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Why does the brownie bother? Reasons for the phenomenon of the brownie. Brownie rocks a stroller

Brownies are strange and sometimes frightening creatures that come into the house. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in them or not, but if he visits you, you definitely won’t confuse him with someone else. In the article you will learn everything about these creatures, and why does a brownie come to a person?

Most people don’t even think about the existence of brownies, and only if situations happen to them or their friends that cannot be explained, do they begin to become interested in the question of the existence and various signs about brownies.

Surely, each of you has heard a variety of stories about this:

  • the brownie shuffles dishes at night
  • slams doors
  • strangles a man
  • asks for something

Questions that worry many:

  • why does he come to the house
  • what is his purpose
  • and what is all this for

There can be quite a few reasons for a brownie’s visit, everything will depend on how he visits you:

  • If at night you hear your dishes rattling, and in the house you are either alone or everyone is already asleep, it means that the brownie is trying to warn you that an emergency may happen soon, and most often it is a fire.
  • If you suddenly woke up because someone poured water on your face, it means that the brownie is trying to warn you that all is not well with your health, and you should pay serious attention to this issue.
  • If you hear your home crying or making languid sounds, then expect trouble.
  • If a brownie slams doors in the house very hard or howls, he warns that someone will die soon.

Since ancient times, Russian people have always treated brownies well and favorably. It so happened that people believed that the owner of the house was not a person, but a brownie. It was also believed that in most cases brownies are found in those houses where:

  • cosy
  • peacefully
  • love reigns
  • understanding
  • kindness

Do not forget that brownies prefer to live in houses that are orderly and clean, and always help people maintain it.

In the case when people move from one house to another, it is imperative to carry out a certain ritual that would help the owners take the brownie with them to the new home.

Brownies are considered very loyal creatures, and if they are not taken with them, they experience separation from their household very poorly:

  • become aggressive
  • angry
  • crying
  • and can cause harm to the new owners of the house

They say that the new owners will not be able to tame the brownie, who initially moved into the house with other people. That is why new home owners often have to kick the brownie out of their home.

It is impossible to answer in one sentence the question why the brownie visits people, because, as mentioned earlier, there can be a lot of reasons for such a visit.

Some facts about brownies:

  • Previously, in every house where a brownie lived, on various Christian holidays, the residents of the house always left him some kind of tasty treat.
  • On February 10, the brownie's name day was celebrated. On this day, if the brownie does not receive his congratulations in the form of treats, he could become very angry.
  • The 9th day of the first month of summer is considered Fyodor's day, so on this day the brownie spends the whole day at home, and at night he goes to bed on a broom or in shoes.

On this day, the owners of the house did not clean the house, so as not to inadvertently evict their brownie from the house.

  • April 12 (today is Cosmonautics Day), the brownie in the house is always having fun, he can rattle dishes and drop objects right up to sunrise the next day.

What does the brownie come to?

More often the brownie comes at night, and many are confused and even frightened by such night guests. It is believed that it is impossible to communicate with brownies using speech; you should not try to talk to him; the elders believed that such a mistake could cost a person the gift of speech or he would begin to stutter.

The only time a brownie can be asked a question is when it jumps on the chest and wakes up the person.

Thus, he is trying to warn you about something, and you, in order to find out what exactly, can ask him about it. He will always give you the answer:

  • Should you prepare for grief?
  • or wait for joy

By the way, the brownie speaks in a human voice, according to those who met him. If this is the way to you the brownie came, and you, out of fear and sleepiness, threw it off, don’t worry, the brownies are very smart, and they understand that you haven’t woken up yet. Even after you dumped him, you can ask him why he came to you.

Sometimes it happens that the brownie tries by all means to escort his owner out of the threshold of the house, this may mean that:

  • the move is coming soon, and thus the brownie explains to the owner that he will be much better in the new home
  • soon trouble will come to the house

Previously, people could turn to a brownie for help, and if the brownie came to the girl, she could ask him (through a special ritual) to bring her lover right to the doorstep of the house.

You cannot offend brownies, because such an act will lead to trouble:

  • do not whistle in the house, brownies get very angry when they do this, and may even leave the house forever;
  • You should not smoke in the house if you know that a brownie lives here, he cannot tolerate tobacco smoke, and if you want to live in peace with him, avoid smoking in the house.

If your guests (who spent the night in your house) say that someone attacked them at night (and this is a brownie), then you no longer need to invite these people to your house. It happens that the house attacks some strangers, thereby showing its owners that these people are unkind and are planning evil against them.

The brownies sense the approaching disaster and the evil planned against the owner before it happens. He can warn about this in a variety of ways:

  • If a person who comes to visit constantly drops something for no reason, spills a drink on the tablecloth, scatters food on the table - this brownie shows that this person wants to put the evil eye on the owner, to cause damage, in general, to do evil against him. The owner must be extremely careful with such a person.

  • if a brownie throws kitchen utensils off an empty table, he is thereby saying that they cannot be left on the table, this is an obstacle to his protection of the house.

Despite the fact that the times when a brownie was found in almost every home have already passed, today people believe in them and can turn to them for help. A person may ask:

  • find a brownie thing that was lost in the house
  • protect him from evil and unkind dreams, etc.

Don’t be immediately alarmed if the brownie living in your house seems angry to you; you can even come to an agreement with him and make friends. Don't act aggressive and irritated towards him, this will only make the situation worse. Be peaceful, and appease the brownie with gifts and kind words.

If a brownie came in a dream

Believe me, if you saw a brownie in a dream, it is not as scary and frightening as if you saw it in person. Let's find out why brownies dream and why they come to us in a dream. Brownies are drawn in different ways, how it turns out depends on how a person relates to this creature:

  • if he brought harm (or the person thinks so), then he will look like a monster;
  • If a person treats such creatures with warmth and kindness, most often he looks like a small, kind man with a long beard who is friends with cats.

In a dream, brownies can also appear in different roles. Our imagination can reproduce the brownie in different images, it depends on our imagination and on the theme of the dream.

A brownie can dream about:

  • in the form of a blurry spot without edges - it can be either light or dark
  • a brownie in a dream may have clear facial features similar to human ones, or have a blurry face
  • can speak in both a gentle and creepy voice
  • come into a dream as invisible, but the person will still understand that this is a brownie

Many people, when they dream about a brownie, think of asking them why they visited their dream, and they will definitely answer the question posed.

Even if you were unable to ask the reason for its presence in your dream, brownies usually make it clear exactly why they appeared in your imagination and dream.

Good signs:

There are quite a lot of interpretations of dreams about brownies, as well as variants of such dreams. Here are some of them:

  • If a brownie came into your dream with the words “be kind” or a phrase about kindness. This means everything will be fine, and if things don’t work out for you, the situation will soon be resolved in your favor.
  • The brownie gave you a hint - be sure to remember it and try to decipher it. It can help you with your problems or dilemma that you have been unable to resolve for a long time.
  • If you have serious problems at work or at home, and during this period you dreamed of a brownie, remember how this dream ended, because such an end to the situation awaits you in reality.

  • In the morning you don’t remember the brownie’s specific words, but you are sure that you communicated with him - look forward to new adventures and days full of bright emotions.
  • Opening the door with your own hands and letting a brownie into your home is a good omen (small children often dream of this).
  • If you suddenly dreamed of a brownie before moving, it means that he is worried that you might leave him in your old home. Invite him with you, and you will be happy.
  • If your dreams about a brownie are kind and positive, it means that the brownie loves you and protects your home and its inhabitants.
  • If you have a dream in a positive way, there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • A dream about a brownie is unpleasant, creepy and bad - don’t expect anything positive in the near future.

The brownie came and strangled

As mentioned earlier, the reasons why a brownie visits you may be different, depending on why he comes. Let's look at a case where a brownie comes and strangles people.

Brownies can also be evil, and usually, if they are unfriendly, they can even strangle people, and the subtext, in this case, can also be sexual.

Psychologists say that most often such suffocation can be compared to sleep paralysis - the person seems to be conscious, sees everything, but at the same time cannot speak or move.

In fact, this is a very scary feeling; at this moment a person experiences a spectrum of different emotions:

  • terrible fear
  • serious stress
  • it seems like he's going to die now
  • helplessness

Why does the brownie come at night and paralyze, it’s very difficult to say, but this is clearly not a manifestation of love and affection for a person. Most often, women find themselves in such situations, but the most interesting thing is that most of them cannot say one hundred percent that this was reality, although according to their feelings and visual memory, everything happened in reality.

Parapsychology experts argue that there must be sufficiently compelling reasons for such an action on the part of the creature in question:

  • made the brownie very angry
  • you are not welcome in this house
  • caught a malicious brownie
  • angry about the mess in the house
  • he was not introduced to the new tenant, etc.

