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Erotic stories that excite women. All books are about: “exciting stories…. They give energy and thirst for life

Intimacy and a little fantasy are two important components of good sex. In recent years, according to Women's Weekly magazine, the popularity of the erotic genre of literature has increased by 30 percent. “50 Shades of Gray” and the development of electronic readers tried their best. Electronic erotic literature has a huge advantage - you do not need to communicate with the seller and explain to him your preferences and desires.

It's easy to download any book and read it anywhere: on the subway on the way to work or during your lunch break. In this case, no one will know what is happening in your imagination. This freedom allows women to discover new sensations and look at their sexuality in a new way.

It is curious that not only men, but also women skillfully write exciting erotic stories. They, like no one else, know exactly what readers will like. Already in 1575, the famous courtesan Veronica Franco published the first collection of sensual poems. Moreover, short sex stories have a clear advantage over long stories. They can simply be read quickly.

The galaxy of writers of erotic stories is quite rich. This includes Melissa Panarello, known for her autobiographical book “One Hundred Touches,” and Anais Nin with “Delta of Venus,” which was admitted for publication only in 1977, and the famous Emmanuelle Arsan, whose work became a real breakthrough in its time. In the 70s, Dominique Ory's frank novel "The Story of O", which today is considered a BDSM textbook, became a sensation. In 1975, the novel “Nine and a Half Weeks” was published, brilliantly filmed. It was also written by a woman, Elizabeth MacNeil. In our time, there has been an explosion in demand for handcuffs and whips after the release of those same shades.

So why do we get turned on by erotic stories?

They make sex brighter

Women's Weekly magazine cites the opinion of Harold Leitenberg, PhD, University of Vermont (USA), who believes that women who are captivated by erotic stories are 74 percent more likely to have sex with their partners. Moreover, sex in the lives of women who read erotica becomes brighter and more intense.

For many women, sexual stories help them understand and accept their fantasies. Including fantasies about mild (or not so mild) sexual violence. This is where the incredible popularity of the trilogy about Mr. Gray and his chamber of secrets becomes clear.

A woman is emotions, impressionability, brightness and imagery of perception. Psychologist Vlada Gubanova draws this conclusion based on her experience working with men and women. While most representatives of the stronger sex find it very difficult to imagine their feelings and sensations in the form of certain images when performing psychological techniques, the vast majority of women succeed easily and quickly.

They give energy and thirst for life

Stress, work, children - all this often weighs on me. Many people are too tired and exhausted; there is simply no moral strength left for amazing sex. Reading erotica gives energy, excites and stimulates feelings.

For reserved women, an additional benefit is that through sexually themed stories they can tell their partner about their desires. To say that I would like to try, what positions and caresses, will not always turn the tongue. In the books, everything is described very elegantly and subtly, but clearly. So even the thickest-skinned person will understand the veiled hint.

They inspire

For women, erotic stories can be a good source of encouragement and inspiration. This is the beginning of a game that she can finish either with herself, in masturbation, or with her loved one. Each erotic book becomes a kind of breakthrough that helps to switch roles: from a beloved wife, mother, conscientious employee to a sexy woman.

It is noteworthy that erotic literature excites more than porn films. Everything is simple there: a man, generously smeared with self-tanner, holds in his arms an unnaturally moaning blonde with silicone breasts. In stories it is more difficult: in the place of the main characters, you can imagine yourself and any man - from your husband to Tom Hiddleston.

They allow you to escape reality for a while

Sex stories allow you to be transported to another world, forget about everyday problems and completely rely on the play of your imagination. Men usually react more to appearance - chest, buttocks, shape of legs, body curves. Women are turned on by what is said in bed and before sex. Erotic literature turns on the very button of sexual desire that is in a woman’s head.

They help preserve the family and refresh relationships

Erotica in literature is an easy way to overcome your immodest desires. For example, refrain from cheating while maintaining peace in the family. It is enough to read an exciting story, imagine yourself in the place of the main character and mentally live her life, bright, free.

A feeling of moral satisfaction will come with the realization that everything is good in real life, no worse than in the book. There is a family, a permanent partner (albeit not as passionate as in the book) and stability.

