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Popular carrot seeds. Review of the best carrot varieties for growing in open ground. The best varieties of carrots for storage

Currently, there are a huge variety of seeds of various varieties on the market. With such variety, it can be very difficult to make a choice. And yet, following certain rules, the process of selecting seed material can be significantly simplified.

Early ripening varieties include:

  • Nantes
  • Amsterdam
  • Orange nutmeg
  • Lenochka
  • Paris carotel
  • Darling
  • Hybrids Napoli, News, Bangor

Most early-ripening carrots have a small, short root. The productivity of these species is not very high, which is compensated by the speed of their maturation. For example, root crops of the Nantes varieties 4 and 14 can be obtained already 50-60 days after the sprouts appear, although full maturity occurs in 90 days. Early ripening varieties are planted in the spring, in April-May, or in the fall, before winter.

Mid-season carrot varieties are planted mainly for fresh consumption, preparation, processing and winter storage. The ripening period of mid-season varieties is from 100 to 120 days.

These varieties include:

  • Vitamin 6
  • Shantane 2461
  • Incomparable
  • Losinoostrovskaya 13
  • Moscow winter A-515
  • Narbonne F1
  • Samson

When choosing a variety, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each, for example:

  • Vitamin 6 is resistant to rot, but is susceptible to root cracking.
  • Losinoostrovskaya 14 is characterized by a high content of carotene, which only increases during storage, but is susceptible to rot.
  • Nantes 4 is perfectly stored until February, but is easily affected by white and gray rot.

Late-ripening varieties of carrots are most suitable for long-term winter storage:

  • Queen of Autumn
  • Perfection
  • Red giant
  • Yellowstone
  • Canada

The Red Giant and Canada varieties sown in April can be harvested in September. The root crops of late-ripening carrot varieties are quite large, ranging from 17 to 24 cm in length and weighing from 100 to 200 grams. They are not as juicy and do not have such a rich taste as early or mid-ripening ones.

Late-ripening varieties, as a rule, are characterized by high yields and the ability of root crops to be stored for long periods of time.

To increase shelf life, carrots must be carefully selected. For storage, choose whole, undamaged root vegetables, which must first be dried well. The room must be maintained at a low temperature (0 to 10 degrees) and high humidity. Root vegetables will be preserved better if they are placed in boxes on damp sand and sprinkled with sand.

The color of carrot roots depends on which substance predominates in its composition: if carotene, carrots are orange or red, anthocyanin is purple.

It is not difficult to purchase seeds of multi-colored carrots, the problem is that their assortment is quite limited:

  • Carrots of the Lobby-Her and Tulchatai varieties with yellow root coloration are characterized by good juiciness and taste.
  • The White Sugar F1 variety has almost white root vegetables, they are quite large: up to 20 cm long.
  • Purple Elixir F1 carrot roots are dark purple or maroon in color and have an orange-red core. If carrots are cut into slices, they will add an unusual effect to any dish.
  • The name Violet carrots itself speaks about the characteristics of the variety: the root vegetables are completely purple.
  • The Rainbow Mix variety guarantees a colorful harvest: root crops grow in yellow, orange, purple, red and pink.

Dutch scientists believe that carrots with purple root vegetables help the body protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, anthocyanin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improves vision and improves the overall tone of the body.

Seed preparation and planting dates

Carrots grow well on light sandy soils; the best predecessors in the beds are tomatoes. Those crops that were fed organically throughout the entire growth period, but in no case were umbrella crops.

The time of planting carrot seeds is directly related to the ripening time of root crops:

  • early ripening varieties are sown from the second half of April
  • mid-season varieties - from the end of April and throughout May
  • Late-ripening ones are sown from June 10-15

Beds for carrots are prepared in the fall: the soil needs to be dug up and removed. In the spring, use a flat cutter to cultivate the soil: it can be used to easily loosen the soil and pull out weeds without disturbing the soil structure.

A few weeks before planting, they add (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt), fresh manure and it is highly not recommended to apply it in the spring.

Organic fertilizers negatively affect the development of root crops: they become deformed and branch out.

Before sowing, to speed up germination and prevent it, it is recommended to treat the seeds:

  1. Place the seeds in clean water at room temperature for several hours.
  2. The floating seeds must be removed.
  3. Place the remaining seeds at the bottom on a damp cloth.
  4. Cover with another piece of damp cloth.
  5. Moisten the fabric regularly as it dries.
  6. When the seeds swell and hatch, place them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for 10 days.

When sowing in autumn, the seeds do not need to be processed. Before winter, it is recommended to sow carrots in frozen soil in mid-November, so that during unexpected thaws the seeds will not germinate. In this case, the sowing rate should be increased by 20 percent compared to the traditional one.

