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DIY paintings using nails. DIY panels made of threads and nails: ideas, technical features. DIY string art - master class

What do needlewomen come up with! Their works constitute a separate trend in fashion. Over the past couple of years, panels made from threads and nails have become especially popular. It would seem that something so original can be made from such familiar and ordinary materials? And yet, the most discerning handmade connoisseurs decorate their homes with such items.

String Art: new - well forgotten old

One of the areas of threadography, in addition to drawing with threads on glue and embroidery, is rightfully considered “thread art”, or string art. The essence of creating a craft comes down to nails being hammered onto a hard surface at equal distances from each other, and then threads clinging to these supports. The result is paintings, toys, accessories (such as gloves), clothing decorations - and a lot of fun!

There is still no exact information about who and when invented this activity. According to one version, an English researcher named Boole tried to develop spatial thinking in children in this way, as well as train skills in solving geometric problems. The “thread of art,” according to another version, existed in the second half of the 17th century and was used to create lace.

Necessary materials

Making panels from threads and nails with your own hands requires, as for any type of needlework, first of all, patience. But, of course, we cannot do without special “tangible” materials. This:

  • dense base. This could be thick cardboard or cork board. For large paintings, you can use foam blocks;
  • support. To weave threads, you need a support with fixation at the top. Both large headed pins and nails will work. It is important to note that the protruding part of the support should not be higher than 25 mm;
  • threads They can be of different quality: floss, silk, sewing, synthetics. The texture must be chosen depending on the subject of the image. So, for a romantic heart you need straight threads, but for a rose or other flower you can use twisted ones;
  • hammer, pencil, stationery scissors;
  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, etc.).

5 patterns of panels made of threads and nails

Today, the benefits of string art are being studied by child psychologists, since working with threads:

  • develops abstract thinking;
  • has a positive effect on fine motor skills, and therefore on speech;
  • trains sensory perception;
  • introduces the elements of mirror image modeling.

So involve your kids, study our instructions together and enjoy beautiful crafts!



  • wooden board (approximately 30 x 40 cm);
  • threads (you can use iris);
  • small nails;
  • hammer;
  • spray paint.




  • carnations;
  • hammer;
  • scarlet yarn (acrylic can be used, but not thick or twisted);
  • pencil;
  • base board.


Elephant in love


  • base (foam covered with thick fabric);
  • carnations with large caps;
  • threads of pink, blue and purple colors;
  • scissors;
  • bead for the pupil of the eye.


  1. We transfer the drawing onto paper.
  2. Cut out the image along the contour.
  3. Apply to the base and mark with nails. Please note that the figure has additional, “internal” details (ear, eye).
  4. We wrap the threads around the nails, paying attention to the changing colors for the ear and eye. You don't need to do too many turns. The panel is ready.


The peculiarity of this pattern is that the image takes shape only after the thread has completely tightened the free space.


  • a small board, preferably wooden;
  • beige threads (thick sewing threads);
  • nails.


  1. On paper we draw the outlines of a suitable tree.
  2. We cut out the template, attach it to the board, and trace it.
  3. We hammer the nails.
  4. We stretch the threads, leaving the space in the middle untouched, and hide the tails.

Spoon and knife


  • cutting down a tree;
  • nails;
  • black threads.


  1. We place plastic dishes in front of us. Or you can put a spoon, fork and hammer nails around the perimeter of the figures.
  2. We take the threads and start winding, do not forget to hide the ends at the end of the work.
  3. The painting on the saw is ready.

Panels made of threads and nails: ideas

It is extremely difficult to surprise modern people, accustomed to comfort and luxury. And even such a work as a painting made of nails and threads is not a novelty for them. However, it is worth noting that even the most ordinary threads and nails can participate in the creation of original products. Such paintings can become a worthy decoration of any interior. This article is worth telling you how to make a picture from nails and threads.

Detailed information about the paintings

A panel made of threads is a backing that can be made of absolutely any material. Studs are driven into this material in any specific order, and the beautiful yarn should form a pattern. In other words, nails are pegs on which threads cling. It is important to say that this version of art requires a lot of attention from the master. And if you do everything correctly, the result can exceed all your expectations. You can create paintings yourself, and you can freely involve children in this event. It’s easy to bring any idea to life. And there are completely different schemes specifically for this purpose. Try it and you will definitely succeed.

