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How to calculate MTPL insurance payments. Calculation of compensation under compulsory motor insurance in case of an accident - how to check whether the policyholder is deceiving you? Who can use it
Question Answer
Within 5 days.
Within 20 days, the insurance company is obliged to pay the damage or justify the refusal.
400,000 rubles.
· wear;

· cost of repairs.

· list of necessary work to eliminate defects;

· possible hidden defects that appeared after an accident;

· description of each defect;

· date of commencement of operation of the vehicle;

· vehicle make and model, equipment and production date;

· date and place of the accident.

Yes, RSA has developed an online calculator http://prices.autoins.ru/priceAutoParts/repair_parts.html, from which the cost can be calculated.
· part code;

· car model;

· region;

date of proposed repair.

According to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, compensation for damage to victims after an accident is the responsibility of the insurance company. According to statistics, only 10% of drivers receive full compensation.

Insurers are trying in various ways to reduce the amount of payments, or even refuse them altogether.

In order not to be deceived, the car owner must imagine how the compulsory motor liability insurance payment is calculated, do it himself and demand that the company pay back all the money due.

Basic principles for calculating compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance

The amount of insurance coverage for victims of road accidents is determined by the rules established in legislative acts.

  1. The culprit of the accident is obliged to notify his insurance company within 5 days of the occurrence of an insured event under MTPL and attach a notice filled out by both parties. If this condition is not met, the insurer has the right to demand that the culprit compensate for the losses from his own pocket (recourse claim, Law No. 40-FZ, Art. 14). The recourse requirement applies to cases where the driver committed an accident while drunk. In both situations, the insurance will be paid to the victim, and the recovery of losses from the culprit will take place in court.
  2. The MTPL law obliges the insurance company, within 20 days from the date on which the insured event was registered, to carry out an examination of the damage to the vehicle, calculate and pay compensation or a justified refusal to pay (No. 40-FZ of April 24, 2002, Art. 12 , part 21). The money is transferred to a plastic card issued in advance by the insurance company. Only after receiving them will the injured driver be able to find out that the amount of compensation does not cover the costs of repairs. He has the right, with the help of an independent examination, to calculate the actual loss and ensure that the company pays fair compensation.
  3. The procedure for calculating insurance coverage is defined in Government Decree No. 263 of May 7, 2003. The document lists all types of damage that are subject to compensation. The lion's share of payments goes to repair costs: they give rise to a large number of disputes.
  4. In 2014, amendments were made to the main law, which established maximum payments under compulsory motor liability insurance. For harm caused to the health of victims, the company can pay up to 500 thousand rubles, the maximum payment for the restoration of a vehicle is 400 thousand rubles. (No. 223-FZ dated July 21, 2014).
  5. The Central Bank Regulations dated September 19, 2014 contain a methodology for calculating the cost of repairing a damaged vehicle (No. 432-P). Since 2014, all calculations for MTPL payments are made only on the basis of the rules developed by the RSA and approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

What data is included in the amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance?

When calculating insurance benefits, a number of factors are taken into consideration.

  1. Repair cost. The price of parts to be replaced, payment for available materials and restoration work are taken into account. An IC expert, as a rule, only takes into account visible damage, but the injured driver has the right to insist on an additional examination. Detected hidden damage must be included in the inspection report; after its execution, the insurer will calculate the cost of repairs.
  2. Wear. Insurance coverage for the new car will be 100%. For cars with a certain mileage, the wear rate will increase and payments will be reduced to a maximum of 50%.

Determining the degree of wear and tear has the greatest impact on the amount of insurance coverage.

  1. Loss of commodity value (LCV). After an accident, cars cannot be sold at high prices, especially foreign cars become cheaper. The amount that the injured driver loses when selling the damaged car is included in the insurance coverage.
  2. Evacuation costs. The damaged car is transported from the scene of the accident at the expense of the insurance company, which is included in the insurance price.
  3. Payment for examination. The cost of the work of the insurance company experts is included in the amount of compensation. The driver has the right to carry out an independent examination of the damaged vehicle in a service center with modern equipment. Payment for the work of experts will be included in the amount of insurance compensation if the victim manages to prove that the company’s payments in his case are underestimated.

