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Fortune telling when and from what a person will die. Numerology secrets: how to find out the date of death

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As sad as it may sound, death is the only thing guaranteed to a person during his lifetime. According to physical laws, death is the cessation of the vital activity of an organism. But all existing faiths and spiritual practices unanimously boil down to the fact that the end of a period of physical existence is just a transition to another state because the soul is immortal.

So should you be afraid of this obviously inevitable event in your life, or, perhaps, should you be afraid of something completely different? For example, the fact that during the allotted period of time the priceless soul will not have time to realize all its tasks and again the wheel of Samsara will turn around...

What is fortune telling on the last day of life. Tarot layout for death involves the use of a full deck, which will take into account both their upright and inverted positions.

Initially, this combination of cards was intended to analyze the health status of the querent, that is, a specific person for whom fortune telling is being performed.

However, very quickly the inquisitive human mind realized that such a situation can be transferred both to the past, considering the causes of diseases, and to the future, right up to a person’s last breath. Thus, this fortune telling for death is universal for different cases, depending on the request of the questioner.

Choice of significator. This prediction involves a full deck of Tarot cards, consisting of 56 Minor Arcana and 22 Major Arcana. The first thing you need to do when making a reading is to choose the significator of the questioner, that is, a card that defines him in the Universe. Kings, Knights, Queens and Pages can act as significators of people.

Since each suit determines the element of the Zodiac, selecting the appropriate card for a specific person will not be difficult. So Swords symbolize Air, Pentacles – Earth, Wands – Fire and Cups – Water. For mature men, one should choose Kings, for young people - Knights, for women - Queens, for children - Pages.

In some cases of complete correspondence with the card, cards from the Major Arcana are chosen as significators for people. For example, for a monk you can choose Arcana IX - Hermit, for a lawyer - Arcana XI - Justice, for a person holding a high position - Arcana IV - Emperor, and so on.

Required attributes. The significator card should be placed in the center of the table. Tarot fortune telling for the death of a selected person is performed around his card. During this fortune telling, you should definitely light a candle because contact with this information can harm the fortuneteller, who will indirectly come into contact with the energy of death itself.

Wax, like water, has a neutral charge, so at the moment of fortune telling it will take on the entire inevitable flow of negativity. It is for this reason that during fortune telling it is customary to use candles and water.

Scheme of card combinations in fortune telling. Next, you should pick up a Tarot deck and mentally ask the cards to answer the question of interest, while shuffling them at the same time. If the questioner is interested in the exact determination of life spans, it is necessary, while shuffling the cards, to think about how to find out the day of his death.

Experienced fortune tellers know exactly when to stop the card shuffling procedure; this information comes to them on a subconscious level. Next, you need to put the deck on the table next to the significator, remove a certain number of cards with your left hand and put them aside. The first eight cards from the second pile should be placed around the questioner's card. In total, there should be 9 cards on the table, which will reveal the following aspects:


    What led to this situation;

    Was there an option to avoid the situation;

    Natural causes;

    Probability of an accident;

    Possibility of violent intervention;

    How did the transition to another world take place?

    People present at the situation;

    Location of the soul.

In this layout, everything is extremely clear; each card that comes out will reveal the corresponding situation. A person with some experience in handling cards can easily handle such a layout.

However, to the question: “Is it possible to find out the date of your death?” Only a professional tarot reader can answer. To do this, you need to thoroughly understand astrological and Kabbalistic symbolism. In fact, the date of death is automatically laid out in this layout, only in encrypted form, which not everyone can see and read.

Since fortune telling is a very important task, inexperienced people are strongly discouraged from attempting it.

Life is beautiful and amazing, but the hour of death will strike one day for everyone. As the great English classic William Shakespeare said: “Nothing lasts forever under the moon...” Everyone must determine for himself whether he needs information about the exact date of his death or not. On the one hand, this is very convenient - you can accurately calculate everything and do everything in advance.