What materials and tools are needed

In order to create a picture using nails, you need to find a substrate. It can be a wooden board or a piece of foam. A piece of plywood or other similar dense material will also work.

You also need cloves for your work. It is difficult to talk about their number. It all depends on the complexity of the work. But on average, you will need about 20 nails to create one painting. The ideal option for a picture is decorative or carpentry nails that are small in size and have neat caps.

The third component of the picture is the yarn. Threads for knitting would be ideal. They are characterized by high density and also have a huge variety of colors. Floss and twisted threads can also work. But it is not recommended to use silk yarn. She's not fit for work.

In addition to everything that is already listed above, the work uses: a hammer, a drawing on paper, buttons, pliers, paint.

On a note! If you wish to hang your artwork, then you will need to make a loop.

Let's create a picture. Detailed master class

In order to make paintings from nails and threads, you may need diagrams that are easy to find on the Internet. In addition, you can also find a lot of interesting things in our publication. First of all, it is worth communicating the rules for creating such a product.

So, the procedure for creating a picture from nails and yarn is incredibly simple. You should choose or come up with a picture that you plan to create in the future. First of all, you need to draw or print it. Then the image is cut out along the edge using scissors. The substrate must also be prepared. You can use the substrate in its original form, or you can paint it. Only after this can you continue further manipulations.


  1. So, the drawing on the paper is positioned as you like. But in order for the picture to lie flat, it is attached to the substrate using buttons.
  2. Then take neat nails and drive them along the back of the design. They need to be placed at the same distance from each other. For ease of work, the places where the nails are driven in can be marked with a regular pencil.
  3. Then the drawing is removed from the backing and placed somewhere in a row. It should be before your eyes.
  4. Start working with the thread. One end of it is tied to a nail. The threads are then wound in any order. As a result of these actions, you should have intersecting lines between each other. When working, you should rely on the picture that should be in front of your eyes.

Where are these pictures used?

It is worth noting that a painting made from nails and threads, which was created with one’s own hands, is an original work of art. Such products can easily fit into absolutely any interior and add a unique touch of modernity to it. Paintings will look good not only on shelves, but also on cabinets and chests of drawers. However, if there are children in the family, or children come to visit you, then the placement of paintings of this type should be chosen with great attention. Remember that even neat decorative carnations can be dangerous for a child of any age. In this case, the picture is hung high on the wall or placed on the top shelf of the rack.

The panel can be placed in absolutely any room. But the picture must necessarily correspond to the theme. For example, any theme is suitable for the living room; for the kitchen, it is best to make a picture with fruits and vegetables. And for a bath, a marine theme would be a good option.

How to create a silhouette drawing

A picture made of nails and threads looks good in any interior. The next master class will allow you to create another unique work of art. Threads may not always highlight the central composition. In some cases, they are used to create a background that frames empty space. This version of the painting is called silhouette.


  1. First of all, you should prepare everything you need, as well as tools.
  2. An outline of a tree is drawn on a landscape sheet.
  3. The circuit is applied to the substrate. The nails are driven into the back of the tree.
  4. After which, nails are driven in throughout the counter. As a result, you will get a frame.
  5. A loop is tied at the end of the thread. Then create a pattern.
  6. The thread is stretched from the outermost nails to the nails that form the silhouette of the tree.
  7. When most of the yarn is stretched, it is necessary to remove the landscape sheet with the pattern using tweezers.
  8. The thread is stretched and its end is secured.

Easter bunny

If you don't know what paintings with threads and nails are called, then their name is panels. In this article we will give you several options for such paintings.

To create a rabbit, first of all, a template is drawn. It's best to take 2 pictures. After which they are placed on a board.

The nails are driven in along the counter at an equal distance from each other. The outline of the inner ear is highlighted using studs. In the picture you will do it with a different color of yarn.

The nails also highlight the bow on the basket. Easter eggs should also be highlighted.

