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Mathematical tales presentation for a mathematics lesson (6th grade) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "mathematical fairy tales" Presentation for the lesson project mathematical fairy tales

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Mathematical fairy tale "Journey to the Far Away Kingdom." An open extracurricular lesson in mathematics in the 1st “A” grade. S Letina Yana Sergeevna, primary school teacher

Goals: Development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination; Strengthen knowledge of numbers, composition of numbers, counting skills; Fostering hard work, friendship, teamwork, and mutual assistance.

Everyone loves and honors my kingdom. Numbers live in my kingdom. (Mathematics)

Queen Mathematics I am Queen Mathematics. And I will tell you with respect - Mathematics is needed by everyone without exception!

Queen Mathematics But, guys, it’s a miracle, I can’t get into my castle - the path is enchanted. Please break the spell. All conditions must be met: respect teachers; Do not offend heroes; Behave calmly and decently; Earn secret kingdom tokens; Come with me to the castle; Don't get tired on the road; Lots to see and learn.

This is the path that will lead us:

A hut blocked the way, and an old woman lives in it. Big eyes, hooked nose, Flies on a mortar with the breeze. Who is this old lady? (Baba Yaga.)

You guys shut up and get some rest. The road ahead is not easy. Rest and collect some beads for me. Here are the envelopes, all the beads are there. Collect them in a chain. I, the old woman, will take a look and reward you for your imagination.

I'm having a hard time deciding which beads to wear. Wherever they clap their hands loudest, I will take them.

Queen Mathematics Let's continue the journey, friends! We can't stop. A wall grew from Christmas trees. In order for us to get through the wall, we need to plant a Christmas tree. And those guys who write down the composition of the number 10 will be imprisoned.

1 + 9 2 + 8 4 + 6 5 + 5 7 + 3 8 + 2 10 + 0 0 + 10 3 + 7 6 + 4 9 +1

Let's check how many Christmas trees there are:

Everyone goes around this place: Here the earth is like dough; There is sedge, hummocks, mosses... There is no support for the feet. What kind of place are you talking about? (Swamp)

And he greets us: An amazing child! Just out of diapers, he can swim and dive, like his own mother. (Duckling)

I invite everyone to dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

And he lives in this swamp, quiet, meek, mischievous. Friend of frogs and leeches, Inhabitant of rivers, lakes, swamps. Our friend... a merman.

I'm a merman, I'm a merman. Oh, how bored I am. Only frogs live here... But I, I want fun. Cheer me up, guys, solve my riddles.

Three funny frogs caught mosquitoes, one for each, and they treated me. How many mosquitoes did they catch? (4)

Three white swans were sitting on the water. Two swans took off and flew away. How many swans are left? (1)

There were 3 bear cubs in the apiary. They were playing hide and seek near the barrel. One barely fit into the barrel, but how many ran away into the forest? (3)

Four hares were walking from school. And suddenly they were attacked by bees. Two bunnies barely escaped. How many didn’t make it? (2)

Seven tiny kittens, They eat everything they are given. And one asks for sour cream. How many kittens are there? (8)

Well done! Here's my sign - a blue lake.

Queen Mathematics And now we are on the road again. This is my castle, and it’s guarded by...

Queen Mathematics Guess who: He has been living for a very long time. He does nasty things to everyone. His life is at the end of a needle. Who is this? (Koschei)

Yes, guys, I'm Koschey! I protect the kingdom, I keep the numbers in order. And I’ll let you into the castle if you add up the numbers that are in the name of the distant kingdom. What are these numbers? (3 and 9) Take the parts from the envelope and connect them so that you get the sum of the numbers 3 and 9.

Queen Mathematics You are the best first graders. I'm glad to meet you. You have overcome all obstacles and you have received badges. You walked the path to my castle. It’s impossible to count how many obstacles there were here. This makes me doubly happy.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

A lesson in literary reading according to the system of L.V. Zankov. 2nd grade. The author's fairy tale and its connection with the plot and structure of a folk tale. (using the example of D. Mamin-Sibiryak’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Brave Hare...”)

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” (Russian folk tales and tales of the peoples of the North: similarities and differences) Abstract Purpose of the study: To explore the features of Russian folk tales and folk tales...

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Mathematics teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4" of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic Sharova Valentina Stepanovna

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Once upon a time there lived a king. The Tsar had three sons: Fedor, Yegor and Ivan. The king had countless wealth. Yes, he began to get sick. So he sends his sons for living water and rejuvenating apples. The sons set off.