Seed planting options:

  • Sowing dry seeds - simply scatter the seeds into the prepared grooves. The disadvantage of this simplest method is that the carrot seeds are very small and difficult to dose. If you add too many of them, the carrots will grow too thick and will have to be thinned. If you pour too little, some may not sprout.
  • Sowing treated seeds - sprouted or swollen seeds are sown in the ground, accordingly, the period of emergence of seedlings is significantly reduced. It is important to monitor soil moisture all the time before germination.
  • The "carrot in a bag" method - in the spring, as soon as the ground begins to thaw, make a hole 30 centimeters deep. Place the seeds in a fabric bag, moisten them and place them in the hole. After 2 weeks, remove the hatched seeds, mix with sand and sow in the garden bed. Cover the soil with film. With this planting method, seedlings will appear within a week.
  • The following method is optimal for late-ripening varieties - mix 2 tablespoons of carrot seeds with a bucket of dry sand, distribute the mixture evenly into the furrows, water well and sprinkle with soil. Carrots sown in this way do not need thinning.
  • Mixed planting - mix carrot and (or) seeds with sand and sow in furrows. Radishes ripen earlier, leaving free space in the garden for carrots. Such crops will also not need to be thinned.
  • You can plant carrots in the furrows along with onion sets, which will act as a beacon. This method is advisable because carrots and onions serve as protection for each other from: onion and carrot flies.
  • Sowing on a tape is a very convenient method: the tape with the seeds glued is placed in the grooves and sprinkled with soil. Such seeds are sold in stores, but if you decide to make such a ribbon yourself, you will have to spend a lot of time.
  • Sowing pelleted seeds was discussed above - such seeds are more expensive, but ultimately save time on thinning. And it grows excellently, since the seeds are coated with high quality.

These are just a few of the most common methods of sowing carrots; if you wish, you can create your own individual method using the most experience.

More information can be found in the video.

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables among summer residents, so they invariably grow in every garden plot. At the moment, through the efforts of breeders, many varieties of this root crop have been developed, which differ from each other in terms of ripening, taste characteristics and features of agricultural technology. That is why almost all gardeners are interested in how to choose the best varieties of carrots for planting.

Experts do not stop research, creating new varieties of carrots, as well as improving existing ones, increasing their content of sugars and carotene that are beneficial for our body. Although there are not only seeds of domestic but also foreign selection on the market today, it is recommended to give preference to seeds that are produced in Russia and are maximally adapted to our climatic conditions.

When choosing the best varieties of carrots for sowing today, it is worth taking into account the fact that they are divided according to ripening periods - early, middle and late, degree of yield, carotene content, storage terms, as well as the shape and color of the root crop. Let us dwell in more detail on the very first criterion for choosing carrots - varieties with different ripening periods of root crops.


The beauty of purchasing such seeds for open ground is precisely that with a relatively low yield and lower sugar content than similar root crops, but with a late ripening period, you can get the first harvest of vitamin-rich root crops after 80 - 100 days. Let us dwell in detail only on some varieties of early varieties.

Lady - having bought seeds of this variety, you can harvest in 90 days. Root vegetables of this type boast a good content of the important element carotene and excellent taste. It has vegetables that are even and smooth to the touch, cylindrical in shape and red in color, capable of reaching 20 cm in length. The variety is characterized by high yield, shows resistance to flowering, cracking, and has good immunity to disease. Ideal for planting in all climatic zones - including the middle zone and the Urals.

Zabava is a hybrid that appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders of the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station. The period of ripening of root crops - from the appearance of the first shoots to full maturity - can be at least 90 days. It has an excellent pleasant taste, the mass of root vegetables ranges from 80 to 200 grams, and they can grow up to 20 centimeters in length. They also have dense and juicy flesh. They perform well when preparing various dishes, as well as storing them.

Nantes 4 is one of the best seeds that domestic breeders have successfully worked on. Ripening times vary within a fairly wide range - 80 - 100 days. The fruits have a high content of carotene, they can grow up to 14 cm in length, have a characteristic cylindrical, blunt-ended shape and orange color. They reach a weight of 90 to 160 grams. They are well stored if all conditions are met and are suitable for growing in all corners of our country. Widely used for preparing baby food and medical nutrition.

Sugar finger is an ultra-early ripening variety of carrots, since its ripening period until it is completely ready is about 50 - 65 days. It has beautiful, cylindrical-shaped and rich orange-colored fruits, with a juicy, tender center, the length of which can be up to 12 centimeters. It has a fairly high content of sugars and carotene that are beneficial for our body.