Both insurance companies and independent experts use the same calculation method, but get different results. To understand why this happens, you need to get acquainted with the calculation formula.

Theory and calculation formulas

All data for calculating damage using a unified methodology is taken from survey reports conducted by licensed experts.

Data for calculations

The following information is used to calculate compensation:

  • Date and place of the accident;
  • Vehicle model, its equipment, year of manufacture;
  • Start date of operation;
  • Description of each defect: where it is located, how and how damaged the parts or elements of the case are;
  • Possible hidden defects resulting from the accident
  • List of necessary work to eliminate damage.

How prices are formed

The new methodology is guided not by market prices, but by those contained in the RSA directories and in the Spare Parts Price Database (BCZ, RSA electronic resource). Prices are updated at least 2 times a year to take into account inflation, so the cost of spare parts and paint materials for repairs depends on the date.

The economic region also influences pricing policy. The territory of Russia is divided into 13 insurance regions, and in each of them the cost of repairs will be different. In the central regions, parts and labor will be more expensive, in the provinces - cheaper.

And finally, when calculating damage, the wear and tear of the car is taken into account - this coefficient most significantly reduces compensation for repairs under OSAGO.

Formula for calculating repair costs

The amount of compensation according to a unified methodology is determined by adding up the costs of work, materials, and spare parts.

R k = R r + R m + R h/h

  • The indicator Р р is calculated according to the list of necessary restoration measures from the vehicle inspection report. Resolution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 432-P provides a list of all possible repair work (32 in total) and standard hours for their implementation (Appendices 2-3). The cost of work is determined according to RSA directories; it should not deviate from the market average by more than 10%.
  • Material costs are calculated using the formula:
R m = R m1 + R m2 + R mz - etc.
  • Payment for 1 type of painting material - P m1 - is equal to the price of the product multiplied by the consumption rate:
Р m1 = С m1 ∙ N m1.
  • Payment for parts to be replaced is subject to wear and tear. The price of one spare part is calculated by the formula: Cz/h = Sz/h ∙ (1 – I/100), where Sz/h is the cost of a new spare part, I is the wear of the part according to the expert’s assessment. For example, compensation for a part worth 2000 rubles. with wear of 20% will be: C/h = 2000 ∙ (1 – 20/100) = 2000 ∙ (1-0.2) = 2000 ∙ 0.8 = 1600 rub. The cost of replacing other parts is determined in the same way.

How to calculate the cost of repairs online

To facilitate calculations, RSA has developed an open electronic calculator, which can be used to calculate the cost of spare parts, taking into account wear and tear, the cost of auto materials and repair work: prices.autoins.ru/priceAutoParts/repair_parts.html .

To find out the average cost of parts, you need to enter the following parameters:

  • date of proposed repair;
  • region;
  • vehicle brand;
  • part code.

The price of all spare parts must be added up and multiplied by the wear rate of the car - this way you can find out the compensation that the insurance company will pay for replacing damaged parts.

For reference on the cost of repair work, please enter the following information:

  • date of;
  • region;
  • vehicle brand;
  • vehicle type.

The cost of auto materials is determined according to:

  • date of;
  • material manufacturer;
  • Name of product.
In one request you can find out the price of 3 items.

Example of calculating the cost of repairs

A 2012 Chery Tiggo T 11 car with a mileage of 73 thousand km was involved in an accident in 2016. The examination found that the wear level of the vehicle is 35%. The inspection report lists the types of repair work required:

  • replacement and painting of the bumper and fastenings;
  • replacement of the left headlight with mount;
  • wheel arch repair;
  • wheel balancing.

We use the formula:

R k = R r + R m + R h/h.

  1. The cost of spare parts can be calculated based on their average market value, taking prices in three popular online stores.
  • average market price for a bumper – (2400 + 2000 + 2500):3 = 6900:3 = 2300 rub.
  • for the left headlight - 3200 rubles.
  • for fastening – 1000 rub.

The total cost of new parts is 6,500 rubles, taking into account wear: R w/h = 6,500 ∙ (1 - 0.35) = 4,225 (rub.)