If such attempts at suffocation occur more than once, you should think about conducting a ritual of expelling such a brownie from your home, because experiencing such emotions is not safe for a person’s psychological state, or even his physical health.

Why does the brownie come and lie on top?

Sometimes brownies do not strangle, but simply lie on top of people without creating too much discomfort.

There can also be quite a few reasons for this behavior, most often these are:

  • brownie cures your illnesses
  • shows signs of his attention and care to you
  • trying to warn you about something
  • protects your sleep
  • protects you from trouble that should visit you

Many do not believe in the existence of these creatures, but only those who have never encountered anything paranormal. If a person meets a brownie with his own eyes, he will never be able to deny its existence.

Brownies are not bad, you shouldn’t be afraid of them if they don’t bring you any harm. It is better to be friends with them, because, in fact, these creatures are good guardians of the house. They:

  • guard the home
  • take care of the owners
  • warn about misfortunes and situations for which it is better to prepare and know about them in advance
  • protect you from ill-wishers and bad people

Sometimes brownies lie on the chests of owners who have relatively recently moved to a new home. This means:

  • what he decided to say about his presence in their house
  • and show that he liked the tenants and he wouldn’t do them any harm

Brownies also go to bed with their owners if they have not seen them for a long time:

  • the owners were away
  • moved to another home for a while, etc.

By the way, brownies are very fond of pets, especially cats.

Many people say that the sensation (when brownies lie on their chest) can be compared to a fluffy cat; no unpleasant sensations occur at such a moment. This is why many say that the brownie came in the form of a cat.

If this does not cause you any particular inconvenience, you should not drive away the friendly “guard” of you and your home. Be kind and friendly to him, and it will only benefit you.

The brownie often comes to the children. Parents have probably heard about a kind old woman or a gnome from their child, so this may be quite a reality, and not an invention of a child’s imagination. Brownies never harm children.

In the history of the existence of brownies, there were several cases when a dwarf in a black robe came to the house of children who were no longer quite small. One of these stories: at first they were very scared, but then they decided to drive the dwarf away. Problems and troubles were not long in coming, but here’s what’s interesting:

  • did the troubles arise because they drove him away (one can understand them, because he was far from unfriendly in appearance)?
  • or because they didn’t drive him away right away, but let him look around and stay in the house for a while (maybe if the children hadn’t driven this old man away, everything would have ended even sadder)?

In this case, we can only guess, but usually brownies are friends with children and even play with them, so the child’s imaginary friend may not be imaginary, but real. As for animals, they always sense the presence of brownies.

What to do if a brownie comes?

If the brownie does not cause discomfort, does not do any nasty things, you should not do anything, just get used to the idea that he has settled in your house. Don’t forget that most often they are positive and benevolent creatures who only bring benefits. If you are a brownie:

  • scary
  • strangles
  • behaves aggressively

It is necessary to get rid of such a guest. To do this, you can contact a specialist on such issues, who will help you carry out a special ritual to expel the unwanted settler from your home.

Living in peace with a brownie means protecting yourself and your home from troubles, remember this. You shouldn't quarrel with these cute creatures if they haven't done anything bad to you. Be kind to such creatures, and then they will help you and will never cause harm.

Video: “Brownies in the house”

Recognized sorcerers and the best predictors of all evil spirits are the brownies - the spirits of housing. In the old days they lived in all village huts. Nowadays, when the percentage of rural residents is small, the brownies had to move to city houses and apartments.

The brownie (“grandfather”, “master”, “lizun”, “neighbor”) is the keeper of the house. He keeps order in the hut, the household and the pets. The well-being of the family and the health of the livestock depended on how this spirit treated the owner of the farmstead.

If the brownie is benevolent to the family, it prospered, but if his attitude was hostile, troubles fell on the family members.

Since ancient times, people have made sacrifices to the brownie, usually in the form of food.

The favorite habitat of the brownie was the Russian stove. Many housewives threw garbage behind the stove so that the brownie would not die. The spirit of the house could live in other places, for example, at the threshold, in the underground, closet, attic or in the wall. But he never entered the bathhouse (or the bathroom), since these were the legal possessions of the bannik. Having chosen a cozy place in the house, the neighbor usually stayed there forever.

Just like the banner and the barn, the brownie tries not to show himself to people. He reminds you of himself with unusual sounds. At night a spirit walks around the house. He rattles dishes, creaks cabinet doors, mutters something, whispers and sighs loudly. But sometimes he may appear to a person in the guise of an angry little bow-legged old man, overgrown with gray hair, or a shaggy creature that looks like a black bear. He can also turn into a cat, dog

Coy, cow or notify about yourself by appearing in the form of a shadow on the wall. It is believed that the brownie can be seen by pets and small children, whom he protects from trouble.

According to ancient beliefs, a brownie cannot live without people, and if the owners did not take him with them when moving, he will howl in an empty hut like an abandoned dog.

The brownie does not harm, but helps those families in which peace and harmony reign. The spirit of the house loves cleanliness and order and does not tolerate slobs, lazy people and spendthrifts.

During major Orthodox holidays (for example, Christmas, Easter, Maundy Thursday), it was customary to leave treats on the table at the end of the festive dinner so that the brownie could enjoy it. And on Efim Sirin (January 28/February 10) the brownie’s name day was celebrated. On this day, after dinner, the peasants left porridge in a pot on the stove, which they covered with coals. When offering food to the brownie, they said: “Our master, father, accept the treat, take care of our cattle.” After such a treat, the brownie became kind and peaceful. It was believed that if this is not done, the spirit of the house will harm the owners, they will begin to get sick, and all things will stop going well. In the evening of Efim Sirin, every family told exciting stories about the tricks of the brownie and about people’s meetings with him.

On Fedorin's day (June 9), when it was impossible to wash dirty linen in public, the brownie went to bed on a broom. On this day in Rus', people did not sweep the floors, so as not to take the rubbish out of the house along with the brownie and not lose their well-being.

And on John Climacus (April 12), the brownie could play mischief in the hut all night until the first rooster, disturbing the owners’ sleep.

The brownie cannot tolerate tobacco smoke and may leave the home of heavy smokers. He doesn't like it when people whistle in the house. If evil people come to visit the owners, he will drive them away by all means. It will seem to them that something is pressing, preventing them from breathing, and dishes will begin to fall out of their hands. According to ancient belief,

You cannot leave knives, forks, scissors, needles and other sharp objects on the table at night, otherwise the devils will use them, and the brownie will not be able to protect the owners of the house from harm.

If the brownie is angry with the owners, you can appease him with a treat (pour milk into a saucer and crumble cookies) and other gifts, for example, a piece of beautiful fabric, a wax candle, a copper or silver coin. These items should be placed next to the saucer. The spirit of the house also likes to keep the salt shaker always filled with salt.

The brownie is no worse than a clairvoyant in warning people about upcoming events. If, for example, light bulbs explode in a house, footsteps are heard at night, or during sleep something presses on a person’s chest, preventing him from breathing, it means that the spirit of the house is giving a sign and you need to mentally ask him: “For good or bad?” . An answer will follow soon or an important event will occur.

In the old days, people believed that you couldn’t speak out loud to a brownie - you might end up stuttering or even go numb. It is better to simply listen to the signals given by the spirit of the house and take the necessary actions. For example, if dishes rattle in the house at night, you should beware of a fire. If a brownie pours water on you, you should pay close attention to your health, otherwise you cannot avoid illness. Do your closet doors squeak at night? Perhaps the owners simply haven’t put things in order for a long time. It's bad when

In the house at night, moans and sighs of the brownie can be heard, doors slam for no reason - it is believed that this foreshadows death.

The brownie not only predicts the future, but also helps to find lost objects. If the owners cannot find some thing in their house, they need to mentally say: “Master-father, help me find where the ring is (watch, documents, etc.).” And the spirit of the house wakes people up in the morning if they forget to set the alarm clock in the evening.

On Christmastide, you can ask the brownie any question, and he will definitely answer it. The spirit of the house is an indispensable participant in Christmas wax fortune-telling.

Do things often get lost in the house or something knocks? Perhaps magical creatures, such as a brownie or a poltergeist, are to blame for this. It is not difficult to determine who is playing around in the home. In addition, most often the brownie does not play easily with the residents of the apartment or house, but tries to warn them. It is also important at what time of day a person feels the presence of an amazing creature. In this article we will find out what the brownie comes to and how to appease him.

Who is the head in this house

According to Slavic mythology, each dwelling has its own magical creature - the brownie (domnik, hutnik). He protects the house, considers himself the most important thing in it, and protects the family from evil. Ancestral dwellings have always been famous as strong, energetic places, and, of course, the brownies in them were strong and powerful, they were very much valued and respected. It is believed that this is a good spirit that did not fulfill its task during life. But there are also exceptions.