Video “How to choose the right variety of carrots”


Root crops, which are characterized by an average period of vegetable ripening, combine the best features of early and late varieties. By purchasing these seeds, you can be sure that you are getting the best varieties of carrots for storage. They are especially recommended for planting in areas with a rather short growing season.

Balero F1 is a hybrid variety with vegetable ripening periods from 110 to 120 days. It is characterized by the presence of cylindrical root crops that can grow up to 20 cm in length. They easily cope with unpleasant soil crust, can withstand light frosts on the soil surface, and at the same time do not lose their excellent taste characteristics. The dry matter content in such vegetables ranges from 10.5 to 12%, and sugars - from 6.8 to 8%. Carrots of this variety not only make excellent salads and juices, they can also be frozen for the winter, canned, and grown for bunched products.

Vitamin 6 is another excellent mid-season variety, which is characterized by a high content of carotene and sugars. It was zoned in the Moscow region, and has proven itself well due to its high yield and excellent taste. It has cylindrical fruits with blunt ends. It has a good shelf life and is perfect for preservation. It is very loved by gardeners due to its high content of vitamin A. If you use it raw, grated and adding healthy olive oil, it will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of your eyes. And the presence of a large amount of beta-carotene will help everyone strengthen the body’s immune system, will also help strengthen hair and bones, and can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Honey - by purchasing seeds of this variety of domestic selection, you get root crops from 16 to 18 centimeters long, having a regular cylindrical shape and a beautiful red-orange color. Such carrots are able to grow and develop normally on loamy and sandy loam soils, and the period of their full ripening is approximately 70 - 100 days. It contains a greater presence of sugar and carotene than other mid-early varieties. Shows high immunity to various diseases that can cause a lot of trouble to vegetable crops.

Olympian F1 is a mid-season variety of root vegetable, which can be enjoyed after 108 days. It has vegetables that are shaped like cylinders, also with a small cone, reaching a length of 20 - 23 centimeters. Such carrots can weigh from 115 to 130 grams. They have quite juicy and tender flesh of a beautiful orange color (both vegetables and the middle). The yield of carrots is approximately 7 - 8 kg per square meter.


The latest varieties of carrots of domestic selection have a ripening period that ranges from 110 to 130 days. They not only have high taste characteristics, but also can be stored very well for a long time.

Boyadera - the harvest of such a root crop can be harvested on your own personal plot in about 4, 5 months. Such vegetables are large in size, can reach up to 30 cm in length, and they are also very juicy and sweet in taste. Well suited for both fresh consumption and preservation for the winter.

Carlena is another excellent type of late-ripening carrot, which has characteristic rich orange fruits. It is recommended to plant such root crops only on fairly fertile and loose soil, and also to provide them with good timely watering.

Red giant - the ripening period for vegetables of this crop can even last up to six months. As a result, the fruits ripen quite large in size, the length of which can be up to 27 centimeters. They have a flat and smooth surface that is pleasant to the touch and have a characteristic cone shape. The harvest can be stored without problems by following some simple rules. These vegetables are very sweet and pleasant to the taste. They are advised to be grown on heavily fertilized plots of land, with frequent and heavy watering.

Flyovi - the ripening period for such a crop can take up to 4 months. Its fruits, which have a bright orange color, can grow up to 25 centimeters and also have a regular cylindrical shape. They are also very sweet and juicy. They can be stored well for a long time and have a universal purpose.

Video “Sowing in open ground”

You will learn how to plant this crop in open ground correctly from this video. The main techniques and secrets are described.

There are a lot of varieties and hybrids of carrots, so first let’s decide for what purpose carrots are grown on your site. If for sale, then of course the most important parameters will be the commercial qualities of carrots, and these are appearance, keeping quality and transportability. In this case, it is necessary to sow varieties and hybrids of foreign selection, since they were bred taking into account, first of all, the appearance of carrots - even in length and diameter, smooth root crops. But their taste and healthy qualities are lower than domestic varieties.

Russian varieties and hybrids of carrots, of course, are not so beautiful and even, but in terms of productivity they are in no way inferior to foreign ones, and in taste, carotene content, and often significantly superior to them in keeping quality.

Based on their ripening time, all varieties of carrots can be divided into three groups. For early-ripening varieties, 85–100 days pass from germination to harvesting of root crops, for mid-ripening varieties - from 105 to 120 days, and for late-ripening varieties - 125 days or more. Over time, you will choose which variety you need yourself.

This selection is based on reviews from gardeners about the best varieties of carrots in 2018.

Early varieties of carrots with photos and descriptions, reviews

Carrot Touchon

A popular early-ripening variety of carrots for open ground. It takes 70-90 days from sowing to harvesting.