After you have driven in all the nails, you need to select the yarn for the inside of the eyelet. Pull the thread. Then create other small elements of your painting.

Only after you are finished with small elements should you fill in the main part of the picture. White thread is used for the bunny and blue thread is used for the Easter basket.

How to make patterns

Pictures made from nails and threads can have a special beauty. And they will be created due to the formation of fancy curls from yarn.


  1. To work you will need a square board.
  2. Step back 2 cm from the edge and drive in the cloves. They should be driven in at an equal distance from each other. As a result, you will get a frame.
  3. The end of the yarn is secured to a nail, which is located in the corner. After which, the thread is pulled to the opposite corner. As a result, a line with a diagonal arrangement is formed. Return the yarn, but in this case, hook it onto the next nail. Then make another diagonal line. The thread is stretched in this way. Each time, catching it on neighboring studs. Thread the yarn clockwise. Over time, you will develop a beautiful pattern in the center.
  4. This way the entire panel is filled. And the end of the thread is secured.

If you use the method described above, you can create very beautiful paintings without drawing.

How to write words on a picture with threads

A painting made from threads and nails is easy to make. And you should use templates in your work. In this publication we talked about how beautiful these products can be. However, in addition to silhouettes, you can even write words on panels with threads. We will describe how to do this correctly below.

  1. So, first of all, take several landscape sheets and glue them together. You can write any word on these sheets. For a beautiful picture, the words should be made thicker.
  2. At the next stage, the substrate is prepared, and the picture with the word is placed on it.
  3. The nails are driven in counter as always, and the distance between them should not be too large.
  4. After all the nails have been driven in, remove the paper.
  5. The threads should be prepared in advance. The colors of the threads should be such that one shade gradually turns into another.
  6. The yarn is stretched from the top of the first letter. Then a thread of a different shade is taken and the work is already carried out using it.
  7. Thus, it is necessary to gradually fill in all the letters.

Making a combined panel

If you create any drawing and add a signature to it, you will get a combined panel. The elements are also made from nails and threads. Now it’s worth describing in more detail how to make such a panel.

  1. A ball is cut out of paper and placed on a substrate that was prepared in advance.
  2. Nails are driven in along the contour of the ball.
  3. The paper is removed, and a string is drawn with a felt-tip pen to the ball. Nails are also driven in along the contour of the rope.
  4. Then, at the bottom of the panel, a phrase is written in pencil.
  5. The thread is first pulled in a chaotic manner onto the contour of the ball. The yarn should cover the entire space.
  6. A thread of a different color is pulled onto a string. The yarn goes in a zigzag pattern and it should rise and fall to the bottom and top several times. In the same way, you need to pull the string over the letters.

If you decide to make this product yourself, then you should consider several recommendations.

  • So, if a piece of foam plastic appears, then before carrying out further manipulations its surface is covered with acrylic paint.
  • In order for the work to be accurate and neat, the thread needs to be tightened better.
  • To hammer nails into panels, it is better to choose a small hammer.
  • The picture will look quite beautiful if you use decorative elements during its creation, which can be buttons and rhinestones.
  • The paintings will turn out to be unusually beautiful if you stick some image on the backing and use yarn to make some of it three-dimensional.

Have you ever seen how a spirograph works? The principle of operation of this children's toy is that a pencil or pen is fixed in the hole of a special ring, it is inserted into a larger one, and due to the movement of the latter, intricate lines remain on the paper. Now imagine the same picture, but with a three-dimensional image? Beautiful? The main thing is that everyone, young and old, can master the string art technique, and to create a panel you will need ordinary nails and threads.

To create a panel you will need ordinary nails and threads

"The art of pulling ropes"

Entire paintings are created using string art technique

This is exactly how the interesting direction in decor String Art is translated from English. There are several Russian equivalents for the name of this skill: these are isothread, thread graphics, and thread design. The founders of this unusual art of figuratively stretching multi-colored threads onto a smooth surface were the British. The essence of the technique is that threads are caught and pulled onto nails driven into the board. In this case, the nails need to be driven in so that the threads eventually create a finished image.

