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How to get rid of a hickey in one day. How to get rid of a hickey. Hiding the consequences of a hickey

Nowadays, many male representatives can give their lady a hickey, thereby showing that she is not free. Probably many people have encountered this problem. So, what is a hickey? In essence, this is an intense pinch, after which a small hematoma remains. The hickey lasts about a week and, of course, causes a lot of inconvenience. It is quite unpleasant to have red-brown marks on your body that remain from lovemaking. Because of this, you have to wear turtleneck sweaters and wrap yourself in scarves. But there are several ways to get rid of hickeys.

How to disguise a hickey on your neck?

In the cold season, you can wear a turtleneck with a high neck or tie a warm scarf. If you have a business meeting planned in the near future and need to wear a white blouse, then you need to use corrective products. You can try to hide it with foundation. You need to remember that the tone should be lighter than the one you use for your face. If the hickey is a rich, bright red hue, try to hide it with some beautiful neckerchief that will match your blouse.

How to get rid of a hickey using folk remedies?

Cut peeled fresh potatoes into two parts. Apply half to the hickey site for 15 minutes, while massaging a little. If you don’t have time, then make a compress from grated potatoes and attach it to your neck. You can make an infusion of aloe vera with vodka and apply compresses to the bruises. You can also rub the hickey with a clove of garlic.

A fresh hickey can be removed using regular baking soda. To do this, mix baking soda with water to get a very thick consistency. Apply the mixture to the hickey site.

Cabbage leaf is suitable for those who do not have food allergies. First, it should be heated and then applied for 30-40 minutes. For greater effect, you need to bandage it with a warm scarf. This method is suitable for those whose skin does not tolerate creams and healing ointments.

Another method suggests you mix laundry soap, sugar and onions in equal parts. And, from the resulting mixture, make compresses. But this method should also be treated with caution. Laundry soap can dry out the skin, and onions can cause irritation.

Toothpaste contains components that can help resolve bruises and bruises. You need to mix the paste and a small amount of water. It should not be a very thick paste. Lubricate the affected areas. But you need to know that the paste contains substances that can cause an allergic reaction. And, be sure to apply it to your elbow first before using it. If the skin turns red, do not use it under any circumstances. And, in addition to a hickey, you can also develop an allergy.

Even in childhood, we applied plantain, while thoroughly wetting it with saliva. And somehow miraculously the wounds healed. But we didn’t know that plantain also effectively fights bruises. You just need to apply a fresh and clean sheet several times a day. To avoid green marks, you need to chop the plantain, wrap the resulting pulp in a bandage and bandage the hickey site. Do this until the bruise resolves.

How to get rid of a hickey using Badyagi?

Make a mixture of Badyagi and cream. Any cream will do, but children's cream is best. Rub the resulting mass onto the hickey 4-5 times a day, keeping it on the skin for 30-40 minutes. The hickey mark will disappear after three days.

How to get rid of a hickey using other methods?

Don't have the necessary funds at hand? It's OK! You can get rid of a hickey using other methods. Try making an iodine mesh at the site of the bruise. Even doctors recommend this method.

Visit a solarium, under the influence of ultraviolet light, the hickey will match the tone of your skin. Or, if you don’t have time for visits to the solarium, then take a self-tanner or a corrective pencil. But this will only hide the problem without solving it.

A small piece of ice that needs to be applied to the place where the hematoma is can also help. Or place a teaspoon in the freezer for 15 minutes and then apply.

Try a gentle massage - this will help dissolve congealed blood. Or use a comb, lightly massaging the reddened area for about ten minutes. A coin will work instead of a comb, but this is a painful method.

Many people believe that rubbing a hickey with an eraser will make it go away. Try it too.

Getting rid of hickey with the help of modern ointments and creams.

Every home first aid kit should always contain ointment for bruises and contusions. For example: “Bruise-off”, “Troxevasin”, “Rescuer” or heparin ointment. They accelerate the blood, causing it to circulate. The thickened particles begin to quickly dissolve. You can try an ointment with a toning effect. A cream with this effect will deal with your problem twice as quickly.

Vitamin K

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of cosmetic creams on the market. Some of them come with the addition of vitamin K. It has a hemorrhagic effect, which helps to resolve blood clots. Creams with the addition of this vitamin are usually used for swelling around the eyes. But, if there is nothing at hand, then you don’t have to choose. The cream is perfect for sensitive areas of the skin (décolleté area).