The roots are smooth, cylindrical in shape, with a bright orange-red internal and external color. The length of the root crop is 18-20 cm, weight 80-150 grams, the surface is smooth with small eyes. The pulp is juicy, with a very high carotene content and excellent taste.

Productivity of carrots variety Tushon: 3.5-4.5 kg/sq.m (subject to agricultural practices).

These carrots are intended for fresh use and processing.

Carrot Children's sweets

Mid-early variety of carrots. The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading. The leaf is green to dark green, medium dissected.

Root crops are of medium length, cylindrical, slightly pointed at the tip (Amsterdam variety). The core and pulp are red, sweet, juicy, and have excellent taste. The average weight of the root crop is 90-130 grams. These carrots are recommended for fresh use and for bunch production.

Carrot yield Children's sweets- up to 6 kg of fruits per 1 sq. meters of landings.

The carrot variety Children's Sweetness is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central Black Earth Region.

Carrot Alenka

Mid-early, high-yielding variety of carrots. The ripening period is 90-100 days. Root vegetables 12-16 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter, with aromatic, sweet pulp.

The Alenka variety has excellent keeping quality, so it keeps well all winter.

It is resistant to almost all diseases, carrots do not crack. Can be grown in all regions.

Carrot yield Alenka: up to 10 kg/sq.m. (with proper agricultural technology).

Carrot Nandrin

Early ripening, high-yielding carrot hybrid. The period from full germination to technical ripeness is 75-95 days.

The root crops are large, smooth, cylindrical, 15-20 cm long, orange-red at maturity, with juicy pulp, rich in carotene.

Value Nandrin F carrots: early ripeness, stable yield, the ability to use root crops both fresh and for processing and long-term storage.

Productivity of Nandrin carrots: 4.6 - 6.7 kg per 1 sq. meters. planting (subject to agricultural technology and good soil).

Carrot Abaco

An early-ripening Dutch hybrid of carrots belonging to the Chantanay variety. The period from full germination to ripening is about 85 days.

The root crops are uniform, deep orange in color, up to 16 cm long.
Abaco F1 carrots are resistant to bolting, and the roots are resistant to cracking.

The hybrid is intended primarily for obtaining fresh products. But it is also well stored and suitable for industrial processing.

Abaco carrot yield- up to 4 kg of fruits per 1 sq. meters of landings.

The carrot hybrid Abaco F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central region. Originator: Monsanto

Mid-season carrot varieties for the middle zone

Carrot Vitamin 6

A mid-season variety of carrots, it takes 80-100 days from germination to harvesting.

The roots are red-orange, cylindrical, blunt-ended, completely immersed in the soil, 17-19 cm long, weighing 100-165 grams. Their surface is smooth, with small eyes.

Advantages of the variety: good taste, high carotene content. The variety is resistant to flowering and has good shelf life.

Carrot yield Vitamin- up to 10 kg per 1 sq. m.

Carrots for children

Mid-season, high-yielding variety of carrots. The roots are cylindrical, blunt-pointed. The core is small, the flesh is red-orange, juicy, tender, sweet.

This carrot has the highest content of carotene and sugar among all mid-season varieties. The average weight of the root crop is 130-200 grams, length 19-21 cm, diameter 2.5-3 cm.

Root crops are shelf-stable and transportable, have good commercial and taste qualities. Children's carrots are recommended for fresh consumption, as well as for the production of high-quality sweet juices and purees with a high carotene content - for children.

The Detskaya carrot variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central and Central Black Earth regions. Originator: Aelita.

Carrot Karotel

A legendary mid-season carrot variety that occupies a leading position among all varieties in terms of yield (up to 7 kg/sq.m). The period from germination to fruiting is 80-100 days.

Karotel carrots can be grown in all regions. The roots are orange, cylindrical, blunt-ended, up to 14 cm long, weighing about 100 grams.

Carrot pulp is juicy, tender, with good taste. The increased content of carotene in root vegetables makes them indispensable for the preparation of baby and medical nutrition.

Productivity of carrots of the Karotel variety

Carrots of this variety are perfectly stored until the new harvest.

Carrot Nantes 4

A mid-season variety for table use, it takes 110-115 days from sowing to fruit ripeness. Bundle ripeness occurs 47-51 days after the appearance of mass shoots.

The variety is widely zoned.

The root vegetables are cylindrical, about 16 cm long, weighing 90-160 g, orange in color, with tender, juicy pulp, and contain a large amount of carotene.

Carrot yield Nantes 4: up to 6.5 kg per 1 sq. meters (subject to agricultural technology).

Carrot Samson, description, photo

Mid-season variety included in the State Register for the Central region. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 110-120 days.