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The sons rode for a long time, and they met a passerby. “How far is it to the village?” “You have traveled a third of the entire distance, and if you travel 2 more miles, you will be exactly in the middle,” answered the passerby. How many miles still need to be covered by the sons? Solution: 2 versts is 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6 of the total distance between villages, which means the entire distance is 1 i.e. 6/6 is equal to 2۰6=12(versts). 1/3 – 4 versts, and 12-4 = 8 (versts) left. Answer: 8 versts

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The sons reached the village and went to the inn to rest. They ordered the hostess to cook potatoes and fell asleep. The hostess cooked it, put it on the table and left. Fedor woke up, ate the third part and fell asleep again. Then Yegor woke up, counted the potatoes, ate a third of them and also fell asleep. Ivan, waking up, ate a third of the remaining potatoes. Then all the brothers woke up and saw that there were 8 potatoes left in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess cook and how many more should each of the brothers eat so that everyone gets it equally?

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Solution: Ivan left the brothers 8 potatoes, i.e. 4 to each, which means he ate 4 himself. It turns out that Yegor left 12 pieces for the brothers, 6 for each, and he ate 6 pieces himself. It follows that Fyodor left 18 potatoes for the brothers, 9 pieces for each, and he himself ate 9 pieces. So, the hostess served 27 potatoes to the table. Answer 27 potatoes

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The brothers wandered for a long time until they reached Baba Yaga's hut. They told where and why they were going. “Guess my riddles, then I will tell you where to find living water and rejuvenating apples,” said Baba Yaga

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Answer: 1) 3 2) the same 3) 100 The ducks were flying: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks were flying? What is heavier: a pound of iron or a pound of fluff? Divide half by half

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The brothers guessed all the riddles and Baba Yaga showed them the way to her middle sister, and left Fedora to cut wood for her. Sawing one part takes 1 minute. How many minutes will it take him to cut a log five meters long? Answer: 4 minutes

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Meanwhile, Yegor and Ivan reached the dense forest. In that forest there is a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga's middle sister lived in that hut. She had 20 girls in her service

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In the evenings she walked around the house and checked if everything was in order? There were 7 girls on each side of the room. 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2

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But one day 4 friends came to the girls and stayed with them for the night. There were 24 of them. They were positioned so that there were again 7 girls on each side. How were 24 girls placed if there were 7 girls on each side? 24 girls were placed like this: 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5

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The next day, 4 girlfriends left, 4 more girls went to accompany them. There are 16 girls left. And they positioned themselves so that there were again 7 girls on each side. How were 16 girls placed if there were 7 girls on each side? Here's how they were placed: 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

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Baba Yaga's middle sister found out what the brothers were going for and decided to help them. She sent them to her younger sister. They drove and drove and saw a hut standing on chicken legs and turning around. And in the hut is Baba Yaga's younger sister.

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She has a cow, a goat and a sheep. The younger sister is sitting, wondering how to feed her animals? A cow eats a load of hay in a month, a goat in 3 months, a sheep in 6 months. How many days will a load of hay last for these animals?

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Solution: If there are 30 days in a month, then in 1 day a cow eats 1/30 of a load of hay, a goat eats 1/90 of a load, and a sheep eats 1/180 of a load. Together, in 1 day they eat 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 of a load of hay. 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 = 1/20 This means that in 20 days they will eat 20/20 of a cartload, i.e. 1 or the entire load of hay. And for a month you need 30/20, i.e. 1.5 loads. Answer: for 20 days.

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The brothers helped Baba Yaga's sister, brought hay for her animals, and she told them how to get to Kashchei the Immortal, who had living water and rejuvenating apples. So they set off along the road again. There is a river ahead. They see a peasant sitting on the river bank who needs to transport a wolf, a goat and cabbage.

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Only one person can fit in the boat, and he can either have a wolf, or a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a person, the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave a goat with cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. In the presence of a person, a goat cannot eat cabbage, and a wolf cannot eat a goat. Did the peasant ask the brothers to tell them how to transport their cargo across the river?

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Solution: First, the peasant needs to transport the goat to the other bank, leaving the wolf with the cabbage, then return, take the wolf, transport it to the other bank, and take the goat back with him. Leaving the goat on the shore, you need to transport the cabbage to the wolf, then transport the goat.