Getting rid of a hickey using warm compresses

Everyone knows that heat helps improve blood circulation. If on the second day the hematoma has not resolved, then apply a warm towel or heating pad to this area.

To summarize, it should be noted that there are quite a large number of methods that will help eliminate such a nuisance as a hickey. But it is better, in general, not to allow such marks on your body. Rather than looking for ways to get rid of them or make them invisible. Try to control your passion. Remember that treating hickeys is troublesome and time-consuming. But, if this has already happened, then do not despair. Nowadays, you will find a suitable remedy that will eliminate such a misunderstanding in a short period of time.

Often, in a moment of passion, you can get carried away and in the heat of the moment leave a hickey on your partner’s body that looks like a bruise on the skin. A hickey is a bruise or hematoma in which damaged blood vessels appear under the skin, have a bluish tint, or blood has accumulated. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of a hickey and quickly cure the bruise that appears, but thanks to proven methods of treating and masking bruises, you will speed up the process and hide the details of your personal life from prying eyes.


Use home remedies

    Apply ice. Apply an ice pack to the hickey. This will reduce pain and inflammation and make the bruise less noticeable.

    Apply heat. After the hickey has cooled for 2-3 days, begin applying heat. Heat helps open blood vessels and improves blood circulation, which speeds up treatment.

    Apply a small amount of aloe vera to the hickey. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer and can help a hickey heal faster. Apply a thick layer of aloe vera to the hickey and leave it on for about 10 minutes, then wipe off the aloe vera with a paper towel. Repeat the procedure twice a day until the hickey heals.

    Apply a banana peel to the hickey. There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of this method, but some believe that the inside of a banana peel can cool the site of a hickey and help reduce its size. Peel the banana and place the inside of the peel on the hickey. Hold it for 30 minutes, then wipe the hickey area with a paper napkin or damp towel.

    Speed ​​up healing

    1. Eat foods rich in vitamins C and K. A lack of vitamin K increases the risk of bruising, and with a lack of vitamin C, capillaries become weaker. A lack of both of these vitamins increases the risk of getting hickeys, so try to get them through food or talk to your doctor about taking them in supplement form.

      Quit tobacco products . If you smoke or use other tobacco products, then give them up while you are treating your hickey. Smoking reduces blood flow, which can slow down the healing process.

      • If you want to quit smoking, discuss this issue with your doctor. There are special tools and techniques that will help facilitate the process.
      • Smoking harms everyone, but especially minors, whose bodies are still growing and developing: smoking can disrupt natural processes. If you smoke, talk to your parents or an older relative you trust. Explain that you started smoking but now want to live a healthy lifestyle and need help to quit. Believe me, your health is worth it.
    2. Do not massage the bruise or draw blood. Try to refrain from doing this, despite the temptation to massage the area around the hickey. This will only make it even more noticeable. Also never do not try to draw blood from a bruise with a needle. This could make the situation worse and seriously injure yourself.

      Do not touch the area around the hickey. Although there are ways to speed up the healing of a hickey and make it less noticeable, it will still take some time to recover. The area of ​​skin around the hickey needs rest. Ask your partner to focus on another area of ​​the body during caresses, one that is less noticeable and undamaged.

    Hide the hickey

    1. Wear a sweater or collared shirt. This is a good way out for a day or two. You can wear a turtleneck sweater to completely hide your neck, or at least raise the collar of your shirt.

      • A sweater or turtleneck is a safer option than a shirt, since the hickey can still be noticeable under the shirt collar.
      • Keep in mind that people may become suspicious if you hide your neck under clothes for several days in a row - unless, of course, this is not your usual style. In this case, wear sweaters for a couple of days, and then try to hide the hickey in other ways.

Many people know what red-brown marks look like on the chest or neck, left after a stormy night or a protracted kiss. Someone is proud of the zosos, secretly showing it to friends and girlfriends, someone leaves it on purpose, and someone clutches their head in horror: what to do when it appears. So, this article is for those whose plans absolutely do not include demonstrating these traces, for those who want to get rid of a hickey quickly.

First, you need to understand what a hickey is from a medical point of view. A hickey is the same as a bruise, scientifically, a hematoma, damage to the capillaries of the skin due to exposure to a vacuum, in this case a kiss. These kinds of bruises can remain on any part of your body, but, of course, they cause the greatest discomfort in prominent places, such as the neck.

To get rid of a hickey, you can go in two ways: disguise it or cure it.