This can only be true when death occurs due to natural causes of aging of the body. But on the other hand, death may be premature and inevitable. Whether it is worth darkening the last hours of one's existence must be decided individually by each person. It is also possible that the forecast was made inaccurately or that the lunar day contradicted the schedule. Fortune telling about death is a very important step, which is not always justified. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering whether a person needs this information.

1. Significator

4. Natural cause
5. Accident
6. Violent death

...optional...9. Where is the soul now?

(C) Thistle Witch

There are situations in life when nothing can be reversed, however, there are more questions than answers - it is for such cases that I tried to make a small layout for analyzing after the fact - death:
Based on the letter Mem, the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet...
Mem - מ is the thirteenth letter, which is pronounced like "M". Esoterically, Mem signifies water. This is understood as flow, and in a more secret sense as changes associated with death. As the thirteenth letter of the alphabet, it carries within itself the imprint of the same esoteric meaning as the thirteenth letter of any other alphabet. In its general Phoenician origin it is related to the letter Mu, also originally the thirteenth letter in the Greek alphabet. It denotes the immobility of the stars, and hence the fatalism of human fate in astrological interpretations. Its astrological aspect is the constellation Draco. The numerical value of Mem is 40; in the Jewish tradition, this number denotes the completeness and completion of the work begun.

1. Significator

2. What led to this situation - the reason
3. Was it possible to avoid
4. Natural cause
5. Accident
6. Violent death
...further unfolds when the sixth point is identified:
7. How
8. People involved in the situation
9. Where is the soul now?
...the layout involves using the entire deck and the presence of straight and inverted lassos...
(C) Thistle

Divination is used in the magical world for many purposes. This is strength, weapons and the ability to win even in the most difficult situations.

Fortune-telling the date of your own death is a frightening, difficult and moral test.

Fortune telling about a person's death seems frightening, a difficult moral test, especially if a beginner or magician creates a forecast for his own fate. Simple, card, complex and multi-stage - such predictions are extremely popular. How to find out the future and date of your own death? Prediction

Life is unpredictable, amazing, multifaceted and full of secrets that are yet to be discovered. Great thinkers and magicians who have been studying ancient sciences for hundreds of years have tried to unravel the secrets of the future. Determining the date of death for a person means control over one’s own destiny. People say “forewarned, forearmed.”

Knowledge about the day of death opens up incredible opportunities for a person. Who is allowed to practice divination? A qualified magician who practices powerful rituals every day will help you create a forecast of future events. Magic will also help a beginner with sincere faith in his own and otherworldly powers.

Why is fortune telling needed?

How to find out how much is measured for a person? Fortune telling are magical rituals that have reached modern man practically unchanged. People learned to predict their own future back in the days of the Ancient World, when faith in God was just beginning to win the minds and hearts of common people.

Today, fortune telling for the future is a simple process that successful people and simply those who are tired of floating through life without a goal resort to without a twinge of conscience.

Finding out your death, the exact date and details of your last day on earth is scary, but also incredibly interesting. Fortune telling is different. With the help of secret magical rituals, you can find out the fate of a relationship, the outcome of an important enterprise and the cause of death.

Finding out the date of your death and the details of your last day on earth is scary, but also incredibly interesting.

People believe in an eternal soul. Into reincarnation or final destruction. The only truth that believers and skeptics agree on is that death will not escape anyone. The approach of death can change a person's priorities, warn him of danger and allow him to resolve unfinished business.

Such fortune-telling is incapable of undoing the end of existence on earth. Eternal existence is the energy that remains after loved ones, memories and good deeds. The body is just a shell that one day becomes lifeless.

Card fortune telling for death

Every person can look at the conditions of his own death, but not everyone strives to unravel the mystery of death. The most common and effective fortune telling that quenches curiosity and predicts death:

  • gypsy fortune telling;
  • prediction on Tarot cards;
  • fortune telling with simple playing cards.

Those magical attributes that are at hand will help you determine the cherished date. Targeted predictions require careful preparation and the help of a magician. Conducting secret rituals on your own is dangerous, because negative consequences will not keep you waiting.

Gypsy forecast

The Gypsy people have long been famous for their supernatural abilities. Their ancient fortune telling about death will require no more than an hour of free time. Ordinary cards will help a beginner to navigate; experienced magicians often use the ancient Tarot deck.