A brownie is not always a good spirit. Sometimes he can make noise, hide things, scare people in a variety of ways. As a rule, this happens if you make him angry. And, of course, many are concerned about the question of what a brownie needs and why he can behave this way. And this can happen for various reasons. Let's look at them in more detail.

Why is the brownie angry?

So, a priori, the protector of the house is kind and calm. He worries about housing and tries to protect his owners. At the same time, he loves cleanliness, order and self-respect. If the house is not tidy, do not be surprised that some important thing will disappear at the right time. In addition, each brownie has his own place where he lives. It is usually located in the kitchen, but does not have to be. In old houses, brownies lived behind the stove. But apartments are the darkest corner in the house. So, if there are unnecessary things in this place or it is constantly dirty, the spirit can become very angry. Then he will knock on doors at night, walk loudly and scare people.

Everyone is interested in what the brownie comes to, but it is much more important to find out why he may leave. In fact, this happens quite often. If the residents of the house do not respect him, do not maintain order, and do not give the brownie treats, then he will leave forever.

Why are magical creatures so important?

It turns out that despite the fact that a person does not always know about the presence of a brownie in the house, his role is not so small. It can warn residents about dangers associated with the home. For example, before a fire or flood, a brownie pushes its owners in their sleep. It seems that they wake up by accident, but in fact it can save not only the house, but also their lives.

Sometimes when entering a room you feel cold and unwelcoming. It seems that something is wrong with the home. Most likely, the brownie no longer lives in it. Otherwise, you feel coziness and comfort, even if there is no special renovation. The energy of the house largely depends on the mood of the brownie and his presence.

How to find out if there is a brownie in the house

Before you find out what the brownie is coming for, you should first understand whether he is in the house and how he treats you. If things disappear, steps and rustling are heard, try an experiment. In the evening, place a glass of milk on a clean, empty table and place cookies on a saucer next to it. A marker can be used to mark the liquid level in the container. In the morning, look, if everything is in place, it means that the brownie is offended by you or he no longer lives with you. And if everything is good, he will eat a little treat.

Animals see and feel magical creatures. If your pets often look at walls and corners, and play with unknown people, then most likely you still have a good spirit.

In any case, there is no point in seeking a meeting with him. Even though he is kind, he can really scare you.

The brownie is most active at night. He can clean, rearrange things, repair the house, play with animals, stand over the bed where you sleep. Pets are not afraid of brownies, but, on the contrary, love them very much. If a brownie comes up and starts petting a cat, it suddenly begins to purr, and if a dog, it wags its tail and looks into the air. If a brownie comes to a person at night, it means that he is trying to warn him about something. Without opening your eyes, try to find out what's going on. As a rule, a good spirit is happy to answer questions. In the morning it seems like it was just a dream.

Who can see

No matter how much a person would like to, sometimes he is simply unable to see the brownie. This is due to his thinking and outlook on life. Most often, the brownie is seen by animals and children under 7 years old. He can play with them and entertain them. Since it is a spirit, you can see it with the help of a mirror. Very often at night, brownies, like cats, lie down on their feet. If you take a mirror and point it so that your feet are visible, you can see a small gray fluffy lump - this is the brownie.

In some cases, people simply feel his presence, how he rests on their feet, and sometimes you can even feel his touch. Moreover, if the brownie treats you well, it will be a warm and gentle stroking. But if he is angry - a prickly and cold touch.


There are many Slavic superstitions associated with brownies. They are based on the fact that this is a faithful friend and helper in the house. Such signs can tell a person a lot. What do brownies come to?

  • If the household spirit oohs and ahs, it means trouble.
  • The cry of a brownie means the death of a relative.
  • If the water in the tap is constantly turned on, there is a fire.
  • If a brownie pulls your hair, it means a quarrel.

There is also an opinion that the brownie is especially favorable towards unmarried ladies and drives away bad suitors from them. He will drop something in their hands and interfere with communication. All this indicates that the guy has dishonest intentions towards the lady.

Secret or obvious

The thing is that good spirits try to remain unnoticed. And if you are wondering: what does the brownie come to, and he constantly makes himself known - this is not without reason. There are certain reasons for this that you definitely need to know about. First of all, you should contact the brownie directly. He hears and understands everything. Ask him what he comes up with. Most likely you will receive an answer soon. If there is no answer, most likely, you simply cannot hear it, and then you should turn to superstitions.

If you just bought a home

Usually, acquaintance with a brownie takes place in a new house or apartment. When moving, the owners make noise, swear, and put their things in the good spirit’s favorite place. All this is accompanied by chaos and, of course, drives him crazy. How to appease a brownie in an apartment? It is not difficult. First, try giving him a treat at night. It is very important that the surroundings are clean and tidy. The brownie will not come to a dirty place. If he doesn't respond and the weirdness continues, use another method.

You can make him a small house, like a doll house. Be sure to put a treat in it every day. The house should not be in public view. A secluded dark corner in the kitchen under the ceiling is the best place. If before this the brownie was mischievous because he had nowhere to live, the passions will subside, and he will be very pleased. Where the brownie lives should always be tidy, but not very light. If you suddenly find that the house for a good spirit has moved to another place, it means that he feels more comfortable there.

What does a brownie like?

If you don’t know how to appease a brownie in an apartment, then most likely you have never thought about his preferences. In fact, such creatures have different characters. For this reason, it is difficult to say exactly what exactly they love. On the other hand, this can be quickly found out. Provide different treats every day, such as:

  • cookie,
  • milk,
  • sweet tea,
  • condensed milk,
  • cognac,
  • sweets (unwrapped sweets, cakes),
  • sausage.

Sooner or later you will see that he likes some foods better, while he doesn’t eat others at all.

It is very important to place treats in a clean area. Other food should be removed so that he enjoys exactly what you offer.

If a brownie constantly hides things, this is another signal that something does not suit him. Quite often a person loses what he simply urgently needs. For example, you already need to leave, and the keys, which are always in the same place, have disappeared. If you can’t find the item, you need to do the following: tie a bright fabric (handkerchief, scarf) to the table leg. Now pull one end and say: “I played and played, now give it back.” Leave the room for 5 minutes and then come back. Most likely, the lost item will be in a visible place. The secret lies in the fact that perhaps the brownie got bored and decided to hide something. When he sees bright clothes, he will go to play with them, and return what he lost to you.

Angry and harmful brownie

Since magical creatures have varied personalities, there are also some that are almost impossible to get along with. An angry brownie may:

  • frighten,
  • choke,
  • break things in the house.

All this causes discomfort to home owners. Therefore, first you should try to find a common language with him. For example, when you give him a treat at night, say loudly: “Keep away from me, and you, brownie, stop. We will make peace and be friends. You help me, and I will feed you.”

If no methods work, and the brownie does not stop raging, you may need to contact special people to evict him. However, this should be done only as a last resort, since without a brownie, the house will quickly break down and collapse.

Before kicking them out, put things in order in the place where the brownie lives. Place a treat and a piece of paper there. Write on it: “You are the master of the house, let’s be friends.”

In fact, it is very important for a brownie to feel significant. He really does a lot for the home and therefore deserves respect for himself.

Your brownie

If you have already found a common language with the brownie, but decided to change your place of residence, you should find out how to pick up the brownie when moving. This kind spirit is attached not only to its habitat, but also to its owners. Most often, when people move, they take it with them to a new place. So, after all your things have been collected, find a small box (or the brownie’s house itself, if there is one), put it in a suitcase and say loudly: “Grandfather-neighbor, come with me to a new apartment (house) to live and live, you will there to help me. Get into the box!”

After these words, leave the room for 10-15 minutes. Most likely, the brownie will climb there. It is very important not to open the box until you arrive at your new location. Otherwise, the brownie may jump out and get lost. In a new place, you should first launch the cat, and then bring in the first suitcase with a box. This trick will help maintain comfort and a good atmosphere in the house.

Many people are interested in what to do if a brownie comes. If he makes himself known, this is a good omen and you don’t need to do anything. Now you know that your home is under reliable protection. In addition, the brownie plays with small children, creating coziness and comfort in the house. And if you can live in peace with a good spirit, you will save your home and family from many troubles.

The brownie, answering the question: “For good or for good?”, predicts death

Grandmother Nina said that one late night, around 12 o’clock, she was feeding her little son. It was very quiet in the house, and after a while something rattled very loudly in the stove pipe. Grandma Nina asked: “For worse or for better?” And they answered her three times in a hoarse voice: “For worse, for worse, for worse!!!” And four days later her husband fell seriously ill and soon died!

Recorded in s. Lugovatka, Verkhnekhava district, Voronezh region. from Kazmina N.M., born in 1931 Recorded by Titova I.V., 2004 AKTLF

One woman woke up at night because someone was calling her under the window. She was scared and didn’t answer. The next day she told everything to the old woman, who told her to ask: “For better or for worse?” This is the Prophet* coming under the windows. If it’s for good, he won’t come again, if it’s for bad, he’ll call every day until someone dies in this house.