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The brothers helped the peasant, and then Fyodor caught up with them. And they went together to Kashchei the Immortal. But it’s not easy to get along with Kashchei. He does not want to give away living water and rejuvenating apples. He began to ask tasks. Problems of Kashchei the Immortal: Problem 1. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners he saw three bags of flour. There were three cats on each bag, and each cat had three kittens with it. The question is, how many feet were there in the mill?

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Once upon a time there lived a king. The Tsar had three sons: Fedor, Yegor and Ivan. The king had countless wealth. Yes, he began to get sick. So he sends his sons for living water and rejuvenating apples. The sons set off.

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The sons rode for a long time, and they met a passerby. “How far is it to the village?” “You have traveled a third of the entire distance, and if you travel 2 more miles, you will be exactly in the middle,” answered the passerby. How many miles still need to be covered by the sons? Solution: 2 versts is 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6 of the total distance between villages, which means the entire distance is 1 i.e. 6/6 is equal to 2۰6=12(versts). 1/3 – 4 versts, and 12-4 = 8 (versts) left. Answer: 8 versts

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The sons reached the village and went to the inn to rest. They ordered the hostess to cook potatoes and fell asleep. The hostess cooked it, put it on the table and left. Fedor woke up, ate the third part and fell asleep again. Then Yegor woke up, counted the potatoes, ate a third of them and also fell asleep. Ivan, waking up, ate a third of the remaining potatoes. Then all the brothers woke up and saw that there were 8 potatoes left in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess cook and how many more should each of the brothers eat so that everyone gets it equally?

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Solution: Ivan left the brothers 8 potatoes, i.e. 4 to each, which means he ate 4 himself. It turns out that Yegor left 12 pieces for the brothers, 6 for each, and he ate 6 pieces himself. It follows that Fyodor left 18 potatoes for the brothers, 9 pieces for each, and he himself ate 9 pieces. So, the hostess served 27 potatoes to the table. Answer 27 potatoes

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The brothers wandered for a long time until they reached Baba Yaga's hut. They told where and why they were going. “Guess my riddles, then I will tell you where to find living water and rejuvenating apples,” said Baba Yaga

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Answer: 1) 3 2) the same 3) 100 The ducks were flying: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks were flying? What is heavier: a pound of iron or a pound of fluff? Divide half by half

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The brothers guessed all the riddles and Baba Yaga showed them the way to her middle sister, and left Fedora to cut wood for her. Sawing one part takes 1 minute. How many minutes will it take him to cut a log five meters long? Answer: 4 minutes

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Meanwhile, Yegor and Ivan reached the dense forest. In that forest there is a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga's middle sister lived in that hut. She had 20 girls in her service

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In the evenings she walked around the house and checked if everything was in order? There were 7 girls on each side of the room. 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2

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But one day 4 friends came to the girls and stayed with them for the night. There were 24 of them. They were positioned so that there were again 7 girls on each side. How were 24 girls placed if there were 7 girls on each side? 24 girls were placed like this: 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5

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The next day, 4 girlfriends left, 4 more girls went to accompany them. There are 16 girls left. And they positioned themselves so that there were again 7 girls on each side. How were 16 girls placed if there were 7 girls on each side? Here's how they were placed: 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

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Baba Yaga's middle sister found out what the brothers were going for and decided to help them. She sent them to her younger sister. They drove and drove and saw a hut standing on chicken legs and turning around. And in the hut is Baba Yaga's younger sister.

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She has a cow, a goat and a sheep. The younger sister is sitting, wondering how to feed her animals? A cow eats a load of hay in a month, a goat in 3 months, a sheep in 6 months. How many days will a load of hay last for these animals?

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Solution: If there are 30 days in a month, then in 1 day a cow eats 1/30 of a load of hay, a goat eats 1/90 of a load, and a sheep eats 1/180 of a load. Together, in 1 day they eat 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 of a load of hay. 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 = 1/20 This means that in 20 days they will eat 20/20 of a cartload, i.e. 1 or the entire load of hay. And for a month you need 30/20, i.e. 1.5 loads. Answer: for 20 days.

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The brothers helped Baba Yaga's sister, brought hay for her animals, and she told them how to get to Kashchei the Immortal, who had living water and rejuvenating apples. So they set off along the road again. There is a river ahead. They see a peasant sitting on the river bank who needs to transport a wolf, a goat and cabbage.

