VSK company, which has an office in our city.

When you click the “Submit” button, a registration window opens in your E-Garant personal account. Registration takes a couple of minutes, after which a window opens with the previously entered data to calculate the policy price. If everything is correct, you need to click the confirmation button, after which the system will calculate the price of the MTPL policy.

In our case, a message appeared that the diagnostic inspection card data was not found and a proposal to manually upload a scan of this card. After loading, the system confirmed the correctness and calculated the price of the policy. After payment by credit card, the electronic policy in PDF format became available for download, and a copy of it was sent to the email address specified during registration. All that remains is to print it out and drive quietly for another year.



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