When partners have known each other for a long time, when every centimeter of their bodies has been studied, sex can become boring. Reading erotic literature - especially together! - awakens feelings and brings variety to sex. For example, a man will be able to learn new sensual seduction techniques that are so loved by women. Ladies will be able to imagine their partner in the place of the courageous and romantic protagonist. Who knows, maybe your own shirt will not only be closer to your body, but also much more luxurious than a book one.

And these are the only things you need to tell girls in order to quickly move the conversation into a more intimate direction.

Dirty story No. I. Unusual watch

A confident young man walks into a bar and sits down next to a very attractive girl. With a quick glance at her, he orders a drink and occasionally glances at his watch. The girl notices this and asks: “Is the girl late?” “No,” he answers. “I just bought this unusual watch and was just testing it out.” The intrigued girl asks: “An unusual watch? What's special about them? “They use alpha rays to transmit information to me,” he explains. “And what are they talking about now?” - “They... they say that you are now completely without underwear.” The girl laughs and exclaims, “Then they must be broken, because I’m wearing underwear!” The young man starts knocking on his watch and says: “Damn! They must be an hour in a hurry!”

Dirty story number 2. Analysis

A young man goes to the clinic to take a sperm test. There the doctor gives him a jar and asks him to fill it. A young man comes home, remembers that he needs to fill a jar, and decides to do it today. He tries with his left hand, tries with his right hand - and nothing. He asks his wife to help him, she tries with her left hand, her right hand, her mouth - and again nothing. Then he asks his daughter to help him, she does this and that, but again to no avail... Already without hope, he asks his very attractive neighbor for help, who tries in a variety of ways, but everything is useless. Desperate, the young man returns to the clinic, enters the office and says to the doctor: “Give me another jar. No one can open this one!”

Dirty story number 3. Reception at the doctor

One night, when the married couple has already gone to bed, the husband lightly spanks his wife on the butt and begins to rub her hand. The wife turns to face him and says: “Sorry, dear, but tomorrow I have an appointment with the gynecologist and I must be fresh for the appointment.” The husband, rejected, turns to the wall and tries to sleep. After a few minutes, he turns back to his wife and spanks her lightly on the ass. Before his wife can say anything, he whispers in her ear: “Do you have a dentist appointment for tomorrow?”

Dirty story number 4. Camel

The captain of the foreign legion was transferred to a guard post in the desert. During the inspection, he noticed a very old and unhealthy-looking camel tied to the soldiers' barracks. He asked the sergeant who was accompanying him: “Why is there a camel here?” The sergeant replied: “You see, sir, this place is very far from any populated area, and men sometimes have natural sexual urges. To satisfy them, we have a camel.” The captain said, "Well, if it's good for morale, I don't mind." After staying in the fortress for six months, the captain could no longer restrain his desires, and then he said to the sergeant: “BRING THE CAMEL HERE!!!” The sergeant shrugged and led the camel into the captain's barracks. The captain stood on a chair and began vigorously fucking the camel. And when he finished, he asked the sergeant, buttoning his pants: “So this is how soldiers do it?” The sergeant replied, “You see, sir, they usually use it for going into town...”

Dirty story number 5. Superman

One day Superman was flying above the earth, returning from another mission. Suddenly he sees the Sorceress sunbathing naked on a wild beach, and an idea flashes in his head... “People always said that I was faster than a bullet, and I always wondered what it would be like with her, her strength and her capabilities.” He comes down, does his thing, and before anyone can notice, he flies away. Suddenly the Sorceress stands up and asks: “What was that?!” Getting up from her, the Invisible Man replies: “I don’t know, but it just hurts terribly!”

Dirty story number 6. Genie

A husband and his sexy wife were playing golf in an expensive part of town. The houses around were worth millions of dollars. After the third mark, the husband says to his wife:

Darling, you are on a roll today, please be careful. If you break someone's window, it will cost us a pretty penny.

However, the wife still managed to break the window of one of the largest houses at the sixth mark.

I told you so! - the husband groaned. - Well, now we have to go apologize, and let’s see how much it will cost us!

Come in.

Opening the door, they saw a lot of broken glass, among which lay a broken antique jug. A man was sitting on the sofa.

Did you break my window? - he asked.

Yes... - the husband admitted bashfully. - Forgive us.

No, no,” the man objected, “actually, I want to thank you for everything that happened.” I am a genie and I have been sitting in this bottle for many thousands of years. For the fact that you freed me, I will grant three wishes. One for you and the last one for me.