Recorded in s. Timiryazevka Kantemirovsky mountain, Voronezh region. from Borchenko R.I., born in 1919 Recorded by Ilunina A.A., 1997 AKTLF

My husband was dying, and my dear aunt heard that the brownie was walking on the ceiling. And asks: “For worse or for better?” The brownie replies: “For worse.” The husband died two days later.

The aunt received news that her son had died in the war in 1945. She lay down on the stove and cried. Suddenly he hears: the door creaked and opened. And she herself thought whether her son died or not. The brownie says: “Killed.” She didn’t see the brownie, she only heard a rustling sound that went into the holy corner and disappeared where the icons were.

Recorded in s. Krasnoflotskoye, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region. from R.M. Maslova, born in 1939 Recorded by Bashkirova T., Dolgopolova Y., 2003 AKTLF

Even before the war, when my mother lived in the village, the brownie kicked her husband out of the house. He rattled buckets, laughed, choked. Then my husband was taken to war, and he went missing at Stalingrad. After that, the brownie didn't bother us anymore.

Recorded in Voronezh from Varvara Ivanovna Drinova, born in 1918. Recorded by Kolpakova A. in 2003 AKTLF

One woman had a dream. She dreamed of a brownie who was strangling her. She asks him: “For worse or for better?” A drawn-out voice answers her, like a breath of wind: “For worse.” 2 days later her son dies.

Recorded in Voronezh from Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Buzikova, born in 1983. Recording by Vlasova E. AKTLF

I heard this story about a brownie from my friends. In one family lived two beautiful girls, the sisters were slender, well-behaved, everyone was envious of the happiness and harmony that reigned between them. One of the girls began to notice that when she was alone at home, someone was nearby. For example, she heard footsteps, or when she sat down on the sofa, a dent formed next to her, as if someone had sat down next to her. One night she heard footsteps as if someone was approaching the bed. And then someone began to rock the bed. The girl remembered that she should ask the brownie: “For better or for worse?”, and she asked this question. At that moment, the bed stopped rocking, and an indefinite sound was heard, vaguely reminiscent of an exhalation or a dull: “for worse.” After some time, this girl’s sister fell ill and died 2 years later. This is such a sad story.

Recorded in s. Ostroukhovo, Krasnogvardeisky district, Belgorod region. from Borodina Yaroslava. Recording by Kosteninova I. AKTLF

My grandmother told me that a brownie comes to her. This happened to her several times. Once he came to her before the start of the war: “I just went to bed. It seemed like I hadn’t fallen asleep yet, but he came and started strangling me. I tear him away from me by the elbows, trying to escape from his clutches, but all in vain. It’s hard to breathe, you want to scream, but you don’t have the strength. I was so scared, and he kept strangling and strangling, then I asked: “For better or for worse,” as the old people taught. He hooked* in my face and let me go. I lie with my eyes open and think something bad will happen. And a day later they declared war, and my husband died in the first battle. In fact, they say that a brownie comes in a dream only to those who are the first or last born in the family. So don’t believe in the brownie.”

Recorded in Belgorod, Belgorod region. from Bardakova T.V., 35 years old. AKTLF

Warns not to sleep under icons - the place of the dead

My mother told me this story. This happened to her when she was still a girl and went to the “street”. Her mother, in order not to get up at night and open the door, left the window open. So one day she came home from the “street,” climbed into the window, closed it behind her, and then they slept on benches, so the bench stood right under the window in the corner under the icons, and lay down. The room was quiet. She lies and thinks about her groom. Suddenly the blanket began to slide off her. She pulled it back onto her shoulders. And it crawls towards the floor again, as if someone is pulling it. She was scared, but she couldn’t scream, she seemed numb. And she was lying on her side. So someone pulled up her shirt and rubbed it on her bottom with something cold and soft, like a hare’s tail, and pulled the shirt back in place. Just then she screamed. Her mother, i.e. my grandmother jumped up and asked: “What’s wrong with you?” And her mother says to her: “This is a warning for you not to sleep under icons - the place of the dead.” Since then, the mother slept in another place.

Recorded in s. Golofeevka, Volokonovsky district, Belgorod region. from Valentina Pavlovna Tyutinnikova, born in 1942. Recorded by Gaman L., 2002 AKTLF

Predicts illness

My mother told me this story. This happened at our home. I was 3 years old, and I was in the hospital with appendicitis, my mother was with me in the hospital. In the evening, the doctors sent her home, saying that the operation would not be performed today, but would be postponed until tomorrow. Mom went home, and I stayed. At night, she woke up because she could not breathe. She opened her eyes and saw something strange and hairy in front of her. She asked: “For worse or for better?” They answered her: “For worse.” Mom, naturally, did not fall asleep. It was at 1 o'clock in the morning. By six o'clock in the morning she arrived at the hospital and was told that I almost died that night. At night my appendix ruptured, the night nurse was doing her rounds, came up to me, and I had a high temperature. I was taken to the operating room, the operation was performed, and I remained alive.

Recorded in Voronezh from Lyudmila Dmitrievna Semenova, born in 1951. Recorded by Semenova O., 2002. AKTLF

One day a brownie came to see me! This happened at night. I was sleeping, and suddenly I felt like someone was strangling me! He grabbed me right by the throat and choked me! And I couldn’t even scream! And you look - there is no one. Then I remembered, when Brownie comes, you have to say: “For worse or for better?” That's what I said. And suddenly I heard, as if the wind was blowing, and a dull sound: “hu-.... hu-...”, and my hands uncoupled from me. And I fell asleep. And in the morning the temperature rose, and in the evening I was in the hospital with severe poisoning! So, indeed, Brownie was coming to a bad end.

Recorded in Voronezh from V.Ya. Efremova, born in 1951, a native of Sinye Lipyagi, Nizhnedevitskogorsk, Voronezh region. Recorded by Malik I., 2002 AKTLF

My sister and her husband at one time lived in an apartment with an old grandmother.

That day I spent a lot of time visiting them and, since it was too late to go home, I stayed the night. We slept in the same room for lack of others, they - on the bed, I - on the sofa.

In my sleep I felt that someone was lying down next to me. At first I thought it was my sister. I slept with my face to the wall and couldn’t see, but I felt that it was not a woman, but a man. Without doubting Oleg’s integrity, I still asked: “Oleg?” Silence. Frightened, I tried to push the one lying behind me. But he clung to me so tightly that my strength was not enough.

My breathing stopped, I couldn’t utter a word. With incredible efforts, I managed to make sounds similar to the word “mom.” And everything passed. No one saw or heard anything except me.

A month later, my chest started to hurt. A trip to the doctor showed that it was mastopathy. And only then did I remember that it was this breast that grabbed me by the one I don’t even know what to call.

Recorded in Voronezh from Yana Olegovna Zubova, born in 1981. Recorded by Zubova N.O., 2001 AKTLF

One day in the middle of the night, my sister and I woke up to go to the toilet. Afterwards we went to sleep on the same bed. We had not yet fallen asleep, we both heard our mother, who was sleeping in another room, approaching us. We don't see her, but we hear her steps, her breathing. We even felt her pull the blanket over us, and then she herself began to dress and put on her shoes, even groaning and groaning. She opened the doors, even three doors, and went outside. We lie and wait for her to return. Suddenly, we hear a grandmother knocking on our door, who lived in a room attached to the house. And she also heard the doors opening and our mother, and her daughter, went out into the street. She also became worried that she was not at home. When she knocked on our door, she asked: “Girls, why are you closed? Mother left, and still no. Maybe what happened?" And we didn’t even get out of bed. We wondered why all three doors were closed. Then we decided to see if mother was in her room. We went into her room, turned on the light, the mother was fast asleep. We woke her up and asked: “Did you leave the house just now?” She couldn't understand why we burst into the room in the middle of the night. She didn't even wake up. And exactly 10 days later she had an attack and was operated on. Maybe it was a foreshadowing? No one knows.

Recorded in Voronezh from Valentina Petrovna Volkova, born in 1956. Recorded by Klyueva N.Yu., 2002 AKTLF

The owner can even warn you before anything serious happens. If a small spider is hanging on a cobweb in the house, you need to ask it: “For worse or for better?” Crawled upward - to goodness; down - for worse. This is the brownie giving this sign.

And he comes to us in dreams. One woman went to bed during the day and put her daughter to bed too. And it seemed as if someone had splashed water on the curtain. I woke up and let my daughter go for a walk. And acetic acid got into her eyes (sprayed by accident). Thank God, everything worked out.