This is interesting. The first mentions of thread graphics date back to the 17th century. But then, pulling threads onto nails driven into boards had a practical purpose: this is how sketches for weaving lace were created. And from the end of the 19th century, string art began to be used to decorate the interior, and the founder of this movement was the mathematics teacher Marie Everest Bull, who, with the help of three-dimensional figures made of threads, explained the features of geometric figures to her students.

Using the string graphics technique, you can create various panels, as well as:

  • postcards;
  • elements of external and internal decor;
  • applications using string art motifs to create inscriptions, etc.

String art for beginners - video

What does it take to be creative?

Portraits using string art technique look fascinating

So that nothing distracts you from practicing filament graphics, you should prepare everything you need in advance.


This is the board into which the nails will be driven. It can be made from:

  • plywood;
  • traffic jams.

The undeniable advantage of these materials is that they can be tinted, painted, varnished or covered with film.

An important point: you can use a foam base, which can be easily painted in the desired color with acrylic paints. Just keep in mind that instead of nails it is better to use pins with small eyes.

Also note that cardboard is not suitable for isothread.


It is very important that there is a lot of this material. Of course, it all depends on the size of the idea, but even for the smallest picture you need to prepare at least 20 carnations. The following types of nails are suitable for artistic purposes:

  • furniture;
  • carpentry;
  • decorative.

Their advantage is that these nails themselves are small and have miniature heads.


Knitting threads are ideal for crafts using the string art technique in terms of density and color range. But you can also use:

  • twisted threads;
  • floss;
  • fine iris.

But it’s better not to take silk threads: they are very inconvenient to work with - they constantly slip.

What else?

Pulling threads over nails has a calming effect on the psyche, which is why string art was included in the list of art therapy techniques

It’s still too early to start working if you have threads, nails and backing. We will also need:

  • scissors;
  • pliers (if suddenly the nail is out of place);
  • drawing template on paper;
  • buttons;
  • loop if the picture will hang on the wall.

An important nuance: if you want to change the color of the substrate, then use wood paint of a suitable shade or stain.

String graphics - room for creativity

Ideas for panels in the photo

Such original panels make the interior even more comfortable

Using thread graphics you can create narrative paintings

The more complex the composition, the more shades of threads you can use

Paintings in which the design is revealed by filling the background with threads look very beautiful.

A painting using the thread graphics technique can become a memorable wedding gift

Scheme options - photo gallery

You can find individual patterns and combine them in one panel

If you are good at string art with single-color threads, then you can move on to combining several shades in one image

Diagrams for thread designs usually indicate the order in which the threads are crossed.

3 master classes for every taste

Making a three-dimensional heart

Panel “Heart” - an accent in any interior due to its bright color

As you know, it is better to start mastering any type of creativity with simple crafts. In the string art technique, this includes the heart.


  • substrate;
  • sheet of paper, pencil;
  • double sided tape;
  • 90 decorative carnations;
  • hammer;
  • red floss threads;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.


DIY heart as a gift - video

How to make a bird?

Symbols of wisdom made of bright threads look especially original

The owl is a symbol of wisdom and tranquility. A panel depicting this bird will look great both in the living room and in the office. This is a craft for those who already have, albeit little, experience in “dealing” with nails and threads.


  • wooden backing;
  • 2 sheets of white paper;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • threads (you can use iris);
  • carnations;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.


Panel “Deer” using string art technique

Due to the large number of sharp-angled parts, force must be applied when winding the threads

With winter approaching, we are always concerned with the question of how to decorate our home for our most favorite holiday - New Year. And the isonite technique can help with this. A beautiful panel with the silhouette of a deer will become a real symbol of the upcoming holiday.


  • wooden backing;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • pencil;
  • white wool threads;
  • carnations;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.


This picture, despite its apparent simplicity, requires some skills in working with the string art technique. This is all due to the fact that the design contains many details with sharp corners (for example, horns), which are difficult to wrap with thread without twisting it.

New Year's motifs using isothread technique - video

Thread design makes it possible to beautifully and originally decorate your home with unusual panels. What gives these crafts a special chic is that they were made by the hands of the owners. In addition, this type of creativity does not take up much time, but it can easily become a wonderful family leisure activity: dad gets materials, and mom and the children create and invent - an excellent division of responsibilities and a useful pastime.