Agree! - exclaimed the husband. - I want to receive a million dollars a year for the rest of my life!

Let it be so! - said the genie. - And what do you want? - he turned to his wife.

I want my own home in every country in the world! - she said.

Consider it done,” answered the genie.

What is your wish? - the husband turned to him.

You know, I spent thousands of years in this bottle and during that time I never tasted women. I want to fuck your wife! The husband looked at his wife and said:

Well... well... We got a lot of money, all these houses... I don't mind.

The genie dragged his wife upstairs and frantically raped her there for a couple of hours. Exhausted, he crawled off her and asked:

How old is your husband?

Thirty-five,” she barely whispered.

And he continues to believe in jinn? Incredible.

Dirty story number 7. Coma

One woman had been in a coma for several months. And one day the nurses were giving her a bath. One of them was washing a woman’s private parts and suddenly noticed that there was a slight improvement in the indicators on the monitor. She again touched the woman's private parts, and again there was some excitement on the screen. Then she called the woman's husband and said:

This may sound strange, but I think a little oral sex could bring your wife out of her coma.

The husband reacted very skeptically, but they promised to close it with curtains for greater intimacy. Finally he agreed and went to his wife’s room. A few minutes later the monitors went dark, no pulse, no heartbeat. The nurses ran into the room and began to find out what had happened.

The husband replied:

I'm not sure, I think she choked.

Dirty story No. 1 with continuation

One day, a friend of mine, almost a relative, was traveling home from a long train trip. There were only him and a young pretty woman in the compartment. They hardly spoke, limiting themselves to routine phrases. Night fell, and both went to bed, each on his own shelf. In the middle of the night, my friend suddenly woke up and heard heavy rhythmic breathing and moaning. Since there was only a fellow passenger in the compartment besides him, he looked at her. She was lying on her back with her eyes closed, and by the movement of her hand under the sheet, my friend realized that she was masturbating. The friend raised himself on his elbow, his shelf creaked, and the woman noticed that she was being watched. But she was so excited that she couldn't stop. Excitement drowned out everything for her. She just smiled and continued. My friend felt his breathing quicken, his blood pulsating and rushing to his lower abdomen, and how excited he was...

Dirty story No. 2

This story happened quite a long time ago, almost a year ago, with one of my friends, almost a relative. It was at a large apartment sabantuy on the occasion of a big holiday with a good friend. The apartment was large, Stalin-style, with five rooms. In general, twenty people there could get lost within one corridor. As usual, everything started off sedately and nobly, but towards the end it turned into an ordinary drinking session with elements of everyday drinking. At one point in time, I realized that I had drunk enough for today, and my friend went to one distant room, where, as he knew, he could safely leave his mortal body to rest until the very morning. Entering the room, he closed the door, undressed and went to bed. After some time, he felt that a naked female body was pressed against him and quite characteristic caresses and movements began. My friend froze, he didn’t know what to do, because the girl was alone in the company - the wife of the apartment owner. And then there was a knock on the door...

What would you do if you were the guy?

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What to talk about with a girl? Stories with erotic overtones

Tell these stories if you want excite a girl. They set the context in which the girl herself begins to think about intimacy and erotic scenes, and therefore speak.

From the arsenal of techniques seducers, tested hundreds of times in work.

Unusual watch

A confident young man walks into a bar and sits down next to a very attractive girl. Glancing QUICKLY at her, he orders a drink and occasionally glances at his watch. The girl notices this and asks, "Is the girl late?" “No,” he replies, “I just bought this unusual watch and was just testing it.” The intrigued girl asks, "An unusual watch? What's special about it?" "They use alpha rays to transmit information to me," he explains. "And what are they talking about now?" "They...they say you're completely without underwear right now." The girl laughs and exclaims, "Then they must be broken, because I'm wearing underwear!" The young man starts knocking on his watch and says, "Damn! It must be an hour fast!"

Reception at the doctor

One night, when the married couple has already gone to bed, the husband lightly spanks his wife on the butt and begins to rub her hand. The wife turns to face him and says: “Sorry, dear. But tomorrow I have an appointment with the gynecologist, and I need to be fresh for the appointment.” The husband, rejected, turns to the wall and tries to sleep. After a few minutes, he turns back to his wife and spanks her lightly on the ass. Before his wife can say anything, he whispers in her ear: “Do you have a dentist appointment for tomorrow?”