As the morning approached, I woke up abruptly because it seemed as if a cat had entered. I still thought: “What a bastard! He opened the door himself and is coming!” And then I immediately felt cold breath on my head at first. It was accompanied by an unnatural fear, as if you weren’t scared yourself, but it was something that brought you on its own. And as he walked along, so did the cold. How can I ask him (because I remembered): “For worse or for better?” I started reading the Lord's Prayer, and he disappeared. The bad news was not long in coming.

Recorded in Voronezh from V.P. Kovalenko, born in 1968, native of Seltso, Bryansk region. Record of Kovalenko M.A. 2008 AKTLF

This story happened to my aunt. Until that time, she simply did not believe in brownies:

“I was sleeping, and in my dream I heard that someone was stroking my head so pleasantly, affectionately, running through my hair, so tenderly that I even woke up. I woke up, and I thought, what’s wrong, I’m alone in the apartment, maybe I was dreaming about something. I lay down, started to fall asleep again, again someone put their hand on my head and ran through my hair, I didn’t seem to be sleeping, I was still dozing, and then I jumped up. I turned on the light and I’m lying there, I can’t come to my senses. And I hear: “Boom,” as if someone jumped out of the bed. She didn’t turn off the light again until the morning. Some time passed and the aunt got into a car accident. She had a severe head injury. And when she “came to her senses” in the hospital, she said: “He was sorry for me, he probably warned me, that’s why he stroked me so tenderly and affectionately.”

Recorded in the village of Krasnogvardeyskoye, Belgorod region. from Natochneva M.F., 67 years old.

One day, water started flowing from the ceiling in our house. There's a stream in the corner where the clock hangs. My mother had three sons, and all three, my brothers, were taken to the war. And here is this case. My father climbed into the attic, but there was nothing wet above this place. Only the ceiling is wet. So it dripped. Then, after some time, the funeral came for my brother.

Recorded in s. Verkhny Mamon, Verkhnemamonsky district, Voronezh region. from Nesterova Matryona S., born in 1916 Recorded by Bulgakova I., Shalaeva M., 1994 AKTLF

My aunt in the next house lived in the village. One day I came home from work and water poured from the ceiling directly onto her head. And when she came to work in the morning, the store where she worked was robbed.

Recorded in Voronezh from Klavdiya Nikolaevna Pisareva, born in 1957. Recorded by Kolpakova A. 2003 AKTLF

Water flows before misfortune - brownie urinates on the ceiling

In the morning there was a bustle in the house, everyone was doing their own thing: the husband was getting ready for work, the children were going to school.

I don’t know how it happened, but at one moment (7 hours 45 minutes) for some reason we all ended up in the hall. And it was at that very moment that it happened.

There was a wet spot on the ceiling above the sofa. This immediately caught my eye, since I could not understand where it could come from. Firstly, there has been nothing since the morning, and secondly, we have been living here for many years, our roof has never leaked. And even if the roof were leaking, the stain would form slowly, gradually, and this one time it turned out big - right before our eyes. Then we heard a sound exactly like people make when they go to the toilet. A stream flowed from the ceiling and directly onto the pillows (with gurgling sounds). I was very scared because I thought that there was someone on the ceiling (I had never seen this before). She ran up to the pillows, at which time the stream stopped flowing, but, having felt them, they (the pillows) turned out to be dry. Immediately we were all shocked. Everyone stood with their eyes widened and their mouths open. We realized that it was the owner (the brownie), but, naturally, at that moment no one even thought to ask him: “For better or worse.” After 2 hours they came to me and told me that my mother had died. Now I understand what it was all about.

Recorded in s. B-Sands, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region. from Lidiya Viktorovna Kozhanova, born in 1957. Record Goal O. N. AKTLF

My neighbor told me. I’m lying there, he says, at night and I hear someone urinating on the ceiling, and it’s leaking here. She said prayers to him and felt something cold hit her. And in the morning I got up and looked - there was a bruise on half of my face. It was a brownie.

Recorded in s. Borshchevskie Sands, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region. from Goleva Matryona Ilyinichna, born in 1928. Recorded by Svezhentseva P., Gryaznova A., 2005. AKTLF

Water flows from the ceiling - the brownie gives a sign before misfortune

One evening an elderly woman was sitting and sewing. Her friend was sleeping in the other room. And the son went somewhere to a disco. It was already very late, and she sat and sewed. Suddenly she heard a rustling under the window, and then a knock on the window. This alarmed the woman a little, since this window looked out onto the front garden, and there were thickets there that were difficult to pass through. Consequently, an outside observer could not wander there. Only a specially entered person could be there. The woman looked out the window - no one. She sat down and began to continue sewing. Another knock on the window. I looked out - not a soul. And then the woman said to herself: “It seems to me that this is going to cause trouble.” And suddenly, in response, something howled piercingly, like a siren: “E-oo-oo.” This terrible howl could make your hair stand on end. The woman froze. And for a long time afterwards, when everything was quiet, the sounds remained in my ears. The next day, the woman found out that her son had been involved in a fight and he was imprisoned. So, once again the Owner warned of impending trouble.

Recorded in s. Rozhdestvenskaya Khava, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region. from Tsetsilina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, born in 1930. natives of the village of Staraya Veduga. Recorded by I. Sheveleva, Yu. Yakovleva, 1993. AKTLF

The following story happened to me. Once the father got drunk and drove the mother away. She went to her grandmother. He didn’t let us in, and we stayed at home with our sisters. I slept with my little sister in the nursery. Julia, the middle one, slept in our room. I woke up because someone was walking around the house. At first I decided that my father was drunk. But then I heard my father snoring in the hallway. There were footsteps in the kitchen. I heard a man approach the washbasin and take a mug.

It’s strange, I don’t know why, but I was sure it was a man. He took a mug, and this mug was made of iron. It's the only one we have, yellow. The rest are glass.

But then I hear a knock - the mug slipped out of his hands. He picked it up, and it fell right into the sink, so he put it down. I lie there, completely terrified, afraid to turn on the other side, so I lie there facing the door. My younger sister Natasha is snoring behind me. Footsteps approach the hallway. I hear a man stop near my father. I stood next to him for about three minutes. I hear that he is heading towards our nursery. I even stopped breathing, I think maybe he won’t notice us. I opened my eyelashes. I see the silhouette of a person, a man. What caught my eye was that he was wearing a hat with earflaps and a sweatshirt, and it was the end of June outside. And the man was so tall, probably over two meters, because he even came into our room and crouched down in the doorway. So he came in and immediately went to our bed. He came up, leaned over me and breathed right in my face. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I was completely paralyzed with fear. And he stood there, breathed on me and moved on. I heard him go to the window in the hall and pull back the curtains on the window. Apparently, he began to look outside. I heard him go to the second window, and then Natasha began to cry next to me. I almost died. I think he's going to beat us all now. And Natasha must have been crying in her sleep, because she squeaked a little and fell silent. I lie awake, waiting for the continuation, but nothing happened.

In the morning my mother came, I told everything, she said that I dreamed everything. After all, the doors were locked. How did this guy get into our house? But we looked anyway, and it seemed like nothing was missing. And the grandmother said that it was a brownie, and that he was telling us something. He says that he should have asked him: “for better or for worse?” - he would answer.

And three days later, lichen “crawled” across my face. We barely cured them. Maybe this is exactly what this brownie wanted to “tell.”

Recorded in s. Khokhol, Khokholsky district, Voronezh region. from Elena Vyacheslavovna Troinina, born in 1976. Recorded by Troinina L., 2000 AKTLF

Early in the morning my husband went to see a friend. I was left alone and decided to sleep, since I was 9 months pregnant. My husband and I agreed to meet with close friends at two o’clock. I woke up and sat down to drink tea. I put down the tea and sat down so that the entire corridor was visible. Drink. And suddenly I see that someone one meter tall, a small old man dressed in gray, stood against the wall and said: “Everything will be okay” and disappeared. I got scared, grabbed my bag and went to see my friends. I rode the tram for a long time, then I was afraid to cross the road, but I seemed to get there. I told my friends everything. Then my husband arrived. They laughed a little at my story and joked. It was already evening when the little boy, my friend’s son, began to ask not to leave and to stay the night. But we left. We hadn’t even gone half a stop, and I, a pregnant woman, can you imagine, out of the blue my leg sprained. We got home late, because I couldn’t walk at all. When the doctor arrived, he said it was a severe dislocation and bruise. But everything worked out. I went into labor with my own feet.

Recorded in Voronezh from Valentina Vasilyevna Deinekina, born in 1964. Recorded by Stolbovskikh K. A., 2004 AKTLF

I was home alone. Mom is at work, father is too. I’ll go, I think I’ll get some sleep, because I have to go to work at night. Lay down. I fell asleep.

I woke up because someone was knocking on the door of the room. I was scared: there was no one at home. She got up, opened the door - no one. She lay down again. A little later there was another knock on the ceiling. And I hear something rush into the corner. I turned on the light - no one.