It is unwise to take on a serious ritual without practicing on a playing deck. Over time, a person can move on to more complex fortune telling and use special magical paraphernalia. To make a prediction, you will need a deck of simple cards (36 symbols in total).

The cards are laid out on the table. This attribute needs to be charged with human energy. With your hands on the deck, you should focus on the exciting issue. Thoughts about death cannot instill fear, otherwise the cards will sense it and will not give an accurate answer. When the fortuneteller feels calm, the fortune telling continues.

Conditions for the ritual:

  • the fortuneteller is completely alone;
  • patients should not create such a serious prognosis;
  • the work surface is illuminated with candles (can be bought at any temple);
  • the cards are thoroughly mixed (laid out in several piles, then collected in random order);
  • A hand is slowly passed over the laid out deck and those cards that give off a cold feel should be pulled out.

A card that does not emit heat will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question about the future death.

Results of gypsy fortune telling: how many years left to live?

The fortuneteller's suit will indicate the answer to the main question. It will not be possible to solve each card, rather than individual cards. Card suit value:

Diamond cards

They symbolize a long destiny full of joy. The death of such a person will occur from natural causes, in a calm environment. The fortuneteller is very old - that’s what any card of the diamond suit says.

Hearts suit

Such cards mean long-term prosperity and health for a person who appeals to the help of an ordinary deck. There is no need to worry about dying prematurely or due to illness or accident. Constant stress and hard work can provoke death. To extend your life, you should behave calmly and avoid constant tension. Don't be impressed with or without it.

Club cards

A sign of early death or sudden death. You should not be afraid of such a card, because for people warned of dangers, such a sign is favorable. They can prolong their own destiny.


A symbol that promises tragedy, irreversible fate, from which there will be a lot of grief. The most negative suit in fortune telling of this kind. She promises a lot of tears and no certain peace for the fortuneteller. Death will be terrible, painful and tormenting the soul of a person.

Gypsy fortune telling will not be the most accurate, but it can be used to confirm suspicions or calm obsessive thoughts.

Palm fortune telling

It is not difficult to tell fortunes about future death in any conditions. If you cannot find suitable attributes for prediction, you can use completely different techniques.

Palmistry is the esoteric science of reflecting a person’s fate on his own hand.

Each palm pattern is unique, inimitable. It contains all the answers, the path of a person from birth to death. The life line is the clearest and longest; seeing it in the palm of your hand is as easy as shelling pears. Based on its bend, branches and length (some lines end abruptly), the time allotted to the person is determined.

Only a strong personality with a persistent character and powerful energy should guess. Predictions will be detrimental to weak, gullible, suspicious people. They will become an obstacle to their own happy future. Life should remain a mystery, an interesting journey filled with surprises and important difficult circumstances.

Sudden difficulties strengthen a person and allow him to learn invaluable lessons. You can use magic to determine the date of your own death, but only after long deliberation and determination of all the risks of subsequent actions. How to tell fortunes for the day of future death?

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Voodoo divination takes place on the Ifa Board, which has the head of the patron of divination, Ifa, on the side. In the upper right corner of the circle is the sign of Erzulie Dantor, or Erzulie Jeu-Rouge ("Red-Eyed"), drawn in black and white. Symbol of negative feminine energy. This sector of the Ifa Board is associated with problems of oppression, jealousy, hatred, anger.

In the lower right corner of the circle is the sign of Baron Samedi (Lord of Death), drawn in black on a red background. A symbol of aggressive, negative male energy. This sector is important in matters related to death, related to the defeat of opponents, victory in competition and “black magic”. It is curious that the Lord of Death is also a healer, so this sector is also associated with health issues.

In the upper left corner of the circle there is a sign of Legba, the Lord of Crossroads, drawn in white on a black background, transmitting information and guarding doors and roads. This sector of the Ifa Board is associated with benevolent, positive masculine energy. It is important in matters related to "white magic", contracts, travel and communications. In the lower left corner of the circle is the sign of Erzulie (Goddess of Love), drawn in black on an orange background. This is a symbol of positive feminine energy. This sector is important in matters related to the positive aspect of the energy of Venus.

