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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Medical University". Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU) NGMU passing score in recent years

(NSMU) is one of the best medical higher educational institutions in the region. The first classes were held at NSMU in 1935, then it was called the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. The status was changed to academy many years later. And only in 2005 the educational institution acquired the status of a university.

About the educational institution

The structure of the Novosibirsk State Medical University includes eight faculties, as well as 76 departments. At the same time, more than several thousand students study within the walls of a higher educational institution. Among them are more than three hundred interns, as well as more than six hundred residents. Over the entire existence of the Novosibirsk State Medical University, more than thirty thousand students have graduated from its walls and are now working as doctors. In addition, more than ten thousand doctors have undergone retraining.

The university employs more than 1,700 employees, and the teaching staff also includes academicians of medical sciences.

Areas of training

Novosibirsk State Medical University offers the following areas of specialist training:

  • clinical psychology;
  • medical biophysics;
  • management;
  • dentistry and others.

Bachelor's training areas are also being implemented, including:

  • nursing;
  • social work.

The duration of training for specialist training programs is five and six years. To obtain a bachelor's degree you need to study for 4.5 years.

In order to be able to apply for specialty and bachelor's degree programs, applicants must meet the minimum score requirements. For example, in order to submit documents, an applicant must have at least forty-five points in the Russian language on the Unified State Exam. For biology and chemistry, the minimum is fifty. These points are valid for the field of study “General Medicine”.

In order to familiarize yourself with the full list of minimum scores for all areas of training, applicants should refer to the regulatory documents posted on the official website of the Novosibirsk State Medical University.

Passing scores

In order to enroll in a budget-funded education, applicants must overcome the passing score threshold. Photos with tables from previous years posted on the website of the Novosibirsk State Medical University state that in 2017, in order to be admitted to the field of General Medicine, an applicant needed to score more than 232.

The highest passing score was recorded in the “Dentistry” direction and amounted to two hundred and seventy. The smallest is in the direction of “Pediatrics” - two hundred and eleven. To enroll in Clinical Psychology, it was enough to score two hundred and thirty-three. To qualify for a paid educational program, you need an average of no more than forty points per subject. For example, in the field of “Dentistry” it was enough to overcome the value of one hundred and twenty.

The "" section contains detailed information on the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, competition, conditions for providing a hostel, the number of available places, as well as the minimum points that were required to obtain it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

- new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the Unified State Exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Exam.

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The section has launched a new service “Remind about an event”, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders about the dates that are most important to them.

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Invites you to study in areas of training/specialties according to programs
Higher education:
Specialty 05/33/01 PHARMACY.
Full-time education. Duration of training - 5 years.

Part-time study (only for those with secondary medical or pharmaceutical degrees)
professional education, or higher medical education).
Duration of training - 5.5 years.
On the basis of medical or pharmaceutical secondary vocational education, or medical higher education, it is possible to study under an accelerated program.
Basics of training:

Entrance tests: Russian language, chemistry, biology.
A pharmacist solves problems in the development, testing, registration, production, quality control and sale of medicines.
pharmacy organizations, pharmacy warehouses, pharmaceutical factories and factories, drug certification centers, research institutes.

Specialty 05/37/01 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY.
Full-time education. Duration of training - 5.5 years.
Basics of training:

- at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget of the Russian Federation;
- at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.
Entrance tests: Russian language, social studies, biology.
A clinical psychologist works with people who have difficulties in adaptation and self-development, creating optimal living conditions for them.
Clinical psychologists are trained to work in psychiatric hospitals, drug treatment and psychotherapeutic clinics, and psychosomatic clinics.

Direction of training 03/34/01 NURSING.

Basics of training:

- at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.
Entrance tests: Russian language, biology, chemistry.
On the basis of secondary vocational education or higher education, it is possible to study in an accelerated program. Duration of training - from 3.5 years.
Areas of professional activity:
- medical institutions in which graduates work as chief or senior nurses;
- clinics, medical organizations and social protection institutions as directors and administrators.

Direction of training 03/38/02 MANAGEMENT.
Full-time education. Duration of training - 4 years.

Basics of training:

- at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.
Entrance tests: mathematics, social studies, Russian language.

Areas of professional activity:
- medical organizations of any organizational and legal form, in which graduates work as performers or junior level managers in various services of the management apparatus;
- state and municipal government bodies in the field of healthcare;
- structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs who create and develop their own businesses.

Direction of training 03/39/02 SOCIAL WORK.
Correspondence (distance) form of education. Duration of training - 4.5 years.
Basics of training:

- at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.
Entrance tests: history, social studies, Russian language.
On the basis of secondary vocational education or higher education, it is possible to study in an accelerated program. Duration of study - 3.5 years or less.
Areas of professional activity:
- social protection enterprises;
- rehabilitation centers for families and adolescents, military personnel, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
- Migration Service; institutions of the federal penitentiary service.

Specialty 02/33/01 PHARMACY.

Full-time and part-time (evening) form of education. Duration of training - 3 years.

On the basis of medical secondary vocational education or medical higher education, it is possible to study under an accelerated program.
Basics of training:
- at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget of the Russian Federation (full-time);
- at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities (full-time, part-time and part-time).
No entrance tests.
Specialty 02/34/01 NURSING.

