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Searching and working with tenders - the basics. Participation in tenders: in simple words about complex things. Basic rules for preparing tender documentation for beginners

The tender specialist meets with both the customer and supplier sides. On the customer’s side, there must be a contract manager or an entire contract service with a manager, and not necessarily a separate unit, these can be employees of various departments, assembled into one team, who perform the duties of a contract service employee. Also, the customer may have a head of the commission, a member of the commission (competition, procurement, auction, quotation).

If we consider the situation from the point of view of the participant (supplier), then in this case a lot is determined by the fact of who in the company is engaged in sales, including through participation in tenders: an employee of the commercial department, an employee of the sales department, any employee of the company.

What is the difference between customer specialists and supplier tender specialists? For customers, the law establishes that persons involved in procurement must have a certain level of education (). The customer includes in the commission those who have undergone professional retraining or advanced training in the field of procurement, as well as persons with special knowledge related to the procurement object ().

Two professional standards, as well as a number of other documents, are applied to customers:

  • “On approval of the Model Regulations (Regulations) on Contract Service”
  • “On the direction of methodological recommendations...” (for training centers that provide professional training and retraining).

The legislative framework is the basis of the knowledge of tender specialists. The fundamental law is “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” Even if an organization falls under, but for some reason cannot work according to it, then it falls under the scope of 44-FZ. Therefore, all tender specialists for any customer should know.

In addition, it is important to know those parts of the Civil Code that relate to contracts and agreements. Since any unlawful actions of the customer can be challenged and proven, it is important to understand the Code of Administrative Offenses. If tenders concern construction work, then certain articles of the Town Planning Code should not be ignored either. Knowledge of the Labor Code will not be superfluous. The Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition” plays a certain role, since during procurement, controversial situations often arise regarding possible violations, and in these cases, knowledge of the law is especially important.

Resources for the Tender Specialist

The following resources provide procurement information:

  • Official website of the EIS.

The unified information system includes huge volumes of procurement information: plans, schedules, procurement information, a register of contracts, a register of unscrupulous suppliers, a register of complaints, inspections and their results. In addition, on the website you can familiarize yourself with standard contracts, regulations and other necessary documents.

  • Electronic trading platforms (there are currently 6 such platforms). Suppliers need to understand the regulations of such sites and even the interfaces, since each site has its own characteristics. In this sense, it is easier for the customer - he has the right to choose the site where it is more convenient for him to work.

How is this source useful? Thanks to the information function, you can view the list of companies operating on the site and obtain information on specific participants. In addition, you can search for buyers and consumers of works and services of interest, as well as study the needs and offers of works and services from organizations represented on the resource.
The platform also acts as a powerful analytical tool, allowing you to compare company performance indicators and select counterparties taking into account various criteria.

  • Search system . First of all, it is aimed at suppliers. They are looking for procurement information - this is the supplier's task. Such platforms allow you not only to search, but also to carry out analytical work: what complaints were there against the customer, how he pays, etc.

The following resources provide information about customers/participants:

  • Registers: Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs; Register of unscrupulous suppliers (you can check whether a specific company is listed in it); Register of complaints (you can study the behavior of the customer or supplier: how often do they complain about the customer and how much the supplier likes to complain).

Customer information is an important component of the work, since you can see which competitors are entering the market. Registers.

  • Service for quick verification of counterparties.
  • Official websites of executive authorities, ministries and departments.
  • Help systems: Consultant, Guarantor, .
  • Communities and social networks.

What skills should a tender specialist have?

Professional standards have been developed for customers, which they are obliged to apply to their employees. We are talking about the following documents:

  • “On approval of the professional standard “Procurement Specialist”
  • “On approval of the professional standard “Expert in procurement”

The customer organization must prepare its employee in such a way that he performs his labor functions in accordance with standards. The supplier has no such responsibility, although a contract worker or sales employee, working with the same resources and contracts, still must understand a number of issues. The supplier’s specialist is not obliged to touch upon issues of planning, regulation, reporting, but he must read the relevant documents in order to understand how purchases from a particular customer are regulated, how the customer creates a schedule. Search, analysis, evaluation of documentation, compliance with regulations - these skills are needed by the supplier’s specialist.

A tender specialist can improve his professional level and qualifications primarily in the workplace, gaining experience. However, he can receive additional education at a training center (full-time or remotely).

To obtain additional professional education, you must have a higher or secondary vocational education (that is, you must have a document confirming its availability). Or you must be a student currently studying.