  1. Calculation of the cost of repair work:
  • market price for balancing work is 1000 rubles/hour;
  • wheel arch repair – 1000 rub./hour.

Data on labor costs for all types of work are given in regulatory act No. 432-P (Appendix 2-3). The standard time for repairing damage is 3 hours, and for balancing – 0.1 hour.

Р р = 1000 ∙ 3 + 1000 ∙ 0.1 = 3100 (rub.)

  1. Cost of painting:
  • Bumper painting – 1300 RUR/hour; time – 1 hour.
  • Painting the fastening – 600 rubles/hour, time – 0.4 hours.

R m = 1300 ∙ 1 + 600 ∙ 0.4 = 1540 (rub.)

Compensation for the entire repair will be: R k = 4225 + 3100 + 1540 = 8865 (rub.)

If we take the values ​​of the PCA calculator instead of market prices, the amount will be less, but the difference should not exceed 10%, i.e. 886 rubles.

Why do insurance companies reduce payments?

According to RSA representatives, the MTPL market is considered unprofitable for insurers. At the beginning of 2017, insurance companies received 14 billion rubles for sold policies, and in the same year they had to pay 14.3 billion for insured events. The idea of ​​​​introducing compulsory motor liability insurance with a franchise appeared. In this case, the insured agrees that he will not be compensated for part of the losses in a possible accident.

But insurance will cost him less. While RSA managers are working on projects, insurance companies are finding ways to reduce payments under compulsory motor liability insurance - even within the framework of a unified calculation methodology. Here are the main ways to reduce payments:

  • The inspection report does not record hidden damage.
  • Not all repair work is noted by the insurance company expert in the documentation.
  • Vehicle registration for vehicles less than 5 years old is not taken into account.
  • The depreciation of the car is overestimated (the date of start of operation is taken at the time of release of the car, and not at the time of purchase).
  • The code of the part to be replaced is incorrectly determined.

As you can see, the basis for underestimating payments is incorrect data in the examination report. The driver should pay special attention to this document if he seeks to receive fair compensation from the insurer.

What to do if the insurer has underestimated payments under compulsory motor liability insurance

An underestimated amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance should not be a surprise to the policyholder. For further actions, documents are collected in advance.

  • Firstly, you must have a copy of the initial inspection of the car by an insurance company expert.
  • If hidden damage was possible, you must immediately insist on an independent examination. According to the law, it is organized by the insurer; you should take a copy of the second examination report from him.
  • Based on these documents, an independent calculation of repairs is made and the results are compared with the amount calculated by the company.
  • It is useful to consult with a car lawyer. He will give competent advice on whether it is worth filing a lawsuit to recover underpaid compensation.
  • Only after the insurer has transferred the payment, the client has the right to invite his expert to independently inspect the vehicle - until this time, it is better not to repair the car.
  • If the damage based on the independent expert report differs from the insurer’s compensation by more than 10%, you need to send him a pre-trial claim with a requirement to pay the missing amount.
  • The next step is legal action. Individuals draw up court documents on their own behalf. The company's claim and statement of claim on behalf of the legal entity are written by its legal representative.

Winning in court will result in more than just full compensation for damages for the insured. As a fine, the insurer will pay another half of the amount that was missed at the beginning.


Since December 1, 2014, all insurance companies operating in the MTPL system have switched to a single standard for calculating damage to cars damaged in road accidents. Previously, insurance company experts assessed the cost of repairs differently. Sometimes the results of the calculations of two specialists differed threefold. What did this lead to? Insurers paid the minimum - and the victims went to court.

The majority of court decisions were not in favor of insurers. As a result, the amount of payments increased two to three times and insurance companies lost a significant chunk of their profits. They needed to take emergency measures, otherwise it would become unprofitable to engage in compulsory motor liability insurance. First of all, the cost of the policy was increased by 30%. Then a document appeared establishing the procedure for calculating the cost of repairs - the same for all experts.

RSA specialists worked on the document for a long time - after all, it was also necessary to take into account the cost of spare parts, and there are more than 40 million items in the directory!