I came home from work and told my mother. And she told me: “This brownie came, he wanted to predict something.” And it’s true - a month later my mother had an accident.

Recorded in Voronezh from Eremenko M.A., born in 1979. Recording by Boldyreva Yu.A. AKTLF

One day early in the morning I woke up because someone was sitting on my back. I decided that this was my cat. I tried to throw it off, but nothing worked. And then it began to press harder, then I asked: “For worse or for better?” In response I heard: “For worse.

Recorded in Voronezh from Svetlana Sergeevna Podvigina, born in 1980. Recorded by Kolpakova A. 2002. AKTLF

I want to tell you an incident that happened to me in Stary Oskol in 1996. I was sleeping as usual at night, and I had a dream, the meaning of which I no longer remember. But suddenly I felt a touch, it seemed as if someone’s warm, furry hand was easily touching me. Waking up at that very moment, I felt that I could not open my eyes and was afraid to move. I realized that something strange was happening to me - some living creature was next to me. I understood that this was not a dream, but reality, but fear froze even my breathing. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes, but found no one. For a long time I could not fall asleep, experiencing a feeling of extraordinary anxiety and fear.

My grandmother (on my father’s side) told me 2 more stories about the brownie in 1980, when I was still in my teens.

1st story happened with her son (i.e. my father). Coming home after school, my father decided to get some sleep (there was no one in the house). Already in a drowsy state, he suddenly began to hear someone’s steps: unclear at first, but gradually they became more and more distinct. The steps were light and shuffling - more suitable for a child than for an adult. The bedroom door creaked, and my father closed his eyes in fear. A few seconds later he felt someone standing near the bed and, as if bending down, looking at him. The next seconds passed for my father in some kind of vague unconsciousness. When he woke up, silence and calm reigned around him.

The second story was told to my grandmother by a friend of hers. One day a certain woman was lying on the bed and suddenly in the corner in front of her she saw a strange creature that looked very much like the owner of the house. The woman was very frightened, but remembered that at such a moment she needed to ask something (because, apparently, there was a brownie in front of her). Barely squeezing out the words: “For better or worse,” in response she heard a vague, indistinct hiss, similar to the word “bad.” A few days after this vision, the woman’s son died.

Recorded in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. from Stepanova O. A., born in 1977 AKTLF.

My mother told me this story about the brownie. One day her friend came to visit her. They sat and talked for a long time. When Comrade Tanya was about to leave, she and her mother went out into the corridor so that she could get dressed. And in one corner of the corridor they saw a small man. Only my mother saw him white, clean, neat, with combed hair, and he told her: “To goodness, to goodness.” And my mother’s friend saw him dirty, unkempt, shaggy and with a beard, and he told her: “For worse, for worse.” After some time, Comrade Tanya’s father dies, and in our family there was a joyful event - a wedding.

Recorded in Gubkin, Belgorod region. from Chernykh V.N., born in 1960 Doctor of the Children's Hospital. Recorded by Roshchupkina I.A., 2000 AKTLF

The brownie appears as punishment for sins

I’m sitting next to the stove and feel like someone is pushing me in the side. I was immediately scared and thought: either take a look. Turned around. It looks like someone is coming, but no one is visible. It was Satan who punished me for something, so the owner appeared.

Recorded in s. Gremyachenskoye, Ramonsky district, Voronezh region. from Fomicheva E.V. Born 1915 Recorded by Sotnikova N.I., 1994 AKTLF

Predicts return home from the front

Russian hut. Russian stove. Night. A mother and daughter are sleeping on the stove. Suddenly the girl wakes up from a slight noise: as if someone was sighing under the stove. She wakes up mom. She also cannot explain why this sound occurs. And the sighs under the stove do not stop. Suddenly something rolls out from under the stove. This is a fluffy light ball that glows and gives off heat. The mother clings to her adult and strong daughter in horror. And suddenly it dawns on the daughter: “Mom, this is for profit. We will have some profit.” And then this something rolled back under the stove. With the sound: “Wow-yes”, nestling there. This seemed to serve as an affirmative answer to the daughter’s assumption. And sure enough, a few days later the owner of the house returned from the war. The old people said that it was the Brownie himself who brought the news.

Recorded in s. Rozhdestvenskaya Khava, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region. from Tsetsilina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, born in 1930. natives of the village Old Veduga. Recorded by L. Gorozhankina, I. Nazarova, 1993. AKTLF

After the war, many of the men who left did not return. One woman also did not hope to see her son, since he was considered missing during the war, and maybe even killed, but she hoped and believed that her son would return from the war.

One night she woke up because someone was strangling her and she could not say a word, the next night it happened again. The frightened woman told her neighbor about this. She explained that these were the tricks of the brownie, and that you need to ask him whether he had come to good or bad.

A few days later everything happened again. The woman asked: “Brownie, have you come for good or for bad?” In response, she heard sounds similar to laughter and felt the touch of a shaggy hand. So, to the good.

And indeed, after some time the woman’s son returned.

Recorded in s. Ternovoe, Ostrogozhsky district, Voronezh region. from Sotnikova E.I., born in 1932 Recorded by Alekhina N.V., 2002 AKTLF

The maternity hospital was then in our village and consisted of three rooms. In the first room there were women in labor, and in the other two there lived a “midwife” with a man. I then gave birth to my first son. There was only one in the room. At night, after giving birth, I lay in bed and could not sleep for a long time. She placed one hand on her stomach and the other along her body. I lay there and couldn’t fall asleep. Suddenly I heard someone walking barefoot on the floor. He walks, carefully closing and opening all the doors one by one. She decided it was the midwife coming to check on her and called her name. But no one answered, and then she felt that someone or something was leaning on her. The heaviness came from bottom to top. She couldn't help but scream and move. Only in the morning she was released. The midwife said that it was blood that had leaked, but she was sure that it was a brownie.

Something similar happened to her neighbor shortly after the Great Patriotic War. She had no news of her missing son. And then I remembered what people were saying. She asked: “For good or for evil.” In response, there was a burst of laughter - for good. And if there were dissatisfied snorting and puffing - to evil. And, indeed, after some time the son returned - he was captured by the Germans.

Recorded in s. Fomenkovo, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region. from Kobtseva Natalya Dmitrievna, born in 1930, 2003 AKTLF

This happened to me a long time ago, I was only 10 or 12 years old, now I don’t remember exactly, a lot of time has flown by. Anyway. There was still a war then, life was hard. Mom had eight of us, I was the youngest. The house is small, and I liked to sleep in the entryway. And when the war began, they took the eldest brother to the front, and for a long time he did not give any news, there was no word from him. We already thought that he died.

And in the entrance there was a high, large ceiling, and there was a staircase to it. And I slept under the stairs.

And then one night I was sleeping, I had a good dream, and suddenly through the dream I heard something falling from the ceiling, such a roar arose. I woke up and didn’t understand: something shaggy was going to pounce on me and start strangling me. I was scared, I don’t know what to do. But I realized that it was a brownie, I heard stories about him in the village. And then I remembered that I still had to ask him: for worse or for good?

I’m already starting to choke, I can’t fight him off, I somehow wheezed, for better or for worse? This terrible monster replied that it was for good and disappeared somewhere immediately. Until the end of the night I could not sleep, everything seemed to me, I was imagining it. I didn’t go to my mother either, I feel sorry for her - in a day, the poor thing got so worked up with us that she fell off her feet.

And the brownie told the truth. After some time, my brother came back from the war. Oh, and we had joy.

But I was silent and didn’t tell anyone. And only after my brother returned, I told my mother. She had a fight, why didn’t she say it right away, and that’s how it all ended. And since then I believe in all these monsters.

Recorded in s. Yablochny, Khokholsky district, Voronezh region. from Koltsova Evdokia Semyonovna, born in 1937 Recorded by Kuznetsova E., 2000 AKTLF

This happened during the war. The family had three children. There was no mother, and the father was at war. The children lived with a neighbor. In the evening we climbed onto the stove, suddenly water poured from above, the aunt asked: “For worse or for better?” “For good,” answered the brownie. That night, while driving past, my father stopped by.

Recorded in Voronezh from Ivanova T.I. Recorded by Tkachev E.V., 2001 AKTLF

Predicts military service

It was in the middle of the night. I dozed off. There was a light on in the next room. Suddenly I felt that someone was lying on my chest. It looked like a big cat: fluffy, soft. I was very scared. I also heard from my mother that a brownie can be like this. I asked him: “For better or worse?” I only heard: “Kolka to the army...” And it disappeared. A few days later, my son Kolya was supposed to go into the army, but he broke a finger on his hand and was not taken at all.

Recorded in Voronezh from V.V. Kovaleva, 75 years old. Recorded by Kolyadina N.A., 1999

I want to tell a story about a brownie. More than once I have heard that if one of the family members is going on a long journey, or, for example, a girl is getting married and so on, then often a brownie comes to these people.