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Only one person can fit in the boat, and he can either have a wolf, or a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a person, the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave a goat with cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. In the presence of a person, a goat cannot eat cabbage, and a wolf cannot eat a goat. Did the peasant ask the brothers to tell them how to transport their cargo across the river?

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Solution: First, the peasant needs to transport the goat to the other bank, leaving the wolf with the cabbage, then return, take the wolf, transport it to the other bank, and take the goat back with him. Leaving the goat on the shore, you need to transport the cabbage to the wolf, then transport the goat.

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The brothers helped the peasant, and then Fyodor caught up with them. And they went together to Kashchei the Immortal. But it’s not easy to get along with Kashchei. He does not want to give away living water and rejuvenating apples. He began to ask tasks. Problems of Kashchei the Immortal: Problem 1. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners he saw three bags of flour. There were three cats on each bag, and each cat had three kittens with it. The question is, how many feet were there in the mill?

Testing theoretical knowledge and practical skills in addition and subtraction of numbers obtained by measuring length and mass in a game form.

Systematize the mental activity of students, develop interest in mathematics.





- test theoretical and practical knowledge in a playful way

Ability to add and subtract numbers obtained from

Measuring length, mass;

Systematize the mental activity of students;

Develop an interest in mathematics.

EQUIPMENT: layout of the book “Mathematical Tales”; a set of pictures of numbers, numbers; drawings for problems and fairy tales, interactive whiteboard.


  1. Organizing time.
  2. Teacher's opening speech.

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson. We will take you on a journey into the world of mathematical fairy tales.

Fairy tales originated in ancient times and accompany people from early childhood. People created fairy tales.

All fairy tales are surprisingly different. But if you think about it, they have something in common: their own fabulous secrets. These fairy tales teach life, in them good always triumphs over evil and, as a rule, have a happy ending.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them!

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

  1. So, we open the book “Mathematical Tales”.And on the first pages we see fabulous tasks. Let's try to solve some of them.

Here is a problem about Little Red Riding Hood.

Task 1. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. She was going to go through the forest along the shortest road, the length of which was 2 km 78 m. But having learned from the hunters that a wolf was wandering in the forest, Little Red Riding Hood went along another road, which was safer, but longer by 1 km 322 m. We need to find out:

1) How long was the road that Red took?


2) How much has Little Red Riding Hood gone through if she

Did you return home along the shortest route?

Well done boys. We continue to leaf through the book “Mathematical Tales”. And before us is a fabulous problem about Ivanushka the fool.

Task 2. One day Ivanushka the fool got lost in a dense forest.

He saw a hut on chicken legs, went in there and met Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga turned out to be kind, she was very happy with her guest and began to treat him with everything she had.

Ivanushka - the fool ate;

Wuhu – 267 g

Bread – 170 g

Pancakes – 185 g

Roasted pig – 1305 g

Find out: 1). How many grams in total?

Ivanushka ate it - the fool, how many kilograms and grams is this?

2). How much did Ivanushka the fool begin to weigh after he finished lunch at Baba Yaga’s, if before lunch he weighed 73 kg 400 g.

All of you guys know the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”. Let's remember what this fairy tale is about?

That's right, about the ugly duckling who turned into a beautiful swan. So now we need to help our ugly duckling turn into a beautiful swan. And to do this, we must find out the mass of this bird by solving the following chain of examples.

And they coped with this task, well done. And our ugly

The duckling turned into a beautiful swan!

  1. We continue to leaf through the book “Mathematical Tales”and get acquainted with mathematical fairy tales, the heroes of which are numbers, numbers, and signs.

Students come to the board and read math stories.

Tale 1. “The Tale of How Order Came to the Kingdom of Mathematics.”

Once upon a time there lived in the same village two little Ones - twin girls. Their parents died unexpectedly and left the One sisters alone. It was hard for them to live without their parents, and then in the house that stood next to their hut, the harmful, harmful old woman Devoyka settled. She didn’t like Unity and constantly found fault with them. As soon as the Ones get excited, the hunchbacked old woman is right there, knocking with her stick, swearing: “Why are you making noise, aren’t you giving me peace?” The sisters sit down to sing songs - again the grandmother hobbles, bent over, to their house: “Why did they shout, I won’t save you from you!” The Unity sisters were afraid to stick their pointy little noses out of the hut once again.