To determine the cost of repairs, the regions were divided into separate zones. There are thirteen in total. Each has its own price tags for spare parts. To check which zone a particular region belongs to, just go to the RSA website (autoins.ru) in the “MTPL” section. You can also check the cost of spare parts there. True, for this you need to know their factory designation.

RSA assures that prices for repairs and spare parts are set at market prices and there will now be no disagreements between victims and insurers. Is it so? Let's check.

For the purity of the experiment, let’s take a real car that was damaged in an accident - a 2011 Nissan Teana sedan with a mileage of 59,482 km. Experts from the Krimekspertiza company calculated the cost of repairs using both the unified RCA method and market prices in the Moscow region. According to the RSA method, taking into account wear and tear, the victim will be paid 158 thousand rubles, whereas in reality, if you do not take into account wear and tear of parts, 248 thousand will be needed to repair the car. The difference is 90 thousand rubles! And if we take the market calculation (taking into account wear and tear) of our experts, then this difference will be reduced to 38 thousand rubles, but will still remain.

The main reason for inconsistencies is the cost of spare parts. We checked the prices for parts on the RSA website and compared them with the Moscow market average. It turned out that for most items the prices in the RSA directory are noticeably lower. This is understandable: supplies of spare parts are tied to the euro and dollar, and the reference books were compiled when the rate was half as low. RSA plans to update its calculations only in six months.

The amount paid for repair work will also be insufficient. The cost of a standard hour for the Nissan brand is underestimated in the methodology. For example, unofficial service stations charge 1,000 rubles per hour for body work, while official prices are even higher - from 1,500 rubles. And the methodology indicates the amount of 900 rubles per standard hour (for the Central Economic Region, which includes Moscow).

There are other problems too. According to expert Alexander Gladyshev, some car damage, such as body distortions, can only be detected at a special stand. And not all car service centers have expensive measuring systems, let alone experts. As a result, the cost of such work will not be taken into account by insurance specialists. This means that the money will not be enough to repair the car.


What should victims of an accident do? The ideal option is to get a comprehensive insurance policy. But not everyone can afford it.

Suing is also not an option. After all, now both in insurance companies and in courts the only document by which the cost of repairs can be calculated is the RCA method. Moreover, if the difference between the insurer’s payment and the victim’s claim is no more than 10%, it will be classified as a so-called statistical error and such a claim will not be accepted for consideration in court. And now the expert will not be able to calculate the damage for an amount that is greater than this 10% in order to try to get closer to the real cost of repairs - the methodology will not allow it. Therefore, the only way out for car owners who do not have a comprehensive insurance policy is not to take money, but to demand a referral for repairs to a car service center. Fortunately, this is provided for by the MTPL rules.

A traffic accident is a terribly unpleasant event. It involves not only damage to the car and harm to human health, but also red tape associated with obtaining insurance. Many car owners who do not particularly delve into the intricacies of receiving due payments experience serious difficulties in carrying out the procedure. But if you know the whole procedure and take into account some of the nuances, then insurance payments will be received as quickly as possible and without unnecessary problems.

○ Procedure for receiving payments.

✔ Actions in case of an accident.

A traffic accident must be recorded. To do this, you must first call traffic police officers, who will draw up an appropriate protocol. In the event of a serious accident, as a rule, representatives of the investigative authorities arrive and draw up their own protocol for examining the scene of the accident, and also take photographs.

To contact the insurance company, you can ask for a copy of the reports and photographs, which will be the best evidence of the incident. If possible, be sure to take your own photographs from different angles. Recordings from car registrators or surveillance cameras will also be an excellent help (copies of the latter can be requested from the traffic police).

✔ Documents for insurance.