One young man was drafted into the army. And shortly before this, strange things began to happen: the lights in the room turned on repeatedly. At first, the young man thought that they simply did not press the switch relay all the way. But after he turned off the light and went to bed, the light came on again, and in different rooms.

A few days later the brownie appeared to the young man. In the darkness he looked like a short, hunched man, even that was difficult to see. Before the brownie appeared, the room was dimly lit, coming from the street lamps above the window. In this light, one could see the posters hanging on the wall. At that moment, the guy had his eyes closed, and when he felt that someone had approached him, opening his eyes, he was surprised that the room became dark, dark.

Then the young man felt that it was difficult for him to breathe, as if something heavy had been placed on his chest. They say that in such cases you need to ask the brownie: “for better or for worse?” But the young man could not say it. After a while, the room became brighter again, as it was before.

Recorded in s. Nikitovka, Krasnogvardeisky district, Belgorod region. from Kurgansky Sergei Nikolaevich, born in 1976 Recorded by Khanina E., 2000 AKTLF

Predicts future wedding

I slept at night near the barn. Then the shaggy one fell on me. I asked:

For worse or for better? And he answered:

You will get married.

They say that if a brownie comes to an unmarried guy or an unmarried girl, it means it’s time for him (her) to get married.

A guy I know told me that one night he felt something heavy pressing on his chest, he thought that he was just lying uncomfortably and adjusted the blanket, but this feeling of heaviness did not disappear. He opened his eyes and saw that some gray lump was sitting on his chest, he jumped up and the lump began to bounce off the floor like a ball. Then they did not enter this room until the priest consecrated it.

Recorded in s. Glade of Gribanovsky district, Voronezh region. from Babkina Elena. Recorded by Shelyakina N., 2000 AKTLF

My mother told me about this. “I was still a girl then and recently started dating your father. Suddenly the brownie began to come to me.

One night I went to bed. I don’t know how long I slept, but suddenly I opened my eyes and lay there as if I had never fallen asleep. This was definitely not a dream. I understand this now. I’m lying there and thinking to myself: “Well, why am I lying there, not falling asleep, I think I wanted to sleep..?”

And suddenly, out of the blue, such fear began to come over me! The main thing is not abruptly, but in a wave. I tried to understand what I was afraid of, but it seemed normal. No, and it’s still scary - wild! It became so creepy that I wanted to jump out of bed and run to another room, where Sanya (everyone in the house called my great-grandmother Sanya by name) was sleeping. And when it dawned on me that I couldn’t move my arm or leg, I wanted to scream. But I feel my mouth open, but there is no scream. And suddenly in this silence I hear sniffling; At first it was quiet, and then it seemed to start getting closer. It stopped at my head, where there was a chair at the head of the bed, on which I leave my things. I thought that I would go crazy from fear, but at that time I heard something that seemed to sniffle harder and say: “Ah-h-h!” And it seemed like he sighed. And then less than a minute passed, and I already realized that I could move and speak. So at first I immediately wanted to read the prayer, and then I thought that it was probably impossible, and then I finally jumped up, turned on the lights everywhere and ran and ran to Sanya’s room!

Then, a little later, this happened again, but I no longer heard sniffling and gasping, but simply felt that someone was pressing the blanket on me, and it became stuffy. I didn’t get married that year, but your dad proposed to me.”

Recorded in Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region. from Orel N.M., born in 1953 Recorded by Orel O. V., 2004 AKTLF

Predicts the birth of a child I was pregnant, they told me that the child was lying across. I was left alone at home, I heard someone sweeping snow in the corridor. On the second day, water is poured from the basin. On the third, he lay down on me, and I asked:

For better or worse?

To goodness, to goodness!

The owner notified me about the birth of a healthy child.

Recorded in s. Novaya Usman, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region. from Mezhova V.Ya., born in 1920, native of the village. Rossoshki Repevskogogor-on Voronezh region. Post by Kiseleva

I never believed in brownies until one incident. One night I went to bed in the senets. I slept and slept and suddenly felt something very large and heavy fall on me. I got scared, started to cross myself and shouted: “Lord Jesus Christ!” Everything is over. I got up, walked around the house, thinking maybe someone had woken up, but everyone was asleep. Nothing else happened, but a year later a sin happened in this place (I was unmarried). After that I gave birth to a daughter.

Recorded in the agricultural “Quiet Pine” in the Ostrogozhsky district of the Voronezh region. from Ilyina Nadezhda Zinovievna, born in 1919 Recorded by Valyaeva V.A., 2002 AKTLF

This happened to me. I was 22-23 years old. She was lying on the bed in the senets, sleeping and not sleeping, I looked, she was coming out of her legs like a girl in a dress. The dress was white with flowers. The pants were black. And she blew on me. That’s how I was, like I was drunk. And I wanted to ask: is this for good, and she blew more air at me. She told me, but I didn’t understand whether it was good or not. And she went to her feet. I felt her, soft. My owner is a girl. On the same day I dream about her in a dream. Well, I'm going to get married, I asked her in a dream. But she didn't tell me anything. She climbed onto the stove, gave me two cards. I looked at the cards: the jack of diamonds and the king of crosses. That means I'll give birth to girls: jack - child, the king is an elderly man, because he is black, not diamonds and hearts. And this, I will probably marry either an old man or a black man. Three years later, I gave birth as a girl at the age of 28. I gave birth to a child for myself. When my son turned 7 years old, I got married.

Recorded in s. Bityug-Matrenovka, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region. from Olga Fedorovna Panteleeva, born in 1923. Recorded by Telkova O., Buksha M., 2005 AKTLF

Predicts future wealth

My husband and I lived for 15 years. Life, I must say, was not very good. He loved to drink, but before this was strictly enforced; he could be kicked out of work right away. I always worried about this, often cried, because life was very difficult, all the work (housework) lay on my shoulders. One day in the morning I felt somehow uneasy, not just unwell, but somehow not quite right. At lunchtime I cleaned up the cattle, went into the house and lay down on the bed under the blanket (I was shivering or something, I don’t remember exactly). There was no one in the house. I lay there and kept thinking about life. And suddenly it was as if someone stood up at my feet and slowly pulled the blanket over themselves. I immediately realized that it was the owner, by the way, for some reason I wasn’t even scared. I ask him: “For worse or for better?”, and he answers me (male voice): “For better or worse, but for richer.” I was surprised how it could be that someone invisible spoke in a male, human voice, and even said such a thing. What kind of wealth can there be with such a husband? Realizing what happened, I felt terrible. A month and a half later, we received a telegram that my uncle had died and signed his entire inheritance to me. By the way, I don’t even know why me.

Recorded in s. B-Sands, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region. from Zhdanova Maria Fedotovna, born in 1922 Record Goal O. N. AKTLF

Somehow it happened that I was left at home alone for the night. Went to bed. And suddenly, in the middle of the night, something shaggy fell on me and started to choke me, and then I remembered and said, “For better or worse,” and it answered me: “For good,” and everything was gone, and the next week I won the lottery . Just like that.

Recorded in Voronezh from A.P. Filonova, born in 1957. Recorded by Popova E., 2002

Predicts future changes

It was Sunday morning. I live in a private house, I have my own room. I believe in the existence of brownies and I know that he lives in our house. He often comes to me, I have never seen him, but I feel and feel his presence. And always after our such “meetings” something happened in my life, some significant changes: sometimes good, sometimes bad.

And then one morning I was sleeping in my bed and suddenly woke up. I felt someone’s presence in the room, although everything was quiet, no one said anything. But I knew that there was someone in the room. I felt someone sit on the edge of the bed and it sagged. I was very scared. And the most interesting thing was that I couldn’t open my eyes. I wanted to call my mother, but I found that I couldn’t say a word, I couldn’t move. I was terribly scared, I just went numb. Suddenly I feel that I have gotten out of bed, that is, the bed is returning to its original position (at the beginning it sagged under the weight). And then all this weight falls on my chest. It was a brownie who sat down, so heavy that it became very difficult for me to breathe. Literally a minute later he disappeared, the heaviness disappeared, the fear passed. I opened my eyes, there was no one in the room, but my heart was still pounding. I wasn’t particularly surprised, because this had happened before. It's just so unexpected and I get scared every time. I know that now we need to wait for some changes.

Recorded in Voronezh from Irina Lobova, 1977, nurse. Recorded by Borsyakova A., 1999 AKTLF

My grandmother told my mother that a brownie often comes to her. Whenever some change was about to happen in life, he warned her. He sat on his shoulder and started laughing. One day my grandmother quit her job, and just at that time (while she wasn’t working) he appeared and laughed again. Immediately after that, she found a better job than the previous one. Sometimes, before bad news, the brownie suddenly began to choke and sigh heavily.