But one evening there was a knock on their door. Two young men stood on the threshold. They asked the sisters for permission to spend the night in their house, as they were very tired after a long journey. The sisters warmly greeted the guests, warmed them up, fed them, and had a polite conversation with them. The guests said that they were pages of the great Queen Mathematics. She sent them on an assignment - to resolve a lawsuit in one of the cities of the kingdom. And their names are Plus and Equal. Before the guests had time to finish their story, there was a knock on the door... Again the old woman Deuce was on the threshold: “What are you talking about at night?” The skinny Ones clung to each other with fear. “Eh! - said the guests. “Yes, you have a mess here too, but the matter can be fixed, go into the hut.” Before the old woman had time to come to her senses, Plus had already grabbed one One with one hand, and the other with the other, and Equal stood between them and the old woman. And suddenly…

The grandmother’s face smoothed out and broke into a smile: “My granddaughters, orphans, I didn’t just drop in on you, I came to take you from the dilapidated hut to my home. Enough of you alone, come and join me. The three of us are more satisfying and more fun.”

Since then, Unity has a grandmother - loving and caring. They still live together amicably and happily. And in the kingdom of Mathematics, complete order reigns.

Tale 2. Tale about the number 666.

Once upon a time there was a number 666. It was a very funny number. More than anything else, 666 loved to ride down the hill on his round wheels, cheerfully waving his tails in the air.

One day it was very slippery. 666 rolled down a high hill and suddenly fell, painfully hitting the middle round piece. After groaning a little, 666 stood up, shook himself off and looked into the frozen puddle. He looked and did not recognize himself; a new number was looking at him - 999.

At first, our number wanted to turn around again, but then I thought: “Well, let it stay that way, not everyone is so lucky to increase one and a half times in one fell swoop.”

The new number went for a walk, swaying slightly on three legs out of habit.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a slender girl with a long, very long nose comes towards you. She saw 999 and said to him: “Listen, I have a good idea. Who are you now? Just three nines, that's not solid. Now, if we add up, it will be a whole thousand.”

“Well, have it your way,” answered 999, and without wasting any time, they formed up.

The unit has become so important that you can’t approach it! And even then, look - she retained her face, and acquired three zeros, and it became important to be called “you-sya-cha.”

And our familiar number 999, formerly 666, became completely sad. Firstly, the unit completely forgot that without 999 it would still remain a big-nosed stick, and all the time it asks “I, yes I.” And secondly, it was so much fun to ride on the circles! Our numbers gathered strength, and they dragged themselves to the minus, despite the cries of our big-nosed friend.

“Minus, dear, take away this one,” 999 wailed, peeking out from behind the thousand zeros. "Few. I will start working for some little thing. Let me take away at least 3,” said the greedy minus.

Our number strained its three rounds and came up with: “Well, since you are so greedy, I’ll meet you halfway, take away 334, it’s not a pity.” The minus instantly took away 334 and the satisfied 666 rolled down the hill, cheerfully waving its tails.

Tale 3. “Red City”.

Once upon a time there lived a zero, he was red-haired. All the numbers teased him, except 9. Zero was very worried and, in the end, decided to leave home, no matter where. He went to bed early, and then he had a dream: as if he had already left the house, and was walking wherever his eyes looked. Suddenly he looks - the gate is standing, and on it is written: “Welcome to the Red City!” He came in and... gasped. In this amazing city, everything was red-red. Red streams flowed through red grasses and flowed into red rivers. And red rainbows hung over the rivers. Red numbers caught red fish and crayfish in red rivers. “Red Waltz” was playing on the radio. And all the redheads smiled joyfully.

Here red-haired 9 came up to zero: “Why are you so sad?”

“And everyone teases me about being a redhead.” Red-haired, red-haired, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel,” answered zero sadly.

“How stupid you are,” the nine laughed. Come on, look at the sun. What color is it?”

“Well, red,” answered zero timidly.

- “And we are red!” This means that we are all little suns. Yes, we should be happy about this!”

And then zero suddenly woke up. He ran out into the yard, and the numbers were right there: “Red-haired, red-haired, freckled!” And zero just laughed quietly and winked slyly at the red sun.

Tale 4. “Almost according to Andersen.”

Once upon a time there lived a One and her friend, the imaginary One. The imaginary One, of course, always followed the One. Wherever she steps, there she goes. She so wanted to take the place of a real One!

And in the country of Tsifiria, where the matter took place, the old King decided to marry his son, Prince Nolik.