According to clause 3.10 of the Regulations, in general it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  1. Statement. It can be drawn up either by the victim himself or by his representative (in the latter case, a copy of the power of attorney is also required). A sample can be taken from the insurance company employees.
  2. Identity document. As a general rule - a passport, for victims under 14 years of age - a birth certificate.
  3. Bank details. This is required if the payment is made by bank transfer.
  4. Information about an accident. The document is provided by the traffic police department whose employees recorded the incident.
  5. Notification of an accident. It must be drawn up by the owner of the MTPL policy and sent to the insurance company, even if a report on the accident has been drawn up by the traffic police.
  6. A copy of the administrative violation protocol. The document is issued by employees of the traffic police department if a corresponding case has been opened under an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

If it is necessary to confirm additional facts that affect the amount of the amount paid, you must also provide relevant documents (for example, to confirm the death of the victim, you must provide a death certificate).

✔ Submission of documents.

The listed documents are submitted to the insurance company, which is specified in the MTPL agreement. The most reliable option for filing is directly to the insurer’s office. Depending on the organization, you can either sign up, leave an application, or, on a first-come, first-served basis, provide all the papers to the employee responsible for compulsory motor liability insurance payments. The provisions on the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance allow victims to submit documents by mail or electronically. These methods can be much more convenient, but they do not guarantee 100% transmission of documents, since letters tend to get lost for a variety of reasons. In addition, if you provide all copies by post or electronically, you will still need to contact the insurance company with the originals.

✔ Insurance response.

The time frame within which the insurance company must respond to the victim’s application for payment of insurance amounts is clearly indicated in the Regulations on the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance. According to clause 4.22, as a general rule, the insurer is obliged to consider the application and send a response to it within 20 days. If the insurance company agrees to pay directly for repairs, the response time increases to 30 days. In this case, calendar days are taken into account, that is, together with weekends, with the exception of non-working holidays. The insurer's response usually contains either an agreement to pay or a refusal. However, the insurance company may also suggest changes or comments to the proposed terms. In this case, additional documents are attached to the response (in particular, the results of an expert assessment of the damage). Typically, such situations are regulated in direct communication between the insurer and the policyholder.

✔ How to receive payment.

The amount can be paid upon the occurrence of an insured event in several ways:

  1. One-time payment of a sum of money in full. It is the most common and simplest option.
  2. Partial payment of a sum of money with the additional conclusion of contracts for the provision of services, which are covered by the remaining amount (as agreed by the parties, if necessary). As a rule, this concerns the performance of work and the provision of services for the restoration of a vehicle.
  3. Payment of funds directly to the medical organization providing assistance to the victim (in whole or in part).

It is important to note that payment of funds for harm to health or life under compulsory motor liability insurance does not affect the receipt of amounts due under personal insurance.

○ Payment amounts.

According to paragraphs. "b" art. 7 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, the maximum amount paid cannot exceed 400 thousand rubles. This provision applies to cases of both complete loss of the car and partial damage. In the first situation, the amount of payment is set in accordance with paragraph. 2 clause 4.15 of the Regulations and is equal to the actual value of the vehicle at the time of the insured event minus the value of the usable remains. In case of partial damage to the car, the amount of payment is equal to the cost of a full repair, taking into account the average cost of restoration work in the region. The exception is the presence in the contract of a clause on compensation for damage in kind. If it is necessary to replace worn parts, no more than 50% of the nominal value will be charged.

As for compensation for damage to health, according to paragraphs. "a" Art. 7 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, the maximum payment amount cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles. The specific amount of the amount is established in accordance with the severity of the harm caused, as well as its consequences (various degrees of loss of ability to work and legal capacity).

If the victim does not agree with the amount of payment, in accordance with clause 5.1 of the Regulations, he can submit a claim to the insurance company. It should contain calculations, as well as other evidence of your own position. Disputes may arise in the following situations:

  • Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations by the insurance company.
  • Disagreement with the amount of payment.
  • Failure of the service station, where repairs are carried out at the direction of the insurer, to comply with the deadlines for returning the car.
  • Violation of other obligations by the insurer.

Out-of-court settlement of disagreements does not always lead to fruitful results, which is why disputes most often end up in the judicial authorities.

○ Refusal to pay, grounds.

The insurance company has every right not to pay insurance compensation only in certain cases. The grounds established by clause 5.2 of the Regulations include the following situations:

  1. Submission of an application by a person who is not a victim or does not have a power of attorney allowing him to apply in the interests of the victim.
  2. Failure to provide original documents when requested by the insurance company.
  3. Lack of bank details when applying for a cashless transfer.
  4. Failure to provide a vehicle for damage assessment at the request of the insurance company.