A unique panel made of nails and threads, made with your own hands, will become a worthy decoration of any interior. Nails and threads... It would seem that these two elements are absolutely incompatible. Nails symbolize construction, which is considered a rough activity reserved for men. Threads are more of a feminine thing. However, the combination of these materials allows you to create real masterpieces for apartment design. What can you do, armed with ordinary nails, multi-colored threads and using a cut of wood or an ordinary smooth board as a base?

Panel made of nails and threads: creation technique

Even a child can create a panel from threads and nails with his own hands, this is a great advantage of the technique. You don’t need to have any special artistic skills; you just need to print out a sketch or draw it by hand.

When the picture is ready, you should take care of the base, the role of which can be played by an ordinary cut of a wide tree trunk. If you don’t have such material at hand, an ordinary board is quite suitable, which must first be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper and varnished. Instead of varnish, acrylic paint is sometimes used, and fabric can also be stretched over the base.

Sketch of a drawing for the panel “Firebird”

Tools required for work:

  1. Small nails, the number of which directly depends on the size and complexity of the painting.
  2. Threads of different structures and colors.
  3. Fabric, if needed for the background.
  4. Long-nose pliers for holding nails so as not to knock off your fingers.
  5. Nail scissors.

The sketch is placed on the base so that the outline of the drawing does not protrude beyond its boundaries. The first nail is driven into any point on the line, but this is not done to the end, but only 1/3 of the way. To ensure that the nails fit smoothly and your fingers remain intact, you need to use long-nose pliers.

When the first nail goes in, you need to check if the pattern has moved to the side. If everything is in order, a second one is driven in on the opposite side of the first nail. All subsequent ones go one after another with equal steps (0.5-1 cm). Thus, it is necessary to fill the entire contour of the drawing.

Now the paper with the sketch is removed by simply tearing it off along the edges and center. It's time to fill the center of the design with threads. The thread is tied to any nail under the head itself, and then it is randomly wound around the nails, moving both along the contour and to the opposite heads. The work continues until all the gaps between the threads disappear. The panel on the wall made of threads and nails is ready. It can be supplemented with applique, beads, rhinestones and other decor.

Tip: If you add glitter (sparkles for manicure) to acrylic varnish and carefully cover the thread fabric with this composition, then after drying it will sparkle with hundreds of tiny multi-colored lights.

Creating silhouette drawings and complex patterns

Silhouette images look no less attractive when only the background is filled with threads, while the central composition remains empty. To create such a panel you will need all the same materials.

When doing this, a frame is necessarily made, that is, nails are driven in along the contour of the substrate, and then, as in the previous case, along the contour of the drawing itself. The thread is tied on the nails running along the edge and pulled to those that form the outline of the design. It turns out very beautiful and unusual.

An amazing panel can be created without a sketch. You need to take a dark base and bright threads. Nails or pins are driven only along the contour of the substrate. The essence of the technique is that the thread is pulled to the opposite edge, wrapped around a nail, returns back and clings to the adjacent nail.

The process continues until all the space is filled. The result is a regular figure, twisted in a spiral. This technique produces very complex panels with a 3D effect.

How to choose the right drawing

At the initial stage of creativity, you should choose large and simple sketches. Beginners are recommended to make a panel in the shape of a circle or polygon from multi-colored threads. It could even be a photo frame.

As the technique is mastered, they begin to work on more complex paintings, in which the threads are not arranged randomly, but using some kind of system. Such panels look especially chic and can be the subject of additional income.

By using threads of different colors and stretching them at different heights, they achieve a 3D effect and a similarity to tapestries.

What could be the plot:

  • Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowflake;
  • heart, star, bell;
  • all kinds of flowers;
  • animals – cat, hare, elephant;
  • birds, such as an owl.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas for creating a wall panel from threads and nails. If a child takes on the work, it is recommended to choose a sketch that depicts a fairy-tale character. It will be especially interesting for your child to make his favorite character with his own hands.