Stanislav Gruzin, Deputy Director of the Department of Training and Legal Expertise at OTC.RU and an expert in the field of procurement in accordance with 223-FZ, 44-FZ, advises, after studying the two fundamental laws, to begin participating in small tenders under 44-FZ. Why? Watch the video:

Oleg Birulya, a tender expert and specialist in the field of public procurement, believes that the work of a tender specialist combines a complex of knowledge in the field of law, technology and management. He talks about this in more detail in the video fragment of the webinar “”:

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Entrepreneurs who have recently opened their own business may find it difficult to allocate a budget for marketing and advertising, and the path to stable profits and large orders seems thorny. However, if you understand such a phenomenon as a tender, you can get many bonuses. We will tell you how to participate in it, what type of tender to choose, what documents will be required to submit an application, and why participation in the tender will be a good help in business development.

What you need to know to participate in tenders

To begin with, it is worth revealing the concept itself. A tender is a competition held by the customer in order to select a contractor who will become the supplier of the necessary goods or services in the future. Any company or individual entrepreneur can compete for the right to become such a supplier - that is, submit a tender application. The main thing to do before submitting an application is to study the rules regulated by the tender organizer, understand the procedure for preparing documents and take into account the nuances, which, in particular, include determining the type of tender (and therefore the possibility of your company participating in it).

Types of tenders: how to choose?

Competitions for the right to become a key contractor can be divided into several types. The main ones are open and closed tenders, as well as those that are held in two stages.

IN open tender Any enterprise can take part: the customer lays out the rules for participation in the competition on a specialized website or announces them in an advertising campaign conducted on the eve of the tender. The advantage of such a competition: the documents required for participation, which describe the conditions of the tender and the requirements for the proposed contractors, are provided either free of charge or for a small amount - such that can cover the company’s operating expenses. You can prepare documents and comply with the rules for participating in the tender using your own employees, but the workload on them will be heavy. Disadvantage: in open competitions, as a rule, there are more participants, the struggle for victory is more intense.

main feature closed tender is that the customer determines in advance a circle of enterprises that, in his opinion, may be useful to him, and sends them an invitation to participate in the competition. The participants in the struggle themselves do not know about each other - this plus allows us to bypass such an unpleasant phenomenon as an agreement between the owners of participating enterprises. Another strength of a closed tender: as a rule, no more than five potential leaders compete for victory, and preparation for it takes less effort. Disadvantage: you will have to invest in the company’s reputation in advance and increase its rating with the help of PR - mentions on the Internet, media, social networks, etc. in a positive way.

Both open and closed tenders can be either state, so commercial. All state tenders are regulated by Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs.” The organizers in such cases are government agencies, public authorities or the Rosatom corporation. The rules for conducting public procurement are strictly regulated; participants are selected taking into account the strict requirements prescribed by law. In addition, there is a list of procurements of goods, works, and services approved by the government of the Russian Federation that can only be obtained at an electronic auction - there are only eight state trading platforms for its conduct. Moreover, by law, organizers are prohibited from purchasing goods or receiving services from certain manufacturing companies - this makes it possible for more enterprises to participate in the tender and reduce the expenditure of budget funds. The law pays great attention to anti-dumping measures, as well as to banks that want to act as a guarantor of a competitive application: from January 1, 2018, the participating bank must have a rating of at least “ruBB-” (“Below average reliability” on a comparative scale of credit ratings).

Organizers commercial tenders are commercial structures. They have the right not to post information about the competition according to a single scheme, and also independently determine what the tender procedure will be - it is not regulated by law. All that is required from a commercial customer is not to contradict the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with their actions and comply with Law No. 135-FZ on the protection of competition.

Among the various types of tenders, the following also stand out:

  • contest- carried out when the services required by the customer are difficult to perform (for example, construction of a metro, stadium project, etc.). In this case, the performer is required not only to have high professionalism, but also to have a certain financial stability. The customer sets several key criteria - and price in this case does not play a major role - based on the results of the competition, choosing the contractor who most fully meets all the requirements. The competition can be held in two stages: at the first stage, the technical task will be selected, at the second stage - the company that will fulfill it best;
  • unlike the competition, the main criterion auction is precisely the price. It is held openly, and each participant can change the price during the event, focusing on competitors’ offers;
  • Another method of procurement, during which the customer focuses mainly on price, is request for quotations. The amounts in the request for quotes, as a rule, appear small, and other criteria are rarely taken into account, which makes this method one of the most efficient;
  • request for proposals gives the organizer the opportunity to evaluate not only the cost of potential services, but also the qualifications of the proposed performers, that is, to study the situation on the market even without ordering services (they can be refused);
  • special type of tender - purchase from a single supplier: It applies when the customer makes a direct offer to enter into a contract for the supply of goods or services to a specific contractor. Such procurement is carried out strictly in accordance with laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ and is always under the strict supervision of the FAS.