In addition, the insurer may refuse in cases of the occurrence of a so-called insurance risk. According to Part 2 of Art. 6 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, it occurs in the following situations:

  1. Causing damage to a vehicle not specified in the MTPL agreement.
  2. Causing moral harm or lost profits.
  3. Causing harm during sports competitions or training riding in places specially designated for these purposes.
  4. Damage to antiques, precious metals, securities.
  5. Damage to cargo transported in a trailer or special equipment, including during loading or unloading.
  6. Causing harm to the life and health of passengers during their transportation carried out as a professional activity (if the harm is subject to compensation under other insurance contracts).
  7. Compensation by the employer for losses caused to the employee.
  8. Environmental pollution.
  9. Causing harm to employees if there are other insurance contracts.

If the existence of these grounds is disputed by the victim, it is imperative to first file a claim with the insurance company. If she is not satisfied, there is only one way out - legal proceedings.

○ When the insurer can exercise the right of recourse.

Recourse is a claim from the insurer against the person who caused the accident. The citizen who caused the harm is not obliged to compensate the damage to the insurance company on his own, since this requires an application from the organization.

Part 1 of Article 1081 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • “A person who has compensated for damage caused by another person (an employee in the performance of official, official or other labor duties, a person driving a vehicle, etc.) has the right to claim back (recourse) against this person in the amount of compensation paid, unless another amount is established by law.”

The grounds on which the insurance company has the right to recourse are specified in Part 1 of Art. 14 Federal Law “On OSAGO”:

  1. The person who caused the harm does not have the right to drive a car.
  2. The person fled the scene.
  3. The damage was caused by a person in a state of intoxication.
  4. Damage to health and life was caused as a result of intent.
  5. The damage occurred during a period when the contract was not in effect (if indicated in the contract).
  6. The accident took place without the participation of traffic police officers, while the person who caused the harm also sent a notice to the insurance company.
  7. The person who suffered harm is not included in the MTPL agreement (if the agreement specifies the effect on a certain group of persons).
  8. The person who caused the damage began repairs before the expiration of the 15 days required to transfer the car to the insurer.
  9. The diagnostic card expired at the time of the insured event.

○ Receiving payments through the court.

Insurance compensation is not always paid to the policyholder easily and without questions. The insurance company may underestimate payments, refuse to transfer them to the victim, or delay the process of transferring or repairing the car. In all of these cases, a claim is first filed, but if the claim is unsuccessful, the case is resolved in the district court where the insurance company is located.

To apply to the justice authority, you must submit the following package of documents:

  1. Statement of claim drawn up in accordance with Art. 131 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. If the plaintiff does not have legal knowledge, the drafting must be entrusted to a lawyer or other lawyer.
  2. Copy of the passport.
  3. A copy of documents certifying ownership of the car. These include a registration certificate, as well as a technical passport of the vehicle. These documents are submitted in case of damage to the car.
  4. A copy of the MTPL agreement.
  5. Copies of vehicle inspection and appraisal reports.
  6. Copies of accident reports.
  7. Copies of expert reports and medical reports. These papers are required to certify calculations of damage caused.
  8. A copy of the claim submitted to the insurance company for an out-of-court settlement.

The insurance company always has a qualified lawyer, so the victim should also take care of the services of a professional lawyer. If the court makes a decision in favor of the plaintiff, a copy of it is sent to the insurer, who must perform one or another action within the time period established by the judge.

Calculated by the insurer when the injured party contacts him. Depending on the situation, the payment amount can cover the repair work completely or only partially. When calculating payments under compulsory motor liability insurance, the results of damage examination, as well as wear and tear of the car and its individual parts are taken into account.

What reduces the amount of insurance compensation for damage

When assessing damage to a car, it is taken into account first. It is he who has the maximum influence on changes in the cost of repairs. So, for a new car that has been driven for less than a year, they will pay almost 100% compensation.