Recorded in the village. Kabardinka, Krasnodar Territory from Sofia Mikhailovna Gruzdova, born in 1920. Recorded by Borovskaya N.A. AKTLF

Brownie warns about thieves

In the new apartment, my father was sleeping on the sofa, and suddenly he woke up from a sharp blow to his side. But there was no one in the room. He went to the kitchen and heard someone trying to break into the apartment. So the brownie warned of the danger.

Recorded in Voronezh from Galina Lvovna Drozdova, born in 1956. Recording by Kolpakova A.

You can often hear residents talking about strange things happening in their apartments. Either something unexpectedly falls and breaks, then laughter is heard from the bathroom, or even someone is woken up in a dream by a touch that is not at all apparent. Especially often such phenomena occur at night.

And when one of the knowledgeable people tells them that there is a barabashka in their apartment, they look at the person in surprise and ask: “What, do such things really exist?” There are! About who brownies are and why they are And settle in city apartments, says psychologist and parapsychologist Sergei Shevtsov-Lang.

Who is a brownie

The brownie is the spirit of the house. It is believed that it appears where people live for a long time. No house can stand without a brownie. Even in ancient times, peasants believed that a brownie lived in every living space. Only in one can there be a good spirit, and in the other - an evil one.

Who is he, the brownie? It is clear that it is not material, but is a clot of invisible energy. But children, albeit very small ones, can see it. And some more adults. But, as they say, only very, very kind people. This is how those who saw him describe the brownie.

He is short, no more than a meter tall, dressed in different ways, but more often in a sheepskin coat, a large hat and mittens. It somewhat resembles Santa Claus, only his sheepskin coat is not red, but gray. Sometimes children mistake it for a large plush toy and play with it with pleasure. If the brownie likes to fuss with your baby, then this is a good sign. In the future, he will protect your child from minor troubles.

If you believe the legends of deep antiquity, then the brownie is a thinking creature. People in ancient times believed that the brownie was often associated with evil spirits. And if he was hostile to the owner of the home, he could simply torture the cattle in the barn, and also cause great losses to the farm. Therefore, the owner of the house, if he felt that the brownie was hostile to him, made him some kind of sacrifice. As a rule, it was food.

“In our age of scientific achievements, someone might say that all these are fictions and fairy tales for dark people. But I don’t think that K. E. Tsiolkovsky was like that when he said that invisible “ethereal” beings live next to us. And although he could not see them, he calculated that their density was significantly lower than the density of biological forms familiar to us, says psychologist and psychic Sergei Shevtsov-Lang. - Italian scientist L. Boccone also confirms the thoughts of the astronautics genius.

For almost three years in his laboratory he conducted observations of hitherto unknown “ethereal” life forms. The latest equipment allowed us to obtain stunning results and photographs. It became clear: we live among a huge number of invisible living forms! The human eye is not yet able to see them, but they are detected by highly sensitive devices. So the creatures that surround us are not at all an invention of the ancients, but a very real phenomenon.”

Why do you need a brownie?

Popular belief says that brownies are evil spirits, but for the most part they still bring good luck to the house. If, of course, a good person lives in it, who monitors the cleanliness of his home. And not always in the sense of whether his garbage has been removed or not. The brownie is more interested in energy purity.

Unlike a person, he sees all the energy garbage scattered around the apartment. And this makes him very upset. The brownie gets dirty in it, his mood worsens, and then this can transfer to the person who lives in the apartment.

Because the brownie considers himself the master of the house and wants it to always be clean and comfortable. When everything in the house is in order, clean and tidy, there is no energetic dirt, the brownie feels very comfortable in it. And he not only loves the owner of such a house, but also helps him in every possible way.

How? For example, he monitors the safety of things. In such a house, dishes will not break, and equipment will always be in working order. Often the brownie helps to find even missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: “Master-father, help, tell me where this and that lies...”.

In addition, in such an apartment the brownie will never allow a fire, accident, theft or other troubles that may upset the inhabitants of the apartment. It is believed that the brownie cannot tolerate whistling, so it is better not to whistle in the house. If this continues for a long time, he may leave the house.

Is a brownie in the house good or bad?

And as knowledgeable people say, you will feel the absence of a brownie very quickly. The inhabitants of the home immediately have their sleep disturbed, anxiety appears in their souls, and things break and deteriorate. And sometimes such melancholy sets in that a person loses the desire to even live. Do you need this? I think no. Therefore, keep your house clean, and a good brownie will come to you.

How to determine that you have a brownie living with you

If a brownie settles in your apartment, you will immediately feel it. At night, footsteps will be heard in the apartment, and strange sounds may be heard in the kitchen. You shouldn't be afraid of this. If a brownie has already come to your apartment, then it is better to live with him peacefully. And for this he needs to be appeased. Then he will be favorable to you. How? Give him different treats. Remember that brownies love sweets more: honey, sweets, gingerbread, jam and milk.

“If you don’t have a brownie, but you want to attract one, then you can do this in the following way,” explains psychologist and psychic Sergei Shevtsov-Lang.

For example, at midnight (this time is considered the best for otherworldly forces), put a glass of milk on the table, put a slice of bread on it and say three times: “My master, come to my home, be always with me, this is your home. Breadwinner-father, come to my new house to eat bread and drink milk, and we won’t know sadness and grief. Amen".

After completing this procedure, leave the treat on the table. And when it has stood for 3 days, as a sign of love and respect for the brownie, you will finish this bread and drink the milk left on the table. And if after this you notice that the situation in the house has noticeably changed, it has become light and cozy, the spiritual melancholy has begun to recede, this is a clear sign that the brownie not only came to your apartment, but he is also very pleased with the treat you left "

When moving to another house or apartment, it is necessary to transport the brownie as well.

When moving to a new house or apartment, do not forget to take your brownie with you.

When leaving your old apartment, say on the threshold:

“My master, come with me.”

Or, just as described above, you need to provide refreshments in the new apartment and invite the brownie to one of the nights, saying the following words:

“Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.”

But it’s better to immediately take it from the old apartment. Remember that the brownie is carried in a bag, into which he is politely asked to climb. It is clear that you will not see it, but you may see a coal or an awl next to the bag. Know that this is his material embodiment. Therefore, you should definitely put these items in a bag.

The brownie will not go with you without an invitation. He will remain alone and abandoned in the apartment. And in moments of despair, he may take offense at you and begin to harm the new residents. Marina Vasilievna once felt this herself. When she bought an apartment, the previous residents warned the woman that a brownie lived in the apartment. They apparently didn't want to take him with them, or maybe they just didn't know how to do it.

By the way, the new owners, in the turmoil of the move, did not pay much attention to the words of the former residents. But in vain. They soon realized that there was clearly a brownie in the apartment. He began to regularly remind us of his presence. He did minor mischief, but quite often. And one day, when everyone was at work, I turned on the tap in the bathroom... I don’t think it’s worth describing the meeting with the neighbors living on the floor below. Then their hair dryer burned out, electrical appliances began to turn on and off involuntarily, and finally the new refrigerator broke down...

Everyone was so tired that the family decided to turn to a psychic. And I must say that he helped them. Just don’t take him out, but throw him in another family. Maybe, Marina Vasilievna believes, he will take root there better.

Brownie in the house is good or bad

Evil brownie and how to drive him out of the house

As mentioned above, brownies are good and sometimes evil. But sometimes even the good ones are reborn into the evil ones. This largely depends on the owners of the apartment. If they themselves exude negativity, then it settles in the apartment. What otherworldly evil spirits feed on. She really loves places where there is a lot of different rubbish, especially corners where dust and debris accumulate for months: there she receives energy recharge.

It is in such places that brownies build their “nests”. The conclusion is obvious: you need to regularly get rid of trash and dust, especially in hard-to-reach places. And “cleanse” your soul. Only a person with a pure soul can clean his home.

If an evil brownie has settled in your home, how to drive him out? There are many rituals for this action. It just needs to be carried out by the owner of the house himself. This is usually done just after midnight. You need to wash your hands clean and walk through all rooms of the house clockwise. At the same time, for each step you need to throw a black bean over your right shoulder behind your back. And no matter what happens behind your back, you should never look back during the process.

And after the ritual is completed, you should say 9 times in a loud and authoritative voice:

“Spirits, I command you to leave this place!”

Open fire also gives a good cleansing effect. To do this, you can use a burning candle, lamp, or fireplace. Still, there is something not only bewitching, but also mystical in an open flame. The flame belongs to two worlds at the same time: the visible, physical, and the subtle, “otherworldly”. So, if there is an evil brownie in your apartment and it is ruining your nerves, use the above tips.

If you don’t even believe in otherworldly forces, then still perform the ritual. This ritual will not take you much time, and the effect can be amazing,” sums up psychologist and psychic Sergei Shevtsov-Lang.



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