A little old woman walks into the Bank of Canada carrying a large bag of money. She insists that she must speak with the Bank President to open a savings account because she has a lot of money. Finally, the staff takes her to the president's office and he asks her how much money she would like to deposit into the account. She replies that she has $165,000 and dumps it out of her bag onto the table. The bank president is surprised and he asks her how she ended up with SO much money. The old woman replies, "I'm making bets." The President asks, "Bets? What kind of bets?" and she replies, "For example, I'm willing to bet $25,000 that your balls are square."

"Ha!" exclaims the President, "It's a stupid bet; you'll never win money that way." The old woman says, "Then you agree to accept my terms?" "Of course," the president replies, "I'll bet $25,000 that my balls aren't square!" The little old woman says, "Okay, but since the money is pretty good, I guess you won't mind if I have a lawyer come with me as a witness at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning?" “Of course,” the president replies.

That night the bank president was very worried and spent a lot of time in front of the glass, examining his eggs, turning them this way and that, carefully checking every piece of skin, until finally he was convinced that they were not square and that he was sure to win the bet. The next day, at exactly 10 a.m., the little old woman walks into the president's office with her lawyer. She introduces the lawyer to the president and repeats the terms of the bet. The President again agrees to the terms and the old woman asks him to take off his pants so they can find out the truth. The President takes off his pants. The little old woman comes closer, takes a close look at the president's balls, and then asks if she can touch them. “Well, okay,” the president agrees, “$25,000 is a lot of money, so I think you should be absolutely sure.”

Suddenly he notices that the lawyer is quietly knocking his head against the wall, he asks, “What happened to the lawyer?” And she says, “Nothing, except that I bet him $100,000 that at 10 o’clock this morning I would be holding the President of the Bank of Canada’s balls!”


The captain of the foreign legion was transferred to a guard post in the desert. During the inspection, he noticed a very old and unhealthy-looking camel tied to the barracks of the soldiers. He asked the sergeant who was accompanying him, “Why is there a camel here?” The sergeant replied, “You see, sir, this place is very far from any populated area, and men have natural sexual needs. To satisfy them, we have a camel.” The captain said, "Well, if it's good for morale, then I don't mind." After staying in the fortress for six months, the captain could no longer restrain his desires and then he said to the sergeant, “BRING THE CAMEL HERE!!!” The sergeant shrugged and led the camel into the captain's barracks. The captain stood on a chair and began vigorously fucking the camel. And when he finished, he asked the sergeant, buttoning up his pants, “So this is how soldiers do it?” The sergeant replied "You see, sir, they usually use it for going into town."


One day Superman was flying above the earth, returning from his next mission. Suddenly he sees the Sorceress sunbathing naked on a wild beach, and an idea pops into his head..."People always said that I was faster than a bullet, and I always wondered what it would be like with her, her strength and her capabilities. " He comes down, does his thing, and before anyone can notice, he flies away. Suddenly the Sorceress stands up and asks, “What was that!?!” Getting up from her, the Invisible Man replies, “I don’t know, but it just hurts like hell!”

frivolous wife

A young man walks to a friend's house, approaches the door and presses the bell. The wife opens the door. “Hey, is Tony home?” “No, Chris, he went to the store.” “Okay. Do you mind if I wait for him?” “No, come in.” They sit down and the friend says, “You know, Sarah, you have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. I'd give a hundred bucks if I could just see one." Sarah thinks about it for a second and decides why not, a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks. She opens her bra and shows him one breast. He thanks her and casually throws a hundred dollars on the table. They sit at the table for a while longer and Chris says, “They are so beautiful! I have to see them both. I'll give you another hundred bucks if I see them together.” “Why not?” no," Sarah says, lifting her bra and letting Chris see her breasts. Chris thanks her and throws another hundred dollars on the table. He then tells her that he can't wait any longer and leaves. Some time later, Tony returns home and his wife tells him, "You know, your quirky friend Chris came by." Tony thinks for a second and asks, "Did he leave The $200 he owes me?”