Interesting fact
The first attempt to hold a tender in Russia dates back to July 7, 1654 - then Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree on the need to deliver crackers and flour to Smolensk. The decree specified both the required quality of products and delivery times, as well as their price.

Documents for participation in the tender

There are two types of documentation that you need to study to participate in the tender.

Tender documentation

This type of document describes the conditions of the competition, requirements for participants, rules for submitting applications, and much more. The tender documentation is freely available - it is attached to the tender announcement. Before submitting an application, in order to complete it correctly, you must first carefully study the competition documentation, pay special attention to what it contains: if you miss some little detail, your application simply will not be accepted. Or, even worse, the application will be accepted, you will win the competition and only then will you realize that you did not take into account some point and cannot fulfill the conditions.

Documentation required to participate in the tender

A company wishing to participate in the competition attaches this package of documents to its application. It provides you with direct participation in the tender itself.

Typically this package includes:

  • application for participation;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a copy thereof certified by a notary. The certificate must be no older than six months;
  • the charter of the enterprise, minutes of the meeting to elect a director or a notarized power of attorney for the director’s representative or another document confirming the powers of the participant;
  • notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • declaration for the past year;
  • copies of contracts or other documents indicating the participant’s compliance with the requirements stated by the organizer;
  • bank guarantee certificate;
  • Commercial offer.

Sometimes certificates or other documents confirming the quality of a product or the right to provide a service are also required.

This list of documents is determined by Federal Law-44 and is necessary for participation in government tenders. But when conducting commercial tenders, the customer has the right to demand additional papers - a company presentation, recommendations, documents confirming that the company has already participated in tenders, etc.

Bank guarantee for participation in the tender

This document is a kind of pledge, an obligation of the bank to pay the customer a certain amount if the winner of the tender refuses to sign the contract. Only certain credit institutions have the right to issue such a guarantee. But from July 1, 2018, their number began to decline as the requirements for banks changed. Such services can be provided only by credit institutions that have:

  • universal license;
  • the volume of own funds (capital) in the amount of at least 300 million rubles;
  • confirmed credit rating from “B-(RU)” by the ACRA agency and from “ruB-” on the scale of the rating agency “Expert RA”, assigned by the Bank of Russia as of the date of sending the information;
  • absence of overdue debt on bank deposits previously placed with a credit institution at the expense of federal budget funds;
  • participation in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals.

Registration and submission of a tender application

First of all, you need to decide on an electronic platform (ETP) - an Internet resource where auctions are held. Having chosen a site and a competition, carefully study the competition documentation, collect a package of papers and prepare the application itself. Don't forget to also get an electronic digital signature (EDS). Like a regular signature, it protects the document and gives it legal force. Having all this in hand, you can get accredited at the ETP and submit an application to participate in the tender. The application is drawn up in the form given in the tender documentation, and the package of documents required by the customer is attached to it.

The customer sets the deadline for accepting applications. According to the law, in cases where the contract amount is more than 3,000,000 rubles, this period is at least 20 days from the date of announcement of the opening of the tender. If the amount is less than 3,000,000 rubles, then it is at least 7 days. But the exact dates are indicated in the competition documentation. Before the deadline for accepting applications, you can make changes to your application or withdraw it altogether.

Presentation and summary of results

Very often, customers request from individual companies a presentation that will present all the benefits of cooperation, features of the provision of services or products. It should be short, but understandable and succinct, equipped with visual materials, infographics, specific facts and calculations. Ultimately, it is a competent presentation that can win a potential client over to your side.

After submitting an application and making a presentation, all that remains is to wait for the results of the tender. The summing up protocol is published by the customer on the electronic trading platform within three days after its preparation.

Participation in tenders is available to everyone - both giant corporations and small startups. There is an opinion that small businesses cannot afford tenders, but this is not true: of course, some investments will be required, but the income, if won, will completely cover them, and the expenses are actually not that high. For example, securing an application and participation in a competition can also be provided in the form of a bank guarantee, so the company does not necessarily have to withdraw these funds from circulation.