In addition to the fact that panels made of threads are simply beautiful, they cultivate perseverance and other useful qualities in a child:

  • instill a passion for creativity;
  • develop fine motor skills of fingers;
  • give an idea of ​​space and complex geometric shapes;
  • force you to think abstractly;
  • develop sensory perception and speech.

Inscriptions made using this technique look especially stylish. Such a gift will certainly be appreciated. This decor would be very appropriate in the kitchen, nursery and hallway.

Tip: Instead of a wooden base, you can use a sheet of foam. It is easy to work with this material; nails are inserted into it without a hammer, but when filling the space with threads, they should not be pulled too tightly. If even one nail pops out under strong tension, all the work will go down the drain.

Using the iso-thread technique, a large image or even an entire composition made directly on a wooden or plasterboard wall of an apartment will look gorgeous. Such a painting will require a lot of thread, but the result is worth some material investment. Only for large-scale images you need to choose stronger threads and longer nails.

  • the foam backing should be coated with acrylic glue and then varnish, then the balls will not crumble;
  • When making a large painting, the main silhouette is made from threads, and rhinestones, broken glass, beads and other materials are used for small details.
  • Creating a unique atmosphere at home is not an easy task. Although there are many finishing materials, furniture, and styles today, they are not all unique. But I want exactly something of my own, personal, personal, something that no one else has. Of course, there is a way out. Even two. The first is to order some kind of product from a master. The second is to do it yourself. And no one has yet come up with a better interior decoration than paintings, but not everyone knows how to draw. And it is not necessary. You can make paintings from unusual materials. Such works will definitely be unique and inimitable.

    From felt and on felt

    It’s not often that we see paintings and panels made of felt. In general, in recent years it has become a curiosity, as well as products made from it. We perceive hats and some other small things normally, but felt paintings are definitely rare. So, when describing paintings made from unusual materials, let’s start with felt. To begin with, you can make a landscape, flowers. They are easier to implement. With experience you can make more and more interesting panels.

    Special wool is used for felting. When creating paintings, it is laid out in layers on a base (non-woven fabric), forming the desired pattern. When creating paintings from wool, the process takes place in several stages. First, the background and relief are laid out, then smaller and smaller details.

    Making the background

    To begin with, we take those shades of wool that create the background. We lay them out on non-woven fabric, trying not to leave any voids. It is advisable to make two thin layers. We transfer the resulting background onto a foam rubber backing (5 cm thick or more). Then we take a special needle (for felting). Holding it vertically, we often pierce the laid wool. This way we ensure that it connects to the base. If you look at the back of the non-woven fabric, the threads that have come out should be visible.

    Then the workpiece is laid on polyethylene (it is larger in size than the picture itself), the wool is moistened with a soap solution (one tablespoon of grated baby soap per 1 liter of hot water) and the felting process itself begins. To begin with, knead the wet wool with your hands (press down, gradually increasing the pressure). Wet wool threads adhere to each other with pile, forming a single surface - this is the process of wet felting. The result is felt. Only for paintings we do not need to achieve high density. We stop when the base is dense enough. We blot off excess moisture with a terry towel.

    Adding details

    Now you need to add details of the picture to the background: trees, flowers, stones, etc. With dry hands (wool sticks to wet hands) we lay out tree trunks, bushes, and stones. We go over the new parts well with a needle, wet them, and knead them with our hands. Then they use harsher means - a wooden rolling pin. We carefully pass the wet picture back and forth with a wooden rolling pin.

    Last we lay out voluminous small details: flowers, clouds, stones, thin branches, stems, leaves... To make them voluminous, we use up to eight layers of wool, we make petals from balls, stems from twisted strands. The procedure is the same: laid it out, folded it (poked with a needle), wet it, felted it, removed any remaining liquid. If the part is not voluminous enough, you can repeat the process.

    Photos of works: paintings made of wool (felt)

    Pictures/panels made of threads

    Perhaps the most common way to create paintings from colored threads is embroidery. But this is a very painstaking and lengthy process, although the craftswomen enjoy it. But there are also faster ways. Much faster. These are glued paintings from threads and tension (winding). So it cannot be said that these paintings are made of unusual materials. But the techniques are definitely unusual.