Disguising a hickey on the neck

Disguising, of course, does not solve the problem of how to get rid of a hickey on your neck entirely, but it is quick and will help you hide traces of passionate love from prying eyes. How can you camouflage a bruise on your neck:

  1. Wear a turtleneck with a high neck if it is cold outside. Here you need to be very careful so that the bruise does not inadvertently emerge from under your clothes.
  2. Wrap a scarf or scarf around your neck. Fortunately, today there are a huge number of them in different sizes and volumes, both for women and men. All you have to do is choose clothes of the appropriate style - and the job is done.
  3. Apply the patch. You can walk with the patch for several days, citing a wound or scratch left by the claws of an evil cat or a burn from a curling iron (suitable for girls with long hair).
  4. Cover with foundation. More suitable for the fair half of humanity who have similar cosmetics in their arsenal. A lighter shade of foundation can hide a small hickey. You can also let your hair down so that the painted area is not so obvious.
  5. Transfer tattoo. This remedy is most likely suitable for young people or those on vacation by the sea. A temporary tattoo will cover the hickey mark and at the same time draw attention to your person.

All of these remedies can be used while you are undergoing primary treatment for this extremely delicate neck problem.

Treatment for a hickey on the neck

  1. Cold. To quickly get rid of a hickey immediately after you notice that a red spot has appeared on your neck or any other place, you need to apply cold to it. Take something out of the freezer and apply it to your neck for 10-15 minutes. But don’t overdo it, your task is to stop damage to the capillaries and relieve swelling, not frostbite.
  2. Light massage. It will help dissolve blood clots.
  3. Ointments and creams. After applying cold and massage, you need to apply any ointment for bruises purchased at the pharmacy: “Rescuer”, “Badyagu”, “Bruise - off”, “Troxevasin” and others.
  4. Folk remedies. These include potatoes. It needs to be cut into circles or grated and applied to the sore spot. The sooner you begin this procedure, the faster the hematoma will go away. You can wrap a compress of grated potatoes around your neck and walk around with it, changing it every half hour for a fresh one.
  5. Warm. On the second and subsequent days, if the hickey still persists, you need to apply a heated towel to improve blood circulation and the bruise will resolve faster.

Using all the above methods of struggle, you can quickly deal with the problem of how to get rid of a hickey. But it’s better, of course, not to bring the matter to the point of his appearance, having previously agreed with your partner and made it clear that you, of course, are pleased to know that you arouse such a strong passion in him, but you don’t want your parents, friends or employees We were aware of how you spent tonight. And besides, treating a hickey is troublesome and not so quick.

The article tells you how to get rid of a hickey - it lists the most effective and popular methods of treating bruises left from hard kissing.

So, if you are reading this, then you are apparently in trouble. A stormy night, passion, ardent love and overflowing feelings - all this can lead to the appearance of quite noticeable marks on the skin. What to do if you soon have an important meeting, dinner with your parents, or, even worse, a date with a person who is unlikely to be delighted by eloquent bruises? This article will tell you how to get rid of a hickey quickly and efficiently.

To effectively deal with traces of hickeys, you need to know something about the nature of their occurrence. Hickeys are the same bruises that occur with bruises and minor injuries, i.e. hematomas caused by small subcutaneous hemorrhages. Means, get rid of hickey marks You can use the same methods you use to get rid of bruises.

If no measures are taken, the hickey, like any hematoma, will disappear only after ten to fourteen days. Problems usually do not arise if the hickey is in a place hidden from view. But what to do if the mark remains, say, on the neck or face?

The blue spot can be carefully disguised - cover it with foundation, wear clothes with a high collar, scarves, hide the hickey under your hair. A good way to disguise yourself is to visit a solarium. Under ultraviolet rays, the hickey site will merge with the rest of the skin. Men often mask hickeys with a band-aid, explaining it as a small cut during shaving.

What to do if you need get rid of a hickey quickly in view of any future circumstances? Don't worry, there are tons of options! Methods for getting rid of fresh hickeys (placed one or two hours ago):

  • It is recommended to apply ice or something cold as quickly as possible and actively massage;
  • You can get rid of a recent hickey using a thick mixture of water and baking soda, spreading the resulting mixture onto the hickey site. This method may even prevent bruising;
  • A rather strange, but no less effective way to get rid of fresh hickeys is to rub toothpaste into the affected area of ​​the skin.

Time-tested folk methods:

  • apply a piece of raw beef to the hickey with a fresh cut and hold for about fifteen minutes, repeat the procedure after thirty minutes;
  • rub with fresh onion juice or apply an onion cut in half, you can also use garlic. Be careful - you cannot hold it for long, otherwise you will burn your skin;
  • apply raw potatoes cut in half for twenty minutes;
  • make compresses from tincture of aloe leaves.