Fortune telling with cowrie shells in its simplest form requires sixteen shells. Before fortune telling, you should call on one of the four Lords of the Crossroads and ask him to be your mediator in dialogue with the spirits, and throw the shells on the board.

Voodoo fortune telling

Other fortune telling online


Tarot cards have been around for almost 600 years, and during this time they have hardly changed. Even the most modern tarot cards are always based on ideas that emerged from the darkness of centuries in the late 14th century.


Runes are a magical and alphabetic system of signs. Runic writing existed among European peoples until the 19th century and was used primarily in everyday household magic.

The Secret of the Tarot: Obscurantism or a Tool for the Subconscious?

A tarot reader, parapsychologist, psychologist and psychotherapist talked about how exactly Tarot fortune telling “works”, and whether you should trust the results 100%.

Tarot cards are a message to humanity

The occult understanding of Tarot cards is associated, first of all, with the name of Antoine Court de Gebelin, pastor of the French Protestant church. He was looking for a single mythological and religious truth.

Runic symbols in love magic

Behind the runes - just three dozen signs - there is a whole world - the world of myths, magic and history. The slightest immersion into this world leads to interesting observations and amazing discoveries.

10 Myths About Tarot Cards

People treat Tarot cards consumeristly, placing responsibility for making decisions on the cards, or they try to tailor the answers to what they want to hear. Without knowing the true nature of prediction, people create all kinds of myths around them.

Runes and the end of the world

The epic says that Odin carved runes just as he carved people out of wood. But at any moment Odin can scrape the runes back and then Ragnarok will come.

Rune magic

Our whole life is one big journey. We travel always and everywhere, even when we sleep. During such travels, we are surrounded by both good and evil forces. This fact has been known to our ancestors since ancient times. They depicted various magical signs (runes) on the walls of their homes, on weapons, and on jewelry. These runes had different effects, depending on who drew these signs, for what purpose and in what particular combinations and sequences.

Tarot and astrology are two faces of one truth.

The Tarot has its origins in Egypt and was passed down to us along with astrology by the legendary Hermes Trismegistus, so it is clear that there are direct connections between the two systems.

Rune systems

Studying runology, we perceive runes as a symbolic image of our world and its components, while we understand that the runes were not invented or invented by anyone. They arose at the core and along with the world.

Tarot: Seven levels of comprehension.

Looking at the Tarot, you don’t even suspect that this is the Great Book of Cosmic Mysteries, because the motivation for turning to them is often purely pragmatic: to learn to determine what awaits tomorrow. You may not even suspect that the Tarot has seven levels of comprehension.

We all realize that we are mortal, and that at the appointed hour each of us will have to go to the afterlife. But few people rush to the dark kingdom of Hades, for life is beautiful. However, thoughts about death and questions related to this do not leave human minds. Can fortune telling give answers to the date of a person’s death?

Reliable fortune telling for death - prepare to meet death

Is it possible to accurately predict the date of death? Is it possible to find out the cause of death? Online fortune telling about a person’s death is a well-known phenomenon on the Internet. No, this is not the plot of a Japanese horror film, as you probably thought. Fortune telling as to the date of death is a serious rite of divination magic.

Do you have the courage to find out the date of your own death? Prepare for a meeting with her in advance, find out how to postpone this date. Free online fortune telling for a person’s death will become your guide to the afterlife!

Virtual fortune telling for a person’s death - find out about your death

You don't have to pay for this information. Online fortune telling for death - remember what the former regent Koroviev said? - “Well, absolutely free.” Death comes to people in different ways, it is inventive and does not allow itself to get bored. But whether she will suddenly appear next to you or send messages - this can be predicted. Call on the art of prophecy to help, if, of course, you want to know about your death.

For the living, death is part of their future. But there is no final predetermination of what will happen, therefore, the future is like water or fog, it is changeable. But it is important to know not only the date of your death, you need to see the chain of fatal events in order to be able to influence the result.