    We take any thread suitable for knitting. Paintings are made on a rigid base: cardboard, plastic, glass. The technology is simple. First, the outline of the design is applied to the base. It is drawn on cardboard and opaque plastic; on glass and transparent plastic you can not draw it, but put the drawing down. Next, production begins:

    This is all. When everything is filled, we leave the finished thread panel to dry for several days. After the glue has dried, it can be coated with a transparent varnish (take a water-based one - it dries quickly and does not smell).

    Threads make good cartoon characters, cartoon characters, pictures and sketches. Everything is stylized and very individual. An exact photographic match will not be possible, since this technique is not intended for this. But it is simple, understandable, and requires very little time. This is an ideal activity to do together with children.

    From threads and nails

    Interesting paintings are made from threads and nails. This technique has its own name - “string art”. From the English word string - string (thread).

    In appearance, it is difficult to confuse them with something else, since the technology is original, the images are graphically clear. Depending on the object, they may be suitable for a children’s room decorated in a fantasy style or for a living room in the modern pop art, art deco style. You can find options even for minimalism... Another advantage is that making a picture from threads and nails (pins) takes a little time. The smallest ones can be done within an hour. The technique is simple, so you can involve children.

    Paintings made from unusual materials: nails and threads...

    What materials are needed

    You can use any thread. The most commonly used threads are for knitting. Depending on the texture, different results are obtained. Smoother ones give clearer lines, “shaggy” ones create a denser background. They are pulled on small nails or pins. Carnations of any color and thickness. The main thing is that the heads are neat, but not small (not finishing nails). Length - depends on the scale of the picture. For small ones, a centimeter and a half is enough, for larger ones, three centimeters are possible.

    Pins are suitable if the design has a fantasy touch: butterflies, dragonflies, flowers... In this case, we find pins with beads. They also serve as decoration at the same time.

    Any base into which you can hammer nails can be used. It is most convenient to use high-density foam. It is lightweight and both nails and pins fit easily into it. Wood is also suitable (can be laminated, or sanded).

    Basic manufacturing technique

    The creation process itself is simple. Choose a drawing. To begin with, it is better to choose something simple, with not a very large number of elements. For example, let's take a stylized flower.

    Flower, leaf... It’s easy to make

    A contour is applied to the selected base. If you know how, you can draw by hand; if you are not confident in your abilities, cut out the stencil and apply it. Next, we nail nails along the contours in increments of about 1 cm. In places with sharp bends, you can do it more often.

    After all the nails are filled, take the threads, make a loop at the end, and fasten it to one of the nails. The first nail is chosen completely randomly. Having secured the thread, we begin to entangle the carnations in a chaotic manner. The filling can be made more or less dense. In any case, it is desirable that it is clear that these are separate threads. This is precisely the charm of these works. When the entire volume is filled, fasten the threads to one of the nails. That's all, actually. You can only hammer in the nails a little if necessary.

    Options and Variations

    Now a little about the nuances. In the example above, only the shape bounded by the studs is filled. But it can also be the other way around. What is outside the boundaries outlined by the nails is filled with threads. The pictures are also interesting.

    In both the first and second cases, the difference in color between the background and the threads should be significant. This gives the image clarity. In more complex versions, the threads are not tensioned chaotically, but creating a certain weave. This is far from easy; experience comes with years of practice. Such pictures look magical.

    Another way to create unusual paintings from threads and nails is to draw only some elements of the picture in this way. Here it is important to split the image into fragments, the place of each nail is calculated, since they are also elements of the same picture.

    This technique is a way to paint a landscape using nails and thread. You need a special vision that allows you to break the picture into lines that, in general, will create a complete image.

    Photos of finished paintings made from threads and nails

    Easy, creative... it's important to find threads that change color. Although, plain ones will turn out well
    Beautiful panel... the texture of the wood is important. Different ideas... the result is excellent. This is already aerobatics...