“I’m already old,” said the King, “it’s time for you to get down to business, to sit on the throne.” What kind of king will you be without a queen?

Meanwhile, all the figures - the brides of the kingdom - became worried.

“I’m always in the retinue of the smartest people,” said Five. – I am the most worthy bride of Prince Nolik, I should be the Queen!

No to me,” Seven objected. – it’s about me that people make up wonderful proverbs: “Try on seven times, cut once”, “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”, “In one fell swoop - beat seven”...

The Queen, first of all, must be graceful, and intelligence is an acquired taste,” said Deuce, her swan neck becoming even longer. Look how beautifully the royal crown will sit on me!

The Six invited their friends to help them - a witch, a secret councilor and a fortune teller, but the magic spells did not help her.

Eight, with its rounded shapes, drove the entire male part of Tsifiria crazy, but not Nolik and not the old King.

And Nolik, let it be known, chose his bride a long time ago - he secretly sighed for the graceful One. “What a wonderful ten we will be!” - he dreamed...

Meanwhile, the Imaginary Unit realized that its time had come.

“Don’t you see what friends are around you,” she whispered to her friend Unity. - Eight is a fidgety one, Five is a pushover, Two is frivolous, Six imagines that she can do anything, but in fact, it’s difficult for her to bewitch even Nolik... If you agree to Nolik’s proposal, they will eat you before the wedding.

And while the simple-minded One was sobbing, the Imaginary One ran to Nolik.

“Look at me,” she said to the prince. - I am beautiful, mysterious, no worse than Unity, and I have many special abilities. Marry me!

Nolik thought and decided to marry One’s treacherous girlfriend.

But no matter how he attached himself to his bride, they did not succeed in creating any beautiful ten. How to walk down the aisle here?

“This is all because he can’t forget the One,” the Imaginary One shouted angrily. - Cut off her head immediately!

Her order was immediately carried out, but the Imaginary Unit immediately fell unconscious at the same hour.

Save her, save her! - Nolik shouted.

Six and her company had to intervene in what was happening: they quickly got living water and One and the Imaginary One came to life.

And Nolik realized that he had always loved only One. He apologized, Unity forgave him, and they got married.

This was a feast for the whole world! The numbers sang, danced, played various puzzles...

But they decided not to expel the Imaginary Unit from the country. In the country of Tsifiria, all numbers are needed, even imaginary ones. Only they should know their place.

  1. Summing up.

So we come to the last page of our book “Mathematical Tales”. Let's close it. Now, guys, you know that fairy tales are not only about magical heroes, but also about those subjects that we study at school and which sometimes seem serious and difficult to us.


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Mathematical tales of the State Educational Institution School No. 10 of the VIII type in the city of Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory, mathematics teacher Panko T.V.

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson. We will take you on a journey into the world of mathematical fairy tales. Fairy tales originated in ancient times and accompany people from early childhood. People created fairy tales. All fairy tales are surprisingly different. But if you think about it, they have something in common: their own fabulous secrets. These fairy tales teach life, in them good always triumphs over evil and, as a rule, have a happy ending.

So, we open the book “Mathematical Tales”. And on the first pages we see fabulous tasks. Let's try to solve some of them. Mathematical tales

Task 1 Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. She was going to go through the forest along the shortest road, the length of which was 2 km 78 m. But having learned from the hunters that a wolf was wandering in the forest, Little Red Riding Hood went along another road, which was safer, but longer by 1 km 322 m. We need to find out: 1) How long was the road along which Little Red Riding Hood went? 2) How far did Little Red Riding Hood walk if she returned home along the shortest road? 3 km 400 m 5 km 478 m

Task 2 One day, Ivanushka the Fool got lost in a dense forest. He saw a hut on chicken legs, went in there and met Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga turned out to be kind, she was very happy with her guest and began to treat him with everything she had. Ivanushka - the fool ate; fish soup – 267 g bread – 170 g pancakes – 185 roast pig – 1305 g Find out: 1). How many grams in total did Ivanushka, the fool, eat? How many kilograms and grams are these? 2). How much did Ivanushka the Fool begin to weigh after he finished lunch at Baba Yaga’s, if before lunch he weighed 73 kg 400 g. 1 kg 927 g 75 kg 327 g

48:8 6 x 6 36:4 9 +21 30:5 6 +27 33 All of you guys know the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”. Let's remember what this fairy tale is about? - That's right, about an ugly duckling who turned into a beautiful swan. So now we need to help our ugly duckling turn into a beautiful swan. And to do this, we must find out the mass of this bird by solving the following chain of examples. - And they coped with this task, well done. And our ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan!