The root vegetables are cylindrical in shape (very similar to Nantes carrots), with a slightly pointed tip, orange in color, weighing 125-150 grams.

Advantages of the variety: high yield, uniformity of root crops, excellent taste.

Productivity of Samson carrots: 4.6 - 6.7 kg per 1 sq. meters of landings.

Carrot Red core

Mid-season variety of carrots. The period from germination to ripening is 75-86 days.

The root vegetables are conical in shape with a slightly pointed tip (Chantane variety), short (11-16 cm long). The bark, pulp and core are intense orange. The pulp is juicy, has a high content of carotene, sugars, and an almost complete absence of bitterness. The average weight of the root crop is 97-170 g.

The variety is resistant to bolting and is suitable for winter and early sowing. Late sowing is recommended for storage.

Carrot yield Red core- up to 4 kg per 1 sq. m, at the level of the Incomparable and Chantenay 2461 standards. Maximum yield - 7 kg of fruits per 1 sq. m. meters.

The Red Cor carrot variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions.

Originator: Nunhems.

Carrot Losinoostrovskaya 13, variety characteristics

Mid-season, productive variety (up to 8 kg/sq.m).

The root vegetables are cylindrical in shape, 15-18 cm long, weighing 100-170 g, orange-red in color, with a small core. The pulp is juicy, tender, tasty.

Advantages: Carrots of the Losinoostrovskaya variety are superior to other varieties in terms of carotene content. In addition, it is well preserved in winter and is suitable for sowing before winter.

Carrot yield Losinoostrovskaya 13- up to 7.6 kg per 1 sq. landing measure.

Carrot Chantenay Royal

Mid-late yielding variety for universal use. The ripening period is 110-120 days.

The roots are smooth, aligned in length, conical in shape, 15-17 cm long, 3.5-5 cm in diameter, rich orange in color.

The Shantane variety is resistant to flowering and is suitable for growing in all types of soil. Carrots of this variety are intended for fresh consumption, processing and long-term storage (retains good appearance for up to 9 months).

Chantenay Royal carrot yield- up to 9 kg per 1 sq. m.

Late varieties of carrots, description, photos, reviews

Carrot variety Red Giant, characteristics

A late variety of universal use, bred in Germany. The period from full germination to the onset of technical ripeness is 110-130 days.

The root vegetables are conical in shape, 22-24 cm long, red in color (the flesh is also red). The average weight of a root crop is about 100 grams.

Carrot yield Red giant: 2.1-3.7 kg per 1 sq.m.

This variety is ideal for long-term storage.

Carrot Queen of Autumn, description

A popular mid-late carrot variety. It takes 120 days from germination to ripening.

The root crops are red-orange, cylindrical, 20-22 cm long, aligned, in good presentation. The pulp is sweet, tasty, aromatic.

Advantages of the variety: good taste, excellent keeping quality of root crops. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Carrot yield Queen of Autumn: 8.5-9 kg/sq. meter of plantings (subject to agricultural technology.

Carrot Emperor

Late-ripening variety of carrots for fresh use and processing. The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading. The leaf is long, green with fine to medium dissection.

The roots are cylindrical, very long, with a slope to the top (Berlicum variety). The core and bark are red, juicy, and have excellent taste. The average weight of the root crop is 80-190 grams.

The Emperor carrot variety is included in the State. register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation for the Central region for cultivation in private household plots.

Emperor carrot yield at the level of the Nantes 4 standard. Maximum yield 4 kg per 1 sq. m.

Originator: Russian Seeds, Search. Carrot seeds of this variety are produced granulated, on tape and in bulk.

Carrot Incomparable, characteristics

Mid-late variety of carrots. The period from sowing to harvesting is 104-130 days.

Root vegetables are 17 cm long, weighing up to 200 grams, with excellent taste.

Advantages of the variety: color resistance, high shelf life, high carotene content. It is recommended to sow seeds before winter.

Carrot yield Incomparable: up to 7 kg per 1 sq. meters of plantings (subject to agricultural technology).

Carrots are the most popular vegetable in our gardens. Everyone who has a plot of land for planting vegetables buys carrot seeds from 2 to 20 packs.

The popularity of this vegetable is understandable. Carrots are present in almost every dish, many preparations are made with them for the winter, and very healthy juices are obtained from them. It contains a large amount of carotene and provitamin A, therefore it improves vision and skin condition, and affects human growth. (Read more about the vitamins contained in carrots.) Many carrots are grown to feed animals and birds. Growing carrots is very easy and they store well.