    Panel made of buttons, beads, beads

    This is a truly unusual material for creating paintings - buttons. Different sizes, shapes, textures, colors. They all go to work. They can be used as they are, can be painted, decorated with sparkles, sequins, etc. It all depends on the idea and desire of the author. The basis for paintings made from buttons is any. Cardboard, wood, polystyrene foam, fibreboard, chipboard, MDF, sheet plastic, glass. Depends on the idea and the desired effect. The buttons are glued to the base. The glue is universal and remains transparent when dried.

    Technique - let's start simple

    Sometimes buttons are used only as part of a picture. Since they are voluminous, they are used to make flowers, foliage, and other small and medium-sized convex parts. The background and large fragments are made using any other technique, but in most cases it is a drawing or appliqué. Such paintings are easy to make yourself or with the participation of children.

    Tree in the night... interesting effect Drawing decorated with buttons... it turns out an interesting picture for the interior

    Basic technique

    If desired, you can make any image, silhouette or even a picture from buttons. You should start with the simplest drawings. There seems to be nothing complicated in the process, but a lot of work takes a lot of time. To begin with, it is better to see the result in a few hours. Choose a simple shape: a heart, an apple, a moon, a sun, a large simple-shaped flower, an image of an animal, a bird. Just remember that portrait likeness is not for this technique. You should end up with a recognizable shape.

    The manufacturing process is simple. First of all, apply the contour to the base. It turns out that you draw by hand. No - cut it out of paper. The drawing can be printed. Cut out the drawing along the contour, attach it to the base, and trace it with a pencil. If you need several colors, circle the boundaries that separate them (the colors).

    A bright fish will decorate a nursery... and not only

    Next, use the existing buttons to fill the outline. For some designs, a clear, even edge is important. It cannot be achieved with even the smallest size buttons. In this case, you can use beads. The voids inside can also be closed with beads or beads. All this looks very organic.

    With experience, you will be able to take on more serious canvases. But your patience and perseverance must be enormous. The shade and size of each button is important here.

    Panels and paintings made of fabric and lace

    Fabrics and lace are also quite non-standard materials for making panels and paintings. Now we are not talking about appliqué or patchwork techniques - they are difficult to perform and require specific skills. The point is that now there are such fabrics, the pattern or texture of which can be a decoration of a modern interior. Lace also ceased to be the preserve of the rich. And if you have old napkins or you know how to knit them yourself, you can make very interesting paintings and panels. The main thing is the idea and the ability to see the future panel in an ordinary piece of fabric.

    Panels made of fabrics and textiles

    The first idea is to find two-tone fabrics. The main condition is that the colors must be the same, the designs must be different. The easiest way to find black and white options. All other shades - you'll be exhausted from running around the shops. Although, the Internet can come to the rescue. Selected fabrics are stretched onto frames. Frames can be the same size and shape, or they can be different. Both options look good.

    The main thing is the selection of colors...

    Next idea: Find fabrics with coordinating colors. There may be three or four colors here, and they should appear in different combinations in the selected patches. As a rule, they take two basic colors: white + black, white + gray, black + gray, and add one or two colors to them. Just keep in mind that “additional” colors must be present in the interior design. So, firstly, the panel will not be too colorful, and secondly, it will easily fit into the interior.

    The found fabrics are again stretched onto frames of different sizes and placed on the wall. One point: if it’s hard to miss with identical frames, then it can be difficult to arrange different sizes and shapes beautifully. Take a closer look at the photo and do something similar.

    Black and white combinations are very popular

    Third idea: find a large, bright picture and divide it into several fragments. The result will be a kind of modular painting, which has been so popular in recent years. If the fabrics you see don't inspire you, try looking for scarves. Russian, Chinese... with any ethnic motives. Such paintings are 100% unusual and will help highlight your home.

    Lacy fairy tale

    Lace is a work of art in itself. You can simply stretch it over a contrasting backing. Here are paintings made from unusual materials.

    There is an idea that will help you make many different pictures from several napkins. The napkins, however, will be ruined. So, we cover the frame with colored plain paper of a rich tone. Apply the lace and spray paint from a can. The paint should be contrasting.

    Using this technology, you can make single paintings, triptychs, modular paintings, etc. The best effect is obtained with knitted napkins. They have a more relief pattern. A pattern of factory lace is more difficult to transfer to paper, although it is also possible.



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