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Origin and character of the name Said. The name Said: meaning, character and female equivalent What does the name Said mean in Arabic

A person’s name is a kind of unique code that foretells a certain fate for him. It is very important to understand the interpretation of your name, as it may contain clues that will help you survive misfortunes more easily and get more pleasure from joyful events. What does the name Said mean? It's worth looking into.

Meaning of the name Saida

Saida - “happy”, “happy”. The meaning of the name Saida has a short form - this is Saya, Saidushka, Ida. The zodiac sign that protects such a girl is Leo. The number that controls the name is one. This is a start, an easy start.

Such girls are easy-going, they are always ready for new discoveries and new achievements. Said’s name day does not answer, since in the Christian tradition there is no saint of the same name. Moreover, the name is widespread in Europe.

Origin and history of the name Said

What does the name Said mean? happy" It is of Tatar origin and that is why at first it did not take root very well in Europe. It was believed that babies named by this name could easily overcome all the vicissitudes of fate, therefore, if girls were born into a noble family, they were often called Saids.

The origin and history of the name Said have quite ancient roots, which suggests that it is of mixed origin. Some historians insist that the name is of Turkic origin and literally means “ illuminated" Such children are often long-awaited and beloved.

The character and fate of Saida

Saida has a rather strong-willed character, which can manifest itself in different ways in different situations. On the one hand, having strong-willed character traits and the makings of a leader, it will not be difficult for a girl to overcome life’s trials and remain happy.

On the other hand, she can be overly impulsive and thereby alienate not only the opposite sex, but also the people who love her. She often gets angry at others for no particular reason, is often capricious and requires special attention even at an older age.

She is impulsive and therefore not entirely successful in business, where you need to plan ahead and calculate every step. She does not know how to lead because her character lacks flexibility, she constantly finds reasons to be sad and this affects her subordinates.

As a subordinate, she will show all her strengths of character and will significantly win over her colleagues, since she grasps everything on the fly. It is enough for her to explain once how to do this or that job and she simply grasps it on the fly. She strives to constantly learn and improve herself. That is why she is a valuable employee who will be treasured.

It's not easy being with her in a team. She constantly strives to dominate and subordinate to her will, which leads to unnecessary pressure on her subordinates. She does not know how to show flexibility and selectivity. Colleagues are strict with her because they do not trust and envy Saida. She seems to them a hypocritical impudent, but experienced and wise employees see her as an extremely valuable employee. She cooperates well with men, it is easy for her to find a common language with them and agree on the nuances of the matter.

A partner can completely rely on Saida, since for the sake of the common good she is even ready to make a sacrifice. Money is in some way secondary for her, since she strives more for recognition and self-realization, but she will never refuse additional profit.

Positive character traits of Saida:



Wide range of interests;


Unfortunately, Saida does not always restrain her emotions and is not always able to make concessions and find a compromise. Sometimes her ambitions lead to inflated self-esteem and inflated demands on others. She often enjoys the trust of loved ones and at the same time pursues her own selfish goals.

It is believed that Saids born in winter have a more impulsive and eccentric character, while Girls born in summer are more rational and flexible, they are more accustomed to trusting their intuition and relying on their own experience. Summer Saids are more creative individuals, they love to give light and emotions to people.

Saida's Love

Saida's character and fate suggest that girl strives for freedom both physical and spiritual. She is not in a hurry to get married early and is not in a hurry to become a mother early. Saida is not inclined to submit to the vicissitudes of fate; she prefers to experiment and rebuild life to suit herself.

Saida loves everything ingenious and new. She is impressed by professions related to creativity, therefore she is looking for a life partner with a rather non-standard worldview. A girl always has a lot of fans, but men with serious intentions are the opposite. She is increasingly inclined to believe that a calm, balanced man without any special ambitions will suit her.

Saida loves with his soul and seeks return from his life partner. She is a possessive woman, so she is jealous not only of her husband, but also of her son. At the same time, this jealousy does not become pathological and in no way prevents her from building a trusting relationship with her other half. Saida's man is always in the spotlight, he is not deprived of love and passion, on the contrary, his life is filled with joyful moments.

Saida not inclined to a second marriage, unless the first one becomes an early experiment. If the man around her is patient and loving, then she will be incredibly happy and filled with joy. She will be able to calmly move forward in life, supporting her life partner.

Saida - has exquisite beauty, she exudes calm and poise. This girl always finds a way out of a difficult situation and never gets discouraged over trifles. Having such a friend, you don’t have to worry about not being supported in difficult times. Saida always knows what her loved ones need and tries to give it to them in advance. She tries to provide their lives with everything they need, since she herself is happy that everyone around her is happy.