Mr. Gorsky

During the first American flight to the Moon, Armstrong, emerging from the rocket, uttered a historical phrase: “A small step for man, a giant leap for humanity.” And he added in a low voice: “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.” Upon returning to Earth, for 10 years persistent journalists tried to get Armstrong to explain this phrase, but he answered all questions that he could not say anything. The question has become traditional, as has the answer. Suddenly, 10 years after the flight, I received a standard question at a press conference: “Who exactly is Mr. Gorsky?” Armstrong unexpectedly replied that since Mr. Gorsky had died, he felt entitled to explain himself: “When I was 7 years old, my brother and I were playing baseball in the yard. My brother hit the ball too hard, and it fell under the bedroom windows of our neighbors, Mr. Gorsky. I ran to pick up the ball and heard Mrs. Gorskaya say to her husband: “Oral sex?!” Do you want oral sex? You'll get it when the boy next door walks on the moon!


A young man goes to the hospital to have a sperm test. At the hospital, the doctor gives him a jar and asks him to fill it. He comes home, remembers that he needs to fill the jar and decides to do it right today. He tries with his left hand, tries with his right hand and nothing. He asks his wife to help him, she tries with her left hand, her right hand, her mouth, and again nothing. Then he asks his daughter to help him, she does this and that, but again to no avail... Already without hope, he asks his very attractive neighbor for help, who tries in a variety of ways, but everything is useless. Desperate, he returns to the hospital, enters the office and says to the doctor: “Give me another jar. No one can open this one!”


One young man wanted to give a romantic gift to his beloved. He went to the store with her sister and there he bought gloves, and his sister bought panties for herself. On the way out, they mixed up the packages and now he is already standing in front of his beloved, she looks inside the package, blushes, but he puts his finger to her lips and says:

I chose this gift because last time I noticed that you don't wear them and are cold because of it. I wanted to buy long ones with clasps, but your sister dissuaded me, saying that such short ones would be more convenient for me to pull off of you - and I hope to do this very often;)

Of course, you had to come with me to the fitting, but I found a way - a nice girl who worked there showed me hers, exactly the same - and they look very good on her. I touched them from all sides and saw how they were removed - indeed, much more convenient and pleasant than those with clasps. Then we tried them on together on your sister... God, what soft, smooth, pleasant skin you have!

Let me put them on you myself. Do you know that this season it’s fashionable to wear them slightly lowered?


“I was happy! I dated my friend for a whole year and at the end we decided to get married. My parents helped us in any way, my friends supported us. And my friend? My friend was just a fairy tale!

The only thing that confused me was her little sister. She was 20 years old and wore miniskirts and tight T-shirts with large cutouts. She always bent over when she was near me and showed off her panties. I am sure that this was not an accident, since she did not do this in front of anyone else.

One fine day, her sister called me and asked me to come and look at the wedding invitations. When I arrived, she was alone. She told me that I would soon be married, but she has feelings and desires for me that she cannot overcome. She said she wanted to do love with me only once, before I get married. I was terribly surprised and didn’t know what to answer.

She said: "I'm going upstairs, and if you want, just come up to me and take me." I was shocked. I froze in surprise as she walked up the steps. When she went upstairs, she took off her panties and threw them to me. I stood there for a while, then turned around and went straight to the front door. He opened the door, left the house and headed to his car. My future father-in-law stood on the street, with tears in his eyes, he hugged me and said: “We are very glad that you passed our little test. Now we know for sure that there is no more suitable man for our daughter! Welcome to our family!” He didn't know that I went to the car to get condoms.

Moral of the story: Always leave condoms in the car..."


A husband and his sexy wife were playing golf in an expensive part of town. The houses around were worth millions of dollars. After the third mark, the husband says to his wife: “Darling, you’re on a roll today,” please be careful. If you break someone's window, it will cost us a pretty penny. However, the wife still managed to break the window of one of the largest houses at the sixth mark. “I told you so!” - the husband groaned, - well, now we have to go apologize, and let's see how much it will cost us! They knocked on the door and heard a voice: - Come in. Opening the door, they saw a lot of broken glass, among which lay a broken antique jug. A man was sitting on the sofa. “Did you break my window?” - he asked. “Yes...,” the husband admitted shyly, “forgive us.” “No, no,” the man objected, “actually, I want to thank you for everything that happened.” I am a genie, and I have been sitting in this bottle for many thousands of years. For the fact that you freed me, I will grant three wishes. One for you and the last one for me. - I agree! - exclaimed the husband, - I want to receive a million dollars a year for the rest of my life! - So be it! - said the genie, - what do you want? - he turned to his wife. - I want my own house in every country in the world! - she said. “Consider it done,” answered the genie. “What is your wish?” - the husband turned to him. “You know, I spent thousands of years in this bottle, and during this time I never tasted women.” I want to fuck your wife! The husband looked at his wife and said: “Well... well... we got a lot of money, all these houses... I don’t mind.” Gene dragged his wife upstairs and furiously raped her there. hours. Exhausted, he crawled off her and asked: “How old is your husband?” “35,” she barely whispered. “And he continues to believe in genies?” Incredible.