    1. Regular seeds in bulk. Sold in bags, colored and white. White bags are cheaper. If the same variety is available in a color and a white bag, you should choose the white bag to pay for the seeds and not the pictures. The number of seeds in the bag is measured in grams. A pack usually contains 2 grams of carrot seeds. If it is an expensive, hybrid variety, then maybe 1 gram, or even 0.5 grams. Imported, hybrid seeds can be colored, so when buying seeds, first look at the weight, and then at the price. The price may be lower because there are several times fewer seeds in the package.

Note: the seeds contain essential oils, so they take a very long time to germinate - 15-20 days.

    1. Granulated seeds. Carrots of any variety, if planted very densely, will be small. These are called “mouse tails”. Many people rarely succeed in sowing simple seeds right away. Therefore, seeds are sold in granules. The granules are red or green, with one seed inside. The granule itself consists of nutrients and lime. In packs, granules are poured in pieces. Look at the pack to see how many granules there are. The quantity can be from 150 to 500 pieces, so the price is different. Planting granules requires more moisture in the ground, since the granule must first dissolve, and then the moisture will penetrate to the seed. Because of this, granulated seeds take longer to germinate and their germination rate is worse. But they definitely don’t need to be thinned out and the carrots are always large. They are much more expensive than regular seeds.

Take note: Whenever planting seeds in rows, you need to apply “Zemlin” or “Provotox” against carrot flies, so that later white worms do not appear in it, which will eat holes in the root crops and ruin the entire harvest.

  1. You no longer need to glue seeds onto toilet paper in advance in winter. Nowadays, carrot seeds are sold on a tape. When planting, simply spill the groove with water, lay out the tape with the seeds glued to it, sprinkle with insecticide, add a little fertilizer and cover with soil. It couldn't be simpler. For those who sow few carrots, this is a good way, because there are few seeds on the tape, but it is expensive. Ribbons are usually 8-10 m long. When buying seeds on a tape, pay attention to the footage.

Take note: Carrots are stored better if, before storing them for the winter, you cut off the top so that no green stump remains. Then it will not rot during storage.

Most popular varieties

The following varieties of carrots are distinguished from the popular ones:

    • Early and mid-early carrot varieties: Amsterdam, Touchon, Nantes-4, Marlinka, Children's sweetness. Early varieties of carrots are distinguished by the tenderness and juiciness of the root crop. They are mainly used fresh and made into juices. Root crops of early varieties are thin, long, and form well into summer bunches, which are in demand on the market. The disadvantage of such varieties is their short shelf life. Because of their elegance, tenderness and juiciness, they are stored only until the new year, and then wither or rot. Therefore, it is not recommended to sow such varieties in large quantities.

Take note: Among the early and mid-early varieties there are root crops without a core. This feature must be indicated on the packet of seeds or included in the name.

    • Mid-season carrot varieties: vitamin, Losinoostrovskaya -13, Moscow Winter, NIIOH-336, Red Giant, Flakke, Forto. Mid-season varieties are the most popular because the root crops are large (Losinoostrovskaya-13), quite juicy (Vitaminnaya), very sweet (NIIOKH-336), well stored (Moscow winter), and have a beautiful presentation (Flakke). One of the best mid-season varieties is Samson – F1. Very large, smooth root vegetables, excellent taste, perfectly stored. True, the seeds are Dutch and therefore expensive, usually 0.5-1 grams per pack. There are fakes, so you need to buy only from trusted manufacturers.

Note: In Russia, all varieties sold are for open ground; we don’t grow carrots in greenhouses.

  • Late-ripening carrot varieties: Queen of Autumn, Autumn King, Moe, Shantane. Late-ripening ones are large root vegetables, dense, harsh, and not the most juicy. It’s just difficult to chew carrots of this variety, but they store well and are very sweet. Therefore, these varieties are very popular in villages where carrots are fed to livestock and poultry. Root crops are thicker and wider in shape than early and mid-season varieties, and suffer less from carrot fly larvae. In winter, late-ripening carrots are most often sold in stores.

Take note: Before winter, you can sow any variety of carrots - they sprout equally. The main thing is that the soil for winter sowing should be loose. As soon as the snow has melted and a dry crust has appeared on the surface of the bed, loosen it. Do not water until friendly shoots appear.

What seeds to buy? It is best to plant a pack of early variety, 2 packs of mid-season, and 1 pack of late-ripening, in this ratio. It is still better to sow in the spring, when the soil warms up and is loose. Carrots are not afraid of frost, but in cold, damp soil, the seeds may rot and not sprout at all. Which often happens, and then it is reseeded.

Out of habit, people buy those seeds that everyone knows about, these are mainly the varieties: Nantes, Queen of Autumn and Chantane. Each variety is good, but you need to sow at least one new variety every spring so as not to take risks and perhaps find an even better, more productive variety.