Fortune telling about a person's death - do you need to know your last day?

Simply knowing your last day will give you nothing but moral harm. This is the whole point of fortune-telling the date of a person’s death. Online for free you will receive a visible picture of the events that will lead to the completion of your earthly paths.

Remember, predestination exists only in the fact that the future has already happened entirely in your will. Therefore, it is impossible to judge death with 100% accuracy. Free fortune telling for death is not a sentence, but a useful recommendation on what needs to be done to avoid a tragic ending.

I have always wondered why, when people come to fortune tellers, etc., and they see some negative information on the Tarot cards, they try not to talk about it and do not even explain that they can go the other way, and sometimes They don’t even interpret the information received.

It depends on the specialist (Tarologist). In principle, when making a prediction, the task is to explain whether problems can be avoided, and if so, how. Very bad people, of course, don’t want to scare a person. It is very difficult to report the death of him or his loved ones. It is also difficult because a person can convince himself that everything is over, that nothing can be changed and will go with the flow, hastening his end, instead of fighting. All this is very individual. Some people can say it, others shouldn't. But when saying this, you always need to speak softly and explain how to avoid this. If you can’t do that, it’s probably better not to say it.

After all, look, when making a prediction, you can say this: “You will die this year.” Or you can explain that you may have health problems associated with such and such. For example, with a car. If you are not a driver and do not have personal transport, this means that you need to cross the street very carefully, even if you are used to crossing as you please, anywhere. You need to pull yourself together and force yourself not to turn your head while driving, not to overtake, not to drive on ice, not to cross the road in the wrong place. And then you have a great chance that you will either avoid the problem or reduce it to the minimum possible. Well, you won’t die, but you will break your legs. Well, you won’t break it, but you’ll get pretty scared. Do you understand?

But here, too, you first need to check whether you have indicators for a short life, and there are several ways to do this: astrology, hand, something else. If they indicate this, then yes, the likelihood of a bad outcome is very high. But even then you can see what the reason is: is it from birth or is it your fault, and whether it can be changed. There are also prediction methods for this, but they are magical.

Here's an example. A man comes. On Tarot cards there appears death associated with the mafia, showdowns, prison, literally for the next six months. We immediately look at the hand - the life line is short, it ends at 40-42 years. We ask how old. Answer: 40. The conclusion is clear. I’m trying to gently explain that there is a threat of suffering from a showdown in the near future. He immediately answers that yes, he owes money, he is going to a “showdown” next week, and is not sure that he will return alive from there. At best, they will mutilate you. The daughter will remain an orphan. He is a stable person, he already knows everything himself. You can speak to him frankly, without soft turns, without increased delicacy. Question: can I help? We're trying to find out. Answer: yes. A talisman was made and a ritual to prolong life was performed. Result: the man went and returned not only alive, but also with a deferred payment for 2 months (that’s what he needed). They didn't even shout at him. Everything is peaceful and friendly.

Is there some kind of code between fortune tellers about what can be said and what cannot be said?

I can't say anything about this. It all depends on the person and the circumstances. But perhaps many people prefer not to talk, because... can't help. Why ruin a person's last days? This is often due to the fact that the fortune tellers themselves are not aware of what they should do, they are not aware of this possibility. They themselves believe that this is fatal, that nothing can be corrected, nothing else even comes to mind. Usually these are people of the old formation, trained by their grandmothers, with a low level of education in general, and especially magical education. Or, more precisely, in its complete absence. That is unless you fall for a charlatan. Forecasters, who are increasingly appearing now, view fate not as fatality, and predictions not as inevitability and statics, but as dynamics. Yes, there are certain limits above which very few people manage to jump, but within these limits a person is able to change his life if he wants.

Tarot cards predicted my death. But... the fortune teller got scared and didn’t say the rest.