How to obtain a bank guarantee to secure an application for participation in the competition?

We addressed this question to Andrey Tyurin, an expert at KSK Group, a large company in the field of legal and auditing services:

“KSK Group has been providing a wide range of consulting services for a quarter of a century, among which assistance in attracting financing has always been in demand. Recently, our experts have noted that in most cases, entrepreneurs prefer to finance an application for participation in a state tender by issuing such a universal security instrument as a bank guarantee.

However, obtaining a bank guarantee only at first glance seems like an easy task. Choosing a bank that will treat the client’s problem with understanding and will be able to issue an appropriate guarantee is a matter that is best left to professionals. The point is not only that the requirements of different banks differ markedly from each other and therefore require a comprehensive analysis. In most cases, the process of agreeing on a transaction is complicated by the presence of hidden fees and commissions that the bank imposes, mentioning them directly during the negotiation process. Thus, the initially attractive conditions of the lender may turn into unsatisfactory ones upon detailed discussion. Accordingly, the deal will be disrupted, and the time spent on collecting and processing bank documentation will be lost forever.

When contacting KSK groups, our experts take on this part of the work themselves, selecting a credit institution that meets the necessary conditions. Since over many years of successful work in this area, KSK groups have formed their own pool of trusted partner banks, we send the application directly to the selected bank in order to solve the problem facing our client as completely as possible.

Structuring the transaction, carried out by specialists from KSK Group, allows us to resolve all controversial issues. The most important issue is the approval of collateral, on the basis of which the bank sets the size of the guarantee amount, the validity period of the guarantee, and its cost. With the assistance of KSK groups, it is always possible to achieve individual conditions in terms of providing collateral and ultimately obtaining a bank guarantee at a lower interest rate or for a longer period than the market average. Many years of experience and partnership allow us to negotiate directly with the bank’s management, which significantly speeds up the process of reconciling controversial issues and making a final decision.

Since we understand that it is important for the client to obtain a prompt solution to the problem facing him, the entire scope of work is carried out in the shortest possible time. In many cases, KSK Group ensures the issuance of a bank guarantee within 24 hours. And of course, our company does not practice the use of hidden fees and unreasonable overpayments. Moreover, regular customers can always count on pleasant discounts and bonuses.”

P.S. More detailed information about the company’s implemented projects can be obtained on the website. You can also request a free initial consultation here.

The development of the tender system has been observed in Russia since the end of the last century. The concept of tender is equivalent to the concept of competition. Its meaning is to find a contractor for government orders on a competitive basis. The entire regulations of this system are spelled out in the winner and a contract is concluded for any work, services or supply of goods. Today we will talk about what is needed to participate in tenders.

What are tenders?

Such competitions can be open or closed, held in one or two stages. In addition, there are varieties of specialized closed tenders, single tenders and requests for quotations.

What does participation in competitions give? The winner is given the opportunity to receive a profitable large order, and if it is a start-up company, to make a name for itself in the market. Many people are put off by the rather complicated participation procedure, but anyone can figure it out. Of course, beginners often need help, practical guidance explaining what needs to be done and in what order. Have you decided to take part in tenders? Step-by-step instructions will come in handy.

Why is it beneficial?

Information about where and what tenders are planned to be held is constantly available on specialized websites and in the media. When the competition is announced, the tender commission begins to consider applications from applicants.

It is not typical for small and medium-sized businesses to be active in bidding for government orders - there are many apparent difficulties. It does not take into account that the lion's share of municipal budgets these days is distributed, as a rule, through tenders.

Government orders support business no less effectively than benefits and subsidies. In addition, the law obliges customers of the municipal and public sector to transfer at least 10% of the volume of work and deliveries of goods per year to entrepreneurs.

Electronic auctions

Unfortunately, only large companies are seriously involved in tracking promising tenders, and all because of the need to maintain a special service for this.

Government orders are placed in different ways - in the form of a request for quotation, procurement from a single supplier (performer) or through bidding. The last method is the most common.

Nowadays, the majority of orders from the state are placed at electronic auctions; their share is over half of all auctions conducted. Such events are recognized as an effective means of combating corruption due to the anonymity of those involved, great competition and the availability (as they say, transparency) of all information.