If the car has been driven for several years, the insurance payment will be significantly lower. The older the car, the more wear and tear. Drivers are protected by the fact that the law stipulates the maximum value of this parameter - 50%. Therefore, the insurance company can reduce the payment only to half of the required amount.

Insurance compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance can be increased if you keep receipts and receipts for installed parts. For example, if the car is manufactured in 2007, and the damaged headlights were supplied this year, then wear and tear on them is not taken into account.

How to estimate the amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance

The assessment of the amount of compensation for insurance is carried out using an automotive technical examination. Specialists establish all hidden and visible damage, conditions and causes of accidents, analyze road conditions and other parameters. As a result, a holistic picture of the accident is formed, conclusions are prepared on controversial issues, and the amount of damage in the accident is established.

When assessing damage, many insurance companies seek to hide some damage and lower the amount of payments. You can challenge the result of the specialist’s examination from the insurance company by contacting independent experts. They will conduct an examination of the damage and prepare their conclusions about its damage.

Changes in compensation calculation in 2019

In January 2019, significant changes were introduced to.

Now restoration repairs take priority over insurance payments. A victim of an accident can receive monetary compensation in the following cases:

  • a damaged car cannot be restored; the cost of repairs significantly exceeds the insurance payment limit; as a result of a road accident, damage was caused not only to the car (life, health or other property);
  • for some reason it is impossible to establish in advance the timing of restoration repairs;
  • repairs cannot be made at the repair organization chosen by the insurance company and the insurer.

How to check the accuracy of insurance calculations

With the introduction of insurance making repairs a priority form of compensation this year, drivers will want to check the integrity of their insurance company. You can use your insurance reimbursement amounts. It contains information on the cost of parts in the region, standard hours and other parameters used in calculations by insurers.

It should be noted that special care should be taken when checking the results of the examination in case of road accidents, starting from 2017. The almost complete disappearance of natural compensation for damage under compulsory motor liability insurance will make repairs impossible without additional costs if hidden damage is discovered during the process.

Limits on compensation for damage

Compensation for damages is limited to maximum payment amounts. To date, the following values ​​have been established:

  • 400,000 rubles - payments for damage caused directly to the car;
  • 500,000 rubles - coverage for harm to the health and life of people, calculated separately for each victim.

Additionally, compensation for damages has been increased. Starting from 2014, when registering an accident without calling the traffic police, you can receive up to 50,000 rubles.

For the capital region, there is a special rule regarding the Euro protocol. The amount of recovery under it can reach 400,000 rubles, but only if the cars have a certified DVR. The device must be able to record video, record speed and direction of movement, coordinates, and automatically transmit information about an accident in the event of a collision.

Compensation for harm to human health and life

Insurance compensation is not limited to damage sustained by the vehicle. If people were injured in an accident, the insurance company will pay for their treatment and issue appropriate compensation.

The amount of payment depends on many parameters - including the complexity of the injury, the operations and medical interventions undergone.

According to OSAGO, the amount of payment for damage to health is estimated at a maximum of 500,000 rubles. The maximum amount is given to children who have received a disability and adults who have received a 1st degree disability.

Victims who have received 2nd and 3rd degree disability can count on compensation of 350,000 and 250,000 rubles.

The amount of compulsory motor liability insurance damage in case of death is calculated separately. In this case, the beneficiaries receive 475,000 rubles. Another 25,000 rubles are given to the person who undertakes the burial of the deceased person.

Calculation of payment under compulsory motor liability insurance

If everyone involved in an accident has valid insurance policies, then the procedure is reduced to contacting your insurance company. Within 20 days from the date of submitting the documents, she will have to prepare all the necessary information, inspect the car and make the payment.

If payment deadlines are delayed, a pre-trial claim must be filed. If it is not satisfied within 5 working days, the insured person may file a claim in court. After a positive decision is made, the plaintiff receives not only the money due, but also an additional amount for each day of delay.

Collecting damages from the culprit of an accident without an insurance policy is much more difficult. The entire procedure is carried out through the court. Money is collected directly from the guilty party, so the speed of payments depends on its property and funds in its accounts.