The tale of how order came to the kingdom of Mathematics

Once upon a time there lived in the same village two little Ones - twin girls. Their parents died unexpectedly and left the One sisters alone. It was hard for them to live without their parents, and then in the house that stood next to their hut, the harmful, harmful old woman Devoyka settled. She didn’t like Unity and constantly found fault with them. As soon as the Ones get excited, the hunchbacked old woman is right there, knocking with her stick, swearing: “Why are you making noise, aren’t you giving me peace?” The sisters sit down to sing songs - again the grandmother hobbles, bent over, to their house: “Why did they shout, I won’t save you from you!” The Unity sisters were afraid to stick their pointy little noses out of the hut once again.

But one evening there was a knock on their door. Two young men stood on the threshold. They asked the sisters for permission to spend the night in their house, as they were very tired after a long journey. The sisters warmly greeted the guests, warmed them up, fed them, and had a polite conversation with them. The guests said that they were pages of the great Queen Mathematics. She sent them on an assignment - to resolve a lawsuit in one of the cities of the kingdom. And their names are Plus and Equal.

Before the guests had time to finish their story, there was a knock on the door... Again the old woman Deuce was on the threshold: “What are you talking about at night?” The skinny Ones clung to each other with fear. “Eh! - said the guests. “Yes, you have a mess here too, but the matter can be fixed, go into the hut.” Before the old woman had time to come to her senses, Plus had already grabbed one One with one hand, and the other with the other, and Equal stood between them and the old woman. And suddenly... Grandma’s face smoothed out and broke into a smile: “My granddaughters, orphans, I didn’t just drop in on you, I came to take you from the dilapidated hut to my home. Enough of you alone, come and join me. The three of us are more satisfying and more fun.” Since then, Unity has a grandmother - loving and caring. They still live together amicably and happily. And in the kingdom of Mathematics, complete order reigns.

A fairy tale about the number 666.

Once upon a time there was a number 666. It was a very funny number. More than anything else, 666 loved to ride down the hill on his round wheels, cheerfully waving his tails in the air. One day it was very slippery. 666 rolled down a high hill and suddenly fell, painfully hitting the middle round piece. After groaning a little, 666 stood up, shook himself off and looked into the frozen puddle. He looked and didn’t recognize himself, a new number was looking at him - 999. At first our number wanted to turn over into circles again, but then I thought: “Well, let it stay that way, not everyone is so lucky to increase one and a half times in one fell swoop.” The new number went for a walk, swaying slightly on three legs out of habit. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a slender girl with a long, very long nose comes towards you.

She saw 999 and said to him: “Listen, I have a good idea. Who are you now? Just three nines, that's not solid. Now, if we add up, it will be a whole thousand.” “Well, have it your way,” answered 999, and without wasting any time, they formed up. The unit has become so important that you can’t approach it! And even then, look - she retained her face, and acquired three zeros, and it became important to be called “you-sya-cha.”

And our familiar number 999, formerly 666, became completely sad. Firstly, the unit completely forgot that without 999 it would still remain a big-nosed stick, and all the time it asks “I, yes I.” And secondly, it was so much fun to ride on the circles! Our numbers gathered strength, and they dragged themselves to the minus, despite the cries of our big-nosed friend. “Minus, dear, take away this one,” 999 wailed, peeking out from behind the thousand zeros. "Few. I will start working for some little thing. Let me take away at least 3,” said the greedy minus. Our number strained its three rounds and came up with: “Well, since you are so greedy, I’ll meet you halfway, take away 334, it’s not a pity.” The minus instantly took away 334 and the satisfied 666 rolled down the hill, cheerfully waving its tails.

Once upon a time there lived a zero, he was red-haired. All the numbers teased him, except 9. Zero was very worried and, in the end, decided to leave home, no matter where. He went to bed early, and then he had a dream: as if he had already left the house, and was walking wherever his eyes looked. Fairy tale “Red City”

Suddenly he looks - the gate is standing, and on it is written: “Welcome to the Red City!” He came in and... gasped. In this amazing city, everything was red-red. Red streams flowed through red grasses and flowed into red rivers. And red rainbows hung over the rivers. Red numbers caught red fish and crayfish in red rivers. “Red Waltz” was playing on the radio. And all the redheads smiled joyfully.