Participation in tenders: step-by-step instructions for beginning businessmen

Let's look at what participation in an electronic auction is.

First of all, a suitable auction must be “calculated”. To do this, you need to carefully read all notices about such events, regularly visiting the official website, which has nationwide status and publishes announcements about future auctions 7-20 days before a certain date, which serves as the last day for submitting applications. You must indicate your desire to take part in the selected tender during this period - later your application will no longer be accepted for consideration.

Officially, there are five federal platforms for electronic trading, on any of which you will find a search form for auctions of interest and a register of all tenders. It is also easy to obtain summary information on the official website of the Russian Federation, which is dedicated to placing orders.

What is needed to participate in tenders

Next, you should obtain an electronic digital signature (abbreviated as EDS). It is purchased from one of the special certification centers accredited on the electronic platform you have chosen. The process of receiving it will take several business days (2 or 3). The signature gives legal status to the electronic document and records the financial responsibility of the participant.

But digital signature alone does not guarantee that you will take part in tenders. The step-by-step instructions also contain the concept of accreditation. That is, in order to participate in auctions held by a particular platform, you must be accredited to it. Each of the five sites has its own accreditation. To do this, a special form is filled out on the site’s website along with an application to open an account. A number of documents are attached. Which ones? We are talking about an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if you are an individual entrepreneur, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs), a power of attorney giving the right to participate in these auctions, a document appointing a manager (decision or protocol) with the seal of the organization, a scan of a card with the company’s details.

Further actions

The operator will review the application within five days and provide a response on access or refusal (in the latter case, with explanations of the reasons). The number of retries is not regulated, but each application will require a five-day review period.

Having successfully passed accreditation, you will receive a “Personal Account” from which you will conduct all further actions.

The next mandatory step is to top up your own account on the trading platform as a guarantee of participation in trading. The amount is fixed - for small entrepreneurs it is usually 2% of the initial order amount (its maximum). In other cases we are talking about five percent. You can get your money back after the account is unblocked (at the end of the auction).

Submit applications

The participant can now submit an application. You need to approach its preparation extremely responsibly, having first carefully studied all the auction documentation. The first part, anonymous, consists of confirming the participant’s consent to supply the desired product (service) with a detailed description. Its second part contains detailed information about the participant with the attachment of all supporting certificates and licenses.

In addition to the application of the established form, the application for participation in the tender must include the fullest possible volume of estimate and calculation documents, which shows in tabular form the cost of materials or services together with VAT at the time of bidding, detailed explanations of additional costs (transport, design and survey, etc.) , as well as taxes.

Things to remember

A submitted application automatically equates to an agreement to comply with all the customer’s terms and conditions. If it is impossible to fulfill them, the contractor should withdraw the application. It is not accepted from the participant after the deadline set by the auction organizer. Refusal to participate in the tender (withdrawal of the application) is possible only before a certain date. The deadline for acceptance may be extended by the tender commission, of which applicants are notified.

When the deadline for submitting applications has expired, the customer reviews their first parts, the results of the review are formalized in the form of a protocol, which the site operator must convey to all participants within the prescribed period. This way you will know whether you are admitted to trading or not.

A little about the process itself

What are the main points you need to know when planning to participate in tenders? The step-by-step instructions say that in the bidding process itself, two concepts are most important - the auction step and the time remaining until its completion. The first indicator is strictly fixed - it is 0.5% of the maximum initial price (as the law says). The transition to the next step occurs at intervals of 10 minutes, during which the participant must decide whether to offer a lower price or not.

Participants are prohibited from submitting proposals with a price greater than or equal to that previously proposed. Zero-price offers are also prohibited. It is also impossible to lower the price by more than a step (below the current minimum offer) in advance.

Completion of trades

If the last bid offered was the lowest (within ten minutes no more advantageous offers were received), the auction is completed. A protocol with results is automatically generated almost instantly; each participant appears in it only under an assigned number.

Who exactly won the tender will become known only after the auction is completed. The customer will receive the second part of the winning application, containing the details of the winning participant. He will be sent a government contract, which must be certified with an electronic signature within a certain period of time.

What's next?

In addition, an amount of monetary security for the contract must be provided, which by law is up to 30% of the original maximum price. This is done in the form of a bank guarantee, or the funds are credited to the customer’s temporary account.

Experts believe that by participating in tenders, any company receives important advantages. And although the tender system in its current form is far from perfect, it gives beginning entrepreneurs a chance to reach a major customer and increase their own status in the market.