Carrots are one of the oldest crops that are grown in many modern areas.

It can rightfully compete with other “old-timers” of our gardens - potatoes, cabbage and onions.

It has long been clear that carrots are an inexhaustible source of vitamins and beneficial compounds that are much needed by the human body.

That is why this root vegetable is so popular and is used for dietary purposes.

Growing carrots in a region such as the Moscow region will not be a problem, since there is a list of varieties that will definitely take root in poor soil conditions, as well as in unstable weather conditions.

Variety "Vitamin 6"

A mid-early variety of carrots, which was bred back in 1969. In order for the fruits to be consumed, at least 90 days must pass from the moment the seeds are sown.

The fruits are cylindrical, with blunt tips, large in size (15 cm in length, 65 - 165 g in weight).

The whole root is orange. Due to the fact that it is completely immersed in the ground, the top does not turn green under the sun's rays.

The surface of this carrot is smooth and covered with small eyes. Taste at "Vitamin" carrots very good, sweet.

Inside, the fruits are juicy and also very healthy, because this variety is characterized by a high concentration of carotene.

Productivity is very high and depends on the quality of agricultural technology, on average per sq.m. you can get 4 – 10 kg of ripe fruits.

Also, these root vegetables do not crack and are also resistant to flowering. Due to its nutritional and taste qualities, this particular carrot is often used in baby and dietary foods. It can also be canned and simply stored in winter, which becomes possible thanks to the good keeping quality of these carrots.

Before planting, the seeds need to be soaked or purchased granulated planting material.

Sowing seeds can be done already at the end of April - beginning of May according to the 5x20 cm pattern. In addition to planting in the spring, this variety can be planted in the fall, since this carrot will not bloom after the end of the frost period.

In the case of spring planting, the depth of the seeds should be in the range from 2 to 4 cm. And if sowing is done for the winter, then the seeds can be buried no more than 1 - 2 cm.

In the fall, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive preparation of the soil for the future agricultural season, that is, dig up the entire area well and apply all types of fertilizers.

Caring for the plants themselves consists of regular watering every 5–6 days, thinning the beds (removing weak plants), as well as applying fertilizers 2–3 times during the entire period of root crop development.

Variety "Moscow winter"

Mid-season, unpretentious variety of carrots. On average, from the moment of sowing until the technical suitability of root crops, 67–95 days pass. The shape of the fruit is normal, typical for carrots, that is, these root vegetables are cylindrical, blunt-pointed.

The color throughout the fruit is orange. This carrot is quite large, that is, it grows up to 16 cm in length, the weight of each root crop reaches 100 - 175 g.

From one sq. meters you can collect 4.7 - 6.6 kg of fruit. The taste is rated as excellent, and the presentation of the fruit is also excellent.

This carrot color-resistant, and is also quite cold-resistant. The variety can withstand long-term storage and is also good in fresh, canned or processed form.

Moscow winter carrots are suitable for both spring cultivation and winter sowing. Pre-planting activities carried out with seeds are usual, the planting pattern is also standard (20x4-5 cm).

It is best to dig in the seeds of this carrot in the place where cabbage, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers or early potatoes used to grow. The depth of the seeds should be no more than 2 - 2.5 cm. This carrot can be sown from late April to early May.

The instructions for caring for these carrots are ordinary, that is, they should frequent watering is carried out without interruptions in the regime, you need to thin out the beds from time to time and also feed them.

If planting for the winter, you will need to cover the ground, for example, with peat, so that water and heat leave the soil slowly. It is also advisable to cover the bed with film until the seeds germinate.

Variety "Callisto"

A hybrid with an average ripening period, which averages 92 – 110 days. The leaves on carrot plants of this variety are dark green in color.

Root crops are cylindrical-conical in shape, bright orange in color, with a smooth surface.

The head of the fruit is flattened and light green in color. The flesh is red, the core is not very large.

Large carrots of this variety, grows up to 20 - 22 cm in length, weighing up to 135 g. The fruits are completely immersed in the soil, so they do not turn too green on top.

This carrot has an excellent taste; the pulp contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which is why these fruits are widely used in the preparation of baby food.

These carrots withstand storage and transportation well. As for the scope of application, these root vegetables can be used for cooking, canning and fresh.

The productivity is very high; 5–6 kg of carrots can be harvested per unit area of ​​the bed.

It is advisable to choose a place for a bed of these carrots where tomatoes, onions, and cabbage grew. Also, the bed should be well lit, and the soil on it should be light and fertile.

When preparing a site in the fall, you need to dig up the soil very well so that it is loose. This carrot is suitable for growing in open ground, so it can be planted in the fall. The planting pattern is usual, the depth of the seeds is the same.