Here red-haired 9 came up to zero: “Why are you so sad?” “And everyone teases me about being a redhead.” Red-haired, red-haired, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel,” answered zero sadly. “How stupid you are,” the nine laughed. Come on, look at the sun. What color is it?” “Well, red,” answered zero timidly. - “And we are red!” This means that we are all little suns. Yes, we should be happy about this!”

Fairy tale “Almost according to Andersen.” Once upon a time there lived a One and her friend, the imaginary One. The imaginary One, of course, always followed the One. Wherever she steps, there she goes. She so wanted to take the place of a real One!

And in the country of Tsifiria, where the matter took place, the old King decided to marry his son, Prince Nolik. “I’m already old,” said the King, “it’s time for you to get down to business and sit on the throne.” What kind of king will you be without a queen?

Meanwhile, all the figures - the brides of the kingdom - became worried. “I’m always in the retinue of the smartest people,” said Five. – I am the most worthy bride of Prince Nolik, I should be the Queen! “No to me,” Seven objected. – it’s about me that people make up wonderful proverbs: “Try on seven times, cut once”, “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”, “In one fell swoop, beat seven”...

The Queen, first of all, must be graceful, and intelligence is an acquired taste,” said Deuce, her swan neck becoming even longer. Look how beautifully the royal crown will sit on me! The Six invited their friends to help them - a witch, a secret councilor and a fortune teller, but the magic spells did not help her. Eight, with its rounded shapes, drove the entire male part of Tsifiria crazy, but not Nolik and not the old King.

And Nolik, let it be known, chose his bride a long time ago - he secretly sighed for the graceful One. “What a wonderful ten we will be!” - he dreamed... Meanwhile, the Imaginary Unit realized that her time had come. “Don’t you see what friends are around you,” she whispered to her friend Unity. - Eight is a fidgety one, Five is a pushover, Two is frivolous, Six imagines that she can do anything, but in fact, it’s difficult for her to bewitch even Nolik... If you agree to Nolik’s proposal, they will eat you before the wedding.

And while the simple-minded One was sobbing, the Imaginary One ran to Nolik. “Look at me,” she said to the prince. - I am beautiful, mysterious, no worse than Unity, and I have many special abilities. Marry me! Nolik thought and decided to marry One’s treacherous girlfriend. But no matter how he attached himself to his bride, they did not succeed in creating any beautiful ten. How to walk down the aisle here?

“This is all because he can’t forget the One,” the Imaginary One shouted angrily. - Cut off her head immediately! Her order was immediately carried out, but the Imaginary Unit immediately fell unconscious at the same hour. - Save her, save her! - Nolik shouted. Six and her company had to intervene in what was happening: they quickly got living water and One and the Imaginary One came to life.

And Nolik realized that he had always loved only One. He apologized, Unity forgave him, and they got married. This was a feast for the whole world! The numbers sang, danced, played various puzzles... But they decided not to expel the Imaginary Unit from the country. In the country of Tsifiria, all numbers are needed, even imaginary ones. Only they should know their place.

So we come to the last page of our book “Mathematical Tales”. Let's close it. Now, guys, you know that fairy tales are not only about magical heroes, but also about those subjects that we study at school and which sometimes seem serious and difficult to us.


Mathematical tales


student of class 3-A

Lisyak Anastasia

Objective of the project:

Find out what role numbers play in our lives.

One day, an unpleasant thing happened to the numbers.

What happened?

We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Important numbers"

In the mathematical kingdom there lived numbers

from 0 to 9. Numbers are like numbers.

Some of them

were thin

such as, And Some are full and round.

These included

Some of the numbers had a tail,

such as,

And Someone with a circle, like

In general, they were different, unlike each other.

Despite this, the numbers were very friendly

between themselves

But then one day, at a holiday, the letters told the numbers that they were more important. Without letters and words, no one would understand anything. But the numbers took offense and ran away in all directions. And such chaos began!

Letter A , for example, stands on 1 place in the alphabet

letter D - on 5 , and the letter I - on 33 place.

And now, when there are no numbers, it’s unclear what place

them to get up.

Such confusion!

- ? - ? - ? - ?

In the mathematical kingdom, no one could really calculate anything, and panic began.

Then the letters apologized to the numbers, and asked them to continue to perform their digital duties.

And everything fell into place.


Solve examples:


__*__=__ __+__=__ __-__=__ __:__=__



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