The choice of tenders should be made wisely, without trying to cover all offers. If you fail, you shouldn’t be upset - after all, you have gained serious business experience.

What is typical for commercial trading?

Unlike state tenders, commercial tenders are organized in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; the regulations for their conduct are established by the customer independently. When conducting them, the same principles are applied on which government auctions are based. But there are more competitive procedures - in the form of an open competition with or without pre-selection, closed, two- and multi-stage competition, request for prices, competitive negotiations, procurement from a single source, etc.

Thus, commercial tenders are mostly conducted similarly to government tenders. The difference lies only in the strict regulation of the latter by law. The form of private tenders is freer, and they are focused on the documentation of the customer companies themselves.

There is no single and universal law on which the organization of participation in tenders of this type is based due to the huge variety of individual areas of business, each of which has its own specifics.

Construction tenders

If your company’s activities are related to the supply of machinery (excavators, cranes, bulldozers) or equipment, as well as the sale of land for construction purposes, you will need serious clients.

This means that the company should take an active part in relevant competitions. Surely you would like to enter into a long-term contract with a large customer. Then take part in construction tenders. The principle here is the same: study the regulations for holding a suitable auction, create a package of documents consisting of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, photocopied and tax-certified constituent documents (along with the charter) and an order for the appointment of a chief accountant, evidence of work experience along with copies of financial statements for the last period, as well as copies of passports of all official representatives of the supplier company and a certificate of state registration of the enterprise. The person who will officially represent the interests of the company at the auction must have a power of attorney to participate in the tender.

Do not forget that the submitted application must have monetary support. If there is no available amount in the company’s accounts, it has the right to use a tender loan.

Participation in government procurement is a way to earn money by selling goods, work or services to the state. Have you decided to try it? We have compiled step-by-step instructions on how to participate in government procurement, what needs to be done and where to start participating in government procurement tenders and electronic auctions.

To learn how to participate in government procurement from scratch, use step-by-step instructions on how to work according to 44-FZ.

Before the beginning

The first thing anyone who is puzzled by the question of how to start working in government procurement should do is. Pay attention to this task so as not to waste time and immediately focus on potentially profitable trades. If the check shows that government customers need your goods, works and services, proceed to the first step of the instructions on government procurement for dummies.

Step 1. Preparing the necessary documents

Step-by-step instructions on how to participate in tenders for a beginning individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) and LLC (limited liability company) begin with preparing copies of the following documents:

  • statutory documents;
  • documents confirming the powers of the general director;
  • licenses if the activities carried out by the organization are subject to licensing;
  • , if, in accordance with the law, participation in an SRO is mandatory for the organization.

You may need copies of completed contracts and acts to them, documents on the qualifications of employees, certificates of absence of debts on taxes and fees.

Step 2. Registration of digital signature and accreditation on the trading platform

Many government purchases for beginners, according to law 44-FZ, are carried out in the form of trading platforms. To participate in them you must register.

The electronic signature must be enhanced and qualified. This is required by Art. 5 44-FZ.

An electronic digital signature is a flash drive with a digital key stored on it that confirms the authority of the person using it. Such keys are issued by special organizations accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The service is paid, the price of an electronic digital signature for participation in trading on all eight trading platforms is about 5,000 rubles. in year. After expiration of the digital signature, it is necessary to update it. To obtain a key, you need to submit an application to the certification center and provide a set of documents. The service period is 2-3 days.

Since 2019, there has been a transition to electronic procedures. They are held at eight sites:

There is also a specialized platform for closed electronic trading and government defense procurement - .

Step 3. Search for tenders and study documentation

All purchases under 44-FZ are posted on the website www.zakupki.gov.ru. Electronic requests for quotations and electronic auctions for government procurement are the most optimal procedures for beginners. These are quick tenders, they do not necessarily require collateral, the supplier is determined only by price. We recommend starting with them.

Using the service, you can find suitable tenders based on established criteria. Need to install:

  • initial bid price range;
  • region of delivery;
  • customer name;
  • notification keywords and more.

When you click on the notification, a page opens containing complete information about the ongoing purchase. At this stage, it is important to carefully study the requirements of procurement documentation in order to learn how to participate in government procurement and correctly prepare an application for the customer.

Pay attention to the requirements for securing the application, providing licenses and certificates, and whether documents confirming qualifications and experience are needed. Carefully study the terms of reference and the draft contract for the availability of contract security, deadlines, compliance of the volume of purchase with the capabilities of the organization, and the presence of penalties for improper implementation.