Did you get the Death card in the Tarot? What was the question? You see, this Tarot card often signifies a symbolic death, rebirth on a new level, the death of a relationship, the death of you as an old person and the birth of a new one, the transformation of you as an individual. Do you understand? So don't be scared in advance. The fortune teller might not have known this. It feels like you have ended up with some newly minted “specialist”, of which there are many out there. They study a book, or even on the Internet, and practice fortune telling with Tarot cards. Don't despair, don't panic. Feel free to go to another and tell your fortune. Let her tell fortunes using simple cards, runes, whatever. Go. Don't say anything about death. If it exists, it will manifest itself. Make a horoscope for this year. If there is a threat, it will also appear.
Find out whether this can be avoided and what the possible causes of the incident are. And then you can decide something and act.

I ended up seeing a fortune teller by accident (although there are no accidents, etc., we won’t develop this topic). I went with a friend who had problems; you see, she was uncomfortable using such services. I convinced her that she had only one way. Otherwise, she will experience a low season and be intimidated by hopelessness. She agreed to go, but on the condition that I would go with her. As a result, when we arrived, she pushed me into the office. Naturally, I had no questions. And since the fortune teller did not hear the questions. She began some kind of arrangement. She sat for a long time, her face filled with surprise and questions. Until I asked myself: - Well, what’s there?

First of all, she couldn’t connect the two Tarot cards that fell out. I don’t know how to say this correctly in your language, but she told me:
- Two cards fell out, the fool’s card and the wisdom card. It's strange somehow. It seems like a fool, but also... Yes-ah...
We stopped there.

Well, what can I tell you? You yourself answered your question.

You came for company, just like that, because you had nothing to do, you were pushed in by force, you had no questions. You didn't need anything. The Tarot cards answered you: wisdom and a fool. You didn't need their answer.

Moreover, that is why the fortune teller could not predict anything. This is the moment that I wrote about earlier, when Tarot cards do not answer a person, because... he came just like that or with some ulterior motives. You didn’t have any thoughts, so the cards practically didn’t work with you. In principle, the fortuneteller should have told you this. Yes, it would be better for you to say right away that you are for the sake of your friend, that there are no questions. You would sit there for 10 minutes so that your friend would decide that you were doing something, and then go on your way. We would have saved ourselves both money and nerves. And so you worry.

On the other hand, maybe it's not so bad, it made you reconsider something, i.e. You have undergone a transformation, which is exactly what the DEATH card means: the death of the old and the birth of the new. So in the end the cards didn’t lie to you. They simply reflected the essence of what was happening...

Well, and then she completely... In the end, I pulled out from her that there is also a card of death, which is always with me in my arms. ALWAYS! It is not connected with anything: neither with an accident, nor with an illness. By the way, she asked me where I supposedly received treatment? Yes, I didn’t receive treatment. It’s just that after clinical death the body is rebuilt. A person develops an immune system against diseases such as flu, colds, etc. (...)
I think I understand what's going on! Yes, you explained everything clearly. There really are people with classified information. But I am very grateful to her... she revealed some secrets to me without even knowing it. By the way, it was easier for her with her friend, and she helped her. She's happy now. She got married and gave birth to a child. She is doing well.

This is where it’s not entirely clear. Did you experience clinical death? Or is this something figurative? Since if you had a clinical death, then the card of Death, which is always with you, should not be surprised, not afraid. This is an imprint for life. You have experienced leaving and returning. So there’s nothing scary here, nothing strange.

Let's go to the end - maybe someone will take note for practice. It’s not without reason that this is so tongue-in-cheek. Yes, there was clinical death. I don't like this term. It looks like it's called something else somehow.

After clinical death, a person does not remember anything. They ask him:
- Did you see anything?
Patient says:
- No, I don’t remember ANYTHING...

But here it’s different. A person opens his eyes and sees anything - depending on what he strives for, what he is afraid of. In this case, I saw (in layman's language) a beautiful woman in black clothes. My soul began to come out. I will no longer scare people on an open forum.
I think that any fortune telling and prediction should somehow reflect this. You said everything correctly: awareness was reprogrammed, and then returned back. After such transitions, people cease to be afraid of DEATH itself, although the interpretation of “DEATH” also sounds rude. Making a "TRANSITION" is a good word.

Well, okay!!! When Tarot cards predict death, you can always notice this, since the entire layout will hint at this. But, of course, you need to be a good tarot reader.