Motorists who have already encountered compensation from an insurance company know that the issue of calculating the amount of compensation is especially acute. In this article you will learn how to calculate the payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident.

Regulatory documents regulating the amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance

  • Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002;
  • Federal Law No. 263 of May 7, 2003;
  • Federal Law No. 238 of April 24, 2003.
  • Federal Law No. 135 of July 29, 1998;
  • Federal Law No. 361 of May 24, 2010.

Parameters on which the final amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance will depend

When determining the amount of compensation, the insurance company takes into account the following points:

  1. Degree of wear. When carrying out repair work or replacing spare parts, the cost of wear and tear of certain parts will be deducted.
  2. Compensation calculations are always carried out appraisal firms. When a car owner is not satisfied with the amount of compensation according to an expert’s assessment, he needs to photocopy the assessment report and then contact another company to calculate the MTPL payment again after assessing the condition of the car after an accident.

The calculation of the cost of compensation is always influenced by the following factors:

  1. part numbers or material name;
  2. economic region;
  3. the date when the traffic accident occurred;
  4. the reason for the damage to the car;
  5. make of the car damaged in the accident.

In the calculation process it is necessary to rely on unified directory of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Distortion of the calculation results may occur if there are changes in the item name of the part and material. It is impossible to change only the date of the accident, since it is registered in all traffic police documents.

During their work, appraisers draw up two documents: vehicle valuation report and calculation, containing a market assessment of the cost of the damage caused. These two documents are inextricably linked. The data specified in the inspection report are calculated indicators for calculation. The inspection report reflects the following points:

  1. car model, information about its release, state number;
  2. information about the owner of the car;
  3. information about the damage that was caused to the car during an accident;
  4. necessary repairs.

Often, experts indicate in the vehicle inspection report only visible damage to the car, and do not take into account hidden ones.

The calculation is compiled taking into account the data obtained as a result of the inspection of the vehicle. It specifies the following points:

  1. type of repair;
  2. standard hours required to carry out all repair work;
  3. calculation of wear of vehicle parts;
  4. final cost indicator.

Unified methodology for calculating damage under compulsory motor liability insurance

In 2014, the Unified MTPL methodology began to work, which was developed by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. This methodology is the standard for calculating compensation payments under compulsory motor liability insurance. It is mandatory under compulsory motor liability insurance for appraisers, experts, and insurance companies. Previously, the methodology for calculating compensation payments existed in several versions; experts and appraisers could use one of them to choose from, which led to many contradictions. With the advent of the Unified Methodology, a lot has changed. Now all insurance company experts know how the MTPL payment is calculated according to the new rules.

Unified methodology for calculating damage under compulsory motor liability insurance regulates:

Before the official expert opinion, the driver can independently calculate the approximate amount of damage to the car. This is also necessary if the damage is apparently underestimated. The calculation is made using the calculator of payments for MTPL in case of an accident. Read more about the calculator in

  1. the procedure for determining the presence and origin of damage to the vehicle;
  2. the procedure for calculating the wear of spare parts to be replaced after an accident;
  3. the procedure for calculating the costs of materials, spare parts, as well as payment for repairs and restoration of a damaged vehicle;
  4. the process of calculating usable balances in cases where the machine cannot be restored;
  5. the procedure for maintaining and creating directories of the average cost of materials and consumables, as well as the number of standard hours;
  6. requirements for photographing a car damaged as a result of an accident.

Since 2014, since the advent of the Unified Calculation Methodology, experts have been required to assess the cost of a damaged car based on data from the unified RSA price database. But the unified price database contains data only for common car brands. If the make of the car of the victim in an accident is not in the unified database, then the calculation is made using one of the old methods.

The question of the difference between the cost of repairs calculated using this method and the real amount that the car owner spends on repairs remains open. This applies to the repair of expensive cars, when insurance company experts underestimate the cost of their repair. A unified calculation method has not resolved this problem.

With the introduction of the Unified MTPL methodology, the percentage of wear and tear has been reduced from 80 to 50 percent. The price base of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers is updated once every six months. This distances the real cost of car repairs from the cost calculated using the specified method.

About the new calculation method:

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