It is imperative to thin out these carrots so that the fruits are not crowded in the ground. Despite the fact that this crop is quite resistant to drought, the water balance in the soil must be maintained, and regularly. That's why The watering regime must be strictly established.

It is also advisable to loosen the soil, especially until the seeds germinate in the soil. You should not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, as their concentration in fruits can greatly exceed the norm.

Variety "Chantane 2461"

Mid-season carrots, the ripening period of which ranges from 69 to 120 days. The roots are conical in shape, with a blunt tip, and are bright orange in color.

The length of mature fruits is at least 15 cm, and they gain 5–8 cm in diameter, weighing 75–250 g.

Root crops are completely immersed in the ground, so they do not turn green.

Productivity is approximately 5 – 9 kg per sq.m..

The taste of this carrot is excellent; the fruits themselves do not crack and do not deteriorate during storage or transportation.

There is a lot of juice in the pulp, and the core of the fruit itself is very useful due to the increased concentration of carotene and multivitamins. The purpose of carrots of this variety is universal.

The planting scheme, pre-planting seed preparation and seed planting depth are normal. You can sow these carrots in the last days of April, when it is already warm enough.

If you are going to grow this crop in order to provide yourself with root crops for the winter, then it is better to postpone planting to the end of May - beginning of June. This variety can only be grown in open ground, even if sowing was done in the autumn.

It is imperative to water the garden bed regularly so that the seeds, and later the plant, have enough moisture to germinate.

When the second leaf appears on each bush, it is time to thin out the bed to remove weak plants.

You also need to remove weeds that may develop where the carrots grow in order to provide each root crop with a sufficient amount of soil space.

Variety “Losinoostrovskaya 13”

Mid-season carrots, the onset of technical maturity occurs approximately 85–90 days after sowing the seeds.

The fruits are cylindrical, long (up to 17 cm), and weigh from 150 to 170 g. Carrots of this variety are smooth to the touch, with a small number of small eyes. The whole fruit is a rich orange color and very beautiful to look at. The pulp contains a lot of nutritious juice, as well as has outstanding taste, which makes this carrot very popular among gardeners.

The results of growing this variety are very good, that is, per 1 sq.m. there are 7 - 8 kg of root crops.

Such yield indicators make commercial cultivation of these carrots possible. The variety is quite frost-resistant and does not bloom, which makes it possible to dig it in for the winter.

This carrot will perfectly complement the diet of any child, increase hemoglobin in the blood, and is also suitable for those people who are on a diet.

In principle, the procedure with all its components, that is, timing, layout and depth, does not have any special features.

Before planting, it will be enough to simply prepare the seeds by first soaking and hardening them, or you can buy granules in which the seeds are already placed.

To grow a high-quality crop of these carrots, you need Constantly water the carrot beds, loosen the soil near them, as well as remove weeds and thin out strips.

If you have prepared your garden in the fall, that is, dug up and applied fertilizers, then you won’t need to fertilize the carrots throughout the entire growing season. Otherwise, you will need to apply fertilizer 2-3 times to get a decent harvest.

Variety "Queen of Autumn"

It is considered a medium-late variety, since the technical maturity of the fruit occurs 117 - 130 days after sowing the seeds.

The fruits are cone-shaped in shape, reach no more than 20 cm in length, and weigh no more than 200 g. The color of these root vegetables is red-orange, and it is the same both on the surface and inside.

The fruits taste sweet and very juicy. The top of each carrot does not turn green because the fruit is completely immersed in the soil.

This variety quite frost-resistant, can withstand cold temperatures down to -4°C. Also the yield, which from one sq.m. You can collect 4 – 9 kg, has an excellent appearance and can be stored for a long time.

The plants are not prone to flowering, the fruits do not burst, but ripen together.

Planting this variety of carrots is carried out usually, and there are absolutely no changes in all processes.

Both the planting scheme and the required seed depth have been preserved. These carrots can be sown in the fall, but then the bed will need to be covered with mulch in order to protect the seeds as much as possible from the cold before the snow falls.

Caring for these carrots is also common. That is, you will need to water the beds frequently and abundantly, thin them out, loosen the soil and apply fertilizers.

The last procedure should be performed only in case of low soil fertility or lack of preparatory procedures in the fall.

Variety "Incomparable"

Mid-season variety of carrots. On average, 90–115 days after sowing, the fruits can already be consumed.

The fruits are cylindrical-conical in shape, with a blunt end, red-orange in color, quite long (up to 17 cm) and weighty (on average 100 - 180 g).

The pulp is orange, very juicy and sweet. Fruits are stored after cleaning quite a long time Thank you for your opinion!

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