Step 4. Opening a special account

If the documentation provides for securing the application, then you will have to open a special account under 44-FZ. This concept came to the contract system with large-scale amendments in July 2018. Previously, money to secure an application was placed on the trading account of the electronic platform.

In 2019, you need to open a separate bank account in which the money to secure the application is located, and will also be debited from it. We have not only prepared step-by-step instructions, but also collected information on the conditions under which banks open special accounts. Read more about this in the article. Or watch the video.

Step 5. Preparing and submitting an application for participation

The participant's application is in electronic or paper form, drawn up in full accordance with the requirements of the procurement documentation. Documents must be certified by an authorized person of the participant and contain reliable information. A separate instruction would be useful here. The prepared materials must be sewn, numbered, placed in an envelope, sealed and delivered to the customer at the address specified in the documentation. submitted electronically through the trading platform. It is important to submit it before the deadline specified in the documentation expires. Applications submitted late will not be accepted into the tender. If the documentation provides, the participant must transfer the specified amount to the customer’s bank account or the trading platform operator before submitting it.

The tender results are published on the EIS website. How to become a winner was described in the article. Instructions on how to submit an application will also be useful.

Step 6. Signing the contract

After the victory, the work with documents is not finished.

The customer must send a draft contract. For example, for an electronic auction, 5 calendar days are allotted for this. The winner has 5 days to get acquainted with the project. Pay attention to the sections:

  • deadlines;
  • penalties.

If you need to make changes, you can submit it once. This right is provided for in Art. 83.2 44-FZ.

Video: step-by-step instructions for participation in government procurement and tenders

One of the main questions that companies taking part in a government contract for the first time would like to answer is, of course, where to start participating in the tender?

For beginners, finding the answer to this question can take a lot of time, and extra time in business is often an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, we decided to help you save your resources.

Participation in tenders step by step instructions

The beginning of participation in electronic trading begins first of all with obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS).

This process is quite simple and does not take much time (provided that you promptly prepare all the necessary documents).

To obtain an electronic signature, you must contact a licensed certification center. Here you will be advised and informed about what papers will be required. The electronic digital signature will be ready in 1-2 days from the date of submission of all necessary documents.

The next stage is registration in the EIS and accreditation to ETP

Just like obtaining an electronic signature, this process cannot be called labor-intensive. You should attach all the necessary documents when registering with the EIS. This information will be sent to the sites automatically. After successful registration of ERUZ participants, accreditation on electronic trading platforms takes place within one working day.

Please note to the fact that at the first stage of registration in the Unified Information System, it is necessary to undergo authentication in the Unified Identification and Autonomous Information System (Government Services Portal). Only after this will it be possible to proceed to the next stage of registration.

Getting started with tenders

Having successfully completed the previous two stages, you can begin selecting a tender. To do this, go to either the official website public procurement, or to an electronic trading platform.

If you have not yet received accreditation for any ETP, then perhaps it will be more convenient for you to choose a tender on the official website zakupki.gov.ru - the most complete list of tenders is presented here.

If you are already accredited on a certain trading platform, then it is probably easier for you to find the most suitable government procurement on this ETP.

You can choose a tender according to various criteria: region, contract amount, type of product, etc. Today, large electronic trading platforms (and, of course, the official government procurement website) are equipped with convenient filters that make searching easier.

If you are interested in effective participation in tenders, you can use our tender support service. To search for trades, you can use ours.

Common Mistakes

The entire process of preparing for participation in public procurement is quite simple and takes approximately a week. Be sure to take this into account when choosing trades.

To avoid the initial stage being delayed, pay attention to the most common mistakes made by suppliers:

    attaching scanned copies (not originals) of documents;

    attempts to attach files weighing more than 12 MB (on the site of Sberbank-AST CJSC - more than 16 MB) during accreditation. In this case, the page either freezes or displays error information;

    the attached documents do not have the necessary stamps, signatures or are difficult to read;

    ignoring fields marked with an asterisk (that is, required fields).

Attentiveness and efficiency are the most important qualities when preparing to participate in public procurement and bidding in general. Strictly following all instructions can help you spend much less time and money.

You can learn more about some of the stages that must be completed to begin participating in government tenders in our articles under the “Question and Answer” section.

LLC MKK "RusTender"

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