I'm dancing with a girl at some presentation. And so, during one of the musical pauses, so that almost everyone could hear, she asks: “Bert, could you take the pager off your belt.” “The thing is,” I also declare publicly, “that I didn’t put on my pager today... The whole room went into hysterics!”

Why are there traffic jams in Moscow?

“At rush hour, I’m driving through the city traffic, a red Toyota is barely moving nearby. The guy behind the wheel somehow strangely leaned back and closed his eyes. I can’t see from above the jeep what’s going on, I bend down and find him on his lap. a man’s head of a blonde, making characteristic movements up and down... And they also ask why there are such traffic jams in Moscow!”

Youth is not old age

“I come to the office in the morning and accidentally hear the secretary’s story: “Yesterday after the gym, I was standing in the steam room on the top canopy, all plump, stroking my body with my hands. And below the elderly madam stands and says: “How young you are, how sweet!” I nod... Madame: “The men are probably pestering you?” Me: “Yeah-ah...” Madame: “Won’t you?” Me: "Yeah!" Madame: “Then you’ll regret each one!..”

New girl

One evening, in the company of respectable partners, I arrived at my friend’s office. In his reception, the secretary is already putting on her fur coat - she is getting ready to leave. She turns on the speakerphone and says: - So-and-so is here... He: - Come see me for a minute, Mashenka. - Can I come to you dressed? - In terms of? - Well, I won’t undress, so I’ll come in.... A comrade hears our laughter, jumps out of the office, looks at the blushing secretary and says: - Excuse her... she's new to me...

On Monday, the premiere of the series “The Ferry Lady” with Glafira Tarkhanova and Andrei Barilo started on the Rossiya TV channel. What is known about the personal life of the charming actor, who so masterfully embodied the role of a businessman named Maxim on the screen? You will find out the answer from today's article.

First marriage

Forty-six-year-old Andrei has been acting in films for more than twenty years. He met his first wife in the early nineties. The chosen one was also from the world of cinema. Svetlana Ryabova, which is the name of Andrei’s wife, is known to viewers from the film “You Are the Only One for Me.” The difference between the lovers was twelve years (Svetlana was older), but this did not bother them at all. After a fleeting romance, they got married.

The marriage produced two daughters - Sasha and Katya. Now the eldest is twenty-three years old, and the youngest is twenty years old. Alas, the couple was unable to save the family. What caused the breakup is unknown. Andrey still does not want to comment on his first marriage.

New love

On the set of the series “General Therapy,” Andrei met Alexandra Solyankina, who is ten years younger than him.

The office romance gradually developed into marriage. True, civilian. The lovers are still in no hurry to go to the registry office. Andrei, in an interview with reporters, admitted that he was happy with how his relationship with his beloved was developing, that he was satisfied with everything. Together, lovers often attend social events, premieres, and willingly pose for the camera.

Alexandra's career

Alexandra, like Andrey, belongs to the world of art. At one time, she graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art, and then began to serve in the Soprichastnost theater.

Actually, she still takes an active part in performances and productions, but also manages to act in films.

Her debut was her role in the series “Kings of the Game.” Directors noticed the talented actress and began inviting her to film. The artist’s filmography has been replenished with such films as “Sklifosovsky” (Alexandra can be seen in the fourth season), “Glory”, “Physics or Chemistry”, “General Therapy”, “Marriage by Will”, “Zodiac Impact”.

Non-public person

Alexandra cannot be called an active user of social networks. Like many artists, she has her own page on Instagram, but there are few subscribers there: just over six hundred. Most often, the actress posts photos from professional photo shoots.

She also publishes posts infrequently, so they only get a few dozen likes and the same number of comments.

The main commentators are friends and colleagues.



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