Best wishes to you.

Many people admit that they would like to know the date of death by date of birth. Moreover, some of them say that they are scared to hear this information, but they want to be informed. Well, on this matter, most scientists and experts say one thing: it is impossible. And the fact that it is actually possible to find out the date of death by the date of birth is only prejudice.

Date calculation

For those people who really want to know their future (or rather, when their life will end), there is even a specific method by which you can calculate the date yourself. So if you really want to know this information, you can use it.

You need to take a piece of paper and write down the date of your birth on it. Then all the numbers will need to be added up. The resulting number will help you find out the date of death by date of birth. The result, by the way, must be unambiguous. What is meant? Let's say a person was born in 1992 on January 5th. The calculation will look like this: 01/05/1992 = 27 = 2+7 = 9. The resulting number is the key to the solution.

After the number is calculated, you only need to subtract its value, which is prescribed by such a science as numerology. Calculating the date of death is thus very simple.

Digital values

So, one means that a person will die at a very old age - after 80 years. Death will be quick and easy, and life will be rich and bright.

Two is a harbinger of misfortune: perhaps a person will die from an accident. Such years of life as 67, 45, 29, 19 and 7 are very dangerous. Often, “twos” passed away in one of these years.

Three means that a person will live a long time, but in old age he will be overtaken by illness. The dangerous years of life are 73 and 44.

“Fours” are long-lived. They often live to be a hundred years old, and “senile” life is not about them. They feel great until their death.

What about the “fives”? One thing can be said about them: these are people born with a shirt on! Accidents, dangers - all this is close to them, but bypasses them. Death pursues them, but to no avail.

But the “sixes” are not so lucky with karma. This is the most difficult number. And in order to find out the date of death by the date of birth of the “six”, you must first find out about your karmic debt. But the dangerous years are 68, 47, 22 and 13.

"Sevens" too They have wonderful guardian angels. But it is still advised to be careful with the elements. Fire, flood, tsunami, thunderstorm - people of this date can die spontaneously due to a natural disaster.

"Eights" are tireless players with death. They like to take risks, but they shouldn't do it. This could end badly.

And finally, "nines". Unfortunately, the lives of these people are often cut short at a very young age. Numerology says that they rarely live past 50 years. So it is for this reason that they are advised to avoid tobacco, alcohol and risk.


Many people, fascinated by the question of how to calculate the date of death, and then receiving an answer to it, begin to regret that they learned this information. Of course, there was no need to do this. After all, as the old saying goes, the less you know, the better you sleep. However, if this data is completely etched into memory, you should not attach great importance to it. We must remember that the life of every person is only in his hands. And if you have received a not entirely good prediction, then you don’t need to be puzzled by it. Although, perhaps this information will be useful: sometimes people reconsider their attitude towards life and begin to change it for the better. In any case, we must remember that everything depends only on ourselves.

Astrology and horoscopes

There are several ways that can help answer the question of how to find out the date of death of a person. All people have their own zodiac sign. They also apply to the Chinese horoscope. In addition, each of them was born at certain hours. First name, last name, patronymic, age - each of us has it all. Of course, this is a much more complex way to find out the date of death by date of birth, and psychics and fortune tellers do this, because too many things need to be taken into account: the phase of the moon, the specifics of numerology, and karma. Although the data turns out to be much more reliable. Skeptics and scientists shrug their shoulders when predictions come true: they often write it all off simply as coincidences. To which psychics only grin in response, because there are never so many coincidences. But here everyone already has their own opinion on this matter: some believe in it, others - on the contrary.

Questionable results

Well, a lot has been said about how to calculate the date of death. Finally, I would like to say a few words about online ways to obtain this information. It should be noted right away that a lot is written on the Internet about how to calculate the date of death and they even offer calculators with which, supposedly, you can determine everything. But this is just a random number generator that is not based on anything. This can be checked easily: enter the same data (usually gender, date of birth and name) several times and get different results. So if you really want to become the owner of such specific information, then you should not resort to Internet methods: there is very little truth in them.



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