The education required for admission is general secondary.
Full-time education. Duration of training - 2 years 10 months.
Basics of training:

- at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.
No entrance tests.

Currently, NSMU has over 1,700 employees. The university has 8 faculties, about 5 thousand students study in 76 departments, more than 300 and 600 clinical residents and interns. More than 200 graduate students study at NSMU. Classes are held at 70 clinical sites located in the largest medical institutions in Novosibirsk.

The university implements the main educational areas of training specialists in higher professional education programs: “General Medicine”, “Clinical Psychology”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”, “Medical Biochemistry”, “Medical Biophysics” ", "Social work", "Management".

NSMU employees participate in international medical projects, conferences, congresses and symposiums, undergo internships at foreign universities, and university professors give lectures at medical centers in the USA and Europe. Graduates work at prestigious universities in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France), Japan, USA, New Zealand and Australia, holding positions as heads of departments and laboratories.

The scientific and pedagogical potential of the university is a matter of well-deserved pride. The teaching staff of the university includes 7 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 15 academicians and corresponding members of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, 59 academicians and corresponding members of various international academies of sciences, 9 employees have the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”, 5 - “Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation”, 2 - “Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation”, 27 have the honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”, 23 were awarded the badge of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “Excellence in Health Care”, 1 - laureate of the USSR State Prize . The property of NSMU is six dissertation councils that provide defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in 13 scientific specialties.

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


No. 02344 valid indefinitely from 08/18/2016


No. 02302 is valid from 10/20/2016 to 03/31/2020

Selection committee

630091, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Krasny prospect, 52

The admissions committee works from 06/20/2017 to 08/21/2017

Website: http://www.ngmu.ru/entry

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for NSMU

Index14 year15 year16 year17 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study68.92 69.73 67.86 64.27
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget56.47 77.22 75.88 81.48
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis59.55 58.03 62.85 59.57
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled42.67 50.77 45.01 41
Number of students5272 4809 5011 4769
Full-time department4507 4226 4438 4562
Part-time department5 0 0 207
Extramural760 583 573
Full report


About the university

The history of the Novosibirsk State Medical University begins with the opening of the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies in Novosibirsk with the involvement of the teaching staff of the Tomsk Medical Institute. In 1935, a permanent teaching staff was formed in Novosibirsk, which made it possible to open the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. Over the years of its existence, the educational institution has repeatedly changed its organizational structure and name. Almost 80 years of effective work by teachers made it possible to create a reliable, strong healthcare system in the region. The university is chosen not only by applicants from Siberia, but also by many school graduates from other regions and even states.

The Medical University offers the following specialties of higher professional education: “General Medicine” (6 years), “Pediatrics” (6 years), “Dentistry” (5 years), “Pharmacy” (5 years), “Medical Biochemistry” (6 years). years), “Medical Biophysics” (6 years), “Medical and Preventive Care” (6 years), “Clinical Psychology” (5.5 years), “Social Work” (4 years), “Management” (4 years) . In all specialties, full-time study is offered; in the last two specialties, part-time study is also possible with an increase in the duration of study by 6 months. Applicants must have completed secondary or secondary vocational education, as well as certificates of passing the Unified State Exam in the required subjects. The list of entrance tests for all specialties can be found on the official website of the university. At the university, you can receive secondary vocational education in the specialties “Pharmacy” and “Social work”. Applicants to the Novosibirsk State Medical University are offered preparatory courses in Unified State Examination subjects.

Great attention and serious efforts of university teachers are applied to the implementation of postgraduate education programs (residency and internship for doctors). The university trains narrow specialists in almost all the abundance of profiles of medical activity.

Training programs for all specialties are compiled taking into account the latest generation of federal educational standards. Methodological work at a high level is carried out by representatives of the university’s teaching staff, and their achievements are used even in medical educational institutions in the capital. During the training process, students learn to use the latest medical technologies and also practice diagnostic skills. The educational process for medical students includes close attention to theoretical disciplines, as well as a serious amount of practical work at the clinical bases of the educational institution. Almost all medical and preventive institutions in the region, including commercial ones, are fully staffed by NSMU graduates, so upon completion of their studies, students of all specialties are in demand candidates for vacant jobs. The university's Career Guidance Center assists graduates in finding work. The prestige of medical education and scientific development at NSMU attracts not only the abundance of students, but also a significant number of teachers.

Employees of medical institutions in the region regularly undergo advanced training programs on the territory of the Novosibirsk State Medical University.


Medical Faculty

Educational programs:

General Medicine (31.05.01 – full-time, specialty, accredited)

  • Budget places: 184
  • 141,550 rubles per year
  • 6 years

Passing Unified State Exam: 120 (Russian language, Chemistry, Biologist)

Nursing (34.03.01 – full-time, bachelor’s degree, accredited)

  • There are no budget places
  • 45,000 rubles per year
  • 4 years

Passing Unified State Exam: 109 (Russian language, Chemistry, Biologist)

Information updated 04/23/2017

Faculty of Medicine and Prevention

Educational programs:

Medical and preventive care (32.05.01 – full-time, specialty, accredited)

  • Budget places: 15
  • RUB 89,550 per year
  • 6 years



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