The meaning of the name Said attracts parents who dream that their daughter will be in the center of attention throughout her life, independently achieve her goals, and conquer those around her with her femininity and special charm.

What matters is the child’s attitude towards the parents’ choice; this female name amazes with its beauty and melody, it is easy to remember; if a girl decides to become a singer or actress, she will not need to come up with a pseudonym, success is guaranteed.

Each interpretation of the name facilitates the formation of an idea about the growing daughter, how positive and negative character traits will manifest themselves with age. It should be noted that the meaning of the name Said for a girl indicates the unique character of the owner. From the first years of her life, the baby demonstrates her importance and confidently argues with her elders.

A patient attitude on the part of parents is important; a temperamental girl does not tolerate pressure, she should be communicated with as an equal. She never ceases to amaze with her self-control, under no circumstances will she allow a scandal; hysterics, from the point of view of a self-confident girl, are a manifestation of weakness.

Self-esteem and the opinions of others are of particular importance; throughout his life he strives for self-improvement and does not stop there. Adaptation at school worries parents and children at all times; the meaning of the name Said for a child excludes worries; The girl’s confidence allows her to easily take the position of leader.

Classmates respect me and try not to get into conflicts. Self-love does not allow the girl to study poorly; most subjects are easy. Naturally endowed with creative abilities, which must be developed from an early age, it is possible that the girl will enjoy popularity and universal recognition.

Shows artistic abilities, in his free time he creates original outfits with his own hands. During school and student years, not a single theatrical production takes place without the participation of a creative person, playing leading roles. A cheerful person radiates positive energy, it’s impossible to get bored when you’re around her.

A freedom-loving girl strives to gain independence early; a broad outlook, combined with organizational skills, allows her to start earning money early. Belongs to the category of people who are confident that they are able to change their fate, are not afraid of difficulties, and achieve their goals by any means.

Quite often he allows excessively harsh behavior, does not hesitate to prove that he is right, and argues with representatives of older generations. A sociable girl periodically makes new friends, whose opinions matter in certain situations. However, he prefers to deal with problems on his own and does not tolerate pity.


An attractive, cheerful girl is the center of attention of any company. This means having a special charm that captivates the stronger sex. It is very difficult to compete with a self-confident beauty; she is used to achieving her goals by any means necessary. Pays attention to wealthy men, loves expensive gifts.

A creative personality is fickle, periodically changes fans, and for a long time cannot decide what an ideal man should be. He mercilessly criticizes his chosen ones, does not forgive betrayal, and shows amazing ingenuity in order to take revenge.


Agree to marry exclusively a wealthy man who is able to provide a decent living from the first days. Combines career and family. This means that under no circumstances will she agree to the role of a housewife.

The husband is proud of his spectacular wife, who at any age pays due attention to her own appearance: impeccable hair and makeup, an original wardrobe, an ideal figure. After the birth of children, she does not forget about the true purpose of a woman and makes every effort to preserve her beauty.

The husband must not only earn well, but also consult with his powerful wife on any matter, otherwise divorce is inevitable. For a strict mother, the progress of the children matters; she does not allow them to idle, and forces them to educate themselves. Of particular importance is the relationship between the spouse and parents, whom they care for throughout their lives.

Business and career

Creative professions are the true calling of a bright woman, which means she will achieve success in the theater. Original ideas attract the attention of management, the girl does not get lost, uses every chance to achieve a worthy position in society.

The ability to quickly respond to unusual situations, defend one’s own point of view, and lack of fear of risk are traits that make one feel confident in the business sphere. Having organized his own business, he confidently eliminates competitors. An authoritative woman feels confident in the chair of a leader and does not forgive negligence in the performance of official duties.

Origin of the name Said

Of primary importance for believers is the origin of the name Said, which influences the decision regarding compliance with a particular religion. Arab origin, as evidenced by history, allows Muslims to make a decision with confidence, but Orthodox Christians should not be left out of the original choice.

The mystery of the name has a unique influence on fate, and its popularity continues to spread among different nations. Having found out where it came from and whose name the daughter will bear, you can begin choosing a talisman; The etymology is unambiguous - “happy”.

Characteristics of the name Said

Determination is the quality that attracts the characteristics of the name Said. The girl will achieve her goals without outside help. A difficult character often becomes the cause of misunderstandings, but with age a woman learns to control her emotions and make a worthy impression.

It is very difficult to assess the pros and cons of a self-confident woman; on the one hand, harshness and stubbornness are a disadvantage, on the other, a quality without which it is impossible to achieve success in the modern world.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Carnelian.
  • He does not celebrate his name day according to the Orthodox calendar.
  • Horoscope - Scorpio.