Ointments and medicines:

  • It will also be useful to make an iodine grid;
  • The most common method is applying ointments and creams. You can use any means against bruises and bruises; the best in this area are considered to be “Troxevasin”, “Heparin ointment”, “Rescuer”, “Antibruise”, “SinyakOff”. All ointments are applied to the hickey site every twenty to thirty minutes. The well-known “Bodyaga” is widely used. This product is mixed with any cream (preferably for children) and spread five times a day. “Lioton-gel” helps well; after applying this gel, you need to let it dry, then rinse off and apply again.

Using the above remedies, of course, will not get rid of hickeys instantly; it all depends on the depth and nature of the damage. With proper care, hickeys usually go away within one to two days. The most complex cases do not resolve even after a week of continuous treatment. Therefore, do not forget that the best treatment is prevention! Tell your partner to be more careful next time and those nasty marks that cause shame will avoid you.

Dear readers, how did you hide or treat hickeys? Do you have some special methods? how to get rid of a hickey quickly and without problems?

Strong feelings and passion can so captivate a person that in these impulses he loses control over his actions. If at such a moment you get carried away by a kiss, then unwanted marks – hickeys – may appear on the body.

Marks on the body in the form of hickeys do not look very beautiful, to put it mildly. Being a hematoma (bruise) resulting from the rupture of blood vessels under the skin, a hickey stands out on the body as a bright burgundy or dark purple spot. It happens that more than one mark remains on the skin, but a rather large area is occupied by a red rash.

A partner can accidentally leave such a “trace of love” with a very strong kiss with skin sucking or biting. But more often such situations happen deliberately, with the intention of “marking” your lover, so that it becomes clear to others that this person already has a partner. This behavior of the other half is disrespectful towards their partner, because the latter has to experience a feeling of shame and awkwardness in society because of their appearance.

If you do not take urgent measures and do not worry about how to quickly get rid of a hickey, the problem will resolve itself within one to two weeks. Over such a period of time, any bruise disappears without any outside intervention.

Urgent relief from a hickey

Unpleasant consequences of violent passion can appear in any, even the most unexpected places. The most distressing marks are those that are located on exposed parts of the body, because they are not easy to hide under clothing. Most often, hickeys remain in the neck area. Few people can afford to sit at home for two weeks until the stain becomes invisible. Therefore, you need to immediately begin eliminating the hematoma, from the very moment of its appearance.

There are several popular tips on how to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck.

All the proposed methods can be used not only to get rid of a hickey on the neck, but also on other parts of the body. All these methods are folk, used since ancient times.

Medicinal methods of dealing with hickeys

For people who are skeptical about traditional medicine, there are more modern effective preparations: ointments, creams, solutions. At the pharmacy you can buy products that have anti-inflammatory drugs with a resolving effect: “Rescuer”, “Troxevasin”, “Lioton”, “Ambulance”, “Bruise OFF”. Perhaps the pharmacist will recommend some other medications for bruises. All ointments must be used strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect the hickey to disappear instantly. But with proper use of the drug, the treatment period can be reduced to 3-5 days, depending on the degree of damage.

Iodine or badyaga will help supplement the main treatment. They are also sold in pharmacies.

Iodine helps resolve the resulting damage. To do this, you need to draw an iodine grid on the hematoma itself and around it. It is recommended to repeat the procedure periodically, but do not be too zealous to avoid burns. It is better to start using iodine a day after the formation of a hickey.

Badyagu should be used in the form of a gruel. To do this, the powder is mixed with water or baby cream and applied to the bruise. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with water.

Masking a hickey

As has already become clear, the resulting mark will not disappear in one day, even if the most modern means are used to treat it. In parallel with the procedures being carried out to get rid of a hickey, there is a need to appear in society, go to work, to the store. You'll have to use tricks to disguise the bright spot.

You can hide the hematoma under the high collar of a sweater or turtleneck. A scarf tied around the neck is ideal. Long hair will also help hide your damaged neck from prying eyes.

There are special products that disguise bruises. They are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Foundations and skin pencils can also help make the stain less noticeable.

To avoid the problem of getting rid of a hickey in the future, you should talk to your partner. It is important to explain how unpleasant it is to find yourself in such a situation and how problematic it is to resolve the issue of spoiled appearance. A loving person will definitely understand and will not repeat his mistakes.




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