Famous people

  • Saida Mansurkhodjaeva is a film actress.

Different languages

The translation of the name Said - “happy” will allow you to eliminate doubts about the choice. It is quite problematic to determine how to translate and write correctly in Chinese and Japanese; ideally, it is recommended to use the services of qualified specialists.

Name forms

  • Full name: Saida.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ida, Saya, Saidushka, Saidochka.
  • Declension of the name – Saida, Saide.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy does not exist.

Synonyms for the name Said. Saad, Saud, Shaad, Seid, Seyd, Sait.
Origin of the name Said. The name Said is Muslim.

The name Said is an Arabic male name that means “happy.” The name Said can be written and pronounced in different ways: Saad, Saud, Shaad, Seid, Seyd, Syait. Often used to compose two-part names - Saduddin, Saidullah, Saadallah, Masud, Seydali, Saidzhon, Seitzhan, Amirsaid and many others. Paired female name - Saida. Used among Muslims.

The name Masud is also used among Hindus, where it is interpreted as “happy”, “beneficent”. Among European names, the semantic analogues will be the names Felix and Eutyches.

The owner of the name Said exudes strength and power, and is not without attractive magnetism. First of all, he is a practical man who sees the world as quite realistic and views it only from the point of view of the possibility of implementing his own plans. He has powerful energy, calmly follows the path of fulfilling his desires, he may be inconsistent, but he always moves towards a certain goal.

Said is a man of duty and word, strict, uncompromising. But inside him hides a sensitive soul, which he himself may be embarrassed about, so he prefers external seriousness. A man of duty, he is as good as his words. This is a direct, open and honest man, scrupulous, which is not easy for those around him. Said prefers to be authoritarian, has high standards for himself and expects the same from others.

We can say that this is not a tolerant person; any discrepancy between his own canons and the understanding of the right path on the part of other people makes him impatient and irritable. For example, he will not get a dog simply because he needs a friend. For Said, a dog is a guard.

Said is an active man, he will not sit idly by, he lives life to the fullest, actively participates in what interests him. However, the downside to all his ambitions is that the result can be outbursts of suddenness and anger. Injustice makes him beside himself with rage and provokes him to aggressive behavior.

From a young age, Said is very attached to his family and strives to please his relatives. He is very responsible from a very young age and his parents know that they can count on him. Said prefers to understand any situation, does not postpone anything and does not forgive. He has an analytical mind and an excellent memory, on which he places high hopes, which helps him study well.

For Said, all the details are important, and he cannot act until he has calculated and thought through everything. He may develop an obsessive tendency towards precision, punctuality and hygiene. Emotional intimacy is very important to him, so he is likely to be very attached to his family and his loved ones, even acting possessive towards them. He will not tolerate betrayal, jealousy, and it is extremely unlikely that he will be unfaithful to his wife.

The owner of this name prefers professions where he will be his own master. These are various administrative, consulting areas, own business, financial sphere. He is attracted to politics and public leadership positions. It is possible that Said will have a hobby profession that requires precision and accuracy (carpenter, glass blower). He can also find a vocation in the field of a writer, composer, and also find the use of his own determination in sports.

Said's name day

Said does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Said

  • Said Johar ((1918-2006) Comorian politician, also diplomat)
  • Said Atsaev, Said-afandi Chirkey ((1937-2012) Sufi sheikh, spiritual leader)
  • Syed Masood Kausar ((b.1938) Pakistani politician)
  • Said Nuri ((1947-2006) Tajik politician)
  • Saud al-Faisal ((1940-2015) Saudi statesman, diplomat, was Minister of Foreign Affairs for 40 years)
  • Saad Jumaa ((1916-1979) Jordanian writer, translator, statesman, diplomat)
  • Saad Mishaal al-Harthi ((born 1984) Saudi footballer)
  • Said Saif Asaad ((born 1979) birth name - Angel Popov; Qatari weightlifter, bronze medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games, winner of gold at the 2003 World Championships)
  • Saad-ed-din, Khoja Effendi ((1536/1537-1599) Ottoman statesman, author of a valuable historical source on early Turkish history, historiographer)
  • Sadula ((1272/1300-1355) Chinese poet, artist and calligrapher, Uighur by origin. His poems are a rich source of information about the Yuan era.)
  • Shaad Randhawa ((b.1978) Indian actor)
You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, the quality and comfort of clothing is much more important to you than whether its style matches the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Said, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Said, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation while searching for the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.



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